Cavapoo (cavadoodle, cavoodle) - dog breed, description

You've probably heard about these two new dog breeds: Cavapoo or Cavoodle and Cockapoo. These are two mixed breed dog breeds that have been around for several years., which, thanks to their cute puppy-like appearance despite being very old, have become popular in recent years, especially in the United States.

However, in this article we need to remind you that pets are not toys , which is why we are committed to responsible adoption. So if you're looking to grow your family, in this article we'll talk about the main differences between these breeds so that before you get one, you have enough information to know which breed is ideal for you and your family.

Breed overview

HEIGHT : 28 - 35 cm (males); 22 - 28 cm (females) WEIGHT : 5 - 10 kg (males); 4 - 89 kg (females) COAT : medium length, wavy coat COLOR : cream, fawn, chocolate, gold, chestnut, tricolor; may be solid or have white markings LIFESPAN: 12 – 15 years

Characteristics of the Cavapoo
Attachment levelHigh
Child FriendlyYes
Loyalty to other petsHigh
Exercise needsAverage
Energy levelAverage
Learning abilityHigh
Tendency to barkLow
Shedding amountLow


Slugs are large dogs, growing up to 75 cm at the withers. This is the name given to a breed of reserved but very affectionate dogs. They are originally from North Africa. Slugs are a rare breed, and their puppies are not cheap. For centuries, these dogs hunted small game along with the Egyptians and Berbers. Now slugs are a completely domestic breed; they can live in apartments. But keep in mind that to maintain health they need to move a lot.

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History of the Cavapoo

Over the past few decades, poodle crosses, including cavapoos, have become incredibly popular.

The idea behind this mix is ​​to blend the personality traits of one breed, in the case of the Cavapoo: the good nature of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with the low-shedding, hypoallergenic traits of the Poodle.

While the sudden popularity of cavapoos may make them seem like a more recently created breed, they are believed to have been first developed in the 1950s in Australia.


In Russia, choosing a partner for mating is quite difficult - the cockapoo breed is extremely rare. If a suitable dog has been found, the pets are first introduced to each other so that they get used to each other. Later, the bitch is brought to the male and is bred by hand.

A cocker poodle's pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks. During this period, the animal is provided with a balanced diet and protected from stress and excessive physical activity. A litter usually contains 5-7 puppies.

Caring for a Cavapoo

Cavapoos have soft, medium-length fur that can vary from wavy to curly. They shed very little, making them an ideal breed for those with pet allergies. But not shedding doesn't mean they don't need regular cleaning.

If Cavapoos are not brushed at least once a week, their wavy hair may become tangled. Besides being uncomfortable and sometimes even painful, mats can make the skin underneath prone to infection.

Some owners keep the coat short to also prevent matting.

Your Cavapoo's nails will need to be trimmed regularly to prevent them from snagging or breaking on something. They also need ear cleaning to prevent infection, as well as cleaning and plucking of the hair that grows in their ears.

Being a small breed dog, Cavapoos are prone to dental disease. Brushing your cavapoo's teeth daily (or as often as possible) with dog toothpaste can help keep your dog's teeth clean and healthy.

Dental disease is more than just a smelly cosmetic problem. Your dog's gum tissue is vascular, where bacteria can enter the bloodstream, which can lead to painful dental abscesses and even a heart condition known as endocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle.

Proper dental hygiene is especially important for breeds with poor teeth, such as the Cavapoo.

Cavapoos can be quite energetic and excitable. They prefer to be in the company of their owners and family rather than alone, so they will be over the moon when you get home.

The dogs are active enough to play with children, but as with all pets, supervise when children play with your Cavapoo. Because they are so tiny, there may be a risk of injury from a child who gets too carried away while playing.

Despite their high energy, they require moderate exercise, daily walks are sufficient. This, combined with their small size, makes them suitable for city apartment life.

Cavapoos are very intelligent and easy to train. As with any breed, the Cavapoo can be easily taught basic obedience through rewards. Because they are very attached to their owners, they are obedient.

Recognizing desired behavior with a treat or praise will help reinforce good behavior so that your Cavapoo is more aware of exactly how he should behave to please you.

This is also why this breed suffers from separation anxiety. So when you are looking for a trainer, especially when there is a behavioral issue that needs addressing, be sure to ask for certifications, credentials, etc.

Features of temperament

The purpose of the breed is to be a companion, and that says it all. The cockapoo really wants to become your true friend, the dog accepts everyone - children, adults, and the elderly. The pet is always ready to compromise. Gets along well with all variations of “animal neighbors”. Loves attention, but shows no signs of jealousy.

The dog is very curious about everything that happens around. And this enthusiasm is contagious. You will not even notice how you will begin to enjoy life more and pay attention to little things in the presence of a cockapoo. The dog is just glad that he has this day. Over time, this positive attitude is transferred to the owners.

The breed has a stable and docile character. The cockapoo has a developed, sharp mind. Quickly adapts to the situation, famous for its lightning-fast reaction. At the same time, the dog inherited the poodle’s good sense of smell, so the animal can be safely taken hunting.

Representatives of the breed love the company of people. They need constant attention and affection. Dogs respond to human care with boundless devotion. They strive to please their owners and perform tricks. When planning to get a cockapoo, please note that the dogs are particularly active. You need to play and have fun with them.

Animals are very social and friendly, but they need early socialization lessons to develop the right character. Pets are an ideal option for families with children.

General health problems

Cavapoos are susceptible to diseases that are commonly seen in both Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Poodles. As their popularity grew in Russia, more and more Cavapoo breeders appeared.

Reputable breeders test their cavapoos, spaniels and poodles for these diseases and will not breed dogs that have a disease that has a genetic component.

Health problems commonly seen in cavapoos include:

  • Congenital heart disease: The most common is mitral valve disease, where a valve in a dog's heart is misshapen and thus does not completely occlude when closed.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): an eye disease that can lead to blindness
  • Luxating Patella: An orthopedic problem in which the socket in which the kneecap rests is shallow, allowing the kneecap to pop out of place.
  • Atopy: Also known as skin allergies in dogs
  • Syringomyelia/Chiari-like malformation: This is a condition in which pockets of fluid collect in your dog's spinal cord
  • Dental disease: Infections and abscesses in your dog's teeth, which can be painful

Extract from the official document on the RKF website PROCEDURE FOR FCI RECOGNITION OF A NEW BREED OF DOG

General Assembly

8-9.06.2015, Milan

Proposal from the FCI Scientific Commission and the Standards Commission

Procedure for international recognition of a new breed (conditional recognition)

“New breeds can be either a population of dogs that is recognized regionally or nationally, or a new population of a unique type of dog. They cannot be the result of a direct cross between two breeds recognized by the FCI.

A new breed can be recognized if it meets this description: “A population of dogs shares clearly detectable and heritable phenotypic characteristics, following breeding under human control over a sufficient period of time, allowing the population to be clearly identified from other defined populations of dogs/breeds ( 1999)"

The population must consist of a minimum of eight family groups, each of at least two males and six females, from two different litters born within a period of five years or more. For three generations there should be no common ancestors.

The fulfillment of these conditions must be accompanied by a well-planned breeding program and registration of these dogs with the national canine organization for a minimum of twenty years.

The application must be submitted in electronic format (in the form of files), with a demonstration of several dogs in stance and movement, with drawings and written confirmation that the following requirements are fully met:

· Eight independent family groups.

· DNA test confirming the uniqueness of the pod.

· Completed health questionnaire (Appendix 2a)

· Assessment of behavior and character (Appendix 2b)

· A provisional standard in one of the 4 FCI languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish) according to the model approved at the FCI General Committee meeting (date and place) and the illustration of the dog on the first page of the standard.”

From all of the above, it is clear that a new breed cannot be approved if it was developed “as a result of direct crossing between two breeds recognized by the FCI.” The poodle and the Maltese are such breeds.

The question arises, why can we now find more and more of these same “designer breeds”? And why are first-generation mestizos sold, and most importantly, bought, for 200,000 - 800,000 rubles?

How and what to feed

Cavapoos are best fed food designed for small to medium-sized, high-energy breeds. Although the weight range for this breed does not seem that large, for a small dog it is noticeable!

A 4kg cavapoo is much smaller than a 10kg cavapoo and will therefore require much less food per day.

Depending on the size of your cavapoo (and its activity level during the day), it may require anywhere from 1/2 to 1 gram of food per day. Although they have high energy levels, if you overfeed them or give them extra cookies every day (because they're just so darn cute), babies can become overweight. Your veterinarian can help you get rid of excess weight in your cavapoo.

Is the Cocker Poodle the ideal pet?

Designer dogs are often elevated to leading positions in the “best breed” ranking. And there are a number of reasons for this:

  • hypoallergenic - dogs have virtually no shedding, which means that the breed can be kept by people suffering from allergies;
  • lack of smell - many households love dogs, but do not risk having them because of the characteristic smell. The cockapoo is a pleasant exception in this matter. The breed does not have any foreign odors, even if it has not been bathed for a long time;
  • they love to walk outside and can do without human intervention - many breeds require personal training with their owners, which takes a lot of time. You can combine a walk with your cockapoo with a trip to the park. The pet will run in the fresh air without disturbing its household;
  • a special, childlike look that remains even as the pet grows up;
  • increased friendliness - they will happily welcome guests at home, giving each person personal attention;
  • developed intelligence;
  • companion dog - ready to accompany their owners on any journey;
  • loyal;
  • have a long life expectancy;
  • feel emotions well, understand a person, are ready to provide support;
  • have a sense of humor.
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