Grooming a poodle in Moscow: models, groomers' recommendations

Adorable crowd favorites at the circus and wonderful companions at home, poodles are one of the most lovable dog breeds in the entire world. Their unique coat gives them a special charm.

The FCI standard distinguishes between curly and corded coats, without indicating that these are different types of coats, since the latter is essentially a hairstyle. Poodles have curly hair, and if you provide special care, you can achieve the formation of cords.

Curly – thick, soft, curls into even curls as it grows. The curls are approximately the same length. Puppies' overgrown (long) coat is wavy rather than curly.

Corded - thick, thin and soft, formed into cords more than 20 cm long. You can achieve the formation of cords by forming them yourself over several months.

Brief description of the breed

There is no more fun dog breed than the poodle. Maybe it is because of this that poodles are one of the most popular dogs in the whole world. Dog breeders are well aware that this breed is smart, cheerful and easy to train.

The coat of poodles is both beauty and a headache for the owner. Although dogs of this breed are not prone to heavy shedding, the coat nevertheless requires careful care. The best option is to groom once every 4-6 weeks.

The poodle has always been famous for its unusual haircuts. Many owners of these dogs eventually begin to cut their animals’ hair themselves, creating unique “hairstyles,” but if you do not have such skill, then it is best to turn to professionals. At the same time, fashionable haircuts are not a prerequisite for keeping poodles. The main thing is to carefully care for the coat and cut it evenly. Without regular haircuts, not only your dog's appearance will suffer, but also his health. The fact is that with insufficient coat care, the animal may begin to develop various skin diseases.

These dogs are quite easy to train. They are ready to obediently carry out any commands of the owner, faithfully follow him and be always there. Dogs are very active, they love to play, especially with children. True, toy poodles, due to their size, are not very suitable for active children's games, but if we are talking about older children, then the toy poodle will be an excellent dog option for families with children.

Standard Poodles need a lot of active exercise, so be prepared to give your pet plenty of attention for exercise, walks, and active play! If your dog does not realize his full potential, then you risk things in the house and furniture being chewed! This is not surprising, because the animal must throw out its energy somewhere!

The color of poodles can be very diverse: light apricot, black, fawn, brown, ash, coffee, red, white. There are two-colored poodles, and also poodles with spots on the eyes, like a Doberman Pinscher.

This breed has become extremely popular and is distributed throughout the world. Poodles take part in various exhibitions and competitions, including sports ones, and they are in no way inferior to such breeds as the Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever.

Education and training

Puppy training should always take place in the form of play. The choice of specific exercises should be determined by the degree of development of the dog and its age characteristics.

Let's start training a two or three month old poodle with the command “Come to me”. Whenever the baby runs up to you, he should be praised and periodically treated with treats, which should be available in sufficient quantity during training. The command is pronounced in a gentle voice. The puppy must understand that it is he who is being addressed, so along with the command “to me,” say his name. If you squat down, you and your baby will be closer to each other and the positive emotions from communicating with the owner will become much stronger. You should also show joy, because by the person’s mood, the poodle understands whether the owner is really pleased with his success.

After a while, try calling your baby when he is busy with something and did not plan to approach you. The dog will probably come up and wait for praise. This means that the command has been learned and the goal has been achieved. The puppy's interest and desire to follow you can be fueled by walking away a few meters and calling him. If the poodle approaches you again, he will need to be rewarded with a treat or affection. It is necessary to carry out sequential training, spending no more than a couple of minutes on practicing one command. You can combine classes with a walk, then it will not be tiring for the dog.

We do the same thing with a puppy outside. Take him on a two-meter leash and let him go forward. When the leash is tight, shout “come to me”, calling the puppy by name. If he comes running, pet him. If there is no reaction to the command, slightly pull the leash towards you and click it again. It is important to praise and encourage the dog every time after the correct execution of the command, regardless of the first time he succeeded. But do not forget that the baby gets tired from too long exercises and the result will be zero.

basic information

Breed name:Poodle
Country of origin:Germany, France
Time of origin of the breed:16th century
Type:decorative and companion dogs
Weight:2.5 – 30 kg
Height (height at withers):24 – 60 cm
Lifespan:14 – 18 years old
ICF classification:Group 9, Section 2, Number 172
Price of puppies:300 – 1200 $
The most popular nicknames:list of names for poodle

How to choose a puppy

Poodles have a fairly large size range - from toys from 25 cm at the withers to royals from 60 cm. Therefore, first of all, decide what size dog you want. The larger the dog, the more active walks he needs. The breed standard allows for many colors, and the most difficult to care for will, of course, be white. Therefore, if you have dreamed of a white poodle all your life, think about whether you have the patience to care for a light coat. Wash thoroughly after each walk. And if you want to have a beautiful white coat on your pet, you will hardly be able to do without regular use of bleaching products.

We choose an energetic and cheerful puppy. A sick puppy will never jump or jump. Therefore, we pay special attention to the puppy’s behavior, as well as its appearance. It is advisable to see the parents so that you can roughly imagine how your baby will grow up. Well, there must be a document about the origin of the puppy - birth certificate and a veterinary passport with vaccination marks.

Assessing the Poodle Breed Characteristics

Adaptability (a definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)
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