“List of mongrels by color”: Dog handlers explained why the list of dangerous dog breeds gives nothing

A mongrel dog or a mongrel dog is a separate topic in cynological circles. The fact is that such dogs, on the one hand, are a problem in modern society, and on the other hand, they are the most faithful friends if they live at home with caring owners. Now the question of the size of the mongrel population is acute in cities, where animals have adapted to life in a metropolis and are breeding without slowing down at all.
Many volunteers from homeless animal shelters constantly catch such tailed strays from the streets, treat them and look for a home. But it is difficult to cope with the flow of mongrels, and often this is not a small dog, which is so easy and simple to bring into the apartment.

Key facts

There is no single description of the mongrel breed. These representatives differ greatly in size, color and type of coat, as well as body structure. Under the influence of the environment, populations of mongrels with similar physiques and character traits are formed. Sometimes such traits are used by breeders to create a new breed.

The characteristics of mongrels speak of their friendliness and good nature. However, they tend to be cautious when communicating with people. They are very loyal to their owners and do well in families with small children and other pets.

The lifespan of mongrels depends entirely on their living conditions. On average, it ranges from 8 to 12 years, but there are also centenarians who live up to 20 years.

Medium breeds

Breed Height Weight (male) Massa (bitch)
American Cocker Spaniel 36–41 cm 13–16 kg 12–15 kg
English bulldog 38–42 cm 24–25 kg 22–23 kg
Afghan Hound 60–74 cm 20–25 kg 15–20 kg
Collie longhair 51–61 cm 20–30 kg 18–25 kg
Siberian Husky 51–60 cm 20–27 kg 16–22 kg
Welsh Corgi 25–33 cm 10–14 kg 9–12 kg
Shar Pei 45–50 cm 23–25 kg 20–22 kg

Origin story of the mongrel

In the modern world, the appearance of mongrels has become possible due to unscrupulous owners who throw out a boring pet dog or new puppies onto the street. Left without human control, homeless representatives began to multiply rapidly.

There are frequent cases of mongrels mating with wolves or jackals. In this case, puppies are born with an aggressive and completely unpredictable character. When gathered in flocks, such individuals become a threat to people and other animals.

Character and temperament of a yard dog

Dog Milo (breed like in the Mask): history and description

Each mongrel dog, be it a black mongrel or another color, is unique in itself; you will not find another like it. In her blood you can find the genes of both large shepherd dogs and small pykinesis, maybe even wolves. Large mongrels gather in packs, each of which has its own leader.

Note! Dogs with an admixture of wolves are the most aggressive, they are capable of attacking a person.

In addition, white, red, and black mongrels are endowed with a rebellious disposition. They grew up on the streets, where they were hungry, could freeze, no one cared about them, they were used to relying only on themselves in life. You can tame a mongrel only with affection, care, and show that all the residents of the apartment are happy and love her.

Additional Information! Animals from the street become very attached to the person who picks them up. The pet is unable to survive a change of owner, perceiving it as betrayal.

Appearance of a mongrel

General impression

Numerous photos of mongrels show the diversity of their exteriors. Therefore, despite the lack of pedigree and any noble origin, courtyard terriers are deservedly popular among dog breeders.

You can see dogs of different sizes, differing in skull shape and body structure. The coat can be of any length and thickness. There are no standards for eye color or ear shape. However, among the mongrels there are often real handsome men.


The colors of mongrels have almost no restrictions, so among outbred quadrupeds it is quite possible to find a very spectacular individual, which in appearance will not be inferior to the breed representative. However, most animals look inconspicuous. The most common colors include:

  • ginger;
  • black;
  • pale yellow;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • two- or three-color;
  • with different types of stains, specks, and scorches.

Patterns on the coat can be located on any part of the body, creating a unique pattern. Crossbreeding of yard individuals leads to the appearance of characteristic features in puppies of one area or territory. Otherwise, there is no pattern in the appearance of the mongrel.


The appearance of outbred individuals is always unique. But there is a pattern in the appearance of street dogs depending on the region and time period.

Thus, on the streets in the 50s of the last century in the Moscow region, domestic representatives predominated, in whose exterior one could discern the features of huskies and hounds. This was due to the active breeding of these breeds in nurseries in Moscow and the Moscow region.

At the end of the last century, mongrels that resembled shepherd dogs became widespread. Nowadays it is almost impossible to predict how a courtyard terrier puppy will grow up.


Mestizos are a special type of dog that cannot be classified as purebred or domestic dogs. These are animals produced from parents of different species. Crossing occurs as a result of the conscious work of breeders - or due to an oversight of the owners of the male or female.

From the appearance of a puppy born from such a union, it is difficult to understand which breed characteristics will prevail. It happens that the color or coat is characteristic of a particular individual, and sometimes a unique mixture is obtained. The following popular mestizos are found:

  • Pitsky - parents pit bull and husky;
  • Bloodsor - a cross between a Bloodhound and a Moscow Guard;
  • labrapoodle – a hybrid of a labrador and a poodle;
  • German Shar-Pei - a cross between a German Shepherd and a Shar-Pei;
  • Basset Pei - parents Basset Hound and Shar Pei;
  • Pomchi - parents of a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian.

Most mestizos do not have a name because they are found in single copies. In any case, the exterior of the pets is unique, and the owner of the mixed breed can be completely confident in the uniqueness of his pet.

Along with external features, puppies inherit the character and genetic diseases of both breeds. This can cause difficulties in their maintenance and upbringing.

Small breeds

Breed Height Weight (male) Massa (bitch)
Jack Russell Terrier 25–30 cm 6–7 kg 5–6 kg
Yorkshire Terrier 15–17 cm 2–3 kg 2–3 kg
Papillon 20–28 cm 3–5 kg 3–5 kg
Pekingese 15–25 cm Up to 5 kg Up to 5.5 kg
Pomeranian Spitz 18–22 cm 2.2–3.2 kg 1.4–2.5 kg
French Bulldog 25–35 cm 10–15 kg 8–12 kg
Chihuahua 17–23 cm 2.3–3 kg 1.8–2.5 kg

Character of the mongrel

According to reviews from owners of mongrel dogs, the character of the mongrel is not at all capricious. They quickly get used to their new place of residence and new family. Pets adapt to different conditions and withstand any difficulties.

However, the death or betrayal of a beloved owner is difficult to experience. Yard Terriers become very attached to the person who feeds and pets them. Especially if this person took a stray dog ​​from the street and shows love and care towards it. Yard dogs are ready to do anything for their beloved owner and will faithfully serve him until the end of their days.

In general, the characteristic features of a mongrel are the following:

  • flexibility and devotion;
  • playfulness and sociability;
  • courage and bravery.

Experienced owners say that only East European Shepherds are more sociable than mongrels, and in playfulness, courtyard terriers are ahead of even Giant Schnauzers and Rottweilers. Outbred pets will take great pains to return a stick or ball to a person.

Mongrels get along well with other pets. Often, abandoned kittens or puppies are placed next to a nursing female, which she feeds and protects. Mutts also get along well with children: the dogs happily participate in their games and pranks.

Cute nicknames

You can give a dog a nickname by accident. When expressing their feelings for an animal, people often call them cute and “lisping” words. Sometimes these nicknames take root and are very popular not only with the owners, but also with their pets.

  • Sweeties;
  • Fluff;
  • Bunny;
  • Orange;
  • Sweetie;
  • Busya;
  • Bonya;
  • Milka;
  • Raspberries;
  • Bagel;
  • Zhulka;
  • Zhuzhik;
  • Bead;
  • Kitty;
  • Mila;
  • Mickey;
  • Nyusha;
  • Peach;
  • Joy;
  • Skoda.

Kusya does not bite at all, but loves to stick out her tongue.
“Be-be-be-bear” names are great for little mongrels.

  • Baby;
  • Pushinka;
  • Chit;
  • Masya;
  • Kroshik;
  • Ray;
  • Flower;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Fluffy;
  • Baby;
  • Little finger;
  • Minnie.

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This cute dog just recently started conquering Instagram. His name is Malush and today he is famous thanks to the equally famous social network Like.

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