Rottweiler: description, character and characteristics of the breed

The Rottweiler is a loyal friend and formidable protector of the family. Inexperienced observers fear him and avoid him, attributing completely ridiculous qualities and legends to the dog.

In fact, with the right attitude, this dog is capable of loving and caring for loved ones. Only if a person is careless about the training process does a dog of this breed grow up to be aggressive.

Origin story

Legends about Rottweilers go back to antiquity, to the times of Ancient Egypt. On the walls of the tombs of Tutankhamun, scientists discovered scenes in which muscular dogs similar to this breed, along with wars, confronted enemies.

At the beginning of our era, Rottweilers gained enormous popularity among legionnaires in the Roman Empire. When setting out on long-distance conquests, in order not to die of hunger, the army was always accompanied by herds of cattle. It was the ancestors of the dogs of this breed who guarded and managed the animals.

The homeland of modern Rottweilers is considered to be the city of Rottweil in southern Germany, which means “red tile” in German.

At the end of military operations, the dogs were released, and they often found refuge with farmers and cattle breeders. This is how the breed spread throughout Europe. By the 19th century, in the city of Rottweil there were already more dogs than people.

Loyal and strong dogs were excellent at accompanying and protecting, and therefore quickly became a favorite breed among a variety of artisans, especially butchers, who sent their goods over long distances.


By its appearance, even an inexperienced observer will immediately determine that this is a hardy and strong breed. Rottweilers combine the power and valor of their ancient ancestors with the loyalty and intelligence of German shepherds. This is not just one of their guard dogs, but a protector and warrior, reliable and calm.

Despite their menacing appearance, these dogs are full of love and devotion. When raised correctly, they are confident, loyal and calm. Moreover, it is recommended to start dog training from an early age, due to the fine line between aggression and obedience in this breed.

Such dogs are characterized by willfulness and stubbornness, which not every owner can cope with. With proper upbringing, the dog will become a faithful protector of the family, unquestioningly obeying and ready to stand up with his life for those he loves.

If you leave the socialization process to its own devices and do not pay enough attention to it, the owner will get an angry and disobedient animal that poses a danger to others.

Characteristics and standards

Sizes among the breed range from medium to large. The dog's appearance is stocky. The permissible height at the withers should be 15% less than the length of the dog from the ischial tuberosities to the sternum.

The Rottweiler's character is peaceful and good-natured. The dog gets along well with children, becomes strongly attached to its owner and obeys him in everything. Behavior inspires self-confidence, movements are natural. Reacts to the environment with vigilance and curiosity.

The standards specify the following characteristics of this breed:

  1. The head is wide with a well-developed occipital bone, the forehead protrudes slightly forward.
  2. The muzzle is proportional to the skull, neither flattened nor elongated.
  3. The eyes are small, dark or brown with white sclera.
  4. The ears are set high, triangular in shape, hanging down.
  5. The Rottweiler's nose is necessarily black, straight, with a moderate widening from tip to base and large nostrils.
  6. Powerful and wide jaws with black lips and gums, sometimes drooping. The lower row of teeth is behind the upper one, forming a natural bite.
  7. Well-defined cervical muscles.
  8. Color black, with red or brown tan.
  9. The back is strong and level. Wide chest with pronounced ribs.
  10. The tail is natural or docked, depending on the legislation of a particular country.
  11. The weight of an adult male Rottweiler is 50 kg, length 104-106 cm, height about 70 cm.

Deviations from the standard

Standard sizes

The FCI standard states that the height of male Rottweilers varies from 61 to 68 centimeters, and the height of females varies from 56 to 63 centimeters. According to these parameters, it is customary to distinguish dogs of this breed according to the following sizes:


  • small – 61-62 centimeters;
  • average – 63-64 centimeters;
  • large (optimal size) – 65-66 centimeters;
  • very large - 67-68 centimeters.


  • small – 56-57 centimeters;
  • average – 58-59 centimeters;
  • large (optimal size) – 60-61 centimeters;
  • very large - 62-63 centimeters.

Dogs that meet standard parameters have a good chance of receiving top marks at shows and giving birth to healthy puppies.

Reasons for deviations

Sometimes dogs are born whose sizes are much smaller than even the small standard ones. The small Rottweiler is not a breed variety, but a consequence of serious abnormalities. They appear due to mistakes in breeding purebred dogs, hereditary diseases or birth injuries. Sometimes these puppies are born because their mother did not eat well during pregnancy or while nursing.

There are cases when unscrupulous breeders, in order to make a profit, attract potential buyers with advertisements for the sale of supposedly mini representatives of the breed. They deliberately breed Rottweilers with much smaller sizes, without warning about the complications that the owner of such a dog may encounter.

Possible problems

When buying a mini Rottweiler, you will have to come to terms with many problems that such dogs are sure to bring. Dwarf animals usually do not live long. And not only because of genetic predisposition.

Such individuals have a weakened immune system, so they are susceptible to frequent diseases. Such dogs can even die from anesthesia, which may have to be used in the treatment of one of the diseases. Their bones are very fragile and often break. The owners will have to constantly look after their mini pet.

Owners of small dogs will have to come to terms with the fact that their pets will never participate in exhibitions or breeding. It is generally better to castrate or sterilize such animals. Especially bitches. Their body may not be able to withstand the load that pregnancy brings.

Small dogs usually have impaired functioning of the nervous system. You should not expect the usual calmness that standard dogs of this breed possess from mini Rottweilers. After all, dwarf dogs do not adapt well to the world around them and are subject to constant stress. Therefore, such children are often mentally disturbed and have an evil character.

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According to the breed classification, Rottweilers belong to service or guard animals, but this does not characterize even a fraction of their possible potential.

In addition to the historical function of escorting goods and protecting them, Rottweilers have adapted to help in various law enforcement agencies and search services. The breed is widely used by police officers along with German Shepherds.

Thanks to their fearlessness, dogs of this breed provide irreplaceable assistance during search and rescue operations year after year. Dogs are able to get into places inaccessible to people and find them under rubble.

At home, the dog gets along well and will never purposefully try to harm its owners or their children. However, due to the clumsiness and sluggishness of the Rottweiler, there is a high probability of accidentally knocking over or hitting the baby, as a result of which he may fall or hit himself.

The dog protects the territory entrusted by the owner from strangers. This dog provides excellent assistance in agriculture, in particular when driving livestock to pastures. In hunting, the breed is valued for its ability to pursue and drive game for a long time.

Cost and where to buy

Rottweilers are an expensive breed, both to maintain and to acquire. Depending on the nursery, class and pedigree, a Rottweiler puppy costs from 15,000 rubles (data as of December 2017). It is difficult to outline the upper limit of prices, since the best puppies from breed champions are of interest not only to ordinary dog ​​breeders, but also to breeders.

Cost may vary depending on region. In addition, dogs with imperfect pedigree, without the required documents or with breed defects are often sold much cheaper. But there is no guarantee that a dog not purchased from professional breeders will be mentally and physically healthy.

Breeding nurseries

Kennels of the Rottweiler dog breed are quite widespread, there are in most regions of Russia and neighboring countries. Here are some examples.

  • “The Tsar’s Flock” (Moscow) -;
  • “Akslen” (St. Petersburg) -;
  • Kennel of Rottweilers and East European Shepherds Grand Animals (Armavir) -;
  • Schwarzer Held (Minsk) -;
  • KLENSMEN KLIRI (Zaporozhye) -

When analyzing the characteristics of the Rottweiler breed, please note that this dog is not suitable for everyone. Reviews from the owners will help you decide whether you have the patience and strength to raise her.

Pros and cons of the Rottweiler

Like any other breed, Rottweilers have pros and cons.

Despite its large dimensions, such a dog can be kept in an apartment without any problems. However, this should not deprive the animal of physical activity, since such individuals are often lazy and prone to gaining excess weight.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Keeping and caring for this breed does not cause any particular difficulties. It is enough to carry out grooming at least once a week. Due to drooping lips, some dogs may drool.

Rottweilers' loyalty is complemented by their cheerfulness and courage, which is why they get along well with the family during the day and protect their owners from unwanted guests at night.

The disadvantages of the breed include slowness due to its large mass and expensive nutrition.

Rules for caring for a Rottweiler dog

To keep your pet clean and tidy, it is enough to comb the fur once every 7 days, ridding the Rottweiler of hairballs, debris, and particles accidentally caught in the fur. A full bath will only be needed 2-3 times a year.

After walks, you can limit yourself to washing your paws. Claws are trimmed as they grow. Once every 7-8 days it is necessary to check your pet’s ears and carefully clean them with a dry gauze swab. 3-4 times a month, the dog’s teeth are brushed with a soda solution.


The description of this breed is strictly regulated in the standards.

Moreover, today there are 4 of them:

  • German;
  • American;
  • English;
  • from the Canine Federation.

It is known that in the USA, when breeding, they often used dogs that were purebred, but defective and rejected in Germany. Therefore, at the origins of their genealogy there were not the highest quality individuals.

In an attempt to improve the protective properties of the Rottweiler, they usually imported representatives of the breed that were slightly more aggressive and tall, which affected the entire line. Such dogs look much more severe than their “European” counterparts.

This practice has led to the appearance of certain genetic diseases in Rottweilers, such as articular dysplasia. If a purebred dog is healthy, this does not make him less aggressive and he also needs proper upbringing.

English Rottweilers are almost no different from the “Germans”, since standard breed parameters were used in breeding. The difference lies only in the character of the dogs. Like true Englishmen, such dogs already from 1 month of life have strong self-control, which can only be broken by the owner’s order.

The original approach to breeding in each individual country led to the emergence of other recognized and unrecognized purebred dog lines, such as Finnish, Austrian, Norwegian, Italian, etc. Each of them has its own minor characteristics caused by the geographical location and desires of the owners.

A purebred dog is allowed only one color: black with orange tan. The golden color of the Rottweiler, or any other color, is considered a departure from the standard. Exactly the same as changes in coat - long-haired dogs are also determined to be defective.

Character and appearance of the Rottweiler

By nature, the disposition of such an animal is balanced and calm. Girls have a softer character than boys. They are characterized by self-confidence and fearlessness, love for others. These dogs are equally good with children and adults.

When adopted into a family, a Rottweiler's character will be shaped largely by attitude and training. Some owners believe that representatives of this breed should be angry and aggressive, training them using the most cruel and violent methods.

As a result, all the good character of even the most thoroughbred dog will be irretrievably lost, and it can pose a serious threat to both people around them, pets and even owners.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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A dog that grows up in love and respect is a worthy friend and a loyal protector, sensitive to the owner’s emotions and capable of providing emotional support.

You need to be able to cope with the nature of this breed, so it is recommended to hire an experienced dog handler. It is important not to “squeeze”, otherwise the dog will accumulate unnecessary aggression. Blind love and reluctance to train will also lead to waywardness and disobedience, so a golden mean for this dog is simply necessary.

TOP nicknames

The puppy receives a “family” name during examination for compliance with breed standards, and you cannot influence his choice. But the passport nickname often remains only in the passport, and in everyday life the name is a reflection of the dog’s character and the owner’s preferences. For Rottweilers, short, sonorous names are often chosen that are related to the history of the origin of the breed, mythology or pop culture.

You can call a Rottweiler “boy”:

  • Lord;
  • Prince;
  • Diesel;
  • Archie;
  • Hercules;
  • Charlie;
  • Hugo;
  • Oscar;
  • Bart;
  • Kaiser.

You can name a Rottweiler “girl”:

  • Gretel;
  • Beauty;
  • Adele;
  • Buffy;
  • Daisy;
  • Hera;
  • Grace;
  • Athena;
  • Sabrina;
  • Wendy.

Remember, your pet's name should not be similar to team names, similar to popular names in your area, or potentially offensive to others.

Maintenance and care

Recommendations for keeping Rottweilers are general, as for other breeds, however, there are several features that are worth paying attention to.

Often, during games or physical activity, a dog can injure a paw pad or pick up a splinter. It is necessary to carefully examine and palpate the dog’s limbs after a walk and while washing.

If a splinter is found in a dog, it must be carefully removed with tweezers and the minor wound treated with an antiseptic.

Due to the high pain threshold, the dog will not show that he is in pain, but soon the wound may become inflamed or even suppurate, which will be much more difficult to treat.

The coat of this breed does not require special attention, but the beauty and shine will disappear if it is not looked after. It is enough to comb it occasionally with a moderately hard brush. In this way, shedding hair and dirt particles are removed.

Before this, you need to smooth the dog against the fur with your hand, which is a kind of massage.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Excessive shedding and loss of shine may indicate that your Rottweiler is not eating properly. In this case, it is recommended to introduce special additives into the dog’s food that improve the quality of the coat.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The dog has a number of positive traits:

  • equilibrium;
  • devotion;
  • high intelligence;
  • carries security functions;
  • gets along well with the family.

But there are also negative ones that should also not be forgotten:

  • clumsy due to size and weight;
  • food will be quite expensive.

If you need a loyal friend who will remain faithful until the very end, then the Rottweiler will be the ideal option. The breed is distinguished by a number of necessary traits that will make it easy to enter any family and become part of it.

But for all its kindness and family-like nature, it is a very formidable weapon that is ready to defend the family at any second. A dog will require a lot of your time, so you need to think several times before purchasing it.

Education and training

The correct skills are instilled in the puppy from the first days of his stay in the house. The manifestation of harmful and incorrect habits in this breed - ignoring commands, disobedience and aggression - cannot be left to chance.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Due to the immature psyche of the Rottweiler, you cannot shout at him too much and it is strictly forbidden to hit him, as this will lead to the formation of incorrect behavioral reactions. Subsequently, retraining the dog will be much more problematic.

To successfully achieve your goals, you need to show patience and perseverance. If during a walk the dog does something inappropriate, the owner calls him over with a stern intonation and demonstrates dissatisfaction. The dog must be rewarded and praised for doing the right thing. Such dogs perfectly distinguish intonations and want to please their owner.

You can start teaching your Rottweiler simple commands from 2-3 months. It is recommended that the first lessons be kept short so that the dog does not get tired. By six months, she should already clearly understand what is allowed and what is not. This is the age at which this breed becomes willful and stubborn, and therefore the moment must not be missed.


There are 2 main options: natural or ready-made food. It is advisable to choose before the Rottweiler appears in the house.

The latter eliminate the need to select the right proportions of vitamins and minerals for the dog, but nevertheless cost much more, since Rottweilers are given a premium “drying” specially created for this breed.

You cannot suddenly switch a dog from one type of food to another, as well as mix natural and dry food. This will lead to problems with the pet's gastrointestinal tract.

The diet of a Rottweiler is no less important than training, as it instills in the dog correct eating habits. This is especially important for dogs with problematic weight.

In a special place, there should always be 2 bowls - with water and food. Moreover, only liquid can be constantly available to the dog, and the second is removed 10 minutes after feeding. Bowls should be placed on a stand, at the level of the dog’s shoulders.

The frequency of meals is determined by age. A two-month-old Rottweiler needs to be fed 5-6 times a day, gradually reducing the number of diets. By the first year, meals become 3 times a day, and in adult dogs - 2.

The qualitative composition of consumed natural food should consist of 50% proteins, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fiber. There are special tables for calculating nutritional elements, depending on the age of the Rottweiler.

To what age do they grow?

Small Rottweilers weigh only 300-500 grams at birth . Thus, by the time the puppy finally reaches adulthood, it should gain ten times the weight it originally had.

What is their growth chart?

Already in the first month of life, the baby gains from two to four kilograms . In the future, his rapid gain in weight and height slows down and such rapid leaps no longer occur.

However, by three or four months of age, a Rottweiler puppy's weight, if healthy and developing properly, should increase fivefold. And by five months, a puppy, as a rule, already weighs only half as much as the weight of an adult dog.


Representatives of this breed grow in height up to about a year, and later, up to two years, or even longer, they gain muscle mass and, accordingly, weight.

In bitches, growth often stops or even stops completely with the onset of the first heat..

After this, she can grow another couple of centimeters, but then she will only increase in breadth, while gaining muscle mass.

Choosing a puppy

You need to buy a Rottweiler while still a puppy. This will ensure normal mental development of the animal. The recommended age for purchasing this breed is 1-3 months.

When examining a dog, before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the umbilical hernia does not protrude;
  • clean ears and eyes;
  • drooping testicles in a male dog;
  • absence of dandruff and hair defects;
  • pink skin on the belly and gray or silver on the back.

Table of height and weight by month

AgeHeight (male/female) height at withers (cm)Weight (male/female) (kg)
1 month22/203,5/4,5
2 months33/299/8
3 months48/4717/14
4 months51/5123/17
5 months56/5631/24
6 months60/5935/30
7 months64/6140/34
8 months66/6250/36
9 months66/6250/36
10 months67/6350/36
11 months67/6350/38
12 months67/6350/42

Rottweiler cost

The cost of such a dog varies from 40 to 1000 dollars.

In general, the price depends on the following factors:

  1. Pedigree. Impeccable dogs with famous ancestors and winners at exhibitions are always more expensive.
  2. Nursery. By purchasing a dog secondhand, you can save a lot of money, but if the breeder has a big name, you will have to spend money.
  3. Health. The presence of visible defects or deviations from the standards blocks the dog from entering exhibitions, and therefore such purebred puppies are sold cheaper.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The main thing is to decide for what purpose the dog is being purchased. If participation in exhibitions is a prerequisite, then it is better to take a dog with a known origin. When you need a faithful friend for the family, you can even look at a shy or not very healthy puppy. He will love those who open their hearts to him no less than anyone else.

Modern medicine gives the right to life even to puppies of sick Rottweilers, and the character of the breed is cultivated by the attitude towards the dog in the family. So, first of all, you need to choose with your heart, and not with cold calculation.


Rottweilers have earned a bad reputation and are often considered harsh, even dangerous dogs. Yes, their fame is not as loud as that of the American pit bull terrier or Doberman, but still.

But they received this fame thanks to the efforts of people, or rather a certain stratum of society. This layer existed both in the USA and in the territory of the former USSR. People who wanted a serious, powerful and scary dog. Typical representatives of the 90s (by the way, this was the time of the highest popularity of the breed in the CIS).

In fact, this fame is undeserved. It is difficult to describe the character of a Rottweiler, as many irresponsible owners have seriously damaged it.

Chaotic breeding, the pursuit of fashion, unwillingness and inability to raise a dog have led to the appearance of many puppies with uncontrollable temperaments.

Add to this a developed protective instinct and you get the idea of ​​a dog with a bad character.

In my memory, when one such dog appeared, grandmothers disappeared near the bench at the entrance, because when she went out for a walk (on a leash and with her owner), it was simply dangerous to sit there.

But, most of these dogs became victims of the inability and stupidity of people. Rottweilers are loyal, intelligent protectors, and no more dangerous than other breeds of the same size. Behind every aggressive dog there are dozens, or even hundreds, of smart and loyal defenders. It’s just that a well-mannered dog is invisible, doesn’t frighten, and there’s nothing to write about in the newspapers.

Much to the surprise of many of the breed's detractors, they are incredibly people-loving and family-oriented. The owners know how cheerful and playful they are, even silly sometimes. And their loyalty is limitless; they will give their lives for their family without the slightest hesitation.

All they want is to be close to the people they love and protect them. Even the most aggressive or territorial members of the breed are incredibly gentle with family members. Sometimes this is a problem because they believe they can easily fit on their laps.

Imagine a 50 kg dog lying on your legs or just jumping on your chest. Another advantage of the breed is that they are able to tolerate loneliness, although they prefer to be with people.

Most often, owners have to deal with aggression towards strangers. The fact is that Rottweilers have a developed protective instinct and are naturally distrustful of strangers. When properly raised, they are polite and tolerant, but still remain aloof with those they do not know.

Remember that even the most well-mannered will not tolerate strangers on their territory when the owner is not at home. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a relative or a robber.

Training and socialization are not only important, but are the cornerstone of content. Without it, he will show aggression towards almost everyone he does not know well enough.

This is not a dog that makes friends quickly as it is naturally very suspicious. However, most dogs gradually get used to new family members (spouses, roommates, etc.) and gradually become close to them.

These are excellent watchdogs; they will not allow anyone to enter their territory while they are alive. Moreover, the fame of the breed is such that its mere presence on the territory is a serious deterrent. This is one of the best guard and guard breeds, combining loyalty and territoriality.

Moreover, they first try to drive away and frighten the stranger, using violence only as a last resort. However, this argument is used without hesitation when other means have run out.

How a Rottweiler treats children largely depends on its character and upbringing. If they grew up with him, then this is their keeper and protector, a faithful shadow. But those dogs that do not know children may perceive them as a threat. They also differ greatly in tolerance. Some allow themselves to be ridden and tolerate being pulled by the ears, others do not tolerate the slightest rudeness. But even the gentlest dog can inadvertently hurt a child during play due to his strength. As a rule, it is not recommended to have these dogs in families where children are under 6 years old.

They also have problems in relationships with other animals. In general, they are not very aggressive towards other dogs, but some are exceptions.

This especially applies to males who cannot tolerate other males. But no Rottweilers will tolerate a dog invading their territory. If they grew up with another dog, they are friendly and calm.

They are unpredictable with other animals. Most will chase and kill cats and other small creatures (squirrels, hamsters, ferrets).

Although their hunting instinct is not as developed as that of the Akita Inu, an unenviable fate awaits the animal they meet along the way. As for domestic cats, most accept them calmly if they grew up together.

They combine intelligence and the ability to train. Research into canine intelligence places the Rottweiler in the top 10 smartest breeds , and often even in the top 5. In addition, they live to please their owner. If you don’t take any specific tasks (searching for a blood trail, for example), then there is nothing that he couldn’t learn.

They are smart, obedient, catch on the fly and many trainers are happy to work with these dogs. Success in training rests on two pillars. Firstly, he will only obey those whom he respects. The owner must be in a dominant position at all times.

Secondly, you need to spend a lot of time and effort on socialization. Then the dog will be calm, confident, obedient, and strangers, smells, and animals will not confuse him.

But remember that even the friendliest ones can greatly change their behavior when the owner is not around! It's an instinct and you can't beat it. It is best to keep them on a leash during walks, even in quiet and safe places.

This is an energetic breed and needs a lot of exercise and activity. Owners should be prepared to provide at least an hour of active exercise daily, but preferably more.

Rottweilers are capable of working at full capacity for hours, as long as the owner needs it. They need to find a way out of energy, otherwise they will find it themselves.

Destructiveness, aggressiveness, barking and other negative behavior are often the result of boredom and excess energy. However, their exercise requirements are quite feasible and cannot be compared with breeds such as the border collie or Dalmatian.

An ordinary, urban family is quite capable of coping with them. An important condition is that it is better to stress them physically and mentally, they are especially happy if there is work. Remember, these are cattle dogs and they love work and activity.

Interesting Facts

  1. Previously, Rottweilers had bags containing their daily earnings hung around their necks. Because of their fearsome reputation, no robber dared to approach and try to steal money from this breed.
  2. Life expectancy is about 10-12 years. With caring owners, dogs with good pedigree live up to 15-17 years.
  3. Rottweilers can have 2 extremes in character. Some purebred dogs are joyful, good-natured and affectionate, while others are aggressive, angry and disobedient. The formation of wrong habits is a direct consequence of inept upbringing.


The lifespan of a large breed dog is about 8-10 years. Sometimes this figure can increase for another 3-4 years. Due to their brutal appearance and fairly large build, Rottweilers give the impression of being strong and hardy. However, this breed of dog has plenty of its own diseases.

Innate immunity acquired through mother's milk protects the puppy for up to two months after birth. Further, starting from the age of two months, it is necessary to develop the acquired immunity of the dog through timely vaccination.

This measure will further help protect not only the dog’s body from various types of diseases, but will also protect the household members themselves from possible health problems. Agree, an unvaccinated dog infected, for example, with rabies, will pose a threat to others .

The vaccine is usually placed either in the scruff of the neck or in the hip of the puppy. For each dog, the veterinarian creates a special medical passport, which records all the procedures performed. According to the vaccination rules, Rottweiler puppies must be vaccinated against:

  • rabies;
  • adenovirus;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza virus;
  • parvovirus enteritis.

The first vaccination for a puppy is carried out at the age of 6-8 weeks. This is usually done by breeders, so most likely your puppy will already have his first vaccination. Booster vaccinations will be needed every three weeks until the puppy is 20 weeks old. Further, up to two years, revaccination is done against plague, parvovirus and parainfluenza virus.


“This dog is like a cat. He loves to play and be cuddled, although he doesn’t particularly tolerate his smaller brothers and chases them around the yard. A very sweet and kind breed, it loves when people take photos with it. Incredibly obedient."

“A faithful guard, he reacts very quickly if something unexpected happens in the yard. By no means a fighting dog, as many people think. He treats strangers with caution, not allowing too much, but with us he is kind and playful. A true member of the family, courageous, confident and proud.”

“The breed is completely picky and does not require special care. It is only important to monitor your health, since problems with bones and heart are possible, at least this was the case with our baby. She doesn’t overeat and weighs a little, but proper nutrition and vitamins are simply necessary for this breed.”

Not everyone can handle a Rottweiler. Before opening the doors of the house for this smart dog, you need to realize that how the animal will grow up will directly depend on the amount of attention given to it by the owner.

There are no bad dogs, there are people who do not realize the responsibility for those they tame.

Distinctive features

This breed is distributed throughout the world, which has made its own adjustments to the breed line. There are three main standards: German (truly correct Rottweilers), English (dogs with an imperturbable calm character), American (dogs with increased aggressiveness and the largest sizes).

The correct representative of the breed should be massive and strong. At the withers, dogs reach 60-70 cm and weigh about 50 kg . They do not look light or heavy, although they are large enough and can inspire fear.

The last standard was published in 2000. Breeders monitor the quality of the litter and disqualify all puppies that do not match the characteristics of appearance or temperament.


Photo and video review

The Rottweiler is a loyal friend and reliable guard who will never “raise his paws” on his owner or anyone else if he was raised with love and respect.

Proper training and attention are the key to the heart of this dog, which will certainly reciprocate and be loyal to its owners. As proof, you can view photos and video reviews.

Photo review

Photos of Rottweiler puppies and dogs cannot fail to draw attention to the power, intelligence and charm of these dogs.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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