All about dogs: 100 facts that everyone is interested in knowing

Facts about puppies

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  1. Puppies love to play hide and seek

    . Hide and call his name so he will try to find you.

  2. Puppies are gaining up to half of your adult weight in the first 4 - 5 months

    . However, it takes them a year or more to gain the other half of their weight.

  3. Puppies sleep 18-20 hours

    per day during the rapid growth phase.

  4. Puppies have 28 teeth

    , and in adults - 42 teeth.

  5. The most suitable age to take a puppy home

    - between 6-12 months.

  6. Newborn puppies have heat sensors on their noses that allow them to find their mother when their eyes and ears are closed.
  7. The average number of puppies in a litter is about five.
  8. Puppies are born blind, deaf and without teeth


  9. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white and develop spots as they grow.

The average dog's intelligence level corresponds to the IQ of a two-year-old child

Thanawath Seangsuriyapone/Getty Images

According to the American Psychological Association, both babies and dogs can recognize up to 250 words and gestures.
see also

19 facts about dogs that explain their behavior

Facts about the characteristics and behavior of dogs

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  • Dogs can understand up to 1000 words


  • A dog's helicopter tail wagging from side to side is a sign of friendliness.
  • A vertical, taut tail and rapid movements indicate that the dog is content. excited and focused


  • Sometimes it seems that dogs smile

    like people with their mouths open, showing their teeth. In fact, this facial expression indicates a relaxed, submissive state.

  • Sometimes puppies become capricious

    , just like little children. If you have a restless dog, try putting him to sleep.

  • Pointy-eared dogs hear sounds better than lop-eared dogs.
  • Dogs dream


  • Dogs on average live from 10 to 14 years


  • In general, small dog breeds live longer than large dog breeds.
  • When we pet the dog and look into its eyes

    , a feel-good hormone is produced in both humans and dogs.

  • Dogs count omnivores

    - They eat meat, grains and vegetables.

  • Just like with human fingerprints, no identical nose prints

    in dogs.

  • Dogs see best at dawn and dusk.
  • Dogs are not colorblind

    , but their eyes do not have receptors for the color red. They see shades of black and white, as well as blue and yellow.

  • A dog's sense of smell is reduced by 40 percent when he is overheated or out of breath.
  • Dogs have about 1700 taste buds

    compared to 9,000 in humans.

  • Dogs sweat through their paw pads.
  • Dogs have three centuries

    including the eyelid, moisturizing and protecting the eye.

  • Dogs - herd animals

    , they don't like loneliness.

  • Neutered dogs live longer than non-sterilized dogs.
  • Petting your dog can lower blood pressure.
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  • One unspayed female dog, her partner and their puppies are capable of producing 67,000 puppies in 6 years.
  • Dogs are direct descendants of wolves.
  • Dogs curl up into a ball

    to keep warm and protect vital organs.

  • Dogs' sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger

    than that of a person.

  • Dogs can become jealous when a person shows affection towards someone or something else.
  • Dogs can be trained recognize cancer

    and other diseases in humans.

  • A dog's whiskers are an organ of touch.
  • Average body temperature

    in dogs it ranges from 38.3 - 39 degrees Celsius.

  • Many paw diseases in dogs are caused by their long nails.
  • Obesity is one of the leading preventable problems among dogs.
  • In dogs twice as many muscles that move the ears,

    than people.

  • Doggystyle pregnancy lasts 8-9 weeks


  • Dogs can be taught to count and solve simple math problems.
  • With the love and patience of dogs you can learn to walk backwards


  • Dogs hear higher frequency sounds than humans. Human hearing is more sensitive at a frequency of 2000 Hz, while dogs can hear clearly at a frequency of 8000 Hz.
  • Dogs in the city live on average 3 years longer than those who lived in rural areas.
  • It is common to see a dog chasing its tail, but it is not always for fun. Sometimes a dog chasing his tail due to fleas or anxiety


  • Dogs can see in the dark thanks to a special membrane in their eyes.
  • Dogs with pointed, long muzzles tend to live longer than dogs with flatter muzzles, such as pugs.
  • For dogs You can't give chocolate.

    It is poisonous to them and can even be fatal.

  • In dogs 13 different blood types,

    and they can also donate their blood to other dogs.

  • Tail docking is now illegal in many countries around the world, but the practice began as early as 4 AD. E. The Romans believed that docking dogs' tails helped prevent rabies.
  • Interesting scientific information

    Information about dogs from scientists is also full of variety. As already mentioned, experts have been studying these animals for many years. What exactly we found out is described below.


    The dog was originally a wild animal. The remains of ancient dogs were found in Siberia, also in the Altai Mountains. There are two main theories about how animals were domesticated.

    In the first case, it is generally accepted that wild dogs were specially tamed to help people hunt. It later turned out that the animal is also an excellent companion. According to the second version, no one specifically tamed the dogs. Wild dogs or wolves simply approached human settlements to feast on the remains of the caught prey.

    Important! Today, wild dogs such as dingoes still exist. This dog lives on the mainland of Australia. In addition, there are a large number of canids: wolf, jackal, hyena.

    Wild dog dingo

    Properties of the organism

    Dog hearing is much more developed than human hearing. A pet can distinguish sounds with a frequency of 40 kHz (ultrasound). The animal can distinguish music well and also detect the slightest dissonance.

    The nose is also incredibly developed. With its help, the pet can distinguish food, search for objects, orient in space and sense danger. The moisture on the earlobe allows you to capture the most subtle odors.

    The tongue is used to regulate body temperature. When an animal is in danger of overheating, it immediately sticks it out and begins to actively breathe.


    Animal intelligence is quite well developed. They can count to five (if taught) and can do basic math calculations. The intelligence of an adult dog is approximately equal to the development of a 5-year-old child.

    Living side by side with humans, pets learn a lot, for example, to cross the road in the right place. Moreover, they can navigate traffic signals. Although this is more about observing people's behavior.

    Facts about dog breeds

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  • The oldest dog breed is the Saluki.

    appeared in Egypt around 329 AD. BC.

  • There are about 400 million dogs


  • According to the study Cornell University

    dogs were domesticated between about 9,000 and 34,000 years ago.

  • Dog breeds that bark the most

    : Miniature Schnauzers, Cairn Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, Fox Terriers and West Highland White Terriers.

  • Bichons, Portuguese Water Dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers, Maltese and Poodles are some of the best options for people with allergies

    because they shed less than other breeds.

  • Therapy dogs

    dogs, which promote the recovery of adults and children by visiting hospitals, schools and nursing homes, are different from
    companion dogs
    , which help the disabled.

  • In the dog breed Newfoundland

    water-repellent coat and webbed feet.

  • Dog breeds chow chow

    are born with a pink tongue, but it turns blue-black between 8 and 10 weeks of age.

  • Alaskan Malamute

    Can withstand temperatures below 70 degrees below zero.

  • Basenji is the only dog ​​breed that does not bark.
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  • Norwegian Lundehund

    is the only dog ​​breed with six toes on each paw.

  • Chihuahua

    are born with soft spots in the skull, just like children.

  • Initially dachshunds

    bred to fight badgers.

  • Small dog breeds mature faster than larger dog breeds.
  • Chihuahua

    were named after the state in northwestern Mexico where they were discovered.

  • Due to size and strength Saint Bernards

    served as mountain rescue dogs for many years. One of the most successful St. Bernards named Barry saved 40 people during his service.

  • German Shepherds

    often work in the police, thanks to their intelligence, desire to explore the environment, courage, dexterity and loyalty.

  • About 33 percent of dog owners admitted that talking to their pets on the phone


  • Basset hounds

    can't swim.

  • Dog breeds bloodhound

    in many countries they are used as bloodhounds due to their acute sense of smell. They can highlight a specific odor or recognize several odors at the same time.

  • IQ, Earth's magnetic field and much more about our little brothers

    Dogs... Aren't they beautiful? Long-time companion animals that humans seem to have studied inside and out. But is this really so?

    Perhaps breeders, dog handlers and veterinarians really know everything about dogs, but for ordinary owners and especially people far from the topic, dogs remain terra incognita.

    But it’s absolutely in vain! Seemingly banal, four-legged friends hide so many secrets of the universe that it’s time to be surprised and admired! We will reveal a few of them, lifting only the edge of a huge veil of mystery... A mystery that, although it lives next to us, but which still remains so distant and unknown.

    Facts about the very best among dogs

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  • Greyhound - fastest breed

    dogs can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h.

  • The most popular breed

    The most popular dog in the world is the bulldog.

  • The heaviest breed

    - St. Bernard, its weight can reach up to 120 kg.

  • With a height of about 15 cm, the Chihuahua is one of the... smallest dog breeds


  • An Irish Wolfhound with a height of about 76 - 89 cm is considered the tallest breed


  • Bloodhound named Tigger holds the record the longest ears

    , the length of each of which is 34 cm.

  • In 1969, Lassie became the first animal to be awarded a star

    on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  • Border Collie, Poodle and Golden Retriever are considered the smartest breeds


  • The most expensive dog in the world

    — A Tibetan mastiff named “Big Splash” was sold in China for $1.6 million.

  • The Great Dane is considered the largest dog
    in the world.
  • Largest litter

    Of those documented, 24 puppies were born by caesarean section from a Neapolitan mastiff named Tia.

  • Oldest dog

    in the world lived to be 29 years and 5 months.

  • The Afghan Hound is considered one of the stupidest dog breeds

    which is difficult to train.

  • The poodle is considered one of the the purest breeds

    dogs, and is an excellent choice for people with allergies. They don't shed as much and rarely smell.

  • The Beagle and the Border Collie are considered one of the the noisiest breeds


  • The Czech Terrier is the rarest
    dog breed in the world. It is believed that only 350 of this breed remain.
  • Why are dogs so happy when they meet us?

    When you return home at the end of the day, even an hour or two later, your dog will most likely be in seventh heaven. Always! Always! Always! A dog's violent reaction to the return of its owner is one of the many reasons why we love them so much. But why are they so happy about the arrival of their owners?

    This reaction is determined by three main factors, say the authors of the io9 website. When studying brain scans of dogs that were presented with different smells, dog behavior researchers noticed that the smell of a familiar person activated the reward center in their brains in a way that none of the presented smells did. This suggested that the pets not only distinguish between people and other dogs, but also genuinely enjoy spending time with their owners.

    Another study used a cognitive experiment designed to observe children who saw their mothers after their absence, to analyze the dogs' reactions to meeting their owners after separation. This study found that the reactions of children and dogs are very similar. We must not forget that dogs are social animals that do not like to be left alone. For them, our return is a salvation from loneliness and boredom. And if you add up all the factors, it becomes quite clear why dogs are so happy when they see their beloved owners.

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