What does a dwarf German shepherd look like: the distinctive characteristics of the pet and how to choose the right puppy

Today, millions of people cannot imagine life without their four-legged friend of the German Shepherd breed.

No power structure can do without this dog.

This is one of the most intelligent breeds.

She can be trained within a few weeks after birth.

It is easy to train, it does not take much time, especially since the process brings pleasure not only to the owner, but also to the pet.

Origin history and interesting facts

It cannot be said that the dwarf German shepherd was bred as a separate breed. To be precise, this is simply a defect as a result of which such animals are born.

Shepherd puppies with already manifested dwarfism

This mini dog can appear in completely healthy dogs. However, if this happened, it means that our ancestors most likely already had such a problem. The defect is transmitted genetically. Both parents in this case are carriers of the mutant gene.

Important! A born individual is not allowed to reproduce.

English, up to 45 cm

The history of the breed goes back to the times of the Roman Empire, from where it came with the conquerors to good old England. There it was crossed with other dogs, the ancestors of the modern collie, and used as a herding breed.

The English Shepherd is a short dog, up to 45-50 cm at the withers. She has a strong, lean body, the most common color is white-black-tan, but the standard also provides for other options, for example, white-tan or white-red.

Like most herding breeds, it is quite independent, but prefers to work in a team with a person and receive commands and praise.

Why, in fact, “German”

Mini Collie: Small Dwarf Sheltie Sheepdog

The name of this dog definitely comes from the places where it began to be bred. In Germany, such dogs herded livestock.

Back in 1800, the first German Shepherd Club appeared, whose activities were aimed at establishing standards for this breed. After just a few years of the club's existence, it unfortunately disbanded. Then the head of the club, Stefanitz, continued to work on the shepherd dog and created an average type of breed.

History of appearance

Shepherds are the first “position” that shepherd dogs received from humans. They guarded the herds, making sure that no animal got lost and keeping predators away. This is how the qualities characteristic of all representatives of this breed were developed: courage, intelligence, strength, endurance, loyalty.

However, large dogs could not handle every job.

It was easier to protect small animals with a smaller dog: their large size could interfere with walking along those paths along which sheep and goats of small breeds could easily run. In addition, a small “shepherd” is always more profitable from an economic point of view: he will eat much less.

Thus, in different countries of Europe, several varieties of miniature herding breeds were formed, the representatives of which in their spirit were still the same brave and intelligent shepherd dogs, and were significantly inferior in size to other relatives. The following breeds are still known and popular:

  • welsh corgi,
  • Schipperke,
  • dwarf Australian Shepherd,
  • Sheltie

Description of the breed: main characteristics

The dwarf German shepherd, despite all its visual attractiveness, has a significant drawback in the form of pituitary dwarfism. Such a dog can be born to a healthy pair of animals, however, the disease is transmitted along the genetic line.

How long does a pregnant German Shepherd dog walk?

Externally, these dogs have a completely proportional structure, they are just small. The limbs are also of normal size relative to the body and head.

The shepherd dog, the so-called dwarf, is not officially recognized as a separate breed. The temperament and characteristics of this dwarf dog are no different from a healthy one. The weight of an adult does not exceed 15 kg. The dog's average height is 30 cm. Its paws are shorter than a regular shepherd dog, its chest circumference is smaller, and its back is shorter.

Interesting! Such a dog often goes bald as an adult.

The coat of the entire litter will be approximately the same color, but dwarfism cannot be immediately noticed; it will appear at about 2-3 months, then the animal is given an accurate diagnosis. Sometimes these dogs are confused with corgis.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive characteristics

This dog will weigh less than 15 kg . It is much smaller than a full-fledged animal, not only in weight, but also in other dimensions.

The height of a dwarf dog will be approximately half the height of a healthy “German”, that is, it will be approximately 29-32 cm. Also, a dwarf has a narrower chest girth, back length and shorter paws.

At the same time, the shape of the head and tail is preserved . This gives the dog a slightly disproportionate appearance.

Character and nuances of education

The Miniature Shepherd has the same submissive temperament as the Australian, Belgian or German. The pet does not bother its owner, does not cause him problems and is ready to serve in any situation. Such a dog with a genetic defect should only be owned by someone who has free time and is ready to take care of training, walking and the health of the dog.

German Shepherd: description of the breed, dogs and puppies

The Dwarf Shepherd gets along well with other pets and small children and does not allow conflicts. This little dog will be as careful as possible when interacting with children.

Important! Do not forget that even an obedient small dog should not be left alone with the baby.

The result of a dog gene mutation for dwarfism

A German Shepherd dog with dwarfism can be adopted in a city environment for small apartments. The size of the animal in this case plays a positive role. Some people also bring a dwarf shepherd into a private home for protection or service and consider this the right choice.

This dog is an excellent learner, she loves to complete tasks, and the learning process itself gives her a lot of pleasure. Training usually begins at 2-3 months.

If training takes place at home, then you should free up at least 20 minutes of time per day. Dog trainers train shepherds much faster, but the love of the owner gives the training a completely different mood, and the dog carries out new commands with enthusiasm.

Swiss, up to 50 cm

The Swiss Shepherd resembles a loyal white wolf. This is an incredibly beautiful dog up to 50 cm high with long snow-white hair.

This breed was developed in Switzerland. Its representatives resemble in appearance a German Shepherd, if they could be completely white. They are loyal, friendly and quite active, but less aggressive than their German relatives.

Such a dog is friendly towards people and is incredibly affectionate with children, and is friendly with cats and other pets. Swiss Shepherds do best in a country house, but can adapt to more cramped conditions.

Caring for a German Shepherd

This shepherd dog needs to be walked at least 2-3 times a day. Be sure to spend a lot of time outdoors. Light jogging is useful for such a baby.

You should not cut your pet's hair, as the fur may no longer grow back at all. In this case, the dog will become extremely unattractive, and health problems will begin.

Important! Shedding occurs several times a year. To make this process faster, the dog needs to be brushed daily.

You shouldn't put a dog like that on a chain. This pet loves freedom. A dog put on a chain becomes depressed, it falls into real apathy.

Aussie, up to 45 cm

Aussie is another name for the Australian Shepherd . She has an elongated muzzle, triangular floppy ears and short legs. Although different colors are acceptable, the most common Aussies are white, black and tan, with some of the white fur covered in black spots, which together with blue eyes gives a very unusual combination.

Despite the name, which seems to hint at the place of origin, the USA is considered the birthplace of the Aussie. The dog is known for its good nature and tendency to learn, so it is often used to serve humans. However, make no mistake, her cheerful disposition does not prevent her from giving a worthy rebuff to the offender.

Features of feeding

The diet should contain dry food of natural origin. Any menu should include vegetables and the required amount of vitamins. Ready-made dry food is preferable because it contains all the necessary substances and will supply the dog’s body with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Meals are selected strictly according to age.

Standard adult German Shepherd

Dwarf puppies feed slightly differently when they are younger than regular German Shepherds. A distinctive feature is the increased calcium content in the diet. The menu must include raw minced beef, oatmeal and rice porridge, and fermented milk products. In the latter case, you should not give the dog sour cream. This product has a high fat content and will quickly damage the dog’s intestines.

Important! If indigestion occurs, you should remove milk from the diet and include boiled meat in it.

Let's look at the parents!

A purebred German Shepherd has this outline. For convenience, the figure also shows the characteristics of dogs.

A conscientious breeder will never hide who the puppies came from, but basic knowledge about the appearance and characteristics of the breed will also help dispel your doubts.

The fundamental characteristics of any breed are:

  • topline;
  • movements;
  • head;
  • ears;
  • tail.

Life expectancy and health

The mini shepherd is in too poor health. The main problems of such a dog:

  • frequent colds;
  • infertility;
  • impaired functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • impaired kidney function;
  • hair loss;
  • bacterial infections;
  • pneumonia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hyperpigmentation.

Important! Your pet must be vaccinated against the most common canine diseases.

Vaccinations are given during the first two months of a dog's life. After birth, it is important to get a rabies vaccination within 12 weeks.

Additionally, this breed is given injections for the thyroid gland and growth hormone at a young age. Such injections are carried out extremely carefully and only within the walls of a veterinary clinic.

Constant monitoring of the mini shepherd is necessary not only from the owner, but also from doctors. With proper care and a good home atmosphere, a dog can live for about 5 years.

Sheltie, up to 35 cm

A Sheltie can easily be confused with a Collie - the two breeds are quite similar. But Sheltie, Shetland Sheepdog , is much smaller in size: height at the withers reaches 35 cm, weight 6-7 kg.

The homeland of the Sheltie is Scotland, more precisely, the Shetland Islands, where the Sheepdogs came with the first shepherd settlers. There, dogs freely crossed with Spitz dogs, inheriting their color and light coat.

Shelties are cheerful, good-natured and curious creatures, ready to get acquainted with any fauna that comes along the way. They love to bark loudly and provocatively, so those who like silence should think twice before making such a friend. The Sheltie is a very active breed and requires active and long walks.

Approximate cost of a puppy

Miniature Shepherd puppies are sold by breeders and specialized nurseries. A healthy baby of this breed will cost approximately 35,000 rubles*.

A puppy with pituitary dwarfism syndrome is considered rejected, in which case the price is set by the breeder. If the decision to adopt a mini shepherd dog has been made, when purchasing, you should pay attention to possible defects in the structure of the skeleton, which at first are extremely rarely noticeable outwardly.

Walking a mini shepherd who lives in apartment conditions

We can say that the dwarf dog of the German Shepherd breed is practically no different from its ordinary counterparts, except for its height. We should not forget that such dwarfism has prerequisites for the development of other diseases. Such a pet requires constant supervision of owners and veterinarians. Proper disease prevention will enable your dog to live a happy and long life.

*Prices are valid as of October 2022.

Mini Shepherd Health

Thanks to their origin, all shepherd dogs are distinguished by enviable health. In pasture conditions, the principle of natural selection worked. Individuals who passed such a test could not be weak.

Nevertheless, there are several “sore spots” that all owners of small shepherd dogs should pay attention to:

  • they are prone to overeating, so you will have to take care of a balanced diet,
  • weak points may be the joints on the paws,
  • pregnancy and childbirth can occur with complications; such dogs often undergo a caesarean section,
  • It is worth regularly checking your eyes and ears to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Marriage or standard?

Small German Shepherds are not classified as a separate breed. Moreover, individuals with such a defect should be sterilized in order to prevent unplanned matings and the appearance of unwanted offspring. Dwarfism is considered a defect and a deviation from the standard. Such a dog requires more attention because there is a malfunction in his body, he cannot function normally, and this leads to the development of other pathologies. If dwarfism is detected early, a course of growth hormone injections is prescribed, which will help avoid many complications in the future.

How to distinguish a breed from a crossbreed or mongrel

The surest way to purchase a purebred German Shepherd is to do so from a reliable kennel. Then the puppy will have a pedigree, a metric (puppy card), a brand with a unique number in the groin or on the ear. And you won’t have to guess whether you bought a purebred dog or not. When buying from private breeders or on the market, there is always a risk of making a mistake, because an amateur is unlikely to be able to correctly evaluate the breed. In this case, decide on the purpose: why you need a dog. To participate in exhibitions and breeding work, you need to look for a puppy only in nurseries with a good reputation. For official or security work - in the same place, because the character of a real German Shepherd, which made it a legend and a movie star, is also a sign of the breed. But then appearance is not so important, and the dog will cost much less.

The new owner signs the puppy inspection report (below) and the certificate is certified with a seal

If you want to have a companion dog with the appearance of a German Shepherd, then you can take the risk of purchasing it on the market or through “buy and sell” advertisements, but at the same time remember that a grown-up pet may unpleasantly surprise you with its difference from true “Germans”. There are signs by which you can try to distinguish a purebred puppy from a mestizo or mongrel:

  • “Germans” have almond-shaped eyes with snow-white whites, while mongrel dogs have round, sometimes convex, eyes with yellowish whites or dark spots;
  • an ordinary puppy cannot boast of a perfectly smooth topline and a body elongated like a torpedo;
  • the tail of a small shepherd never rises above the line of the back and does not curl into a ring, like that of mongrels;
  • The ears of a “German” should be floppy and soft for at least 4–5 months, while a mongrel’s ears may stand up at any time or not at all;
  • A purebred baby does not have a stripe between the eyebrows (frontal furrow) on the forehead, but a purebred baby may have one;
  • A shepherd puppy grows and develops much faster than a yard puppy, so at the same age he will weigh more and look more mature.

A “German” puppy is more inclined to communicate with a person than a mongrel puppy

Video: how to choose the right German Shepherd


The dwarf shepherd enjoys the process of learning and training.
It is easy to learn, she loves to serve, and she enjoys the learning process itself. The dog learns quickly; training should begin at 2-3 months.

When teaching at home, the owner's free time is necessary, about 20 minutes a day.

Dog trainers in a special club will train the dog faster, but if the pet feels the love of the owner, then the training will give him pleasure and contribute to greater affection.

Character of dogs of this breed

The German Shepherd has a calm, reserved temperament. Her character is flexible, friendly, and non-conflicting. Aggression is shown only in extreme cases. Most photos on the Internet show how these pets love their owners and care for children. They will tolerate many pranks; the pet will never show aggression towards a child. They are tolerant of other animals, especially if they grow up together.

High guard qualities and developed intelligence allow the dog to assess the threat to the life and property of the owner and even make independent decisions. He has a well-developed protective instinct; she can even sacrifice herself to save any family member. There is no cowardice or cowardice among the Germans. They are brave, loyal, hardworking.

This dog cannot be punished or humiliated. This will cause psychological trauma to the pet and may cause mistrust in the owner. For an offense you need to scold, the Germans are able to realize their guilt. Dogs of this breed do not like to be alone. For a normal psychological state, they need communication with a person. Therefore, this breed is not suitable for those who work all day or are often away. The Germans have a connection with their beloved owner on a psychological level; they feel the person’s mood.

How to train

The German Shepherd does not immediately become smart and obedient. She definitely needs to be raised properly. These dogs are easy to train and quickly understand basic commands. But training of German Shepherd babies begins from the first days of their appearance in the house - from about 2 months of age. Without training, an uncontrollable, aggressive dog can grow up, causing problems for its owners and everyone around them. It will be difficult to retrain an adult German Shepherd later.

Sit command

Working with German Shepherd puppies is necessary in a playful way so that the kids find it interesting. These pets are pliable, intelligent and obedient, so training will not bring any problems. The main thing is to be consistent and patient. It is mandatory to teach the commands “Come to me”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Place”, “Fu”, “No”, “Near”, “Walk”. On the street it is necessary to accustom him to a leash and muzzle. To encourage during the training process, you need to use affection, praise or treats. It is very important to gain authority from the very beginning with your pet.

Even if the pet will not be shown, it is advisable to take a handling course with a professional trainer. He will teach the shepherd the correct stance with one hind leg extended back. It is also worth contacting the services of training professionals if the pet will guard the house or babysit children, as well as if behavioral problems arise.

You can watch a video about mistakes in training shepherds.

Video: German Shepherd. Training mistakes

Types of small shepherd dogs

A shepherd is often chosen as a pet, but not everyone has the opportunity to keep an Alabai, Malinois or wolfhound. A small dog of this breed is no different - miniature size, on the contrary, is considered an advantage. The small pet boasts agility and playfulness, and is also well suited for living in an apartment.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Corgis are far from decorative pets that will sit quietly at home and wait for the owner. This is a real shepherd with good health, energy, and high intelligence. It is devoid of aggression, but the working qualities are in place. Today, the Welsh Corgi can still make a good herder.

Height: 25–30 cm.

Weight: 9–12 kg.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan.

Corgi Pembroke

Like the Welsh Corgi, the Pembroke is an active and non-aggressive dog. Among the many positive qualities, they include developed intelligence (corgi is in 10th place on the list of the smartest dogs on the Koren scale) and affection for humans. Miniature size, endurance and courage do not prevent the Pembroke from performing the work of a shepherd even today. A dog never raises its voice without a reason, but it may “pinch” the legs out of hooliganism (especially of children).

Height: 25–30 cm.

Weight: 9–12 kg.

The Pembroke Corgi is one of the most popular breeds.

Miniature American

Mini Aussie (the name is given because of the similarity of the exterior with the Aussie) is a hard-working and active breed, bred in the middle of the last century in the USA. He is flexible, sociable, energetic and has a high level of learning ability. He happily communicates with children and animals; with proper upbringing, the puppy will be able to play the role of a shepherd, looking after cattle.

Height: 35–46 cm.

Weight: 9–14 kg.

The Miniature American Shepherd is similar to the Aussie, but smaller in size.

Shetland (Sheltie)

And this type of shepherd dog with an interesting coat color is suitable for those who dream of finding not just an intelligent, but also a beautiful companion. The Sheltie is a hairy native of Scotland that can scare away an intruder with its bark. The small size, flexible mind and lack of conflict of the pet will definitely please you. The only thing the dog retained from the shepherd was the desire to run around outside for a long time and bark loudly.

Height: 33–37 cm.

Weight: 7–12 kg.

Shelties get along well with each other.


If you thought that there were no smaller corgi shepherd dogs, you were very mistaken. The Schipperke is a miniature dog developed in Belgium in the late 1800s. In those days it was intended for hunting river rats, and today it is increasingly becoming a pet. However, do not underestimate the character of the Schipperke: a sporty, independent and noisy breed will require a lot of attention from the owner.

Height: 25–33 cm.

Weight: 3–9 kg.

Schipperke is a black mini shepherd.

Types of medium-sized shepherd dogs

In general, the group of medium-sized dogs has the most representatives. A shepherd weighing up to 25–30 kg is still not uncommon. These are harmoniously built pets with correct proportions that can live in the house, because much less space is required to keep them. Size does not replace the need for training and walking.


Aussies are a herding dog breed that originated in America. Three varieties took part in the selection: Collie, Bernese Mountain Dog and Pyrenees. The standard was officially adopted in the mid-20th century. Unlike others, the Australian Shepherd is much less likely to show aggression and signs of dominance - it is a completely friendly dog ​​with a balanced character.

Height: 48–57 cm.

Weight: 16–32 kg.

Australian Shepherd

Border Collie

Sheepdog, bred on the border of Scotland and England. For a long time it was used to work with sheep, but gradually learned to cope with cattle. Today, the Border Collie is the smartest dog. Lightning speed, excellent reaction, alertness and cunning make your pet a true champion in the animal world. The Shepherd is prone to barking and an active lifestyle, which means it is definitely not suitable for beginners in cynology.

Height: 48–56 cm.

Weight: 12–19 kg.

Border Collie.

Kelpie (Australian)

They are distinguished from all shepherds by their incredible affection and drooping ears, but at the same time they are as hardy and athletic as everyone else. A muscular and beautiful dog with an active and independent character is a real treasure of Australia. How the breed appeared is little known, but the unique nature on the mainland did its job: the strongest individuals survived.

Height: 43–51 cm.

Weight: 11–25 kg.



The Belgian Malinois often competes with the German one. The characteristic difference is the yellowish-red color and the black mask on the face. With proper upbringing, he will become a loving friend and companion. The Malinois requires an active life, and it is better to initiate grazing from time to time, allowing the tailed one to work alone.

Height: 56–66 cm.

Weight: 25–34 kg.

Malinois are very active.

Norwegian (buhund)

The dog of this breed is similar to the Spitz, but only slightly larger and more muscular. The Icelandic dog can be considered a close relative, but the Buhund was bred specifically to work as farmers and shepherds. To this day it is used in its homeland for grazing livestock. The Norwegian Shepherd is a wonderful companion for those who are not afraid of loud barking and increased energy.

Height: 41–47 cm.

Weight: 12–18 kg.

Norwegian Shepherd.


One of the thinnest and most athletic shepherd dogs. Body type is not a hindrance to a four-legged dog being just as vigilant, active and cheerful. The Pyrenean Shepherd Dog behaves warily around strangers, but will never bark or lunge just like that. The herding instinct needs to be channeled in the right direction, which is why the breed is recommended for experienced dog breeders.

Height: 38–50 cm.

Weight: 14–25 kg.

Pyrenean Shepherd Dog.


It is often called the Welsh Collie due to its external similarities, but this breed is somewhat different in character. The Welsh Sheepdog is bred from Icelandic dogs and Swedish Vallhunds. A representative of this breed will become both a hard worker in the field when grazing livestock and a family favorite outside of work. Easily carries out the owner’s commands (by the way, the puppy becomes very attached to the person) and willingly makes contact. He is highly intelligent, playful and obedient.

Height: 38–50 cm.

Weight: 16–20 kg.

Welsh Sheepdog.


The distinctive feature of the Black Croatian Shepherd is its light weight—it is the smallest dog in the medium-sized category. Owners note easy training, dedication (the tailed dog will sacrifice its life if necessary) and attentiveness. The native breed is rare outside of Croatia, but the FCI is still recognized.

Height: 40–53 cm.

Weight: 13–20 kg

Croatian Shepherd.


Schapendus or Chapendois is a shepherd dog bred in the Netherlands by shepherds back in the 16th century. Despite the fact that the standard has been officially adopted, it is popular only in its native Holland. The advantages include endurance, mobility, and independence. The smart chapendus quickly learns new things and finds a common language with people, loves to play, including outdoor games.

Height: 40–50 cm.

Weight: 12–25 kg.

Once again about documents

The purity of any breed is recorded, first of all, in the documents for the dog!

The presence of documents confirms that only dogs of excellent quality are involved in breeding:

  • correct exterior;
  • excellent working qualities;
  • excellent health.

The totality of this data determines the breeding value of the animal as a representative of the breed without breed defects.

Why is it important?

Breeders have long noticed the fact that exterior defects correspond to an unfavorable genotype. Thus, weakening of pigmentation (light eyes and nose) is often accompanied by cryptorchidism and disorders of the genitourinary system, instability in the development of the central nervous system.

Protruding eyes and flabby ears help to recognize metabolic imbalances and a predisposition to dysplasia.

This may not be observed in a given individual, but it will certainly “come out” in subsequent generations.

But the famous “pedigreed” mole on a German Shepherd has nothing to do with the high-breeding of the dog! It occurs as often in dogs of other breeds as in ordinary mongrels.

Puppy metric

Together with the puppy, you must receive a certificate (card) of the origin of your baby, which will indicate his date of birth, color, nicknames of himself and his parents, up to his great-grandfathers, with mandatory evaluations of rings and tests. Later you will exchange the certificate for a real pedigree.

Sample certificate (without stamps is not valid!)

If you have such a “puppy” card, the question is: “How to distinguish a German shepherd from a crossbreed or low-breed “shepheroid”?” - will disappear by itself.

Types of large shepherd dogs

Today, the Shepherd Dog is increasingly becoming a companion and loyal friend, but is also used for service. And for this purpose, they choose precisely large animals that are distinguished by endurance, fearlessness, and strength. For example, the Central Asian dog perfectly guards the territory of a home or business, and the German shepherd takes part in catching criminals. Let's look at the main photos.

Anatolian (kangal)

The Anatolian Shepherd is a watchdog whose ancestors were the Akbash and the ancient Kangal. Country of origin is Türkiye. Its impressive size and loud barking scare away uninvited guests, but the tailed one is devoid of aggression. Loyal to the owner, smart, independent.

Height: 71–81 cm.

Weight: 42–60 kg.

Photo of an Anatolian Shepherd.


The breed came from American farmers, and it was they who began breeding this species. Ancestors are herding dogs, including border collies and collies. They make good shepherds, because the pet knows how to make decisions on its own when the occasion demands it. Despite recognition by the OKC in 1943, to date the English Shepherd has not been accepted by the International Canine Organization.

Height: 46–58 cm.

Weight: 20–27 kg.

English Sheepdog.


Sage Koche is perhaps the most courageous, large and aggressive variety of ancient shepherd dogs. It does not tolerate strangers on its territory, and its stubborn and capricious character requires an experienced owner. These are not disadvantages, because the Afghan Shepherd becomes an excellent home protector. Even in ancient times, the sage koche accompanied nomads during campaigns.

Height: 75–100 cm.

Weight: 45–80 kg.

The Afghan Shepherd is quite difficult to find.

White Swiss

According to legend, it came from a shepherd dog and a white wolf. In fact, the breed is the result of the work of breeders, and there are no wolves in its ancestors. Outwardly it resembles the German one, only the color of the coat is white. But the description of the character is different: gambling, easily excitable, not aggressive (anger is possible only when threatened). It will become a companion and friend, given that the Swiss Shepherd is friendly towards children, guests, and pets.

Height: 53–66 cm.

Weight: 25–40 kg.

White Swiss Shepherd.


The Karakachan (Bulgarian) Shepherd Dog is common only in its native country. Meeting her outside of Bulgaria is rare. Basically he plays the role of a shepherd, but not a companion: he is brave, active, and most importantly, aggressive. It does not tolerate affection, so any attempt to pet it (especially from a stranger) can be rudely suppressed.

Height: 60–65 cm.

Weight: 55–61 kg.

The Bulgarian Shepherd is another rare breed.


Once again, the herding dog breed was formed, this time in France. The first mention dates back to 1578, and in its homeland it is considered one of the oldest. Wild wolves and peat dogs are considered their ancestors. Like many, this shepherd is stubborn, self-confident, a clear leader, but at the same time hardworking.

Height: 65–71 cm.

Weight: 30–45 kg.



An incredibly cute dog with long hair that even covers his eyes. It looks charming, but this is not the only advantage of the breed: sociability, gentle disposition and vigilance make the dog the best companion. Briard happily serves people, finds a common language with children, and loves active games. The first mentions of it were in the 12th century, but dogs came to Russia only in the late 80s of the last century.

Height: 56–70 cm.

Weight: 25–40 kg.

The Briard's fur falls into his eyes.

Eastern European

Second in popularity after German, it is most common in Russia and is used for official purposes. Retained working qualities, because Commercial breeding has not affected this breed. It must be said that a large shepherd dog will not live as a pet - it is a dog with working qualities that needs exercise and training.

Height: 62–75 cm.

Weight: 35–60 kg.

East European Shepherd on the left, German on the right.


The Icelandic Sheepdog appeared several hundred years ago. According to dog experts, she ended up on the island with the Vikings. The harsh climate of northern Iceland did not become a hindrance: the tailed one quickly adapted to the weather conditions and became an assistant to the shepherds. Today, the Icelandic dog is distinguished by its clear voice, loyal relationship with children, and intelligence, which is why it is often kept as a pet.

Height: 31–42 cm.

Weight: 9–14 kg.

The Icelandic Shepherd is a working dog.

Caucasian (wolfhound)

A dog adapted to harsh climates, life on the street and hard service. She is brave, not afraid of loud sounds, and obeys her owner unquestioningly. Compared to the “Germans,” he is extremely reluctant to trust strangers, but does not show aggression. Innate alertness makes the wolfhound a reliable guard, and its impressive size and loud bark can scare off an uninvited guest even at a great distance.

Height: 67–75 cm.

Weight: from 45–50 to 100 kg.

The Caucasian Shepherd is large and strong.

Komondor (Hungarian Puli)

The Komondor is a former herding and cattle dog originally from Hungary. Now she is increasingly becoming a pet, because she easily builds communication with both people and animals. A special feature is the amazing wool: long laces hanging down to the ground that even hide the eyes. A good-natured character does not prevent a Komondor from defending his home if he suddenly senses danger.

Height: 65–80 cm.

Weight: 40–58 kg.

The Komondor is an unusual shepherd.

Collie (Scottish)

The soft look and incredible beauty of the coat make the collie stand out among many. The sophisticated Scottish Shepherd boasts not only its appearance, but also its qualities: lack of aggression, cheerfulness and friendliness. Collies are very active pets, and also smart (it’s not for nothing that they are called the Einsteins of dogs). Suitable for families, but keep in mind that the Shepherd needs exercise and rewarded training.

Height: 51–60 cm.

Weight: 23–33 kg.



Another ancient dog breed, the first mentions of which date back to the 17th century. Hard-working, brave, smart and courageous - this is how the owners of the Krash Shepherd usually enthusiastically describe it. Behind the stern appearance lies a playful pet, although he does not trust everyone. His temperament is not easy, but this representative of the shepherd breed makes excellent service dogs.

Height: 54–63 cm.

Weight: 25–40 kg.

Crash Sheepdog.


Well, the German Shepherd is familiar to everyone, because it often becomes the main character of war films. And for good reason! Due to its character, it was used for a long time as a shepherd and service-search dog. A socialized, trained and brave dog is ready at any second to rush to defend the territory, as well as to find an intruder on the trail.

The German Shepherd is not recommended for busy people and those who do not have experience working with service dogs. The animal has a flexible mind, but requires training and a leader in the person of a confident owner. It is also not advisable to choose a German Shepherd for families with children under 6–8 years of age.

Height: 55–65 cm.

Weight: 27–40 kg.


In Romania, two types of shepherd dogs that were bred there are popular: Mioritic and Carpathian. Both are accustomed to harsh local conditions and physical activity. The varieties are very different from each other.

Carpathian is used for grazing and protecting herds. Its peculiarity can be considered aggressiveness, independence, fearlessness, but that is why it becomes the guard of your home. Grooming is minimal, and the shepherd is not at all suitable for home keeping. In addition, it is difficult for her to make friends with other dogs, and cats risk dying from the paws and teeth of the tailed guard.

Height: 59–73 cm.

Weight: 32–45 kg.

Romanian Shepherd.

The Mioritic Shepherd Dog is also a fairly large herding breed. During selection, special attention was paid to working qualities, but the appearance of the quadruped was not left aside. It is the shaggy coat and color that give the impression that this is a cute dog. And partly this is true: the Mioritic Shepherd Dog loves affection, children, and easily makes contact with any animals. Like the Carpathian, it is capable of protecting a home from strangers.

Height: 65–75 cm.

Weight: 45–60 kg.

Central Asian (Alabai)

The Alabai is an indigenous breed from the regions of Central Asia. The closest ancestors are the large Asian mastiff, the fighting dogs of Asia, and the Tibetan mastiff. First of all, Alabai is chosen for its working qualities, honed over centuries. It is not for nothing that the Central Asian Shepherd is considered the best guard.

You just have to remember that without training, the Alabai will turn into a stubborn and even dangerous dog. A competent approach and love for your puppy will help you grow him into a reliable friend. The four-legged animal is patient and friendly on foreign territory, but on its own it becomes a stern watchman.

Height: 60–78 cm.

Weight: 45–80 kg.


Old English (bobtail)

Rarely does anyone see a real watchman and shepherd in a cute bobtail with a light-colored coat. The Old English Sheepdog, which appeared back in the 18th century, will surprise you with its willingness to become a service dog. The bobtail will not bite the enemy - it “takes” him with a menacing bark and weight. The tailed one drives the enemy into a corner, and then leans on him with his whole body, not allowing him to move. There is no need to worry about your family, as the four-legged dog is overly affectionate towards people close to its owner.

Height: 51–61 cm.

Weight: 27–45 kg.

Bobtail Shepherd

Sharplaninskaya (Illyrian or Yugoslavian)

A Sharplanin Shepherd Dog will be a reliable companion and friend for someone. Among her qualities are stubbornness, intelligence, independence, and calmness. Today, the transfer of herds both in their homeland and in other countries cannot be done without the Sharplaninians. They are often recruited for service - their stable psyche and distrust of strangers make them good defenders.

Height: 58–62 cm.

Weight: 30–45 kg.

South Russian

The selection is completed by an ancient shepherd dog, originally from the southern regions of Russia, which is why it received its name. A good-natured appearance (fluffy fur, white color, button nose and smile) does not indicate the pet’s soft character. The South Russian Shepherd is distrustful of strangers, and therefore you should not allow guests to cuddle with it. And it is not advisable to choose one as your first pet - a brave and self-sufficient southerner will be devoted only to an experienced dog breeder.

Height: 62–66 cm.

Weight: 48–50 kg.

South Russian Shepherd Dog.

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