Caring for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy - how to choose, what to feed and raise correctly

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most beloved breeds of decorative dogs.

Yorkies' fur is constantly growing hair, but it does not cause allergies. In this regard, even people suffering from allergies to animal fur can keep a terrier at home.

By nature, this is one of the most inquisitive and charming dogs. Also a big plus is the possibility of keeping this dog even in a small apartment .

One of the problems with Yorkie girls is difficult childbirth . Dogs often require medical attention.

Advice! It is worth carefully monitoring all periods of your dog’s pregnancy with a veterinarian. And in case of problems in a dog giving birth, immediately call a doctor.

The number of puppies in a Yorkshire Terrier litter ranges from one to five, sometimes more, depending on the health of the expectant mother and the heredity of the male.

Caring for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy in the first days after birth

Yorkie puppies are born within half an hour of each other . It happens that a terrier giving birth for the first time does not understand what to do, so consult your doctor in advance about how to help the dog.

When born, Yorkshire Terrier puppies are blind, deaf and have no teeth . In addition, they are black . The weight of a newborn Yorkie puppy is approximately 70 to 125 grams .

Important! With their first breath, newborn Yorkies scream loudly; they must breathe through their nose. A few minutes later, he begins to navigate and look for his mother's nipple - this is an innate instinct. If the puppy is weak and breathes through its mouth, then you need to call a veterinarian or a breeder who has experience in giving birth to this breed.

How to care for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy? In the first days, their mother takes care of them . After the mother has licked all the puppies , examine them - their bodies should be elastic.

For several days the babies sleep and eat all the time . They have stool up to 4-5 times a day. Therefore, change diapers often in the playpen where the dog lives with newborns.

Babies should be active, crawl, look for their mother’s nipple, and at this time you don’t have to touch them - just keep an eye on them. She licks and turns them over herself.

Advice ! If puppies are crying and whining, they are probably low on milk or have a stomach ache. If the puppy's belly is swollen, give it to the dog and apply butter to the puppy's anus so that she can lick it and help the baby.

What to feed a Yorkie puppy if
there is not enough milk, then artificial supplementation is introduced .
There are specialized mixtures or you can prepare them yourself - take 400 - 500 ml of milk, one yolk and a tablespoon of dry cream .

The mixture is stirred until the dry matter is completely dissolved, heated to 35° and fed to the babies.

If a tragic situation occurs and the babies are left without a mother, then you need to urgently consult with the breeder or a veterinarian , who will clearly explain the intricacies of caring for newborns. Ideally, you need to find a nursing dog.

If this is not possible, then for the first week, feed with formula milk 12-20 times a day , constantly wipe, turn and almost never leave the baby.

Natural food

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of natural nutrition is the absence of artificial flavors, colors or flavor enhancers. The products are easily digestible and all the beneficial substances that enter the Yorkie’s body are of natural origin, and the menu is varied and does not get boring for the dog.

But “natural” also has significant disadvantages:

  • Preparing a balanced diet takes a lot of time;
  • food must be fresh, which means it needs to be cooked daily;
  • It is necessary to carefully control the quality and freshness of products.

Having given preference to a natural diet, you need to additionally give your pet a vitamin and mineral complex.

Authorized Products

The Yorkshire Terrier can and should eat:

  • boiled lean meat - rabbit, turkey, beef;
  • boiled offal - heart, lungs, liver;
  • cereals – rice, buckwheat or millet;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • greenery.


To ensure that your Yorkie gets the necessary vegetable fats, you should sprinkle his food with olive or linseed oil.

In addition, several times a week you need to give your pet boiled yolk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and boiled vegetables.

It is acceptable to introduce into the diet as a treat a small amount of low-fat cheese and fruits - plums, pears, apples, bananas, melon or watermelon.

What is strictly contraindicated?

Foods that Yorkies should never eat:

  • legumes (peas, lentils, beans);
  • corn;
  • pasta;
  • bread;
  • sweets;
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb);
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • tubular bones;
  • cabbage, turnips, potatoes;
  • citruses;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • onion;
  • alcohol;
  • oatmeal and pearl barley;
  • milk;
  • seasonings;
  • fried foods;
  • raw chicken protein;
  • juice;
  • freshwater and fatty fish;
  • fatty cheese;
  • mushrooms.


Neglect of nutritional rules and feeding your Yorkie with prohibited foods leads to the development of a number of diseases - dermatitis, flatulence, indigestion, kidney failure and underdeveloped limbs.

What to feed a Yorkshire Terrier puppy in the first 2 months of life

Puppies open their eyes at the age of a week or one and a half, and then they begin to hear. They can lap from the age of 2-3 weeks , at which time additional food can be introduced , since the mother’s milk may not be enough, and the puppies grow very quickly.

To do this, milk porridge first introduced into the terriers' diet .

When the pet is one month old, they begin to give : lean, finely chopped beef or chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, kefir, boiled vegetables (carrots, beets), water porridge, apples, pumpkin seeds.

At 2 months old, a Yorkie can be given dry food , which must be selected by a veterinarian for this breed, as allergic reactions are possible.

Once the puppies are a month old, you can carefully trim their nails.

Advice! It is also important to maintain the temperature regime (24 - 26 degrees), not to create drafts or heat in the apartment. You need to wipe your Yorkie's eyes with a cotton swab and examine them every morning.

Feeding during pregnancy

A pregnant or lactating bitch needs a special diet and more frequent feeding.

With a natural diet, the basis of the menu should be lean meat with the addition of fermented milk products, vegetables, boiled quail eggs, chopped cottage cheese and beef liver. Additional vitamins and minerals are needed.

When feeding commercial food, you should switch to products intended for pregnant and lactating dogs. Vitamins are not required, they should be given after childbirth.

Table of Yorkie weight changes by month

If puppies are fed properly, they should gain weight every day. For the first two weeks we weigh the Yorkies every day, then once every three days.

Newborn puppy weight (g)70 – 8085 – 115120 – 130135 – 155
1 month1 Week105 – 115140 – 185190 – 230150 – 270
2 week140 – 185185 – 200285 – 310350 — 380
3 week170 – 200225 – 310370 – 400450 – 500
4 week190 – 230270 – 370450 – 480540 – 600
2 month5 week230 – 255310 – 425480 – 550620 – 680
week 6255 – 310355 – 500560 – 620680 – 760
week 7285 – 340410 – 550620 – 700750 – 851
8 week312 — 369450 – 600680 – 760820 – 930
3 monthWeek 9340 – 425500 – 650730 – 820900 – 990
10 week370 – 450540 – 700800 – 870960 – 1070
11 week390 – 480590 – 765870 – 9601040 – 1200
12 week420 – 530620 – 850930 – 10501160 – 1270
Week 13450 – 570680 – 9001020 – 11301240 – 1380
4 monthWeek 14480 – 620730 – 9601100 – 12501330 – 1470
Week 15540 – 650800 – 10501150 – 13001450 – 1600
Week 16570 – 710850 – 11001270 – 13901530 – 1670
Week 17600 – 730870 – 11601300 – 14501600 – 1750
5 monthWeek 18620 – 800930 – 12201350 – 15301700 – 1850
Week 19650 – 820960 – 12501400 – 16001750 – 1900
Week 20680 – 850990 – 13001450 – 16501800 – 2000
21 weeks700 – 8801000 – 13501530 – 17001870 – 2050
6 monthWeek 22710 — 9001050 — 14001580 – 17501930 – 2100
Week 23740 – 9301070 – 14001600 – 18001980 – 2200
Week 24740 — 9501100 – 14501650 – 18502000 – 2200
Week 25760 – 9501100 — 14801660 – 18702040 – 2240
Week 26760 – 9701100 – 15001700 – 19002070 – 2300
1 year 6 months900 — 12001350 — 18002040 – 23002400 – 2800

The numbers given in the tables are approximate and are given as a guide for the owner to understand that the Yorkie puppy is being fed correctly and is not overfed, or worse, is he underweight.

Yorkies grow from 14 to 23 cm , adults weigh from 1.3 kg to 3 kg .

If the animal is larger, then the weight may be greater. The veterinarian will help determine whether the dog is overweight and will tell you how to adjust the diet so that the pet remains cheerful and happy.

Advice! The approximate weight of an adult dog can be calculated by multiplying the weight of a two-month-old puppy by 3.

Yorkshire Terrier puppy care and education

Since the Yorkshire Terrier is an indoor dog , it rarely goes outside. Therefore, the animal will go to the toilet in a tray or on a diaper. The question of training a pet to use a litter tray arises before puppy owners approximately from the moment the baby turns one month old . If the mother is nearby, the puppies will learn from her, and the training process will go smoothly.

If the baby doesn’t want to go to the toilet where you decided to put the diaper, then observe where the pet most often leaves puddles, and that’s where you put the diaper.

Puppies empty their stomachs when they wake up or after eating. Notice this, the dog begins to sniff the floor. Take the puppy and put it in the tray .

If everything went well, praise your pet and give him a treat. This procedure must be performed every day for several weeks, then the dog will learn to go to the litter box without problems.

Or make the puppy’s movement area small, lay a diaper there or place a tray. If your Yorkie goes to the toilet while wearing a diaper, praise and treat.

If not, then plant it there every time, day after day, and success will come!

Advice! If your baby defecates past the tray or in another corner of the room, do not scold him under any circumstances! It is necessary to explain with strict intonation immediately after visiting the toilet that you need to use the litter box.

What foods should you not feed?

The Yorkshire Terrier is not allowed to be given natural food and food at the same time. Always stick to only one of the nutrition plans, gradually changing it if necessary. Also, never give your dog the following list of foods:

  • sweets and baked goods;
  • whole milk;
  • salty or peppery foods;
  • raw egg white;
  • raw fish;
  • fatty meats;
  • bones;
  • yeast bread;
  • legumes;
  • raisin.

Can you share your recommendations on what you feed your Yorkshire Terrier at home? Tell us from your personal experience which foods are good for your pet and which are harmful to it.

Starting to raise a Mini Yorkie puppy

Usually babies go to new owners from a breeder at the age of 2-3 months, without having the skills to carry out the owner’s commands. In the first months of a baby’s life without a mother, patience, perseverance and affection are needed in upbringing.

You cannot shout at the animal or raise your hand . You need to affectionately ask to give a paw, sit or lie down, and if the command is successfully completed, reinforce the knowledge with a treat.

Yorkie will quickly understand when he can get a tasty snack and will try. If the child does something wrong, speak in a stern tone, but calm, without aggression.

Important! Learn commands with your pet such as “Ugh!”, “No!”, “Place”, “Nearby” - this is the minimum required for future walks with the dog. Since all dogs love to pick up anything they miss from the asphalt, it is important to teach the puppy these commands.

First vaccinations for Yorkie puppies

Yorkies begin to be vaccinated at the age of 2 months, but it is possible at 2.5 months . This most often occurs when puppies are weaned from their mother and their immune system is not protected by the mother's Yorkie's milk.

Important! The dog is dewormed within 10 to 14 days, so there should be no walks outside. Walking is possible only after the second vaccination.

Vaccination is done only if the dog is healthy. After 3 weeks, a second vaccination is given .

Baby teeth

Yorkie is 4 months old his baby teeth are starting to bother him . They will be replaced by permanent teeth before the age of one . It is at the age of 4 months that you should start monitoring your puppy’s jaw - play a lot so that the teeth loosen faster, examine the jaw daily for swelling and wounds.

Important! If you see that a molar tooth is growing on a baby tooth, then you need to go to the veterinarian.

How to avoid obesity?

Obesity in Yorkies can be caused by overeating, lack of physical activity, lack of diet or imbalance.

Excess body weight leads to health problems:

  • heart diseases;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • joint diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • deterioration in appearance;
  • reduction in life expectancy.

To exclude the possibility of obesity in a Yorkie, it is necessary to control its diet - food must contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals, and the nutritional value is selected in accordance with the energy costs and age of the dog.

It is also necessary to follow the feeding regime.

When puppies are separated from their mother

The most commonly cited age for weaning puppies from their mother is 2 months or 50 days . But if there is not enough milk, then you can wean from 3 weeks .

Advice! You need to focus on the condition of the adult dog and the behavior of the puppies. Their claws are already growing and their teeth are cutting, so it’s worth diluting their feedings with milk. Examine the dog after feedings, massage its nipples, lubricate them with camphor oil if milk stagnation occurs.

How to choose a Yorkshire Terrier puppy Before you take it from a breeder, it is better to go and look at the kids a couple of times. Ask what they eat and how they are cared for. This will allow you to be prepared for the new inhabitant of the apartment and buy everything you need.

Before the baby arrives at the new home, you need to buy: a bed, rubber toys, a nail clipper for a given breed of dog (or for a given weight), ceramic bowls for water and food, towels, special combs (iron with long teeth and a slicker brush), special toothpaste and brush, shampoo. Clothing, a leash and a carrier need to be purchased later, based on the size of the dog.

It’s better to bring a new pet into the house in the morning, walk around the apartment with him, show him everything, talk to him kindly, and feed him. To prevent the baby from experiencing severe stress, you need to take away his toys or a blanket (sheet, rag) with the smell of his mother dog from the housing where he lived for the first months. Your Yorkie will probably sleep a lot, so don't disturb him.

The rest of the time, give your dog maximum attention so that she begins to perceive you as the most important person in her life.

Natural or artificial nutrition?

Yorkshire terriers eat both natural products and ready-made industrial food. The main thing is not to mix these two types of nutrition.

Both diets have their pros and cons.

By using ready-made food, there is no need to waste time preparing food for your dog. If chosen correctly, they do not cause allergies and contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the health and development of the pet.

Natural food is varied, which eliminates the possibility of overeating, but the dog must be given additional vitamins and minerals.

Expert opinion

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich


Judging by my work experience, most Yorkie owners believe that feeding natural food means giving the dog leftovers from the common table, which is fundamentally wrong. Natural nutrition involves preparing food specifically for your pet and only using approved products. If, when choosing the type of food, the owner has doubts and uncertainty about natural products, it is better, in my opinion, to give preference to industrial feed. Moreover, on the modern market there are many high-quality feeds that have a good balanced composition.

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