Bobtail Old English Sheepdog: description, character, care, price

Origin:Great Britain
Usage:herding dog, companion
Color:grey, blue, grizzly
Dimensions:height from 56 cm in females, from 61 cm in males, weight from 27 to 45 kg
Lifespan:10-12 years

The Bobtail is a dog with an extraordinary soul and spectacular appearance. This is the most devoted and loyal friend you can imagine. Animals appeal to both beginners and experienced dog breeders - it’s easy to find an approach to them. The article describes what the breed is, its maintenance and care features.

Breed standard

The Bobtail is a strong, compact dog with a square build. Animals are perfectly adapted to perform their direct duties - they are mobile, efficient and hardworking.

Dogs grow large: the minimum height for females is 56 cm, for males - 61 cm. How much weight the animal will have depends on the height at the withers. The standard does not provide clear guidance on this matter. There are dogs weighing both 28 kg and 45 kg. But the females are somewhat smaller and more graceful than the males.

Official description of the breed (FCI standard No. 16):
BecomeBreed characteristics
HeadProportional, with an almost square skull and well-defined stop.
EarsSmall, hanging, pressed to the head.
NoseLarge, black lobe.
JawsPowerful, set in a scissor bite. A straight bite is acceptable, but not encouraged.
EyesWidely spaced. The color of the iris is dark. Heterochromia is acceptable. The look is smart and intelligent. In a photo of a dog, the eyes are usually not visible because they are hidden by the bangs.
NeckQuite long, muscular, gracefully curved.
BodyThe chest is voluminous. The loin is located above the withers.
TailPreviously, it was subject to docking at birth, now the owner decides the issue. Naturally short, covered with thick fur. Because of this feature, the breed was called “bobtail,” which translates as “bumpy tail.”
LimbsPowerful, provide stability and freedom of movement for the animal. Paws point straight. The fingers are short, the pads are dense and hard.

A characteristic feature of the bobtail dog is its shaggy fur, which provides excellent protection from heat and cold. The dense undercoat repels moisture, keeping the body dry. The guard hair is wavy but not curly. Allowed colors are any shades of gray or blue. The feet, head, neck and belly may be white. Brown or reddish colors are considered a fault. You can see what an Old English Sheepdog looks like in the photo.

The breed has an unusual gait - it waddles, like a bear. The running is smooth and energetic, with good thrust of the forelimbs and powerful drive of the hind limbs. Slowing down, many dogs begin to amble. At the same time, they characteristically sway left and right.

Aggressive, cowardly bobtails, as well as dogs with physical or behavioral abnormalities are subject to disqualification.


The Bobtail is a kind and calm dog. She has an obedient, affectionate and balanced character. The animal subtly senses the mood of the owner. If a person is sad, the dog will try to do everything in his power to make him smile.

Old English Sheepdogs do not strive to dominate and are distinguished by their keen intelligence. Bobtail training is easy - the dog happily follows commands if the owner sincerely praises it and rejoices at its success. You can teach your pet various tricks - everything is limited only by the owner’s imagination.

Training a bobtail shepherd is also effortless. It is enough to awaken the animal’s innate instincts. The Old English Sheepdog will learn the rest on its own, looking at older and more experienced comrades.


It is better to start training a bobtail as early as possible. The animal is growing rapidly, in a matter of months it grows from 6 kg to 35-40 kg.

Particular attention should be paid to herding instincts : it strives to “herd” everything that surrounds it. And we're not just talking about people and animals: cyclists and moving cars can also become the object of your pet's attention. We need to teach him obedience and fight such characteristics.

The approach to teaching should be friendly but firm. Bobtails are smart and quick-witted dogs, they can easily understand what is required of them.


The Old English Sheepdog has an innate herding instinct. A bobtail dog is able to control a herd of cattle of up to 100 heads. However, now animals are more often adopted as companion dogs. They are infinitely loyal to their owner, non-aggressive and calm.

At the same time, the dog can become a good watchman. In this case, it is advisable that the bobtail dog undergo a course in protective guard service. She will learn to behave correctly in an extreme situation and quickly analyze current events. Given the large size and rough voice of the Old English Sheepdog, there are few who want to conflict with a serious animal.

Animals are often used as guide dogs and are involved in working with children with physical and mental disabilities.


Socialization of an Old English Sheepdog puppy begins immediately after it arrives in the home. It is better to initially choose babies who grew up in close contact with people. Obedience must always be sought from the animal, but physical force must not be used. Bobtails take grievances hard, and emotional comfort is the main condition for their happy life.

The Old English Sheepdog is indifferent to its relatives, does not conflict with other pets, and adores children. The bobtail dog is ready to tinker with the kids, like a four-legged nanny. Reviews from the owners confirm that this is a unique dog in its own way - smart, peaceful, sociable, loyal and selfless.

Bobtail nicknames

The Bobtail is an intelligent dog and will easily remember its name. It should be taken into account that when buying a purebred puppy, you need to immediately receive documents in which his name is written. Puppies from the same litter are traditionally named by one letter, but within the framework of this letter, you can tell the breeder which name to write in the documents.

When choosing a name, you can go in two ways: come up with your own name associated with some celebrity, literature or mythology . Or choose your favorite name from suitable nicknames for bobtails:

  • for males: Armstrong, Barton, Bobby, Burgess, Duchess, Spencer, Chadlik, Yardley;
  • for females: Britney, Digby, Kelsey, Colin, Nigel, Fergie.

By the way, initially in England, wanting to emphasize with nicknames that the breed was already recognized outside of shepherd farms, depending on gender, they began to add “Sir” or “Lady”. And the very first bobtails admitted to exhibitions were named Bob, Jocky, Sir Raradon, Sir Guy, Roose and Margery.

How to choose a puppy

A bobtail puppy will require a lot of attention. If the future owner is not sure that he will be able to devote enough time to the pet, it is better to refuse the purchase. With proper upbringing, dogs grow into loyal friends capable of babysitting children and protecting the home.

Before choosing a bobtail puppy, you should get to know its parents. Healthy and large dogs with a stable psyche will produce the same offspring.

Old English Sheepdog puppies are active and curious. They have shiny eyes, a moist nose and a clean coat without an unpleasant odor. To participate in exhibitions, it is better to buy grown-up juniors when the opportunity arises to evaluate their exterior. The breeder must provide a veterinary passport and registration of the dog.

At birth, bobtail puppies are white and black in color. Over time, the color changes to gray or blue.


Creating a menu for a bobtail should be approached with great responsibility. What should the owner choose: ready-made food or natural food?

For a large breed dog such as a bobtail, feeding a commercial dog food can be very expensive, so making your own food will be more economical. However, when choosing a ready-made food, you do not have to calculate the serving size and the balance of various elements in order to satisfy the dog’s daily need for a daily dose of vitamins.

Creating a menu for a bobtail should be approached with great responsibility.

Your dog's daily diet should include the following types of foods:

  • meat and offal (low-fat) – 50%;
  • cereal products – 30%;
  • thermally processed vegetables and fiber – 30%;
  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, etc.).

When compiling a menu of natural products, it is recommended to add vitamin complexes and dietary supplements to your pet’s food to maintain its immunity. In addition, for an active pet, you need to provide free access to a bowl of fresh drinking water.

Features of maintenance and care

The Bobtail is perfectly suited for life on the street - it is not afraid of rain and frost. However, when alone, the animal becomes very sad, so the owner must regularly set aside time for communication and joint games.

If given a long walk, the Old English Bobtail Sheepdog feels good in an apartment. The pet loves when the whole family gets together and enjoys spending time with people.


Coat care requires special attention. Animals are combed 3-4 times a week, and daily during the molting period. If the old fur is not removed in time, the bobtail will develop dermatitis, or in the worst case, demodicosis or eczema. Experienced dog breeders recommend trimming their pets twice a year.

Many owners trim their dogs. A cropped bobtail loses its natural charm, but maintaining a short coat in neat condition is much easier. To prevent bangs from covering your eyes, they are tied into ponytails or slightly shortened. The fur between the paw pads is removed, otherwise the animal will slide on smooth surfaces.

English farmers sheared dogs and spun fur. Things turned out warm and soft.

Bobtail care also includes periodic cleaning of the ears, eyes and teeth. If necessary, the animal's claws are trimmed.


Dogs are bathed approximately once a month. There is no need to do this more often - the fur will lose its natural protective shell.


Representatives of the Bobtail dog breed love jogging. Active physical exercise helps them stay in good shape, which is especially important when living in apartments. Animals are walked twice a day for at least 60 minutes.


Old English Sheepdogs are given super-premium food or prepared with natural food. In the latter case, the bobtail diet consists of:

  • meat and offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • croup;
  • vegetables;
  • fermented milk products.

In agreement with the veterinarian, vitamin and mineral complexes are administered.

Two-month-old puppies are fed 6 times a day. Gradually the frequency is reduced. By the age of one year, food is given twice: in the morning and in the evening. After eating, you should not load the dog, otherwise digestive problems will arise.

Bobtails do not have an upper height limit, so the weight of puppies can vary greatly. The main thing is to provide your baby with a balanced diet.


Feed manufacturers produce products specifically for large breeds. It is best to choose premium food that already contains all the nutrients your dog needs in the right proportions.

They are not prone to overeating, so they will not eat too much. The dog should always have fresh water.


Bobtails are born hard workers, endowed with excellent health. However, how long Old English Sheepdogs live largely depends on the conditions of their detention. Due to its large dimensions, problems with joints are possible. Also vulnerable points of these animals are their eyes and ears. With proper care, life expectancy is 10-12 years.


Representatives of the Bobtail dog breed are predisposed to:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cerebellar ataxia;
  • cataracts;
  • autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

Some animals have congenital deafness.


The first vaccinations are given at 9-12 weeks. During this period, the immunity transmitted through mother's milk weakens. Usually, concerns about primary vaccination fall on the shoulders of the breeder. Upon purchase, he must give the future owner a veterinary passport with the appropriate marks. Adult dogs are revaccinated every year.

Origin story

It is believed that the ancestors of the breed appeared in England during the times of Ancient Rome. Bobtail (the name in translation means bobtail, stump) is recognized as the oldest English breed. In the 18th century, the amount of tax on peasant dogs depended on the length of the tail. Sheepdogs, as a rule, were born with a thick, stump-shaped tail, which is why peasants most often bred them.

The bobtail's ancestors lived in England in the Middle Ages. In the 11th century, they herded and drove livestock and guarded farms. The breed began to develop in Great Britain at the beginning of the 17th century. The breeders planned to improve the working qualities, but they did not touch the appearance. The ancestors ceased to be working dogs and became aristocratic ones. They were especially popular among rich people; in appearance they resembled a mixture of a modern bobtail and a bearded collie.

Modern Old English Sheepdogs first appeared at an exhibition in 1865. Briards, South Russian and Polish Lowland Shepherds took part in their origin. In 1873, the bobtail was introduced as an independent breed; in 1888, a breed club was registered. In 1960, the film “The Shaggy Dog” was released, after which the popularity of the bobtail increased sharply.


Only sexually mature healthy individuals who do not have hereditary diseases are allowed to reproduce. When the best sire is found, the dogs are introduced so that they get used to each other. Favorable days for conception are from 11 to 15 from the start of estrus. Bobtails are usually knitted freestyle. After 24-48 hours, control mating is carried out.

Pregnancy lasts from 56 to 72 days. 2-3 days before the birth, it is advisable to agree with the veterinarian about a possible call, but most often the animals cope on their own. The Bobtail dog breed is prolific – 10 puppies are often born in a litter.

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