Malamute and husky: differences, what is the difference, who to choose

Inexperienced dog lovers, seeing a husky or a malamute on the street, often confuse them with each other. And animal owners have to condescendingly explain that these are different breeds.

If a beginner wants to get a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute, he should know how they differ. There is a huge difference between breeds in appearance, character and behavior.

In addition, unscrupulous breeders can sell mixed breeds, passing them off as purebred sled dogs.

Proper keeping of a dog

Any dog, whether purebred, a crossbreed or a mongrel, must eat properly and nutritiously to function normally.
If necessary, in addition to basic products, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements should be included in the dog’s diet, but this should only be done if prescribed by a veterinarian. The diet of a husky and malamute mix dog can consist of both regular products and special dog food, but of good quality. It is best to stick to one feeding method - either ready-made food or natural products. In the first case, it is necessary to give preference to premium and luxury dry food.

Common foods you can include in your diet:

  • rabbit meat, beef, chicken, various offal - liver, lungs, heart, trimmings (meat should account for more than 60% of the dog's diet), lean fish;
  • vegetables (raw and boiled) - carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.;
  • various cereals (10-15% of the total diet) - buckwheat, rice;
  • fermented milk products – kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • a small amount of fruit, for example apples, pears.

Due to their physiological characteristics, mixed breeds do not require a large amount of food; the size of portions directly depends on the dog’s physical activity.

The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • bakery and confectionery products;
  • fatty meat (pork and lamb);
  • spices;
  • smoked products;
  • tubular bones.

As for caring for a mixed breed, it is no different from standard care for any other dog. Regular deworming (every three months), vaccinations, bathing and combing is required

It is also important to carry out flea prevention in spring and summer.

In the next video you can watch the behavior of a husky and malamute mix dog while walking in the forest.


Crossbreeding dogs results in puppies that have the appearance of a husky and the personality of a malamute. The resulting offspring are considered outbred. It is not suitable for subsequent breeding. At the same time, the puppies that are obtained from such crossing are distinguished by their good-natured character, pleasant appearance and high intelligence.

Introduction to breeds

During the existence of these varieties of sled dogs, their furry representatives became famous throughout the world for their attractive appearance, and also earned a reputation as irreplaceable helpers and faithful companions for humans. Both breeds are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • strong attachment to the owner;
  • devotion;
  • affectionateness.

However, despite these and other similar traits and characteristics, representatives of the breeds differ significantly from each other. The differences between Malamute and Husky concern the following parameters:

There is no definite opinion which breed is better. This topic is the subject of constant debate among dog lovers of these varieties. Choosing a specific dog breed is purely a matter of taste and personal preference. Therefore, anyone who plans to have a pet of one of these varieties needs to thoroughly study the difference between a husky and a malamute before purchasing a pet.


The two different breeds still belong to the same species, so they have several similarities.

  1. Both species belong to the category of sled dogs.
  2. The structure of their coat is the same - thick with undercoat, warming in severe frosts.
  3. The height of the animals is approximately the same, but due to their powerful build, Malamutes appear larger.

The height at the withers of an adult Malamute boy reaches 65 cm. Females are 7-10 cm lower. Husky males are from 55 to 60 cm in height. Bitches are no more than 55 cm. Weight for Alaskans is 34-38 kg, for Siberians – up to 30 kg.

Memo for future Husky and Malamute owners

If the future owner has not decided on the choice of breed, he first needs to familiarize himself with three key points inherent in both breeds - the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Malamute:

  • Both breeds are suitable exclusively for experienced dog breeders. Dogs require complex training from an early age, and they also need to be trained regularly. It will be extremely difficult for inexperienced owners to cope with an adult, uncontrollable dog weighing about 30-40 kg: he can destroy the owner’s property, get off the leash on the street and even run away.
  • Since dogs are working sled breeds, keeping them in an apartment is highly not recommended. More suitable conditions for keeping huskies and malamutes is a country house, where dogs can spend their accumulated energy at any time. Dogs need long-term physical activity to stay healthy and fit.
  • You should not get such dogs for a security function, because they are not watchmen by nature. They have great energy potential and a desire for constant movement, so if the owner is often absent from home and the dog is left to its own devices for a long time, it will suffer from such a life. If a dog is chosen not just for fun, but also to participate in competitive sled racing, the dog will perceive this as a gift of fate.

Important! In urban conditions, pets will have to be taken for walks 2-3 times a day and spent with them in the fresh air for at least 6 hours a day.

You can go jogging with your dog, because these are athletic animals who will be only too happy to expend energy in their “element.”

What breed of dog is best to choose?

There is no clear answer as to who is better to choose: a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute. It will be a bit cramped for a large-sized Alaskan to live in a small apartment, just like for a Siberian. But if the apartment has enough space for a large breed dog to live a full life, then you can get a dog of any of these breeds. Both breeds will enjoy living in the countryside, where they can frolic in nature for hours and feel the open air every day.

In order to make the right choice of dog and not regret it in the future, before purchasing a puppy you need to study the information about the breed in detail. After all, taking a living, defenseless creature into your home also means taking responsibility for its life. A good owner will do everything for the dog so that its life will be happy throughout its entire life.

Historical reference

This sled dog breed is indigenous and one of the oldest in the world. their origin and name to the Eskimo Malemute tribe. Malamutes have a rather long and difficult fate. They have been endangered several times:

  • during the gold rush, they were bred with other breeds to increase the speed of movement of the team;
  • During the Second World War, the breed turned out to be unnecessary and its population rapidly decreased to a critical level.

Fortunately, the dangerous times are behind us: the Malamute is rightfully included in the TOP 100 most popular dogs on the planet and stands out noticeably among the conventional group of large dogs.

In 2010, the breed was recognized as a symbol of Alaska.

Conditions of detention

Siberian dogs are so playful and active that they need daily exercise, long runs, and games in the fresh air. An apartment is not the best option for them. They need an enclosure that does not restrict freedom of movement and a balanced diet. Thick coat requires regular brushing. They are very clean and do not have an unpleasant odor. It is recommended to bathe them no more than once a year, and preferably less often. The coat of northern dogs is capable of self-cleaning.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Such dogs must be treated and given medications against worms and other parasites, and vaccinated according to the calendar.

The diet should include foods:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy;
  • eggs;
  • fats;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

They can also be fed special foods that contain vitamins and minerals necessary for health.


Externally, the puppies are similar in all respects, except for color - fluffy little balls with a perky character. It is difficult to recognize a mestizo among a group of kids. Therefore, you need to buy a pet only from an official nursery or club. The average cost of a Husky is 30-60 thousand rubles, and a Laika is 10-40 thousand rubles.

Photos of Laika puppies

Not every experienced dog breeder can raise Laika, because her character is more difficult to break. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to consider the option of purchasing both breeds and choose the appropriate one.

In all other respects (care, nutrition, training) the animals are similar. Both breeds require competent socialization and constant education. The owner needs to prove his leadership. Breeders really don't like it when dogs are confused. This also insults the feelings of the owners. Despite the opinion that Husky is a descendant of Laika, both species are included in the book of standards and are described by different criteria.


The character of the husky cannot be called simple; dogs often end up in shelters, kennels or on the street. It is better to abandon a breed with a harsh temperament right away rather than doom your pet to depression.

As a result of a detailed comparison of breeds, even the most ignorant person in dogs will be able to distinguish representatives of the sled dog species from Siberia or Alaska. Dogs are suitable both for participation in competitions and as pets.


Even covering plants with fabric or film will not save them from the cold when growing in open ground. Therefore, observe the timing of planting seeds specifically for your region, plant in greenhouses and hothouses, and use early-ripening varieties.


If the tomatoes still managed to suffer from the influence of low temperatures, this will be noticeable by the following signs:

  • growth slowdown;
  • widespread yellowing of leaves;
  • border that has become bluish;
  • redness of the stem in some cases.

You can try to save the fruits by spraying with adaptogens like aloe or zircon - just one drop per liter of water is enough.

History of the origin of breeds and the purpose of dogs

To begin with, it is worth considering the origin of such a breed as the Siberian Husky. These dogs were bred by the Chukchi in Siberia. They were of great importance to this people. Dog sleds were a means of transportation; warm clothes were made from their wool; they helped people keep warm. Later, after Alaska was sold to the United States, these dogs were found there too.

Blue-eyed Husky is a very active dog

For your information! In the 19th century The sport of sled dog racing gained popularity. The Husky breed was perfect for him. Thus, these dogs have become very common throughout the world, and especially in the northern regions.

Malamute and Husky are similar in origin and purpose. The Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds that appeared several centuries ago in Alaska. These dogs take their name from the Malmut tribe, which lived in Alaska and developed this breed. Dogs were intended for transport purposes, to keep people warm, and in addition, they were excellent and very intelligent companions for people.

Note! In the 18th century During the gold rush, malamutes became widespread because there was no other way of transportation. After the popularization of sled dog racing, this breed spread throughout the world, just like the husky.

Malamutes can stay in the snow for hours without freezing

How are they similar?

Firstly, Huskies and Malamutes are very similar in the purpose for which they were bred. Secondly, you can find external similarities by comparing these dogs. Color, body structure, muzzle shape - these are the signs by which it may seem that the breeds are similar. But if you take a closer look, it turns out that they are very different.

Who is better to have

Both of these breeds are absolutely beautiful, but they are not for every dog ​​lover. Due to the fact that they require a lot of time and the right approach, they are not worth getting for novice dog breeders. Experienced dog breeders can choose a breed based on their character and lifestyle.

Huskies are ideal for active people who love sports. They get along well with children, so they are also suitable for families. This is a charismatic dog for charismatic owners. You need to take into account that problems may arise if they are left at home alone; they may start howling and whining because they are bored.

If you need a calmer and more reserved dog, then the Malamute is the ideal option. Due to their nature, these dogs are quite skeptical of children, so they are better suited for adults. It is worth remembering that this breed is also a working breed, and you need to do a lot with it. They can play and have fun, just like Huskies, but they will do it in moderation.

Comparison by other criteria

To gain greater clarity on the similarities and differences between the two breeds, it is necessary to consider other parameters.

Which breed is best suited for living in an apartment?

A husky is better suited for living in an apartment.

Laikas are too freedom-loving to live in a confined space. In addition, when kept indoors, they shed almost all year round, and their fur has a characteristic odor, which can be difficult to eliminate even with very thorough washing of the pet.

Who is easier to maintain and care for?

Despite the popular belief that Huskies are not easy to keep indoors, caring for these dogs is not difficult. Representatives of this breed require infrequent brushing, occasional bathing as needed, and eye, ear, and nail care. Only during shedding do they need to be brushed daily.

In huskies, shedding is more pronounced than even in huskies, which makes caring for them somewhat more difficult. In addition, the fur of these dogs has a coarser texture, which makes it more difficult to remove from clothing, carpets and upholstered furniture.

Attitude towards children and pets

Both huskies and many huskies have a cheerful and playful disposition and are good with children.

However, some breeds of huskies are not recommended as pets for families with children, as their nature is too stern and independent for these dogs to calmly deal with children who bother them or tease them.

As for the attitude of these dogs towards other domestic animals, huskies, who do not have innate malice towards the beast, are more tolerant of them than huskies.

Who is more picky about feeding?

Both dogs can eat both home-cooked and commercially prepared food and are not particularly picky about what they feed.

However, you need to take into account that huskies are more prone to overeating, and therefore it is necessary to take a more responsible approach to their diet and not supplement the pet between feedings.

Aggression towards people

Uncharacteristic of either huskies or huskies.

But at the same time, the latter can treat strangers with distrust and can even be good guards, while huskies are friendly towards all people and because of this are completely unsuitable for protection.

Activity and exercise

Both dogs require a lot of exercise and are energetic and active. There are almost no differences in this matter.


The difference here is that huskies live on average 12-14 years, while the life expectancy of huskies can reach 17 years.

Price difference

The cost of husky puppies with documents starts from 15 thousand.

A small husky can be purchased for 5-10 thousand, however, if we are talking about purchasing a dog from parents who have shown excellent results in hunting, then its cost may be slightly higher.

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How are they different?

Huskies are recognized as a separate breed, while huskies are divided into several species.

Thanks to their body's abilities, huskies are incredibly hardy dogs, and huskies have the traits of real hunters: swiftness, sharp intelligence, strength and a sensitive sense of smell. These breeds even differ when they bark. Huskies prefer to howl in a peculiar manner, which is also associated with their “snowy” origin. Loud barking can cause avalanches in their natural habitats.

Laikas are very obedient dogs that require almost no training, but freedom-loving huskies will have to be carefully taught manners. Huskies' curiosity can take them anywhere, so you should carefully monitor your pets on walks.

Active huskies, to justify their origin, need constant exercise, long runs, games and “dog” entertainment. These dogs are ideal as partners for tourism and sports.

Even as a hunting dog, huskies tend to be obedient and calm. They are satisfied with regular walks and do not require constant movement. However, they constantly need to be taught something new.

Externally, these breeds can be distinguished by several princes:

  • Husky. The coat is short, from white to black in different shades. Muzzle with a characteristic wolf-like elongation. The eyes are usually brown or yellow, but can be blue. Huskies have very interesting pupils in the shape of stars, stripes, and strokes. They keep their back straight and tail raised. The figure is very tightly knit. They have wide paw pads. They do not emit a characteristic “dog” aroma.
  • Likes. The coat is longer, depending on the species, it can be plain or piebald (black, red, gray and brown shades predominate). Laikas are quite slender and thin, which allows them to make sharp jumps. The less bushy tail curves in a ring over the back. Laikas have compact paws for quiet running and walking. They have a natural dog smell.

How to distinguish externally

Many people confuse these two breeds with each other.

The difference in appearance, at first glance, may not seem too obvious.

Let's figure out what differences are present in dogs of these breeds.

External differences of dogs:

  • General Appearance: The Alaskan stands out compared to his fast friend due to his more powerful and athletic build. Husky is slightly smaller in size - it is a medium-sized breed. His movements are lighter and more elegant.
  • Height at the withers: Huskies average 53 to 56 cm, which is 10-12 cm less than a Malamute.
  • Weight: Malamutes are heavier on average by 10-12 kilograms. The weight of both breeds is proportional to their height. However, Huskies are prone to overeating and obesity, which is not observed in the Alaskan brother.
  • Coat: Coarser, stiffer and standier in the Malamute. Huskies are characterized by having a double, soft and smooth coat.
  • Color: almost any color is allowed for the Siberian representative (from black to snow-white). But a Malamute can have a light gray, black, red sable, brown and white coat. The only solid color can be white. Its main difference is the characteristic mask on its face.
  • Eyes: Huskies are famous for their bottomless blue eyes. Very rarely there are individuals with brown and multi-colored eyes. But the Malamute’s eyes are effectively outlined with a black edging and their color, in most cases, is brown.
  • Tail : Not too curled and carried upward in Alaskans. Siberians are distinguished by a fluffy, curled, down-turned tail that looks like a fox's.

This description should help you distinguish between the Malamute Husky breeds.

Huskies and Malamutes - differences

General Differences

Huskies are faster dogs and have a good memory. They are not designed for long distance running with large loads. Cunning and curiosity give pets the ability to quickly and correctly make decisions. The rather capricious character was reflected in the training process - it is very difficult to get a husky to flawlessly follow the owner’s commands. Dogs of this breed run fast and take part in competitions.

You can tell a Husky from a Malamute by their light, graceful movements.

Malamute is a strong and resilient dog, has a friendly and obedient character, and is easy to train. This breed was bred to transport goods over long distances. Malamutes cannot develop great speed, but they are able to overcome the most difficult obstacles along the way and reach their goal.


Huskies are squat, with thick and dense hair. The undercoat is soft to the touch and resembles silvery threads in appearance. The tail is down. The color can be different - from contrasting black and white to plain gray. White dogs are extremely rare. Powerful paws. The hallmark of the breed is the eyes - they can be gray, yellow, brown, blue. There are dogs with eyes of different colors.

The Malamute is distinguished by its larger size, massiveness, tail curled into a ring, thick fur, gray-blue color and brown eyes predominate. A blue iris is considered a defect.

Character traits

Huskies have a restless and inquisitive character; they are difficult to catch in one place; they manage to stick their noses everywhere and explore the territory. Representatives of this breed resemble toddlers in character, so they enjoy playing with children. When planning to have a husky in your home, be prepared for the order in it to be disrupted in a matter of days. These pets are used to being leaders - when it is necessary to make a decision, they prefer to act independently. For this reason, it is better for experienced breeders to work with huskies, who in different situations can convince the dog and force it to obey commands.

Husky is the best guard for your home, adapted to living in different latitudes, but requiring constant attention. Pets need long walks, exercise and free space.

Malamute is a good-natured dog; breeding standards do not allow representatives of the breed with an evil character. Her blood contains wild wolf genes, so for decades the main task of breeders was to eradicate any signs of aggression in the Malamute’s character. Despite its impressive size, this breed is not considered as a watchdog, as it does not show aggression towards people. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a developed sense of duty and responsibility - they will complete the assigned task regardless of obstacles and external factors.

The Malamute, unlike the persistent husky, does not strive for leadership; the dog is happy when it is loved, shown care and attention

Distinctive features

Here is a comparison of the physical abilities and temperament of the Husky Malamute breeds:

  • Hunting skills. Both dogs know how to hunt and are distinguished by their keen eyesight, good scent and endurance.
    They are naturally able to find their own food on their own in the wild forest. However, they will not give their prey to a person, and they will not bring back a shot animal.
  • Ride quality. Huskies and Malamutes are bred specifically for sled riding. Compared to its brother, the Malamute can pull heavier loads over longer distances. His running speed is not high, unlike a fast husky that can carry a small load quite quickly. Huskies are lighter dogs that often take part in speed competitions.
  • Character. Malamutes and huskies behave completely differently. The former are distinguished by a calmer character and friendly attitude. The latter, on the contrary, are cunning, curious and temperamental. Husky will find a common language with children. These dogs love to play and never show unmotivated aggression towards both humans and other animals. Malamutes will not take care of babies and babysit them, but they will become a loyal friend to their owner.

Huskies are very vocal and loud dogs, while Malamutes, on the contrary, are silent, they almost never bark.

Which breed is better to choose?

For those people who decide to get an animal for themselves, this is a joyful event, because the new pet will not only guard the house, but also welcome them home from work. In addition, by walking a dog, a person will also improve his health.

However, for those who live in an apartment, this can be a problem. If the animal is too frisky, then it can playfully destroy the entire apartment. In addition, some of them may simply not carry out the command given to them. The dog must also match the character of its owner. All this must be taken into account when choosing a “friend”.

So, Siberian huskies are very beautiful. However, they are more suitable for private homes, because they need either a large enclosure or a strong leash, since, running freely around the garden, they will quickly dig it up. However, if you raise them from childhood, they will be obedient and obey any command. In addition, they are very good-natured and will be able to make friends not only with small children, but also with other pets in the house.

When purchasing, you need to take into account the subtleties of the animal’s character:

  1. The Alaskan Klee Kai is a good companion, but not suitable for people traveling on business trips. The dog quickly gets bored without its owner; it is characterized by sociability and friendliness. The disadvantages of the breed include constant barking. It is difficult to buy representatives, as well as to guess the length of the coat, since some babies become long-haired by 8 months, others remain short-haired. Average price from 300 thousand rubles.
  2. The Volchak (Sarloos wolf dog) is a good dog for guarding your home and surrounding area. When danger arises, she rushes to her owner’s defense without hesitation. Not only will they be able to perfectly guard the house, but also, if the need arises, they will protect their owner without hesitation.
  3. Siberian Huskies are suitable for houses with a garden plot and an aviary, since a free walk in the garden will end with digging up the entire territory. Properly raised, they follow any command and obey completely. Their good-natured disposition allows them to make friends with small children and other pets.

There are a large number of breeds that resemble huskies in appearance, but they have their own differences. In addition to innate qualities, a dog’s behavior directly depends on its upbringing. Violation of the rules can lead to the appearance of an uncontrollable pet with large dimensions, which is almost impossible to keep on a leash.

How to choose a Siberian Husky puppy

The Siberian Husky breed is very attractive. But so that the dog does not become a burden to you, when choosing a puppy you should pay attention not so much to external characteristics, but to character and typical behavior. It is better for sedentary and overly nervous people, those who are often not at home, to give up the idea of ​​​​owning a husky.

This dog is suitable for active and sporty owners, for a large family with no small children. A cheerful and friendly husky will fit perfectly into such a company, and besides, he will always have someone to walk with.

You need to purchase a puppy from a nursery or from a breeder who is a member of the club and is willing to provide documents. Buying a future pet from unknown people can result in disappointment.

Siberian Husky puppies are ready for a new home at about two months or a little older.

When choosing a pet, pay attention to its health, external compliance with the breed standard and character. The correct kitten is well-fed, cheerful and active, he shows interest in the world around him and new people

He has shiny fur, clean ears and eyes.

Before buying a dog, you need to choose the gender of your future pet. As a rule, bitches are more docile, calmer, and can bear offspring. Males are stronger, more resilient, but too energetic

It is also worth paying attention to the class of the puppy; it not only determines the cost of the animal, but also its future career. There are three classes of dogs:

There are three classes of dogs:

  1. Pet class - the cheapest dogs that have all the necessary documents, but have minor flaws that do not prevent them from being pets;
  2. Breeding class – puppies with ideal external parameters, fully comply with standards, suitable for breeding;
  3. Show class - the offspring of champions, prize-winners of exhibitions, with ideal external parameters, their career is exhibition.

Husky puppies look like cute bear cubs. They will be playful and curious. Healthy pets always look neat and have no obvious defects or deviations from the standard.

Be sure to talk to the owner of the nursery. Find out how and what to feed your puppy, what vaccinations he needs to get, and how to raise him. A conscientious breeder will give you comprehensive information that has been tested in practice.

Dietary requirements, care and living with a husky or malamute

They have the same food and feeding needs. Of course, this means eating a balanced diet that includes both dry and wet foods and, most importantly, high-quality ingredients. From what I've seen, medium to high protein diets work wonders as long as you respect their need for exercise.

Of course, treats are a must and are encouraged, especially when you are trying to train or play with your puppy. Both Malamutes and Huskies love a lot of fruit and respond well to it.

Grooming is also similar, with the small note that Malamutes may require more grooming due to their larger size and length of coat. In any case, make sure that your dog's fur doesn't bother you too much or that you are willing to groom it frequently.


The dogs were bred specifically to survive in the harsh conditions of the North, where any car is inferior to a sled. The Malamute is physically stronger, capable of pulling a heavy cart. The Siberian Husky is a hound breed. Their role is to show speed in team competitions.

Interesting article: Average life expectancy of a husky

Externally, the dogs are a little similar, an ignorant person can easily confuse the breeds, but the characters of the husky and the malamute are significantly different. The Siberian dog is capable of barking for a long time and sometimes in vain. Malamutes, on the contrary, rarely raise their voices and are distinguished by their calmness, friendly behavior, and goodwill towards people. Huskies love to play and will never hurt a child.

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