Ear drops Bars and Bars forte for dogs: instructions, comparison, analogues

Bars Forte drops for dogs are an insectoacaricidal drug. Domestic product. It operates on the basis of a modern insecticidal substance. Can be used for puppies, removing fleas from cats with the correct dosage. Used for therapy and prevention. The protection lasts for about 2 months.

Composition, dosage form

Bars ear drops are produced by the Russian company Agrovetzashchita (AVZ) in the form of an auricular solution for dogs and cats. The liquid is packaged in glass and polymer bottles or pipettes of 5, 10, 20, 30 ml, which are sold in boxes with instructions. There are 2 types of drugs in pharmacies.

Bars without o contains 2 active ingredients:

  • Diazinon – 0.05%
  • Prednisolone – 0.03%

The price of a 20 ml bottle is 160 rubles.

Barsa Forte contains other active ingredients:

  • Enrofloxacin – 0.3%.
  • Miconazole – 2%

The price of a 20 ml bottle is 220 rubles.

Both drugs are stored away from the sun and heating devices at a temperature of 0 – 25℃. Shelf life in a hermetically sealed bottle is 24 months. Once opened, the drops can be used for up to 4 weeks.

Dosage for puppies

Bars forte drops for puppies against fleas and ticks, 1 ml pipettes.

Apply to animals once by drip application to dry, intact skin at several points in the back between the shoulder blades or in the neck at the base of the skull (in places inaccessible to licking by animals) in doses:

The minimum therapeutic dose of the drug for dogs is 0.18 ml/kg of animal weight, which corresponds to 9 mg/kg fipronil and 0.18 mg/kg diflubenzuron. Taking into account the type and weight of the animal being treated, dropper pipettes of the required volume or combinations thereof are selected and the drug is used in doses:

For puppies weighing from 1 to 5 kg 1.4 ml.

For puppies weighing from 5 to 10 kg - 2.8 ml.

Puppies weighing from 10 to 20 kg - 5.6 ml.

Purpose and medicinal properties

Bars ear solution without the “forte” label is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of otodectosis in dogs and cats.

The disease is caused by mites Otodectes cynotis, another name for the disease is ear scabies. For a quick recovery, you need to remove the parasites and alleviate unpleasant symptoms - itching, irritation, pain in the external auditory canal, auricle.

The active components of the drops work in these two directions:

  1. Diazinon acts as a neurotoxin on mature ticks and larvae. Penetrating into the body of arthropods by contact or intestinal means, it disrupts the functions of the nervous system of parasites, causing paralysis of organs and death. Diazinon has no effect on arthropod eggs.
  2. Prednisolone is a substance from the group of glucocorticosteroids that blocks the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. Under the influence of prednisolone, itching is reduced, irritation, redness, and swelling of the tissues of the affected ear are relieved.

Bars Forte drops are prescribed for the treatment of ear inflammation - otitis media - caused by bacteria and fungi. The drug copes with acute and chronic forms of the disease.

The active ingredients complement each other:

  1. Miconazole is a fungicidal component. It inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol, a vital element of fungal cells. Without ergosterol, the fungus cannot grow and quickly dies. Causative agents of dermatomycosis, pathogenic and opportunistic yeast-like and mold fungi are sensitive to miconazole. In addition, miconazole stops the spread of a number of gram-positive bacteria that are released during otitis media.
  2. Enrofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It disrupts the growth and division of pathogenic bacteria, causes morphological changes and rapid death of bacterial cells.

Reviews of Bars Forte drops for dogs and puppies

Reviews of Bars Forte for dogs are mainly related to the natural composition of the drug and its affordable price:

Konstantin: “New drops from AVZ Bars Forte based on an extract from the African plant Citronella are safe for puppies and pregnant bitches. The drops are suitable for dogs prone to allergies.”

Victoria: “The effectiveness of the drug is noticeable before the animal’s first bath. If you wash the dog with a special shampoo, then you need to reapply the product.”

Irina: “Compared to imported products, Bars Forte drops are available to everyone. After application on days 3–4, the dog’s fleas disappear and the pet stops itching. But repeated treatment is needed after 10–14 days, since young parasites hatch from the larvae.”

Vyacheslav: “Bars Forte drops helped cure ear mites in my pet. Now I bury their dogs once every three months as a preventive measure. An excellent and natural product at an affordable price.”

Instructions for use

Courses of treatment with ear leopard differ, but the method of treatment and dosage of the medicine are the same:

  1. Moisten a cotton-gauze swab with drops and carefully remove plaque, dirt, and crusts from the inner surface of the ear.
  2. Place 3 – 5 drops into the cleansed ear. Cats and small dogs up to 15 kg 3 – 4, dogs of medium breeds weighing from 15 to 30 kg – 4, large dogs weighing more than 30 kg – 5 drops.
  3. To distribute the medicine evenly, fold the shell and massage slightly at the base.
  4. Repeat the procedure with the second ear, even if it shows no signs of mite infestation.
  5. After treatment, do not let the animal shake its ears or splash the drug. To do this, fix your head for another 3–5 minutes and only then release.

The course of treatment for otodectosis consists of two treatments with a time interval of 5–7 days. In severe cases of the disease, it can be repeated. To prevent infection with ear mites, the drug is instilled once every 2 to 3 months.

We can talk about the animal’s recovery when the clinical symptoms of infection disappear, and microscopic analysis does not reveal live mature ticks and larvae.

Bars Forte is instilled twice a day for 5–7 days in a row for bacterial and fungal otitis. Then they take a week break. If the symptoms do not completely go away, then the course is repeated.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Contains natural oils from plants.
  2. The product has repellent properties, repels even blood-sucking insects.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Convenient packaging in pipettes of 0.5, 1 and 1.8 ml.
  5. The external preparation does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and will not enter the pet’s blood.


  1. Unpleasant odor from the composition.
  2. In some cases, it causes an allergic reaction in the dog.
  3. If the dosage is incorrect, the animal may be poisoned.
  4. Pipettes are fragile and may be damaged if transported incorrectly.


The drug based on natural oils has no contraindications. It should be used with caution for pregnant bitches 7 days before giving birth. Do not apply drops to puppies under 2 months of age. The bitch serves as a remedy for the skin of babies and this will lead to intoxication of the mother and puppies.

Side effects

Bars Forte for dogs only causes side effects if the dosage is incorrect.

In case of an overdose, the dog exhibits symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • loose stools;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth.

In case of an allergic reaction, itching and weeping eczema may occur. If side effects occur, you should immediately wash your dog with mild shampoo or baby soap.


Any ear drops cannot be used in two cases:

  • For sensitivity, intolerance to components, allergies.
  • If you suspect a ruptured eardrum.

Anti-tick Leopard cannot be instilled:

  • kittens, puppies younger than 4 weeks;
  • pregnant females;
  • during the feeding period only with the permission of a veterinarian.

There are no contraindications for ear leopard forte based on age or physiological condition. The drug can be included in complex therapy, combined with other medications except solutions for auricular administration.

Anti-tick Bars cannot be used simultaneously with other acaricidal agents to avoid overdose.

Composition and release form

The drug contains:

  • fipronil, which paralyzes parasites;
  • diflubenzuron, which inhibits the development of larvae and egg formation;
  • citronella essential oil, with pronounced insectoacaricidal and repellent activity;
  • Excipients.

The drops are an oily, transparent liquid with a yellowish tint and a pleasant odor. They are packaged in polymer dropper pipettes of 0.5-1 ml (for cats) and 1.4-1.8 ml (for dogs).

Analogues of ear leopard against ticks

  • Aurikan. Prescribed for the treatment of complicated otodectosis accompanied by a bacterial infection. In addition to diazinon and prednisolone, the solution contains an antiseptic and local anesthetic. During the first week, Aurican is administered daily once a day. Then 1 month twice a week.
  • Decta Forte. Combined solution with acaricidal, antibacterial, anesthetic components. The ears are instilled once a day with breaks of 3–5 days. To treat ear scabies, 2 to 3 treatments are enough.

For other analogues, see the review of ear drops against ticks for dogs.

Rules of application

Using flea drops
Each package of the product includes instructions for use, which you should read carefully before using the drug.

  1. Having placed the pipette in a vertical position with the narrowed part up, carefully cut off its nose.
  2. The solution is applied in an appropriate dose to the skin, having first parted the fur. It is important that the skin is not wet or damaged. For small animals, the solution is dripped onto the withers. For large dogs, the drug is applied in several places: between the ears, shoulder blades, in the lumbar region and tail.
  3. The manufacturer does not recommend subjecting the animal to water procedures 2 days before and after disinfestation measures. In addition, his contact with small children should be limited.
  4. To remove an attached tick, Bars Forte is applied to the body of the parasite. If he does not come out after 20-30 minutes, then he is carefully pulled out on his own.
  5. You can also use Bars Forte drops for puppies over 2 months of age. But they are contraindicated for use by pregnant, lactating, sick or weakened animals.
  6. Individual intolerance to the components contained in the drops can cause a side effect in the dog in the form of an allergic reaction, increased salivation, photophobia or vomiting. If such symptoms are detected, the solution must be immediately washed off with water, soap or pet shampoo.
  7. The effect of the drug lasts for 30-60 days.

Bars drops Bars forte drops are not difficult to find; they are sold in many veterinary clinics and specialized stores. There you can also purchase other equally effective drops that have proven themselves to be excellent:

  • Barrier;
  • Dana Ultra Neo;
  • Blokhnet;
  • Inspector;
  • Celandine.

Analogues of Barsa forte

  • Surolan. The active complex consists of miconazole, prednisolone, and the antibiotic polymyxin B. To treat otitis media, the solution is applied to the ears twice a day for 2 to 3 weeks. The medicine has many positive reviews from dog and cat owners.
  • Aurizon. Complex solution for the treatment of otitis. Contains the antibiotic marbofloxacin, the fungicide clotrimazole, and the corticosteroid dexamethasone. The minimum course lasts a week with daily ear treatment. If the symptoms do not go away completely, then treatment continues for another 1 week.

Pharmacological properties and composition:

The active ingredients of the drug Bars® Forte are fipronil and diflubenzuron. The composition also contains excipients, including citronella oil. The drug has insectoacaricidal activity against lice, lice, fleas, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks in the mature and larval phases of development, and also produces a repellent effect.

The drug must be applied directly to the skin of dogs. Fipronil and diflubenzuron are practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, accumulate in the hair follicles, epidermis, sebaceous glands of the animal and have a long-term intestinal and contact insectoacaricidal effect. Fipronil blocks GABA-dependent ectoparasite receptors and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, ticks and insects become paralyzed and die. Due to the action of the insect growth regulator, chitin synthesis in parasites is disrupted, which breaks their life cycle.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the low level of toxicity, Bars Forte has a number of contraindications:

  • age up to two months;
  • period of lactation and pregnancy;
  • animals with weakened immune systems, sick or recovering;
  • pets prone to allergic reactions.

If your pet has previously been treated with another insecticidal preparation, it is prohibited to use Bars Forte until the previous product has expired.

If the drug is used strictly according to the instructions, side effects, as a rule, do not occur. An exception may be an allergic reaction. In case of overdose, the following signs are observed:

  • severe itching;
  • redness of the skin;
  • excessive salivation;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • vomit;
  • tremors or convulsions.

At the first alarming symptoms, wash off the applied product with plenty of water using a special shampoo. Do not self-medicate, but immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Prices for Bars

The cost of drops may vary slightly. It depends on the location, as well as the chosen method of purchase. But it is worth noting that on average the amount is in the same price range. Flea drops for cats Bars cost about one hundred and twenty rubles for 1 pack, into which several pipettes filled with 0.1 milligram of the drug are placed.

There are also special Bars drops intended exclusively for small kittens that have already reached ten weeks of age. The price for this medicine is slightly higher - 200 rubles. Inside the package there will be three pipettes with the substance.

Side effects

It is very rare to observe side effects from the drug if you use it strictly according to all instructions and do not violate the dosage.

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Side effects can result from an overdose, incorrect selection of drops, as well as poor wool treatment.

The negative effects are mainly as follows:

  • Uncontrollable salivation or watery eyes.
  • Cramps and trembling.
  • Indigestion and vomiting.
  • Lack of appetite.

If you notice any of the above side effects, you should immediately take the cat to the bathroom and rinse the fur with a stream of warm water and shampoo. The animal should also be given an antiallergic drug. It is advisable to immediately take the cat to a specialist for an examination.

Storage and precautions

An open pipette cannot be stored, and therefore the drug must be used immediately or discarded. The closed bottle is placed in a dark, cool place, away from food, children and pets. The shelf life of hermetically sealed product is two years from the date of issue.

When working with Bars Forte, you should follow some safety rules:

  • always use rubberized gloves;
  • if the substance gets on your skin, wash it off with plenty of running water;
  • do not pet the animal for the first 24 hours after treatment;
  • do not use the spray near bodies of water, as the substances included in its composition are dangerous for aquatic life;
  • Dispose of empty pipettes by wrapping them tightly in plastic.

If an allergic reaction occurs, consult a doctor immediately!

Bars Forte drops against fleas and ticks for puppies, pip. 1ml (.4 pip/pack)

Composition and release form

Insect-acaricidal drops Bars Forte contain fipronil and an insect growth regulator, as well as auxiliary components, as active ingredients. In appearance they are a transparent, oily, yellow liquid with a pleasant aromatic odor. Packaged in 1 ml (for cats and kittens) and 1.4 ml (for dogs and puppies) in polymer dropper pipettes, which are packed in cardboard boxes of 3 pieces and 4 pieces, respectively.

Pharmacological properties

Insecto-acaricidal drops Bars Forte have a detrimental effect on larvae and mature ticks of the family Ixodidae, ticks Sarcoptes canis, Sarcoptes cati, Cheyletiella jascuri and Notoedres cati and insects Linognathus setosus, Trichodectes canis, Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides felis. The high insecticidal and acaricidal activity of the drops is due to the presence of fipronil and an insect growth regulator in their composition. The mechanism of action of fipronil is to block the GABA-dependent receptors of the parasite and disrupt neuromuscular transmission, which leads to its paralysis and death. The insect growth regulator inhibits the processes of chitin formation, disrupts the processes of molting, pupation and fledging of the parasite. In terms of the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, the drug is classified as a moderately dangerous substance and in recommended doses does not have a teratogenic, embryotoxic or locally irritating effect.


Prescribed to dogs and cats for the prevention and treatment of sarcoptic mange, cheyletiosis, notoedrosis and entomoses (lice, fleas, lice). Prevention of infection of animals by ixodid ticks.

Before use, break off (or cut off) the tip of the pipette and then, spreading the animal’s fur, apply it to the skin at several points that are inaccessible for licking (at the base of the skull, between the shoulder blades and along the back and tail). The duration of the protective effect is: against ticks - 4 weeks, against fleas - 3 months. Washing the animal with shampoo does not reduce the effectiveness of the medicine. The repeated procedure should be carried out no more than once a month. To destroy ixodid ticks on the body of an animal, the drug in the amount of 1 drop is applied to the tick and the place of its attachment to the skin. If within 20 - 30 minutes the tick does not fall off spontaneously, then it is carefully pulled out of the body with tweezers and destroyed.

Side effects

In most cases they are not observed. In some animals with hypersensitivity, signs of intoxication and allergies are possible (tremor, vomiting, excessive salivation and lacrimation, itching, irritation and redness of the skin). If these signs or other manifestations of intolerance appear, the drug should be immediately washed off with soap and water or shampoo.


Hypersensitivity to the drug. It is not allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating females, puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age, as well as animals suffering from infectious diseases and convalescent animals. Not recommended for use by dogs weighing less than 2 kg.

special instructions

In order to prevent re-infestation, the animal's bedding should be replaced or treated with an insecticidal acaricidal spray in accordance with the instructions for use. After using the medicine, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or use rubber gloves. In case of accidental contact with mucous membranes and skin, immediately remove any remaining drug using a cotton swab and rinse with warm water. Within 24 hours after treatment, the animal should not be petted or allowed near small children.

Storage conditions

With caution (list B). In a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children and animals. Separated from food and feed at temperatures from 0 to 30 °C. Shelf life: 2 years.

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