TOP 10 most popular dog breeds in Russia in 2021

It's no secret that fashion is a fickle lady. Trends change literally every day. And this applies not only to clothing and decor, but also to the breed of dog. Fifteen years ago, large dogs were popular in Russia - Central Asian and German shepherds, collies, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards. Now Russians, especially residents of big cities, tend to give preference to medium-sized and decorative dog breeds.

Dog breed fashions change frequently

There may be many reasons why small dog breeds have become the most popular dog breeds in Russia. In the mid-90s, there was tension and even fear in society. People tried to get large guard dogs, for example, shepherds, or fighting dogs - bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers.

In the 2000s, society “breathed out”, and the dog became more of a companion than a protector. In addition, it is much cheaper and more convenient to keep a small dog in a city apartment.

British Queen Elizabeth II with her corgis

Fashion also plays an important role in choosing a dog breed when buying a puppy - for example, the corgis of the British Queen Elizabeth II attracted everyone's attention to this breed, and Vladimir Putin's black Labrador Koni stirred up interest in these large dogs. We offer you a selection of the most popular dog breeds.

German Shepherd.

This is primarily a service dog, and Russian dog breeders most often choose puppies of this breed as good companions and dogs that are easy to train.

German Shepherds are highly trainable

Its ancestors were herding dogs, so the German Shepherd is usually very attached to its owner. With good training, these are balanced dogs, calm and obedient. We can say that this is a good choice even for an inexperienced dog breeder.

German Spitz

This breed is popular among Muscovites due to its small size, attractive appearance and high intellectual abilities. Indeed, their face is similar to a fox, their fluffy fur and donut tail attracts attention at first sight. These dogs are smart and easy-going. Representatives of this breed are endlessly devoted to one person. At the same time, they may refuse to comply with the commands and demands of other people in the absence of the owner. The small, loyal animal is wary of all strangers around its owner.

If necessary, we are ready to defend him. These kids are able to empathize with a person in case of illness or stressful situation. They sense a change in the emotional state of the person they are attached to. The German Spitz is ready for active games at any time of the day. These animals are friendly towards other pets. However, they are capable of showing jealousy.

Labrador Retriever

Labradors became fashionable in the mid-2000s, when the press talked about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s dog, Kony. There has been a surge of interest in these dogs among Russian dog lovers and breeders.

Labradors were bred in Newfoundland in the last third of the 19th century.

Labradors were bred in Newfoundland in the last third of the 19th century; the first representatives of the breed appeared in Russia in the middle of the 20th century. They are a large, energetic and strong dog with an easy-going personality; in the past they were mainly used as guide dogs, rescue dogs and simply as labor. Labradors are practically never aggressive and are well suited to living in a large house, in a family with children. Presidential gift

TOP 10 most popular dog breeds in Russia in 2021

It became known which dog breeds were popular among Russians at the end of 2022. The Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) has updated its annual rating, according to which residents of megacities in the Russian Federation are increasingly giving preference to small and medium-sized pets. This love is explained by banal convenience: you can take a companion dog with you to a cafe, on a visit or to work, and keeping a baby in an apartment seems more comfortable.

The top three remained unchanged. For the sixth year in a row, the German Spitz has topped the ranking. In second place are miniature Chihuahuas, with a well-deserved bronze going to the Yorkshire Terrier.

The top 10 most popular dog breeds among Russians in 2022 look like this:

German Spitz

The German Spitz's roots go back to the Scandinavian herding dogs that the Vikings brought to Europe in the Middle Ages. The popularity of this breed these days is explained by its cheerful and friendly disposition, vigilance and desire to actively participate in family affairs. / imago stock& people via www.imago


What made Chihuahuas a favorite among those who want to have a four-legged friend is their incredibly small size and endless devotion to their owner, whom these kids are ready to accompany day and night. A big bonus of this breed is the ability to get along with other pets.

Yorkshire Terrier

This indoor and decorative dog breed is capable of charming at first sight: Yorkies are attractive, smart, playful and at the same time intelligent. Selfless loyalty and playfulness are qualities that make them adored by families with children. / Eibner Pressefoto / Daniel Lakom

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a universal breed for both apartments and country houses. Intelligent, friendly and active, these sensitive dogs have rapidly moved up two points compared to last year.

“It’s not surprising that these favorites of the Queen of Great Britain win the hearts of Russians. They are famous for their natural magnetism, attractive appearance and charm,” RKF President Vladimir Golubev commented on the choice of the country’s residents.

German Shepherd

Excellent guard dogs, unquestioningly recognizing the authority of the owner. They are considered one of the smartest breeds, are attached to children, and love to be in human company. They need constant physical activity. Dietze

Labrador Retriever

Labradors are a popular choice for hunters, rescuers, families, and people with disabilities. One of the problems is controlling the pet’s weight: Labradors are known gluttons. Schurr

Jack Russell Terrier

You definitely won’t get bored with him: dogs of this breed are quite active and quickly become attached to family members. Their loud barking may cause some inconvenience for neighbors. / Komsomolskaya Pravda

Central asian shepherd dog

Fearless Alabai are famous for their guarding and protective qualities; they will not “sell out” to another for a piece of meat; they are distinguished by independence and strong character; their negative trait is touchiness.

TASS / Lebedev Arthur

French Bulldog

Small, good-natured, almost silent dogs get along well with other pets and families with children. Loyalty and intelligence, as well as excellent health, keep bulldogs in the ranking of Russians. Rumpenhorst


In general, the preferences of Russians turned out to be predictable, except for the last place: the pug, which closed the top ten last year, was confidently supplanted by the poodle. Dog experts predict that interest in this breed will only grow.

“Poodles, even the smallest ones, are generally in good health and have long-lived status. Dogs of this breed are the embodiment of beauty combined with high intelligence and easy-going character. They are loyal animals, love active walks and are always ready to take part in games and fun,” the federation noted. Büttner

Earlier, named five breeds of mascot cats that attract good luck and happiness into the home.

Shar Pei

Strong and active Shar-Peis come from China. In the Middle Ages they were used as hunting dogs; this breed was very popular among both the nobility and the common people. In the 20th century, with the communists coming to power, dogs were declared a symbol of meaningless luxury and began to be destroyed. Among the Shar Peis, only a few survived, which became the basis for the restoration of the breed.

Adult Shar-Peis are very wary of strangers, but jealously guard their own

In Russia, Shar Peis are loved for their unusual, “folded” appearance and devotion to their owners. Adult Shar-Peis are very wary of strangers, but they jealously guard “their own.”

Toy Terrier

These emotional kids are rightly considered “pocket dogs.” Their small size allows them to fit into a medium-sized women's bag. This feature increases their popularity among residents of a large metropolis. The toy terrier is a dog of one owner, which it jealously protects from the encroachment of strangers and other animals. If it senses danger to its owner, it can bite the offender. The chosen person remains faithful until the end of days. They behave calmly around their owner.

They are difficult to train and quickly forget commands. This is a decorative breed, so you shouldn’t expect them to master training skills.

Siberian Husky

Northern sled dogs of the Husky breed are very popular in Russia, first of all, for their beauty - they are a slender dog, light and very agile. Huskies are not aggressive towards people, are hardy and even adapt well to the conditions of a city apartment.

Huskies require a lot of time and attention

However, the husky requires a lot of attention. This breed has been developing for centuries in the north as a sledding and working breed, and in the metropolis the Husky simply has nowhere to put his energy. She needs to spend a lot of time, walk and exercise, do training, play with a ball or frisbee. Experienced breeders advise changing walking routes so that the dog’s intelligence and sense of smell do not “stagnate.”

Criteria for evaluation

Fashion for four-legged animals changes as quickly as fashion for clothing. But when choosing an animal, a person is not always guided by the latest trends in the pet industry. The dog will live next to its owner for 10-15 years, which means that the decision should be taken responsibly and judiciously.

Dog size

It is unwise to own popular breeds, German Shepherds or Dobermans, in a city apartment. This will cause inconvenience to the owner and his family. A large animal will feel cramped and stuffy. Sedentary short walks within the metropolis will have a detrimental effect on his health. Spacious local areas of a country cottage, with wide outdoor enclosures, are an ideal option for such large breeds of dogs. They will be able to perform their essential security job functions.

The popular breeds Yorkies and Dachshunds, on the contrary, will like a small lounger in the corner of the room. Many dwarf dogs do not require daily walks and relieve themselves in the home litter box.

Attitude towards children

Psychologists have developed a whole program of wishes for the cohabitation of a child and a dog. Based on this, a family with a child under six months old is generally not recommended to have a dog of any breed. As they get older, Pinschers, Italian Greyhounds, American Terriers and others are allowed.

It is strictly forbidden for families with children of any age to have pit bulls, wolfhounds, or boxers.

Owner's physical health

Some popular breeds are hyperactive. This applies to terriers and chihuahuas. Little dogs will turn the house upside down if the owner does not walk them outside. They prefer active games. Quiet sitting on the couch is not suitable for these four-legged animals.

Dog experts do not recommend that older people own fighting breeds of dogs. A young, strong man can cope with a heavy animal. When he sees a cat on the street, the dog may instinctively rush after her. To hold, for example, a Rottweiler, you need good physical strength.

Owner's financial capabilities

Some miniature dog breeds require significant investments in care and maintenance. One of these is the French Bichon Frize. An owner with an average income should refuse such a purchase.

Shepherds and bulldogs are economical animals to keep.


A popular disease among Russians in recent decades. But this is not a reason to refuse the long-awaited purchase of a pet. The main thing is to take into account all the characteristics of the dog. Breeders have developed a large number of hypoallergenic breeds. They do not shed and do not have a specific smell. Due to this, they do not cause a reaction in humans.


The name “chow-chow” means “shaggy lion”. Indeed, a dog with a lush mane resembles a miniature lion. At home, the chow chow is not very active, almost lazy, and the owner will almost have to force the pet to walk. If you do not pay attention to the physical form of the Chow Chow, the dog runs the risk of becoming fat and completely lazy.

Chow chows only obey their owner and are wary of others.

Breeders say that Chow Chow dogs are very loving, but reserved. They show their affection only to the most important people. The Chow Chow is wary of strangers and sometimes aggressive if provoked into contact.

cocker spaniel

The homeland of the cocker spaniel is England, where they appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. The breeders really liked the breed and quickly spread throughout the world.

The Cocker Spaniel remains cheerful and energetic throughout its life.

Spaniels are very energetic dogs that act like puppies most of their lives. This can be corrected by training, long walks and physical activity, but a dog owner who decides to get a cocker spaniel should keep this in mind.

In addition, the Cocker Spaniel requires careful grooming. Their long hair needs to be combed and trimmed regularly, and the dog needs to be washed at least once a week. By the way, spaniels are excellent swimmers.


The ancestors of beagles were brought to the British Isles by the Romans. The breed was formed by the 18th century in the north of England and was used as a hound. Aristocrats kept entire packs of beagles in their kennels.

Breeders love beagles for their cheerful and playful nature.

Today, beagles are kept mainly for their small size and cheerful, affectionate nature. Difficulties in his upbringing are created by the innate instinct of the explorer: during a walk, the beagle loves to run away in an unknown direction in search of adventure, so you should not let him off the leash.

Beagles have a sociable character and will feel good in a large family, especially if there are children in it.

English bulldog

The English Bulldog is considered a national treasure of the British and the embodiment of the traits of a “true gentleman”. This is a phlegmatic dog that will not cause problems for the owner and demand to play with it. Bulldogs do not like long walks and do not need them, preferring to spend time at home.

English Bulldog requires careful care

The most difficult thing is caring for an English Bulldog. It is important to monitor his diet so as not to overfeed the dog. The bulldog also has certain health difficulties. Centuries of selection have led to the fact that these dogs depend on their owners more than others - they cannot even scratch themselves due to their short legs, and also need regular massage.

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Jack Russell Terrier

The small but cheerful Jack Russell Terrier is loved by Russian dog breeders for its energetic character and ease of care. These are burrowing dogs that were bred in England to hunt foxes. Nowadays they are most often kept on farms to protect homes and supplies from rodents, and also as companions.

Jack Russell Terriers love long walks and games.

In the city, you will have to walk a lot with a Jack Russell Terrier; they are brave and hardy explorers of the world around them. In an apartment, the Jack Russell Terrier will get bored and start gnawing on everything he can get his hands on, so the breeder should play with him more often and take him for walks.


Corgis are herding dogs that originated in Wales. The first mention of the breed dates back to the 10th century, so it is truly an ancient British family. The popularity of the breed was brought by the royal family - in 1933, the future George VI gave his daughters several puppies. Since then, Queen Elizabeth has always kept corgis in the palace.

Welsh Corgis came into fashion thanks to Elizabeth II

These are cheerful small dogs with a friendly character, easy to train, and very fond of children. Corgis love games and long walks. They do better in the cold than in the warm, so they are better adapted to life in a temperate region.


The sacred dog of the Chinese emperors was bred more than 2,000 years ago, but came to Europe only in the middle of the 19th century. Before that, mere mortals were prohibited from owning Pekingese.

Pekingese - the sacred dog of Chinese emperors

In full accordance with its status, the Pekingese demands attention and respect. Pekingese love to be pampered and treat others kindly, but with a bit of arrogance. If you don't pay enough attention to these dogs, they can start playing pranks in the house, gnawing and throwing things around, and getting into exactly those places where they shouldn't.

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranians are miniature dogs that make good companion dogs. They are easy to keep in an apartment, Spitz are sociable and playful, they love outdoor games and walks. The fluffy Pomeranian needs to be washed and combed regularly.

Pomeranians can and should be cut

Despite his innate devotion to his owner, the Spitz can prove to be very stubborn, so you should not neglect his training. Without the confident, strong hand of the breeder, the Pomeranian Spitz will quickly “sit on its head” and try to subjugate the owner.


In recent years, this dog breed has experienced a peak in popularity not only in the Russian capital.
All over the world, these dogs are in demand due to their high intelligence, easy-going nature, loyalty and friendliness. Labradors get along well with children and get along well with other animals. They are easy to train and follow all commands with pleasure. Dogs sense changes in the owner’s mood and do not disturb him again. Labradors are often used as guide dogs for people with disabilities. They do not require close attention or care. They wait patiently until the owner is ready to walk and play with them. Despite their rather large size, Labradors do not require a huge territory for maintenance. Animals are devoted to humans and have difficulty enduring loneliness.


Bred as a hunting burrowing dog, the German Dachshund, through the process of artificial selection, became shorter-legged and became prone to certain diseases. If you handle your Dachshund incorrectly, it may develop problems with its spine; and if you exercise little, your dog may become obese.

Dachshunds were bred as burrowing hunting dogs.

With a healthy approach from an experienced breeder, an energetic, cheerful and loyal Dachshund can live a long and prosperous life. Dog breeders are advised to carefully train the dachshund: despite its small size and generally non-scandalous character, the dachshund can show serious aggression.

What other breeds are popular among Russians?

The rating of the Russian Canine Federation also includes the following breeds: Akita Inu, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, German Shepherd Dog, Dachshund, Shiba Inu, American Staffordshire Terrier and Tibetan Mastiff.

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Europeans first met the Mexican miniature Chihuahua dog in the mid-19th century. And it was supposedly brought out about three and a half thousand years ago by the ancient Mayans. In the first quarter of the 20th century, Europeans and residents of the States began keeping Chihuahuas in their homes—women especially fell in love with the dwarf dogs.

Chihuahuas have a vulnerable and delicate character

Compared to other dwarf breeds (for example, pinschers), Chihuahuas have a very stable psyche and peaceful character. These kids have an almost human character: they are affectionate, touchy and vulnerable. Chihuahuas can often be jealous and offended if the owner forgets about the pet.

Breeder's page

Be sure to pay attention to the seller's page. You should be wary if the page was created relatively recently. The more the seller is present on the site, the more positive reviews he has, the better. Ask to see the puppy via video call. If not, don't buy.

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Yorkshire Terrier

This breed appeared relatively recently, at the end of the 19th century. The ancestors of the Yorkshire Terrier are the Manchester Terrier, Maltese, and Skye Terrier. Such dogs were kept by peasants in the British county of Yorkshire. A small dog with semi-long hair was an excellent replacement for the large dogs that commoners were forbidden to own. Small terriers protected the house from mice and other rodents, and also accompanied their owners everywhere.

Yorkshire Terriers do well in a city apartment

Yorkshire terriers are well suited for living in a metropolis; they are easy to keep even in a small city apartment. The dog doesn’t even need walks too much: many people put a litter box for Yorkies right at home. However, we should not forget that a dog needs to walk not so much for natural needs, but for good physical shape.

Celebrities introduced the fashion for dwarf dogs

Of course, Western and Russian celebrities did the most to popularize this breed. Celebrities often appear in public with a Yorkshire terrier under their arm. Anfisa Chekhova, for example, does not part with her Yorkie named Coffee, and Ksenia Borodina named her pet Strudya.

There is an opinion that people are divided into “dog people” and “cat people”. If you prefer cats, the editors of suggest reading about the rarest cat breeds in the world.


With the spread of the volunteer movement, Muscovites are increasingly trying to make happy animals that find themselves homeless. To have such a pet at home, you don’t need to spend cosmic sums, just visit a dog shelter and choose an animal. Often, residents of the Russian capital pick up dogs on the street, which respond to them with gratitude and devotion. Animals who have had a hard time before try to be useful in every possible way. The disadvantage of such pets is that they cannot be exhibited at exhibitions. Otherwise, yard dogs make kind, faithful companions and protectors.

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