Dwarf Doberman - Miniature Pinscher: description of the breed, reviews, characteristics, care and maintenance of a mini-guard

The name of the miniature pinscher breed, which is difficult to pronounce, makes many people think. You won’t immediately remember what this dog looks like. Those who are familiar with the breed understand that this means a miniature pinscher or a mini Doberman. True, there is a distorted opinion about these dogs, since the animal is quite miniature in size. Everyone thinks that these miniature dogs are timid and stupid. Is it so?

Origin story

Connoisseurs of the German language understand by the name that the homeland of miniature pinschers is Germany. The first mentions date back to the fifteenth century. Dogs were owned by farmers who raised horses. The little pinschers did an excellent job of keeping rats out of the stables.

A little later, small animal hunters noticed them. The dog turned out to be very useful: it ate little, did not get tired for a long time, was very nimble and strong. Already in the nineteenth century, breeders paid attention to the breed. The breeding of an even smaller pinscher began. And in 1880 a breed standard was created.

The breed has gained recognition and fans around the world. The main purpose of the dog from now on is as a companion. It is interesting that the breeders managed to maintain the line, even despite the wars that raged in Europe.

Training: recommendations

A clear advantage of this breed is its ability to learn. The dog has a fairly high level of intelligence.

Some tips for raising miniature pinschers:

  • the approach should include affection and love, since in this case the puppy will not be afraid of punishment, feeling good about himself;
  • despite the first point, you need to know the limit in everything, and therefore you should not abuse praise;
  • You should start training from the age of three months, since by this period the dog’s nervous system is already quite well developed, which has a beneficial effect on the memorization process;
  • during initial training, it should include those objects that the puppy is interested in, this could be a ball or some other toy;
  • Since the dog needs an active lifestyle, it needs to be taken for walks regularly.

Description and standard

The International Canine Association classifies the Mini Doberman as one of the smallest service dogs. It is recommended to use the dog in agility and freestyle.


  • Height from 25 to 35 cm;
  • Weight from 4 to 7 kg;
  • The body is elongated, with very smooth shiny hair, embossed;
  • The dog's paws are quite long and thin, but powerful and developed;
  • Eyes black or brown;
  • Scissor bite;
  • The dog's ears are protruding, straight and without creases;
  • The tail is high and straight;
  • The color can be one-color (various shades of brown) or two-color (black and brown).

Many people believe that in order to participate in the exhibition, a miniature pinscher must have cropped ears, like the Doberman breed. However, there is no such rule. The exhibition includes individuals with any type of ear design. The same goes for the tail.

What is the difference between mini Dobermans and Dobermans

Dwarf Spitz: what the mini breed looks like

Dobermans and miniature Dobermans are radically different from each other. Their similarity lies only in appearance. Otherwise, the Miniature Pinscher and Doberman are very different.

The small Doberman has a well-developed hunting instinct; they are often disobedient and aggressive. The difference lies in the scope of activity. Dobermans are designed for military service, and mini Dobermans are used as companions and helpers.

External similarities and differences between Doberman and Miniature Pinscher

Character and behavioral characteristics

This mini dog has a very difficult temperament. Many people mistakenly associate this with the fact that he is supposedly related to the Doberman Pinscher. This is wrong. The Doberman Pinscher was bred by a breeder who admired miniature pinschers and decided to breed a similar dog, but larger. The ancestor of these dogs is the German Pinscher.

The owner will have to be very careful. There is a great temptation to force your pet to obey, since he is very small. This will lead to problems. It takes a lot of patience.

In addition to its complex character, the dog is very inquisitive and playful, good-natured and very active. They love children and outdoor games with them. However, they can become an excellent companion for older people.

There are some disadvantages that are worth paying attention to:

  • They do not tolerate competition from other pets in the family;
  • Passion for digging. Everything in the apartment that they can get to will be subject to digging;
  • They chew objects throughout their life;
  • The guard instinct is highly developed, so they often provoke other dogs.

Interesting Facts

Miniature pinschers are among the smallest representatives of pinschers. However, they are distinguished by stubbornness and willfulness, which are not characteristic of even a large and strong Doberman.

Miniature pinschers are excellent manipulators. The owner often does not realize this quality of his four-legged friend.

Miniature pinschers are the best friends for energetic schoolchildren and teenagers. It is impossible for children and the elderly to keep up with an active pet, much less walk and raise a smart but wayward dog.

Due to their excessive activity, miniature pinschers are considered by many to be hysterical animals. However, their nervous system is in perfect order. They are balanced, but very playful and restless. It's just a character trait.

The miniature pinscher strives to be a leader among other pets and to be on an equal footing with its owner.

The educational process of a miniature pinscher should never stop. Otherwise, the mini Doberman will relax and stop listening to the owner.

Education and training

From an early age you will have to take a leading position in relation to the pinscher, otherwise he will take it himself and become uncontrollable and stubborn. Amenable to training if you turn it into a game, he will happily follow any orders. For this breed, if it is trained, a simple raising of the owner's voice or gaze is sufficient. Physical force is unacceptable under any circumstances.

Comparison of dogs by qualities

Dog breeders often compare dogs of different breeds with each other. They give the following criteria: who is stronger and who is smarter. In general terms, the Doberman is undoubtedly both a strong and intelligent dog. But in order to give an objective assessment of this breed, it is necessary to compare it according to the above criteria.

Who is stronger

Comparison with the German Shepherd

Given the example of a Doberman and a German Shepherd, it is difficult to say which of them is stronger. After all, both breeds have a strong body, they serve for protection and are ready to fight to the last drop of blood. However, according to the criteria of dominance, defense of its territory, and aggressiveness, the German Shepherd is the leader, since the Doberman is less aggressive. However, if you take into account resourcefulness, sharp teeth and intelligence, in a fight, most likely, victory will be given to the second.

Comparison with pit bull

And when comparing a Doberman and a pit bull, it is quite predictable that the pit bull wins the fight. This dog is famous for its aggressiveness and death grip. Probably the decisive factor is that the pit bull is always ready to defend, and the Doberman is characterized by restraint, loyalty and friendliness towards dogs of other breeds.

Comparison with Stafford

Just like in the example with the pit bull, when comparing a Doberman and a Stafford, in most cases the victory will be given to the second. Because the Doberman is not a fighting dog! The appearance and weight of the dogs also play a role. The Stafford is large, stocky, with pronounced muscles, in contrast to the slender, elegant representative of the other breed. The only condition for a Doberman to win is the fact of training and its mass.

Comparison with a boxer

Boxers were developed in 1850 in Munich by crossing a mastiff with a bulldog. Mastiffs were then most often used for hunting bears, and bulldogs for fighting bulls. The Boxer is a very strong, dangerous and aggressive dog, so you can immediately say that it is stronger than the Doberman. Despite the fact that both dogs are hardy, the boxer is a real fighter. He tends to show his aggression towards dogs, unlike more friendly breeds.

Comparison with Great Dane

But in a fight between a Doberman and a Great Dane, it is difficult to say who is stronger. These breeds have a similar appearance and character. They have almost the same physical characteristics, so in this case, attention should be paid to the physical training of the dogs. Since in this case it occupies a key place in training.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the most important thing is training the dog. After all, if a pet trains as a puppy to defend and attack other dogs, it will be able to defeat an opponent whose size and weight exceed the size of a Doberman. That is, he has every chance of defeating even the most aggressive dog, whose nature has the function of attacking and attacking.

Who's smarter

And although in terms of physical characteristics the Doberman is inferior to fighting dogs, in terms of mental characteristics he is not going to give up his status as one of the smartest breeds .

Comparison with the Giant Schnauzer

When choosing who is smarter (Doberman or Giant Schnauzer), it is necessary to take into account the criteria of dog behavior. The first prevails in obedience, sociability and behavior in the family, while at the same time inferior in dominance, defense of its territory and concentration. In this case, it is necessary to take into account which factors are predominant.

Comparison with Labrador

It is worth noting here that both breeds are intelligent and charming. However, in terms of training, priority is given to the former, since he is more diligent and diligent than the Labrador.

Comparison with cocker

Comparing these dogs, it is difficult to say who is smarter, because the cocker is not a guard dog, so special attention is paid to the fact that this is one of the kindest dogs that can easily find a common language with people and other dog breeds. But regarding training, this process takes longer for them than training a Doberman. And in this case, training regarding the service use of dogs is taken into account - protection, attack and the opportunity to develop a sense of smell, the ability to follow the scent.

Comparison with the Doberman Pinscher

It is very difficult to come to a conclusion about who is smarter - a Doberman Pinscher or a Doberman Pinscher. After all, they are essentially the same breed, just in different sizes. Both breeds are prone to obedience, are often used for official purposes, and are easy to train.

Comparison with dachshund

And the last example would be: Doberman and Dachshund. Despite their height and rather unusual body shape, dachshunds are active, sociable, and sometimes more focused and aggressive than the former. And they are even used as guard dogs, and less often as bodyguards. But still, intelligence prevails among Dobermans, since the seriousness and responsibility of the dog will play a key role here.

Summarizing the above, we can come to the conclusion that the Doberman is a fairly smart, strong and noble breed of dog. He attracts attention with his appearance and intelligence. A huge plus is that this dog is an excellent guard and bodyguard, because it is hardy and loyal, and will protect its owner to the last drop of blood .

She is not afraid of dogs of other breeds, but is smart enough to have less conflicts with them. But along with the pros, there are also cons. For example, this dog is not suitable for families who lead a sedentary lifestyle; they require a lot of attention, the opportunity to walk outside longer, and the owner’s desire to play with them . But be that as it may, the Doberman is the dog that is ready to bear the proud title of “man’s best friend”!



Life expectancy is quite long - on average 15 years. This is a lot for a small dog. Health is good; with proper care, the dog is little bothered by illness.

There are specific health problems and threats:

  • They are very at risk of frostbite during cold periods;
  • Development of diabetes mellitus;
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • Eye pathologies: cataracts, glaucoma;
  • Joint dislocations;
  • Deafness;
  • Epilepsy.

To prevent all diseases, you need a high-quality diet, care and a lot of attention. The dog is very susceptible to temperatures, low and high. Therefore, in the heat, you must always have water with you to cool your pet, and insulate it in winter. For them, clothes are not a funny accessory, but a necessity.


Are there any owners of a small Doberman among our readers? Tell us about your character traits, are they really what they describe? What clothes can you recommend purchasing? What do you feed your pet? Share your experience in the comments.

My main specialty is lawyer. Currently I teach criminal law at a university and conduct various special courses. I love animals, all of them without exception, but at heart I am a 100% “dog person”. Gradually, a main hobby developed - participation in various groups for helping animals - from specialized breeds to the most ordinary ones. I often take dogs to my home for foster care, so the issues of nutrition and animal care are among the most interesting and relevant for me.

Maintenance and care

This breed is exclusively for indoor use, not outdoors. An animal should have its own place in the house. You need to understand that a representative of this breed will jealously guard it, so it is better to clean it in his absence.

Needs long walks outside, during which the owner will play outdoor games with him. It's better not to let him off the leash. When leaving him at home alone, you need to offer him a whole arsenal of toys.

Rules of care:

  • Mini Dobermans are very rarely dirty. Therefore, after a walk, it is enough to dry your pet’s fur with a towel;
  • Pinschers are washed several times a year. More frequent washing leads to colds and flaking of the skin;
  • Shedding is insignificant; no brushing is required;
  • Ears and claws need attention.

Never carry your Pinscher by the scruff of the neck. The dog will have a painful tendon injury.

In order to protect your pet from diseases, he needs to purchase clothes for the cold season. It should not be tight and made of warm and water-repellent material.

Characteristics of the Miniature Pinscher breed

Miniature Pinschers are miniature analogues of the famous Doberman Pinschers, but they are completely unrelated to them. Animals are playful, energetic, wonderful companions for various games, long walks and hikes. The Pocket Pinscher is a type of dog that does not cause indignation or irritability, and does not experience hesitation or fear. The dog has an innate intelligence and quickly masters skills, thanks to this it can withstand the test of a guard dog; its miniature appearance is not a hindrance at all.

The creator of this popular type of animal, Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, admired miniature pinschers and was able to breed a similar type of dog of impressive dimensions.

When purchasing a puppy of this type, you must be prepared for constant resistance. Miniature Dobermans are very capricious creatures that require educational process from the first moments of their appearance in the house. If a puppy is not raised, it may grow up to be a spoiled animal with an intolerable character. Puppies of the Miniature Pinscher breed are smart creatures, they very quickly find understanding with their owners, accept norms of behavior and discipline.

In the modern world, this type of animal is popular, but miniature creatures live in apartments and are deservedly the most beautiful animals for the family

It is quite possible to train a dog to a litter tray in winter. Natural food is recommended for dwarf Great Dane puppies as food. The daily diet must include raw or boiled meat products (exclude pork), fish, boiled yolk, and fermented milk products can be given once a week. It is necessary to add a small amount of vegetable oil to food to improve the functioning of the stomach and the beautiful appearance of the coat. The Pinscher should receive various vitamins.

Miniature Pinscher puppies are a smaller version of Pinschers and Schnauzers. Now this variety is popular, interest is growing, and the annual number of nurseries breeding this type of puppies is increasing.


Pinschers eat little, so the owner has more opportunities to create a varied diet. It should include:

  • Almost 40% of the daily diet is protein (raw or cooked meat);
  • Oatmeal and buckwheat in the form of porridges;
  • Be sure to add boiled vegetables with a drop of vegetable oil.

Food is given according to a schedule, otherwise overeating is possible. Water is not limited. If the owner decides to feed the animal with ready-made food, then you need to choose only the super premium class. There are no unnecessary impurities in these feeds. It is worth choosing specialized food, labeled “for small breeds.”

How to choose and where to buy a puppy

When choosing, pay a lot of attention to the breeder. Is it just business for him or is he a true dog lover. This will be evident in the way he talks about the puppies.

Pinscher litters are very small - on average one or two babies. Choosing a puppy on your own is difficult. Voice your plans for the dog to the breeder, and he will recommend you a specific baby.

You only need to buy a kitten from a nursery; this is the only way to be guaranteed to buy a friend who will be free from diseases and will become a prominent representative of the breed. The breed is not rare and there are many breeding kennels.

The price of miniature pinscher puppies ranges from $300 to $900.


The creation of mixed breeds did not bypass Dobermans. It is believed that mestizos, unlike purebred breeds, have better immunity to various diseases and are less susceptible to cold.

Rottweiler mix

A crossbreed between a Doberman and a Rottweiler has adopted the traits of both breeds in the same way; in general, these dogs are similar, especially as puppies. Well, having matured, he will turn into a surprisingly stately dog, with strong legs, stockier than a purebred representative of the breed. This mixed breed will have the classic color for both breeds - black with rusty tan.

And with his head he will look like a Rottweiler: the head is of medium size, with a well-defined occipital protuberance, the ears are set wide. The muzzle is slightly narrowed, ending in a wide lobe with widened round nostrils. The color of the ear lobes, lips and eye rims is black. The mestizo will take on the character of his parents and will be a brave dog.

Shepherd mix

A Doberman mixed breed with a Shepherd will make an excellent working breed. In appearance it will resemble a German Shepherd, black and red in color. The muzzle will be more pointed than that of a purebred Shepherd, but less than that of a Doberman.
The dog's height will be higher than that of a shepherd, and its body will be slender. If you do not train a mixed breed, he will become an irritable and dangerous dog, which will lead to unexpected behavior of the dog in different situations.

Pitbull mix

By crossing a pit bull and a Doberman, we get an irreplaceable guard, but also quite aggressive. After all, the pit bull is famous for its “death grip”, and the Doberman is not inferior to it in attacking the enemy. This mixed breed has strong paws and body, the color will vary from black to light rust with white tan . The muzzle will be oblong.

Mongrel cross

A dog with good immunity, smart, fast, an excellent protector and a good friend - this is all a cross between a Doberman and a mongrel. The appearance loses its aristocratic appearance, and the difference from the above mestizos is that this breed will not be short-haired. The description of this mestizo is rather vague, since everything depends on the mongrel, its size, and appearance. But most often they produce tall dogs with a strong body.

Other famous hybrids

Science knows the crossbreeds of a Doberman and a black Great Dane - a tall black dog that does not differ in appearance from a Doberman, but its color does not have tan and its height is slightly taller than a purebred dog.

The muzzle is elongated, the lower jaw is strong. And there is even baby Django, who is currently 3 years old.


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