Premium dog food: TOP 10 best with composition, prices and descriptions

Premium ready-made food is the average among dry foods. They are not an ideal diet, but they are quite suitable for everyday nutrition and are inexpensive. This is the best option between quality and price.

But premium diets are very different. Some are slightly better in composition than economy ones, but are expensive. Others are close to super-premium in quality, but are sold cheaper.

We have compiled a rating of the 15 best foods based on their composition, pros and cons, cost and reviews from canine forums.

For those who do not want to go into a detailed review, at the beginning of the article we provided a list and prices of food with ratings, and at the end we indicated suitable menus for dogs of different breeds, ages and with individual needs.

Feed prices and information are current as of November 2022 and are constantly updated.

Feed classes: what is their difference?

Looking through the list of dog food in an online pet store or another rating, you will notice that food is divided into four classes:

  • economy;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistic.

Economy - budget food class . The composition includes waste of plant and animal origin, a minimum amount of vitamins and minerals, if they are included in a particular product at all. By themselves, such food is unattractive to dogs, so the waste is supplemented with additives that improve the aroma and taste of the food. Without them, the animal is highly likely not to eat food. The price is from 100 rubles per kilogram, and this is the only plus. The food is not suitable for constant consumption.

Premium dog food is an intermediate option between economy and holistic. They contain both meat and grain components, as well as vitamins, minerals, vegetables, and sometimes fruits. Their price is quite affordable, which is why such food is an excellent choice for many owners who want not to spend a lot of money and at the same time please their pet. Price – from 150 rubles per kilogram.

Super-premium is practically no different from the previous class. The composition and price of both classes of feed are almost the same, and the division is based more on marketing. There are often premium products that even surpass super-premium food in a number of properties, and this despite the lower cost. The price averages 450 rubles per kilogram.

Holistics - expensive and high-quality food. The composition is dominated by natural meat (in a concentration of up to 90%), there are no grain components. The raw materials for the production of holistic products are grown without the use of hormones, toxic pesticides and various additives. Good for everyday meals, provided your budget allows it.


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Germany
Feed price:
  • 1 kg – 400-600 rub.
  • 5 kg – 1950-2400 rub.
  • 15 kg – 4960-5600 rub.

German food with a wide range for different breeds, ages, activity levels . There are separate lines for pregnant, elderly and sick animals. The product is suitable for holistic people. The approved composition indicates 50-70% protein content and natural meat products.

The main ingredients of the food: poultry and fish, vegetable fats, cereal substitute (amaranth), brewer's yeast, herring flour. Chia seeds and a selection of dried herbs are mixed in as additives. The advantage is that the company produces a really wide range of products with different protein options.

Lack of food - negative reactions of pets: diarrhea, vomiting, gas, bloating. Customers have complained that kibble in the mini dog ranges are too large. In addition, the product is difficult to purchase in Russia.

Customer Reviews

Composition of premium feed

You shouldn't skimp on dog food if you care about the fate of your pet. Cheap food cannot be used constantly, and it is highly likely to cause an ambiguous reaction in the dog, for example, allergies or indigestion, problems with the digestive tract and intestines. It is better to spend a little more money, but buy premium food, than to spend money later on going to the veterinarian with your animal.

Contains safe components:

  • Squirrels . This is often poultry; some products contain lamb meat and even exotic species such as kangaroo meat, ostrich meat and camel meat.
  • Fats . Fats of animal or vegetable origin are used. Omega fatty acids obtained from fish oil are of particular value.
  • Carbohydrates . Good foods include barley, oatmeal and oats, which are indicated for animals with allergies. Cheap ones often use wheat and corn - these are allergens that can cause problems for your dog.
  • Cellulose . Represented by vegetables, fruits, and in some products, berries. Fiber is necessary for the normal absorption of other macronutrients.
  • Vitamins . The most important are vitamins A, C, E and B.
  • Minerals . Zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and other minerals important for maintaining health.
  • Preservatives. Found along with antioxidants. Buy food in which these components are of natural origin.

Important: if you are buying food of a certain type and brand for the first time, do not immediately buy a large package. Take the minimum amount available and give it to your pet. If the dog consumes it without dissatisfaction or allergies, you can buy a full package. Otherwise, you will have to throw away a large amount of food if it is not suitable for the dog. Many manufacturers offer small food packages of several hundred grams.

GO! NATURAL Holistic

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 230 g – 224 rub.
  • 2.72 kg – 1600 rub.
  • 5.45 kg – 2600 rub.
  • 11.3 kg – 4400 rub.

One of the very first and most widespread grain-free foods belonging to the holistic class. It has a high protein content, which is not always beneficial for animals. The original Canadian composition indicates 50% main meat content (chicken, duck, lamb, etc.). This percentage includes dry and fresh meat, flour, animal (chicken) fats and natural flavors.

Doubts arise from peas and lentils in the dominant positions in the composition . These products contain about 25% protein, the rest is carbohydrates. Veterinarians are confident that such a cheap (relatively) supplement serves as an additional source of fiber. To increase the carbohydrate component, potatoes were added to the feed.

Additional beneficial substances are: tapioca (gluten-free additive, non-allergenic, can serve as a complete substitute for lentils); Herring flour is a component rich in O3 (omega-3).

Advantages of the product: prevalence, high ratings among consumers, honesty of the manufacturer regarding the composition; high protein content and simple assortment (does not mislead the buyer). Disadvantages : the bulk of the food is based on chicken, which often causes allergies and disorders in dogs; despite the primacy of lentils and peas, there is little fiber in the finished product; Potassium chloride content is a chemical additive typical for economy feeds.

Customer Reviews

TOP 10 best premium feeds

The rating of dog food presented below is based on the following criteria that you need to look at when choosing food:

  • Compound . The mass fraction in most good brands of food is 30% or more.
  • Nutritional value. A good product should contain fats, carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Price . The more meat there is, the higher the price. In cheap brands, the protein requirement comes from rice, corn or wheat.

The price should be the last thing to look at, and the main attention should be paid to the composition.


Blitz dry dog ​​food is produced in Italy and Russia. Three lines available:

  • Classic – Russian production;
  • Sensitive – also produced in the Russian Federation;
  • Holistic – super premium from Italy.

The average cost of a kilogram of product is from 200 to 400 rubles, which puts it in the budget segment. The composition is represented by dehydrated chicken (mass fraction 35%), hydrolyzed protein, chicken liver, eggs. There is also corn and rice, fish oil, beet pulp, vitamins and minerals.

The manufacturer Blitz offers universal and specialized feed. Pros: low price, meat, vitamins. Cons - corn, which can cause allergies, the presence of antioxidants, the names of which are not mentioned.

Important: Avoid using Blitz products if your pet has food allergies.

Royal Canin

This food belongs to the super-premium segment and is recognized among novice dog breeders. The country of production is Russia, although the brand itself belongs to a company from France. The average cost per kilogram of product is from 350 to 700 rubles, determined by the specific brand.

Royal Canin nutrition has many advantages:

  • prevalence - there will be no problems with purchasing even in a small store, not to mention large online stores;
  • variety - the company provides food for dogs of all ages, breeds, there are medicinal foods;
  • belonging to the budget price segment - you don’t have to spend a lot of money on regular purchases of the product.

The basis of proteins is made up of plant proteins, carbohydrates are represented mainly by allergenic cereals - wheat, corn and its derivatives. This is a disadvantage, so the breeder needs to be careful when choosing food. The ambiguity of the composition is offset by the presence of vitamins and additives of natural origin.


Italian dog food Monge attracts customers with a variety of lines. On the one hand, this is a plus, but on the other hand, you need to be careful when choosing food, since the difference between the lines is significant. Dry food is quite affordable - the average cost per kilogram is from 450 to 600 rubles. The range includes universal and special food, including for pets with allergies and small breed dogs.

For dogs with allergies, you should not take lines containing wheat and corn. In some Monge products, the concentration of these components can reach 70% of the total composition.


The brand offers a variety of nutrition options for adult and small dogs, as well as for energetic pets who are prone to gaining excess weight. There are products for dogs with increased sensitivity to food components. The brand is owned by an English company. The average cost of one kilogram of food starts from 300 rubles, so food can be classified as a budget segment.

Purina's nutritional bases include turkey, chicken, beef, duck, salmon and lamb. Wheat, rice, barley, oats and pea starch are used as sources of carbohydrates. Fats of vegetable and animal origin, vitamins and minerals are also present. Antioxidants contained only natural ones. These are tocopherol extracts isolated from vegetable oils - a type of vitamin E.


Under the GO! brand, registered in Canada, premium dry food is produced at prices ranging from 550 to 850 rubles per kilogram. Depending on the specific product, the composition contains ingredients such as fresh or dehydrated meat. There is turkey, venison, lamb, trout, chicken or salmon. Plant components are represented by peas, chickpeas, lentils, oatmeal and rice.

Products GO! They are popular among breeders due to a number of advantages:

  • the source of protein is natural meat;
  • does not contain wheat or corn;
  • Only natural preservatives are used;
  • assortment of different lines;
  • prevalence, availability in many stores.

Disadvantages - average price and the presence of vegetable fats instead of animal fats. Despite the downsides, this is a good choice for dogs and deserves to be ranked.

1st Choice

Super-premium products produced in Canada with a cost of 500 to 700 rubles per kilogram belong to the budget category. The base includes shredded chicken, lamb, herring or duck depending on the brand. The plant component is represented by oatmeal, pearl barley, and rice. The percentage of plant components is higher than meat.

1st Choice benefits from high levels of vitamins and minerals, as well as natural sources of protein. The products are common and affordable, so they can be found in many pet stores. The only serious drawback is that it contains an unnatural preservative, which does not have the best effect on the well-being of your pet.

The 1st Choice brand produces premium food for dogs of different breeds, sizes and ages. In addition, the brand's hypoallergenic food is available for sale.

Brit Care

Czech-made food attracts primarily due to its affordability. Budget food can be purchased at prices ranging from 200 to 450 rubles per kilogram. Proteins in the composition are meat in concentrations from 31% to 45%. Most food options completely lack ingredients that can provoke an allergic reaction, namely wheat and corn.

The Brit Care brand is also notable for the fact that it offers customers food for all dogs, regardless of age, for various breeds. There is also food for special occasions, for example, for pregnant dogs. This food does not have any serious disadvantages.


ProBalance is a Russian-made nutrition product, although the brand itself belongs to a company from Denmark. The cost per kilogram ranges from 150 to 250 rubles, which makes food one of the cheapest in its class. The composition includes dehydrated poultry meat - the main source of protein. Carbohydrates are represented by barley, rice and oats, and the concentration of plant components prevails over the mass fraction of meat. The food also includes egg flour, fats of animal and vegetable origin, and a set of mineral supplements.

A serious drawback of ProBalance nutrition is the presence of preservatives of unnatural origin. They can have a negative effect on the animal's body. The breeder also needs to pay attention to the fact that despite the presence of several lines, they practically do not differ from each other, except for packaging.

Important: ProBalance nutrition is not suitable for everyone. Some dogs may experience diarrhea, vomiting, and other problems with digestion, stomach and intestinal function. In this regard, first buy some food to try.


Wolfsblut is one of the few brands that truly surprises both the pet and its owner. The reason is the non-standard composition of the feed. Exotic types of meat are taken as the protein base here, including camel, ostrich, kangaroo, as well as goat and horse meat. The manufacturer's principle is that a dog should eat like its ancestor, namely the wolf. That is why the food contains no grains. Plant components are represented by natural berries, vegetables and fruits - they contain healthy fiber.

The Wolfsblut brand belongs to a German company; production itself is carried out in one of the cities of Great Britain. Food from the middle segment - the cost per kilogram falls within the range from 450 to 800 rubles, depending on the specific line.

Attention: German dog food contains a high concentration of potato starch. Because of this, it is not recommended to use this food constantly - it is better to alternate with other brands of food that do not contain potatoes and starch. Otherwise, this product has no serious shortcomings.


These foods are produced in the UK. The cost per kilogram is from 500 to 800 rubles. We produce food for dogs of all ages and different breeds. There is also hypoallergenic food.

The main component of dog food is lamb, turkey or duck meat with a mass fraction of 63% to 71%. The type and concentration of meat in the composition is determined by the ruler. Ingredients such as eggs, herbs, vegetables, and flavorings complement the meat.

The main advantage of Savarra is its hypoallergenic composition. The product contains a set of vitamins and minerals, only natural preservatives are used. The price is below average. The downside is its low prevalence, which is why you can’t buy these products everywhere.

Almo Nature Medium Puppy

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Italy
Feed price:
  • 2 kg – 1032 rub.
  • 12 kg – 4018 rub.

One of the feeds is holistic and meets European quality standards. In addition, he was awarded the status of Human Grade. This means that the product is suitable as food even for humans. The main purpose is medium-sized puppies. The food is hypoallergenic. The brand is considered one of the best due to its fresh inclusion formula (using raw rather than dehydrated ingredients).

Feed composition: fresh and dry chicken or fish, fresh vegetables, oils, yeast, rice. In the lines you can find products based on lamb and salmon.

The advantages of the food include hypoallergenicity, easy digestibility, prevalence on the world market, compliance with standards, high content of crude protein and unprocessed ingredients. Disadvantages - high cost, vague specified composition.

Customer Reviews

Specialized feed

If your pet has specific problems, such as food allergies or a tendency to dermatitis, food must be chosen especially carefully. Retail and online pet stores offer a selection of specialty foods divided into separate categories.

For allergy sufferers

Special food for dogs who may be allergic to plant components of the food, such as wheat or corn. Therefore, hypoallergenic products do not contain these ingredients. From the variety of lines, take a closer look at these:

  • Go! Limited Ingredient Diet Sensitivity;
  • 1st Choice Dog Adult Hypoallergenic;
  • Monge Specialty Adult Dog Salmon&Tuna Hypoallergenic.

As for holistic people, you can choose Blitz Holistic Adult Dog Beef&White Fish Hypoallergenic Grain Free.

For small breeds

These breeds conventionally include adult dogs whose weight does not exceed 2 kilograms. Among the brands considered, the following lines stand out:

  • Brit Care Adult Small&Medium Salmon&Potato Grain Free;
  • SAVARRA Adult Dog Small Breed Duck&Rice;
  • 1st CHOICE Dog Adult Toy&Small Breeds.

It is noteworthy that some types of food for small breeds can be used to feed larger pets weighing up to 25 kilograms.

For large breeds

Large dogs need a lot of energy, so generic foods are not very suitable for them. Take a closer look at the special lines for large breeds:

  • GO! Daily Defense Lamb Dog Recipe;
  • Purina Pro Plan Large Robust Adult;
  • Brit Lamb&Rice.

You can also find food on sale that is equally suitable for dogs of various breeds due to its special balanced composition.

For old dogs

Dogs over 8 years of age should consume the following senior pet foods:

  • Monge Daily Line;
  • Brit Premium my Nature Adult L.

Older dogs who are overweight should consume Brit Veterinary Diet food. From the Royal Canin brand you can choose food from such series as “Adult” and “Light Weight Care”.


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 2.3 kg – 1800 rub.
  • 6.8 kg – 3000-4000 rub.
  • 13 kg – 6800 rub.

The most expensive holistic food supplied to Russia. A feature of the production is the approved slogan, the essence of which is that the food is based on a natural nutrition formula. This means that the dog will receive the same substances that it could obtain in the wild. A distinctive feature is the high protein content (30-40%), some veterinarians consider this harmful. On the other hand, a dog is a predator. The products are good for large active breeds, although there are separate products for small pets.

The composition is replete with meat: chicken meat, chicken meal, liver, herring, turkey (fresh fillet only); as additives - cartilage, hearts, fresh eggs. Carbohydrates include red and green lentils, peas, and sweet potatoes.

The advantages of the food are clear - high-quality ingredients, fresh meat, absence of preservatives and low-quality carbohydrates. Disadvantages - suitable only for active animals, not recommended for allergy sufferers, low fiber content and high cost.

Customer Reviews

Which to choose?

The main thing to adhere to when choosing food for your pet is the composition of the diet. If your pet has allergies, avoid feeding with wheat, corn and other allergenic plant ingredients. Also look at real reviews from experienced breeders - you can often learn much more from them than from the description of the food. It’s better to look through reviews on aggregators rather than on the company’s website - this way you’ll find out the real nutrition ratings.

If you want to save money without harming your pet, choose from the best budget brands according to beginners and experienced breeders:

  • Brit Care;
  • Blitz.

The advantages of food from the listed brands are a high meat content, the absence of artificial antioxidants, preservatives, and grains as such, or the use of only hypoallergenic ingredients. Even more advantages of the best food for an average price:

  • Savarra;
  • GO!;
  • Monge;
  • Wolfsblut.

In these foods, the percentage of proteins is higher, allergens are absent or their content is minimal, and only in certain universal lines.

Rely on this rating of premium dog food, and you will not have any difficulties choosing healthy, safe, and at the same time fairly inexpensive food for your dog. We also recommend watching a video that will help you finally understand the topic.

NOW FRESH (Natural holistic New)

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 1.8 kg – 1720 rub.
  • 3.6 kg – 2320 rub.
  • 7 kg – 3900 rub.
  • 11.3 kg – 4600 rub.

Another food from the manufacturer of the product GO! NATURAL. The food is holistic, so instead of grains it contains potatoes, peas and dried fruits. In addition to these ingredients, the first positions are occupied by a whole dried egg and pea fiber. But the main content is considered to be fresh fillet, for example, turkey (depending on the type, the meat filling varies). Additional protein carriers are fresh salmon and duck meat.

Despite the low protein content (20-26%), we can say with confidence that it is absolutely natural. Therefore, this amount is due to the nutritional value and usefulness of fresh foods.

The product has a lot of positive reviews from fans of this company. The food is natural, healthy, and does not contain harmful oils, simple carbohydrates or allergenic substances. The product is widespread, so purchasing will not be a problem. The only negative is the high cost.

Customer Reviews

1st Choice

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 2.5 kg – 1140 rub.
  • 7 kg – 2800 rub.
  • 15 kg – 5200 rub.

The food is not holistic, but it has been awarded super-premium status because it does not contain animal fats or corn. The main part is protein - lamb or turkey flour (depending on the type of food), herring flour (there may also be bone flour). Carbohydrates – brown rice, oats, barley. Fiber is the pulp of fresh vegetables.

The food is good for its level. It contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins and contains no preservatives or harmful substances. The main disadvantage is that it is not widespread on the market.

Customer Reviews

The choice of pet food is not always based only on the properties of the product. Much depends on the financial capabilities of the owner. Of course, it is worth carefully studying the composition and choosing products with a low content of harmful or non-beneficial substances.

4.3 / 5 ( 7 votes)


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Germany
Feed price:
  • 2 kg – 1600 rub.
  • 7.5 kg – 4300 rub.
  • 15 kg – 6400 rub.

Quite a young food, it appeared in Russia only in 2010. It attracted attention with its unusual variety of food lines and names. The fact is that the company is focused on standard adult dogs, without deviations or diseases. Divided according to guidelines into sizes. There is a separate line for puppies.

This is a high-quality holistic product with a high percentage of protein (30-40%), which means that it is suitable only for active pets. The first place in the composition is occupied by sweet potato (potatoes), which is not entirely correct. Then comes game meat, namely meat, not flour and offal. Venison is used to a greater extent. Dried fruits and vegetables are sources of fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Advantages - rich natural composition, high percentage of meat, lack of preservatives and flavors. Disadvantages : not widespread, expensive, low fiber content.

Customer Reviews

Veterinarian recommendations

Ivanov P.

I recommend using only high-quality food of at least premium class for feeding dogs of small decorative breeds. Any deviations in the composition of the feed or unsafe inclusions can harm the health of the animal. It is advisable to follow the rules and feeding regime for a small dog. Cheap food should be strictly excluded from the diet.

Samoilova Yu

For toy puppies and small dogs, it is very important to use specialized food. Puppies of such dogs grow very quickly, and they need constant replenishment of the body with vitamins and nutrients. Not every homemade food can provide the necessary substances to the rapidly growing body of a small animal. Therefore, premium grade ready-made food is best suited.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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