A cross between a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua - characteristics of a mixed breed, care and maintenance of a mixture of a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua

Crossbreeding of small ornamental breeds in order to improve positive characteristics and reduce the negative effects of dwarfism genes has been carried out for many years. The result of crossbreeding is new breeds - designer or decorative dogs. These breeds are not recognized in the world of dog breeding as independent breeds and are a mixbred. In 1989, the Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix received an approved hybrid breed standard and was recognized in the United States.

Pomeranian and Chihuahua


Of course, character largely depends on the individual.
This is especially true for mestizos, whose behavior can vary greatly between different animals of the same breed. But at the same time, some features that are characteristic of almost all Pomchi can still be traced. As a rule, these dogs are friendly and affectionate. They are devoted and loyal to their owners, and more often to one specific person, but they are very wary and distrustful of strangers. They do not get along well with children and other pets.

They behave quite well on walks, but it is still better to keep Pomchis on a leash to avoid conflicts with other dogs. The habit of barking at everything that moves, adopted from Pomeranians, may appear. However, this can be easily corrected during the learning process.

Smart, understanding, intelligent, obedient. They respond well to training. There will be no problems with them such as chewed shoes and wallpaper. Active, mobile, inquisitive. Requires regular walks and exercise. At the same time, do not forget about the size of the dog and overload it.

They tolerate loneliness quite well, but they still get bored without their owners. It is better not to leave them alone for a long time. If there is often no one at home, you can take a second dog of the same breed and the same gender to accompany you. You can also have a Spitz or Chihuahua as your second pet, but it is advisable to take both pets together, otherwise it will not be easy to accustom them to each other.


Spitz-Chihuahua mixes are instantly recognizable by their cute, smiling, fox-like faces, which is undoubtedly one of their most enticing features. The result of the work to standardize the appearance of the Spitz-Chihuahua mix is ​​shown in the photo below.

The characteristic appearance of a Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix

Breed standard for Spitz-Chihuahua mix:

  1. Head: It is a rounded wedge. The round head has a delicate face with a gracefully pointed muzzle and a black nose.
  2. Muzzle: Moderately short, slightly pointed, with a pronounced stop.
  3. Eyes: Round, not protruding, set neither too wide nor too close together. The eyes are dark.
  4. Ears: medium size, erect, carried vertically.
  5. Teeth: scissor bite.
  6. Nose: Black pigmentation except in brown dogs.
  7. Neck: wide base, not too short, graceful.
  8. Body: the body is short, slightly longer in females.
  9. Limbs: muscular, straight, metatarsus perpendicular to the surface.
  10. Tail: Moderately long, flat or looped over the back, the tip just touching the back, never tucked between the legs.
  11. Coat: Can be double coated or single coated. The outer layer should be full, soft textured and glossy, with long, coarse guard hairs. A mane on the neck and fur on the ears are preferred.
  12. Color: all colors. White pomchis are rare, black ones are obtained from black oranges. The most common color is fawn.

Character and temperament

The Pomchi is an intelligent, energetic dog that is eager to learn as well as please its owners. A sweet and affectionate little dog that bonds strongly and quickly with its family. She is quite playful and loves to run around the house chasing toys. Like all small dogs, the Pomchi can suffer from “small dog syndrome.”

Reference! “Small dog syndrome” is the behavior of a pet in which, despite its small stature, it considers itself the main one in the family, manipulates others and its owners, and often shows aggression.

To avoid the manifestation of this syndrome in your pet, you need to treat it the same as when raising a large dog, for example, a Rottweiler. That is, prohibit everything that is prohibited for large dogs, carry less in your arms, socialize the puppy at an early age.

Run the fox face

The Pomchi's temperament can be that of a Pomeranian (protective and loyal) or a Chihuahua (sociable but stubborn). Temperament is also controlled by the dog's level of socialization in its youth.

This is interesting! Spitz breed: varieties, types, character, photos, price.

This little dog can be quite stubborn and assertive. She will try to manipulate her owners if she does not devote enough time to education as a puppy and discipline as an adult. In any case, this breed is owner-oriented and very loyal to the family.

Puppy rush

Attention! Socialization of a pet is the process of a dog’s adaptation to society, training it to interact with other animals and people, as well as developing the necessary communication and behavior skills. For example, lack of aggression towards strangers or stopping barking on command.


The Chihuahua's unique appearance—its small size and more proportionately large head—has made it popular around the world, but has also caused some health problems.

Breeding to determine the health of dogs often aimed to create individuals with even larger ears and shorter muzzles, which led to increased eye sensitivity, breathing problems and teething problems.

Other health problems arose as breeders tried to breed smaller and smaller dogs. Individuals weighing only 500 grams cannot protect themselves from infections or other diseases, while ordinary Chihuahuas are naturally resistant, as evidenced by the fact that they survived on the streets of Mexico.

The unnaturally small representatives of the breed often get sick and die prematurely. Even seemingly invisible viral diseases, manifested by diarrhea or vomiting, can endanger the life of such a dog.

Failure to comply with breeding rules and refusal to prevent diseases leads to the reproduction of the Chihuahua breed with hereditary diseases. These include congenital malocclusion, premature tooth loss, heart valve problems, hydrocephalus, or patellar luxation.

To reduce the risk of these diseases to a minimum level, a potential buyer of a dog of this breed should be interested in purchasing an individual only from a certified professional breeder. She will have all pedigree documents and all necessary vaccinations. It should be understood that the prices for purebred dogs, especially the Chihuahua breed, are high - serious breeding entails a lot of costs.

However, investing in a puppy from a good kennel is usually beneficial as it prevents possible subsequent treatment costs and, of course, suffering for the pet. This is also a guarantee of many years of joy from having such a cute pet in the family. A professional breeder with extensive experience is always ready to advise the owner.

Today you can buy short-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas. Long-haired Chihuahuas are twice as numerous as short-haired dogs, despite the fact that the latter is considered more resilient and robust.

Each specific breed of dog has its own characteristics that a breeder must be aware of before engaging in a breeding program. Chihuahuas are a very popular dog breed and therefore require a lot of care and knowledge.

One scientific article describes that some Chihuahua ancestors had deer-shaped heads, while others had apple-shaped skulls. Some breed enthusiasts have also hypothesized that the Chihuahua's "deer" head may be due to a cross between a Chihuahua and a Chinese Crested dog. Modern breeders are focused on breeding apple-headed Chihuahuas, as this type is now being popularized and accepted by the American Kennel Club.

The Chihuahua breed, like other miniature dogs, tends to reach puberty earlier than larger breeds. Typically this is around 6 months of age. Like any other breed, female Chihuahuas should never be bred during their first two or three heats because their fertility is then not high enough for a successful pregnancy.

Male Chihuahuas should be used for breeding as soon as they are fully mature - usually at one or two years of age. It is worth waiting until the puppy is fully grown to assess whether it is a good specimen for breeding.

The average litter size of Chihuahua puppies is between 1 and 3 puppies. Rarely does a bitch of this breed give birth to more than 4 puppies.

To guess how many puppies a Chihuahua can produce, you need to understand that in dogs, litter size depends on many factors: the fertility and size of the female, the quality of the male's sperm, their diet, health, etc.

Although Chihuahuas tolerate pregnancy and childbirth quite well, they may require obstetric care. Despite the fact that newborn puppies are very small, there are certain structural features of the female’s body. This is due to the tiny size of the dog's pelvis. Additionally, a Chihuahua's very small uterus may not dilate enough during labor, so an emergency caesarean section may be required.

It is important to agree in advance with the veterinarian about the possible operation. In most cases, especially with a small number of puppies expected at birth, a natural birth will occur without problems, but it is the breeder's job to prepare for unusual situations

Run dogs: who are they, where did they come from?

Now no one knows for certain whether the fruit of love between the Chiwa and the Pomeranian is accidental, or whether these are deliberate experiments of breeders. However, the fact remains that in 1998 the Pomchi was officially recognized as an independent breed.

The word "pomchi" was formed by adding the initial syllables of the names of the breeds that gave rise to this hybrid - Pomeranian (Pomeranian Spitz) and Chihuahua (Chihuahueño).

There is an opinion that a third component element also took part in the formation of the breed - the Swedish Lapphund (Laplan Spitz), a dog of the northern Spitz group.

Metis belongs to the group of decorative dogs whose main function is to be a companion dog.

The popularity of decorative dogs is due to the fact that the animal has a compact size, which allows it to be kept even in small apartments, while having all the advantages of its larger relatives:

  • friendliness and loyalty;
  • people-oriented;
  • protective functions;
  • attractive appearance;
  • good health.

Founders of the breed

The main founders of the hybrid are the Pomeranian Spitz and the Mexican Chihuahua.
However, as mentioned above, the blood of northern Spitz dogs has been added to the breed, in particular the Lapland Spitz, which has incredible devotion to humans. There is an expert opinion that breeders added pug blood to the blood of the European line of short-haired Chihuahuas during the restoration of the breed.

Hence the difference in appearance between Chihuahua dogs and their overseas counterparts. European Chihuahuas are more snub-nosed than Latin American Chihuahueños and have a slightly shorter body.

Thus, it turns out that in general the founders of the new Pomchi breed are four breeds of dogs:

  • German (Pomeranian) Spitz;
  • Swedish Lapphund (Lapland Spitz);
  • chihuahua;
  • pug.

Considering the fact that all breeds have been established for quite a long time, and some are even among the oldest, it should be noted that the Pomchi has good genetics, good health and an extreme degree of human focus.

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Yorkie and Spitz mix

Very often, breeders try to cross breeds such as Yorkies and Spitz - both varieties belong to indoor decorative breeds. The first of them is famous for such character traits as:

  • Friendliness;
  • Devotion;
  • Good nature;
  • Pleasant temperament.

The result of a cross between a Yorkie and a Spitz
. In addition, Yorkshire terriers are famous for their very beautiful exterior - long soft hair, lively eyes, pleasant muzzle.

Spitz dogs are characterized by the following features:

  • Playfulness.
  • Friendliness.
  • Good learning ability.
  • Cheerful disposition.

Practice shows that a well-bred Spitz is a faithful and devoted friend for a person of any age, and he has a tendency to empathy and easily adapts to the character of his owner.

A clear example of crossing a Yorkie and a Spitz

Yorkie and Spitz puppies will take the best from their parents - they will inherit the most attractive exterior features, as well as health. Such a puppy has less risk of acquiring any genetic diseases from its ancestors - judging by the reviews of experienced breeders, mixed breeds are much easier to raise and treat, since they are characterized by better health and survival.

However, experienced dog breeders do not see anything wrong with this - any character flaws in mixed-breed dogs can be easily eliminated with proper upbringing and training. A loving, experienced owner who knows how to communicate with his dog and spares no time in training it has a chance of raising a sensitive and faithful friend, whatever the genetic background.

A good example of a cross between a Yorkie and a Chihuahua

Caring for a Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix

Caring for a orange-Chihuahua hybrid is not difficult. The dog breeder needs to regularly examine the eyes, ears, teeth, claws and, if necessary, carry out hygiene procedures. Particular attention is paid to the pet's fur. You need to start accustoming the Pomeranian Spitz mix to such activities as early as possible so that the dog gets used to it, does not resist, and requires a minimum amount of time to care for it.

Care for eyes, teeth and ears

Pomchi's eyes are large, they need to be examined daily, cleaned of any crusts and streaks that have formed. To do this, use cotton pads moistened with eye lotion, chamomile decoction or boiled water. Wipe as the fur grows, from the inner corner to the outer. If hygiene rules are ignored, Pomeranian-Chihuahua hybrids develop conjunctivitis or other eye diseases.

Once a week, the dog is examined and its teeth are cleaned using a special brush and toothpaste. She is given dental sticks regularly.

The ears of the orange mix are examined twice a week, and if necessary, dirt and wax are removed. If inflammation or purulent discharge appears from the ears, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Nail care

The claws of a mixed Chihuahua and a Pomeranian Spitz practically do not wear down on their own. They need to be trimmed regularly. For this purpose, purchase a nail clipper of the appropriate size and shape. After trimming, they are processed with a nail file so that there are no sharp edges or edges left.

Distinctive features

There are several types of breed: the Deer (or Deer) and the Cobby Chihuahua. The deer type is characterized by a small chest, narrower muzzle and large ears. She is lighter in weight compared to the stocky Chihuahua Cobby. Both types have an apple-shaped head, but the cobby has a more massive head, the ears are widely spaced, and the bones are larger and denser. The body itself is muscular.

Unlike its predecessor, it has shorter legs and its coat is thicker. They also differ in character. Huashka Kobi will not bark for any reason. She has a calmer character and is better at obedience.

It is impossible to say that there is a pure type of cobby in Chihuahuas, because this is not correct. Professional breeders subdivide the breed only by its coat type. Representatives of one type may exhibit some characteristic features of another type.

Two representatives of the same breed

When should you buy a dog?

As soon as Spitz-Chihuahua mix puppies are twelve weeks old, they can be purchased and raised on their own. At the same time, at 8-10 weeks, puppies should already be weaned from their mother’s milk. At this time, they should receive all necessary vaccinations to ensure they grow up healthy.

After the puppy has stopped drinking his mother's milk, he should continue to be fed milk. Pomchi food should be given once a day, and you need to make sure that the puppy always has a bowl of water.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Do not try to choose a puppy of a rare color or extremely small. The best choice would be a healthy, medium-sized baby.

It is better to buy a puppy from a trusted nursery, whose owner monitors its reputation. Study several nurseries, talk to breeders, look at the breeding fund.

You should not buy a puppy without documents, flattered by the low price. The documents must be RKF or, in extreme cases, SKOR. If you are offered to pay extra for a pedigree, then it is guaranteed to be fake! A purebred puppy automatically receives a puppy card, which is exchanged for a pedigree within six months. The cost of such a dog does not change regardless of whether you draw up documents for it or not.

You should not pick up a puppy before two, or better yet, three months, especially without documents. Due to the popularity of the breed, unscrupulous breeders can pass off any mestizos and mongrels as Chihuahuas. Be sure to weigh your puppy: a three-month-old kitten weighs about half its future adult weight.

The Chihuahua puppies themselves should be vigorous, cheerful and moderately well-fed, with shiny fur, clean eyes and ears. The choice of gender is yours, but girls are more cunning and pretentious, and boys are more cocky.

Popular nicknames for girls and boys

Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. Do you believe it? Then choose your nickname very, very carefully!

Male Chihuahuas are often called:

  • names of heroes of Greek mythology: Ares, Zeus, Hercules, Achilles, etc.;

  • classic American names: Richie, Simon, Lennard, Hank, Harold, Mickey;
  • sometimes the choice falls on royal names: Louis, Bonaparte, Louis, Caesar;
  • by character trait: Shustrik, Zubastic, Helper, Funtik, Killer, etc.

Sometimes they choose really funny names! But this is not for everybody.

They strive to come up with gentle and very beautiful nicknames for Chihuahua girls. For example, their names are:

  • in tune with flowers: Rose (or Rosie), Daisy (chamomile), Flora, Lily, Iris (Iris), Jasmine;
  • foreign names, often French: Nicole, Natalie, Amelie, Jacqueline, Chantal;
  • affectionate names of treats: Bun, Bun, Cherry, Toffee, Jelly (jelly);
  • The names of movie heroines are in demand: Leia, Sarah, Ariel, Mulan, Elsa, Cinderella, etc.

Often you have to start from the nickname that the puppies were given upon registration. Then you can make an anagram from an existing name or shorten it.

How much does a Chihuahua cost?

Outbred puppies without documents cost 5-15 thousand, but it’s good if it grows into a dog at least phenotypically similar to a Chihuahua.

A good pet and breeding class with RKF documents costs 15-25 thousand rubles. The price of a mini and show class Chihuahua is higher, from 25 to 50 thousand rubles. The most fashionable and therefore expensive are supermini dogs weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg, fitting in the palm of your hand. Their price can reach 100 thousand or more. Unfortunately, such dogs cannot boast of health and longevity, and “pocket” bitches should absolutely not be bred, so such dogs are more of an expensive and fashionable accessory.

Popular types of mestizos

Dog trainers cross breed dogs of the same size, but there are exceptions. Sometimes interesting results are obtained. A dachshund is often chosen as one of the parents. This breed is the choice if you need to add stamina and good health to your puppies’ genetics.

Dachshund and Toy Terrier (Doxy Terrier)

A cross between a dachshund and a toy terrier is the result of a combination of two popular breeds in the world. Dachshund rabbits are used for mating; they are more suitable in size for miniature toys.

The mestizo inherited short legs and a long body from a dachshund, and from that terrier a playful and intelligent disposition. The dog is very attached to his owner and spends a lot of time on people’s sofas and laps. Due to his timid nature, he does not get along well with children. The height of an adult at the withers is up to 30 cm, weight is up to 5 kg.

Dachshund and Jack Russell (Jackwinnie)

The dog measures up to 30 cm, weighs 7-12 kg, and has hunting inclinations. She is attached to her owner and cannot spend a long time alone. The Jack Russell and Dachshund mix has a playful, good-natured disposition and gets along well with other pets in the house. The animal requires frequent and long walks and easily learns commands and tricks.

Important! Disadvantages include a predisposition to joint dysplasia and increased shedding

Jack Russell Terrier mix

Papillon mix (papshund)

These are funny dogs with a long body, short legs and long hair. Papshund have an excellent sense of smell and a pronounced distrust of strangers; they are ready to rush to the aid of their owner at any moment. The coat requires careful care.

Dachshund and spaniel (docker)

According to the description of the exterior, the mestizo is similar to a dachshund, the color of the wavy coat is black with red tan, brown, caramel, spotted. The dog's body is stocky, elongated, and its legs are shorter than those of a spaniel. The size of individuals is 25-35 cm at the withers, weight reaches 18 kg.

Connecting with a poodle

Dwarf poodles are used for crossbreeding; from them the mestizo took an inquisitive mind and intelligence. The dog is very vocal and loves to greet its owner with a loud bark. The cross with a dachshund created a short-legged beast with a long, graceful body and soft, curly fur.

Important! A hybrid may inherit a tendency to certain diseases from its parents

Teaming up with a pit bull

The dog received a combination of a strong build, a massive pit bull head and short legs on the elongated body of a dachshund. Despite the mixture of two complex characters of these breeds, the dog turned out to be harmless and gets along well with people and other animals.

Connection of dachshund and pitbull

Dachshund and Rottweiler (Dutchweller)

A stocky, long dog with a large head and Rottweiler coloring. The result of crossing breeds may seem ridiculous, but it has its fans. The blood of the Rottweiler made the mestizo an excellent guard, and the dachshund inherited good health. The size of the individual is up to 35 cm, weight is up to 20 kg.

Important! If not properly trained, the dog is prone to aggression.

Dachshund and Chinese Crested (Crestoxy)

Crossbreeds are not common due to hereditary diseases that can be passed from parents to offspring. From time to time, individuals are born with malocclusion. There are rarely hairless puppies in litters. The size of the dog corresponds to a dachshund, the head is shortened. The pet is strongly attached to humans and requires a lot of attention.

Description of the breed and exterior (with photo)

Externally, the Pomchi resembles a long-haired Chihuahua with a slightly more refined muzzle. The head of the pomchi is rounded, “apple-shaped”, like that of a Chihuahua. The size of the ears also remained large, like those of sneezes, but their position on the head and pointed tips are features of the Spitz ancestors.

Dimensions, body type

The Pomchi's height and weight correspond to the standards of the Spitz and Chihuahua breed lines, and average 18-25 cm at the withers and 3-3.5 kg, respectively.
The dog inherited a stocky, compact body from its ancestors, with a well-developed broad chest, strong neck, muscular back and strong legs. The tail should not be curled, but rather lie up along the back, like a Chihuahua's.

Colors and coat

The coat of the mestizo is inferior in length to the coat of the Spitz, but it is more luxuriant than that of the sneeze, with a thick undercoat. The dog's coat requires frequent brushing.

The color of the pomchi is the entire palette inherent to its ancestors: from snow-white to coal-black, spotting is not prohibited.

The color of the nose depends on the general color of the dog - a light dog has a light nose (pink, light brown, “snowy”), respectively, a dark dog will have a dark nose. The eyes are large, bulging, color palette: from light hazel to dark brown.

We recommend reading: Chihuahua breed standard, weight by month

Character traits

Mini Pomeranians are characterized by such character traits as courage, loyalty and playfulness. But at the same time, they also have such negative qualities as stubbornness, cockiness, cunning and selfishness.

Mini Pomeranians most often become attached to only one person in the family, and they are not going to share their beloved owner with anyone else.

Therefore, they are less suitable for keeping in a home where other pets already live. Also, mini Pomeranians are slightly more emotional than standard dogs of this breed.

Mini Pomeranians do not like to be teased or caused discomfort and, on occasion, may bite their offender.

This is why this variety of Pomeranian is not very suitable as a pet for families with children.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Mini Pomeranians are a currently fashionable dog breed. Some owners consider their pets to be something of a fashion accessory, forgetting that even the smallest dog is a living creature. Without training, mini Pomeranians become stubborn, disobedient, capricious and even aggressive. If such a Spitz is raised correctly, then a funny, teddy bear-like baby will grow into a loyal and friendly pet. However, due to the selfishness inherent in mini Pomeranians, they cannot be recommended as a gift for children, since these dogs do not tolerate rough treatment and can bite the offender.”

How to distinguish a mestizo from a purebred animal

Try to purchase pets only from large certified nurseries

Buying from someone else is always fraught with deception, so in such situations it is important to understand the difference between a purebred and outbred animal:

  1. Check your documents. Mestizos are discarded from breeding and do not have a pedigree.
  2. Meet the parents. A conscientious breeder has all the necessary documents not only for puppies, but also for breeding parent dogs.
  3. Check out all the brothers and sisters. If your relatives are clearly different, refuse to buy. The purebred litter is remarkable for its identity.
  4. Carefully go over the appearance of your future pet. A purebred dog should not have: close-set ears; round head and long angular muzzle; closely spaced bulging eyes; bite other than scissor bite; thick and massive paws that bend at an angle; curled tail.

Mixed breeds should be purchased only as a gesture of goodwill, exclusively free of charge and with the condition of mandatory sterilization.

The pain and difficulty of predicting size and disposition outweigh the asking price.

Such animals are not recognized by cynological organizations, which excludes the correct breeding technique.

If the breed of the animal is not important, then it is better to get an ordinary mongrel, which is considered an aboriginal individual. Unlike new-fangled chihuahua mixes, classic stray dogs that have survived natural selection are distinguished by excellent health and require less care.

Where to buy and how to choose a Pomsky puppy

Buying a real Pomsky in Russia is not the easiest task. Only 2 hybrid dog kennels are engaged in breeding the breed. Therefore, it is useless to look for representatives of cute mestizos in advertisements. To buy such a puppy, future owners stand in line, which is why the price is very high (up to 4.5 thousand dollars).

When purchasing a puppy (this applies to all breeds without exception), you need to check for a veterinary passport and look at deworming and vaccination records. Check with the breeder on what date the next immunization is scheduled. Look at the state of health of the parents, both mental and physical.

Puppies must be kept warm and clean. Be cheerful, cheerful, with a good appetite. The baby's coat should be clean and smooth, without bald spots or dandruff. Excessive discharge from the eyes, nose or ears is unacceptable. The abdomen is normally round and soft, not distended, and there is no umbilical hernia.


As mentioned above, there are only 2 official Pomsky kennels in Russia:

  1. Kennel “Lovely Pet” – ruspomsky.ru;
  2. Kennel “Mila Valentina” – russianpomsky.ru.

The Pomsky is not just a mixed breed, it is a special dog that combines the best qualities from both its ancestors. Despite the fact that the breed is not recognized by canine organizations, there is no person who will be indifferent to this funny little guy.

Accustoming a puppy to a new home

Before buying a pomchi, you should also take care of the place where he will sleep. A small house for dogs is suitable for this, the size of which should be sufficient for the pet to calmly lie down and stretch out in it. But the home should not be too spacious, since these mestizos prefer a cozy small space. You should place a small blanket in the house so that the puppy feels warm and comfortable in it.

You should gradually accustom your puppy to a new house. Let him explore it on his own first. Then, when he is inside, close the door, but stay close and watch so that the pet is not afraid or whining. Before going to bed, you should turn off the light and leave the room for a few minutes, then return and pet the pomchi, praise him and give him some food. These actions should be repeated until you are sure that the puppy is not afraid to be left alone in a dark room.


After a sharp drop in prices for Pekingese at the end of the 20th century, in well-known kennels, bitches of this breed began to be bred with Yorkshire terriers, which were expensive and had a small number at that time. Females born after such matings were again crossed with Yorkies. Such puppies were more expensive than Pekingese, but cheaper than Yorkshire terriers.

Mixed breeds of Pekingese and Yorkies (Yorkinese) have the following features:

  • loud, booming bark;
  • desire for self-affirmation;
  • no need for long walks;
  • bad reaction to one's own kind;
  • difficulty in learning;
  • fearlessness;
  • jealousy of the owner and his attention;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • luxurious coat.

Yorkies have an attractive appearance and an aristocratic character, but due to their poor health they are rare. Puppies obtained as a result of crossing Yorkies and Pekingese do not always inherit only the positive qualities of their parents, so it is impossible to know in advance what they will be like. Often, mestizos have an undesirable set of characteristics and, as a result, poor hair, squint, non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Mestizos are not recognized by any canine organization, therefore they cannot participate in exhibitions and official breeding, they do not have a pedigree.

What breeds should not be mixed with Corgis?

Corgis can be crossed with any other breed. But there are still some dogs with whom mixing is highly discouraged. Crossbreeds undesirable:

  • corgi-english greyhound;
  • Corgi Doberman;
  • Corgi Dalmatian.

The mixed breeds of these breeds look somewhat funny and even ridiculous - an absurdly long body on low paws. In nature, such hybrids, as a rule, are not found.

It is desirable that the dog breeds crossed with the Corgi be similar to the English parent, at least in size. Otherwise, the resulting mestizo will only cause ridicule and puzzled looks from passers-by.

If you want to have a cute and loyal four-legged friend, you can choose any mestizo you like

However, having taken responsibility, even for a non-pedigreed pet, it is necessary to educate it, take care of it, give it affection and attention

Life expectancy and health

Although the Pomchi is a small dog, it lives quite a long time. On average, life expectancy can reach 12-18 years. The specified period largely depends on care and proper nutrition. But no less important is the genes passed on from parents.

Keeshond Wolfspitz: description of the dog breed

A mixed breed may inherit common illnesses such as food allergies or cardiovascular problems. You should be attentive to the health of your pet, do not forget about the necessary injections and preventive examinations.

Also, a small dog can easily get injured during a walk or collide with another, larger individual. You should not leave your pet alone and let him run around without a leash.

For your information! The weakest point of these animals is their teeth. In case of danger, they cannot stand up for themselves and find themselves helpless.

Mixed breed with Spitz

Most often, to obtain original Yorkie puppies, they are bred with Spitz dogs. Puppies born as a result of such mating inherit the best qualities of both parents and have an attractive appearance and good health. Such dogs are not prone to developing genetic pathologies and, according to experienced breeders, are characterized by a high rate of survival.

Mestizos also have the following positive qualities:

  • friendliness;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • loyalty;
  • cheerful character;
  • ability to learn;
  • lack of aggression;
  • empathy.

All this is possible only if you carefully select purebred parents with a similar temperament, otherwise the puppy may have various deviations regarding both appearance and health.

Here are some typical photos.

Each puppy has a unique set of characteristics, so it is impossible to predict the length, color or texture of the coat. It is also impossible to judge in advance the character of the future pet, but if any undesirable traits appear, they can be easily corrected with proper upbringing, training and socialization. The only thing we can talk about with confidence is the size of the mestizos. Adults do not grow large; they have a compact, less often medium size.

Caring for the hair of a Yorkie-Spitz crossbreed is primarily aimed at regular brushing to avoid the formation of tangles and monthly cutting of split ends of hair that impede normal coat growth.

Keeping a Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix

Pomchi is a decorative dog that is kept only at home; it cannot live on the street. Thanks to his small stature and compactness, the dog feels great even in a one-room apartment. The territory must be secured so that the Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix does not fall from a height, drop a heavy object on itself, or get stuck somewhere. A place for rest, food, toilet is organized for him, hygiene products and all the necessary accessories are purchased - a bed, a house, clothes for walking, a leash, a carrier, toys.


When compiling a diet for a Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix, we are guided by several principles - nutrition should be correct, healthy and balanced, and clean, fresh water should be available around the clock. The owner of a Pomeranian Spitz hybrid himself chooses what to feed his pet - “natural” or “dried”. It is worth purchasing super-premium industrial food. Natural food should be fresh and of high quality.

An adult pomchi is fed twice a day. Between main meals, he is given a snack, since the metabolism of a decorative dog is very high. At the same time, they monitor the diet and do not overfeed, since a mixture of sneezes and Pomeranians is prone to gaining excess weight, especially if they are sterilized.


They rarely bathe a decorative dog, doing this only as a last resort when it gets very dirty. For washing, special cosmetics are used that can give the coat brightness and silkiness. To prevent tangles from forming, it is not recommended to bathe mixed-breed Pomeranians and Chihuas during the molting period.

Training and education

Pomeranian and Chihuahua mixes are easy to train if done in a playful way. Dogs are smart and quick-witted, they quickly learn basic commands (“Place!”, “Come to me!”, “You can’t!”, “Ugh!”, “Voice!”, “Walk!”). The high intelligence of pets allows you to teach them various tricks.

They begin raising a pet immediately after it arrives in its new home. Pomeranian mixes must be trained to their name, place and toilet. Training should not be accompanied by shouting and swearing. Regular practice, encouragement and praise help achieve the desired result.


Long-haired Pomchis are brushed frequently, especially during the molting period. Do not comb wet fur so as not to disturb the structure of the undercoat. Grooming of the Pomeranian Spitz mix should be carried out by an experienced specialist. It shortens only the guard hairs, leaving the undercoat untouched.

Pros and cons of Chihuahua mixes

Metis is the result of crossing 2 dogs belonging to different breeds, or a purebred pet with a mongrel.

Among the disadvantages of puppies from such matings are:

  1. No guarantees. It is impossible to predict in advance either possible defects, or the psyche, or even parameters. A mixed-breed litter always comes out as varied.
  2. Shortened lifespan. Compared to purebred parents, the resulting mixed-breed baby has poorer health and requires careful care.

Due to the popularity of the Chihuahua, dog breeders are interested in creating mixed breeds with its participation.
The advantages include an attractive price, inferior to purebred puppies.

A responsible breeder is obliged to give away such puppies for free.

Litter from random matings is subject to mandatory culling and sterilization, so they are disposed of by euthanasia or handed over to good hands.

Character of dogs

This breed, like most small dogs, is a good and loyal friend for humans if they have the appropriate upbringing and training. If this is not the case, then the dog may grow up to be aggressive and disobedient.

By nature, these are very kind dogs, attached to people. They love to socialize, play, and interact with people and other dogs.

Because of their sociability, Pomchis cannot tolerate loneliness. If they are left alone for a long time, it can completely change their personality. They will become secretive, withdraw into themselves and stop trusting people.

Also, these dogs do not need much physical activity. They equally love walks and playing at home with their owner.

Pomches love being held and other human contact.

They like it when all the attention is directed at them, so it is important not to let the dog become proud. Need to show her who's boss


Failure to demonstrate character in establishing a relationship with a pomchi can lead to the pet beginning to manipulate the person. Dominant traits are clearly identified in the Pomchi's temperament.

What to feed your pomchi?

The basis of feeding decorative dogs is a complete, balanced menu.
Clean water must be freely available. Dry food or natural food is the owner’s choice. Each type of food has its advantages. One thing is clear - if it is dry food, then it must be super-premium, if it is natural, then only high-quality and fresh products.

Considering the miniature size of the dog, pomchi's food will not put a price on the owner's pocket. You should clearly determine the dog's needs and not overfeed - poms are prone to obesity, especially sterilized ones.

You need to feed an adult pomchi 2 times a day, however, given the increased metabolism of a small animal, it is worth giving your baby a snack during the day.

Give him an apple, a carrot, some kind of treat - industrial or homemade. It’s good for the teeth to chew on cartilage, a large piece of beef, which, moreover, will occupy the dog’s attention for a long time.

In general, the Pomchi's diet is identical to that of the Chihuahua and Pomeranian.

For a more detailed study of the issue of Pomchi nutrition, read our article: How to properly feed a Pomeranian: important rules and prohibitions.

What goals are pursued when breeding Yorkie and Spitz mixes?

The process of breeding a cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie is quite painstaking and complex. First of all, it is necessary to carefully select purebred parents, otherwise the puppy may be born with any abnormalities, both in appearance and in terms of health.

The most common purpose of crossing is the appearance of the future dog. Yorkie and Spitz mixes, as a rule, have a pretty appearance, and the lion's share of modern female celebrities buy crosses for large sums. Such puppies are called decorative because dog breeds that have externally attractive features were selected in advance, and the puppy, accordingly, will receive excellent external characteristics from two beautiful breeds at once. Mestizos have a very attractive appearance and a bright personality, which is why they have gained such popularity at the present time.

General rules for caring for your pet

The Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix primarily needs coat care. Their fur is quite long, so it will need to be brushed regularly. It is optimal to do this at least once a week. During the molting period, the procedure will have to be repeated daily.

A cross between a Husky and a Spitz: the name of the mestizos breed

Another point that requires increased attention from the owner is the eyes. In a crossbreed they are quite large and constantly water. It is necessary to wash them daily with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. In addition, there are special eye drops for dogs of this breed.

Pomchi puppies must be accustomed to these procedures from a young age. If you start doing this at a later age, problems may arise.

Don't forget about examining and cleaning your ears. Dirt and sulfur should not accumulate in them. When plaque appears, the ears are cleaned using hydrogen peroxide.

Particular attention to your pet's health should be paid in winter. Despite the thick undercoat, the animal freezes quite quickly. In this case, warm clothing and special shoes may be useful. During the hot season, you should ensure that your pet does not overheat and does not suffer heatstroke. In fact, owners are advised not to make walks too long. This approach will help avoid unpleasant consequences for the animal.


The Pomchi is a long-haired dog that requires regular brushing, especially during shedding season. However, you should not comb the fur while it is wet, as this can damage the undercoat. In addition, it is forbidden to bathe your pet during the molting period, as this can lead to the formation of tangles.

Important! For water treatments, the owner will need to purchase a special shampoo. At the same time, you should not overuse bath procedures. It is best to bathe your dog only when it is heavily soiled. In normal times, dry cleaning should be limited.

If the fur has a black and white tint, then it is necessary to use special cosmetics. This will make the coat look bright and shiny.

For owners of double coats, grooming should be carried out by experienced professionals. The undercoat should remain intact. Only a small part of the top layer is removed.

What to feed pomchi

The Spitz-Chihuahua mix is ​​a decorative breed, so it is better to buy balanced food, as it is healthier. The owner should not forget to provide the pet with constant access to clean water.

It is allowed to feed both special dry food and ready-made canned food. The choice of store-bought food should be approached responsibly. You can't choose cheap food. It is better to give preference to premium brands.

Note! The dog can be fed natural food, but the diet must contain fresh meat (beef, rabbit).

You cannot overfeed the animal. These dog breeds are prone to obesity, and this will inevitably lead to health problems.

Despite these features, caring for Pomchi does not require large financial costs. An adult is fed at least once a day. After eating, it is recommended to play with the puppy a little.

Important! Food can be good for your teeth. Various kinds of crunchy treats will help avoid the appearance of plaque and stone.

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