Yorkie weight by month: table, standard, how many months it takes to grow

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular miniature dog breeds. Yorkies are so small that they seem like toys; it is not for nothing that they are included in the toy terrier section according to the IFF classification (toy - from the English toy - “toy”). An important point when buying such a dog is its dimensions. To what age do Yorkies grow and what maximum size do they reach?

What influences the development of an animal

Yorkies are small dogs. Their height and weight, as well as their further development, are influenced by genetic factors. Sometimes, to produce small puppies, a standard partner is used for mating, and the partner is smaller than the female.

Various factors can influence the development of dogs

For your information! Mini Yorkie bitches are not used for breeding due to their inability to bear and give birth to offspring normally.

In addition to genetics, there are many other negative factors that affect the development of dogs:

  • poor quality food;
  • overnutrition of babies;
  • poor living conditions;
  • lack of essential vitamins and minerals;
  • eating disorder;
  • use of unacceptable treats in large quantities to reward;
  • infection with worms;
  • long-term infectious diseases;
  • poor health from birth;
  • increased calorie intake with low energy expenditure;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • pathologies of the liver and cardiovascular system.

Note! The development of puppies can also be affected by certain body structure features and imbalances in proportions. The life expectancy of individuals with non-standard sizes is less than that of dogs that meet all standards.

Yorkie wool

A special feature of the Yorkshire Terrier is the absence of undercoat, so these babies do not shed, so you will not have to suffer from an excess of dog hair during the molting period. Yorkie hair is very similar to human hair, and can only fall out in two cases:


  1. in case of mechanical damage;
  2. due to the dog's illness

Also, the breed of these dogs is considered hypoallergenic, but this statement applies exclusively to fur, but dandruff, drool, and odor can cause allergic reactions.

Yorkie - weight and height of puppies

Vices of non-standard dogs

Representatives of the breed that do not meet the standard have a lot of health problems. So, in Yorkies that are too light, the following are most often observed:

  1. Hypoglycemia.
  2. Drowsiness, lethargy, lack of coordination of movements caused by hypoglycemic shock.
  3. Digestive problems.
  4. Periodontal disease.
  5. High probability of fractures.
  6. Joint diseases.
  7. Dislocation of the kneecap.
  8. Tracheal collapse.
  9. Otitis.
  10. Cryptorchidism.
  11. Non-overgrowing fontanel.
  12. Legg-Calvé-Perthes syndrome.
  13. Intolerance to anesthesia.

Also, female mini or micro Yorkies are not allowed to breed - they cannot bear and give birth to healthy puppies on their own. To get small puppies, standard females are mated with small males. The structural features of the Baby Face Yorkie's muzzle are the cause of chronic conjunctivitis (due to a narrow tear duct and frequent eye injuries) and breathing problems, which is why the dog can “grunt” while moving and snore.

The life expectancy of non-standard representatives of the breed is much lower: 10 - 12 and 7 - 9 years for mini and super mini Yorkies, respectively.

What about your relationship with your children?

Yorkies can be safely owned in a family with small children. A non-conflict dog gets along well in any team. The only condition is a preliminary conversation with the child in order to explain the fragility of the future pet.

The second condition for purchasing a terrier for a family with children is the latter’s responsible attitude towards the dog. Living with a miniature, timid creature that requires care and training will be a good method of instilling discipline and responsibility in a child. And it doesn’t matter to what age Yorkies grow. They always remain small members of the family.

Stages of growing up by month

The growth of a puppy can be tracked by months. Gradually it will be noticeable how the baby develops and grows. How many months do Yorkies grow and when do they become adults?


Chihuahua weight by month and week: table

Puppies are born blind and deaf. They practically do not move, spend more time sleeping, and eat the rest of the time. Newborn Yorkies are highly dependent on their mother: she feeds them, licks them, and they bask next to her.

Important! It is not recommended to pick up such babies; it stresses out the mother dog. It is better to wait until the puppies begin to move independently, see and hear.

1 month

Newborn Yorkie puppies have their tails docked; when they are 1 month old, the wounds heal. During the first two weeks, the puppies' eyes open and their hearing gradually normalizes. At one month old, babies become very curious, so they need to ensure safety throughout the house.

At the age of 4 weeks, the Yorkshire Terrier gains weight very quickly and becomes almost 3 times larger. The baby is already walking and sometimes tries to run. During this period, you can begin to accustom the dog to new food, gradually moving it away from its mother.

Newborn babies cannot see or hear

2 month

At this time, separation from the mother occurs. The babies become independent and can be given to another owner. Puppies learn quickly, it is important to explain to them many rules of behavior and begin training. Misdeeds are easily punished, successes are rewarded.

Note! At 2 months, babies are already comfortable eating solid food. The new owner must carefully transfer him to a diet that will be followed constantly.

From 3 to 6 months

At this time, the puppy is actively developing: he gets to know the world, communicates with people and other animals. It is important to pay him more attention, train him, and communicate. From the third month, babies' ears begin to rise. This can happen in a variety of ways, so don't worry if your ears remain floppy for a long time.

From the age of 4 months, dogs begin to replace their milk teeth with permanent ones. The process is quite unpleasant, so babies may be nervous, not eat and have trouble sleeping.

From six months to 9 months

The puppy becomes a teenager. At this time, the dog’s character may deteriorate, it begins to be more mischievous and stubborn. However, patience and attention should be exercised so as not to frighten the animal or lose trust. You need to show dissatisfaction, but very carefully.

For your information! Bitches go into their first heat during this period. If further breeding is not planned, then the dog must be sterilized to avoid the further development of serious diseases.

Newborn puppies are very dependent on their mother

9 to 12 months

How old do Yorkies grow? The baby turns into an adult dog closer to one year. It stops growing rapidly, and its mass does not increase either. The dog needs to be switched to adult food and the optimal diet must be selected.

Old age for Yorkies is counted from 8 years, but the animal's life expectancy is approximately 12 years. At this time, it is recommended to change the food and, if necessary, the conditions for keeping the pet.

How are Yorkies born?

Immediately after birth, puppies look more like mini-sized Rottweilers than Yorkies. Their coat is smooth, black with red tan. Newborns have no teeth, they are blind and deaf, and they navigate in space only with the help of smell. Babies cannot yet regulate their body temperature, so they need to be protected from drafts and cold. The size and weight of puppies at birth depend on what species they belong to:

  • standard - weigh 150-200 g, height at the withers is about 5 cm;
  • mini – weigh 90-150 g, height 3 cm.

The body length of the Yorkshire Terrier from nose to tail is no more than 8-10 cm.

Within a few days after birth, puppies crawl, in the second week they begin to see, and in the third they develop a layer of fat, thanks to which Yorkies acquire the ability to thermoregulate. After a few more days, the first teeth erupt.


During the week after birth, you need to give your pet 1 tsp 2-3 times a day. milk with calcium. You should not feed your Yorkie meat; it can cause eclampsia, a severe form of toxicosis.

It is better to feed a lactating bitch with high-calorie ready-made industrial food.

You can bathe your dog only 7 days after birth; before that, only wiping with a damp towel is allowed.

Features of keeping Yorkies

Yorkshire terriers have become popular pets due to the lack of undercoat - this frees the animal from seasonal shedding. Dogs only have guard hairs, which makes them look like humans. Yorkie's coat is hypoallergenic, but a person may be allergic to the animal's saliva, sweat, or excrement. If the hairs begin to fall out, this is an alarming sign: the dog may be sick.

The fur must be combed and trimmed so that it does not cover the eyes or get into the mouth. Owners use the services of grooming salons, where their pet can receive not only a hygienic, but also a decorative haircut and styling. Some owners put their bangs in a ponytail so that they do not interfere with the baby.

After mother's milk, the puppy is recommended soups, liquid semolina, and buckwheat porridge. They can be sweetened a little with honey. Raw yolk is also beneficial for a young Yorkie. A one-month-old puppy is fed 6 times a day, but by the age of one year the number of meals is gradually reduced to 1-2.

Already at 1 month, the dog is offered small pieces of lean beef, veal, calcined cottage cheese soaked in milk. To meat dishes, add a side dish of mashed boiled vegetables (beets or carrots), sprinkle them with chopped herbs.

By 3 months, the food is slightly flavored with vegetable oil or fish oil. In addition to veal, your Yorkie can be given offal: dogs love chicken liver and gizzard. They give you fruit to try: if you like the delicacy, pureed pieces of apple and soaked dried fruit are mixed into the porridge. From 4 months, the animal can be treated to peeled, chopped walnuts.

Puppy weight by month in the table

German Shepherd weight by month: table

The Yorkie's weight changes by month are shown in the table below.

newborns160 g
1 month595 g
2 month940 g
3 months1280 g
4 months1760 g
5 months2040
6 months2240 g
One and half year2730 g

This table is only an example. Don't worry if the weight differs slightly from the standard parameters. In general, the puppy quickly catches up with the required indicators. The dimensions (length and width) of the baby are not recorded, because the puppy may not immediately grow in proportion. The dog should be measured as an adult. For normal development, your dog will need various vitamins and minerals.

After reaching several months, puppies begin to actively explore the world

Possible complications

The birth of a Yorkshire Terrier most often occurs without complications. Problems arise if the bitch has a narrow pelvis and is unable to give birth on her own. In this case, a caesarean section is required. A sign of the need for surgery is a dirty gray discharge that appears shortly before birth. It is also important to ensure that during birth all the placenta comes out - their number should be equal to the number of puppies. Placences that do not come out during childbirth may come out within 24 hours afterward; if this does not happen, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian.


You can find a Yorkshire Terrier of any size for yourself in the ad. One that is too tiny will be called a MINI, and if you come across a large puppy, it will most likely be a MAXI. The problem is that standards are set for a reason. Individuals who do not meet the requirements are usually not viable or are susceptible to various ailments.

On average, the cost of a puppy of any size is about fifteen thousand rubles. In order not to regret a rash decision, it is better to immediately go to a professional breeder in a nursery and negotiate there on the purchase of a healthy and standard puppy.

Height and weight of an adult Yorkshire Terrier

The required minimum weight and height of Yorkies is not specified in the standards. It is important that the weight does not exceed a certain value, the possible maximum is 3.2 kg.

Kitten weight by month: correct ratio table

An adult girl of this breed weighs on average 2.7 kg, the weight of boys is slightly higher and can reach 3.2 kg. These indicators are important for animals performing at exhibitions and participating in breeding. For pets, the norms are not considered particularly important, provided that the dog does not have diseases and does not develop obesity.

For your information! It is impossible to accurately determine the weight of an adult animal from a puppy. However, there is a method that is sometimes used - the weight of the baby at 8 weeks is multiplied by 3. The resulting figure is the approximate weight of an adult pet.

Adult standard

The Yorkie's period of active growth lasts until the onset of puberty, after which growth slows down, but the dog continues to gain weight and shape up - it becomes a little wider in the chest area and gains muscle mass. As a rule, a standard representative of the breed grows up to 23 cm at the withers and weighs no more than 3.2 kg if it is a male, and up to 20 cm and 2.7 kg if it is a female.

The height of the dog at the withers and croup should be the same.

Despite the fact that the parameters of minimum weight and height are not regulated, members of the jury at the exhibition will give preference to a Yorkshire terrier that weighs no less than 2 and no more than 3 kg.

A little about sizes

The official breed standard adopted by the FCI and RKF does not provide for the division of Yorkshire terriers into varieties by weight or appearance. However, in accordance with the conventional gradation common among dog breeders, Yorkies are divided into:

  1. Standard – from 2 to 3.2 kg.
  2. Mini – from 1.4 to 2 kg.
  3. Super - mini or micro - up to 1.5 kg.

Separately, it is worth noting baby face Yorkies, which are characterized by a shorter muzzle (its length is a third of the length of the skull), a snub nose and large bulging eyes. Varieties of mini, super-mini, micro and baby face Yorkshire terriers are not related to the breed standard and initially did not carry breeding value and were not of interest to breeders, but over time they became fashionable and became widespread.

Description of the breed

It doesn't really matter to what age Yorkies grow. The weight of an adult individual in any case will be about 3 kg.

The dogs have a small round head, a long narrowed muzzle and medium-sized crafty eyes. According to the standard, Yorkies have high-set small ears, a compact torso with straight parallel legs. The tail is slightly curled and set slightly higher than the back.

The dogs' fur is straight, silky, without undercoat. Yorkies are one of the few dogs that have hair similar to humans.

Gaining weight and height in Mini Yorkies

The breed is not clearly divided into several species, but Mini Yorkies are often distinguished separately. The change in weight in such babies can be seen in the table below:

newborn115 g
1 month370 g
2 months610 g
3 months850 g
4 months1110 g
5 months1300 g
six months1450 g
one and half year1820

As adults, Mini Yorkies weigh approximately 2 kg. Babies who do not meet the norm are more likely to be susceptible to various diseases and have a lower life expectancy.

A properly selected diet is the key to a puppy’s good development.

Breed characteristics and character

The Biewer Yorkie dog comes from Germany. Some dog experts suggest that the relatives of these terriers include the Shih Tzu and Maltese. However, there is no documentary evidence of this fact, so dog breeders continue to be at a loss.

Biewer Yorkie at 3 years of age

What is known is that the breed, bred from Yorkshire terriers, is named after the surnames of its creators - Werner and Gertrude Beaver. The goal they pursued was to create a strong dog with a stable mental system and easy-to-care coat.

The animals were first introduced to the world dog breeding community relatively recently - in 1988. However, the mass spread of Biewer Yorkies has not yet begun across the country. They are popular only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Breed nurseries are not represented in all Russian megacities.

The main function of four-legged pets is companionship and participation in exhibition events. The mainstream of recent years has been a miniature dog under the arm instead of a reticule. The Biewer Yorkie is a mini dog that is unusually inquisitive and energetic, peaceful and at the same time balanced.

Biewer Yorkie puppy

It is easy to train, but it is important that training resembles a game. Ready to be friends with kids, loves active walks, gets along with all pets. At the same time, he becomes very attached to a particular person. He literally idolizes his owner. He treats other family members in a friendly manner and welcomes everyone.

Necessary preparation for childbirth

Giving birth to a Yorkie at home is not something scary if you prepare for it in advance. If difficulties or questions arise, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

The first and most important thing you need for childbirth is a place. It should be secluded and warm. You can use a special oilcloth as bedding. Also, a bowl of water and food must be placed next to this place.

Important! It is best to stock up on more disposable diapers. In the future, they will also be useful for postpartum care.

To process puppies you will need:

  • pipette to remove mucus from the nose;
  • sterile scissors to cut the umbilical cord;
  • thread, cotton wool and brilliant green - for processing.

In addition, just in case, you should acquire the following medications:

  • calcium gluconate;
  • oxytocin;
  • no-shpa;
  • diphenhydramine;
  • saline;
  • alcohol;
  • brilliant green;
  • syringes.

The veterinarian will tell you in detail about their possible use. Owners who have never given birth are advised to consult with a specialist and clarify all questions of interest.

Important! Long hair will only get in the way during childbirth. Therefore, the dog should be trimmed in the belly and groin area. It will also be necessary to trim the animal's claws.

Shaving the belly

How to determine age

How long do corgis live at home?

If the dog was found on the street or adopted from a shelter, it becomes necessary to determine its age. And there are many reasons for this, for example:

  • It is necessary to obtain documents for the dog in order to transport it across the border when going on vacation.
  • For routine vaccination, which is performed depending on the age of the dog.
  • To determine the diet necessary for the dog, which varies depending on age.
  • To take into account the dog's puberty and the need for mating.

To determine the age of your pet, you should pay attention to its teeth. Indicators of changes in the appearance of teeth according to age are shown in the table:

up to 25 daysNo teeth yet
25-35 daysThe first teeth appear - two fangs at the top and two fangs at the bottom
35-60 daysIncisors and premolars appear
3-4 monthsTeeth begin to change
6-7 monthsFinish changing teeth
7-14 monthsThe incisors are white, unworn, and have three teeth.
15 monthsThe lower incisors begin to wear away
2 yearsThe lower incisors are gradually worn away, the upper ones are leveled
2-3 yearsPlaque deposits become noticeable and tartar may appear
4 yearsGradual wear of the upper incisors begins
5 yearsAll incisors are erased
6 yearsYellow plaque appears on all teeth, the bite becomes incorrect
7 yearsFangs become dull
10-12 yearsAlmost all tooth crowns are worn away, caries is present, and teeth may fall out

Other factors:

  • Muscle tone. A young dog is active and energetic, but with age, signs of obesity appear and the muscular system becomes weak.
  • Wool. Young terriers have a soft, silky coat. With age, it becomes tougher and ceases to be thick. Gray hairs appear at an early age, so a graying terrier does not mean old.
  • Eyes. The young dog has a cheerful and playful look, and his eyes are like shiny buttons. Over time, the look becomes reasonable and tired, the eyes become cloudy. Many people become blind in old age or suffer from other eye diseases.
  • Active, nimble puppies that do not sit in one place become less fast over time and prefer to take a nap in a warm corner. This is due to the fact that in old age calcium and phosphorus cease to be absorbed, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system occur.

Taking into account all the signs, you can accurately determine the age of your pet.

Yorkie puppies

What to do if the puppy is behind the norm

Often owners are concerned that the puppy does not reach the required weight and size by a certain age. In this case, you should not immediately worry and worry; the standard indicators in most cases are average.

All dogs are individual and develop differently; by the age of one and a half years, they usually reach normal weight and size.

Note! Children often do not eat well when their teeth change.

The owner is advised to carefully review the baby’s diet; perhaps the necessary vitamins and minerals should be added. It is important that the food contains enough fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is worth selecting it according to the age of the dog and giving preference to a quality product. However, you should also not overfeed your puppy, as this can lead to obesity.

It is necessary to carry out antihelminthic prophylaxis on time, because parasites can also cause a lack of required weight.

If the problem is critical, it is recommended to visit a veterinarian. You may need to undergo tests and find the appropriate treatment. It is important to check your baby in time for the presence of serious infectious diseases that can cause disruption of the digestive system and weight loss.

It is important to provide quality physical activity to Yorkies

Interesting information

Many owners of Yorkshire terriers are interested in how old their dog is in human terms. This ratio will help pet owners in establishing proper care. Dogs of this breed are considered old at nine to ten years of age, since in human terms this is equal to approximately fifty-two to fifty-six years. Let's consider how exactly these parameters need to be calculated.

It is popularly believed that one dog year is equal to seven human years. But this is fundamentally wrong. When making this calculation, several nuances must be taken into account.

A dog develops most quickly during puppyhood, and in its development it catches up with a sixteen-year-old teenager. The process of rapid formation of an animal ends at about one and a half to two years, after which sharp maturation slows down. Accordingly, two years of a dog's life is equal to approximately twenty-four to twenty-five years of human life.

Yorkshire terriers, as representatives of small breeds, age slower than dogs of large breeds, so it is generally accepted that one year of their life is equal to approximately five human years.

The approximate ratio of the life of a Yorkshire terrier to human life can be found in the following table:

The average life expectancy of a Yorkshire Terrier is twelve to sixteen years, but with proper care, good living conditions and excellent treatment, it can live much longer.

How old is your Yorkie? Have you ever had to determine the age of a dog?

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Similar signs

By the dog's behavior before giving birth, you can determine when it will start giving birth.

  1. 4 - 5 days before giving birth, the dog experiences a slight sagging of the back caused by prolapse of the uterus.
  2. Also, the imminent birth can be judged by rapid breathing and a decrease in body temperature.
  3. Some individuals begin to get nervous 7-10 days before giving birth and refuse to eat, others, on the contrary, eat more, behave as actively as possible, and like to take long walks.
  4. Before giving birth, the bitch behaves restlessly, looking for a quiet and secluded place where she will be comfortable giving birth and feeding puppies.

The dog should not be allowed to hide - the birth should take place in full view of the owners so that they have the opportunity to help the puppy or bitch.

What do breeders advise?

It is not worth buying a Yorkshire puppy from your own hands; it is better to use the services of a large nursery or an experienced breeder. A conscientious specialist will select a healthy puppy; moreover, there will be no doubts about heredity, and diseases transmitted along the genetic line will not arise.

You can find out how many years Yorkshire terriers, his ancestors, live. The breeder will recommend a good veterinarian, who will subsequently monitor the development and health of the dog. He will tell you about the requirements for caring for your dog and little tricks that contribute to a long and healthy life for the Yorkshire Terrier.

Funny and loyal friend

By following all the recommendations of veterinarians and the requirements for caring for your dog, you can extend its life and raise another record-breaking terrier. And if you surround your pet with attention, walk with him, play, communicate and love, then you can make this life happy and joyful.

The problem of obesity and how to lose weight

If the dog's diet is incorrect, then it is possible that the dog may exceed normal body weight. Yorkies are prone to obesity if they are overfed and not given the necessary exercise.

Excess weight often causes the development of serious diseases (diabetes, etc.), problems with joints and breathing, liver pathologies, and high blood pressure. Excess weight negatively affects appearance and life expectancy.

Getting rid of obesity is possible with strict adherence to the diet and a properly selected diet. All necessary substances must be present in food.

Important! The serving size and calorie content should be appropriate according to the dog's energy expenditure. The diet should be based on the age and size of the pet.

It is important to give Yorkies the necessary physical activity; this will allow the dog to spend more energy and maintain normal physical shape.

Knowing to what age Yorkshire terriers grow, you should choose the necessary diet in time and monitor the physical condition of the dog.

The weight of an adult dog depends on proper maintenance


In urban life, the terrier is a very comfortable dog. They are capable of litter box training, just like cats, and in bad weather you can afford to stay home. Be sure to remember that from now on there lives in your house a fragile creature that cannot be stepped on or injured by careless movements.

Otherwise, care is the same as for other dogs. Brush your teeth regularly to prevent plaque from forming. Eyes should be wiped daily with a damp swab. When going for a walk in the cold season, you need to dress your pet in warm clothes. She has no undercoat, which means she can freeze.

As for grooming, it all depends on whether your pet will take part in exhibitions or not. If not, then most often dog owners cut off their beautiful long silky hair. But if you decide to preserve its beauty, then you will have to regularly wash your handsome dog with special shampoos, comb it, visit a veterinary clinic, and use the services of hairdressers.

Yorkshires are in good health, but in order to prevent illness, it is necessary to visit the veterinarian from time to time for a preventive examination. The diseases to which the breed is most often susceptible are found in small animals. For example, not overgrowing of the fontanel, cryptorchidism, problems with the kneecaps.

Dimensions and proportions of a Yorkie in accordance with the standard

The standard for this breed FCI No. 86 dated January 20, 1998 determines not only how much an adult dog should weigh and what its height at the withers should be, but also regulates the proportions of the animal: the position of the tail, paws, the shape of the skull and muzzle. Normally, the dog has a compact square body, a neck and muzzle of moderate length, a small and flattened head without roundness or significant protrusions.

A standard Yorkie should not be higher than 25 cm at the withers (height ideally coincides with the height at the croup). The length of the body from the withers to the base of the tail is no more than the length of the front legs; it is best if it is one and a half centimeters less than them.

The tail is usually docked to medium length and is held high by the dog, above the level of the back. The front and hind legs are straight. Limbs that are too short or long, as well as deviations from the norm in other parts of the body, are not allowed by the standard.


“When I talk about our Alice, I understand that I am proud of her and love her as an equal member of the family. She is very affectionate and obedient, and also an incredible beauty.”

To read: Features of the Boxer breed, reviews from owners

“Our Yorick weighs almost five kilograms. We bought it based on an ad on the Internet. When it became clear that Yorick was not going to stop growing, the phone number of the called subscriber was no longer available. But we love Yorick as he is, and he is not poor at all.”

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