Chinese Crested dog breed photo, bald, fluffy, maintenance and care, haircut, sizes, clothes

The Chinese Crested Dog is a small companion dog with an easy-going and good-natured disposition. There are two varieties of the breed:

  1. Hairless Chinese Crested Dog.
  2. Powdery Chinese Crested Dog, also called Powder Puff or Powder Puff.

The dog became bald due to a natural genetic mutation . Subsequently, the baldness gene became dominant, that is, suppressing the transmission of other genetic information. But every dog ​​is also a carrier of a recessive gene responsible for the presence of fluffy fur in the pet. Therefore, puppies with or without fur can be born in one litter.

Chinese Crested Dog puppies photo

The Chinese Crested is one of the most ancient breeds. The last records of this dog with a veil-shaped crest and monkey paws appeared 2,500 years ago, and scientists agree that the birthplace of the breed is Ancient China.

Purebred Chinese Crested puppies are friendly and active. But the dog shows love and awe only to “its own” people, and greets strangers with wariness and distrust.

Their colors are very diverse: white, chocolate, black, cream, tricolor. By 3-5 months, the puppies begin to color, and the final color of the coat and skin pigment appears. The character also changes: the dogs become temperamental, playful, and very graceful.

Hairless Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Hairless Crested is an unusual dog whose exotic appearance is due to the lack of hair on its body. However, the head and paws are covered with long hair, and there is a plume (fan train) on the tail.

The dog's head is decorated with a crest; it begins at the transition point of the muzzle to the forehead and beautifully passes into the neck area. In purebred breeds, the crest ends in a wedge and never extends into the line of the spine.

Dogs have different coat colors and pigmentation. The leather can be plain - white, blue, black, brown, or marble and tricolor. The coat can also be white, cream, red, black.

The muzzle of the hairless Chinese Crested is slightly elongated and gradually narrows. The transition of the line to the forehead is smoothed. The eyes are always dark and almond-shaped. The color of the nose always matches the pigmentation of the eyelids.

The dog's ears are set low, always in a standing position, and densely covered with fringe. The Chinese Crested has “hare” paws - with long straightened toes.

According to their body type, crested animals are divided into two types - deer type and horse type. In the first case, the dog is light, with a refined silhouette, in the second case, it is more compact and strong.

Thanks to its specific appearance and graceful movements, a running hairless crested horse resembles a smaller copy of a horse.

Chinese Crested Powder Powder Dog

The Chinese Downy Crested is an elegant breed with a slightly elongated body and a strong body covered with thick flowing hair. The color is very variable from snow-white to dark red, and can be solid or spotted. Black and white, golden, creamy red colors are popular.

The breed's hair is straight, without signs of frizz or wavyness. The dog does not shed seasonally, except for the period when the puppy's coat is replaced with permanent coat.

The breed has a rounded head, an elongated muzzle, and is covered with skin without folds. The external characteristics of the body and limbs are the same as those of the hairless Chinese Crested.

The color of the tip of the nose varies among dogs. The eyes are almost dark, the whites do not stand out. The ears are often drooping, but there are also erect ones.

The movements of the Chinese Crested Powder are soft and confident, making it similar to the Afghan Hound.

We serve all areas

We serve all areas of the city of Rostov-on-Don. We go to the house.

  • Tufted Hairless Haircut 1st Street
  • Hairless crested haircut Sverdlovskaya street
  • Grooming of the Tufted Naked Varfolomeeva Street
  • Hairless crested haircut Izobilnaya Street
  • Hairless crested haircut Lawn 3rd Lane
  • Hairless tufted haircut Raskatny 10th Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut Milyutinsky Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut Tsushima Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut on Komitetskiy Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut Stolyarny Lane
  • Haircut of a naked crested Ivakhnenko street
  • Hairless crested haircut Loud Lane
  • Grooming of the crested hairless Privokzalnaya Square
  • Hairless crested haircut Sputnik 1st Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut Glubokoy Lane
  • Grooming of the Tufted Naked Yasnaya Ulitsa
  • Grooming of the Tufted Hairless Onezhskaya Street
  • Grooming of a hairless tufted red guerilla on Red Partizan Lane
  • Haircut of the Tufted Naked Peskova Street
  • Hairless crested haircut Mozdoksky Lane

Maintenance and care of the Chinese Crested Dog

The appearance of a Chinese Crested puppy in your home will require a lot of attention and love from you towards the animal.

First you need to purchase all the necessary things for your new friend:

  • Sun lounger. It should be soft and comfortable. It is advisable to choose models with a roof, since the dog loves to hide in a cozy place where it will be warm and calm.
  • A litter tray or disposable diapers. While the dog is still small and has not been fully vaccinated, it is kept in quarantine. While the puppy cannot be taken outside, you need to patiently accustom him to the tray or use diapers.
  • Care products. You will need shampoo, a comb, a nail clipper, ear balm, and a dog toothbrush.
  • Collar and leash. From about 4 months the dog can already be walked, so these attributes should be at hand.
  • Cloth. This breed of dog gets cold, so you need to wear clothes in cold weather.
  • Toys. These dogs are very active and playful, so they need balls and chews.
  • Dishes for food and water. It is important to choose the right dishes - bowls should be on a stand with a height adjuster.
  • Skin care products. Hairless Chinese Cresteds require sunscreen during the summer as their skin burns easily.

Caring for the Chinese Crested is simple, but time consuming. Without it, the dog quickly loses its breed traits and may get sick.


  • Buy a comb with very long metal teeth. The Chinese Crested has a long, thick coat that mats quickly, so it needs to be brushed daily, especially if you have a powder coat.
  • Use a hair dryer to dry and style the wool. Without these attributes, the wool takes a long time to dry and become tangled.
  • Choose good scissors for cutting the hair between the pads of the toes, trimming the hair on the ears, paws, and tail. Do this twice a month.
  • Use a clipper to groom your dog - shave the chest, muzzle, and area under the tail. This procedure is carried out once every three weeks.
  • Use shampoo and conditioner only for long-haired dogs.

Caring for show dogs is more thorough. The dog is washed with a special shampoo and conditioner, the hair is dried and straightened with an iron. Then the wool is treated with a fixing spray and smoothed with a brush with natural bristles. If your dog does not participate in exhibitions, you should not overload the fur with sprays and ironing.

Caring for ears, mouth, claws

  • A dog's nails grow quickly, so they are trimmed at least once a month.
  • The eyes are prone to souring, so they are washed once a week or more often with chamomile decoction or tea infusion.
  • Teeth should be brushed with a toothbrush for children or a special brush every 5-7 days. If this procedure is started, the dog will lose teeth at a young age.
  • The ears need to be cleaned with a special product after each bath. Once a month, the inside of the ear is sprinkled with powder and dead hairs are pulled out with your fingers. It doesn't hurt the dog at all. This is done to prevent the development of ear diseases and deafness.


  • Bath the dog once every 2 weeks. The downy Chinese Crested may need to be bathed more often because its long coat gets dirty more quickly.
  • Water procedures are carried out only in warm water (up to 38⁰C). The dog is washed with shampoo, then a balm or mask is applied for a few minutes.
  • After bathing, the dog is wrapped in a towel and dipped (the fur cannot be rubbed, otherwise it will break).
  • If the dog is downy, it is dried with a hairdryer; if it is naked, the skin is moisturized with cream.

Walking with a Chinese Crested

  • Crested Chinese cats need active and long walks at least twice a day.
  • Although this breed is obedient, it is best to walk the dog on a leash. This will protect her from strangers and vehicles if she runs too far.
  • In summer, you should avoid walking under the scorching sun. The naked Chinese Crested's skin immediately burns, and the Powderpuff's fur dries out.
  • In winter, the dog must be dressed, and if possible, wear shoes. Trying to harden dogs of this breed is pointless - your dog will catch a cold or frostbite on his skin.

Predisposition to diseases

Keratoconjunctivitis. If we “translate” the name of the disease into human terms, then it is inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea. When a dog suffers from this disease, the first thing that happens is the eyes become red and inflamed. Tears flow, yellow (purulent) discharge may appear in the inner corner of the eye. If your pet is not treated in time, the crested dog may go blind. Keratoconjunctivitis sometimes acts as an underlying disease (congenital underdevelopment of the lacrimal canal), but often it is a symptom of an infectious disease (for example, plague). Often, keratoconjunctivitis develops after operations performed on the eyes (removal of the third eyelid or consequences after the use of anesthesia). Do not self-medicate; let the veterinarian examine the dog, determine the cause of the inflammation and prescribe effective medications. The Chinese Crested breed often suffers from broken legs. This type of injury occurs as a result of jumping from a height.

Therefore, it is very important not to let your dog on sofas, armchairs and other “elevations”. Otherwise, the fragile thin legs will not withstand the sudden load, the dog’s hind legs will fail, and only a veterinarian can cure the animal by applying a cast. Patella luxation

It is also often registered. This occurs due to dislocation of the knee cap, its tendons and the quadriceps femoris muscle. It is not that difficult to guess that your pet has this problem. The animal is limping, trying to keep its paw in a half-bent position, a simple touch causes extreme pain in the small dog. Don't even try to straighten your knee yourself! Otherwise you can only make things worse. After an examination, the veterinarian will determine what is more effective in this case: manual reduction or surgical intervention. Allergy. This breed is hypoallergenic, since there is little hair on it (however, in humans, allergies are caused not by the wool itself, but by a protein in the epithelial cells). However, the dog itself often suffers from allergies: to food, medications, shampoo, sun, etc. Change your diet, but still take him to the clinic for an examination to rule out the infectious or parasitic nature of the rash and itching. A downy dog, however, like a bald dog, is predisposed to blackheads on the skin. This is due to the fact that hairless dogs produce more sebum, but normally it does not leave the glands. If you do not wash your dog on time, then its skin will be covered in acne, which will turn from simple black dots into suppuration. However, very frequent washing is not suitable; it will lead to even more sebum production. Do not touch acne, do not press, do not injure the skin! In addition, acne can be not only the result of poor hygiene, but also a symptom of allergies or skin diseases. And sometimes these are hairs that cannot “break through” the skin and grow in, as a result the follicle becomes inflamed and festers. Difficult birth. This problem is not recorded very often, but it does happen. Sometimes contractions disappear during the birth process. This is bad for both the expectant mother and the unborn puppies. Urgently call a veterinarian to your home, do not hesitate for a minute. Sunburn. And it doesn’t matter whether the dog is fluffy or hairless, its skin is very susceptible to sunburn. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that the pet is not in direct sunlight and is not exposed to the scorching sun for long. Otherwise, your Chinese Crested will get burned, and then you will have to treat her and watch her suffer until the burns go away. In crested dogs, tooth loss is sometimes recorded too early. This may be due to improper feeding, lack of nutrients, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, and heredity. However, often the reason is improper care of the teeth and the dog itself.

What to feed your Chinese Crested Dog?

The most convenient option for the owner of a Chinese crested dog is ready-made food. Their superiority over natural food lies in the balanced composition of minerals and vitamins, as well as proteins and fats. By giving preference to dry food, you provide your dog with complete nutrition. But there is a very important nuance in this matter: only premium food, for example, Royal Canin or Akana, is suitable for the Chinese Crested.

But it is no less useful to feed the animal with the gifts of nature. True, you will have to try to ensure that your dog’s diet is complete. In addition, natural nutrition involves taking vitamin complexes.

What should be included in the “Chinese” menu:

  • dairy products;
  • porridge (buckwheat/rice/millet/oatmeal);
  • chicken meat;
  • fruits (apples/raspberries/bananas);
  • vegetables (cucumbers/tomatoes/pumpkin).

Your dog's diet should not contain the following ingredients:

  • cheap food;
  • large bones, especially tubular ones;
  • sweets;
  • very salty dishes;
  • pork and fatty beef;
  • raw fish.

It is better to boil food for the Chinese Crested and then chop it a little. Also, there should always be water near the bowl of food.


The majority of an adult dog's diet should consist of meat, fish, boiled yolks and various fermented milk products. The animal also requires grains, vegetables, vegetable and animal fats. Boiled yolks should be cooked no more than once a week. For breakfast, you can give your dog porridge (rice, buckwheat or oatmeal) with vegetables and low-fat cottage cheese.

The second meal can be supplemented with boiled meat (chicken, turkey, beef) or fish. Seafood must be cleaned of bones, otherwise it can damage the animal’s digestive system. Crested dog puppies need to be fed several times a day. An individual nutrition schedule is drawn up based on the age and health status of the animal. The dog must have constant access to clean water.

There are a number of foods that should not be given to your crested pet. These include:

  • Onion.
  • Potato.
  • Confectionery.
  • Chocolate.
  • Alcohol.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Pickled and salted vegetables, as well as mushrooms.

You can use hypoallergenic dry food to feed your crested dog. There is no need to skimp on dog food. Poor quality feed can cause severe allergic reactions, skin rashes and increased tearing.

Chinese Crested Dog, reviews

The Chinese Crested is a dog breed that is impossible not to love. Here's what happy owners write:

Ksyusha, 25 years old: “The Hairless Chinese Crested is already my third dog. When I saw this dog breed on the Internet, I fell in love. Now I understand that this is not only a beautiful and sweet creature, but also a devoted, affectionate, ideal friend. In addition, Lola quickly became friends with my Chow Chow and French Bulldog.”

Tanya, 38 years old: “If you are looking for a smart and friendly dog, get a Chinese Crested. This is the most magnificent creature that gives positivity, love and loyalty. From personal experience, I can say that caring for this dog is not as difficult as everyone writes. Yes, the dog has a certain diet, it needs to be bathed and groomed often, but it is fun. The only disadvantage of this breed is its harmfulness. My Ricci will definitely do some mischief if he is dissatisfied with something.”

Where to buy and price

Choosing a kennel that offers Powder Puff puppies is not difficult. Oro Antenat, Status Imperial, VITTORIA DELL AMORE, and others have proven themselves well. The average price for a puppy with documents is 20,000-25,000 rubles. Some kennels offer puppies at a lower price, but most often they do not have documents. It is not recommended to buy dogs in such places; there is a possibility of acquiring a non-purebred puffball that is sick. When choosing a puppy, it is better to collect information about its parents; this can only be done in good nurseries.

The Chinese Crested Powderpuff is an excellent companion, suitable for large families with children, elderly people, and any other owners. The pet's optimism, cheerfulness, and mischievous disposition make it a good friend for adult children. The peculiarities of the coat require constant care, in return you can get an attractive-looking dog that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Grooming a Chinese Crested Dog

Caring for your dog involves regular grooming. A hygienic haircut is required, and decorative and exhibition haircuts are optional.

A hygienic haircut is carried out as follows:

  • The dog is washed, dried, combed and excess hair trimmed.
  • Shorten the fur on the ears.
  • The silhouette of the plume on the tail is trimmed.
  • Excess hair is trimmed between the fingertips.
  • Carefully shave the hair under the tail.
  • The hair on the chest and face is shaved.

A hygienic haircut is carried out every 3-4 weeks.

If the dog is a show dog, its haircut must comply with the standard. Hairless "Chinese" dogs should only have hair on their head, tail and paws. It should be smooth, shiny, without tangles. For downy dogs, the standard calls for a “veil-like” flowing coat. The standard does not make any requirements for the style of ear cutting.

Special attention can be paid to decorative haircuts. The coat and type of the Chinese Crested allows you to experiment. Professional groomers offer many interesting options for cutting and even coloring a dog. At the request of the owner, the dog can be knitted into tails, hairpins, and the dog can be turned into a lion cub, a kitten, or even an imp. Particularly interesting options are dyeing wool in pink, red-black, and blue tones.

If you decide to cut your dog’s hair yourself, use the groomer’s tips:

Consequences of a bad haircut

If you have cut your Chinese Crested Powder coat crookedly or have overdone it and brushed the excess off the hairless dog's head or tail, try trimming it.

It’s okay that the fur will temporarily become smaller. If the haircut of the puff categorically resembles the filling of a tattered padded jacket, it is best to cut it completely, bare , so that it grows evenly, in a natural order.

Important! If it doesn't work out the first time, don't be discouraged. You just haven’t gotten the hang of it yet, and wool is just wool, it will grow back.

It is much worse if you managed to injure your dog with a clipper, trimmer, scissors, or nail clipper. This can really frighten her, and problems with cosmetic procedures may arise in the future.

Don’t worry yourself, so as not to aggravate the dog’s nervous condition , treat the wound with an antiseptic and interrupt all procedures if you see that the dog is scared. Give praise and treats for calm behavior.

By the way, you need to do this without any injuries - reward the dog if it behaved decently during the procedures. Let caring for her body and fur be associated with pleasant sensations.

Nicknames of Chinese Crested Dogs:

The Chinese Crested gets its nickname at the time of litter activation. The breeder does this, and then enters the dog’s name into its pedigree. It is no longer possible to change the name after this, but the new owner can give the puppy a pet name. Only for participation in exhibitions will the nickname indicated in the documents be used.

Calling the exotic Chinese Crested by an ordinary nickname is somehow wrong, so the nicknames Sharik and Rex automatically disappear. You will need something more special and exclusive, such as Aurum or Ramses.


Interesting nicknames for Chinese Crested girls:

  • Aurora, Addie, Isa, Aqua, Alice, Alpha, Amanda, Angel, Ariel, Astra.
  • Barbie, Bella, Betty, Bonita, Bridges, Beauty, Becky.
  • Wanda, Vesta, Vanessa, Venus, Viola.
  • Glory, Gracie, Greta, Ginda.
  • Daisy, Jen, Jennifer, Gina, Dobby, Dory.
  • Eva, Blackberry.
  • Jasmine, Zhefrey, Zhura.
  • Zlata, Zuri.
  • Isabelle, Toffee.
  • Kaina, Camilla, Klyaksa, Katie.
  • Lada, Laima, Lassie, Lilu, Lina, Laura, Lorna.
  • Margo, Mirana, Mirlana.
  • Naomi, North, Noira.
  • Palma, Penelope, Paris.
  • Rainbow, Rika, Rammy.
  • Lilac, Sophie, Stephanie, Siren, Sparta.
  • Twiggy, Tiffy, Topa, Tori.
  • Fani, Fiji, Flute, Flora, Francesca.
  • Heidi, Chloe, Holly, Hilda.
  • Tsilya.
  • Chapa, Chili, Chucha, Chaka, Chelli.
  • Shiny, Sherry, Shosha, Shandy.
  • Evie, Alice, Elba, Elya, Esther.
  • Yucca, Juno.


Respectable nicknames for boys:

  • August, Ike, Aston.
  • Basil, Bond, Brioche, Bud.
  • White, Viking, Winter.
  • Gavrik, Gideon, Gosha, Grimhild.
  • Daric, Jason, Dorian.
  • Marshmallow.
  • Icarus, Ginger.
  • Cupcake, Cupcake, Klepa.
  • Lucky, Lassie, Lotus, Luntik.
  • Mike, Macho, Magic, Monty.
  • Nike, Nelson, Norton.
  • Oswald, Oscar, Ocean.
  • Pablo, Peach, Pixel, Poof.
  • Rafael, Richie, Ronnie.
  • Salvador, Sapphire, Suzuki.
  • Tyler, Tokyo, Thor.
  • Fedor, Flor, Fox.
  • Hunt, Hygge.
  • Charles, Shpunik.
  • Elf, Anthony, Eric,
  • Yukki, Yust.

How to train a Chinese Crested puppy:

Teaching a puppy to go to the toilet in the right place is quite difficult. This requires time and patience. First you need to decide on a place for the toilet, and then start studying. Track where the puppy relieves itself and place a diaper or tray there. If this location does not suit you, gradually move the tray in the desired direction, but no more than 3-4 cm per week.

Once you have a Chinese Crested puppy, remove the rugs for a while to prevent the dog from choosing them instead of the litter box.

to the diaper

If you are going to accustom your puppy to a diaper, decide which one you will use:

  • Disposable diapers are convenient to use, they do not need to be washed, and they absorb moisture well. But you will need a lot of them, because the puppy goes to the toilet very often.
  • Reusable diapers will save your budget, but you will have to constantly wash them, since puppies are very clean and will not wear a dirty diaper a second time.

Methods for training a Chinese Crested to a diaper:

  • Choose a place for the diaper. Constantly monitor the puppy to catch the moment when he wants to go to the toilet. It’s easy to understand: the puppy is fussing, spinning, sniffing. You need to catch the puppy and put him in a diaper. If he does his job in the right place, he needs to be praised and given a treat. As a rule, the puppy wants to go to the toilet more often after sleeping and eating. But he still can’t stand it until 5-6 months, so small embarrassments in the form of a puddle on the floor will still happen. At this moment, there is no need to scold the puppy, just take the diaper, dip it in the puddle and let the dog sniff. And then treat the crime scene well so that there is no smell left.
  • If it doesn’t work with one diaper, place several diapers at once in all the places where the puppy poops. And gradually remove them one by one. This will make it easier for the puppy to learn to go to the toilet in only one place.
  • If unsuccessful, you can leave the puppy in a special enclosure. Place the puppy's bed and diaper in it. When the baby gets used to wearing a diaper, the enclosure can be removed.

to the tray

To make the toilet training process easier, you need to purchase a suitable tray:

  • It should be spacious so that the dog fits completely and can sit comfortably.
  • To prevent the puppy from turning over with the tray, it is better to buy a model with sides.
  • If you have a male dog, you need to buy a tray with a post for tags.

An excellent tray model with artificial grass or odor absorber.

You can accustom your puppy to the tray in the same way as to the diaper. But as experience shows, it is better to first accustom the dog to the diaper, and then gradually transfer it to the tray. When the dog gets used to it, the diaper is completely removed, leaving only the tray.

to the toilet

While the puppy is small and in quarantine, you cannot take him outside to the toilet. This period should be devoted to accustoming the puppy to a diaper. When all vaccinations are completed, you can begin toilet training your dog. On the street, you need to choose a suitable place on the grass, where outside dogs do not walk and dogs do not leave marks. After the puppy has slept, eaten or played actively, you need to take him outside and give the command “go to the toilet.”

If the dog went to the toilet in the right place, he is rewarded with a treat; if he tries to choose another place, he is taken away from there and told “no”. After 2-3 weeks of training, the dog develops a schedule and begins to go to the toilet only in a certain place.

Breed parameters

The Chinese Crested Powder Dog must conform to the official description of the breed, any deviation is considered a fault . There are a number of criteria that must be adhered to:

  • body type;
  • dimensions;
  • weight;
  • appearance.

Dog physique

There are three main types:

  1. "Deer". This is a graceful, long-legged dog with a thin skeleton, but often has an unbalanced psyche.
  2. "Cobby" (from the English stocky). A squat dog with shorter legs. She has a heavy bone structure.
  3. Intermediate type. A middle option between deer and stocky.


The height at the withers depends on the gender of the pet. Females are shorter, their height varies around 23–30 cm. Males are more developed, reaching 27–35 cm.


Depends on your body type. Due to their light frame, deer-type dogs weigh around 2.5 kg. “Cobbies” weigh up to 5 kg, and pets of the intermediate type weigh 4.5 kg.


Let's list the main nuances:


Slightly reminiscent of a fox: elongated, tapering towards the nose, but not very pointed. This structure is due to the fact that the Chinese Crested Powder Dog is an excellent hunter of rats and mice.


Unlike, for example, a French Bulldog, the color of her nose can be different.


Dark in color, medium in size, the white is almost invisible.


Low-set, can be either standing or semi-hanging.


Scissor bite - the upper row of teeth covers the lower row.


Elongated, with a wide chest, the ribs do not protrude, the stomach does not sag.


Thin-boned, hare-shaped, that is, they have two elongated central fingers. This allows them to run well. The carpal bones are elongated, especially on the forelimbs. Thanks to this structure of their paws, Puffballs love to dig holes, even more than Dachshunds. If you give her free rein, she will dig up the entire area where she walks. Therefore, it is worth teaching her to dig holes only in a certain place.


Her outer hair is long and silky, not curly. The coat resembles a veil. Various color combinations are allowed. Puppies' coat color may change as they grow older. However, already at three months of age, the hair roots can be used to determine its future color.

The fur of Chinese Crested Powder Dogs does not cause allergies and is odorless. Puffballs have a poorly developed undercoat and therefore they shed little. They are perfect for allergy sufferers and even asthmatics. However, they cannot be called completely hypoallergenic - the components of their saliva and secretions of the skin glands in rare cases can still provoke allergies.

Interesting photo


Puffballs are very smart and perceptive . Like the German Spitz, they carefully look at the behavior of their owner and study his habits. And if, for example, they see that a person is currently busy with something, they will not get in the way and bother. If they notice that their owner is not in the best mood, they will definitely try to console him.

Its small size and intelligence make it easy to train your four-legged friend to wear a diaper or use a litter tray. But it is important to consider the temperament of the Chinese Crested Powder Dog. She is energetic, active and loves long walks in the fresh air.

Puffballs have a good memory and also strive to do everything possible to please their owner . Therefore, they are easy to train. While playing with your pet, like the Yorkshire Terrier, you can teach him various circus tricks. They can jump and walk on their hind legs, climb stairs and even dance.

From the age of three weeks, the puppy should begin to be taught to follow basic commands. The puffers study diligently and attend courses with pleasure. At OKD (general dog training course), they become familiar with basic commands and obedience standards. And taking the “Dog in the City” course helps manage your pet’s behavior while walking around the city, that is, control its reaction to other dogs, pedestrians, cyclists, passing cars, etc.

As smart as the Chinese Crested Powder Dog is, it should not be walked in busy areas without a leash. The baby does not know how to stand up for herself and, in case of danger, will not defend herself, but will get scared and run away.

Puffs can not only amaze with funny tricks. You can take part in dog frisbee competitions with them - when a dog catches a thrown flying saucer. Since they are active and love to play outside, they can also be trained for agility competitions, that is, running over obstacles.

Character of the Chinese puffball

Puffballs have a strong emotional connection with their owner, they adore him and strive to be close to him all the time. They look into the eyes and enjoy following the person's heels. Often single people get such pets as companions.

And also Chinese Crested Powder Dogs can live in a large family. They do not single out a leader, but are equally attached to all members of the household. They are very loyal and very bored; if one of the family members is absent for a long time, they can even become depressed. Adult dogs have a hard time with a change of owner, worry for a long time and cannot find a place for themselves.

Puffballs are sociable, friendly and not at all aggressive. They love to play with children and will never bite them. On the contrary, you need to ensure that the child does not injure the pet, since it is difficult for children to understand the difference between a live dog and a plush toy.

The peculiarities of the breed include the fact that Puffs are good mothers and love to babysit even adult puppies.

When meeting a stranger, Chinese Puffy Crested Dogs initially show distrust, but quickly find a common language. They also rarely bark. Therefore, many society ladies appear with them at various public events.

The disadvantage of the breed is their habit of chewing everything. If you don’t want your pet to try different things on his teeth, buy him as many rubber chewing toys without squeakers as possible.

Compatibility with other animals

The peaceful nature of Puffballs allows them to get along with other pets. They easily make friends among other dogs and animals and get along with them in the same house without any problems.

Clothes of Chinese Crested Dogs photo

In the summer, the Chinese Crested does not need to be dressed, but to maintain style, you can dress it up in a cotton T-shirt, T-shirt, dress or skirt (if you have a girl).

In winter, the dog will need a warm overall and boots.

If it’s raining outside, the dog will be comfortable in a raincoat or waterproof blanket.

During the demi-season period, the dog's wardrobe should consist of suits made of thin fabrics that will protect the fur from dirt and moisture.

A festive outfit for special occasions wouldn't hurt either.

The Chinese Crested is an amazing dog that will give you a lot of joy and pleasant memories!

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