Large and small dogs with snow-white fur: list of breeds and care features

White color has always been considered a symbol of purity, rebirth and renewal. In ancient times, snow-white dogs were considered messengers of the gods. Owning such a dog was considered a special privilege. The owners of such pets believed that their snow-white tailed angels would provide reliable protection from otherworldly forces. In our age of technical discoveries and the fast pace of life, a dog with snow-white fur will make you stop and admire the amazing creation of nature. If you want to buy such a pet, in this article we will tell you about the most famous and affordable dog breeds with white fur.


This Russian dog breed is not only adorable, but also friendly, intelligent and very energetic. The Samoyed is one of the most beautiful white dog breeds in the world - just look at its clean, fluffy coat! This thick coat is intended to protect against harsh winter conditions, as Samoyeds were originally bred for hunting game and sledding on the Siberian icy tundra. This is a working breed of dog, so Samoyeds get bored without enough activity.

The Samoyed's cute smile never seems to leave his cute little face, but it's actually a way to avoid drooling and forming icicles.

Another thing that sets Samoyeds apart from other breeds is their independent nature , which can make training a challenge. If you have a Samoyed, expect to spend plenty of time teaching your pet the basics, such as not pulling on a leash or coming when called.

Pomeranian Spitz

  • Dog breeds / for children / small / for apartments


We had to save one of the cutest white dog breeds for last! The Pomeranian is a small dog with a bright character. You'll be amazed by the bravery of these lively little ones and impressed by how they charm everyone around them. These little dogs are cute, charming, curious and very smart.

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Bichon Frize

When you think of “little white dog,” the Bichon Frize is probably one of the first breeds that comes to mind. But, despite weighing up to 5.9 kg, these dogs are quite strong and energetic.

Bichon Frizes are incredibly curious, friendly and affectionate. They get along well with adults, children and other dogs. The Bichon Frize is also quite easy to train - these dogs love to learn new tricks and show them off to everyone. They are a triple threat - fluffy, blond and very funny!

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

A mixture of breeds, the first experiment in the USSR in breeding an ornamental pet . In the mid-20th century in Russia, fashionistas complained about their fate and envied French women with snow-white lapdogs on their knees. Therefore, the kennel club decided to collect all the miniature dogs known to Russian people at that time: a pair of light and dark lap dogs and a Lhaso apso. The result is a cute brown puppy with white streaks.

The work was completed in the late 50s, but the breed club appeared only in 1999, so the Russian Colored has not yet received recognition, but breeders are actively defending their position and hope for the imminent publication of the standard in the FCI

Russian colored lapdogs are chocolate, brown, black, gray with straight or curly hair. The dogs are small (up to 24 cm), weighing no more than 4 kg. In all other respects, they are typical Bichons with a long body, drooping ears, a short muzzle, and a bushy tail. The latest changes to the exterior standard were made in 2010.

Moderately active dogs that prefer comfort and family coziness. They can even live without walking, most importantly, in a friendly, loving family with children. Russian coloreds are flexible, kind and affectionate, and are never aggressive. The only disadvantage of the breed is its excessive attachment to humans; the pet literally follows its owner everywhere. The cost of the breed is 15,000-25,000 rubles.

Despite the fact that lapdogs are decorative, they need to be trained. Small dogs often manipulate their owners, damage furniture, and behave badly. In order not to turn your pet into a tyrant or a capricious child, you need to train him correctly from childhood.

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Akbash is one of the rarest breeds of large white dogs in the world. This breed is of Turkish origin . In Turkey, it was originally bred to guard livestock. Akbash is an excellent shepherd watchdog, his natural instinct is to herd, protect and be independent. These are smart, loyal, loving and, of course, adorable pets!

Interesting fact : the name of the breed “Akbash” comes from the Turkish word “akbas”, which means “white-headed”.

Akbash avoids dogs and other pets, so it is best to keep him at home as a single dog.

White Swiss Shepherd

Pointed ears, white coat, sweet smile are just a few things that make the White Swiss Shepherd a great white dog breed. This breed is closely related to the German Shepherd and is a herding breed by nature, indicating its innate alertness and agility.

The White Swiss Shepherd gets along well with children and is very loyal to its owners. This breed has a strong desire to work and learn , which has a beneficial effect on training. Training a White Swiss Shepherd is easy: they excel not only in basic obedience training, but also in dog sports such as agility. Smart, loyal and sweet - how can you not love him?


Marbled Sheltie
The predecessors of the Sheltie were bred for herding work in the Shetland Islands near Scotland. Outwardly, they resemble smaller long-haired collies, but are recognized as an independent breed. Blue eye color is allowed for Shelties with the merle gene, which is responsible for the merle color.

Pyrenean mountain dog

These hard-working dogs were originally bred to herd livestock in the Pyrenees Mountains. Today, the Pyrenees Mountain Dog is one of the most charming and calm breeds of large white dogs. However, do not let their gentle disposition fool you - they are powerful protectors of their companions, so in case of danger they will immediately remember their natural protective instincts.

Interesting fact : in English their name is “Great Pyrenees”. They are called “great” for good reason: they weigh up to 55 kg!

Pyrenees Mountain Dogs have a characteristic thick white coat that gives them a majestic and very fluffy appearance. You'll want to spend hours running your fingers through their soft fur! With proper training and care, these sweet dogs make great family companions. Plus, these gentle giants will happily go with you on any adventure.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

When choosing a puppy, it is important not only to choose an active and playful baby with clean ears and nose. It is important to warm up to him and find contact with him. If after communication, the puppy tries to screw its nose into the hand of the new owner, then the choice was made correctly.

Puppy price: 20,000 – 50,000 rubles .

Interesting fact: Americans are very fond of this fluffy breed for its characteristic facial expression. Even the expression “Sammi's smile” has become entrenched in the English language. This is even mentioned in the official breed standard.

American Eskimo dog

It's hard not to smile when looking at the American Eskimo dog. Although these puppies are incredibly beautiful, they are also very smart. In fact, they are so smart that traveling circus performers have used them in performances with trained dogs. In addition, this breed is gentle, loyal and loving. American Eskimo dogs are always cheerful and playful, they like to frolic with children . They are easy to teach and train; they strive to please the owner.

The American Eskimo Dog is usually suspicious of strangers, but can become a good friend with a little interaction. These pets also shed a bit, so be prepared to do a deep cleaning a couple of times a week to keep their coat in good condition.

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is truly a royal dog. For several centuries it was kept in the courts of Japanese emperors. One day one of the emperors recognized these little ones as sacred animals. In 1853, a pair of chins was brought to England as a gift for Queen Victoria.

Due to its love for chewing food for a long time, the Japanese Chin is called the “chewing dog.” These kids are very hardy, love children and are ready to keep their owner company.


The Komondor is one of the most recognizable white dog breeds. This Hungarian guard dog is famous for its mop-like, curly coat that covers its body from head to toe. Imagine the joy you'll feel when you run your fingers through their silky dreadlocks!

Komondors are fiercely loyal to their families and are some of the bravest dogs you can find.

These intelligent dogs are quite easy to train and serve as alert watchdogs. They are also agile and have an independent nature. The Komondor is best suited to experienced dog owners who understand the breed's unique training and early socialization needs. The Komondor needs daily exercise. One thing is for sure: these dreadlocked dogs love to show affection to their family members.

Lhasa apso

The oldest Tibetan breed, which originated from the guard dogs of Buddhist monasteries. In their homeland, the Lhasa apso was considered a living talisman of peace and prosperity, and it was forbidden to take it out of the country.

The average height of a Lhasa is 25 cm. The coat was formed in the harsh climatic conditions of Tibet with long, cold winters and short, hot summers. The body is completely hidden by dense, heavy, straight hair. The head is decorated with bangs, mustache, and beard. White-haired Lhasas are rare, although they are allowed by the standard.

Lhasa Apso with haircut.

Lhasa Apsos are lively, friendly, brave, and alert companions. They have retained guard skills, do not trust strangers, and love to bark to announce the arrival of guests. Lhasa Apso is included in the list of long-living dogs that live 15 - 20 years.

Dogo Argentino

One of the strongest breeds of white dogs is the Dogo Argentino. This is a powerful, loyal and brave dog breed (you would be brave too if you were bred to hunt big game like wild boar). Don't be surprised if this cute dog sniffs everything in its field of vision. At first, the Dogo Argentino may look intimidating, but as soon as you see his smile, you will melt with emotion.

The Dogo Argentino is incredibly loyal to its family members. At the same time, he needs a strong-willed and patient trainer who can turn these independent dogs into well-socialized canine companions. They are excellent watchdogs and some of the bravest four-legged friends you can find.

Coton de Tulear

Royal Dog of Madagascar the Coton de Tulear is a white dog breed with an interesting history. Madagascar's nobility enjoyed keeping these adorable puppies as pets so much that they actually banned common islanders from owning them. The aristocrats also did not want their precious pets to leave the island, so they were isolated from the world for centuries.

Fun fact : Coton de Tulear was not known outside of Madagascar until the 1960s.

These adorable dogs are famous for their gorgeous white fur and playful personalities. They are witty by nature and love to entertain their companions. These small dogs are very friendly and rarely exhibit problem behaviors such as hyperactivity or a strong prey drive. This makes the Coton de Tulear an ideal dog for beginners . He will be just as happy running around the yard as he is lying on the couch with you. The Coton de Tulear is generally easy to train and gets along well with children.

Shih Tzu

The ancient Asian breed originated in Tibet but developed in China. At that time, only members of the imperial family were allowed to keep Shih Tzus. They were banned outside the royal palace.

Maximum height 27 cm. Long satiny coat falls to the ground, the undercoat is weak. On the bridge of the nose the hair grows upward, for which the Shih Tzu has been called chrysanthemum dogs. All colors are allowed by the standard. Homogeneous white is rare; more often it is combined with colored inclusions.

Shih Tzus evenly distribute their love and affection among all households, without singling out anyone. They easily make contact with strangers, which is why they make poor watchdogs. They are moderately mobile and can sit on their hands for a long time. In good weather they will happily go for a walk, but in cold and slush they prefer to stay at home.

Shih Tzus are difficult to train. They do not like to study or do not consider it necessary, although they can remember basic commands.

Selections of breeds by color: miniature black, chocolate and brown, black and white dogs, red and white


The Kuvasz is another example of a sweet, loyal, and agile breed of large white dog. They were originally bred to guard livestock, so they have strong protective instincts, but are very affectionate with the people they love.

This Hungarian dog breed a gorgeous white coat and an unwavering work ethic. The Kuvasz is hardy and hardworking and enjoys performing everyday tasks. These dogs are sure to impress with their agile behavior, large muscular build and strong-willed nature. Kuvasz can compete in dog competitions, especially since they learn quickly and are very intelligent.


Some may mistakenly confuse white dogs with albino dogs. It is important to note that the second can be dogs of any breed, since albinism is a gene failure in which there is no pigmentation in the coat, skin and eyes. To determine if your dog is albino, you need to examine the eyes and nose. They have a pink tint; the eyes may retain color, but it will be pale or almost transparent. Such dogs need special care and conditions, because their skin is very sensitive and prone to sunburn. Albinos also have a greater risk of developing skin cancer, so dogs should receive minimal sun exposure and walk at certain times of day.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is one of the most outstanding dog breeds. Her long, silky coat gives her a regal appearance, but behind this majestic beauty lies something more. Afghan Hounds are independent, intelligent and very loyal. Their coat can come in many colors, but the striking beauty of the white Afghan Hound is the most impressive.

This ancient breed typically weighs between 22.5 and 27.5 kg and was originally used for hunting large prey. These dogs have flowing fur and are considered by many to be one of the most beautiful dog breeds in the world!

The luxurious curls of Afghan hounds require significant care, and their freedom-loving nature is difficult to curb without special training and socialization. But despite their independence and a certain aloofness, these dogs are very sensitive and love to show their affection to those they love most. Afghan Hounds make wonderful companions for experienced dog owners who are ready for a long training period.


Mexican extremely small dogs are among the top 5 popular breeds on the planet. They regularly appear in the Guinness Book of World Records as the tiniest dogs.

The growth of a Chihuahua is not regulated by the standard, but its body weight is strictly limited. Animals lighter than 1 kg and heavier than 3 kg will be disqualified. Micro Chihuahuas weighing 500–1000 grams are in demand among owners who do not plan to take their pupils to exhibitions.

Long-haired Chihuahua.

The Chihuahua's coat is short or semi-long with decorative hair on the ears, tail, and limbs. Colors are varied, including solid white. Marble is prohibited.

According to reviews from breeders, long-haired Chihuahuas are reserved and peaceful, while short-haired ones are more active, cocky and obstinate. But every rule has exceptions.

Siberian Husky

These often smiling sled dogs have thick fur, inherited from their northern ancestors. These dogs are specially designed to work in harsh cold climates. They may have fur of different colors, but if you see an all-white husky, you will be shocked by its beauty.

Siberian Huskies are also pack dogs, so they enjoy the company of other dogs and are loyal to their family. Hardworking Huskies are full of vital energy . They will need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. They can get a little mischievous and chase small animals. But overall they are gentle and very friendly dogs.


Poodles may be toy, miniature, or standard, but regardless of size, their fluffy coat is perhaps their most notable (and cutest) feature. Poodles can have an all-white or part-white coat that requires proper grooming.

Interesting fact : Poodles are considered the second most intelligent dogs in the world after Border Collies.

Poodles are naturally athletic and intelligent and are easy to train. They are famous for their intelligence and playful nature. They require daily mental stimulation and exercise. These curly-haired cuties love to show affection to their families, but can sometimes shy away from strangers.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. There are several breeds in the world whose individuals are distinguished by their snow-white color, without being albinos.
  2. White wool requires special care - special cosmetics.
  3. Dogs of white color are most often prone to allergies among relatives of other colors.
  4. Among them there are many hypoallergenic breeds.
  5. Among snow-white dogs there are both representatives of decorative breeds and giants.
  6. In addition to snow-white, the standard may allow other coat colors.

How do you feel about snow-white dogs? What other white-colored breeds do you know? Share your opinion in the comments, please. We are very interested.

Bull Terrier

These cute and slightly strange dogs are distinguished from their counterparts by their remarkable ovoid heads . Most often they are completely covered with white fur. Bull Terriers are medium-sized, muscular dogs, weighing between 22.5 and 32 kg. Athletic, loving and funny, Bull Terriers are sure to bring a lot of color to your life.

Bull Terriers crave companionship, so they do not do well when left alone for long periods of time. These dogs love to be busy and are always happy to play fetch or go for a long walk.

Clumber Spaniel

The Clumber Spaniel is a gentle, charming dog. This breed originally served as a companion for the royal family while hunting game. The Clumber Spaniel is an off-white coat with small brown flecks.

These slow-moving dogs are the epitome of calm and serenity, but don't be fooled: the Clumber Spaniel is an intelligent hunting dog , ready to spring into action when a duck or other small game is spotted.

Clumber Spaniels do well in families where there is always someone to cuddle or play with - they do not like to spend long periods of time alone. These gentle dogs are extremely loyal to their owners and love to show their family members how much they care for them.


The breed was formed in Cuba, the second name is Havanese Bichon. The ancestors were European lapdogs, which were brought to the island by the first settlers. In the 1950s, the Havanese almost disappeared if Cuban emigrants had not timely taken 11 purebred “Havanese” to the USA, where the rebirth of the breed began.

Height at the withers is 21 - 29 cm. The outer coat grows to 13 - 18 cm. There is almost no undercoat. Havaneses shed lightly, but their coat needs to be brushed daily. White color is included in the list of standard ones, but is not common.

In their homeland, Havanese are jokingly called “Velcro”. They cannot stand loneliness and are happy surrounded by a large friendly family. They train well, do not bark for no reason, and are able to read emotions and empathize.

Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

The Maremmano-Abruzzese Sheepdog, or simply Maremma, was originally bred by Italian shepherds to protect flocks of sheep. To facilitate the process of bonding Maremmano-Abruzzese sheep dogs and sheep, the dogs were usually raised among the flocks they were called upon to protect.

These pure white dogs are quite large, weighing between 34 and 46 kg. The Maremma is a strong-willed dog , but is determined to please its owners. These herding dogs bond closely with their families and happily show affection to those they love most. Maremmas are hard workers and thrive with experienced owners who understand the breed's unique needs.

What to pay attention to during treatment

For a speedy recovery of your four-legged friend and to avoid complications, experts recommend the following:

  • Before the dog is examined by a veterinarian, the eyes can only be washed with water, weak tea, or furatsilin solution;
  • a visit to a specialist is necessary even if there are no associated symptoms;
  • do not try to “examine” the pathology yourself, as there is a risk of causing a secondary infection or becoming infected from a pet;
  • wash with rubber gloves; after the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The sooner the animal is examined by a doctor, the greater the chance of avoiding complications and maintaining vision.

Slovak dude

The Slovenian Chuvach is a guard dog closely related to the Hungarian Kuvasz. These dogs have a gorgeous, fluffy white coat that is well adapted to the cold weather of their mountainous European homeland.

These dogs are active, confident companions who enjoy being busy during the day. Although the Slovenian Dude is quite intelligent, they will need an experienced owner who can handle their free-spirited nature .

The Slovenian Chuvach is a natural guard dog that strives to protect its family members. These good-natured four-legged dogs get along well with children and other pets if socialized early.

West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is a lively and dynamic dog. This brave, confident, funny and intelligent animal can find joy in life's simplest pleasures, such as squeaky toys, belly rubs and delicious food. His happy disposition and love of life make the breed a favorite for many people.

The West Highland White Terrier is friendly and gets along with everyone, and enjoys being part of its family. However, it can be sloppy. He rarely starts a fight, but he is still a terrier, so he will not be the first to stop it. This is an energetic dog that welcomes life's adventures with a sparkle in its eyes. Aggression towards other dogs is not uncommon, although females tend to be more dominant than males.

Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog

The Polish Podgalian Sheepdog, also known as the Tatra Sheepdog, weighs between 36 and 59 kg. These Polish dogs are pure white in color and serve as herding or guard dogs.

The Tatra Shepherd is independent, hardworking and devoted to its family. These dogs are generally gentle with children , although they must be well socialized early on. Polish Podgalian Shepherds are famous for their freedom-loving nature, so they need an experienced owner.

These intelligent dogs like to work all day long and need plenty of space to move around and patrol. With proper training and care, the Tatrans Shepherd Dog makes a stunning protector who strives to please his family.

Chinese Crested

Small graceful dogs up to 33 cm tall with two types of coat:

  • Hairless with toes, a tuft and a train on the tail.
  • Powder puff (translated as powder puff) are covered with airy, veil-like wool.

Corydalis have many colors and patterns, solid white is one of the most common in the breed. Hairless dogs are much more expensive in nurseries than down dogs.

Chinese crested cats idolize their owner and constantly strive for close contact, sometimes to the point of obsession. They sincerely suffer from inattention and indifference. They do not tolerate loneliness well, violently expressing emotions by barking and howling.

Corydalis often have problems with the toilet. They cannot or do not want to endure for a long time even with 3 walks a day. Some owners teach their pets to use the litter box from puppyhood.


Rajapalayam, also known as the Polygarhound, is a muscular Indian hunting dog . This native greyhound breed is extremely loyal and was originally bred as a hunting companion.

Rajapalayas naturally make excellent watchdogs, so it is important that they are properly socialized as puppies as they have a tendency to be wary of other people and dogs.

The Polygarhound has a strong hunting instinct , which may make it unsuitable for companionship with small animals or cats. These elegant, graceful dogs are faithful companions for life.

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