Kennels for Collie and Scottish Shepherd dogs in Moscow

Dog kennel "MINAS TIRIT". English Bulldog, Collie, Scottish Sheepdog

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Description:Our kennel deals with dogs of the long-haired collie and English bulldog breeds. My main priorities in breeding are to obtain healthy, harmonious animals with excellent temperament. The nursery cooperates with many famous Russian and foreign breeders.
Contacts:Phone 8-926-392-29-57 mail

Collie dog kennels

Below are the kennels where you can choose and buy a Collie dog or puppy.
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NATALINE | St. Petersburg breeding work This nursery is a MONOBREED The nursery has a websitePhysical address is indicatedRead more >>>
EVENDELL | Moscow breeding, sports work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
SAN EMPIRE | Barnaul breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
SEYVITA | St. Petersburg breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
FROM THE PRINCE FAMILY | Carpet Exhibitions, breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. The physical address is indicated. Kennel dogs: 9Read more >>>
FROM THE PRINCE FAMILY | Carpet breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. The physical address is indicated.Read more >>>
FROM LUGARA | Meadows breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The physical address is indicated.Read more >>>
NIXAND | Moscow breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
IRLINE OF BEAUTY | Samara breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
FLYTIME | M.0. breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
STARDAILIT | St. Petersburg breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
EVENSTAR | Ekaterinburg breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
FROM KNYAGININO | Carpet breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. The physical address is indicated.Read more >>>
GOLD OF HEAVEN | Ivanteevka breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
KRISTMAS LAV | Omsk breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
MERLEIS MAGIC | Moscow breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
EXPO MARGARETS | Samara breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
EVANSI'S | Moscow Breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
GLAURETT | Tashkent, Uzbekistan Breeding work. This kennel is a SINGLE-breed kennel. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
HOME TET-A-TET | St. Petersburg breeding, exhibitions. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Alderclan | Moscow Breeding work: selection of “those” brave collies This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Akai Mystery | Ekaterinburg Breeding work, exhibitions This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel . The kennel has a website. The physical address is indicated. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
Diviniti Almant | Kandalaksha Breeding work This nursery is multi-breed The nursery has a website Kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
Golden Charm | Omsk Breeding, sale This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Catherine's whim | St. Petersburg Breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
GRAND TAIR | Moscow Breeding and exhibition activities, as well as dogs for protection and pets. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. The physical address is indicated. Puppies for sale: 5Read more >>>
ENITY | Smolensk - St. Petersburg breeding and exhibition This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 2 Kennel dogs: 2Read more >>>
Center for Sports Dog Breeding DOSAAF Russia | Perm breeding activities, training and sports with dogs This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Animals Kingdom | Moscow exhibitions, puppies and kittens This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
ShaggyPack | Moscow Breeding work This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel The kennel has a website Kennel dogs: 2Read more >>>
OLVISTAR | St. Petersburg Breeding and exhibition activities This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 1 Kennel dogs: 6Read more >>>
ALHENIUL | Moscow nursery This kennel is a MONOBREED Puppies for sale: 2 Kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
Swagni | Balashikha breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Grand Tair | Moscow This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 1 Kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
Grazel / Grazel | Zelenograd This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Solar Style | Moscow This nursery is a MONOBREED The nursery has a website Kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
GOLD HISBELL | Saratov breeding This nursery is multi-breed The nursery has a website Kennel dogs: 7Read more >>>
irenegger | Saint Petersburg This nursery is multi-breed The nursery has a website Kennel dogs: 5Read more >>>
SNOW GALAXY/ SNOW GALAXY | Moscow Breeding dogs of show level, psyche and temperament This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
Restroom | Kratovo breeding This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
DOROFEYA | Odessa Popularization of the long-haired collie breed! This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 2Read more >>>
Gold Heasbell | Saratov This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
ALEANDER | Novosibirsk Breeding Collie and Sheltie breeds. Organization of delivery of our graduates throughout Russia and the CIS. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 2Read more >>>
Minas Tirith | p. Shakhovskaya English bulldogs and long-haired collies This nursery is multi-breed The nursery has a website Kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
Shar Prestige | Moscow Kynology This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
RayaInt | Cairo Sales abroad This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Scotchwood | Moscow Cynology, breeding, training, exhibitions This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 2Read more >>>
Silvent Line | Tambov breeding work This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 2 Kennel dogs: 7Read more >>>
Gledi Best | Kyiv breeding, exhibitions This nursery is a MONOBREEDRead more >>>
Royal Puppy | Moscow Breeding and sale of elite puppies This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
MARSOLINE | Vologda This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
LUNAR LAKES | St. Petersburg collie breed and responsible attitude to the maintenance of a dog kennel. This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 2Read more >>>
Svetan | Moscow Breeding collies and spitz dogs This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Eli Evenstar | St. Petersburg Exhibitions, breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Black Diamond | Ramenskoe Maintenance, Breeding, Education. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

Welcome to the world of dogs!

FCI Standard UK Kennel Club Standard FCI Standard No. 296 dated 10/19/1988


Great Britain


The dog is intelligent, alert and active. Full of dignity, which is emphasized by the excellent structure of the body, all parts of the body are proportional and harmonious. In general, it is very efficient.


The structure of the body is strong and active, free from clumsiness and any trace of coarseness. Expressiveness is very important. If we consider the characteristics related to this, they are expressed in the balance and harmonious (correct) combination of the skull and muzzle, size, shape, color and set of eyes and correctly set and correctly held ears.


Cheerful and friendly, never nervous or aggressive.


The features of the head are important: it must be considered in relation to the height of the dog. When viewed from the front or side, the head resembles a well-blunted, cleanly cut wedge with smooth outer lines. The skull is flat and gradually tapers on the sides in even lines from the ears to the tip of the black nose, without pronounced cheek bones, and does not give the impression of a thin or sharp muzzle. In profile, the top line of the skull and muzzle run parallel and straight and are of equal length. They are separated not significantly, but noticeably, by a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The midpoint between the inner corners of the eyes, which is also the center of the correctly positioned transition from the forehead to the muzzle, represents the center of a harmonious head. The end of the smooth, well-rounded muzzle is blunt, never square. The lower jaw is strong and well formed. The depth of the skull from the eyebrows to the lower line of the lower jaw cannot be excessive (in general the skull is not deep). The nose is fundamentally black.


A very important point, they give the dog a pretty expression. Medium size (by no means very small), slightly slanted, almond-shaped, dark brown, except for the blue merle color, in which the eyes are often (one or both completely or one or both partially) blue or blue-spotted. The expression in the eyes is full of intelligence, with a lively and alert look as the dog listens.


Moderately large, wide at the base, not too close together, but not too far apart. When at rest they are laid back, but when the attention is excited they move forward and are kept semi-erect: that is, about two-thirds of the ear is held vertically, and the upper third hangs naturally forward below the horizontal line of inflection.


Good size teeth. The jaws are strong, with an excellent, even and complete scissor bite, meaning that the upper row of incisors overlaps the lower row without gap and the teeth stand vertically in the jaw.


Muscular, strong, of appropriate length, well arched.


The shoulder blades are set obliquely with a good angle of articulation. The forelegs are straight and muscular, with the elbows turning neither in nor out, with moderately strong bones. The forelimbs are slightly “fleshy”, the carpal joints are flexible and without signs of weakness.


In relation to the height at the withers, slightly longer; The back is straight and strong, the lower back is slightly arched. Ribs well arched. The chest is deep, while being quite wide behind the shoulders.


The thighs are muscular; the shins are dry and sinewy, the knee joints have well-defined angles. The hock joints are low and strong.


Oval, with thick pads. The toes on the forelimbs are strong, while those on the hind limbs are slightly less bony and fit tightly together.


The long end of the spine can reach at least to the hocks. When at rest it is carried low, with a slightly curved end. When excited, it can stay higher, but never above the back.


Movement is an essential characteristic of the breed. A well-proportioned dog never turns out its elbows, but its front paws are set relatively narrow when moving. Stiff, crossing or rolling movements are highly undesirable. When viewed from behind, the hindquarters are parallel from the hocks to the ground. If you look from the side, the movements are smooth. A moderately strong push is preferred and should not be difficult.


Short, flat, outer coat of hard texture, with dense undercoat. Not trimmed or cut.


The three recognized colors are sable-white, tri-color and blue merle. Sable: Any shade from light gold to bright mahogany or dark sable. Light straw or cream color is highly undesirable. Tri-colored, mostly black with rich fiery markings on the head and limbs. A rusty coating on the top hair is extremely undesirable. Blue Merle: Predominantly clear, silvery blue, with black spots or a black merle pattern. Bright fiery markings are desirable, but their absence is acceptable. Large black spots, a “slate” color or a “rusty coating” on both the top coat and the undercoat are extremely undesirable. All of these colors may have more or less typical collie white markings. The following pattern has the advantage: a completely or partially white collar,

white chest, limbs and paws, white tip of the tail. There should be a small white spot on the muzzle and/or skull.


Height at withers: males: 56-61 cm; females: 51-56 cm


Males: 20.5-29.5 kg; females: 18.0-25.0 kg


Any deviation from the above points should be considered as a defect, the assessment of which should be in strict accordance with the degree of this deviation.


Male dogs should have two obvious, normally developed testes that are completely contained in the scrotum.

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

If you want to add your organization, fill out the form below: Indicate the name of the nursery, its description and provide contact information. We will be glad to add you to our directory.

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