Description of the Chihuahua dog breed: pet character traits and reviews from owners

Chihuahuas are small, charming, cheerful and loyal dogs/

Popular among dog breeders all over the world.

They are fearless and active.

They do not require much space or long walks and love the company of their owner.

All this makes them ideal pets for residents of city apartments.

Let's figure out what care is required for pets.

So, first things first.

Origin story

Dogs of this breed are the national symbol of Mexico. They got their name in honor of the state of Chihuahua, where archaeologists discovered figurines and figurines of these dogs in an ancient temple.

There is no consensus regarding the origin of the Chihuahua breed, but research has confirmed that Chihuahuas are indigenous people of Mexico, living in the wild long before the arrival of the Mayans and Aztecs, who domesticated them.

Having come to America thanks to traders who bought them at the market, these dogs instantly gained popularity among dog breeders.

The first description of modern Chihuahuas dates back to 1800, they received their name in 1884, the first exhibition where they were presented was held in 1904, and the official description appeared in 1923 with the founding of the National Chihuahua Club in Philadelphia.

Previously, there was a single standard describing both long-haired and smooth-haired representatives of the breed; they were separated only in 1954.

These dogs appeared in Russia in 1959 - 2 long-haired puppies were a gift to N. Khrushchev from F. Castro.

History of the breed, its features

It is unknown when exactly this breed appeared, but the history of its spread in Europe is known for certain. Columbus saw small funny dogs in Cuba for the first time. Information about this is preserved in chronicles. Travelers brought these pets to the European continent.

The birthplace of the decorative breed is Mexico. Whether it was bred by humans or appeared as a result of natural selection is unknown. It is believed that the selection was carried out by Indian tribes: Aztecs, Mayans, Comanches, Shoshone. The breed originated in the northwestern part of the country, in the state of Chihuahua, which is reflected in the name.

Dogs were companions and faithful friends of the Indians. After their death, the pets were buried with their owners. Archaeologists have found dog mummies next to human mummies. Images of Chihuahuas can be seen on various artifacts, religious buildings of the Aztecs and Mayans.

This is the national dog breed in Mexico. Small tame pets are usually presented as gifts to high-ranking persons. Stud books for this breed were published at the beginning of the 20th century. Pets appeared in our country in the middle of the last century.

Pet character

Chihuahuas are sociable, calm and balanced dogs that quickly adapt to new conditions. Thanks to these qualities, you can take your pet with you when traveling and visiting.

They become attached to all family members, get along with them, can quickly determine a person’s mood, but they choose one person as their owner and remain faithful to him.

Representatives of this breed love to be the center of attention and need care and love, and are often overly intrusive. They are mobile, active and cheerful, but they also like to be in silence, the main thing is that the owner is nearby.

These dogs are fearless and are wary of strangers, greeting them with loud barks, which makes them good watchmen and security guards.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

The main problems that Chihuahua owners face are barking for no reason, an unfriendly attitude towards guests and attempts to take the place of leader in the family. All this can cause a lot of inconvenience, so you need to start training immediately after purchasing a puppy. In general, these are very smart dogs and, with the right approach, persistence and regular exercise, they quickly learn to behave correctly.

How does character affect a Chihuahua's learning ability?

It is necessary to raise and train a pet on the same day it appears in the house. Of course, the dog’s pretty face and small size invite him to be treated softly and tenderly.

But this is where the big mistake lies: such indulgences do not educate the dog, but vice versa. Soon the pet will begin to actively use this attitude towards him. The dog will become arrogant and smug. And it will become simply impossible to train him.

You can’t be afraid to show rigor where it’s needed. Any aggression or stubbornness of the Chihuahua must be stopped. You cannot shout or hit your pet. It is enough to scold him strictly and clearly. But the dog's good behavior should also be encouraged. You need to treat and praise her if she deserves it. These are all elements of raising and training a Chihuahua.

It is usually easier to train girls to sneeze than boys because they are calm and obedient in nature.

Education and training

Representatives of this breed need proper education and training from an early age. Otherwise, they begin to claim a leadership position in the family, and their behavior becomes uncontrollable.

Chihuahuas are quite smart and quick-witted, so they quickly remember commands, especially if the training process takes place in a playful way and the training is reinforced with treats..

But due to their natural stubbornness and self-will, they may refuse to follow commands, so the owner is required to show patience, perseverance and leadership qualities.

It is important that the pet:

  • responded to the nickname;
  • came to the owner on the command “Come to me”;
  • knew where his place and toilet were;
  • reacted to the command “No”;
  • did not bark without a reason;
  • did not damage property.

Other commands like “Stand”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, etc. are not necessary for a Chihuahua, but you can teach them .

Socialization is also important for the proper physical and mental development of a dog.

A pet that is not familiar with the outside world will constantly experience stress when in an unusual and noisy environment.

Is it possible to influence and correct the character of a Chihuahua?

Raising and training a Chihuahua is of great importance, as soon as you bring him into your home. Do not allow people to chew things, stop attempts to pester strangers while walking, do not allow them to eat from someone else’s hands, pick up food from the floor, or beg for food from you while eating. It is forbidden to jump on and bite people, even to show your love. Only training and proper upbringing will change a dog’s character for the better. The puppy training process is based on the method of motivation, encouragement and praise. It is prohibited and unacceptable to treat the dog harshly during training.

Advantages and disadvantages

Small size is not the only advantage of the Chihuahua.

The advantages of this breed are also:

  • the ability to train to a tray or diaper;
  • devotion;
  • ability to get along with other pets and children, such as a cat;
  • cheerful disposition, curiosity;
  • endurance;
  • stable psyche;
  • no need for long walks;
  • courage.

Despite the obvious advantages, this breed also has a number of disadvantages.:

  • Quite expensive care, including high-quality food, clothing, regular veterinary examinations and groomer services;
  • loud barking, often without reason;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • weather sensitivity.

In addition, representatives of this breed have a complex character; they are characterized by stubbornness, jealousy, and even aggression, in the absence of proper upbringing.

Chihuahua and small children

In principle, Chihuahuas get along well with children. Although it is better to protect children from these fragile animals. But if you still decide to buy such a dog and there are young children in the house, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some rules for their life together.

Namely, you need to clearly explain to the baby that this dog needs to be handled extremely carefully. And even after this, you should constantly monitor when the child establishes contact with the dog.

Some tips that will help in keeping a dog in a house with a child:

  • It is necessary to accustom the dog to a daily routine so that it does not wander around the house when the child falls asleep;
  • The dog should be taught the “be silent” command. After all, as already mentioned, when a Chihuahua feels that someone is approaching the house, it creates a lot of noise. The “keep quiet” command will help pacify the dog when the child falls asleep;
  • Never give your dog a toy in the shape of a child; these can be various dolls. There have been cases when a dog confused a toy with a living child and caused harm to him;
  • When there is already a dog in the house and a newborn baby appears, you need to introduce them. You should hold your dog tightly, as his reaction may vary. There are dogs that react aggressively to a new family member. And there are those who, on the contrary, try to make friends with the baby;
  • Even if the dog has good intentions, you should not let it play with the child. Even though the baby may like it;
  • Before buying a dog, you should make sure that the child is not allergic to wool.

Important: Before buying a dog, you need to give your child full instructions on how he should handle it.

Color variations

There are several coat color options :

  • white – the coat is solid white, without speckling or markings of a different color;
  • sable - white markings on a background of sable color or, conversely, sable spots on white wool;
  • black – uniformly black wool without inclusions of other shades;
  • chocolate – rich brown coat;
  • brindle - a color combining red, chocolate, white and black;
  • white-black – possible white coat with black markings or black coat with white spots on the head and body;
  • cream – light beige shade of wool;
  • blue – options for blue and tan, white-blue or blue-fawn are possible;
  • black and tan – black dogs with red or red tan;
  • lilac – the main lilac color with a soft pink tint;
  • red - all possible shades of red, white spots on the chest and fingers are acceptable.

The breed standard allows any color option, except merle and merle, because... such dogs have various congenital pathologies .

Getting a dog should be done consciously

Of course, Narcissus also brings us positive emotions. This is a living creature. When you stroke him, you calm down and relax. I love looking at him: he is so handsome, sweet, funny.

But I really feel sorry for him.

A dog is a member of the family. She needs to pay attention, spend a lot of time with her, walk and train her. And when you work day and night, raising children, honestly, there’s no time for a dog... It’s better not to have one.

I can say for sure: children should never have a dog!

If Narcissus didn’t exist, and I was offered to get a dog, I would say unequivocally: “No!”

Types and brief description

The Chihuahua breed is divided into several types.

Depending on their build, Chihuahuas are divided into 2 types (shown in the photo):

  • Cobbies are short dogs with a massive, stocky body and a short “baby face” muzzle;
  • Dir - dogs with a lean build, a longer muzzle, less dense coat and a small head.

Based on their coat, Chihuahuas are divided into long-haired and short-haired.

There is also a division of dogs by size:

  • mini - weight from 600 g to 1.8 kg;
  • standard – weight 1.8-3.5 kg.


Weight less than 600 g is considered a disqualifying fault.

Some breeders and breeders strive to distinguish varieties such as the Pekingese, English and Aboriginal Chihuahua, but these are not recognized as an official breed standard.

Main characteristics of the Chihuahua breed

  • The shape of the Chihuahua's head resembles that of a deer; in its upper part there is a small soft zone - a fontanel. The muzzle is slightly pointed.
  • The round, large eyes are set wide apart and have a dark brown or blue tint.
  • The ears are radar-shaped and large. They not only provide the dog with perfect hearing, but also help to perfectly regulate body temperature. Puppies' ears droop and then stand up.
  • Chihuahuas have well-developed nostrils and an excellent sense of smell.
  • The constitution is dry, light, the body is slightly elongated. The chest is wide, the back is strong, the stomach is tucked, the loin is convex, the withers are clearly defined.
  • The tail is of medium length and is carried in line with the back.

The Chihuahua breed is divided into representatives with short and long hair. The coat of short-haired pets is smooth with shine and velvety to the touch. Long-haired individuals may have wavy or straight hairs. The fur is soft, looks like a collar on the neck, frames the ears in the form of a fringe, and there are feathers on the paws.

The color of the Chihuahua can be solid or mixed. The range of colors is extensive, including a large number of different shades - from white to black. The spectrum includes beige, brown, gray tones.

Does he get along with other pets?

They get along well with cats, rodents and other small pets, especially if they are not aggressive.

They get along well with dogs; relationships develop better with representatives of small breeds.

Chihuahuas are quite reckless and are not aware of their small size, so they often show aggression towards larger dogs and start fights.

Basic commands

You will use some commands more often, others less often. But they will still come in handy to easily interact with your Chihuahua and even keep him safe in various situations.

  • Aport. One of the most difficult teams. Many people perceive it as very easy and simple, but with many dogs you will have to work hard. This skill is used for other exercises: searching, searching, selecting an item and many others. Usually they are all used in service. When working out a command, “Aport” and “Give” are used, and a gesture is also used.
  • Give. On the command “Give” the dog must give up the object.
  • Lie. A connecting command that needs to be learned for other commands. In addition, it will not interfere at home or on the street.
  • To me. You will need to use this command quite often. So start with it immediately after your Chihuahua puppy has learned his name. Never call the dog to punish, and do not scold if it comes on its own, even after mischievousness before it. This behavior on your part may alienate the animal.
  • Place. A puppy or an adult dog must clearly know where his place is located. He can sleep anywhere, if you allow it, of course, but he must know this command. You can use it outside the home, marking the place with a leash or your favorite toy.
  • Near. It is possible to teach your pet the “Near” command at any age, be it an adult dog or a small puppy. When you move to a new home, you should immediately think about training your puppy.
  • Sit. One of the very first commands that a Chihuahua puppy should learn.
  • Stand. The command is useful in everyday life, for example, for combing a dog.
  • . The prohibiting command is one of the most mandatory and taming it begins from the first day the puppy appears in the house. Requiring the command “Fu!”, “No!”, “No!” - immediately stop the unwanted action.

Maintenance and care

Representatives of this breed are not adapted to outdoor living.

They cannot tolerate low air temperatures and cannot live even in an insulated enclosure, and for walks in the cold season they need warm clothes.

ClawsTrim nails monthly with a guillotine nail clipper.
TeethBrush your Chihuahua’s teeth 2-3 times a week with a special toothbrush and toothpaste, and have them professionally cleaned at a veterinary clinic every six months.
EyesInspect and remove discharge daily with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water, and rinse with chamomile infusion twice a week
WoolSmooth-haired representatives of the breed should be combed once a week, long-haired representatives - daily, during the molting period, do this daily.
BathingNo more than once a month, otherwise there is a risk of drying out the skin and causing dandruff and hair loss.
A haircutCarry out a hygienic haircut yourself 1-2 times a month or contact a groomer
EarsInspect and clean with a special plant-based product every 3 days

Chihuahuas love to be outside to get some fresh air, but do not need regular and long walks, wasting their energy reserves at home.

Aboriginal breed

This is what we mean – Chihuahuas, because Mexicans know how to treat sacred animals like no one else. There is a special aura around the little ones, which makes them appreciate and extol the breed. Unfortunately, there is no exact confirmation of any of the legends about the Mayans and Chihuahuas, but one thing is clear - dogs are sacred. There is an assumption that the dogs helped their owners go safely to another world when the time of death came. The dogs did this thanks to the fontanel not overgrowing.

Perhaps the Chihuahua was even placed in the grave with the deceased owner; this, of course, is blasphemy at first glance, and at second glance too. Nowadays they would hardly dare to take such a step, even out of excessive love for their sneeze. But still, the dog is recognized as the ideal life partner of a modern person, not only for glamorous ladies and celebrities, but also for elderly, lonely people. The fashion for Chihuahuas as a breed arose in the 20th century; everyone seemed to go crazy for them, choosing the one they liked most from a wide variety of colors.

We will say one thing - if you want, start one and you will never regret it! After all, a Chihuahua feels the mood of its owner in a special way, it is faithful and devoted, it is a protector and a cute, funny rusher in one “bottle.” But seriously, the inner world of a dog is much larger than its size, you can only be convinced of this by living with the dog side by side in sorrow and joy.

What do Chihuahuas like?

As well as loving to be the center of attention, Chihuahuas love delicious food.

At an early age, their taste buds are formed; dogs remember the taste of food they like and may refuse to eat something else..

They also have the so-called mole syndrome - representatives of this breed like to bury themselves in clothes, blankets, etc., creating a kind of “nest”. According to dog experts, this habit is associated with the desire to be warm.

Costs of behavior

Now you will read the most interesting information about Chihuahuas, because they are real comedians of their kind. Chihuahuas' behavior and character sometimes seem strange, so you can't look at them without smiling. The first strange thing is trembling; it can occur for any reason, from cold to fear.

The subcutaneous fat in dogs is too thin and cannot replace heat loss. That’s why, with any excitement, even if it’s a rustle, they begin to tremble, especially if there was an active walk before. This does not mean that the dog is so afraid of everything, on the contrary, it is fearlessness itself. But you need to warm it up and caress it, and don’t leave the dog in this state. By the way, do not forget to dress warmly even at home.

But here is the second oddity, no less attractive and funny. Any rag lying around in your house helps your dog compensate for the lack of warmth and comfort, but if it’s not lying around, the dog will find it. It could be a blanket, blanket, sheet, whatever. Burying his nose in the cozy material and hiding there completely, the sneeze feels quite normal. Such equipment, or rather “mole syndrome,” allows dogs to feel confident and warm. And, of course, it will add more difficulties for you, because finding your favorite then turns out to be the most difficult thing.

If the previous costs of behavior are natural, then barking for no reason at everything that moves is already miseducation. The culture of your pet’s behavior depends on you, let’s be honest with each other; by pampering, you only develop the traits of egocentrism and selfishness in your dog. And, of course, they arouse even greater jealousy towards you. And if you want a truly funny performance, put a toy in front of your dog - a repeat Hamster and enjoy, the sneeze will not leave him for a minute, this is where you can throw out your emotions - in communication!

Health and major diseases

Quite good health and good immunity are one of the main advantages of this breed.

However, Chihuahuas have a number of diseases caused by genetics and conformation :

  • hydrocephalus;
  • pulmonary trunk stenosis;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • fractures;
  • eye diseases;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • allergy;
  • oral diseases.

In addition, due to the unovergrown fontanel, representatives of this breed are weather sensitive and prone to traumatic brain injuries and headaches.

What diseases are you susceptible to?

Due to commercial breeding and unscrupulous breeders, dogs with poor genetics and poor health are becoming increasingly common, and representatives of the mini and super mini breeds can be considered sick by default. Purebred Chihuahuas are characterized by excellent health and if you are wondering how long they live, their life expectancy ranges from 12 to 20 years.

The most common diseases in the breed are:

  • hypoglycemia - it is important to feed your pet on time. With the development of hypoglycemia, the dog becomes drowsy, uncoordinated movements, convulsions, and fainting appear. Coma and death are possible.
  • dropsy of the brain
  • alopecia - partial baldness, can begin at the age of 6 months. There is no cure, but the condition can be maintained with the use of certain medications
  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joint, dislocation of the knee joint. Chihuahuas have fragile bones and joints. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not jump from high surfaces, since even jumping from the sofa can lead to a fracture or dislocation.
  • diabetes and obesity
  • epilepsy
  • dental diseases - if you notice that the oral mucosa is bleeding, red and there is plaque on the teeth, you need to show the dog to a veterinarian-dentist. You should be especially attentive to your teeth during their replacement period. Often there is a delay in the loss of baby teeth, and in this case, they must be removed by a doctor.
  • allergy
  • dermatitis
  • eye diseases - retinal atrophy, conjunctivitis. If your dog bumps into objects or has tear tracks or purulent discharge, you should seek help from a veterinarian.
  • diseases of the hearing organs - increased formation of wax, unpleasant odor or redness of the inner surface of the ear is not normal and requires treatment.

If you notice unusual behavior in your dog, your pet does not eat the usual portion of food and has become apathetic, do not wait for the situation to worsen and seek professional help from a veterinary clinic. A healthy and active Chihuahua will become your loyal friend for many years and will delight you with its affectionate and courageous character.

Nutrition and diet

Chihuahuas can be fed both natural products and prepared foods . The main thing is not to mix both diets and remember that food should be nutritious and balanced.


The basis of natural nutrition should be dietary meat, and vegetables, cereals, fermented milk products and fruits should be its complement and a source of carbohydrates and fiber.

A natural diet should include:

  • lean meats;
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits.

This type of nutrition requires the pet to consume additional vitamins and minerals.

It is forbidden to feed a Chihuahua:

  • pork;
  • tubular bones;
  • nuts;
  • cabbage, legumes;
  • bell pepper;
  • sweets, pickles, smoked meats;
  • fried and spicy foods.

A puppy older than 2-2.5 months should not be given milk.

Having made a choice in favor of ready-made industrial food, you should purchase premium, super-premium and holistic food.

The most suitable brands for Chihuahuas:

  • NOW Natural Fresh;
  • Grandorf;
  • Almo Nature Holistic;
  • Purina Pro Plan;
  • Bosch.

Also popular are food brands Royal Canin, Hills, Brit, Acana.

Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, so it is necessary to follow a feeding schedule and control portion sizes.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • For many, the main advantage is size. Such a dog will be able to live under any conditions; he does not need to allocate a certain part of the house or street for living.
  • The Chihuahua is very budget-friendly in terms of nutrition; it only needs no more than 100 g of food per day.
  • A smooth-haired dog does not require special care. If you brush it with a special glove for three minutes every day, the shedding period of your smooth-haired Chihuahua will go unnoticed.
  • He is litter trained, so if necessary he can live without walks for a while.
  • Does not require long-term physical exertion. Even at home, an animal can spend its energy.
  • It can accompany you always and everywhere thanks to its size.
  • Not capable of damaging shoes or clothing. This happens very rarely, and the damage is minimal.
  • They have strong immunity. They are easy to train and can perform some tricks.


  • Bravery is sometimes misplaced and can cost a child’s life. This causes unnecessary worry for the owner during walks.
  • If you are picky about food, you will have to try several types of food before your baby makes his choice.
  • They are jealous of the owner not only of other animals, but also of people.
  • They can get along with pets only if they have known them since childhood.
  • In order to always feel the attention of the owner, they behave intrusively.
  • They are too talkative, sometimes this bothers not only neighbors, but also owners.

Every animal has advantages and disadvantages. When choosing, you need to take them into account, choose a pet whose shortcomings you can put up with. The only thing you are guaranteed to get from an animal is a good, loyal friend. Share what character traits are a disadvantage for you, what actions of your pet are you willing to turn a blind eye to?

How to choose? Boy or girl?

You should buy a Chihuahua puppy from a specialized nursery from trusted breeders - this will minimize the risk of acquiring a pet with pathologies.

When choosing a dog, you need to pay attention to the following external signs of a healthy puppy::

  • the coat is shiny and smooth, in long-haired Chihuahuas there may be slight waviness;
  • there is no rash, inflammation or dandruff on the skin;
  • the eyes are moist, there is no increased lacrimation or purulent discharge;
  • straight or scissor bite;
  • on both jaws there are 2 canines and 6 incisors;
  • limbs straight and short;
  • ears and nose without discharge.

A healthy puppy shows curiosity, behaves actively, friendly, and there are no signs of aggression.

Excessive thinness and a bloated belly may be signs of parasites..

When choosing between a female and a male, you need to know that males are more difficult to train and educate, they tend to mark territory and often get into fights with other dogs.

When purchasing a female dog, you need to be prepared for estrus, which occurs twice a year, and possible changes in mood and character during this period.

You also need to carefully monitor your pet and avoid accidental relationships with male dogs in order to avoid unplanned matings.

If a puppy is purchased for the purpose of further breeding , then it is more advisable to buy a bitch .

The main character traits of a Chihuahua: female or male?

The Chihuahua puppy is an active and restless pet. If you take care of and train your puppy, you can avoid pampering. Constant damage to things does not indicate the baby’s bad character, he is just very active and needs somewhere to throw out his energy. You can buy toys for him, he will be active with them, direct his energy to playing with them. Already from 3-4 months (the time of socialization), he is able to perceive the general rules of education. At this time, it is important to begin socializing and training the dog.

Price range, nurseries in Russia and the CIS

Private breeders and small nurseries offer to purchase a puppy with a pedigree for 10-25 thousand rubles, prices in large, well-reputed nurseries range from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. and more.

It is important to understand that the cost of a dog depends on the class, availability of documents and titles of the parents.


In Russia:

  • "From a Favorite Fairy Tale"
  • "de Monsareil"
  • "Best Chihua"
  • "Fatal Style"
  • "Arms Line"
  • "Axelance"
  • "Victory Love"
  • "Diamond Aamulet"

In Ukraine:

  • "Naughty World"
  • "Mayan Empire"
  • "Casa de Perro Grande"
  • "Lucky Person"
  • "Elite Empire"

In Belarus these are the nurseries “SanDamiano” and “AlisaGrant”.

Topic details

Temperament and walking

Boys are always cheating. During a walk, a male dog always needs to rush somewhere, attack pigeons, bark at nearby passers-by, sniff everything and look after the female.

Walking without a leash with boys is difficult. Let it be a harness on a tape measure, let him have the opportunity to run away the permitted distance, but for your peace of mind and his safety, do not let this little marmoset off the leash. Girls, in turn, are calm, agitated only during heat, and can walk without a leash. A bitch will not rush anywhere with proper upbringing, and in general girls of the breed are more affectionate and tame.

Estrus, rut and pregnancy

Obviously, female Chihuahuas will go into heat. And everything would be fine, because the dogs are clean and take care of their excretions themselves, but during such an important period, it becomes difficult to walk with the baby.

The little lady attracts a lot of attention, which, if the owner is not attentive, can lead to uncontrolled mating and pregnancy. But pregnancy is a whole adventure for the breed, and not only the dog, but also the owner experiences a storm of emotions and a bouquet of worries. Small breeds often cannot give birth on their own, and the process of bearing and feeding puppies exhausts the body of a small animal. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor girls during the period of heat, and to control all matings and not neglect the help of doctors.

For boys, the rut is also a sore subject, because, unlike estrus, it is year-round. A male Chihuahua is always on the lookout, he is always looking for a mate, he is always ready. Active and long walks help calm such an ardent lover.

The male simply needs to be distracted from this process and expend energy, because otherwise the dog simply cannot control himself and may run away, or all the toys in the house, upholstered furniture and the feet of household members risk becoming the object of his passion.

Another undeniable advantage of girls over Chihuahua boys is that the dog either licks off the discharge from estrus itself or can wear special panties. The male will mark everything and everywhere. The constant state of searching for a partner regularly pushes the male dog to mark his territory.

What kind of owner does a Chihuahua need?

I would say: a Chihuahua is an ideal option for lonely elderly people. But definitely not for a family with small children. The dog has a complex, demanding character. You need to devote time and attention only to her.

But! A person who will take care of a Chihuahua 24 hours a day will in return receive 100% love and devotion from his four-legged friend.

Photo from the archive of Tatiana Romanovskaya.

PS The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the author of the article. In each specific situation, you need to understand, look for reasons and humane solutions. Punishments only make the situation worse and do not teach the dog anything. There are more than 14 reasons for uncleanliness in an adult dog, which also need to be sorted out. Dogs never do things out of spite; they simply haven’t been taught the rules of behavior in the human world. And when a dog is hit with a scarf, it does not understand why it is being punished and, of course, will not correct the unwanted behavior in any way.

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