How to make clothes for a French bulldog with your own hands?

In cold and rainy weather, dogs need to dress just like people. This is especially important for those animals that do not have an undercoat, including French bulldogs. Special warm clothing for dogs comes to the rescue. You can sew it yourself or order it from a tailor. Clothes for a French Bulldog should be warm and comfortable.

Clothing protects the dog from cold and moisture

What to buy when a puppy arrives at home

When a puppy appears in the house, suitable clothing must be purchased: the French bulldog is a fragile and heat-loving pet. You will need not only clothes, but also other necessary items:

  1. Two bowls - you need to choose metal or ceramic tableware options.
  2. A blanket is especially important if the dog often gets cold.
  3. A house or a bed—the pet can hide there.
  4. Toys - preferably rubber ones so that the dog can chew them.
  5. Diapers and a tray are for the smallest puppies.
  6. Toothbrush and toothpaste (you can clean your mouth from tartar at the veterinary clinic).
  7. Nail clipper - needed if the animal does not grind its claws down while walking.
  8. Eye drops and sanitary napkins.
  9. Zooshampoo.
  10. Chlorhexidine.

French bulldogs have a hard time withstanding heat and cold.
The place where the pet will live must be protected from drafts, but not located near the battery. Attention! Clothing, a collar and a harness should be chosen at the pet store along with the puppy so that you can try it on.

Clothes are needed not so much for beauty as for warmth

Arrangement of the place

The French Bulldog breed is very active and will delight its owners with its playfulness. The dog will be a great friend for school-age children. It is better not to let children near the dog .

When choosing a place for a dog to rest, do not place the bed on a walkway, for example, in the hallway or in the kitchen, where there are constant smells. Place the puppy in the living room or bedroom, but keep in mind that this breed sleeps quite noisily. If a dog has settled in a children's room, make sure that it does not disturb the children with its snoring.

Wash your pet on a rubber mat in the bathroom. Such breeds are not washed very often: once a month will be enough. But paws must be washed after each visit to the street.

What clothes are needed

Small dogs, including French bulldogs, are prone to hypothermia. Clothes should be warm and protect your pet from frost, wind, rain and snow. But this is not the only requirement for clothing. Many owners strive to dress their pet beautifully.

From clothing, a French bulldog will need the following things:

  • overalls (2–3 pieces);
  • vest (2–4 pcs.);
  • costume;
  • knitted sweater;
  • cap;
  • scarf;
  • trousers;
  • raincoat;
  • boots.

Warm overalls, a sweater and a waterproof vest are a must-have in your wardrobe. All other items are purchased at the owner's request.

A muzzle and a collar are not wardrobe items, but they also need to be bought and worn for a walk.

A jumpsuit is essential in a dog’s wardrobe; it’s better to purchase 2 or 3 at once for a change.

Shoes for French Bulldog

For city dwellers, dog shoes are a very important element of pet equipment. Since in cities, with the arrival of winter, the roads are sprinkled with chemicals, shoes are simply necessary for a small dog! It happens that even shepherd dogs are dressed in boots in order to avoid injuries to the paw pads.

The situation with shoes is pretty good - it’s not difficult to find them, but you need to pick them up in the presence of your pet. When you get home, put the boots on your dog for a few minutes, let him begin to get used to this element of his wardrobe. Thus, the animal will gradually get used to the fact that it wears shoes for walks, and will not resist when trying to put on shoes.

Separately, it is worth noting such important pieces of equipment as a collar, leash and muzzle. Many owners of French bulldogs note that a collar does not suit their pets; in this case, choose a harness for the dog - it will not pinch the neck.

Which design to choose

Dog fashion does not stand still, just like human fashion. The design of dog wardrobe items is very important for many owners. You can choose bright rich colors for outfits, decorate a jumpsuit or suit with funny details, etc.

Different costume designs will be needed for girls and boys. Girls need something light and bright. For boys, it is better to choose blue or black colors. Pastel colors are ideal for both boys and girls. It is important that fasteners and decorative elements do not interfere with the dog and do not rub its skin.

Functionality and convenience

The main requirement for dog clothing is practicality and convenience. This is much more important than the external beauty of the outfit.

What clothes should be for a bulldog:

  • Does not restrict the dog's movement. Need the right size.
  • Warm material.
  • Convenient fasteners.
  • Hypoallergenic fabric that does not irritate the skin.
  • Overalls with a hood must be made of waterproof fabric.

It is necessary to pay attention to the strength and quality of the seams.

Before sewing, measurements must be taken from the animal:

  • back length from withers to croup;
  • neck girth;
  • wrist circumference;
  • paw circumference;
  • breast volume;
  • paw length from shoulder to wrist;
  • height from floor to withers in a sitting position.

Only after this can you prepare patterns and cut out parts from the fabric.

How to take measurements from a dog

We buy and sew clothes for the French bulldog

Special clothing for a French bulldog is one of the manifestations of caring for a pet, part of the city culture of keeping pets.

Opinions vary as to whether dogs should be clothed. Veterinarians are inclined to believe that the short-haired “Frenchie” has to literally experience first-hand all the troubles of a harsh climate and dank dampness.

You have to walk them in any weather, watching how the puppy huddles up to the entrance in the rain and hurries home in the cold after relieving itself. Animals raised in the “greenhouse” conditions of city apartments freeze about as much as non-hardened people.

What clothes are needed

Short-haired puppies can be litter-trained in an apartment, but keeping them indoors has a negative impact on their development. These inquisitive dogs have an excellent sense of smell, they live in a world of smells and sounds, they need new “discoveries” every day, in communication with living beings. In closed conditions, French bulldogs grow up lazy, lethargic and depressed.

Short-haired Frenchies cannot fully warm up in winter during long walks, even if they are constantly on the move. It is unsafe for their health when there is a sharp drop in temperature overnight.

Here you can’t do without a warm overall, covering the puppies’ ears from sharp gusts of wind and warming their torso from the frost. Running on ice behind a bicycle - wounded paw pads and worn out claws. Comfortable shoes for long walks are appropriate in your pet's wardrobe.

The expression that a good owner will not kick his dog out into the street in chilly windy weather is quite fair, but let’s clarify - without a raincoat. The owner of an elite short-haired puppy will strive to provide him with comfortable conditions, including walking time.

Advice: To an outside observer, it seems that the outfits prevent a puppy on a leash from relieving himself and frolicking in nature. This is a matter of habit - accustom your little bulldog to clothes in the same way as to a leash or harness. Offer him a light flannelette vest for sleeping if the apartment is cool, or a dress for a little girl.

The collar and leash for this fairly strong breed should be strong, made of thick genuine leather. But don't buy a wide accessory - this breed has a short neck. And do not fasten it too tightly - the pet should not feel it on the throat until the owner pulls on the leash.

It is difficult to choose the right muzzle due to the characteristic structure of the skull. It is a must-have for every dog ​​lover for walking in crowded places. Even if the dog is not aggressive, the accessory will calm those around him and save him from unnecessary comments and questions.

Which design to choose

Fashion for things for four-legged friends changes in the same way as for people - there are “freak” trends and functional proposals.

Golden Rule: How you want others to perceive your pet is how your French Bulldog should be dressed.

Yes, animals in fancy dress look so funny! But think about whether the representatives of the serious breed themselves like this perception. They also have emotions and worries about how others perceive them. Imagine yourself on a morning jog down the street dressed as a shark, frog or spider. They experience similar experiences.

“Freak” outfits also have a right to exist, but for a special occasion, and not for every day. And this applies more to puppies, and not to a full-fledged guardian of the house with fighting genetics. It’s sad to look into the eyes of a dog dressed as a pig, in whose gaze you can read: “My master is an idiot”!

Much when choosing an outfit depends on the character of your pet. For a playful, funny “cutie,” you can sew a red skirt with white polka dots with your own hands for the summer, in addition to a bow around the neck. Think about it: will this elastic band put pressure on your stomach, and will this bow interfere with swallowing food? A jumpsuit or coat for a serious shorthaired fighter should be of a modest design. The Be cap emblem on one ear is acceptable if it amuses the wearer.

Functionality and convenience

Comfortable and warm clothing for short-haired breeds is offered in an assortment. Every year, designers of dog clothes offer entire “fashion lines”, in which there are many cute outfits with decent ideas and original decor.

Housewives often sew and knit warm clothes themselves, cut harnesses and collars from beautiful leather, putting all the love and care into their pets.

The wardrobe of representatives of the short-haired breed includes: Waterproof raincoat (raincoat). Warm overalls (preferably lined and with a hood). Insulated vest for cool days. Shoes for frosty weather and jogging on icy paths.

Everything else is at the request of the owners, including hats. Girls need special underpants when they are in heat. When dressing these dogs, preference is given to natural fabrics - they are prone to allergies and diaper rash between the toes.

In the summer, excess clothing can lead to overheating of the animal with unpleasant consequences: heat shock; dehydration; fainting.

Often in hot weather they only wear a harness, a cap and sunglasses. An evening promenade along the embankment can be done in the same designer style as the owner of the “French” - a light vest or T-shirt with shorts.

How to sew or knit a simple pattern yourself

Patterns and technology for making simple products with your own hands are quite accessible for beginning craftswomen. But the work must be done carefully, all seams are overlocked, appliqués, decorations and stickers are securely fastened.

The French bulldog is a “stocky” breed; take these features into account when sewing clothes for dogs. Ready-made patterns are adjusted to fit a boy or a girl (the back structure is different).

If the pattern is general, then for this breed we make the neckline wider, and the sleeves and pants shorter. “Store” outfits for pets come with an indication of the sizes - the volume of the neck and sternum, the length of the back, the height at the withers (less often).

Tip: If you don’t have sewing skills, but you like the pattern of a vest, cape, overalls or the design of a knitted sweater for your pet, you don’t have to do it yourself. Original clothes for French bulldogs will be made for you by tailors in the studio.

How to take measurements

1. For the vest, measure: neck circumference - ОШ; height at withers - VX; chest width (under the front paws) - W;

back length - DS (to the root of the tail); chest volume under the paws - OG; abdominal volume (in the narrow part) - coolant; side length distance between varnishes - DB; the length of the abdomen from the front legs to the urinary organ is L.

Choosing clothes for a dog: autumn and winter options

For autumn, winter and the off-season you will need overalls, raincoats and vests of various types:

  • Autumn - a raincoat or overalls made of waterproof fabric with a cotton or silk lining.
  • Winter - overalls or vest made of waterproof Bolognese fabric with fleece or cotton lining. You will definitely need a hood or hat.

Attention! You can’t walk in winter without overalls, otherwise your dog will catch a cold and get sick.

In the summer, you can dress your pet in linen, calico or cotton outfits.


Dogs don't like to wear shoes, but sometimes shoes can come in handy. You can buy boots at a pet store, order them from a tailor, or sew them yourself. You will need waterproof fabric and a flat piece of rubber for the sole.

How to sew a shoe:

  1. Measure each dog's paw. They may vary in size. The hind legs are always wider than the front legs.
  2. Add 3 cm to the measurements for seams.
  3. Cut out all the details from the fabric in 4 copies.
  4. Cut out a piece of rubber for the sole.
  5. Sew the sole to the bottom piece. The rough side of the rubber should remain on the outside so that the shoes do not slip.
  6. Sew all parts.
  7. Prepare 4 small elastic bands and sew them to the top of the boots, on the ankle. The rubber bands should not press or pinch the paws.
  8. Attach Velcro just below the elastic bands.

Comfortable shoes will protect your paws from water and reagents. The boots will be useful for dogs suffering from joint disease, after injury or declawing.

Boot pattern

How to sew

Attach the finished pattern to the dog; you may need to adjust anything. If everything is in order, transfer it to a piece of fabric folded in half with the right side inward. Place the product without a fastener on the back on the fold of the fabric and then you will have a back piece and a chest piece. For a jumpsuit with a zipper or Velcro on the top, cut out 2 back pieces and 1 chest piece.

The correct pattern can become the basis for sewing different clothes. By adjusting the length of the back, fastener options and fabric density, you can significantly diversify your pet’s wardrobe, both winter and summer.

Take into account the structural features of the French bulldog - short stature and a wide, massive torso, large neck. Add 3-5 cm (not counting seam allowances) to each piece. This way the item will not fit too tightly on the dog, will not interfere with movements, or rub the skin.

Do not make the collar high and voluminous - the Frenchman has a short neck. If possible, use soft ribbed cuffs and collars. Drawstrings and ties can put pressure on the paws and neck.

Choose non-staining, dense, preferably elastic fabric. The item should wash well, dry quickly, not need ironing, and not fade. Give preference to natural materials to avoid allergic reactions, diaper rash and irritation. Do not use a very rustling fabric; the sound may irritate the animal and provoke aggression.

Choose a plastic zipper with large teeth and be sure to make a bar underneath it. This will help prevent hair from getting caught between the links when you fasten or unfasten the snake. All decorative details must be well sewn or glued so that the animal cannot be torn off, swallowed or injured by them.

If desired, a summer or autumn jumpsuit can be turned into a winter one by making a soft fleece lining. The main thing is to estimate the dimensions so that the final item does not turn out small and does not sting the dog.

What clothes for your pet can you make with your own hands?

The owner can make many outfits for a pet on his own. You will have to take measurements of the dog, prepare fabric and other materials.

A dog breeder can make the following items with his own hands:

  • vest;
  • overalls;
  • costume;
  • knitted hat or cap;
  • sweater;
  • boots.

The most difficult job will be sewing the overalls. It contains many details from different types of fabrics. It is advisable to sew a hood to it, then a hat will not be needed.

For reference! Today on the Internet you can find many offers for making equipment specifically for animals, some people make good money from this.

Required tools and materials

Different types of clothing will require different materials and tools. To update your pet's wardrobe, you need to prepare the following things:

  • sewing threads;
  • needles of different sizes;
  • hook;
  • knitting needles;
  • sewing machine;
  • wool yarn;
  • raincoat fabric, tarpaulin or any other waterproof fabric;
  • holofiber, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool;
  • flat but thick sheet of rubber;
  • any elegant fabric for a suit;
  • scissors;
  • chalk or soap;
  • zipper, button, clasp.

Handmade outfits will delight both the owner and the pet. It is important to work carefully and secure the threads well.

Knitted warm sweater

Clothing models with patterns

The cheapest option is to sew dog clothes yourself at home. To do this you will need very simple, basic sewing skills. The patterns will help you make a dog outfit with your own hands.


You definitely need to buy or sew an insulated winter overall. It is most convenient to work with a sewing machine, but if you don’t have one, you will have to sew by hand with a “back needle” seam.

Necessary materials:

  • waterproof fabric (tarpaulin, raincoat, synthetics, etc.);
  • synthetic winterizer or holofiber;
  • soft fabric for lining.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take measurements from the dog. Add 3 cm to these dimensions for seams.
  2. Prepare a pattern and trace its outlines with chalk on the fabric. Parts for the body will have to be cut from both tarpaulin (raincoat) and fabric for the lining. You will need 2 identical parts.
  3. Cut out the required number of pieces from the fabric.
  4. Sew the main parts for the torso, chest and abdomen with a lining and stuff with padding polyester.
  5. The parts for the paws must be rolled into a tube and stitched.
  6. All parts must be carefully sewn together.
  7. Attach a clasp or zipper to the back.
  8. Be sure to put a layer of fabric under the zipper so that the zipper does not touch the skin.

In the same way, you can sew a light raincoat from waterproof fabric, but without padding polyester. Using this pattern you need to make a costume for your pet. It is sewn from beautiful fabric, for example, felt, knitwear, jeans, cashmere, velor, etc. This outfit can be decorated with stripes, pockets, beautiful accessories and other decorative elements.

A girl's costume can be decorated with a skirt. To do this, you will need an elastic band that is equal in length to the dog’s waist. This elastic band is sewn into fabric, decorated with a ribbon and a skirt is sewn to it. The skirt itself is sewn to the suit.

Overalls pattern


A dog vest is an outfit no less important than a jumpsuit. It performs many different functions:

  • You can sew reflective stripes on it and attach a bell, then this outfit will become indispensable in the dark.
  • You can attach a leash ring to it and use it as a harness.

When choosing fabric, you need to think about what this vest is intended for. Knitted clothes will keep you warm in cold weather, and canvas or raincoat clothes will protect you from rain.

Vest pattern


  1. You can work from a pattern containing only one piece.
  2. Take your dog's measurements and add another 3 cm.
  3. Trace the pattern onto the fabric and cut out the pieces.
  4. Sew the fabric on the stomach and shoulders along the seam line.
  5. Sew a clasp or zipper to the back.
  6. Attach leash rings next to the clasp.
  7. If desired, you can sew on a collar to protect your ears and head from the rain.

For reference! A dog's wardrobe should have two vests: one made of wool or knitwear, and the second made of waterproof fabric. You can sew or buy two pairs per shift.

Vest pattern (second option)

Sewing instructions

You can start sewing clothes after taking measurements, creating a full-size pattern and preparing the necessary materials and tools.


For your pet, it is better to choose fabric with a water-repellent effect, this will make the overalls universal. In order not to sew several overalls at once, you can make one model from high-quality fabric and sew a lining underneath it for severe frosts.

Important! If you have no experience in sewing clothes, it is better to make a trial version, for example, from an old sheet. Try it on your pet, adjust all the measurements if necessary, and only then proceed to sewing on the main fabric.








The jumpsuit consists of two identical parts. After the pattern, you need to baste the parts manually and carry out preliminary fitting. If everything suits your pet, then you can sew all the seams on a sewing machine or by hand, sew in a fastener and adjust all the details (video from the Household Affairs channel).

Knitted sweater

Knitting pattern for a simple sweater using acrylic yarn:

  1. 38 loops are cast on the knitting needles and the first 22 cm are knitted with an elastic band: 2 knit stitches - 2 purl stitches.
  2. Next, 10 loops are knitted in the front row, the next 10 loops are closed and the row ends.
  3. The next purl row is knitted in this way - the first 18 stitches, then cast on another 10 stitches and finish the row. We have our first opening.
  4. After this, another 9 cm are knitted with an elastic band, 2 knit stitches - 2 purl loops, and a second armhole is made according to the same principle as described above.
  5. Then another 22 cm are knitted with an elastic band.











This scheme is very simple and even a beginner can master it. To put on the sweater, wrap it around your pet's body and secure it to the back with a safety pin. You can come up with a different fastener to suit your taste.

Have you ever made your own clothes for your pet?

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