Is it possible to bathe a dog with regular human shampoo?

  • Dogs

As a rule, pets living in the city rarely come into contact with real dirt, and on a clean sidewalk and green lawn in the park it is difficult to get dirty. However, some still manage to do so, leaving owners wondering whether it is possible to wash their dog with human shampoo, shower gel or soap. We will answer this in this article.

Under normal conditions, dogs should be bathed no more than once every few months (2-4 times a year), with the exception of some breeds that love to swim. However, it is recommended to wash dogs only as needed when they are very dirty.

Can I wash my dog ​​with regular shampoo?

Has your dog rolled around in something unappetizing or taken a mud bath? The dog needs to be washed with shampoo, and some dog owners grab the first shampoo that comes to hand: children's or their own human shampoo, based on the motto “What is good for children cannot be bad for the dog.” However, it is worth knowing that dog skin is significantly different from human skin.

The condition of a dog's coat and skin is a mirror of the condition of its internal organs. Metabolic disorders, unbalanced nutrition, and lack of proper and regular care for the coat and skin immediately affect the dog’s appearance. Dry, dull, brittle hair, excessive hair loss, the presence of dandruff and other skin “sores” are the first signs of improper care for your pet. Not a single cosmetic product can replace or compensate for all elements and substances in the absence of proper, complete and balanced nutrition, so first of all you need to seriously consider choosing your dog’s food.

The next step is to choose the right cosmetics to care for your pet’s skin and coat. Of course, a healthy dog ​​will go through more than one wash with human shampoo before we notice a clear deterioration in the condition of its skin and coat. However, the hair follicles will weaken due to an imbalance in the skin, irritation will appear, the hair will lose its natural protection, become brittle and dull, stop growing and fall out. Restoring the structure of the coat is a very long process and sometimes takes 6-12 months. But it is possible to smooth out or partially hide the consequences of improper hair care with the help of modern cosmetic developments. Dog skin is actually significantly different in structure from human skin.

So is it possible to wash with human shampoo and soap? The answer is simple - in emergency cases it is possible. If there is no specialized shampoo for dogs, the pet store is already closed or there is none nearby, and the pet is very dirty, then you can wash it using human shampoo.

It is important to know at what age you can bathe a puppy. So, whether using shampoo or not, the first bath should be done at the age of no earlier than 2 months.

Many owners write on the forums that you can wash your dog with regular laundry soap, and that after it their pets do not have any dandruff, and their coat is shiny and beautiful. However, it is better to use special products for dogs, because regular ones with frequent bathing lead to a violation of the acidity of the animal’s skin.

Breeders' advice

Ask the breeder or kennel where the dog was purchased what product was used to bathe the puppy. After all, from birth until the moment the puppy got to its new owners, it was washed several times.

For show Yorkies, choose a shampoo that promotes coat growth

After washing it should become silkier.

A high-quality shampoo does not have a persistent odor, the fur is well washed and completely cleaned. After bathing there is no irritation or itching on the skin.

In addition, use fur masks. With their help, skin dryness is reduced and the pH level is restored.

If your Yorkie has sensitive skin, it is better to use soothing shampoos.

A high-quality shampoo should be without strong aromas and have a neutral color.

The natural product must contain aloe vera and oils (citrus fruits and tea tree).

Professional shampoos, nourishing and vitamin masks will help get rid of dandruff.

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What is the best way to wash animals?

To maintain hygiene, you need to bathe your puppy with special shampoos, divided into several categories. Pet stores offer a lot of products for caring for the hair and skin of dogs, which sometimes makes it difficult to choose - after all, it is easier to choose something universal that could be used in all cases. But this approach is wrong and cannot be justified by any arguments.

What shampoo?

Dogs should be washed with special shampoos designed specifically to care for their skin and coat.

The selection of shampoo depends on several factors:

  • Breed and age of the dog. There are specially developed products for puppies and older dogs, as well as for large and small breeds;
  • The purpose of washing is simple cleaning or getting rid of lice or odor;
  • Coat lengths – long-haired dog breeds require products that not only cleanse, but also soften the coat, making it easier to comb and giving it shine (this effect can be achieved by additionally using balms and masks). For example, owners of poodles should choose shampoos that prevent matting, while owners of dogs with white fur are recommended to use bleaching products.

Important! It should be noted right away that you cannot use human shampoos or soaps, because the acid-base balance of human and dog skin is very different and shampoos intended even for delicate and sensitive human skin can harm the pet.

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For complete care of your pet, it is recommended to purchase several types of shampoos - for weekly use, against fleas, dandruff and odor. And now more details.

Selection of shampoo by breed and coat type

The coat of long-haired dogs requires more careful care - washing with shampoo, rinsing with a special anti-tangle balm, etc., while short-haired dogs, for example, need softening and shine-inducing shampoos.

White wool quickly fades, acquiring a gray tint. Dogs with white coats require bleaching products. They are also suitable for light-colored dogs, giving the coat a silvery tint.

Chocolate or black coats may lose pigmentation and become dull and unattractive. For such cases, tinted shampoos are recommended, which, having a gentle effect, have a fairly long-lasting effect, saturating the animal’s fur with the necessary pigments.

Shampoos for dogs prone to allergies should be colorless and odorless. It is recommended to contain aloe vera with a moisturizing and protective effect.

Depending on the purpose of use, you can choose specially designed shampoos against:

  • Fleas and lice;
  • Dandruff and itching;
  • Other skin diseases;
  • For frequent use.

For preventive purposes or if necessary, you can use special anti-flea shampoos. They do an excellent job of killing not only adults, but also their larvae. Such funds, after some time (usually 10-14 days), are reapplied.

Detergents containing chlorhexidine have also been created, which effectively eliminates itching. Shampoos that combat the typical odor of dog hair are widely used. To prevent your dog from smelling like “dog,” use them periodically.

Other means

Shower gels and artificial soaps also contain sodium lauryl sulfate, but in much higher concentrations, as they are intended for hands that have a rougher texture and often come into contact with dirty surfaces.

Balms, masks, creams consist of plant extracts, oils, vitamin mixtures, and some synthetic laboratory components.

In theory, they can be used without much harm, but in practice, it is better to consult a veterinarian regarding questionable ingredients.

We also recommend reading our other articles about washing your dog with laundry or tar soap.

What else can you wash your dog with?

Dogs of any breed are washed with shampoo, but its composition can vary significantly depending on the purpose.

There are tools including:

  • mink oil, which prevents the formation of tangles and makes the wool smooth and shiny;
  • chlorhexidine, which fights skin inflammation and allergies;
  • chamomile, aloe and string for sensitive skin.

In addition to regular shampoos, there are other varieties:

  1. Dry shampoo. This is a powder that, when rubbed into the wool, absorbs fat, gives the coat shine and a pleasant smell. But you should know that it is not advisable to use it often. This product is used to wash old dogs or those who have undergone surgery.
  2. After a walk, if the paws are heavily soiled, it is better to wash them with a softening shampoo with vitamins, citric and ascorbic acids.

To combat fleas, use a specialized insecticide.

Which to choose?

If you still bathe your dog with a product for people, then when choosing, you need to remember a few rules :

  1. The composition of the shampoo should be as short as possible. The fewer unnecessary components there are, the better.
  2. You should not unconditionally believe the labels “natural” and “natural”. Most often this is a ploy for inattentive buyers. Read the composition.
  3. Choose shampoos with a pH close to 7 units. (for oily hair, for restoration).
  4. Look for products containing calcium compounds, elastin, various plant proteins, and peptide fractions, as they can improve the condition of the hair and strengthen it.

REFERENCE! Dogs' sebaceous glands work differently than humans'. They maintain a constant amount of sebum and hair sebum, regardless of external conditions, temperature, humidity.


Shampoos for children, just like expensive ones for dogs, are based on soft ingredients, which are herbal tinctures and decoctions. Sometimes they generally consist of one component without impurities. Most likely, children's products will be useless for dogs , since they will simply “get stuck” in the hair without reaching the root. Therefore, we recommend that you abandon the idea of ​​washing your dog with this shampoo.

How to wash your dog with homemade shampoo?

  1. Wearing gloves, moisten the animal's fur with the prepared product and rub it in thoroughly.
  2. Gently wash the face with a terry cloth so that the product does not get into the eyes and nose of the animal.
  3. Leave on for 5 minutes (until the smell disappears), then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  4. Some areas may need to be treated and washed again.
  5. Rinse any remaining product down the drain with running water.
  6. Carefully! Do not store detergent in a sealed container.

Precautions when swimming

Don't make the water too hot.
The higher the water temperature or, conversely, the excessively cooler, the greater the stress. And it will be reflected not only on the animal’s psyche, but also physiologically on the skin. Do not draw too much water to completely eliminate the possibility of your dog swallowing excess water from the bath. The ideal solution in this case would be washing in the shower, and it is better that the watering can be fixed towards the animal’s back

Then the water will not pour on your face, which is quite unpleasant, but will only help you in washing.

Do not wash the face, wash especially carefully near the nose, eyes, and mouth. It is impossible for any chemical to get into these organs, because it is even more difficult for a dog to cope with unpleasant sensations than for a person.

Thoroughly rinse all soap off your dog.

This is a necessary parameter; it will not only eliminate poisoning, but also completely relieve the skin from subsequent irritation from foam residues.

When should you not wash your dog?

You need to know not only whether it is possible to wash a dog with human shampoo, but also in what cases it should not be bathed at all.

For example, you cannot wash your pet:

  • for 2 weeks after vaccinations (vaccination);
  • for 3 days and 3 days after flea treatment;
  • It is not recommended to wash a pregnant dog with flea products;
  • Do not wash animals that have serious illnesses.

Some rules for bathing dogs

Before you start bathing, close all windows and turn off the air conditioning to prevent your pet from catching a cold. The bathroom should be warm. Place a rubber mat or towel on the bottom of the bathtub. If the dog gets scared and wants to run away, it should not slip. Hold her by the collar while washing her. You can tie a leash to the faucet.

Note! If your dog slips, it can cause injury and even a broken leg!

Wear practical long sleeves. After bathing, the dog will definitely want to shake himself off, be prepared to get wet. A long sleeve will protect you at least a little from claws and teeth. Calmly invite your dog to the bath, do not shout or scold your pet. Offer him a treat so that bath procedures are associated with something pleasant.

Carefully! Do not pour water on your head and under no circumstances allow it to get into your eyes and ears!

To cover your dog's ears, use a special cap. It’s better not to wash your hair at all, but just wipe it with a damp cloth. Start bathing from the neck, back, smoothly moving to the stomach, paws and tail. First, wet the coat generously, then apply the pre-dissolved shampoo evenly. Whip up a rich foam, apply to the coat, then massage and leave for a few minutes. Rinse off the foam carefully, starting from the back. Make sure the shampoo is completely rinsed out and the water runs off the coat completely clean. Use a balm or conditioner. They also need to be washed off thoroughly. After washing, gently wring out the fur with your hands, then wrap your dog in towels. Change them until the coat is completely dry.


Is it possible to bathe puppies

Puppies get dirty much more often than adult dogs and end up smelling bad.

The truth is that there is no reason to deny them a bath before they have received all the necessary vaccinations. Just be careful with the type of shampoo you use, the temperature of the water and the environment because you don't want to let your puppy get cold. After the bath it is necessary to dry the wool well. The sooner we start bathing the baby, the better. This way the dogs will get used to the bath much faster.


“Royal Groom shampoo lathers well. Despite the small volume, 3 months is definitely enough. A very convenient dispenser, indispensable when you wash a pet who doesn’t want to do it at all. You don’t have to do a bunch of unnecessary actions!”

“We have been using Bio Groom for 2 years and have no complaints, it suited us 100%. Each dog needs to select cosmetics individually, I hit the nail on the head – that’s great!”

Now you know what to choose for your pet and how to properly care for it. Health, strength to you and your pet and winning prizes at exhibitions.

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