Dog American Staffordshire Terrier - reviews about the breed


In no case can one say that Amstaffs are aggressive dogs. All manifestations of aggression are associated with incorrect actions of the owner. A dog is plasticine, it becomes what you make it.

Breeder's observations: Not a single dog of mine has ever shown its teeth or barked at a person. I select the psyche: let the dog be very active, but it must be “licking”, responsive to affection. And if the puppies of my breeding do not have their psyches broken in the future, there will be no problems with them. It all depends on the integrity of the breeder and the responsibility of the owner.

The dog should not be left unattended by its owner, including while walking. She must always be on a leash when outside. Under no circumstances should you be rude to your pet. A person can respond to rudeness with his fist, but if you beat a dog, sooner or later it will use its teeth.

Amstaffs are geared towards fighting, instinct pushes them to fight, but this instinct can be easily suppressed.

Normally, the Amstaff is a sociable, affectionate, easily controlled dog. They calmly react to extraneous sounds and are friendly even towards strangers. The voice is rarely given. And they are unlikely to guard the house.

American Staffordshire Terriers vary greatly in activity level. There are extremely active dogs that cannot sit still, and there are calm ones that need to be persuaded to go for a walk.

Loneliness is tolerated quite calmly, but keep in mind that if you have several dogs and you go away for a long time, when you return, you may not recognize the apartment.

Breeder's recommendation: Even adult dogs can “read” magazines and books or chew on wires. Therefore, it is advisable to accustom your dog to a crate.

American Staffordshire Terriers get along well with children, willingly play with them, and can work as “nannies.”

Breeder's Observations: My grandchildren and great-grandchildren grew up with these dogs. And there were never any problems or conflicts between them.

As for the attitude towards other animals, the Amstaff needs to be taught to coexist peacefully with them. Conflicts with other dogs, even those living in the same family, are possible. But it all depends on upbringing.

Dog American Staffordshire Terrier - reviews about the breed

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Hello dear readers, I have been asking myself for a long time what breed of dog is best to choose for myself and my family! I read a lot of comments, and believe me, you can find a lot of good and bad things about any breed of dog! I really like Amstaff for its character and beauty! This is exactly what I want to take for myself now! People who write bad things about the breed, ask yourself “maybe the Amstaff is just not your breed.” After all, it happens with mongrels that they lose self-control and stop obeying the person! So think!!!


I have a Stafford (male) 9 months old, he still madly loved all family members, was playful and affectionate with them……….it so happened that I had to leave home for 2 days…….when I returned, I was shocked by my stories household!!! ((((The dog became sharply aggressive during these 2 days.... began to growl at them, bare his teeth...... and my mother, whom he loved madly and ran after her like a tail (because she always spoiled him with various goodies), almost bitten (she pushed him away from her during this time). To be honest, at first I somehow doubted everything that was said until I was convinced of it myself……….. in front of me he bared his teeth at his mother and sister…….the only ones in the house to whom he did not It’s me and my dad who are showing aggression!!! (he’s as affectionate with us as he’s always been). I don’t know what to do!!!! My sister and mom are afraid to stay at home alone with him, I’m also very afraid for them……. .Tell me what to do and what’s happening to him!!!



good friend and great dog


dangerous beast)

Until recently, I was sure that my girl would not hurt anyone. Now I understand that the breed is taking its toll.

We do not raise her aggressively, we pamper her like a child. She even sleeps with us. We feed her so much that even a person will envy)

Our Jena began to show jealousy, but this had not happened before. She won’t let me pet someone else’s dog – she instantly rushes at her, no matter who it is (cable or bitch). You might think that this is due to a lack of affection, although this is not at all the case - our dog bathes in affection. Perhaps this is an overabundance of affection?

Jena always played very well with other dogs. Now she started throwing herself at many bitches. Once she attacked and grabbed another dog’s neck so hard that I could barely pry its mouth open... There was blood all over...

Many people told me that you don’t have a staff, that the dog has fallen out of shape... But where does such aggressive behavior come from then? And everything is simple - nature and breed take their toll.

I don’t want to say anything bad about my dog ​​- I love her madly and will never give her to anyone. I have never regretted having a dog, but sometimes I’m scared to play with her... But still, she’s mine! And I am responsible for her!


Amstaff is just a superb bunch. If the owner is in danger, she will fight as long as she breathes. My dog ​​Ares fought defending me with two Alabai at once. Amstaff is a true friend of man, an excellent partner and a good nanny for children.


...I don’t know about you...but I have no admiration for this Stafford dog...I kept an Asian for 10 years after his death, bought an Alabai again from a nursery, lived for 4 months in an apartment until the vaccinations took root, well, no complaints. the smart sand went to the toilet in one place, the obedient although playful puppy naturally did NOT SPOIL A SINGLE THING!!!! didn’t get in the way even though he was large...they left him in the apartment UNTIED!!! although they left for a long she’s sitting in an enclosure...But when my husband bought a Stafford female, our quiet life ended, she’s just a red BEAST!!!! SHE STUDIES BADLY, GOES TO THE TOILET ANYWHERE, EATS LIKE A PIG AND IS ALWAYS HUNGRY. gnawing on the sofa and things... OH LORD if I only knew that she was like that, she would never have agreed to buy such a dog (but my husband is crazy about them)... honestly, I don’t know what there is to admire, no beauty, little pig and little pig... they’re walking on the street they run and jump for a long time. she comes home and immediately pisses on the carpet... sometimes I want to cry looking at her behavior... I don’t even understand what these dogs are for, just for them to sit at home and that’s it?... it’s better to have a mongrel than to keep such a monster in the house...


Once upon a time, the word “Stafford” made me shudder. I lived by rumors and until recently believed that this was a “killer dog,” until I got this dog myself. At first glance, she seems evil and dangerous, but behind it all hides a very vulnerable soul. This dog has changed my life a lot. I'll tell you a story. This happened in the winter, I was walking with my Stafford in the park, around 21:00 - 22:00. In general, we won’t go into details, but it turned out that my dog ​​protected me from an attacker who was very not sober. He worked quickly, clearly and firmly. And I didn’t teach him anything. But with all this, when my nephews come to visit me, my dog ​​becomes a big living toy. He tolerates absolutely all children's pranks and gives no hint of aggression. (I'm not saying that you should do this, I'm just showing you one side and the other of Amstaff). In general, this is a wonderful creation!!! The best breed I have ever met!!!


Incredibly strong and powerful dogs. Ready to jump and run all day. Very gentle and loving.


Lick you to death

Advice for (future) owners

Do not under any circumstances buy a dog if you want to buy a “gladiator” or a guard dog. AST is a companion dog. But take a dog only from a professional kennel and with documents.

Natalia M.


beautiful, brave, smart


unpredictability, poor upbringing becomes a disadvantage., with character., requires a lot of work, character becomes a big problem.

I don’t understand how you can write a review about a living creature, so I’ll write my impressions of this breed.

All my life I have had and still have dogs in my family: my parents, grandparents. But no one has ever owned fighting dogs. Mostly they were poodles, shepherds, labradors...

And so, when I got married and had my own family, my husband and I thought about the question of adding a dog to our family. We approached this issue very responsibly and began to study breeds in search of exactly the one that would suit us. And quite by chance, my husband saw an Amstaff from someone he knew and said that he wanted this particular dog. We scoured the entire Internet, consulted with friends who have such dogs, consulted with dog handlers, and everyone said in unison: “Take it! This is the best dog in the world! "And we started looking for the puppy. In our city, puppies with documents cost from 15 to 35 thousand rubles. We found a nursery that offered Amstaff puppies for home and soul without documents. This option suited us, because we did not intend to participate in exhibitions or engage in breeding, but took the dog exclusively for the family.

We adopted a female puppy and our delight knew no bounds. To be honest, we doubted that this was a purebred Amstaff, since the puppy was quite small compared to photographs of purebred relatives. But this fact did not really bother us. The question arose about ear cropping, which we refused. Because the veterinarian asked us the question: “Are you going to participate in exhibitions?” In battles? To which we answered categorically “no,” so we were told not to torture the puppy and not to cut anything on her. That's what we did.

The girl grew up and at first we didn’t have any problems, but after a month of staying in our apartment, she simply began to engage in sabotage: she gnawed all the wires, tore out the entire baseboard. We, of course, punished her for unacceptable behavior. Then, when we went about our business and did not take her with us (naturally, after walking her and paying her due attention), the dog began to create “scandals” - we closed the door to the apartment, and she began to bark loudly and rush at the door. We returned to the apartment and explained that it was impossible to do this, but when we left the threshold, everything repeated itself again.

Then, when we came home, we found more and more things spoiled. In our hallway there is a closet that she learned to open and one day when she returned home, she saw that all her shoes had been chewed into small pieces. They installed a lock on the cabinet. All the doors to the rooms began to be closed.

You can say that she needs to be given bones, toys, etc. Well, she has it all. And she does mischief solely out of resentment. This is her character. We tried to influence her with love, toughness and dog training, but you can’t argue against nature. Now she is 8 months old, we will soon go to obedience classes, I hope that this will help at least somehow.

He behaves quite aggressively with his parents' dogs and tries to fight them, which they don't like at all.

In general, we’ve been living with the dog for six months now and every time we don’t know what to expect from her.

Therefore, I would not recommend getting this dog if you do not constantly train it, educate it and pay sooooo much of your attention.

I can’t say that my husband and I regretted choosing this breed, but there are definitely difficulties with training. We will work with her and I hope that as she grows up, she will bring us only positive emotions.

There were no such problems with puppies of other breeds. Yes, of course, everyone misbehaved, but they never spoiled anything out of spite.






This dog, not for children, has heard of a case where it killed a child. They are stupid and evil, but as guards they are very good. And it’s not scary to walk with them at night!

General impression:

I don't like the dog.


The best breed for home and family. Faithful and devoted nanny for children. Medium sizes are ideal for an apartment. Very patient and grateful. But only for adequately experienced owners. It's a pity that many breeders use this breed as a way of self-affirmation. It is not the breed that needs to be branded, but the owners.



does not really like other dogs of the same sex, unpredictability, poor upbringing becomes a disadvantage, with character.

I had a staff from a good kennel, we worked with a dog handler. At 9 months old, he bit my son on the bone ((My son was saved by a down jacket in which he went into the room where the dog was lying. Before that he had not shown aggression, an obedient, kind dog.. was... They gave it away ... we cried, the dog handler couldn’t correct the situation, the dog felt that the child was afraid and there were attempts to put the child in his place, especially when he thought that we couldn’t see. Think before you get such a breed, it’s not for nothing that they are constantly given away and thrown out, with aggressive it is very difficult to cope with individuals, and when your family members are under the threat of someone else, there is no choice but to give them away or euthanize them...((. There are also non-dominant dogs, but it depends on your luck, and that’s not a fact. There are many good breeds for the family, the choice is huge, don’t take risks



friendly, loyal


there are none, if raised correctly, does not really like other dogs of the same sex.

I don't like Staffords. My brother had the dog. The watchman is good only because everyone knew that there was an angry dog ​​in the apartment. In fact, you could come in and take out half of the things - the dog wouldn’t budge. She attacked other dogs and cats, but at home she got along calmly with a lapdog and a Persian. By the way, everyone who came to visit shied away from the lapdog and had to be locked up. Our staff had a weak stomach, it was impossible to feed food “from the table”; It was freezing outside in winter. The dog is strong, only my brother could walk with it. The Staffords of my brother and my 2 friends died of cancer at the age of 8-10.



Strong, resilient, immune to pain


Can damage property during puppyhood

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a self-confident, cheerful, decisive, reliable watchdog and security guard, calm and friendly. The advantages of this breed can be listed endlessly. The dog is trained with interest and pleasure, but he needs consistency in training so that he clearly understands that the owner is truly the owner. If you put a lot of effort and patience into training, you will get a gentle, but at the same time proud animal. The dog needs regular physical activity, but the dog gets the most pleasure from joint activities with the owner: games, walks, training.


In the next entrance lived a family with a staff, everything was wonderful, a smart, well-mannered male, but at one point he gnawed the child’s throat while the mother was in the toilet..... So think, staff is a slow killer, these are not the same dogs with a steely psyche that they used to be were, but crossbreeds


Good afternoon everyone, I would like to draw your attention to this breed of dog. Previously, I had no intention of getting fighting dogs, and in general, previously I could only afford mongrels, because any purebred dog is either expensive or requires good care, vaccinations, training, and of course a completely different diet. at the mongrel's. Well, naturally, I couldn’t afford it, but as soon as it turned out, I could afford this dog. I was afraid of her because everyone said they were evil, they could bite, attack and others. But fortunately all these words turned out to be just wind. Because this is the best dog I have ever had, she has excellent perception of the environment, she is smart, she always perceives her own people and strangers, she is obedient. Well, of course, she’s also capricious, you need to take her for walks all the time, you can’t neglect her, otherwise it might come back to haunt you, these dogs, as I found out later, are very touchy. If you just raised your voice at her at least once, he will be offended for about a couple of days and even when you call him he will not come to you. In general, I am completely satisfied that I made such a four-legged friend, he will not betray, he always listens, he is an excellent protector. If you are thinking about buying such a comrade, take it without hesitation!

ptuha74 194

This is an absolutely normal dog in relation to people. I lived for 13 years with one that someone threw out into the street at the age of 3. Considering that the first owners trained it for fighting (and threw it away due to staphylococcus), the dog was aggressive towards animals and homeless people. Conflicts with people in the family were possible, but only in the event of a scandal. Whoever screamed more, she simply hit with her teeth (note that she hit and did not bite). And this happened 2-3 times in 13 years. There has never been any aggression towards children (even screaming ones). These dogs just love balanced people. If they end up with a mentally unhealthy person, then of course it will be a disaster, just a disaster, as with any other breed, even with a toy terrier, probably...


My husband's friend had a dog like this. He loved this dog to bits and was proud of it. that his dog is like a wild animal. He goes to the village for the summer, the dog runs around the forest on its own, hunts foxes, swims in rivers, runs 20 kilometers along the highway behind a car. The owner forgave the dog for regularly biting his wife and son. And then the dog went crazy - he attacked the owner and tore his entire back and both arms. hips. They shot him, so now the owner doesn’t even want to hear about such a dog. Got a Pomeranian :)

Yulia Spirjaeva


Faithful good dog



When my husband told me that he wanted to get an American Staffordshire Terrier, at first I was horrified beyond words, because the only thing I knew about this breed of dog was that it was a fighting dog, it was very strong and aggressive, and I had a small child. But my husband didn’t want to hear anything because this dog was his old dream. When he brought a two-month-old puppy, I couldn’t get enough of him, what a cute creature he was, but still fear and apprehension remained, since in addition to the child, there was also a cat in the apartment, I didn’t know how they would react to each other since I had heard a lot that a cat is like a red rag to a bull. But all my fears quickly dissipated, because not even three days had passed before the cat and the puppy became friends and became inseparable, everywhere and always together. It was very funny and at the same time strange to watch the picture of how the dog did not eat until the cat had eaten and only after it stood up and ate. The Staff should preferably be fed with cereals: wheat, egg, buckwheat and beef gizzards to improve digestion... what they say is that this dog eats everything is true, but this is not correct and it is categorically forbidden to feed the Staff this way, as well as overfeed. This is very bad for the dog’s digestion and health.

Since I already talked to the cat, the dog got along great. The only drawback of the little staff is that he gnaws on everything and everyone indiscriminately, be it some thing that was lying incorrectly or it’s your leg) Since the puppy grows and he, like children, is cutting teeth, he needs to constantly gnaw something, for His favorite toy will be a rope twisted in the form of a rope; your dog will be very grateful to you for such a treat. Staff loves attention very much, loneliness is not acceptable for him, and he also does not like to sleep alone in a room, he needs someone’s company. The staff should have his own separate place, not your bed, but his own corner where he should sleep, you need to teach the staff to this from a very young age, many people make the mistake of letting the dog lie on the bed, you can’t do this if you don’t want it when the staff grows up this huge baby slept on your bed, because if he feels at least once that he is allowed to do this, he will no longer get off the bed.

Another important point is communication between the dog and the child. My son was 2.2 when we got our Staffordshire Terrier puppy. I want to tell you that this dog is quite patient because the child does such things with him that sometimes looking at this picture you feel sorry for the dog, naturally I try to stop the process of tormenting the dog, since the staff belongs to the breed of dogs that remember very well the moments of their childhood and in the future They may remember this to you, but experienced dog breeders say that the main thing in relation to a staff is its correct upbringing and under no circumstances should you shout at it, much less hit it. The dog categorically does not like this.

As for security, the staff will never allow you or your child to be offended. He is a very loyal guard and friend.

You don’t have to be afraid of anything if you have an American Staff Fordshire Terrier next to you, or simply put, a staff, the most important thing is proper upbringing and that he is not only a friend to you, but that you are one for him. He must feel your love for him if you do not want to raise an aggressive soulless dog, because the dog treats you the same way you treat it.

In general, the Staff is a breed of dog that is very suitable for both a single person and a family, even with children. The Staff loves children very much, and will always defend the child and is beneficial in feeding. He can easily make friends with other animals in your house, the main thing is to show him that all the animals in your house are equal to you and you love them all equally.

General impression:

nice friendly dog

Amstaff education

The dog should treat people kindly, react calmly to other animals, and not show any desire to dominate the family.

Breeder's recommendation: Be sure to complete a general training course with your Amstaff. It's not difficult: these dogs are easy to train and can be motivated with both treats and their favorite toy. They are full of desire to please, to fulfill any of your requests.

If you know how to handle dogs, the American Staffordshire Terrier will not give you any trouble. Moreover, he is extremely smart - Americans put them first among other breeds. Sometimes it seems that they can read minds.

Amstaff can become a companion, actor, athlete, rescuer and even a guide-rehabilitator.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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