Mixed breeds of German Shepherd and other breeds, features of training, education and health

Dogs have accompanied man for many millennia and are his best friends and helpers. They were the first domesticated animals. Today in the world there are a huge number of breeds created thanks to the efforts of breeders. Breeds have different colors, sizes, builds, and coat types. In addition to purebred representatives of the breeds, mestizos deserve special attention.

This concept refers to puppies born as a result of crossing two different breeds. Such animals receive a set of characteristics from both parents. One successful example is the German Shepherd mix.

There is an ongoing debate among dog breeders about which dogs are better – purebreds or mongrels. Purebred representatives are distinguished by predictable characteristics of appearance and behavior. But they are also more susceptible to genetic diseases. Mestizos are generally distinguished by good health. But when you get such a puppy, it is difficult to predict how big it will grow and what character traits it will inherit.

Mixed shepherd and mongrel

Most often in our country you can find a mixture of German shepherds and mongrel dogs. Such puppies are usually called “shepheroids”. Often a pet resembles a purebred relative only remotely; it is more like outbred yard puppies.

Dogs born as a result of crossing a shepherd with a mongrel are distinguished by good health. Their resistance to common diseases is genetic. This puppy adapts perfectly to living conditions on the street and does not require special care. Thanks to a genetic connection with shepherd dogs, these mestizos are easy to train. They have no problems mastering even the most complex commands. Such a puppy will become a loyal friend, as it has a pronounced attachment to its owner.

What to look for during inspection

Now you can start examining - choose the baby that you like, and now let’s talk about what a German Shepherd puppy looks like:

  • The coat is not too long;
  • The skeleton must be powerful and strong;

Make sure there are no extra toes on your paws

  • Pay attention to the joints on the paws; when they are large, it means the bones are good. As he gets older they will look much more proportional;
  • The front legs should be straight - crookedness usually indicates rickets;
  • Make sure there are no extra toes on the paws - they should be plump, but not flabby. The pads are hard and thick, the claws are even;
  • The eyes are usually blue in a newborn shepherd, but 2 months later they change color. Experts say that a one-month-old puppy should not be light-eyed, nor should it have odd eyes;
  • A one-month-old puppy should not have a widening forehead and a pointed muzzle;
  • The ears of a German Shepherd rise at 3 months - if they harden earlier, it means the baby has problems with calcium;
  • Examine the tail carefully - it should be without kinks;
  • The German breed has a shortened loin and back, a wide shoulder belt and developed hips;
  • The eyes should be clean - without mucus or discharge;

Eyes should be clean - free of mucus and discharge

  • When talking about what German Shepherd puppies look like, you can often hear about five moles near the mouth. However, this sign is not obligatory, although it occurs quite often;
  • Look into the baby's mouth and pay attention to the bite - it should be scissor-shaped;
  • When a shepherd puppy is 2 months old, its teeth are very small and sharp, but from 3 to 7 months they will change;
  • The tail should hang down like a saber, and not drag along the ground;

Shepherd-Akita Inu mix

Representatives of the Akita breed are characterized as family pets that get along well with small children. But they are also distinguished by their stubborn character. Dog breeders who decide to get a puppy mixed between an Akita and a German Shepherd must remember that the dog requires a careful, consistent approach to the process of education and training. Do not forget that stubbornness was passed on to the puppy along two genetic lines at once. If you doubt your abilities, it is recommended to seek help from professional dog handlers.

An adult Akita Inu and German Shepherd mix is ​​quite large in size and has a high level of energy. Therefore, he needs frequent exercise, as well as long walks. Such an animal will become an intelligent and obedient family pet if the owner pays due attention to training and socialization.

Pros and cons of the nature of such dogs

The character of a mixed-breed dog is unpredictable. He can take both the best sides of his parents and the worst. Moreover, when breeding offspring from different dogs, breeders pay little attention to their character.

No one will bother to eradicate aggressiveness or other behavioral defects.
Therefore, you need to start raising a puppy immediately upon purchase, so as not to regret the lost time later. On a note! Crossbreeds mainly absorb the positive aspects of the character of their parents. The negative qualities of one parent are weakened by the positive qualities of the other.

Mix of East European and German Shepherd

Dogs of the German and East European Shepherd breeds most often perform service or guard functions. It is worth noting that the mixture of VEO (Eastern European Shepherd) with the “German” is quite predictable in its characteristics, because both breeds have common roots. These pets successfully combine the advantages of their parents.

Adult mestizos are large in size. Often a dog grows larger than its parents. The average height of the animal varies within seventy centimeters, and weight can reach sixty kilograms. The body is harmoniously built, the coat structure is hard, there is a thick undercoat. The upper layers of the coat are predominantly darker than the undercoat. Mestizos have a variety of colors from black and red shades.

German and VEO pets inherit watchdog and security abilities from these breeds. They also have similar character traits - calm, confident, smart. These dogs are great for family living and do not have conflicts with other pets. Mestizos get along well with children and love active games.

Thanks to their high level of intelligence, crossbreeds easily learn commands. Such a pet will master the most complex training programs. He is wary of strangers, but does not show aggression towards others. The dog is distinguished by loyalty, devotion to the owner, guards the home and protects family members. It is worth noting that mestizos are not inferior in quality characteristics to purebred representatives of the breed. Therefore, they are perfect for any dog ​​breeder who does not plan to participate in exhibitions.


The German Shepherd, the European Shepherd and the Labrador are the parents of the Sheprador. This is an energetic, active dog, gentle, obedient and faithful pet. Smart, he easily learns commands - he is an excellent service animal. At the same time, it is also a pet, a faithful watchman protecting children.

The exact appearance of such a mestizo is difficult to predict. He will have a dense coat that needs daily grooming. The approximate weight of the animal is 28-38 kg.

Sheprador photo:

German Shepherd Labrador Mix

The distinctive characteristics of the Labrador breed are obedience, ease of training, and patience. Therefore, a cross between a German Shepherd and a Labrador is perfect for a family with small children. Labradors are not very energetic animals, but this factor compensates for the activity of the shepherd dog.

These puppies get along well with other pets. They are affectionate, calm, and love to play with children. Metis easily copes with the functions of a house guard, remaining on guard throughout the night.

Royal Sheepdog

If you are looking for a strong temperament and huge body size, then the German-East European Shepherd mix is ​​the one for you. Known for his predictable temperament and love of children, this dog is an excellent family companion. They are naturally working dogs and therefore easy and quick to train. Dimensions are:

  • up to 70 cm at the withers;
  • up to 70 kg.

Like all dogs, they can become mischievous if left bored and neglected. However, with proper training mixed with socialization, they make excellent companions. It should be noted that it is better to purchase such large dogs from German shepherd kennels. This guarantees a good pedigree, which will prevent your pet from disobedience.

Mixed Corgi with German Shepherd

A cross between a corgi and a German shepherd deserves due attention. This dog has an interesting appearance. The adult size is significantly smaller than the shepherd dog. It perfectly balances the characteristics of both breeds.

Despite their insignificant growth, adult representatives of the Welsh Corgi breed tend to occupy a dominant position. For this reason, the owner must position himself as the leader of the pack from the first days. Otherwise, the dog will begin to dominate, making it difficult to train. It is worth remembering that this pet combines the toughness of a shepherd dog and the dominant position of a corgi. Getting a puppy is recommended only to experienced dog breeders with sufficient willpower.

Differences up to one month of age

If anyone who has ever encountered pedigree dogs of this group can already distinguish a shepherd from a mongrel at the age of 5-6 months, then not everyone will be able to make the right choice at the age of 3-4 weeks. What should you pay attention to at such a tender age?

Mom and Dad

Never buy a puppy without making sure that its parents correspond to the breed characteristics of the German Shepherd. The best evidence in this case is the correct documents for the parents and the children themselves.

To reassure yourself, you should call the club and find out if mom and dad are registered there.

Attention! The club may refuse permission to breed if one of the parents has hip dysplasia.

This is a hereditary disease (genetic predisposition), the symptoms of which may appear only at 6-12 months of age: lameness, increased fatigue, joint pain, unsteadiness of gait, X-shaped stance of the hind limbs.

Hip dysplasia is a real scourge of large breed dogs (which includes the German Shepherd). Treatment is long, painful and not always effective.


Confirmation of documents is a mark on the inside of the hind paw of both the parents and the puppy itself. Plus the metric, of course.

The stamped mark and the information about it in the metric must match!

If the baby does not have a mark, then, most likely, the mating was “left-handed”; the club did not give permission for it. Such a puppy can be purchased as a pet - this is a real shepherd dog, which has received breed characteristics from its parents, both in appearance and psyche, but the path to the ring will be closed to it.

A cross between a German Shepherd and a wolf

A rare, interesting pet is a cross between a wolf and a German shepherd. These dogs are more similar to wild animals than to domestic pets. Despite this, it has all the necessary characteristics for a family pet. Adult individuals are distinguished by their large size and coat color, characteristic of wild ancestors.

Such a dog will become a loyal friend and an excellent guard. It is characterized by good health, resistance to genetic diseases, and adapts well to any living conditions. But do not forget that the animal is genetically predisposed to occupy a dominant position, because it regards the family as a pack. The owner of such a pet needs to make every effort to show himself as the boss. Only by submitting will the animal be trainable.

Mixed breeds are gaining more and more popularity among pet lovers due to the successful combination of characteristics of two breeds at once. Compared to purebred relatives, crossbreeds have the following advantages:

  • resistance to genetic diseases;
  • good health, high adaptive abilities;
  • developed immune system;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • low cost of puppies.

Such pets are easy to train and do not require systematic, expensive care. Their food costs significantly less. Therefore, such a dog is ideal for the role of a devoted pet.

Who are mestizos and how do they differ from purebred dogs?

Mestizos are the “fruits” of intraspecific crossing, in which both purebred and outbred animals can participate. Any mestizo is essentially a mongrel, and is by no means a new breed, as experimenters would like to think .

Shepherd and Laika - similar in appearance, but very different in character

From the first experimental mating to recognition of the breed is a long-term, thorny and costly path that only a dedicated and patient dog handler with a base of theoretical knowledge and extensive practical experience can do. Creating a new breed involves several mandatory steps:

  • obtaining stable offspring from generation to generation;
  • consolidation of general desired characteristics in appearance and behavior;
  • formation of a fairly extensive gene pool of healthy dogs with well-predictable prospects.

Do not confuse mixed-breed dogs with hybrids: in the first case, crossing occurs within one species, Canis lupus familiaris, in the second, between different species of the canine family, for example, a jackal and a dog, a dog and a wolf, and so on.

To consciously obtain mixed breeds of various breeds, you must at least be guided by Mendel’s three laws:

  • law of uniformity of the first generation - offspring in the first generation inherits the characteristics of only one of the parents according to the principle of dominance;
  • the law of segregation - in the offspring of the second generation, individuals appear with the phenotypes of the original parental forms and the offspring of the first generation;
  • the law of independent combination (inheritance) of traits - among the descendants of the second generation, individuals with new (relative to the parent) combinations of traits appear in a certain ratio.

The potential of a mestizo can be very interesting; it is the owner’s task to reveal it

Shepherds and huskies

You need to understand that huskies (like shepherd dogs) are not one breed, but a rather large and diverse group of breeds, each of which has its own characteristics, and often its own working specialization. This must be realized before forming a specific parent pair out of them.

Features of Laikas

The concept of “husky” unites about a dozen officially recognized and about the same number of unrecognized breeds. They are medium to slightly larger than average Spitz-shaped dogs that live in cold climates and have aboriginal roots. The FCI classification places all of them in the fifth group - “Spitz and primitive type breeds”.

Most huskies are universal working dogs that can combine two or more “professions,” but most breeds are still focused on certain work functions:

  • hunting;
  • sledding;
  • security - rarely;
  • shepherds - even less often.

Often, other northern dogs that are similar to them in appearance, for example, huskies, malamutes, and samoyeds, are indiscriminately classified as huskies, but this is a mistake.

For crossing with huskies, breeds that are distinguished by pronounced service talents, good trainability, obedience, and also “wolf-like” appearance are usually used. The results of such cross-linking can be really interesting.

Photo gallery: some breeds of huskies

The Russian-European Laika has a kind, easy-going character, but only for its owners; it is wary of strangers

The West Siberian Laika is obedient to its owner, but may not immediately follow commands

The Karelian-Finnish Laika is a kind, obedient, but quite proud dog, so you should not leave him alone with small children

The Karelian Bear Dog was originally intended to work as a hunting dog due to its remarkable sense of smell.

The Nenets Reindeer Laika is an independent, intelligent, hardworking dog that can be used for protective guard duty.

The East Siberian Laika is not suitable for protection, because it treats strangers with indifference rather than aggressiveness.

The Yakut Laika is an indispensable human assistant in northern latitudes thanks to its excellent sense of smell and ability to navigate the terrain even in bad weather.

Norwegian Huskies are suitable for a variety of purposes, very intelligent, calm, and good with children.

Distinctive qualities of shepherd dogs

In the FCI catalog, shepherd dogs are classified in the first group - “Shepherd and Cattle Dogs”. They are even more numerous and diverse than huskies: about forty breeds have received official recognition. At least twice as many as yet unrecognized shepherd dog breeds have emerged in various territories around the world. All of them have a herding background, and many remain professional shepherds today.

Modern shepherd dogs have received new canine specialties - they serve in the police and customs, protect people and property, become rescuers, guides, and companions. The natural potential of these dogs is very great, and their ability to learn is extremely high.

Photo gallery: some shepherd breeds

The Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) is one of the most popular working breeds today - it is smart, obedient, quick in decisions and actions.

The German Shepherd, unlike many other dogs, is able to easily change owners, which makes the breed especially valuable as a service dog.

The South Russian Shepherd is a very independent, courageous and even aggressive dog.

The Scottish Shepherd (Collie) is a very intelligent and trainable dog with innate abilities for shepherding.

The Australian Shepherd (Aussie) has an open and friendly character, making it an ideal companion for humans.

The French Shepherd (Beauceron) is an unusually vigilant and decisive dog, it prevents danger without waiting for a critical moment or command from the owner

Caucasian Shepherds are excellent guards; they can be fierce and formidable when the property entrusted to them is in danger

The East European Shepherd is highly trainable and, with proper upbringing, can become its owner’s best friend and a full member of the family.

The Komondor (Hungarian Shepherd) has a more developed herding instinct rather than a guarding one.

For what purposes are huskies and shepherds crossed?

Mixed-breed puppies can be born in different ways:

  • accidental - dogs of different breeds are mated due to the owner’s oversight;
  • irresponsibly experimental - according to the principle “I wonder what will come of it”;
  • consciously - to obtain a working dog with improved qualities.

Often, ordinary large mongrels are sold under the guise of a husky-shepherd mix.

The first two options can be ignored: a normal breeder will not breed notorious mongrels without caring about their future fate. As for the third: within the framework of official cynology, where interbreed matings are prohibited, such experiments remain, as it were, illegal. But it is quite possible to understand the breeder’s natural desire to improve the degrading dog population:

  • stabilize the nervous system;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase endurance;
  • improve the musculoskeletal system;
  • consolidate working qualities and expand their range.

The purpose of crossing is to obtain a new large, hardy, active, intelligent and easy to train dog

Dog examination

Upon completion of the preliminary procedures, it is necessary to proceed to examining the puppy. In order to get a purebred, faithful friend, you should remember the main characteristics of this species.

The danger of buying small puppies is that the breed characteristics are not visible.

Coat and color

Babies, as a rule, have black fur. Their coat is often covered with a slight "gray" that will disappear after the first molt. At the same time, purebred shepherd dogs cannot have any white spots.

Note! As Germans grow older, they develop a “mask” on their faces, as well as other signs of thoroughbred. In non-purebred dogs, spotting remains for life.

Shepherds have a rather stiff coat without folds or saggy, flabby areas. Mutts have silkier fur.

Main features: head

If the dog's head is disproportioned relative to the body, then most likely it is not a purebred German. In purebred dogs, the forehead is of medium width, convex in shape and does not hang over the muzzle.

The black nose lobe does not have any points. Slight hump nose is allowed. The inside of the lips may be spotty - this is not bad, but undesirable. The bump on the back of the skull should be easily palpable.

Back, chest

The back of the Germans is quite strong and not very long. There are no fractures in the lumbar region. The sternum is wide; in young individuals it should not sag below the level of the elbow joint.

Examination of parents and their puppies

If the breeder has nothing to hide, then he will allow you to visit the puppy’s parents without any problems. It is necessary to observe the father and mother, for example, during a walk, compare external and behavioral characteristics with the standard.

Examination of the puppy's parents

Topline of a German Shepherd

The topline is the visual line that runs from the base of the neck to the base of the tail. In purebred dogs, it has smooth outlines, without any clearly segmented areas.


Shepherds have a fairly long tail. The tail part ideally continues the spinal column. When excited, it should not rise above the level of the main line, and when the tail is tucked, no pit should form.


Thick-footed puppies have middle paws that are parallel and pressed to the sternum at the elbow. The heels, like the claws, are painted dark. The fingers close into a ball.

Important! You should not buy dogs with vestigial or removed toes.


When choosing a representative of the German breed, you should compare the weight parameters of the animal with the table.

German Shepherd puppy weight


Young shepherd dogs' ears stand up only at six months of age. Often they first look like a “house”, then they fall, and only later they begin to rise one by one until they are completely strengthened.


The optimal number of teeth is 28. The bite should have a scissor-like appearance. The incisors on both jaws should be opposite each other. In shepherd dogs, the lower canines slightly overlap the upper ones.


If the height of the dog’s body at the withers is commensurate with the length of the body (quadratic shape), and its height exceeds 60 cm, then most likely a mestizo is being sold under the guise of a purebred shepherd dog. The main sign of noble blood is a smooth topline.

Features of the Husky breed

Siberian Huskies were bred in the Far East. Gradually, the boundaries of her territory expanded and now she is known throughout the world.

An adult grows from 53 to 60 cm in height (males), and females from 50 to 56. In weight, males reach 20-28 kg, females 15-23.

  1. The color of the fur is varied, from black to white tones, and sometimes there are markings.
  2. Eyes are brown, blue, partially colored and multi-colored (heterochromia).
  3. The colors of the nose are different: black, liver, flesh, and sometimes completely white.
  4. The coat has a pronounced undercoat and short guard hairs.
  5. The ears are always triangular.
  6. The tail is fluffy, raised, lowered when at rest, and looks like a sickle when excited.

Despite the fact that representatives of this breed are difficult to train, they are very smart.

Huskies are friendly and friendly dogs, but they are also stubborn. It is recommended to keep such a pet in a country house, as the breed loves space and running around. She is good with children. It's in her genes.

Under favorable conditions, proper nutrition, habitat and care from the owner, huskies can live from 13 to 15 years.

Chow mestizos

Representatives of the Chow Chow breed are famous for their restless disposition, curiosity and wit.
It is no exaggeration to say that such a dog is a real Ostap Bender in dog’s clothing. He is interested in everything, he is ready to stick his interested nose in everyone, and besides, the chow-chow is always ready for games and fun. All these traits are preserved in Chow-Shepherd mixes - their curiosity is complemented by the suspicion and wariness of the Germans. The result is an ideal watchman - get yourself a Chow Shepherd and your home will always be under reliable protection. In terms of exterior, mestizos are usually closer to the Chow - muzzle, bone structure and thick long hair.

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