Estrus, pregnancy and childbirth of the West Siberian Laika

Pregnancy of the West Siberian Laika

According to the rules of the Belarusian Canine Association, West Siberian Laika females are allowed for breeding from 18 months, males - from 15 months.

“Pregnancy is for health” is one of the most dangerous myths of many owners!

Pregnancy is not a healing process. This is a lot of stress and strain on the immune system and internal organs. Therefore, only a perfectly healthy dog ​​should give birth.

As a rule, the pregnancy of the West Siberian Laika lasts 63 days. The maximum difference is from 53 to 71 days, in which case the puppies are born viable.

1. At an early stage (the first 3 weeks after mating) it is impossible to determine whether the bitch is pregnant.

2. At the 4th week, using ultrasound, you can estimate the approximate number of puppies.

3. At the 5th week, the sides become more convex (sometimes the sign is absent until the 7th week), the skin of the nipples becomes lighter.

4. At the 6th week, puppies can be palpated. After this, the size of the fruit increases, the nipples become softer and larger.


It’s better if the palpation is carried out by a veterinarian; you can damage the fruit yourself.

During pregnancy, the dog should move, but not become overtired. The expectant mother should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary, take long trips by car or public transport, or be kept in a noisy, cramped room. If during pregnancy your dog's condition suddenly changes, he begins to refuse to eat, his temperature rises, or there is discharge from the genitals, you should consult a veterinarian.

The second half of pregnancy may be characterized by minor mucous discharge. The discharge becomes abundant, yellowish or greenish - this means that labor is approaching. 1–2 days before giving birth, the dog begins to worry, whine, lick the genitals, and scratch the walls or floor. Pulse, breathing, and urination increase. The dog refuses food and drinks constantly.

How puppies develop in the belly of a mother dog

The first signs of a dog’s special condition, in which developing embryos are located in its reproductive organs, are noticeable already on the twentieth day. The skin tissue on the animal's abdomen swells slightly, the outer parts of the mammary glands become larger, and the nipples acquire a reddish tint. A characteristic sign for the development of normal gestation is the rounding of the tummy in the area of ​​the ribs.

Note! In an animal clinic, an accurate diagnosis can be determined using an ultrasound machine. It is best to carry out a diagnosis starting from the 21st day of the pet’s expected condition.

During a non-invasive examination of the dog’s body, the embryos contained in the amniotic sacs will be visible on the display screen. Each child of the mother dog is clearly visible, starting from the 32nd day of pregnancy. At this time, in addition to nipple enlargement, mammary gland secretion is possible. This phenomenon occurs very rarely, since milk is usually poured 24 hours before or after childbirth.

Fetuses diagnosed by ultrasound

The gestational period proceeds as follows:

  • in the first 15 days after conception, the embryos are hidden under a special bladder and gradually move from the ovaries to the uterine cavity. Then they are firmly fixed on its walls and grow;
  • starting from the fortieth day, the internal organs, skeleton, and nervous system are formed in the fetus. The respiratory and auditory organs become visible in the muzzle area. At this stage, babies grow eyelashes and tactile mechanosensitive hairs and fur;
  • on the fiftieth day, the bones of the embryos become stronger, and the genital organs of the cubs are formed. During this period, it is already possible to examine in detail the position of the fruits. In addition, it is at this time that their baby teeth develop, hair grows on their muzzle and tummy;
  • on the 58th day, the babies are ready for birth.

False pregnancy of the West Siberian husky

False pregnancy is common in dogs of all breeds. This is the name for the psycho-physiological state of a bitch that has not been fertilized, but still shows signs of pregnancy. In this case, the dog diligently arranges a “nest” and may even experience something similar to contractions. As a rule, false pregnancy is observed in dogs with irregular matings and is associated with hormonal development disorders.

If a dog is sterilized, false pregnancy does not occur!

If the bitch begins to show signs of a false pregnancy, it is necessary to remove the toys. Self-licking of nipples increases the symptoms of false pregnancy. This can be prevented by putting a collar and blanket on the dog. Limit your protein intake.

If the bitch is showing aggression, extreme agitation, or developing physical problems (such as mastitis), medication will be needed. Contact your veterinarian.

False pregnancy may be a symptom of a disease (hypothyroidism or liver dysfunction).

If there are frequent strong manifestations of false pregnancy, you should contact the clinic for examination. Most likely, you will be asked to donate blood for biochemistry and hormones.

Births of the West Siberian Laika

It is necessary to prepare everything you need in advance. The “birthing room” should be warm, ventilated and calm, as well as comfortable for people - you will spend quite a lot of time there. A week before the expected birth, move the bitch to the “delivery room”, she should get used to this place.

Prepare a box for newborns (special beds are available for sale). You will also need: infrared heating lamp, disposable diapers, heating pad or plastic bottle with warm water, cotton wool, cotton rags, towels (8 pieces), hand wash, thermometer, milk replacer, bottle and pacifiers, muzzle, collar, leash, glucose solution.

Keep your veterinarian's phone number visible.

A day before the event, the West Siberian husky refuses to eat, and its body temperature drops. The bitch becomes restless, tears up the bedding and makes a nest.

IMPORTANT: The dog must be closely monitored so that it does not climb into a hard-to-reach place.

When labor begins, call your veterinarian and let him be on call just in case. Put a collar on the bitch. Next, your task is to sit quietly and not fuss. You can do yoga or meditate.

Stages of labor

A West Siberian husky puppy is born in a “package” - a transparent film called the afterbirth. Usually the bitch tears it herself and eats it. Don't be alarmed - this is normal, she won't eat the puppy.

Do not allow the bitch to eat the afterbirth if it is greenish-black in color with a putrid odor.

Keep track of the number of afterbirths, there should be as many as there were puppies. Sometimes the afterbirth may remain inside and only come out at the end of labor.

If at least one placenta remains inside, the bitch may suffer from inflammation (metritis). If you are not sure that all the placenta has come out, be sure to take your dog for an ultrasound.

A West Siberian husky puppy can be born while the bitch is standing. It falls to the ground, but it's usually harmless. Intervention is only justified if the mother is in shock, ignores the cubs, or attacks them. In this case, call an experienced breeder - he will tell you what to do.

Something went wrong…

If the mother tries to attack the puppies, muzzle her and move each pup out of earshot. Remove the film, wipe the puppy with a towel, remove mucus from the mouth and nostrils with a syringe. If the puppy is not breathing, try rubbing him with a towel. Sometimes artificial respiration is necessary - gently breathe air into the puppy's mouth and nose. The chest should rise at the same time. Repeat the breath every 2-3 seconds until the puppy begins to breathe on its own. Place the puppies in a cardboard box with a heating pad. Make sure the kids don't get burned.

Remember that the dog is in a state of shock, talk to it kindly, calm it down.

After the birth is over, when the bitch has rested and drunk milk with glucose, try introducing her to the puppies again. Lay the mother on her side, hold her head, stroke her. A second person can hold the puppy to the nipple. If the bitch has accepted the puppy, you can carefully place the rest. But keep holding it.

Even if everything is fine, you should not relax. After feeding, clean the puppies and wash their butts. If your dog is comfortable licking the puppies, you can choose to risk leaving them in her care or take the box away and return it for the next feeding.

Sometimes in the first hours after giving birth, due to shock, the bitch ignores the puppies: she refuses to feed, wash or stay with them. Here you will have to force the bitch to feed the puppies, but you will have to wash the babies yourself. Massage (clockwise) the perineal area with a cotton swab soaked in warm water to stimulate the release of feces and urine.

Sometimes a bitch tries to kill her offspring. But it’s still better to force her to feed the puppies. Put a muzzle on her and secure her in a lying position. One person can hold it and the other can apply the puppies to the nipples. Artificial feeding is not a substitute for breast milk, so use it only as a last resort.

Important: Puppies need a full feeding every 2 hours.

As a rule, sooner or later the bitch still accepts puppies. Cases when hatred turns out to be persistent are extremely rare.

Warning: Whatever happens, even if the bitch eats all the babies, don't blame her. The birth of the puppies was your idea, and it was you who forced the bitch to give birth. She doesn’t understand what she’s doing; hormonal imbalances and shock force her to behave in a way completely unusual for her.

Possible complications

Caesarean section is the surgical removal of puppies when they cannot be born naturally. If you leave puppies within reach of a recovering bitch, she may kill them.

Eclampsia is milk fever associated with calcium deficiency. Symptoms: anxiety, semi-consciousness, tossing, and sometimes convulsions. A calcium injection can work wonders in this case.

Mastitis is a bacterial infection of the mammary glands. Symptoms: fever, lack of appetite. The affected nipple is hot, sore and swollen. Veterinarian consultation and antibiotics are required.

Metritis is inflammation of the uterus after childbirth. Causes: retained placenta, injury or dead puppy. Symptoms: dark discharge, loss of appetite, high fever. Urgent treatment with antibiotics is required, possibly a smear test.

Every owner of a husky girl sooner or later thinks about breeding and future offspring. When this is the future first litter of huskies , literally everything is scary. When the bitch is ready for mating, how to properly prepare for the upcoming birth and what you need to know about this natural process in dogs, we’ll tell you today.

When can you breed a husky?

No matter how much you would like to get the long-awaited tiny babies as soon as possible, there is no need to rush in this matter. the husky develops up to two years of age . The body must be fully strengthened in order to produce healthy and strong offspring in the future. Therefore, the first, second and even third heat should pass without incidents or unforeseen situations. Carefully monitor the bitch during this period; it is advisable not to let her off the leash during walks, so that the lady does not run away after the gentleman she likes. Be especially careful from the tenth day of estrus. It is during this period that the chance of becoming pregnant after contact with a male increases and, accordingly, “bringing” unwanted offspring. But, let's talk about everything in order.

So, your girl's first heat should occur at the age of six months. Depending on the physiological and individual characteristics of the bitch, this period can vary up to nine months.

Important! As soon as you notice the first signs of estrus (enlargement of the loop, changes in behavior or discharge), immediately write down the date in a notebook. This will make it easier for you in the future to track the cycle of estrus and properly prepare for a husky pregnancy .

As a rule, estrus occurs twice a year, every six months. There are also exceptions when the female body is ready for mating only once a year. But, as mentioned above, estrus is not a sign of the body’s readiness, it is a sign of maturation. A bitch can be bred at the age of one and a half to two years. That is, approximately on the third or fourth heat.


So, you did everything right, prepared, found a gentleman and carried out a successful mating, re-fixing the result. The work done signals the upcoming offspring. But the very beautiful position of the bitch pretty much frightens novice dog breeders, because there will be no obvious signs that a pregnant husky will not show up in the first couple of days. Changes in behavior are possible; the girl becomes lethargic, calm and less mobile. Food refusal is likely. As a rule, this apathy disappears after a week, and then the dog returns to its normal life.

Obvious signs of a female dog appearing only after a month. Her appetite and thirst increase significantly. The dog becomes calmer, obedient and flexible. An enlargement of the abdomen is noticed, and, depending on the stage of pregnancy, the fetuses can be seen on ultrasound or palpated.

The due date has passed, but labor does not begin - what is the reason?

Among the most common reasons that a pet is pregnant for too long and does not give birth are the following:

  • diseases of the female;
  • delay in fetal development;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • pathologies of the genital organs;
  • errors in calculations when calculating gestational age.

In any case, if the pregnancy period is exceeded, the dog should be examined by a doctor. If the puppies are alive, they need to be removed as quickly as possible to prevent the development of hypoxia. If dead embryos are discovered, the operation is carried out immediately, since the bitch may experience severe intoxication.

Sources: zdorovye/razmnozhenie/skolko-dlitsya-beremennost-u-sobak.html

How long does a husky's pregnancy last?

average gestation period for huskies But even here you should not lose sight of the individual characteristics of the bitch and the nuances of this process. It is considered normal if a pregnant husky walks for 53 - 71 days. Too early childbirth, as well as postmaturity, are fraught with negative consequences, both for the future offspring and for the bitch herself. If husky puppies are not born on the 71st day of pregnancy, you must urgently go to a veterinary clinic for examination and consultation with a specialist. Remember, any delay can cost the lives of the puppies and mother!

Differences in timing between dogs of different breeds

To determine the timing of thoroughbred animals, you need to start from their dimensions. The larger they are, the longer it takes to form fruits.

In small

Due to its modest dimensions, future mothers often encounter gastrointestinal problems. Their enlarged uterus begins to crowd the stomach, so food is made as high in calories as possible, but small in volume.

In the middle ones

In large

Large representatives (wolfhounds, mastiffs, mastiffs) remain pregnant for 63-65 days, but sometimes the period is extended to 72 days. This is due to the cubs being too large and requiring a long time to develop. Despite the small number of offspring, childbirth often occurs with complications due to the problematic passage of overgrown babies through the birth canal.

Caring for a pregnant bitch

Despite the fact that giving birth to a husky is a natural process, the dog still needs additional care and special treatment during this period. Carefully monitor your diet, include in your food as many healthy foods as possible, rich in various vitamins and minerals. Be sure to include vitamins in the daily menu of a pregnant woman, and after a nursing husky. But you shouldn’t buy them yourself. The huge variety of vitamin supplements is sure to confuse you and lead you astray. Therefore, be sure to consult with your veterinarian about possible vitamin and nutritional supplements.

In addition to nutrition, be sure to monitor your pregnant bitch. In recent weeks, do not allow her to jump from the sofa or other high surfaces. Reduce physical activity, eliminate strong, forceful exercise. But you shouldn’t feel too sorry for the dog. She should lead a full lifestyle, walk and even run every day. All this will help prepare the body for the birth of husky puppies.

A little about feeding

A nursing husky needs a balanced diet. Now she needs this more than ever, because puppies take all the beneficial vitamins and minerals through milk. Watch the bitch’s diet and choose the menu carefully, since the husky feeds the puppies . Then, as the kids grow up, you will have to take care of a healthy menu for the younger generation.

Pregnancy and childbirth in dogs is a natural process. And, if the dog is completely healthy, there are no significant pathologies, then there will be no problems with childbirth. All you have to do is prepare the dog, choose a gentleman and clearly understand how to care for a pregnant bitch. Also, knowledge of how to deliver a baby and what to do with puppies will not be superfluous. After all, situations are sometimes different and unforeseen. The only thing I would like to draw attention to is that no matter how confident you are in your abilities, be sure to agree with the veterinarian about an emergency call if something goes wrong. This will be a guarantee and additional insurance that nothing bad will happen to your girl and puppies.

  • health
  • Laika

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The birth of the husky

The long, painful wait is behind us, and any day now the husky should go into labor. Is everything ready for you? No? Then write it down quickly, it’s time to start preparing.

If a Laika gives birth to puppies for the first time , be sure to agree with the veterinarian about the upcoming event and his presence at it. It is best if you entrust this matter to a professional who knows his business. If you decide that you will deliver the baby yourself, then you should stock up on:

  • clean diapers;
  • antiseptic-treated scissors;
  • bandages;
  • a heating pad with warm water;
  • a separate box where newborn husky puppies will be placed immediately after birth;
  • scales for weighing babies;
  • multi-colored ribbons for marking newborn puppies;
  • notepad and pen for writing.

Since pregnancy lasts for huskies on average 63 days, but deviations from this date are possible, you should be ready as early as the fiftieth. Collect everything at once in a separate bag and put it away until hour X, when labor begins, you have everything at hand.

The bitch herself will tell you that a husky is giving birth. A day or two before the upcoming birth, the dog becomes agitated, begins to burrow and set up a family nest, and flatly refuses food, drink, and even walking. A sharp decrease in body temperature is also considered a sure sign of impending childbirth. Therefore, it is important to systematically measure the animal’s body temperature from the fiftieth day in order to clearly trace the dynamics of changes.

If the dog is absolutely healthy, and the gestation of the husky puppies proceeded smoothly, there will be no problems with childbirth. No outside participation is required, and all you have to do is monitor the process and weigh, tie ribbons and make appropriate notes in your diary.

If for some reason, after giving birth, the dog does not take up the puppy, does not lick it and does not show interest, you should literally take matters into your own hands. If necessary:

  • cut the umbilical cord;
  • Take the puppy in your hand, covering it with the other, and shake it well. This is required to remove excess fluid and mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • then wipe the baby and attach it to the mother until the next puppy comes out.
  • As soon as labor resumes, put the previous baby in a box with a warm heating pad. You should not cover it with blankets so that the baby does not get confused and, for example, dislocate a paw by catching a claw on a soft blanket fabric.
  • As soon as the husky whelped , all the puppies were born, and the last placenta came out, wash it, give it warm water and be sure to take it for a walk. After giving birth, a Laika may refuse to go for walks, afraid to leave the puppies. It's okay, because a five-minute walk in the fresh air will do her good.

Important! After a walk, wash your animal thoroughly. Not only the paws, but also the stomach, genitals and even the face. All this is necessary so that the new mother does not bring any infection to her still weak babies.

  • Then the babies will stay with their mother, and you will be able to watch the development of the husky puppy !
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