Jagdterrier for hunting: care, education, training. Hunting with a Jagdterrier for various game

Today there are more than 400 dog breeds in the world. Four-legged friends took on the functions of security guards, nannies, doctors, postmen and rescuers.

As before, despite all the achievements of science and technology, dogs remain the most faithful and sometimes the only companions of men on the hunt. No matter how offensive it may be, not all those who like to see the dawn in the forest are the happy owners of a choir where a family and a couple of healthy dogs can settle down. In this case, it is better for the hunter to take a closer look at the Jagdterrier - a fearless, tireless tailed companion of quite compact size.

Jagdterrier: breed description and characteristics

Breed standard

The Jagdterrier is a strong and resilient dog. The height of this shaggy hunter should not exceed 40 cm for males and 38 cm for females. Weight is allowed no more than 11 kg. The most common color is black and tan, with dark brown being less common. Other options for this breed are undesirable. The coat throughout the body should be dense, coarse, straight, and underneath there should be a thick undercoat.

Experts distinguish between wire-haired and smooth-haired berries. Their main difference is that the first has a “beard” on its muzzle, while the second does not. The ears of these dogs are small, triangular in shape, set on cartilage. Eyes are dark in color. The Jagdterrier's tail, as a rule, is docked by one third or even half.

Character and behavior

When describing the Jagdterrier breed, it should be noted that, despite their pretty appearance, they cannot be called “cuties”. From the very first days, representatives of this breed strive to win their place in life and act as they see fit. Because of this, they need an owner who can become a real authority for the dog.

The Jagdterrier is very suspicious of people he meets for the first time. He closely monitors everyone who tries to get closer to him and his owner, and if the guest behaves too impudently, he will not be happy. This dog will not participate in children's games, since endless hugs and caresses disgust him, and the actions of children are incomprehensible.

Other animals, even if they also live in this house, should not try to “build bridges” either, because, in the opinion of the Jagdterrier, any suspicious comrades have absolutely nothing to do on its territory. If you do not pay due attention to raising your tailed friend, then he can grow into a completely uncontrollable, wild animal, which, despite its small size, will cause trouble for everyone.

Hunters note that the Jagdterrier is the most fearless dog in the world when hunting. Neither a huge bear nor an angry boar can stop him. Often, the excitement of hunting and lack of training lead to tragedy - the dog dies from the clutches of an animal that, one way or another, is physically stronger than it. Also, when characterizing the Jagdterrier, breeders warn that due to their strong and independent character, they tend to wander through the forests unaccompanied by their owner. But if a hunter takes a responsible approach to raising his shaggy partner, then a better dog will not be found in the whole wide world. Rigidity and consistency in training will make the yag a true friend for the whole family.


  1. Yuri 08/11/2015 at 18:18 And prepayment for the first and last month
  2. Anton 08/11/2015 at 18:18
    I personally had such an experience in my life... I trained two puppies. Despite the fact that the training was the same, one puppy turned out to be much smarter than the other... I don’t even know why this is so...


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Possible diseases

The Jagd Terrier breed is one of those lucky breeds that do not carry virtually any genetic diseases. Of course, this does not mean that the owner has the right to calm down and forget the address of the veterinary clinic. Even these “tough nuts” can sometimes catch a cold, get hurt, or be poisoned by something. In any case, if your pet suddenly becomes uninterested in the world around him, he lies down and refuses to eat, you need to contact a specialist.

Self-medication and indifference to the dog’s health will sooner or later lead to its death. Like any other dog, the Jagdterrier requires timely vaccinations, deworming and preventive examinations. Particular attention should be paid to your four-legged friend after returning from hunting. It is necessary to examine his skin for the presence of parasites, scratches and wounds. If the owner notices something serious, there is no point in delaying a visit to the veterinarian.


Purebred representatives of the breed are much more expensive than mixed breeds. The puppy’s health status also matters.

Approximate prices at which you can purchase a Jagd Terrier puppy in the Russian Federation:

  • without documents and pedigree – from 7 thousand rubles;
  • with documents from a veterinarian – 10–15 thousand rubles;
  • with all necessary documents and pedigree - up to 30 thousand rubles.

If the Jagdterrier will be used for hunting, it is recommended to contact a nursery or breeder. In Moscow and its suburbs, puppies of this breed are sold at prices starting from 25 thousand rubles.

If you need a dog as a guard in a country house, then you can visit the zoological market, where there is a large selection of puppies of this breed at a price of 5-8 thousand rubles.

Care and feeding

The dog should be given its own place in the house where it can rest without disturbing the rest of the family. Since Jagdterriers are famous for their energy, they must walk at least 2 hours a day, otherwise irreparable damage will be caused to the interior of the apartment. From an early age, the dog should be taught hygiene procedures.

A tailed friend should consider it normal that the owner periodically looks into his ears and removes dirt. You also need to comb out the four-legged hunter from time to time so that it doesn’t get tangled and hang like icicles. The dog should not be embarrassed by the procedure of trimming its nails if it does not grind them down during a walk. It is recommended for Jag Terriers to take baths as their coats become downright dusty and dirty.

You can feed your pet in two ways: dry food or natural food. Industrially produced food must be of high quality and contain a large percentage of meat and offal. You should choose the food that corresponds to the age, physiological state and level of activity of the dog. If the owner does not trust ready-made granules, then he should not spare money on real high-quality meat (beef, poultry, offal), fish, eggs, cottage cheese, kefir and cook porridge from buckwheat, oatmeal and barley for his shaggy friend.

Up to 4 months, the puppy should eat at least 4 times a day; by six months, you can transfer it to a three-time diet. When your dog reaches one year of age, you can fill his bowl morning and evening. If the Jagdterrier eats dry food, then additional vitamin and mineral preparations should appear in its diet only after consultation with a specialist. When feeding natural products, you should periodically give your dog products that replenish the deficiency of necessary elements.

The shaggy hunter should always have access to clean drinking water. Sweets, smoked and fatty foods are a lifelong taboo for any tailed friend. Of course, all his “property” - bowls, bedding, ammunition must be kept in good condition and clean.

Brief history of origin

The hunting terrier was first bred at the beginning of the 19th century by German breeders, but not everything went smoothly: ancient beliefs and prejudices of experienced hunters did not accept the multi-colored breed, because it would not bring good luck during the hunt.

The basis for breeding a new hunter were: German toy terrier, pinscher, several varieties of dachshund and fox terrier, while strict appearance was not considered a priority.

On a note. The German breeder Walter Zanzenberg believed that appearance was a secondary issue when breeding a new breed of burrow hunter, so he took fox terrier puppies as a basis, which became the progenitors of the new breed of German Jagdterrier.

The main task of the small dog was to track the animal: to find its shelter and drive the animal out of the hole or strangle it and carry it to its owner. The possibility of following hares along the trail was also taken into account. Given its small size and special rage during the rut of the beast, the Yah Terrier became an excellent tracker.

Already in the 30s of the last century, German dog handlers managed to establish the first standards for a small hunting dog, which are used all over the world today.

Many users incorrectly call this unique breed of fearless hunter: Yak Terrier, Yah Terrier or Young Terrier, but there is only one correct name - Jagdterrier or German Hunting Terrier.

Education and training

The Jagd Terrier dog breed is famous for its stubbornness, independence and fearlessness. Without proper attention to the dog, all his unbridled energy will go completely in the wrong direction, which will cause a lot of trouble for the owners. Training Jagdterriers at home begins from the first day of his arrival in the family. Raising a Jagdterrier is not only the job of the owner, but also of all the inhabitants of the house. This little sly one must learn that no matter how sweet and resourceful he is, no one will allow him to play pranks beyond measure.

It is necessary to accustom the puppy to a place, a name, and determine a territory for him where he can relieve himself. The dog should not be afraid of the leash and collar. All attempts by a dog to dominate children and other family members must be strictly suppressed, as well as the terror of other pets. To avoid troubles while hunting, the Jagdterrier must be indifferent to livestock and poultry, so that the hunter does not have to catch the pet in the nearest village.

From about two months of age, you need to start socializing the puppy - let him see strangers, other dogs. This will allow the owner to adjust the pet’s behavior in the right direction. The Jagdterrier is not obliged to love everyone, but rushing at people with rage is also unacceptable for a hunting dog.

Start training your Jagdterrier the sooner the better and no later than 3 months.

The dog must learn the following commands:

  • "To me",
  • "Sit",
  • "Lie",
  • "Stand",
  • "Place",
  • "Aport"
  • "Near",
  • "Voice"

and learn not to pick up everything that seems edible to her.

The entire process of raising a Jagdterrier should be easy and interesting. The best reward for your efforts would be a game or something especially tasty (for example, a special treat or pieces of cheese). If the owner has little idea how to train a Jagd Terrier, then it is better to contact a kennel club, where a specialist will explain all the nuances during a joint lesson. This may seem costly to some, but, as practice shows, an uncontrollable dog can bring even more problems, and not only financial ones.


The German hunting dog is a fearless and fierce beast. She is known for her explosive temperament and tendency to dominate. The Jagdterrier is suitable only for strong, balanced people who are capable of maintaining absolute authority. This breed is suspicious of strangers and does not tolerate defiant behavior from guests. She does not like noisy games and has difficulty withstanding the attention of children. Of course, this is not a strict rule. The Jagdterrier and children often live in perfect harmony: everything depends on mutual respect and proper training.

Jags do not get along well with cats and other animals and tend to attack dogs. Training and early socialization can soften the hunter's instincts, but cannot suppress them. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and keep the berries alone. When hunting, the dog completely surrenders to instincts and fearlessly pursues the animal. She will oppose the bear and the boar without hesitation.

If the yagd is not accustomed to obey the hunter, he may die in an unequal fight. The owner is obliged to restrain the impulses of the animal.

The Jagdterrier is also indispensable as a house guard. He will loyally protect his family from the slightest danger. Unfortunately, the dog can get carried away and stop letting strangers into the house. In this case, it is recommended to contact dog handlers. To avoid unpleasant consequences, puppies are socialized from the first months of life. This dog is not suitable for couch potatoes: it remains active even in old age. Jagd requires long walks and a high level of physical activity. If the dog does not receive an outlet for energy, it will turn into a destructive, angry beast.

Hunting with a Jagdterrier

On the boar

The boar is an evil and dangerous animal. Training a Jagdterrier on it begins no earlier than 2 years of age. The dog must already be experienced enough to be able to dodge the giant fangs.

Excellent sense of smell and hunting passion allow the Jagdterrier to easily discover the lair of the beast. Particularly spectacular and effective is wild boar hunting with Jagdterriers, where a chain of dogs surrounds the animal and holds it, allowing the hunter to choose the right moment to shoot. The dog will fearlessly bite the boar's legs, sides, and even try to close its fangs on its neck, but most often the animal will simply throw it off and continue to hold the defense. The owner should be very careful so that the shot does not accidentally hit the dog or that in the heat of excitement he does not receive a mortal wound.

For the hare

Since this shaggy friend does not have the characteristics of a hound, hunting a hare with a Jagdterrier may not always be successful.

The dog, sensing the “slanty one,” picks him up and begins to actively chase him, tirelessly accompanying the whole process with barking. Often the dog’s fuse is only enough for the first round, after which it loses interest. At the same time, the hare switches to a calm pace of movements. If the hunter adapts to the manner of his four-legged friend, then, having taken a comfortable position, he will be able to successfully complete this task.

On the badger

Thanks to the dense coat, the Jagdterrier is not afraid of badger teeth.

However, this does not mean that any dog ​​can go to the hole. It is necessary to follow this animal after the dog is familiar with the fox or raccoon. The whole process begins with the search for a badger hole, which they most often build on a slope. The short and dense Jagdterrier is able to easily move through earthen passages. As soon as he discovers the animal, a loud bark will be heard.

Until the forest dweller is outside his home, the dog will not calm down and will get him out of there with teeth and claws. When hunting a badger with a Jagdterrier, you need to be prepared that in the event of force majeure situations, you will have to literally dig out your shaggy partner.

On the fox

In order to catch a fox, a dog without any equipment on its body is allowed into the hole. There should be complete silence outside, and not a single shadow should loom near the earthen passage. Otherwise, the red-haired beauty will understand what the catch is and will leave through the “spare” tunnel or prefer to fight the dog to the last. When hunting a fox with a Jagdterrier, you need to take care that the dog, in a fit of excitement, does not ruin his opponent’s fur coat.

For waterfowl

For a dog to develop an interest in water, it is enough to visit a pond with it once. A rare dog will not want to check if anyone has hidden in the sedge thickets from her attentive eyes. If movement starts in the grass, the dog will not be able to be restrained.

It is important to teach your tailed partner to behave correctly. In the heat of excitement, the dog can get carried away and begin to rush through the water, chasing birds, which, naturally, will rise into the air. Instead, you need to send your shaggy friend to explore the shore and small puddles.

When training a Jagdterrier, it is necessary to practice the “Fetch” command not only from land, but also from water. Even if the dog remains indifferent to the “flying meat”, it can always bring the shot bird from the pond.

Dog appearance (standards)

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lightdescribe/33956457278/


An adult burrow dog has a height of 33 to 40 cm and a weight not exceeding 12 kg. Bitches are usually a couple of kilograms lighter than males.


There are two types of Jagdterrier dogs: smooth-haired and wire-haired. Representatives of the first type have coarse, smooth hair and give the impression of neat pets. At the same time, wire-haired dogs with thick and coarse hair resemble disheveled dogs with a beard and eyebrows, as well as longer hair on the belly and paws.

Both types have a well-developed undercoat.


The most common colors are:

  • black and tan;
  • brown and tan;
  • black and tan with graying.


Dogs have a long head, slightly wedge-shaped.

Teeth and jaws

Powerful jaws, large teeth in the amount of 42 pieces, correct scissor bite.


The eyes are oval shaped and dark in color. They are small and deep-set.

Body and limbs

The body of the animal resembles a square. The dog stands out for its massive and short back, rather deep chest and tucked belly.

Limbs straight and parallel. The front ones are located under the body, while the rear ones are slightly pulled back.


The dog's tail is horizontal or saber-shaped.

The tail cannot be carried over the back.

In most countries, the tail is docked by 1/3 so that the owner can, if necessary, pull the reckless hunter out of the hole.

Rock defects

Serious disadvantages include the following:

  • narrow jaw;
  • pointed muzzle;
  • shallow bite;
  • light or bulging eyes;
  • hunched back;
  • short back;
  • twisted elbows;
  • hanging or tilted on the back;
  • shorthair.

Pros and cons of the breed

When a future conqueror of forests and fields is faced with the choice of which dog is best for hunting, and the scales tip in favor of the Jagdterrier, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of representatives of this breed.


A lot of advantages make this breed an indispensable hunting assistant.

  • The Jagdterrier is tireless and fearless when hunting at any time of the day or night, despite the cold, hurricane, pouring rain and even the end of the world.
  • Unpretentious in matters of feeding and maintenance
  • She is in good health and has virtually no hereditary diseases.
  • Small body size
  • Can become an excellent guard and friend for all family members.
  • You can go hunting with a Jagdterrier, both for large animals (wild boar, badger) and for waterfowl.


You should not get this breed if you do not have time for active long walks and training.

  • The Jagdterrier cannot be kept at home as a “couch dog” at all.
  • Training a Jagdterrier is not easy, but necessary.
  • Requires a lot of physical activity.
  • Unfriendly with other pets.

Hunting with a Jagdterrier is a very exciting process, where the dog, being too carried away by the prey, can get seriously injured. Take care of your pet and good luck on the hunt!

An indispensable assistant

When your friend grows out of puppy diapers, acquires the first socialization skills, and completes the “young fighter course”, which consists of mastering the basic commands for controlling a dog, it will be necessary to enroll him in a “second-level” school. It's time to develop the skills that were instilled in him with his mother's milk - hunting and, once again, hunting. The yagdts go through this part of their training lightly. Serious and hardy, not knowing what fear is, insensitive to pain in battle, tireless and agile, savvy and moderately aggressive - wouldn’t such a dog accept the science of fighting animals, especially since its foundations are laid in him at the genetic level.

Problems may arise, perhaps, with working under arms. But, believe me, the innate passion for mining will do its job. When you see a pet moving its paws in a dream, chasing another trophy, all doubts about the dog’s purpose disappear by themselves.

It is impossible to imagine a better assistant for hunting lovers. Its versatility and versatility opens the doors of the most elite hunting clubs to it. Even Eric Honecker, the then Secretary General of the GDR, known as an avid lover of hunting, warmly recommended these dogs to Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, whose hunting amusements are still legendary.

Interest in this breed of dog among professional huntsmen is steadily increasing, which leads to the fact that the Jagdts are rapidly winning the hearts of lovers of this ancient royal entertainment, which, unfortunately, is available to few today, and for which, in fact, these unique animals were created, by all the fibers of their small body are devoted to this activity. Its name is hunting!

Unruly tramp or model of obedience

German dog handlers recall how, at the dawn of the existence of this breed, those around them often witnessed how a Jagdterrier, released from a leash while hunting, obeying instincts, wanting to grab game, flew through a section of the forest to no avail.

Then, after several hours of searching, the hunters were forced to dig out the unlucky dog ​​from a narrow fox or badger hole in which he had gotten stuck in his excitement. Now such incidents are a thing of the past. If the owner spares no time and effort, if he knows everything about the Jagdterrier, how to raise a puppy, how to put it under a gun, then his pet will be ready to perform any dog ​​duties on the hunt, excluding, of course, arranging large game and “standing.”

Experienced dog breeders can call off their gambling friend, even when he is chasing a hare. A Jagdterrier puppy requires a persistent and strict teacher. Be prepared to spend a lot of time with your baby, helping him to discover all his unique talents. Raising a Jagdterrier puppy is not an easy or responsible task.

Dogs of this breed begin to be taught very early; the main subjects in this school at first are obedience and socialization. Jagdts do not show aggression towards humans, but, nevertheless, they pose some threat to strangers. Small pets, on which the baby wants to hone his skills, may also be harmed. These dogs are quite trainable. You need to act tough, but without forceful methods - they will not bring the desired result.

The Jagdterrier puppy will begin to be stubborn and show character (and he is not a sugar), which will lead to uncontrollability in the future when hunting and, accordingly, to professional unsuitability. All dogs need training. This statement fully applies to dogs of the Jagd Terrier breed; training puppies is the key to successful hunting and adequate behavior in everyday conditions.

For waterfowl

It is worth noting that hunting waterfowl from an assistant hunter will require slightly different potential and capabilities. Breeding selection plays a huge role in this situation, since only certain abilities usually develop in different lines of the breed.

If the dog is not accustomed to extreme situations, then your dog is unlikely to get into cold water, densely overgrown with sharp and prickly reeds. If the water is warm enough, then the likelihood of a successful start to the rut is very low. For a dog, the only motivational factor can only be an internal attitude, which arises only with the constant instillation of certain skills and values. Consequently, the breeding factor is the main one when choosing a dog.

Jagdterriers are excellent divers. They can even reach into icy water for prey and can dive at the same time. There are a huge number of examples when a hunter’s dog “wools” in late autumn along the coast, heavily overgrown with vegetation, in search of hidden game and wounded animals.

Dog health

The Jagdterrier has no hereditary diseases and is considered the healthiest dog. It is characterized only by the presence of injuries that it can receive in the process of chasing the beast.

But yagd also requires timely worming and vaccination. By frequently contacting a wild animal, he may become ill with something.

Vaccination will be the key to the health of your pet.

Mandatory attention must be paid to protecting the dog from fleas and ixodid ticks, which live in large numbers in the forest and can pose a threat to the pet’s life.

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