What does a gray (silver) Labrador look like: the pet’s character traits and how to choose a puppy

In addition to the well-known black, fawn and chocolate colors of the Labrador Retriever, there is another color - silver.

Gray Labradors, despite the difference in color, have the same body structure and character as their counterparts.

They get along well with children and other pets.

They perfectly understand the mood of their owners.

Origin story

In the middle of the last century, a reputable hunting magazine published an advertising article for the Kelloggs kennel about breeding “a rare litter of gray Labradors”.

Thus, the world first learned about the existence of this type of Labrador.

By the end of the last century, the Kulo kennel decided to experiment with gray color again, however, in Europe, the silver color of Labradors was never recognized as a breed, unlike the USA, where gray Labradors are in demand and are popular to this day.

Genes responsible for the silver color of a dog

But that is not all. There is another pair of genes, D and d. These genes have the ability to suppress all other colors, albeit in a subtle way.

This leaves three more options:

  1. DD
  2. Dd
  3. dd

When two small dd genes come together, they "dilute" the Labrador's coat color.

Labrador with silver wool

If the dog is black, the coat will be a soft charcoal color; a yellow dog will have a paler, champagne-colored coat. For a chocolate cat, the result of this mixture will be silver wool. This color is not officially recognized, as there is debate about purebredness.

Marriage or breed?

There are three color types of the Labrador Retriever breed.:

  • carbonic;
  • champagne;
  • silver.

For a long time these colors were not recognized as existing in the dog breed..

By crossing the breed with other representatives of retrievers, breeders were able to obtain other colors, in addition to the previously popular jet black.

However, many of them were perceived by other breeders as a defect in the breed, so fawn and chocolate colors were recognized only in the first half of the 20th century.

The silver color of the coat is due to the presence of a recessive gene that carries the characteristics of another Labrador color - chocolate..

In order to get puppies with a gray color, breeders crossed chocolate-colored Labradors with two recessive genes, as well as a gene responsible for dissolving the color.

Some sources claim that silver Labradors are born as a result of a gene mutation that arose due to the appearance of the color dissolution gene, which usually does not make itself felt.

Silver Labradors are very rare, since these dogs were bred through long labors of breeders around the world and breeders. That is why this color is considered more of a defect than a breed.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

The most suitable color for registration of purebred Labrador dogs is charcoal black, but silver color is not a breed color. Therefore, the gray Labrador is not a purebred representative of its species. However, the character of this animal and its attitude towards its owner are no different from other representatives of the breed.

Fawn Labrador

For quite a long time, beige representatives of this breed were considered a defect, and fawn color was included in the standard only in 1924. Now the situation has changed dramatically, and some breeders specialize in breeding Labradors exclusively of fawn color.

The following shades are allowed:

  • golden;
  • cream;
  • almost red;
  • liver (light);
  • grey.

Note that the white Labrador is a type unknown to genetics. Fawn Labrador puppies can be very light in color, but they will never be white. The eye color of cream dogs is brown, and the pigmentation of the nose, lips and eyelids is very dark.

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Character traits

Silver Labradors are distinguished by their incredible and often inexplicable ability to predict.

They have amazing intuition and insight, are very attentive and easy to train.

Labradors are not only distinguished by their aesthetic appearance - nature has endowed them with a wonderful character and non-conflict disposition, in addition, they get along well with children, swim with pleasure and love to play in the fresh air.

What does it affect?

Many people wonder if color affects a dog's character and behavior. After all, black Labradors look very impressive (it’s better not to joke with such ones), and light ones look like plush toys. The first impression is deceptive, and the color has absolutely no effect on anything.

These dogs are good companions and rescuers. Many people use them as a hunting option. They are also easy to train. A dog of any color will be cheerful, active, and devoted to its owner.

It should be noted that red Labrador retrievers fade greatly in the sun, but given the activity of these animals, it is not possible to keep them in the shade all the time. For this reason, in summer the color of the animal may be uneven. In winter, of course, it will return to normal. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • lack of aggression - with proper upbringing, such a Labrador will make a loyal friend for the whole family;
  • is easy to train - the Labrador does not have to be taught new commands for a long time, he grasps everything literally on the fly;
  • they will come to the aid of a drowning person - Labradors swim very well and have a phenomenal sense of danger;
  • kind and loyal - Labradors are distinguished by their good behavior and good-natured character, you can easily introduce children to this breed and not be afraid of aggression on their part;
  • an excellent assistant for a hunter - the Labrador is considered an excellent gun dog and is indispensable in hunting birds that like to hide in hard-to-reach places;
  • in the city and in nature - the Labrador is quite comfortable to keep both in urban conditions and outside of a large metropolis; it has short hair, which practically does not cause any inconvenience during the molting period, and the Labrador gets along well with other pets.


  • a dog of this breed will not be an alternative to a lap dog that will only sleep and eat, since Labradors are the type of dog that cannot imagine their life without active pastime and outdoor games;
  • this is not a guard dog - of course, a Labrador will always be able to protect and intercede, however, if the primary task for the owners is to protect the house and property, it is better to get a shepherd dog or an Alabai, but not a Labrador;
  • without training - if the future owner does not intend to bother training his pet, this can later lead to problems with the dog’s character and cause a lot of inconvenience, both to the careless owner himself and to the people around him.

Black Labrador

It was this Labradorite, black as night, that attracted the attention of Europeans more than a hundred years ago. Black Labrador is the rule rather than the exception. The fact is that this color is dominant, so if the corresponding gene is present in the genotype, the dog can only be black. Such dogs are very beautiful and there is not a single light hair on their entire body. The only exception is a small white spot on the chest, which can sometimes be seen on representatives of this breed. The eyes of such dogs are usually brown, but the color of dark chocolate is considered ideal.

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Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

Weight and height of Labradors depending on age :

Weight, kg)30-40
Height at withers (cm)54-60
Chest (cm)70-86
WoolThick and smooth, the pile is short and straight.
ScullLarge and clearly defined, with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle, which, in turn, is quite massive.
BreastWide and deep through the ribs, short loin, strong and wide croup.
TailThick at the base, tapering evenly towards the end. Medium length, covered with short thick hair, which gives it a rounded shape. According to the breed, it should not bend too much behind the back.
PawsRound, compactly folded.

Price range

The cost of a puppy consists of a number of indicators. First of all, you need to decide for what purpose the dog is taken.

If this is just a friend for the family, with no prospect of participating in exhibitions, then you can take a puppy without a pedigree. They will be much cheaper.

For others, the price depends on the following parameters:

  1. The richer the pedigree, the higher the cost. Titled and eminent ancestors play an important role.
  2. Presence or absence of vaccinations.
  3. Gender of the dog. Beginning dog owners are afraid to adopt females because they are in heat. Due to this, males are more popular and have become higher in price.
  4. Breeder. Dogs from kennels or dog handlers are much more expensive than those from ordinary breeders.
  5. Appearance of a puppy. The more a dog meets breed standards, the more expensive its cost.

Specifically, red dogs fall under the breed standard, however, as mentioned above, experts may not approve of the color. Based on this, the cost of a red puppy will be noticeably lower than a black one.

Average prices for a good purebred dog start at 40,000 rubles.

If there is no need for a pedigree, then at the poultry market you can find puppies for 15-20 thousand.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

With proper care and attention, a Labrador can live for around 10 years. The upper threshold is usually considered to be 13-14 years of age.

From a very early age, it is necessary to monitor the health of your Labrador and try to avoid diseases typical for this breed:

  1. Parainfluenza infection - this disease affects the respiratory system of the dog, affecting it.
  2. Rabies - no dog is immune from this disease, so it is necessary to vaccinate your pet according to the vaccination schedule.
  3. Canine hepatitis is a disease that develops rapidly and is fatal. If a dog has been drowsy for a long time, has lost its appetite, and its body temperature remains high, it is necessary to urgently show it to a veterinarian to rule out this life-threatening disease for the pet.
  4. Leptospirosis is a disease that affects the kidneys and can be contracted from other dogs. Symptoms of the disease are most often the following: the dog’s jaw, tongue and teeth are colored yellowish, the animal is weakened and inactive. Pet vaccination is required.
  5. Distemper is diagnosed by loss of appetite, persistent fever and increased body temperature, as well as watery discharge from the eyes and nose. It is important to notice these symptoms as early as possible in order to begin treatment on time and prevent the development of complications that can affect the dog’s respiratory system, intestinal function and other vital organs.

Chocolate Labrador

There are fewer of these dogs, so a small purebred chocolate-colored puppy will cost much more. There are several acceptable shades for chocolate Labradors:

  • light chocolate;
  • hepatic;
  • bitter chocolate.

Related article: How to care for a puppy and an adult Labrador

The coat must be a single color and the standard excludes the presence of any spots or even hairs of a different color (although a light patch on the chest is still allowed). Therefore, be very careful when choosing a chocolate-colored dog - there are many unscrupulous breeders, and they may well profit from your ignorance. The dog's eyes should be brown, although it is acceptable if there is a yellowish tint.

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Basic rules of care

Labradors are prone to obesity and, if not fed , can become overweight . It is necessary to choose good nutrition and create the right diet in order to avoid problems with obesity in the future.


Due to its thick coat, it is enough to brush a Labrador a couple of times a week, since the hair of these dogs has waterproof properties.

Labradors languish without active time and games, so it is very important to walk your pet daily, combining a walk with various active types of games - Frisbee, running, swimming and others.

Labrador puppies need to be played and exercised for a long time; they cannot stand loneliness and boredom, they can become sad and even get sick due to nervousness.

Feeding a Labrador must include all the necessary elements for the normal development of the animal.:

  • meat (lean beef or raw lamb, previously kept in the freezer for about a day and scalded with boiling water);
  • offal (kidneys, liver can be given to puppies from 6 months only after heat treatment);
  • dairy products (kefir and cottage cheese);
  • eggs (in combination with other products, no more than one egg per week);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet in combination with vegetables).

It is forbidden to give Labradors pork, milk, bones, semolina, corn porridge in any form, barley, potatoes, beans and any types of sweets..

Don't forget about the temperature - you shouldn't give your dog food that is too cold or too hot.

How to choose?

Of course, when wanting to purchase a purebred Labrador, it is better for future owners to contact a serious nursery with an unblemished reputation, where buyers will be provided with detailed information about both the baby’s parents and his other family connections.


When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the behavior of its mother: if she behaves aggressively or hides cowardly with her tail between her legs, then you must boldly refuse such a litter.

You should ask the breeder questions about the age of the bitch and the number of pregnancies, since the dog produces excellent offspring from 18 months to 8 years inclusive, but no more than six litters during this entire period.

This is necessary to know, since an animal that produces offspring every six months is unlikely to have time to recover after the next birth, which leads to defective development of the fetus and the birth of defective puppies.

When they reach one and a half months, all purebred Labradors receive a brand, which is mandatory included in the documents for the dog, and later in its pedigree.

Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a puppy exactly after reaching the age of 45 days from birth..

The silver Labrador is incredibly smart and incredibly active, and has a cheerful disposition and wonderful character.

There is not a single case in the world of a Labrador attacking a person, since this breed is more attached to humans than others and is capable of sincere and faithful friendship.

Labrador is an ideal dog for a couple with small children, and by taking a Labrador puppy into their home, future owners will be able to raise a best friend for the whole family without any extra effort.


Breeding Labradors is a rather difficult task that few can do.
However, if you decide to take up dog breeding, then you should strictly adhere to the recommendations and instructions of specialists. To begin with, you should remember that only purebred individuals can be used as parent pairs. Only in this case will you get a real and valuable Labrador, and not a crossbreed. The age of the female and male must be at least 2 years. Only at this age do animals exhibit genetic defects, so there is no need to rush. Otherwise, the litter may be diseased and unfit.

Breeding can be carried out naturally through mating every other day or through artificial insemination.

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