What you need to know before getting a Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

– a dog breed classified as decorative. He is distinguished by his great friendliness, sociability and cheerful disposition. With its miniature size and low weight, barely reaching three kilograms, it is perfect as a companion even over long distances.

It behaves excellently and with restraint when traveling in a car, bus, bicycle and even flying on an airplane. He lives in hotels with ease and causes absolutely no trouble. Easily moves either in special dog carriers or simply sitting in your arms.

It has a sweet, good-natured face, a lively and intelligent look, tiny protruding ears and long silky shiny fur that changes its light depending on the lighting - from soft blue to deep steely. Always and everywhere attracts the admiring glances of not only children, but also adults. Capable of melting the heart of even the most hardened soulless people.

But most importantly, the Yorkshire is a very smart dog. They are very attentive and grateful listeners. It is easy and simple to communicate with them, and Yorkies will definitely listen to you to the end and maybe even give valuable advice or comfort. They are devoted and faithful to their owner, and are very sensitive to changes in his mood.

What do Yorkshire Terriers look like?

Yorkies are one of the smallest dogs and are more popular than many other dogs.
The breed got its name in the 19th century in England. The ancestors of modern Yorkshire Terriers hunted rats on farms and in mines. Yorkies have a miniature, proportional body. The head is small, slightly flattened on top, ears erect. The tail is usually docked to halfway.

Wool is the special pride of Yorkshire terriers. grace/depositphotos.com

Yorkies have medium-length hair, straight, silky, shiny, non-fluffy, and the structure resembles human hair. The color from the back of the head to the tip of the tail is dark steel, on the chest and paws it is golden brown. There is no undercoat, so the dogs practically do not shed. Thanks to this feature, Yorkshire terriers cause allergies less often than many other breeds. Although they cannot be called completely hypoallergenic. The reaction of the human body can be caused, for example, by dog ​​dandruff.

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