Schnauzers of all types and sizes: names and descriptions with photographs

The Miniature Schnauzer and the Miniature Schnauzer are two different breeds, although people far from cynology may argue that they are the same dog. It's all about their external similarities, of which there are quite a lot. This is especially noticeable if they have approximately the same size and color. But there are many differences, both in character and in external signs.

History of the breed

A wonderful pet for the whole family
Previously, representatives of the Miniature Schnauzer dog breed were called Wirehaired Pinscher.
And today it is quite difficult to establish when they appeared. But already in the sixteenth century the breed existed - it can be seen on the canvases of world famous artists. Officially, the breed's ancestors were the gray Wolfspitz, the German poodle and the wirehaired pinscher. It was them that German breeders used for breeding. True, according to another version, breeders also used them to breed bulldogs, pugs, terriers, griffons and even dachshunds. Fact! During the First World War, these dogs were often used as ambulances.
The first exhibition took place back in 1879, but the breed has officially existed only since 1955, when it was registered at the FCI.

At first, the nimble, lanky dog ​​was used as a rat hunter. Later, he was assigned a new function - to accompany stagecoaches during long journeys between cities and to promptly warn the coachman about a possible attack.

But over time, the black miniature schnauzer lost its practical purpose and became a purely decorative pet.

Origin and history

Schnauzer dogs were bred in Germany, or more precisely, in Bavaria. According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), their original purpose was to bait rats in stables. But their actual use was more varied: they were both herding dogs and guard dogs.

Representative of the Schnauzer breed

The ancestors of the breed were wire-haired pinschers, which were also very common in Germany. Although there is evidence that dogs similar to schnauzers existed many centuries ago. They received official recognition as an independent breed and their own name only towards the end of the century. The first version of the standards for them appeared in 1880.

History of the Miniature Schnauzer breed

During the selection process, Wirehaired Pinschers were crossed with a huge number of other breeds. Until the end of the 19th century, there was almost no targeted breeding of schnauzers, so many variations of this breed could be found in different regions of Germany.

Note! Miniature schnauzers are its “most standard” representatives.

With the advent of official standards, breeders began to more carefully select parents for future puppies. Schnauzers were predominantly crossed with black poodles and Spitz dogs. This is how the breeders secured the two main colors for the breed.

Despite a century of selective selection, modern schnauzers, like their ancestors, can boast of excellent health. Since in the old days their main occupation was helping around the house, good health and endurance were integral qualities that owners expected from their dogs. The breed has retained these qualities to this day.

General information and breed standards

Of course, before getting a dog like a miniature schnauzer, it will be useful to know the description of the breed.

The dogs are quite lanky, but not heavy - the height of males at the withers is 47-50 cm and weighs 16-20 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller - 44-47 cm and 14-18 kg, respectively.

Their activity is enviable

The coat is very hard and thick, lying tightly to the body. There are only two acceptable colors - black and gray (from dark steel to light silver). Any differences are considered defective.

What is the difference between a miniature schnauzer and a miniature schnauzer?

By the way, if we talk about standards, it is worth mentioning that there are different types of schnauzers: Risen, Miniature and Mittel. In general, these are quite closely related breeds, but differ mainly in size. So, the average height is:

  • 60-70 cm for Risen,
  • 45-50 cm for midgets,
  • 30-35 cm for miniatures.

So the Mittel is the average Schnauzer in existence.

Interesting! The spread of miniature schnauzers was facilitated by the mass migration of Germans after the First World War - many took their favorites with them.

Also, if you make a comparison between the Miniature Schnauzer and the Miniature Schnauzer, it turns out that for the latter there are more color standards. A dog can be not only black and gray, but also white or black and silver. In general, this is where the differences end.

Features of character and behavior

Of course, if the reader is interested in the Miniature Schnauzer, it is very important to know the characteristics of the breed. This will allow the future owner to choose a suitable pet and decide whether the Mittel is suitable for him or whether it makes sense to look for another dog.

One of the main features of the mittel is devotion to the owner and his family. In addition, he is playful, smart and very active. He treats strangers with healthy suspicion, but without excessive aggression. He also has a sharp mind and integrity - he usually does not get used to a new owner or does it with great difficulty.

Where to buy and price

You can purchase a purebred Schnauzer puppy from private breeders and nurseries that specialize in breeding a specific breed. They often have their own websites on the Internet, which makes it not only easy to find them, but also to immediately compare different offers.

You can also find breeders at dog shows. At the same time, there is an opportunity to look at the future parents of the puppy, communicate with the owners personally and ask questions about both the parents and the care of the dog.

The cost of a puppy is from 25,000 rubles. Depending on the breeder, the characteristics of the puppy and its pedigree, the price may fluctuate and reach 45,000 rubles.*

For those looking for a loyal friend and companion, the Schnauzer would be a good choice. And soon he will easily settle down and become a full-fledged member of the family.

*Prices are current as of January 2022.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, each breed has certain advantages and disadvantages. And the Schnauzer dog is no exception. To avoid having to regret getting a dog in the future, it is very important to learn both the strengths and weaknesses of a potential pet.

A beard makes a dog look respectable

The advantages usually include:

  • Small in size, allowing you to keep a pet in a cramped city apartment.
  • Excellent health. Pets very rarely get sick, and the breed has almost no genetic diseases.
  • Almost complete absence of shedding due to the hard coat. In addition, the close-fitting coat makes trimming the Miniature Schnauzer unnecessary.
  • A sharp mind that greatly facilitates learning.

The disadvantage can be considered excessive activity - the dog does not want to sit still for a minute, he always needs to run somewhere. Also, many people don’t like the fact that they hardly grow up. On the other hand, some breeders believe that a dog that retains a cheerful and restless character into old age is simply great.

Schnauzer care

The Schnauzer is a simple dog in terms of care. She is in good health, so, as a rule, she does not cause problems. However, you need to take into account that schnauzers need regular professional trimming (hair plucking) and haircuts - trimming 2-3 times a year plus haircuts as desired. An uncut, overgrown schnauzer looks untidy, reminiscent of a mongrel. Therefore, when choosing this breed, you must be mentally and financially prepared to regularly visit a groomer, or learn this art yourself.

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Attitude towards children and pets

The Schnauzer Mittel is also distinguished by its great love for children. Together they will be able to come up with many games and spend many hours together. True, children should immediately understand that a dog is not a toy at all. You shouldn’t squeeze it, much less offend it – the pet may well break loose, and its teeth are very sharp.

Curious! In Germany today, Miniature Schnauzers are often used by customs and the police.

Relationships with other dogs are ambiguous. It is very important to socialize Schnauzer puppies - from childhood they must get used to the fact that they are not the center of the universe. Otherwise, there is a high risk of serious conflicts in adulthood.

Chewing sticks is not pampering, but a hygienic procedure for the breeder

If the dog has been communicating with other pets since childhood, then there probably won’t be any problems. Unless they show aggression themselves, the Mittel is not a coward and will definitely fight back.

How does a schnauzer get along with children and animals?

Schnauzers are kind. A miniature schnauzer and children are usually a good combination. These dogs are good with children and other animals. They can easily be friends with cats, especially if they grew up with them. The attitude towards very young children can be wary, but sometimes very warm. Before purchasing a puppy, try to ask the breeder how his parents get along with their children. You will be surprised, but this quality may be well developed in some lines, and worse in others. Thus, one breeder admitted to the author of the article that his schnauzers do not like babies, while another had no problems with this at all.

But in any case, if you have a small child at home, he should already be conscious enough to explain to him how to behave with a dog. If he has not yet reached that age, it is better to wait a little while buying a puppy.

Care and maintenance

Despite the fact that in general the dog is quite easy to keep, it needs to be provided with some care. This will affect not only your appearance, but also your well-being, and therefore your longevity.


Of course, hygiene is a very important part of care. Fortunately, there are no particular difficulties here - the Mittel causes much less problems than most dogs. You just need to remember a few simple rules:

  • The Miniature Schnauzer must be groomed three times a year. Then there will be no pet fur lying all over the apartment.
  • Trimming is carried out only during molting.
  • It is recommended to repeat combing two to three times a week. This will provide your pet with a wonderful appearance and also prevent the formation of tangles. It is best to use a metal comb, first combing along the coat and then against it - this allows you to achieve excellent results.
  • Your pet's beard must either be trimmed or wiped after each meal, otherwise food entangled in the fur will begin to smell unpleasant, and the risk of illness will increase sharply.
  • Bath only as needed and as rarely as possible.
  • Trim the nails once every two to three months or even less often - with sufficient activity, the dog can easily grind them down during walks.
  • Brush your teeth twice a month or give your dog a bone and chew toys - then the procedure becomes unnecessary altogether.
  • Inspect the eyes daily and, if suppuration is detected, wipe with a cotton pad.
  • Clean your ears (preferably with a cotton pad rather than ear swabs) weekly.

As the reader can see, care does not cause any particular problems and does not take much time.


You need to walk your pet a lot - the more, the better. But the minimum is one and a half hours a day. At the same time, the dog must run a lot. It’s worth taking a ball for a walk in the park, which your dog will be happy to run after.

In general, the pet is perfect for tourists - with its beloved owner it will walk for many hours without ever getting tired.

Important! The dog does not tolerate strong winds and low temperatures. Therefore, when going on a winter walk, you should wear a blanket or other suitable clothing.

If there is not enough activity, the dog will simply cause destruction in the apartment due to lack of exercise.

Training and education

In general, training does not cause much trouble - the mittel has a sharp mind, which allows him to quickly learn new commands. But the owner must be tough and demand unquestioning obedience. Otherwise, the dog will show dominant qualities and it will be very difficult to cope with him.

No one can resist such charm

It is advisable to start training from 2 months, and education - from the moment the pet appears in the house. Once you allow him too much, it will be almost impossible to prohibit it.

Giant Schnauzer and Miniature Schnauzer: differences

It all depends on what conditions you can offer the dog. The Giant Schnauzer is very similar in character to the Miniature Schnauzer. However, this is a large animal, and therefore it is still advisable to keep it not in an apartment, but in a private house. Many people manage to live in apartments with Risen, but then they need to spend a lot of time walking the dog, because you can’t just let them out into the yard. And he needs not just walks, but serious physical activity - running, jumping, walking with weights, etc.

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Life expectancy and major diseases

As mentioned above, in general the breed is very healthy and strong. According to statistics, 73% of all breeders live a happy life without ever having to visit a veterinarian. But this does not mean that there are no diseases at all. And it is important to know about them in order to quickly recognize the disease if necessary.

The most common diseases are:

  • volvulus,
  • atopy,
  • epilepsy,
  • melanoma,
  • diabetes,
  • hip dysplasia,
  • cryptorchidism,
  • cataract.

But by dog ​​standards, mittels live quite a long time - the average duration ranges from 13 to 16 years. Of course, the quality of care, proper feeding and regular monitoring by a veterinarian can either reduce this indicator or increase it.

No special vaccinations are needed. A standard set of kits is provided for the breeder, as for all dogs.

Nutritional Features

An adult dog needs to be fed twice a day. Moreover, the breeder himself must decide what to eat - the mittels eat perfectly both dry food and homemade food prepared especially for them.

But when choosing dry food, it is important to give preference to high-quality rather than budget brands. The dog should receive meat, not pure soy with flavorings. Yes, such feeding will not be cheap. But the pet will definitely receive balanced food.

The pet should be given high-quality food

When choosing homemade food, it is best to cook porridge with meat broth. It's easy to deal with this:

  • Lean meat (in half the cases it can be replaced with offal, and two to four times a month with sea fish without large bones) is boiled until tender.
  • The meat is thoroughly chopped and returned to the broth, where cereal is also added (oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat or millet are suitable). You don’t even need to cook the porridge - in the hot broth the cereals will swell well, become soft and at the same time retain nutrients.
  • Vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots) are chopped and added raw to the finished porridge.

The diet is not only tasty, but also balanced. Also, 3-5 times a week, your pet can be given fermented milk products (cottage cheese and low-fat kefir) and fruits (pear, apple, melon) - a source of calcium and vitamins.

By remembering these simple rules, each breeder will be able not only to decide whether a particular breed is right for him, but also to ensure his pet a happy, long life. Of course, after visiting a miniature schnauzer nursery and getting such a dog, a person’s life will change forever.

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