When can you bathe a puppy: features of care for different breeds

The answer to the question of how to bathe a Labrador depends on the conditions in which the dog is kept. For example, if an animal constantly lives in an enclosure, it may never be washed with shampoo at all. It is enough to water with a hose in hot weather. But living in an apartment requires careful care. It is necessary to bathe your Labrador and carefully comb its coat.

Like every breed, Labradors have pros and cons when kept in an apartment . One of the dog’s habits is to bathe with delight in every puddle.

Photo. The grooming salon has created conditions for grooming the dog.

How often can you wash your French Bulldog?

Bathing a French Bulldog

is the most important element in grooming.
Usually dogs are bathed
5-6 times a year.
But if the dog gets very dirty during a walk, then you can
give it an extra bath. During shedding, in addition to more thorough brushing, the dog should also be washed more often.

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When can you bathe a Labrador puppy?

Breeders sell puppies at the age of 3 months. Breeders do not bathe their babies before sale. In the new owner's home, the puppy can take his first bath.

But don't rush to bathe your puppy right away. Let your baby get used to the new home.

Please note that the coat of puppies up to six months is covered with a thin protective film and does not yet have guard hairs. Therefore, in order not to damage the coat with shampoos, it is better not to rush into bathing. Wipe dirty areas with a damp towel. You can wash the puppy or wash its paws as it gets dirty.

However, if the puppy is dirty and there is a need to wash it, then give it a bath. It's OK. Most importantly, use warm water and dry your puppy well after the procedure to prevent him from getting cold.

How to bathe a Labrador puppy at home: Photo


Nail trimming is an unpleasant but necessary procedure for a Labrador dog. You need to accustom your pet to nail hygiene from the first months of life. A puppy's claws grow quite quickly, causing the dog's toes to become splayed, which interferes with the formation of healthy limbs.

To trim the puppy's cat, use manicure clippers designated for dog hygiene. The procedure must be performed very carefully, cutting off only the “hook” of each claw. If the owner accidentally cuts off the part adjacent to the puppy’s finger, this will lead to bleeding and severe pain, after which the animal will be afraid of the nail trimming procedure for quite a long time.

Adult Labradors, whose limbs are properly formed, sharpen their claws during walks. But do not forget that dogs have a fifth toe, the claw of which does not grind off on a hard surface. It is this claw that needs to be trimmed using a nail clipper purchased at a pet store.

Breed Features

The Labrador is a dog-friend, a companion dog. The breed is universal, because these dogs can be used as guide dogs, hunting assistants, and even nannies. It is surprising that the characteristics of these dogs are so diverse and include so many canine “professions”.

Labradors are very friendly and obedient dogs with a stable psyche. They respond well to training.

Ideal for living in a large family with children. They have a great time in the company of people and love everyone indiscriminately. So, perhaps, the only negative that can be found in the description of the breed is their inability to distinguish enemy from friend. Labradors are not suitable as a watchman, unless they lick a creeping robber to death.

These dogs love to swim. Nature has rewarded them with a special paw structure. They have membranes, which allows the dogs to move in the water faster than a duck and not get tired for a long time while swimming. Their tail is similar to that of an otter. Labradors spin it in the water and thereby change the direction of movement. Dogs' fur is also adapted to water procedures - it is thick and multi-layered, and the bottom layer is covered with fat.

The back of the Labrador's body has a reinforced muscle corset, which allows them to jump high and far. The recorded jump record for a Labrador is 8 meters in length. However, this advantage is overshadowed by possible joint problems as the dog ages.

When carrying something in their mouth, Labradors do not damage it by clenching their teeth. This canine feature is called a “soft mouth.” This is very important for future owners with small children. Labradors are quite healthy and are not afraid of the cold. They have an excellent memory, are quickly trained and try to take a leading position in the owner’s family.

Growth from 1 to 12 months

The first year of a Labrador’s life deserves special attention:

1 month3.4-4.8 kg23-32.5A wet and cold nose, an elastic belly, a uniform coat color, a tail similar to that of an otter. The one-month-old puppy is playful and active.
2 months7-8 kg30-32.5At this age, the baby feels comfortable away from his mother and other puppies. Baby teeth begin to develop.
3 months12-14 kg39.5-42It grows actively and becomes restless. From the moment of birth, growth triples.
4 months17-19 kg44-46An awkward body, the so-called teenage period. Teeth begin to cut. The differences between females and males are visible.
5 months21-22 kg48-51The paws lengthen, the puppy becomes stronger. Teeth change. In male dogs, the testicles droop.
6 months24-26 kg50-55The puppy must know all commands and obey easily. Getting used to using the toilet outside the home.
7 months26-28 kg52-56Puberty is reached. All the teeth have already changed.
8 months28-30 kg54-57Bitches are ready for heat and can begin to mark their territory.
9 months30-32 kg54-58The last stage of growing up occurs. The weight reaches its typical level (for females 27 kg, for males 30 kg).
10 months32-34 kg54-58The puppy looks like an adult, its physique is completely formed.
11 months34-36 kg54-60The dog stops growing.
12 months30-38 kg54-61Puppies finally take on the appearance of adult dogs. Powerful and strong paws, short tail, thickened at the base.

The growth of Labrador puppies depends on genetics, but full maturity is achieved at the age of 12 months.


There are several stages involved in training and raising a puppy. First, the pet must get used to its name and respond when called. Then the puppy needs to be taught the first commands (“Place!”, “Eat!”, “Walk!”).

Next, the animal must be taught to obey simple orders:

  • "To me!";
  • "Sit!";
  • "Lie!";
  • "Stand!";
  • "Voice!";
  • “Give me your paw!”;
  • “Aport!”;
  • "Fas!";
  • "Near!";
  • "Ugh!".

Naturally, command training is carried out gradually. You cannot demand everything from a dog at once. On each walk you need to consolidate the commands you have passed and add something new. Each time you should praise your Labrador for correctly carrying out an order. You can also treat your dog to something tasty.

You cannot use force or shout at the animal. The dog may become angry and withdrawn. Then it will not be easy to establish contact with your pet.

Important point! The puppy needs to be taught to stop biting in time. Small Labradors may bite when playing, and this habit must be stopped immediately. When a puppy bites, you should not pull your hand away. You need to scream for your pet to understand that you are in pain.

First bath

The first bath should be as comfortable as possible. The wrong approach can frighten the baby and make washing in the future not a pleasant experience, but a terrible execution.

Following simple rules will help you to endure this activity calmly, and perhaps even fall in love with it:

  • the water temperature should be close to the dog’s body temperature – 36-40 degrees Celsius;
  • the bottom of the bathroom should be covered with a rubber mat, diaper, towel so that the pet’s paws do not slip or move apart;
  • water should not get on the face, eyes or ears;
  • The wool should be well moistened before applying shampoo;
  • do not apply shampoo directly to the coat - dilute it in a small amount of warm water, this will make it easier to foam and avoid intensive soaping, which can tangle the coat;
  • Lather your back first, carefully moving up to your head, rinse off the shampoo the other way around - from your head down;
  • repeat 2 times;
  • After bathing, wrap the puppy in a towel, dry the coat well, let it dry almost completely, then dry it with a hairdryer and comb it.

You can read more about bathing in the articles: “How often can you wash a dog”, “Caring for a dog’s coat”. Possible problems with fur due to improper care are described in the article: “Dandruff in dogs and methods of treating it.”

Popular nicknames

The question of what to name a puppy should be taken seriously. The name should be simple and suitable for the pet.

The following nicknames are suitable for male Labrador puppies:

  • Tyson;
  • Jack;
  • Bonya;
  • Caesar;
  • Rex;
  • Hachiko;
  • Graph;
  • Baby;
  • Ricci.

The girl can be called by the following names:

  • Jaycee;
  • Alma;
  • Lucky;
  • Bagheera;
  • Gerda;
  • Jesse;
  • Nika;
  • Eve.

What is better – natural or dry food?

The puppy needs to be fed the food he is accustomed to from the breeder. Gradually add new foods and adapt the animal to a food system that is convenient for you.

A sudden switch to another food can cause food refusal.

At three months it is recommended to adhere to a balanced natural diet, and to resort to dry food only in rare cases when it is not possible to prepare nutritious food.

If you decide to completely switch your pet to dry food, then natural products must be excluded.

Specially formulated premium dry food contains all the necessary nutrients for the proper development of the puppy, and the presence of secondary food will upset the balance of nutrients.

This can cause liver and kidney diseases . Occasionally treat your puppy with fresh fruits and vegetables as treats.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

I recommend creating an individual balanced diet for your puppy from natural products. In the first half of the day, give milk and vegetable mixtures, and in the second - meat and canned food. Consider your pet's activity and food preferences. There is no need to force your dog to eat something it doesn't like.

Ear care

Caring for a Labrador Retriever necessarily includes a number of hygiene procedures that will help maintain the health and beauty of your pet. One of these procedures is ear cleaning, and it is better to learn in advance how to properly care for your dog’s auditory receptors. This procedure is carried out once a week using a cloth made of natural fabric, moistened with water at room temperature. Instead of water, ears are often washed with ear canal cleaning lotion. You should not use cotton pads, swabs or puffs - small hygiene items can get directly into the ear canal if the animal moves suddenly.

Ears should be checked for mites, foreign objects, and foul odor. Labradors may reflexively scratch their ears on various surfaces or shake their heads. In both cases, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Vitamins and vaccinations

A description of all necessary vaccinations and procedures can be obtained from your veterinarian, as well as how much each drug costs. It is important to first diagnose worms, remove them, and only then vaccinate against parasites, and not vice versa. In addition, the animal’s fur must always be protected and treated from fleas and ticks, which especially bother the animal in the summer. To ensure a complete diet, vitamins and dietary supplements are added to the food, which can be purchased at a veterinary clinic. When enriching the diet with vitamins, make sure that the dog does not develop an allergy.

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So how long do Labradors live? Statistics show that the average life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 10-12 years, which is the average for dogs. For comparison: bulldogs live 8-10 years, pugs - 12-15 years, huskies and German shepherds - up to 15 years. French lap dogs show the maximum average life expectancy of 17.5 years.

The record for longevity among dogs, according to Wikipedia, still belongs to Labradors: the dog Chilla from Australia lived to be 32 years old, which by human standards is equivalent to 150 years.

Choosing a cosmetic product

An illiterate choice of shampoo can cause dermatitis, allergic reactions, and hair loss. It is impossible to recommend a specific shampoo for all dogs. You need to choose a shampoo taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog.

Important components for dog shampoo are egg yolk, lecithin, lanolin. Thanks to these components, it is possible to maintain the normal structure of the dermis and coat.

Attention: Anti-flea shampoos cannot be used for preventive purposes. These products contain toxic components.

Is it possible to swim in the lake with dogs?

About pools, lakes

, rivers and seas

Bath your dog in it

not recommended because chlorinated water causes redness of the eyes and skin, and can also cause allergies and vomiting if the dog drinks this water. Beware of bodies of water with steep slopes near the banks and fast currents.

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Preparatory process

Before washing, a long-haired pet should be combed and old hairs removed. This will make bathing and drying easier. You also need to remove stray tangles and prevent tangling. You can use Ring 5 in preparation. The spray moisturizes the coat and prevents hair from being pulled out.

You can wash your dog in a shallow trough or bathtub, the bottom of which is covered with a cloth or rug. Anti-slip coatings will provide the dog with stability and eliminate stress.

When washing, the water should be comfortable for the pet, the optimal temperature is 35-40°C.


Joint disease is a hereditary predisposition.

Hip joint

As a fairly large animal, the dog grows actively in the first year of life. It is important to diagnose the problem in time; this can only be done with the help of an x-ray. Signs: lameness, decreased activity, stiffness of movement.

Dysplasia in Labrador retrievers can be treated in several ways, it all depends on the degree and severity of the disease, which will be determined by the veterinarian.

Elbow joint

Obvious symptoms: limping in the forelimbs. Diagnosis also using x-rays. Complications include: the development of arthritis, which provokes acute pain and limited movement in the joint. Treatment depends on the severity and is determined only by a doctor.

Features of the first days of life

Preparation for proper puppy care should begin even before the baby arrives.

  • Decide in advance where the pet will be located in the house. There should be no drafts, sharp corners or crevices nearby where the pet can crawl.
  • Put away small items, jewelry, and medications that your baby might swallow.
  • If the house has laminate or parquet, it is advisable to cover the floor with a carpet or runner at first.
  • Immediately buy everything you need to care for your little Labrador: vitamins, food, brushes, toys, dishes, a collar with a leash, etc.


The main building inside the enclosure is a doghouse. While inside the kennel, the dog should be able to stand upright and lie down with its paws extended. Therefore, its height and depth should be equal to the dog’s height plus 10-15 cm. If the size of the booth is smaller or larger than recommended, the Labrador in the first case is at risk of diseases of the bones and joints, in the second it will be difficult for him to stay warm in the winter.

Materials for the kennel should be natural, most often it is deciduous wood, because... Coniferous wood produces a sticky resin with a pronounced odor. The boards must be treated with a compound against fungus and rot. The paint covering the booth must be water-based. The roof can be of any shape, and for cleaning and disinfection inside it must be completely removed or folded down.

Labrador retrievers are a breed not adapted to severe frosts. If a Labrador lives in a kennel in winter, the owners need to take care that the animal does not freeze in winter. It is better to make a booth with double walls. Between them it is necessary to lay insulation - sawdust or polystyrene foam.

Dental care

An important part of hygienic care and maintenance of a puppy is brushing its teeth, which is carried out every 2-3 months using toothpastes for dogs. This procedure is usually done in a veterinary clinic, but any dog ​​breeder can learn the basics. Monitor your bad breath and the color of your teeth. Darkening or yellowing of the enamel is rarely observed in puppies, but they can indicate nutritional disorders, and a foul odor can be a prerequisite for serious illness. Raw vegetables and bones are an excellent preventative against yellowness and tartar.

Conditions for keeping

Many owners of private houses are concerned about the question of where to keep a Labrador. It is unpleasant if the dog freezes in winter or suffers from the heat in summer. In fact, this breed of dog feels good both in the house and on the street, if you provide it with the necessary comfortable conditions.

In a private house or apartment, an active dog can create a serious mess, sweeping away everything in its path with its fluffy and restless tail. Regular mischief can be prevented only by good education and training.

In an enclosed space, the dog must have its own corner, where its bedding and a couple of toys lie. The resting place should be located away from radiators and drafts so that the Labrador is comfortable and warm, but not hot.

For adult dogs, several layers of fabric wrapped in a blanket, a piece of thick carpet or a flat pillow can be used as bedding. If there is a removable cover on the litter, then it will be much more convenient for the owner to keep this place clean. You need to clean up after your dog every day, sweeping away any loose hair. Once a week it is necessary to wipe the floors without using aggressive detergents.

Living in a private yard can be a real pleasure for your dog if you give him space to play and a comfortable place to rest. An equipped enclosure will help the dog behave actively, which means that the Labrador will not get bored. Ideally, the enclosure will be located on a lawn with grass, and no more than half of this place will be illuminated by bright sun in the summer.

It is necessary to leave a bowl of clean water in the enclosure, since a constantly frolicking dog must be able to quench its thirst at any time. It is better to bring food in accordance with the chosen regime.

An equipped kennel will help protect the dog from the sun and rain, and will also warm you up on cold nights. The inside of the booth should have warm upholstery, and the location of the house should be thought out in advance: constant shadow or scorching rays of the sun are not the best option.

Preference for building a booth should be given to natural materials, such as wood. Then the house will not be too hot in summer and not too cold in winter.

And during severe cold weather, it is better to give the Labrador a place to sleep inside the owner’s premises.


If this is your first pet, be sure to consult with the breeder and the vaccinating veterinarian about when you can bathe the puppy for the first time. To get acquainted with water procedures, choose a time when the baby is healthy, well-fed, and calm. Be sure to talk to him during the procedure, gently stroke him and reward him if he behaves well. You cannot raise your voice or use force - this will discourage you from swimming for a long time, if not forever.


https://vetsystem.ru/porodi_sobak/labrador-retriver/gigiena-labradora/ https://dogcentr.ru/voprosyotvety/kogda-nachinat-kupanie-labradora.html https://lovely-dog.ru/uhod-za -pitomtsem/kogda-mozhno-kupat-schenka-v-pervyy-raz/


A common disease found in Labradors. Appears as a result of the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the bones. Manifestations: pain in the limbs. The dog begins to limp for no apparent reason. If you press on the bone itself, there are signs of obvious pain. The animal's appetite and activity decrease, the dog behaves sluggishly, eats and moves little.

The problem is age-related, usually not long-lasting. If this problem is identified, the dog is prescribed symptomatic therapy - painkillers. Only a specialist can recognize the disease, as well as prescribe a drug.

Don't neglect water treatments

Bathing is an important procedure for a puppy. The owner must be aware that cleanliness of the coat and skin protects the pet from diseases and parasites. Some of the most common insects found in puppies include ticks and fleas.

There are many benefits of water procedures. The most significant ones include:

  • cleanliness of fur and absence of fleas;
  • neat appearance of the puppy;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • reducing the risk of lichen and other skin diseases.

However, frequent water treatments can harm your pet by washing away the protective fatty lubricant. Therefore, you should not wash the puppy after every walk; it is better to carry out this procedure as needed.

The benefits of water procedures

In some cases, if the bathing procedure is performed incorrectly, liquid and detergents get into the puppies' ears and eyes. This can lead to hearing and vision problems. Therefore, special care must be taken. Important! Each breed of dog may have individual characteristics that are recommended to be observed during bathing.

Lick granuloma

A common and common occurrence in Labradors, sores appear on the animal’s paws and become wet. The hair falls out in this area and a crust forms. Such symptoms indicate the appearance of a licking granuloma. When a dog frequently licks one specific area, severe irritation occurs in its place.

There is an opinion that it is much more common in fawn Labradors. The danger of such a problem is the likelihood of wound infection. For treatment and rapid healing, special drugs with antiseptic properties are prescribed, which are selected by the doctor.

Adult dog diet

Nutrition and care for your Labrador are very important. An adult dog is fed either natural food or ready-made dry food. Two meals a day are expected at certain times, since discipline is very important for representatives of the breed.

Animals are very energetic, so they should be provided with a sufficient amount of protein food to be active. The diet includes offal, as well as greens and boiled vegetables.

It is very important to feed your dog properly

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