RosPes dog food: reviews and composition overview

Review of dog food "True Friends"

The “Dai Lapu” website has already talked about many feeds produced in Russia, today we will talk about one more - “True Friends”, the official website of the manufacturer is (ProdKontraktInvest LLC).
In some stores it is positioned as premium class, in others as super premium class. To understand what we really have, let’s look at the composition of this food. Read about other foods:

Composition of the food “True Friends”

Let's look at the composition of the food "True Friends" using the example of the option "for medium-sized dogs with lamb and rice." The first ingredient is chicken meat meal, the second and third are whole white rice and wheat, respectively, and the fourth is lamb meat meal. By food industry standards, "meat meal" must have meat at its core, but skin and bones may also be present. Everything is clear with rice and wheat - sources of carbohydrates.

Corn is a source of carbohydrates, as well as vegetable proteins and fats. Edible animal fat (too bad it’s not specified what kind of fat - chicken, pork?) and salmon fat are sources of fat. Among the remaining ingredients, everything is typical for dry dog ​​food - flax seeds, yeast, various vitamin and mineral supplements.

At first glance, the composition looks very good and the food is based on meat, but if you think about it, the percentages of ingredients are not indicated. On the manufacturer’s website, where this composition was taken from, it is indicated that 80% of the proteins in the food are of animal origin.

Pros and cons of food

Among the advantages of the food:

  • the main source of protein is meat and meat by-products;
  • low cost - the food is cheap compared to analogues;
  • availability of canned food and treats;
  • presence of vitamins and minerals.

The disadvantages include:

  • percentages of ingredients are not indicated;
  • It is not specified which antioxidants are used.

Feed line

The RosPes food line is designed to meet the needs of dogs of different ages, breeds, activity levels and health conditions. To provide variety in nutrition without compromising the chosen daily diet, manufacturers produce canned food and all kinds of treats.

The RosPes company produces dry food, canned food and tasty treats.

To combat allergic reactions, various diseases, and decreased immunity, therapeutic and preventive diets are used.

The most extensive category of dry food includes several lines:

  • Puppy food "RosPesik" is a series of diets for puppies of different ages, helping the baby to develop harmoniously according to its biological and physiological cycles.
  • Foods for adult dogs are diets that are fully balanced in the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
  • Food for service dogs – a menu with a high protein and fat content to meet the energy needs of highly active dogs.
  • Veterinary diets of the “Active” line are a series of therapeutic diets that ensure the health of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, joints and tissues, skin and coat, and also strengthen the immune system.
  • Mono -diets are medicinal foods for adult dogs with sensitive digestion, containing a single source of protein and easily digestible carbohydrates. Designed for dogs with excess or underweight, food allergies, weakened animals after illness and bitches after cessation of lactation.

Important. Mono-diets are good because they can be used to diagnose food allergies to a certain type of protein or carbohydrate.

In the RosPes line you can find instant porridges for dogs.
Canned food based on chicken, lamb and cold cuts are suitable for additional feeding of adult pets. The availability of delicious porridges that do not require cooking also leaves no dog owner indifferent: the choice is rich buckwheat on lamb ribs or rice porridge on veal and chicken giblets.

The manufacturer also pleased us with delicious meat nuggets, which are frozen products made from a huge portion of meat and fresh vegetables. They are extremely easy to use: remove from the refrigerator, defrost and treat your pet. Used as an additive to the main diet.

As a pleasant bonus, the RosPes line includes dry cookies in the form of rolls, hearts, seeds and stars. The whole fibrous structure of the treat has the effect of a toothbrush: it cleans teeth and strengthens gums.

Dog food “True Friends” - reviews

Review of the food “True Friends”, writes Elena. We switched to this food two years ago, when everything on store shelves rose sharply in price. The food granules are quite large, the smell is so-so, but the dog apparently likes it - he eats it with pleasure. She also looks good, active, and has had no problems with bowel movements during the entire feeding period. The only thing is that we give it a little less than the norm, at first we gave it as indicated on the package - our Diamond began to gain weight a little.

Review of the food “True Friends”, writes Nelya. Hi all. We adopted a yard puppy and the question of feeding arose. Looking at prices and reviews on the Internet, we settled on the food Faithful Friends, we also liked its composition. We bought it in an online store (we didn’t have it in local pet stores), the baby liked it and ate surprisingly well. Month after month, the puppy has grown into a contented, larger dog, so the food cannot be called bad. We recommend - this is the best economical food!

Review of the food “True Friends”, writes Olya. Once again, when I went to the pet store to buy treats for my dog, I saw a new product - food with the beautiful name “True Friends”. Its composition is very simple, but decent, and the price is budget. There was no one for small dogs, but there was one “for dogs of all breeds.” The granules turned out to be too big for my baby, but she still chewed on them)) I haven’t noticed any other disadvantages yet. Next time you need to look for a package with the inscription for small breeds, I hope there are smaller granules there.

Reviews from dog breeders

Natalia. I debated for a long time whether to buy RosPes food or not, and finally decided to try it. I liked the smell, quite natural, without fragrances. The kibble has a nice texture and my Maltese eat it with great pleasure. The stool is good and regular. They ate a special mono-diet for sensitive dogs, and after a while the signs of allergy disappeared. We’re already finishing our second 20-kilogram bag, and I’ll be ordering more.

Elena. I decided to buy food a little more expensive, hoping for good quality. The choice fell on the Russian dry food RosPes. As a result, my pets and I are extremely disappointed: the food smells disgusting of herring, there is a mass of deformed and glued granules, the taste of dried bread soaked in fish oil. The dogs didn’t even touch this food, despite their pickiness and long stay in the shelter.

Conclusions about this food

About the food True Friends, reviews are mostly positive, although there are not so many of them. There are certain questions about the composition, but in any case it is better than Pedigree at almost the same price. Of course, we would recommend taking a more expensive and high-quality super premium food, but if you can’t afford it, “True Friends” is a completely acceptable option.

Price of dog food “True Friends”

  • Dry food “True Friends” for dogs 1 kg - about 105 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food “True Friends” 3 kg - from 300 to 350 rubles;
  • Dry food “True Friends” for dogs 15 kg - from 1250 to 1450 rubles.

*Prices shown are current as of February 2022 and may change significantly over time.

Review of dog food RosPes

Today we are reviewing another Russian-made food, which, unlike the previously studied Nasha Marka food, can truly be called complete nutrition. On the one hand, the “drying” of RosPes can be classified as super premium food, on the other hand, some aspects raise doubts in terms of quality. To explain why this is so, we visited the official website of the food https://rospes.rf, took a screenshot of the composition of one of the options and will use its example to understand it.

Read about food from other manufacturers:

Composition of RosPes feed

Let's look at the composition of RosPes food using the example of the option “for adult dogs of all breeds “Veal with vegetables””. The first three ingredients are “meat and offal” (chicken, beef, veal), the fourth is salmon, the fifth is “chicken or beef liver”, the sixth is “dry egg white”. That is, as many as 6 first ingredients are of animal origin, not grains. It would seem just great, but there is a “but”.

If we take into account the third ingredient of 10%, then in place of the first two it comes out to more than 30%, and with the next three, probably about 45% of the composition is components with a high percentage of protein. Then how do we end up with only 24% protein? And this despite the fact that the composition also contains “dry chicken protein” and corn (also rich in protein, it contains about 10%). Probably there is not so much meat in the ingredients “meat and offal” + it is fresh (as indicated in other options), which means that after cooking it loses about 3/4 of its volume and, accordingly, moves from the first places in the composition.

The rest of the food is comparable to representatives of the super-premium class - if we go through the composition, we will find vegetables, fruits, and a set of vitamins and minerals. However, we will also see “Antioxidant”, which is not specified (although the price list from the official website contains about).

Pros and cons of RosPes food

The advantages include:

  • several types of meat included;
  • multiple protein sources;
  • have the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • in general, the composition is better than many inexpensive coms;
  • low price.
  • It is not known how much meat is in the ingredients of the “meat and offal” type, maybe there is a very minimum of it;
  • it is not specified which by-products exactly (after all, in addition to the good ones (heart, liver), there are also useless ones);
  • antioxidant not specified;
  • the food is not very widespread despite its Russian production.

Composition of RosPes feed

RosPes dog food contains exclusively natural ingredients processed using a special gentle technology. The manufacturer does not use artificial colors, flavors or GMOs, taking care of the health of four-legged friends.

RosPes dog food belongs to the premium class and is produced in Russia.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are contained in the feed in carefully selected proportions. Meat and offal of lamb, beef, mutton, chicken, turkey, veal, as well as fish (salmon, herring, cod) are used as protein products.

The role of carbohydrate components went to easily digestible rice, peas, oatmeal, corn, rye, buckwheat, Jerusalem artichoke and potatoes. Beef, fat tail and salmon fat, sunflower and flaxseed oil and other types of animal and vegetable fats are a storehouse of healthy fats.

Attention. The RosPes food line includes monoprotein complete formulas that do not contain wheat, wheat gluten, corn, soy, barley and dairy products.

The food recipe includes a lot of useful elements that have a beneficial effect on your pet’s health:

  • brewer's yeast in combination with medicinal herbs strengthens the natural texture of coat and skin;
  • tricolor violet and burdock help in the fight against eczema and other skin diseases;
  • lungwort is rich in silicic acid, which has a positive effect on the condition of the central nervous system, bones, tendons and skin;
  • stinging nettle improves the appearance of the coat and stimulates kidney function;
  • flower extract, hawthorn and rosehip fruits have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the vessels of the heart.

RosPes food contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for dogs.
RosPes diets are balanced with a full range of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Vitamin E and selenium protect the body from harmful metabolic products and normalize the functions of the immune system. Potassium and magnesium strengthen the motor skills of the heart, making it resilient and strong, while glucosamine and chondroitin take care of the health of joints, cartilage and cartilage tissue.

Dog food RosPes - reviews

Review of RosPes dog food, writes Svetlana. We won a small package of this food at the exhibition; its composition was far from the worst. We usually eat Hills; compared to it, RosPes has a less pungent smell. The granules are medium-sized, fatty, homogeneous, with a meaty aroma. The dog ate it with pleasure, but this food is not sold in our city and when the packaging ran out they started feeding Hills again.

Review of RosPes dog food, writes Tatyana. Both my dogs have been eating RosPes food for half a year now, there is never any leftover in the bowl) They look good, have a beautiful coat, and are active. Before this, we ate Probalance for a couple of months, one dog lost weight (that’s why he changed food). In general, everything is fine.

Review of RosPes dog food, writes Elena. We bought into the cheapness of RosPes feed and immediately took a large bag, but in the end we regretted it. The dog ate very reluctantly, the stool became lighter and less frequent than usual. I read in reviews that there is probably a lot of bone meal in the food, which is why it is lighter. We finished the bag and returned to Royal Canin, after that everything returned to normal and the dog eats with appetite, and not because of hunger.

Why is this food better than others?

The feed manufacturer RosPes classifies its product as a super-premium segment, but in terms of pricing policy it is as close as possible to premium nutrition. One of the significant advantages of Russian RosPes diets is the rich assortment, which allows you to diversify the daily menu of your four-legged friend. In addition to dry and wet food, the brand presents various types of treats, frozen food and veterinary diets. For example, the manufacturer of the popular Czech food Brit Premium limited itself to producing only dry food.

A significant advantage of RosPes feed is the high content of dietary fiber (fiber) in the recipe. The benefits of fiber include normalizing animal stool, maintaining optimal weight, controlling metabolism and blood sugar levels, and lowering cholesterol levels. Thus, diets for adult dogs contain 3.8% fiber, while the Purina Van menu contains only 1.5-2%. In addition, Purina Van food contains a dubious flavoring additive.

Conclusions about RosPes food

There are both positive and quite a few negative reviews about RosPes dog food, and it contains many unspecified ingredients. Yes, the food is undoubtedly better than economy food like Purina One, Nasha Marka or Oscar, maybe even better than popular premiums (ProPlan, Royal Canin), but the Dai Paw website, due to the listed uncertainties in the composition, will not recommend it.

Feed price RosPes

  • Dry dog ​​food RosPes 1 kg - about 240 rubles;
  • Dry food RosPes for dogs 2 kg - about 470 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food RosPes 20 kg - about 4780 rub.

*The prices indicated are approximate and may vary depending on the store and food option.

Reviews from veterinarians

Lyudmila, veterinarian, 54 years old. I treat food of domestic origin with particular caution, since it is quite difficult for them to compete with imported brands. RosPes food is stated as super premium, but in terms of price and quality I would classify it as premium. The composition is based on meat products, but most likely there are many questionable by-products among them. Otherwise, the food is not bad: in the analysis we will find the necessary vitamins and minerals, the recipe includes fresh vegetables and fruits, which is a big plus. The absence of chemicals and GMOs also makes this food suitable for daily consumption.

Anton, veterinarian, 35 years old. Today, the RosPes brand occupies a leading position among domestic super-premium class feeds. Its composition is quite good: a huge amount of meat ingredients for every taste and needs of the body, the absence of cheap cereal substitutes and synthetic substances. Separately, I would like to highlight the wide range of products. Manufacturers have taken into account the preferences of even the most finicky dogs, as well as pets with poor health.

The photo shows granules of dry dog ​​food from RosPes.

The best dry food

For daily nutrition, it is most profitable to take dry food. It is consumed more economically and can be stored for a long time even in an open package. But here you need to carefully read the composition. A high-quality mixture should contain about 50% protein sources (meat), but artificial flavoring and aromatic additives are undesirable.

Wolfsblut – perfectly balanced

Excellent German holistic food. According to the manufacturer, the animals for its preparation are raised on special farms without the use of hormones. The products stand out due to their extensive meat menu, sometimes quite exotic. In addition to traditional lamb, duck and rabbit, you can find mixtures with meat from pheasant, deer, camel, ostrich, wild boar - 15 items in total. And for summer and dietary nutrition, the manufacturer offers dry food with six types of fish.


  • Meat content is 25-50%, if necessary, the protein level is “obtained” from fish;
  • Average granule size;
  • Practically does not cause allergies;
  • Interesting and varied tastes that picky dogs will like;
  • Contains minimal or no grains;
  • Enriched with phytocomponents;
  • Three “formats” of packaging – 2, 7.5 and 15 kg.


  • The animal fat content in most products in the line reaches 18%, which can cause constipation in some dogs and is certainly not suitable for sedentary and obese dogs;
  • High price with sharp jumps when exchange rates change;
  • Mixtures containing tomato can cause allergies.

Wolfsblut dry food does not have any outright bad reviews: the worst comments are neutral. Overall, this is an interesting line of healthy products for dogs of different breeds. After using them, owners note a general increase in the activity of their pets, an improvement in the condition of their coat and teeth.

Brit Care Adult Large Breed - the best food for large dogs

Czech super premium food. The line includes mixtures with chicken and salmon, but products for allergic animals are of greater interest. It is made from lamb with the addition of rice.


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Zip-lock on the packaging to preserve the smell after printing;
  • Contains chondroprotectors to protect joints;
  • The composition includes fruits and phytocomponents;
  • The large 12 kg package is equipped with a convenient side handle.


  • Relatively high cost;
  • Fatty.

An excellent option for dogs that have digestive problems or have developed reactions to other foods. Suitable for medium, large and extra large animals over 2 years old, as well as representatives of breeds prone to allergies (Labradors, bulldogs, Shar-Peis, etc.).

Probalance - the most inexpensive

Despite the foreign name, this is a Russian-made mixture - just a Danish brand. Probalance appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, so the dealer network is still disrupted. Premium class.


  • Dehydrated meat in the composition instead of dubious “poultry meal”;
  • Affordable price for such quality;
  • Does not contain corn and soy - oats or flaxseeds are used as carbohydrate sources;
  • Contains a phytocomposition of medicinal herbs, chondroprotectors and prebiotics;
  • 12 vitamins instead of the standard 3.


  • Difficulties with supplies;
  • Low meat content – ​​up to 30%;
  • Includes the synthetic antioxidant E321 - its use is permitted in many countries, but it has not yet been recognized as absolutely safe.

In general, Probalance honestly fulfills the requirements for premium food. However, dog owners recommend giving their pets less amount of it than indicated on the package. It is too high in calories, which can cause problems with bowel movements.

The best wet food and canned food for dogs

Canned food for large dogs is purchased only in the form of treats, since they are very expensive when compared with dry food. But for medium and small breeds this is an excellent solution to issues of balanced nutrition.

Brit - the most natural

The brand has already appeared in our review as the best among dry food. Her canned food also received a lot of good reviews and not a single bad one. True, this line is already produced in Russia - at the Yelets meat processing plant. Belongs to the premium class.


  • Natural composition (only meat, offal and fat-soluble vitamins);
  • Does not contain grains, although some products do contain rice;
  • The share of meat products is 80%.


  • There have been reviews that lately there has been more jelly in jars - it seems that technologists are conducting experiments.

A rather large jar weighing 850 g is suitable for feeding medium and large dogs. Small breeds may not have time to “master” the entire container in two days, and the canned food will have to be thrown away. Veterinarians recommend giving Brit wet food to restore immunity after animal illnesses and surgical operations.

The best foods for puppies

For a growing dog’s body, as well as for our children, a balanced diet is especially important: high in protein, with a powerful complex of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, it must be hypoallergenic, since the immune system of a small pet is still too weak. The best option for puppies would be holistic foods, as well as premium mixtures appropriate to their size and breed.

NOW Natural holistic New - the most useful

Canadians made this super-premium food grain-free especially for puppies. In addition, Now Fresh tries to avoid potentially allergenic foods as much as possible by substituting duck and turkey for chicken.


  • Absolutely natural - made from meat fillet, eggs, vegetables and fruits;
  • Does not contain beets, which is important for dogs with white hair;
  • Does not contain grains - instead, potatoes, peas and apples serve as fiber sources;
  • Small granules;
  • The optimal fat content is 16%.


  • It is almost never found on the open market, although you can order it online;
  • A little dry and some puppies will require soaking;
  • The price is high.

Excellent food for puppies with a balanced composition. Normalizes digestion thanks to lactobacilli and does not cause any negative reactions.

Acana Puppy & Junior – completely natural

One of the most famous and expensive brands of dog food produces a line of dry mixtures for puppies of small, medium and large breeds. They receive a lot of positive reviews and have already earned the favor of veterinarians. The only problem that may arise with Acana is typical for any food that simply turns out to be not to your pet’s taste.


  • Made from dehydrated meat;
  • Small and not too hard granules;
  • Does not cause food allergies;
  • Contains vegetables, legumes and a whole bunch of phytocomponents, from cereals - only oats;
  • Enriched with chondroitin.


  • High fat content – ​​19%, which can cause intestinal problems;
  • The price is high.

Owners buy Acana Puppy & Junior food not only for puppies, but also for adults of small breeds - the composition is well balanced, and the small size of the granules is just right for lap dogs.

Almo Nature Medium Puppy – the most popular

The Italian-made dry mixture is declared as a holistic product. In fact, the composition here is poorer - rather, it is premium.


  • Meat retention 53-55%;
  • From cereals - rice, oats and barley;
  • There are no preservatives or flavors;
  • Available at many pet stores;
  • Not too greasy;
  • Contains fruit and herbal extracts.


  • The price is higher than it could be;
  • There is “understatement” in the manufacturer’s description of the composition, which causes owners to doubt the quality of the mixture.

In general, the food is not bad - neither the dog owners nor the puppies themselves show any dissatisfaction with it. But the self-confident inscription holistic does not correspond to the declared qualities and, most likely, is simply an excuse to inflate the cost of the mixture.

What dog food to buy

1. For your dog’s daily nutrition, it is better to choose good, but inexpensive products: Brit canned food, Purina ONE spiders, Probalance dry food.

2. Animals with digestive problems and a tendency to allergies buy Brit Care and Acana dry formulas.

3. For active dogs (hunting, working and fighting breeds), fatty and high-calorie mixtures from Wolfsblut, Belcando or more affordable options from Probalance are suitable.

4. It is better to keep puppies up to a year or two on expensive but balanced holistic products: Now Fresh or Acana Puppy. If you can’t find them on sale, you can use a simpler mixture, such as Almo Nature. These same brands also produce good food for decorative dogs.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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