Harness or collar - which is better for a puppy or an adult dog?

There has been a debate among dog lovers for decades about which is better – a harness or a collar. Owners of French bulldogs and poodles, divers and Chihuahuas give many reasons in favor of each of these options. Therefore, it will be useful to understand this issue and list the main advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.

The husky is clearly happy with the harness

What to choose: harness or collar

In fact, it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better - a collar or a harness.
If only because each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages. And the choice of the appropriate option depends on the strength of the owner, discipline and physique of the pet. Curious !
Initially, harnesses were used as an element of equipment for sled dogs - they evenly distributed the load over the neck, shoulders and chest, so that the animals could run for a long time without losing their breath. So you will have to choose the appropriate option in each specific case. And for this you will have to understand the issue in detail.

How much does a dog harness cost?

Dog harnesses

, light lilac L–XL: 75–120 cm/25 mm
RUB 1,191
, light lilac S–M: 42–60 cm/15 mm
559 RUR
, light lilac XS–S: 30–44 cm/10 mm
411 RUR
, light lilac XXS-XS: 20–32 cm/10 mm
307 RUR

Pros and cons of collars

First, we should talk about the advantages of collars. There are quite a lot of them:

  • Low cost.
  • They are often made from high-quality materials (for example, genuine leather).
  • You can leave it on after walks by simply attaching the leash with a carabiner.
  • Makes it easier to control large and strong dogs. If a dog breaks from the leash, it involuntarily squeezes its throat, after which it usually calms down.
  • Can be used for a puppy from just a few months old.

But there are also certain disadvantages. The main one is the downside of the above-mentioned plus - a dog, pulling hard on the leash, may well damage its larynx or simply suffocate. This is definitely worth remembering.


It is recommended to brush your pug once a week, but during shedding you have to do it every day.

To do this, you can use a comb, a rubber brush, or a special mitten, but it is preferable to use a furminator.

Quite often, pug owners complain that their pets shed heavily, not only during the season (spring and autumn), but almost constantly.

In winter and summer, molting is provoked by high or, conversely, low temperatures outside and at home.

In addition, allergies may be the cause. The furminator combats this problem by eradicating the dead part of the pug’s undercoat.

The Furminator gently plucks out the pug's thick undercoat and does not affect the living hair.

For short-haired breeds, which include the pug, a special furminator has been created, measuring 7 x 15 cm (blade width x total length).

The blade of this device is made of high quality steel, the comfortable handle is made of plastic and rubber.

The Furminator is easy to use: without pressing the device, move it along your pet's dry fur in the direction of hair growth, and then remove any remaining fluff from the surface of the fur.

Pug owners claim that using the furminator has made their life much easier: shedding time has been reduced to several days!

It is impossible not to take into account that in order to raise a socially adapted pug, one cannot do without restrictions and control on the part of the owner.

If a wayward, playful puppy grows into an adult, uncontrollable dog, the reason most often lies in the owner’s permissiveness and evasion of its upbringing.

The accessories in question are necessary and important not only for ensuring the safety of the dog on the street, but also for the calm and comfortable psychological state of the owner.

When to use collars

When getting a large (diver, St. Bernard) or aggressive and strong (pit bull, bull terrier) pet, it is advisable to use a collar. If a poorly trained, young or simply excited dog begins to twitch too much, he will quickly feel a tightening on his neck and will be forced to calm down.

Collars are better for fighters

In addition, when walking puppies, it is also better to give preference to a collar. Without feeling the pressure from the harness, some may jerk so violently that they injure their back muscles or even their spine. Therefore, for young dogs (up to about 8 months), it is better to use collars.

What are the dangers of leash tension?

However, when using a collar, you should be aware of the possible danger - too strong jerks may well damage the dog's larynx or even lead to suffocation. Therefore, the dog needs to be trained as soon as possible. At least a few basic commands, like “Come to me!” and “Ugh!” she must know.

Pros and cons of harnesses

Of course, when figuring out which is better – a leash or a harness, you should look at the strengths and weaknesses of the latter. It has quite a lot of advantages. One of them is a reduced risk of the dog getting a neck injury from strong jerks. In addition, the dog will definitely not be able to pull out his neck, as when using a collar (especially important for dogs whose neck and head diameters are approximately the same). The load is evenly distributed over two wide belts, making the dog feel more comfortable.

High quality labrador harness

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • High price.
  • Difficulty in fitting – it is important to select a harness specifically for a specific dog. Even small assumptions will lead to the dog either constantly feeling discomfort or being able to jump out.
  • The need to put it on the dog before a walk and take it off after it.
  • Complicated control over the dog.

Note! It is better to use a harness only after eight months, when the dog has matured and become strong enough, and has also learned basic commands and follows them unquestioningly.

Let's sum it up

You should start walking your puppy wearing a collar, and then choose what will be more convenient and comfortable for you and your dog to walk with. We first walk the young dog on a classic leash. This will help train your pet to walk nearby and determine its place during training. After the dog learns to walk on a short leash, you can start walking it on a tape measure.

It is necessary to buy equipment that fits properly. Otherwise, feeling discomfort, the dog may begin to shirk walks. We use the collar and leash only outdoors, 24-hour wearing is excluded.

When to use harnesses

It’s worth saying right away that for small dogs such as Spitz, Dachshund, Corgi, Yorkie and Jack Russell Terrier, it is better to use a harness. The fact is that these animals have a rather weak structure, the reason for which is thin bones and low muscle mass. Often, one unsuccessful tug on the collar is enough to cause serious injury to your pet.

Remember ! A well-trained dog does not need a harness, and a collar is needed primarily for the peace of mind of those around him. Therefore, quality training is a mandatory step in keeping a pet.

A harness can be used if the dog is a hunting breed (terrier, Labrador) or fighting breed (Staffordshire terrier, pit bull), but is well trained and is already about a year old. The main thing is that the process of getting used to the new accessory is painless.

Finally, it is better not to use a collar for huskies, huskies, malamutes and other sled dogs; harnesses are much better suited. The reason is the special structure of the skeleton and the distribution of muscle mass - they feel more comfortable and confident in a harness.

Problems of choice

The Pug belongs to the category of dog breeds with short muzzles. This anatomical feature already causes many health problems for these animals - breathing is difficult, shortness of breath appears, and against the background of all this, various disorders of the respiratory tract and cardiovascular system easily develop, so for obvious reasons a regular muzzle is not suitable .

For owners of pugs and other dogs with short muzzles (French bulldogs, for example), special muzzles were invented that take into account the shape of the jaws and head. They look downright strange and even funny to an unaccustomed person, but they perform their function perfectly.

To get such a muzzle, just check the breed of the dog at the pet store.


It is better to go shopping for new clothes with a dog - pugs are small, in most cases they are easy to walk or take to the nearest pet store. You can try on the muzzle on the spot and ask a specialist if it fits properly.

Don't be afraid if your pug is nervous at first while wearing the muzzle - this is a normal reaction to an unfamiliar object.

What types of harnesses should you avoid?

When the breeder has decided what is best for his pet - a harness or a leash, he can move on to the next step. Namely, the choice of harness. It turns out that not all of them are comfortable and safe for dogs. An unsuccessfully chosen accessory may well cause serious harm to your pet.

Many veterinarians criticize restrictive harnesses. The fact is that in them the belt crosses the shoulder joint, preventing the dog from moving its front paw forward when walking. She is forced to change her pace to experience less discomfort. As a result, even when the harness is removed, the dogs experience discomfort and continue to walk at an already practiced, not very comfortable step.

How to choose the right harness

In general, you cannot choose a harness remotely - there is a high risk of purchasing the wrong one. It is important to bring your dog to the pet store and try the accessory on it directly. And there are a few simple rules here.

First of all, the material. It is better to choose synthetics. Still, a leather harness is quite expensive. But a tarpaulin one quickly gets wet while walking and if you don’t dry it, it will begin to rot.

Important ! The more rings on the harness, the more reliable the connection with the leash. For fighting dogs, models with three rings are recommended.

The next step is fittings. It is better to give preference to metal, as it is the most durable. Well, those parts that cannot be made metal (for example, fastex) must be of really high quality. There is no point in saving money here - sometimes one jerk is enough for a cheap carabiner to break, and the dog simply runs away or rushes at someone.

The dog is proud of his collar

At the same time, the fittings should be comfortable, that is, not stick out or cut into the dog’s body, causing him unnecessary discomfort. Moreover, it should not have sharp edges that could injure the dog or simply abrade the skin until it bleeds.

After studying the article, every animal lover can easily decide what exactly suits his pet better - a collar or a harness, and at the same time choose a suitable accessory that will not cause the pet the slightest discomfort.

Is a muzzle necessary?

Yes I need it. Mainly to comply with social rules when walking a dog - after all, by law, even relatively small breeds must be muzzled, and pugs can look quite massive in adulthood due to their physique. A person with a fear of dogs can quite rightly complain to you about unsafe walking of your pet.

Even if you know for sure that your dog will not bite anyone, this will not save you from many unpleasant situations during walks. Most often, dog owners get into arguments with parents of small children or simply grumpy passersby, whom your pug may simply approach and try to get acquainted with by sniffing.

In addition, to a nervous and fearful person with a phobia of dogs, the animal’s play and good-natured attitude may seem like aggression.

Apart from the obvious rules that an animal owner must adhere to, muzzles are also used for practical reasons. If a pug likes to pick up all sorts of rot and other unfit for food items from the ground, and you can’t do anything about it, a muzzle will be an excellent solution - you won’t have to watch the dog every second.


A muzzle for a pug will come in very handy at a veterinarian’s appointment. In stressful situations, an animal may behave completely differently than you are used to or expect. It is much better to prepare in advance than to get into an awkward situation at the most inopportune moment.

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