Types of Shepherd Dogs. Description, features, names and photos of types of shepherd dogs

The group of shepherd dogs includes many varieties of dogs, and their photos are very different from each other. But all these four-legged animals are united by an unusually developed intelligence and devotion to humans. Choosing just one pet among such a variety is very difficult. For this reason, future owners should pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of herding breeds, as well as the key features of the most popular and most unusual representatives.

German Shepherd

Our list opens with the most popular service dog in the world. The height of the German Shepherd is from 54 to 63 cm, weight is from 25 to 40 kg. Males are much larger. According to the standard, the dog’s hind legs should form a wide angle with the peritoneum, that is, be lowered above the ground.

A representative of this breed is considered universal. He is smart, loyal, has an adequate psyche, and obedient. Has amazing learning abilities. By the way, the “German” is among the top smartest dogs. It was developed in the 19th century in Germany.

Types of German Shepherds : short-haired, long-haired. The adjacent type is distinguished separately. They are also classified by color. Black and tan is considered the most popular. But sometimes pure black or gray representatives of this breed are born.

This noble and smart dog has a huge number of advantages. She is exploited as a rescuer, guide, security guard and bodyguard. The animal has excellent guard potential, is distinguished by responsibility and extraordinary devotion. Its advantages also include:

  • Adequacy.
  • Tendency to obedience.
  • Equilibrium.
  • Reliability.
  • Easy care.

Many consider such a pet to be ideal, and for good reason. He is friendly with members of the household and distrustful with strangers. In everyday life - a reliable and affectionate friend.

Basic rules of care

Every day it is necessary to examine your pet's ears, eyes and teeth and, if necessary, clean them.

The dog needs to be brushed 3-4 times a week, and during the molting period - once a day. At the same time, if the hair sheds a lot, it is better to use a furminator rather than a brush.

The German Shepherd usually grinds its claws down on its own during walks. To clean teeth, it is recommended to give your dog special treats or toys to chew on.

You need to bathe your dog no more than once every 2-3 months. It is recommended to wash your dog only with shampoo specifically designed for animals.

Read more about caring for a German Shepherd here.

East European Shepherd

This type of shepherd dog was bred in the USSR in the 20th century. It has many similarities with the “German”, but is larger and more massive. The height of an adult is from 58 to 67 cm, weight is about 40 kg. Color – black-gray or black-red. According to the standard, she should have a muscular and strong body. Leg position is straight. On the back and hips, its coat should be elongated.

A huge advantage of this animal is its unpretentiousness in climate. He will feel comfortable in hot or frosty weather. Psychological contact with the owner is extremely important for such a dog. He needs competent guidance, systematic training and, of course, approval and encouragement. Successful in sports and military service.

The dog has an adequate psyche, it is balanced, intelligent and affectionate to members of the household. Can be used as a guide or guard. Possesses the following skills: observation, physical strength, endurance. The East European Shepherd is an excellent family friend and companion. She loves to have fun with her family, but never forgets the need to protect them.

Similar breeds

If we take general features, then some dogs look like Spitz. They have the same cheerful character, increased mobility, and lightness. They attack first, show care for their owner, know how to be close under different circumstances, and easily remember commands.

Some dogs look like large lap dogs and schnauzers. The difference is that those are decorative and hunting. Such dogs have a developed sense of “herd”; they are valued for their excellent work as watchmen and security guards.

“Shepherds” have common features with hunting breeds: developed sense of smell and hearing; the ability to quickly catch up and adapt.

Australian Shepherd

Of all types of shepherd dogs , this one is the most talented shepherd and cattle breeder. It differs from others not only in its unique set of performance characteristics, but also in its pretty and bright appearance. Despite the name of the breed, it was bred in the USA.

The dog's weight is from 22 to 29 kg, height is from 44 to 53 cm. Males are much larger than females. The dog's body is covered with very soft long hair. It must be combed every season to speed up the recovery process.

Initially, the breed was bred to help American farmers who raised large numbers of livestock. Its representatives responsibly watched every sheep, pig or cow that grazed. They did not give predators the opportunity to approach the herd. And these talented shepherd dogs could find lost cattle and return them to the herd.

Today, such a pet is often purchased for companionship rather than for farm service. The Aussie is cheerful, calm, playful and very loyal. Loves to walk outdoors in company. Gets along well with any animals in the owner's house and does not conflict with them.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

One of the tallest and most powerful dog breeds. It weighs up to 50 kg, grows up to 70 cm. It is classified as a guard and fighting dog. Alabai is an unusual dog. On the one hand, he looks wary, strong and dangerous, but on the other hand, inside he is a kind and caring friend. He is ready to sacrifice his life for his family members. This type of shepherd dog in the photo is always depicted as bold, courageous and inspiring confidence.

The animal has excellent security skills: observation, concentration, caution, physical strength. In a difficult situation you can definitely rely on him. Previously, Alabai took part in dog fights. They strengthened his character and made him intolerant of his enemies.

However, the modern representative of the breed is more loyal to other animals and people. Yes, he retained his serious disposition and readiness to attack an ill-wisher, but he became more tolerant. Such a pet needs early training and regular exercise. He should be educated in the first months of life. Only in this case will the dog become successful and mentally adequate.

What to feed

If your dog leads an active lifestyle, it is better to prefer natural food to dry food. At the same time, the diet should contain lean meat, cereals with butter, and vegetables. You should not feed your dog exclusively porridge. When feeding natural food, the dog must receive all the necessary substances from food.

Important! For shaggy shepherd dogs, you can sometimes add more fat to the portion; they preserve the beauty of their fur coat.

The fluffy shepherd breed is unpretentious, so it adapts well to dry food. If necessary, you can add vitamins to the diet (after consultation with your veterinarian).

Belgian Shepherd

An excellent tracker and shepherd. Height – 56-54 cm, weight – 20-26 kg. Types of Belgian Shepherd :

  • Malinois - red, short-haired.
  • Laekenois - red and tan.
  • The Tervuren is red-fawn and may have dark markings on its body.
  • Groenendael - wire-haired, pure black.

Each of these types of dogs has a harmonious physique and proud posture. These animals are beautiful and responsible, they inspire trust and respect. Thanks to his excellent working qualities, the “Belgian” is exploited by the police. The dog is able to find a person under the rubble, follow the trail of an escaped prisoner, neutralize an armed robber, and even help an old woman cross the road.

These dogs are also used for herding livestock in villages or farms. The animal observantly looks after its “charges”, preventing any of them from getting lost. It gets along well with children, old people, in a word, with anyone. Willing to make contact and easy to train.

A dog of this breed sincerely becomes attached to its owner. It loves and respects him, so it prefers to spend most of the day alone with him. But he won’t refuse another member of the household a game, especially a fun and active one.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Beautiful, strong, inclined to independence, reliable - all these epithets perfectly describe the Caucasian Shepherd breed. An adult grows up to 68 cm, and gains weight up to 45 kg. This dog looks like a bear.

She is just as large, massive and fluffy. She has good physical characteristics, is durable and powerful. Capable of attacking a person if he tries to enter her territory. If you do not educate her in a timely manner, she can pose a danger to others.

“Caucasian” is perfect for those who need a reliable watchman. It is intended for street life only. Always careful and vigilant. However, once in the family circle, he becomes affectionate and kind. It can be playful, but only in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. He is ready to come to the aid of his family at any moment, and will not allow anyone to offend his loved ones. Aggressive towards strangers.

With age, these pets become inactive. They begin to value peace of mind, but even then they do not lose their security skills. They should be raised early, no later than 4 months. Otherwise, the dog may become too self-confident and dangerous to others.


Australian Aboriginal breed. The height of an adult is from 44 to 52 cm, weight is from 12 to 19 kg. The Kelpie's special feature is its wide viewing angle. Thanks to this, the dog has the opportunity to observe a huge number of animals grazing in the meadow, and make sure that none of them gets lost. Yes, he is classified as a herder.

This is a very hardy animal that is able to walk a huge distance without getting tired. He can carry a heavy load. One of the Kelpie's best skills is running fast. The breed is loud and energetic. He loves to spend active time with his owner.

It is distinguished from other four-legged pets by its intelligence. Such a dog cannot be called selfish, but he is moderately self-confident and proud. Needs a special educational approach. Types of colors of the Australian Kelpie Shepherd: gray, red, brown, black.

White Swiss Shepherd

Beautiful, physically strong, friendly and sociable - all this perfectly describes the White Swiss Shepherd. She is the epitome of an excellent comrade and companion. An adult grows up to 66 cm, while gaining a weight of about 33 kg. Features: pale white fur. There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of this breed. The former are more popular in Europe, and the latter in America.

This dog is calm, cheerful and quite adequate. It is advisable to use it for security. He does not pose a mortal danger to strangers, but will not let them into his home if his owner is not nearby. Savvy and quick-witted. He loves to learn new commands, as he is inquisitive by nature.

The White Swiss Shepherd (BSO) is very kind. She respects and loves her friends, both human and animal. She cares about their attention. This dog really needs regular encouragement. Her gentle disposition prevents her from adequately accepting any criticism. This is an intelligent but vulnerable creature that requires a special approach. However, it does a good job of protecting the territory. In any situation he remains a reliable defender.

Is it suitable for keeping outdoors and in an apartment?

The German Shepherd feels best in a private home. Their long fur allows them to stay warm even in cold weather. But it is important to remember that in winter the shepherd will need an insulated booth.

A long-haired shepherd dog can live in an apartment if you take it for a walk at least twice a day. Walks should be quite long and active. However, you need to remember that German Shepherds kept in an apartment shed heavily.

In addition, these dogs react very sensitively to the slightest noise and can bark in the absence of their owners.

Basque Shepherd

The breed was developed in Spain to help farmers. The Basque Shepherd is an excellent herder, one of the best four-legged shepherds. It grows up to 58-60 cm, gaining weight up to 35 kg. Shepherd's appearance : rectangular build, expressive eyes, long, slightly curly hair.

She radiates positive energy, which is why she has won many fans. Such a pet is responsible, smart and loyal. He strives to please his beloved owners, so he rarely indulges. Don't mind playing, running or barking. Loves the company of people and animals. Contact and social.

The dog is used in police service. It is often used for rescue purposes. The animal loves people so much that it is ready to help them in any situation. It also has security potential, so it can be used for guard duty.

Bergamasco Shepherd

And this breed differs from others in its special coat structure. It is collected in strands on the dog’s body and is very hard to the touch. It grows throughout the body, even above the eyes, falling onto the eye sockets, so they are not visible at all. The Bergamasco Shepherd is a cattle breed of dog developed in Italy. It is large and massive, grows up to 62 cm in height, and weighs about 30 kg.

Despite their slightly frightening appearance, they are kind and cheerful dogs who adore people. They are loyal, smart and very active. They never sit on the sidelines, waiting for interesting events. They get very upset if they are left alone at home. They prefer to go everywhere with their household members.

The advantage of a representative of the breed is good tolerance of any weather. He loves to be with the herd and look after it. Vigilant and responsible. It has an excellent sense of smell, so it can quickly smell an enemy nearby and notify the owner about it. Easily identifies someone else's sheep that has joined his flock.

Bergamasco Shepherds are also used to rescue people during disasters. They rescue people from the rubble, save fire victims, and even dive into the water for drowned people. These pets are intended for outdoor use only.

Video review

These photos show all of the above breeds of shepherd dogs. This will allow you to form a complete picture of the appearance of each of them. And the videos will tell you in more detail about the features of these wonderful animals.

Shepherds are not toy dogs. Almost all breeds differ only in appearance, endowed with dexterity, courage, remarkable intelligence, and the ability to make independent decisions. They are full-fledged shepherds, guards, defenders, military personnel, and police officers. But, despite all the similarities, each shepherd is unique in its own way.

Bulgarian Shepherd

The second name of the breed is Karakachan dog. It was bred on the Balkan Peninsula. Designed for security service. Large and self-confident. Height – 60-66 cm, weight – about 45 kg. The Karakachan dog has an attractive and at the same time terrifying appearance.

Her gaze is piercing and appraising. Color – white-gray. The body is powerful. Physically, this is a very strong animal that can easily defeat a wolf or a lynx. By the way, he was bred to protect the flock from predators.

Despite its good physical potential, the Bulgarian Shepherd is very affectionate with its owners. She always strives to take care of them, as she respects and loves them. Her attention is “on” even when the owner is not around. In terms of protecting its territory, it is very effective. Gets along well with kids, even newborns. She is not jealous, so she is not angry with the owner, who spends all his free time with the children. Needs early socialization and training.

How to choose a future pet

Cheerful pet
When heading to a kennel where long-haired shepherd puppies are sold, you need to know what to look for when choosing a pet:

  • Parents' health (examine the veterinary passport for the presence of genetic diseases).
  • Psychological health (the puppy does not show increased aggression or cowardice).
  • Healthy appearance (no bald patches, average body fat).

Keeping these simple rules in mind, choosing a suitable puppy that will not cause problems in the future will not be at all difficult.

Of course, getting a dog is a very serious step. But, having acquired a shepherd dog, any person will notice how much his life has changed - there is more positivity and joy, and a faithful friend who is always there adds confidence in the future.

Hungarian Shepherd

The second name of the breed is Commander. Its representatives differ from others in their specific thread-like wool, collected in strands. It is tough and long. Due to this, the animal appears larger. It grows up to 65-70 cm, and weighs from 40 to 63 kg.

The commander is a good bodyguard, watchman and family friend. He is affectionate with members of his household and aggressive towards strangers. But, if you socialize him correctly, he treats strangers tolerantly, especially if the owner demands it.

Such a dog has a clearly visible desire to dominate. He is always confident in his abilities, a little proud. He really needs the approval of people from his family. Sincerely loves each of them. He becomes attached to children and happily plays with them.

The commander is a good cattle breeder. It has excellent physical parameters, so it will repel any predator that approaches the herd it protects. Strongly attached to members of the household. Smart, easy to learn.

Varieties and their descriptions

According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, more than 20 breeds are officially registered, and that’s not even half.



Dimensions: height 46-58 cm, weight does not exceed 32 kg. The hair is medium length, dense, a little coarse in the chest area. Color can be: marbled blue, dark, red, brown and spotted. Life expectancy is approximately 13 years.

This is interesting: Characteristics and description of the Australian Shepherd

Aussies are hard-working shepherd dogs, constantly wanting to curry favor with their owner and gain his approval. Gentle, friendly and quite active. It is difficult for them to be in small rooms; they need a large area to feel good; they love dynamic games. The breed is highly trainable and responsible.


This is one of the famous breeds of Australia, an attentive, intelligent, loyal shepherd. He has a gentle character and an endless supply of energy.

Dimensions: height 43-51 cm, weight - maximum 20 kg. Hair is short all over the body. Possible colors: dark, brick, black or red-brown, dark gray, fawn or chocolate. Such individuals live for about 10-15 years. They are mobile, have a sinewy structure and flexible paws, and work without getting tired.

The Kelly breed has a unique viewing angle; it is so wide that it allows it to follow the object of attention and focus on it for a long time. Thanks to this genetically inherent quality, these dogs are excellent workers for the livestock industry.


The breed was developed by crossing short-haired collies and wild dingoes. They were then improved by mixing them with Dalmatians and Kellys. There were 2 final variants of this breed: Australian and Australian bobtail heeler (stumpy). The initial purpose of their breeding was to drive cattle over long distances in the harsh natural conditions of Australia.

Shepherd dog dimensions: height from 43 to 51 cm, weight in the range of 15-20 kg. The fur is short, thick and soft. The color may be gray, mottled blue and have red or black spots. Life expectancy is 12 years.

The heeler breed is strong and resilient, loyal to its owner and easy to train, and is in the TOP 10 in terms of intelligence development. Despite their professionalism, such dogs are very gentle and caring pets.


Aidi is a guard shepherd dog originally from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Its fur is fully adapted to different climates: in the desert it protects the body from sand and heat, and in the mountains from the cold. In the modern world, Aidi is rare; there is an active struggle to preserve and expand the breed.

Dimensions of shepherd dogs: at the withers from 52 to 62 cm, weight up to 30 kg. The hair of the breed is dense and smooth, not long. The color is most often monochromatic: sand, chestnut, light, red, brindle and white.

Aidi is strong, attentive and careful. She becomes attached to the owner and his family; with proper upbringing, she will become an excellent friend for children.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

It is not advisable for new dog breeders to have such a shepherd; it is difficult to train.


The Sheepdog is native to North America. These individuals were brought to the continent by English settlers. The Americans perfected this breed by mixing it with collies, border collies and shelties. The result was a diligent, gifted and active shepherd dog.

This is interesting: 4 interesting facts about the border collie

Height at withers is from 46 to 58 cm, weight varies between 17-27 kg. Medium length hair, slightly curly. The color is most often dark or sable with white, with tan marks. Such dogs live 12-15 years.

Like other herding breeds, the dog is independent in making decisions, but also loves to work with its owner and receive rewards for following commands.

Such individuals have the unique ability to quickly change the direction of movement, instantly react to unexpected events, and even know how to climb trees.


The oldest breed of Asia Minor, has existed on the Anatolian plateau since the times of Babylon, and participated in lion hunting. Today the shepherd dog is known as the Turkish guard dog, or Kangal. She is not a shepherd, but a guard, her duty was to protect the herds from wolves.

Dimensions: at the withers 70-80 cm, weight 40-65 kg. The physique is proportional, with well-developed muscles. The coat is straight and dense, sometimes combining 3 colors at once or being plain (dark or brindle). The individual has powerful jaws and a “black mask” on its muzzle.

Kangal has a sharp mind, is easy to learn, and calm. Such a dog is an owner, he will not allow anyone to touch his owners’ things, he can be left as a nanny with children and not worry.

Afghan and its types

Sage koche

Translated: “dog of nomads.” Wandering peoples needed protection, and large shepherd dogs were well suited for this, as they independently obtain food and do not require constant attention. Temperatures in the mountains of Afghanistan in summer reach +35°, and in winter below -20°; the Sage Koche have adapted to such temperature changes, because they live outside all year round. When the nomads settled and began raising sheep, they instilled herding qualities in the breed. And they began to protect the herds from wolves and thieves.

Shepherd dogs sizes: from 69 to 102 cm, they can weigh 40-95 kg, depending on gender. There are three types of sage koche wool: longhair, shorthair and mixed. Color: dark, white or spotted. Such shepherd dogs live 12-15 years.

They have a warlike character, are brave, and do not tolerate strangers. Can store energy to react quickly and fearlessly when necessary.

Afghan Hound

The first mention of a shepherd dog in rock paintings in Afghanistan dates back to 9500 BC. e. Its original purpose was hunting. This individual was used to catch gazelles, mountain goats, wolves and leopards. Greyhounds appeared in Europe at the end of the 19th century.

Shepherd dog dimensions: height from 60 to 75 cm, weight from 20 to 35 kg. The fur is long and requires constant care. Average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

This is a strong, agile and fast dog. The Shepherd is temperamental and freedom-loving, gentle and sensitive. Difficult to train, but very loyal to its owners. She is wary of strangers and is sometimes frightened by children playing noisy games.


Rafeiro do Alentejo is a shepherd dog originally from Portugal, Alentejo district. Its height at the withers reaches 64-74 cm, weight – 35-45 kg. The hair is short, dark, beige, gray-brown or cream with white spots.

The Rafeiro is the most massive among the Portuguese breeds, with a physique, fur structure and color slightly reminiscent of a St. Bernard. It differs in that its head is much smaller and more graceful. She has innate sharpness, independence and moderate aggressiveness, which characterizes her as an excellent guard.

Training and education of a raffair is difficult for beginners; it is necessary to have patience and perseverance.

Belgian and its types

The Belgian breed is a herding dog. Bred in 1891 by veterinarian Professor Adolf Riyul. There are 4 subspecies.


A large shepherd dog with thick dark hair, sometimes with white spots. An excellent friend for the family, suitable for the role of a watchman. Height ranges from 56-66 cm.


Red with black spots on the tail and face, and sometimes white on the chest and hind legs. Height 58-62 cm, fur is coarse and dry.


A red-colored dog with a dark mask, agile. At the withers 56-62 cm, the coat is thick and dense.


The individual is red-red in color with black, height 58-66 cm. Such dogs have an excitable temperament, they are aggressive.

Representatives of 4 subspecies have intelligence and excellent memory. Brave, intelligent and obedient shepherd dogs are easy to train.


Homeland - northern Spain. These individuals have long helped shepherds, guarded and herded livestock. There are 2 subspecies:

  • Gorbeiakoa (live in a reserve near Mount Gorbeia, distinguished by long hair on their face);
  • Iletsua (live on the pastures of Euskalerria, have short hair).

Both breeds are the same size: height 40-68 cm, weight 18-36 kg. The fur is thick and coarse, the color is red or its shades. These dogs have high intelligence and intelligence, and are highly trainable. Sociable and friendly shepherd dogs are wary of strangers and scrupulously guard their territory. They can also be guides.


Bergamasco comes from Italy. The breed was brought to Europe about two thousand years ago.

Dimensions: height 54-62 cm, weight 26-38 kg. The wool is long, heavy, and forms into large flat tangles that cover the entire body and protect against wolf bites. The color comes in any shade of grey.

Bergamascos easily adapt to difficult living conditions and are unpretentious in food. Very obedient and good-natured shepherd dogs, quite stubborn. They have excellent hearing and sense of smell.


This individual is also known as the Karakachan Shepherd Dog. Homeland - Bulgaria. This is one of the oldest breeds of the Balkan Peninsula. Large and strong, has good hearing, smell and vision.

The height of the shepherd is 60 cm or more, the minimum weight is 30 kg. The hair has a rigid structure, the undercoat is dense and pleasant to the touch. The color varies, but is predominantly white with dark or red markings.

The dog listens to only one person and treats other family members with condescension. Can independently guard the property, without the presence of the owner.

White Swiss

Another name is the American-Canadian White Shepherd. The first examples of this breed were brought to Switzerland in the 1970s.

These dogs are short-haired and long-haired, 53-66 cm tall, weighing 25-40 kg. They are not fussy, very cheerful, attentive. They do not have the habit of showing excessive aggressiveness or anxiety in the presence of strangers. The breed is easy to train and is predisposed to perform various difficult tricks.


Czech shepherds - appeared in the 14th century. Light and small: at the withers 49-55 cm, weight 18-25 kg. Thanks to their long, thick fur, they are able to survive in difficult climatic conditions.

Shepherd dogs of this breed are great for active people. They are easy to train and get along well with small family members. Agile, with a good sense of smell, which allows them to take part in rescue operations. They are great helpers for people with disabilities.


The Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is a popular guard shepherd dog in Central Asia, Tibet and Mongolia. The dog is a large breed, sometimes reaches 75 cm at the withers, and weighs 75 kg.

The fur of wolfhounds has water-repellent properties and does not tangle. Can be black and tan, brown, red with white markings and wolf color.

The dog becomes strongly attached to the home and family members. She can be an excellent nanny for small children, because she is very smart. A curious shepherd who loves to play pranks on his owners. Capable of protecting the territory even in the absence of its owners.

Eastern European

The breed was bred in 1930 in the USSR. Such dogs served in the Red Army in different climatic conditions. They have qualities suitable for guide dogs.

A shepherd dog weighs approximately 30-60 kg with a height of 62-72 cm. The hair is straight, hard, and of medium length. The color is dark or sable with a mask on a silver-gray or rich fawn background. A balanced, self-confident shepherd dog, suspicious of strangers. Read about the similarities and differences between the breed and the German Shepherd in this article.

Hungarian and its types


A courageous and swift shepherd dog, copes with managing a large herd. Obedient, hardy, interested only in the owner and joint activities with him. Sometimes representatives of this breed are taken for wild boar hunting. At the withers up to 47 cm. Such dogs are very light - 8-13 kg. The hair on the head and front legs is short and straight, on the back and hind legs it is long and wavy, and requires virtually no care. Possible brown, dark, yellow, white, marbled or ash color.


Because of its fur, such a dog seems larger than it actually is. Shepherd dogs of this breed have light bones, so they weigh much less than they seem, only 40-60 kg. The minimum height is 65-70 cm at the withers; there is long hair all over the body, which tends to curl into tight cords over time.

Dutch Shepherd (Herder)

A wonderful cattle dog, which was bred using the Belgian Shepherd gene. The dog's homeland is Holland. Height at the withers is 53-59 cm, weight is about 25 kg. There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the breed.

Externally, the Herder resembles a wolf. But his character is original. This is a very smart animal that loves to learn. Sincerely wants to serve people. It can be used as a guide and guard, but the dog’s favorite pastime is herding sheep and cows. He is observant and has a good sense of smell. Designed for living in a country house.

Icelandic Sheepdog

A wonderful pet that was bred in Iceland for farming service. Height – up to 45 cm, weight – up to 14 kg. The coat is very thick and can be long or short. The Icelandic Sheepdog has 3 main purposes:

  1. Walking cattle.
  2. His grazing.
  3. Search for missing goats/cows/sheep.

In its homeland, the dog is more often used as a companion. He is friendly and playful, cheerful and charming. Loves to play with people, especially children. Gets along well with other pets. Not evil at all. As a watchman, it is ineffective, but it can notify owners of the arrival of guests by barking.

Egyptian Shepherd

The second name of the breed is Armant. Medium sized dog. Intended for cattle breeding service, an excellent shepherd. Has the skill of communication with other animals. Social and active.

Modern armant is used by the Egyptians to protect premises. He is observant and responsible. They say that such a dog was especially revered by the famous French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

Such a pet will become a true friend for everyone who is kind and affectionate with him. By nature he is endowed with agility, endurance and good health. Loves human company.

Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

Italian breed of cattle dog. Big and strong. It grows up to 70 cm. It specializes not only in grazing, but also in protecting sheep from predators. Has excellent social and communication skills. Italians adore the Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog. He appreciates her for her good intellectual potential. In addition, she has a very attractive appearance.

Photos of dogs with basic colors

The main colors of the long-haired German Shepherd are black and red, black and black. A black mask on the face is desirable.

Examples of colors are shown in the photo below.

Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog

A beautiful, friendly and sociable dog, bred in Poland. It is characterized by average dimensions: height – from 62 to 68 cm, weight – from 45 to 48 kg. Has beautiful bright fur. This dog belongs to the group of mountain, cattle breeding and guard dogs.

In Poland, it can be found in police and rescue groups. He has good physical characteristics and is characterized by responsibility and caution. At home it can hunt rodents. The Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog is calm, but can easily lose its temper if it encounters an ill-wisher. Effective in terms of security.

Tuvan Shepherd

A very beautiful dog, bred in Tuva. It has a lot of purposes, including:

  • Livestock protection.
  • Search for missing animals and people.
  • Catching rodents.
  • Hunting.
  • Protection of people and buildings.

This is an active and energetic animal with soft long hair. Most often born black and white. Has a stable nervous system and excellent adaptation skills. He quickly gets used to new things, but never recognizes the second owner.

She sincerely becomes attached to one person and remains faithful to him until the end of her life. The Tuvan Shepherd is a wonderful guard dog. She is responsible, brave and courageous. Even an armed man will not be afraid. Moderately aggressive.

Popular types

Based on their coat type, long-haired German Shepherds are divided into two types:

  • dogs with long, coarse hair . The coat is coarse, rather hard and does not adhere to the dog’s body. Forms feathering on the front and hind legs, as well as on the ears and tail;
  • dogs with rather soft, long hair . The long and fluffy hair lies like a light wave on the back, forms dewlaps and feathers on all limbs, on the ears and on the tail.

Old English Sheepdog (Bobtail)

An excellent companion dog breed bred in the UK. The Bobtail is an ideal pet for a large family. He is perky, playful, cheerful and lively. I am ready to charge every person with my positivity. Large in size, height at the withers – up to 60 cm.

The peculiarity of this breed is its loud bark. He makes it for any reason, a very noisy animal. He has a simple and kind character. Not evil at all. He makes good contact and wants to be friends with everyone. It will feel comfortable in cold weather, as it has thick, insulating wool.

Welsh Corgi

Breed from Wales. Its appearance dates back to the 10th century. The breed includes two varieties: Pembroke and Cardigan. The differences between them are significant, but do not go beyond the scope of one breed. With a small stature (30 cm), these short-legged creatures perfectly manage herds of sheep and cows.

Nowadays, Welsh Corgis are in demand as companion dogs. This is facilitated by the dog’s developed intelligence, the ability to predict the owner’s wishes, love of life and gentle character. Moderate dimensions contribute to living in city apartments. Welsh Corgis live up to 13 years.

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