Spotted dogs: breeds with names and photographs


These are quite ancient dogs with an unclear history. According to one version, they appeared in Ancient Egypt and from there they came to Europe. According to another theory, their homeland is the Croatian province of Dalmatia, after which they got their name. They were brought to the territory of the USSR in the 80s of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity among local breeders. In 1991, on the initiative of S.V. Petrakov, a club for lovers of this breed was created.

Dalmatians are spotted dogs of medium size. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult is 54-62 cm with a weight of 24-32 kg. The elongated head with a straight bridge of the nose, strong jaws and a moderately pronounced nose has dark, round eyes and thin, hanging ears. A strong, proportionally built body with a flat back, a voluminous chest and a slightly sloping croup is covered with short, stiff white hair with evenly distributed, clearly defined spots of brown or black.

Dalmatians are cheerful, good-natured animals that are easy to train. They are very emotional, sensitive and touchy. These dogs need constant communication with people. Lack of attention turns them into closed, indifferent animals.

History of the origin of the Xoloitzcuintle

Xoloitzcuintle - description and characteristics of the breed
Xoloitzcuintle is an ancient breed formed as a result of a genetic mutation. Hairless (hairless) dogs turned out to be ideally adapted to the Mexican climate and were less likely to suffer from blood-sucking parasites.

Thanks to their extraordinary appearance, they interested the Aztecs and received the name “Xoloitzcuintli” in honor of the god of the underworld, Xolotl (Xolotl), who controlled thunderstorms and accompanied the sun.

Because of their frightening appearance, hairless dogs were considered faithful companions of God and the dead on their way to the other world.

The Aztecs believed that human souls encountered a number of obstacles that could only be overcome with the participation of a four-legged assistant. The key role of the Xoloitzcuintle is confirmed by clay figurines and mummies of dogs found during archaeological excavations. The most ancient of them date back to the 5th millennium BC. e.

The Aztecs had a ritual that involved the ceremonial killing of a dog that belonged to a deceased warrior. They put the owner's arrow into the dog's mouth and buried the bodies, sometimes mummifying them first.

Archaeologists conducting excavations in Mexico and the territory of the modern United States have found dozens of similar burials.

Some finds suggest that Xoloitzcuintles were bred for the purpose of subsequent consumption as food. Their meat was considered a delicacy and was prepared only on the occasion of important religious holidays.

The Aztecs believed that fine dining honored deities and endowed ordinary people with the gift of prophecy. They also considered the meat of hairless dogs to be a powerful aphrodisiac that increases male strength.

With the advent of the conquistadors, the culture of the descendants of the Aztecs began to be persecuted. The conquerors demanded that the aborigines renounce ancient rituals and begin to massively destroy their dogs. By the end of the 16th century, the Xoloitzcuintle could only be found in remote mountain villages in Mexico.

In the first half of the 19th century, the skins of hairless dogs began to be used for the production of leather products. In 1850, art lovers noticed unusual animals and achieved an end to their ruthless exploitation. Enthusiastic dog handlers formed groups and traveled to remote mountain villages in search of hairless dogs.

If you speak English, we advise you to look at the article about this breed on the English-language Wikipedia site, there are many quite interesting links at the end.

In 1887, Xolos received recognition from the American Kennel Club, but quickly lost popularity and were removed from the AKC breed registry. The breed owes its revival to Norman Pelham Wright, who in 1954 bought more than a dozen hairless dogs from the Indians. The naturalist took up breeding work seriously and described the animals in detail in his work “The Mystery of the Xolo.” Thanks to his efforts, the breed was officially recognized in Mexico in 1956, and in 2011 it was re-included in the AKC registry.

English Setter

Great Britain is considered the homeland of these graceful spotted dogs. There are still many unclear points in the history of their origin. Experts still argue to this day about who exactly the representatives of this breed came from. According to one version, their ancestors were primitive spaniels brought from the British Isles.

English setters are not too tall, strongly built dogs. Depending on the sex, the maximum height of an adult is 65-69 cm. On an oval, high-set head with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle and slightly drooping jowls, there are expressive eyes and hanging ears adjacent to the cheekbones. The graceful body of a typical setter is covered with thick, silky, slightly wavy, white coat with multiple spots. There are featherings on the ears, sternum, belly, inner thighs and hind legs. And the animal’s tail is decorated with a luxurious pendant.

English setters are spotted dogs, the photo of which cannot convey all their nobility and grace. They are very calm, affectionate, smart and sociable. These energetic and hardy dogs are highly trainable and are capable of proving themselves in hunting in different areas. They get along well with children and cope well with the role of a companion.

Golden retriever

This is another breed of fold-eared dog that was developed in the 1800s. Its representatives are excellent hunters, swimmers and companions. This dog has a wide, flat skull and a trapezoidal muzzle. The physique is slim. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark, medium in size. The tail of the breed is medium and straight, carried high. Their ears are small and drooping. They are located high.

Representatives of the breed are energetic and require long walks. They can live both in an apartment and in a house. Excellent for large families. Retrievers are very obedient, highly trainable dogs. They have a balanced psyche. They need regular cleaning of their fur and ears.

Marbled Dane

Despite the enormous popularity of these animals, there are many blank spots in the history of their origin. According to one version, they were bred from Asian fighting dogs that came to Europe along with nomads. According to another theory, their ancestors include Old English bulldogs and wild boar hunting dogs. To lighten the skeleton, the blood of greyhounds was infused into them.

Marbled Great Danes are large spotted dogs, the minimum height of which starts at 72 cm. On a large, harmonious head with a non-pointed muzzle, there are expressive almond-shaped eyes and high-set hanging ears, which can be cropped in puppyhood. The impressive body, square or slightly elongated, is covered with short, smooth, shiny white fur with ragged black spots, the arrangement reminiscent of a marble pattern. In addition, the standard allows for the existence of gray animals with dark markings.

Marbled Danes are a breed of large spotted dogs with a friendly, even-tempered and reasonable disposition. They are not prone to displaying causeless aggression and are easy to train. If properly trained, they make good guards and devoted companions.

Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffons stand out for their beards, which can sometimes reach epic proportions, but they are also small dogs full of character and charm.

The breed originates from Belgium, where they were originally bred to be expert rat catchers for coachmen's stables. Their personalities and unique appearance soon attracted the attention of the aristocracy, and their popularity grew when Queen Marie Henriette of Belgium began breeding them.

When it comes to strangers and noisy children, Griffs aren't always the most tolerant. This means they are not necessarily suited to a home with small children and will need a lot of socialization and gentle training to ensure they don't become nervous or unresponsive when meeting new people.

Other than trimming and grooming that profuse beard, your Brussels Griffon will not have a strict grooming regimen.


Germany is considered the homeland of these animals, and among their ancestors are the pointers brought there from France, Flanders and Spain. German breeders began to infuse them with the blood of pointers and local dogs used for feeding prey.

Shorthaired Pointers are a hunting breed of spotted dogs with a harmonious body, noble posture and well-defined sexual dimorphism. The average height of these animals is 60-65 cm. On a dry head with a long wide muzzle and strong jaws covered with tight lips, there are dark brown eyes and high-set, flat, drooping ears. The slightly elongated body with a strong back and a flat topline is covered with short, coarse, hard coat of a spotted color. Most often, white or dark marks or specks are scattered on a brown background.

Shorthaired Pointers are flexible, friendly and peace-loving dogs, distrustful of strangers. They love to bark and are not too willing to bother with children. They are not at all playful and will not bother their owners, persistently demanding attention.

Description of the breed

Xoloitzcuintle - description and characteristics of the breed
To better understand the characteristics of the Mexican hairless Xoloitzcuintle dog, you can look at the table compiled based on the opinion of experts and reviews of the owners.

CriterionRating (0 to 5)
Need for care4
Attitude towards loneliness1

The data in the table are averages and do not always coincide with the characteristics of an individual Xoloitzcuintle, since it is impossible to take into account all the individual characteristics of a particular dog.


Great Britain is considered the homeland of these animals. According to one version, their ancestors were ancient Roman short hounds. According to another theory, they originated from Celtic dogs. Translated from English, the name of the spotted dog breed, a photo of which will be presented below, means “hound”.

Beagles are small animals that visually resemble foxhounds. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult varies between 33-38 cm, and the weight is 8-16 kg. On a powerful, rough head with a blunt, filled muzzle and moderately pronounced jowls, there are almond-shaped eyes surrounded by close-fitting eyelids. The entire body of a standard representative of this breed is covered with thick, dense wool of two or three colors. Most often, red, red, chocolate or black markings are evenly scattered on the main white background.

Beagles are friendly animals with a well-developed hunting instinct. They are absolutely unsuitable for the role of a security guard and do not show aggression or distrust towards strangers.


A variety of continental toy spaniel with erect ears that are covered with long hair and look like butterfly wings. This gave the breed its name. The animal is graceful, light, height at the withers - 28 cm, weight - not less than 1.5 kg, representatives are divided into categories based on body weight:

  • from 1.5 to 2.5 kg;
  • males from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, females from 2.5 to 5 kg.

The dog's body is covered with long, barely wavy and not soft hair without undercoat, there is a “frill” on the chest, “pants” on the paws. An animal with a stable psyche, friendly, devoted to its owner.

Basset Hound

These short-legged spotted dogs with long ears were bred in Europe in the middle of the 14th century. They were originally used for hunting small game. But today they have turned into good companions, adapted to life in urban conditions.

Bassets are medium-sized dogs, whose height reaches 33-38 cm and weighs 23-29 kg. The well-proportioned, folded head has dark, diamond-shaped eyes and long, drooping ears. The squat, short-legged body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with dense thick hair of different colors. The most common species are white with black or fawn markings.

Bassets are aristocratic, kind-hearted dogs with high intelligence and a well-developed sense of smell. They are endowed with a peaceful, affectionate disposition and a sonorous voice.

Pharaoh Hound

One of the oldest breeds, characterized by an elegant and regal appearance, it was originally bred to hunt rabbits. These dogs have prominent ears and a long muzzle, and their sleek bodies come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Pharaoh Hounds are playful and energetic, but they also like to nap in secluded corners.

English pointer

Those who are not hearing for the first time the name of a spotted dog bred to search for game will be interested to know about the history of its origin. English Pointers are direct descendants of dogs that came to Great Britain from continental Europe. The imported stock was actively crossed with local breeds. Greyhounds, Bloodhounds and Foxhounds played an important role in the formation of modern pointers.

Representatives of this breed cannot boast of impressive parameters. The height of an adult dog is 61-69 cm, and its weight does not exceed 30 kg. The Pointer's moderately elongated body is covered with short, dense hair of tricolor, black, brown, red or yellow piebald.

These animals are endowed with an energetic disposition. They are very attached to their owners and get along well with children. In the presence of strangers, Pointers demonstrate politeness and aloofness.

Features of feeding and diet

Xoloitzcuintles are prone to allergies and require a carefully considered diet. The basis of their diet should be lean meat with veins and cartilage. It is better if it is beef, veal, lamb, rabbit or turkey. It is not advisable to feed chicken to Xoloitzcuintle due to the risk of developing allergies.

You can also supplement your dog’s diet with:

  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • eggs;
  • vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, zucchini);
  • low-fat fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk).

With a natural type of diet, Xoloitzcuintles should not be fed with fatty and fried foods, pickles, sweets, smoked meats, exotic fruits, baked goods and sausages.

Toothless dogs or animals that are missing more than 5-6 teeth are recommended to be fed food ground to a mushy state, or high-quality industrial canned food.

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Staffordshire Terrier breed characteristics, character, education, maintenance and care

Brazilian Terrier

This is one of the youngest breeds. Its homeland is Brazil, and among its ancestors are Foxes and other smaller terriers.

This spotted dog, whose photograph and name many of you first became acquainted with thanks to today’s material, grows to 33-40 cm at the withers and weighs no more than 10 kg. It is easily recognized by its narrow chest, docked tail, flat triangular skull and short, close-lying coat.

Brazilian Terriers are endowed with an active, cheerful disposition. They are extremely temperamental, smart, cheerful and alert. These animals love to play and dig deep holes. They need strict and consistent training. Otherwise, these dogs turn into independent and disobedient stubborn people.


They are descendants of the oldest European breed - the turf dog. Pomeranians were bred as an ornamental breed, beloved by kings and their retinues. Spitz are a dog with a square body, pointed ears, small eyes and a “fox” face.

Height at the withers is 18-22 cm , weight is not regulated, usually up to 3 kg . The orange coat is double, straight, “stuffed” and forms “pants” and a “mane”. The dog is very active, loud, playful and restless.

Australian Shepherd

Paradoxically, the homeland of these animals is America. Their ancestors were Basque Shepherds brought to the United States from Australia. In addition, Aussies have the blood of collies, Bernese Mountain Dogs and Pyrenees in their veins.

Australian Shepherds are medium-sized dogs. Their height does not exceed 58 cm at the withers, and their weight is no more than 32 kg. They have a flexible, well-balanced body and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. The Aussie's powerful, short-muzzled head has small, semi-erect ears. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with moderately long and relatively coarse hair of various colors.

Australian Shepherds are spotted dogs with a friendly and sociable disposition. They are easy to train and get along well with children. At the same time, they are distrustful of strangers, but do not require mandatory socialization.

Bearded Collie

We couldn't exclude the breed affectionately known as the "Beard" from this list. Their beard may be less distinct than some of the other breeds featured here, blending in with the overall long hair on their face, but it is there nonetheless.

Unlike some other popular collie breeds, such as the Border Collie or the Australian Cattle Dog, this breed has a less intense working drive, making them less of a challenge as a family pet. Beards are known for being exceptionally friendly towards people and other dogs.

Bearded Collies can also have a stubborn streak, which means that even if they are smart, you may have to be a little patient when it comes to training. You will also need to change it up as they can get boring quickly too.

Of all the dogs on this list, the Bearded Collie is the one that requires the most intensive care. Don't consider this breed unless you are willing to put in the time. If neglected, their fur can quickly become tangled and matted.

English coonhound

Despite the name of the breed, its homeland is not Great Britain. It was bred by American breeders back in the 17th century. These animals received official recognition in 1905 and since then have been actively used for hunting.

English Coonhounds are slender and graceful spotted dogs with well-developed muscles. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult varies between 53-69 cm and a weight of 18-30 kg. The large elongated head has very soft floppy ears and beautiful dark eyes. The harmonious body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with short, moderately hard and shiny white hair with red spots or specks. In addition, the standard allows for the existence of black-and-white and tri-colored individuals.

English Coonhounds are active dogs that need regular long walks. They have a highly developed hunting instinct. Therefore, they should not be let off the leash in crowded places or near busy roads.

Labrador Retriever: caring for representatives of the breed

Their thick coat should be groomed regularly. You need to brush it once a week; during the shedding period, more frequent brushing is necessary. It is advisable to bathe your pet every 2 months. Once a month it is worth trimming the nails if the dog does not comb them on his own.

You need to take care of your ears, they need to be checked once a week. If an infection is suspected, the dog should be shown to a doctor. After bathing and swimming, it is also worth cleaning your Labrador's ears. This must be done to prevent infection from occurring.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These little dogs have a very long history. At one time, they lived in the houses of the aristocratic nobility and were used for bird hunting.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small animals whose height does not exceed 33 cm and weighs no more than 8.2 kg. On the harmonious round head with a wide forehead and a smoothed occipital protuberance, there are huge expressive eyes and long ears covered with decorative hair. The strong, square body with a developed chest is completely covered with a soft, silky coat of two or three colors.


It is a companion dog, descended from wild dogs and domesticated by the Toltecs. The name is given by the name of the Mexican state, this country is the birthplace of the breed. Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs, widespread in the world, have a compact, slightly elongated body, height is not taken into account when assessing, weight should be 1.5-3 kg (acceptable from 0.5 to 1.5 kg ).

Dogs have an apple-shaped head, large, open ears, round eyes, and hair that can be short and soft or long and wavy. These are lively, fast, brave dogs that require gentle handling; they often bark, and if not trained, they can bite.


Now let's figure out whether a dog with a rat's face is really dangerous. The Bull Terrier breed is distinguished by strength and agility. Its relationship with a person, like that of other dogs, depends 99% on how the puppy is raised. If from a very early age he understood that the owner is the leader, whose obedience must be unquestioning, then it is difficult to find a better friend.

The Bull Terrier breed, or rather its representatives, has the following characteristics: they are playful, restless and active creatures. If you decide to get a bull terrier, get ready for many hours of daily walks. Therefore, such a dog is more suitable for energetic and young owners.

If, when you mention the name of this breed, you imagine a dog with a rat's muzzle, this means that you have come under the influence of the black PR launched in our press regarding this animal in the late 90s. In fact, he is a cheerful, cheerful and quite likeable dog.

Contrary to journalists' claims, the bull terrier has a high level of intelligence. Yes, he is capricious and jealous. Will not obey if he considers the owner's commands to be unreasonable. The owner will need love, patience and care to raise the dog correctly. We must not forget that she needs early socialization. Since this is a very intelligent dog, it will happily respond to a friendly and kind attitude and will readily obey a fair owner.

Pros and cons of small dog breeds

There is nothing perfect in the world, so small breeds of dogs are also not without their shortcomings. In many ways, the disadvantages of character or physiology are determined by the genetic characteristics of the species, but different small dogs have common negative traits. A comparison table will help you get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of such pets.

Small sizesProblem physiology
Beautiful appearanceThey like to misbehave
Good-natured dispositionHyperactive and overly inquisitive
Get along well with other petsDifficult to train, not prone to training
Keeping a dog does not require a lot of effort, time, experience and finances

Well, there are still more advantages, which means it’s time to choose a charming pet companion.

Small dog breeds - main features

Most often, small pets become residents of city apartments. Circumstances do not allow owners to have a shepherd or husky, but this is not a reason to completely abandon the company of a shaggy friend. Small dogs are no less beautiful, loyal and playful than their larger relatives. But they are more lenient when it comes to keeping: you can go for walks rarely and for only a short time, the dog has more than enough space in the apartment, and the costs of feeding and maintaining the pet are relatively low.

In addition, not all representatives of small dog breeds are “pocket” in size. There are three large subgroups in this class:

  • Toi - grow up to 28 cm, weigh about 2 kg.
  • Dwarf individuals - height at the withers is 35 cm, weight is within 5 kg.
  • Small dogs - reach a height of 40-45 cm and weigh more than 10 kg.

In the Toy group, the Chihuahua stands out the most, because today it is the smallest breed of decorative dogs in the whole world. The dwarf clan is represented by such popular types of pets as the Yorkshire terrier, Pekingese, pug, miniature schnauzer, and Pomeranian. More exotic breeds also deserve special mention: Papillon, Bichon Frize, Shih Tzu. The largest small dogs include Shiba Inu, Basenji, Japanese Spitz, Beagle, Jagdterrier and others.

Related article:

Nicknames for Shiba Inu - how to name a boy or girl puppy beautifully. By the way, there is a separate article on our website that provides a list of names for Shiba Inu dogs. It might be interesting to read.

But, of course, it is not so much dogs of unpretentious small breeds that delight owners with their size, but rather their cute appearance and funny behavior. These charming pets are playful, affectionate, and inquisitive. They often adapt to a person’s mood: if the owner is in good spirits, the dog will cuddle and play, and if the person comes home from work tired, the dog will simply lie down next to him and act as a soft anti-stress toy.

Of course, small dog breeds require serious consideration. You need to not only play with your pets, but also provide them with adequate care. Education, proper feeding, hygiene procedures and preventive visits to the veterinarian are the responsibilities of owners of both large and small pet four-legged friends.

Why do they love fold dogs?

Dogs with drooping ears or “loop-eared” breeds are a large group whose exterior was formed artificially. The advantages of lop-eared dogs are as follows:

  • The auricle is protected from wind and dust.
  • The ear canal is protected from water.
  • During a fight, you are less likely to get serious head injuries - your ears will suffer.
  • The expression on the face of the “floppy cat” is cuter and more trusting.


  • Ears pressed to the head are a provoking factor for inflammatory processes if the dog does not receive quality care.
  • It is more convenient for ticks to hide under drooping ears.
  • Ears get dirty while eating.

Top 35 small dog breeds

This ranking does not identify the best or worst, but simply gives an idea of ​​the interesting and popular small dogs. The name of the breeds of small dogs is indicated, a photo is added and a brief description is given.


A plump little puppy, growing to 25-28 cm and gaining weight in the range of 6-8 kg. Short-haired, not picky about grooming, ideal for apartment living. Despite their outward puffiness and laziness, pugs are playful, cheerful dogs by nature, always ready to cheer up everyone in the household.


Kids, famous all over the world for their miniature size. These smallest puppies have become heroes of the Guinness Book more than once: in 2022, Sally became the most compact dog, whose height barely approached the 10 cm mark!

Their small size in no way deprived these tailed animals of fearlessness, curiosity and endurance. They are happy to explore the world around them, think well, and are distinguished by quick reactions. But the Chihuahua needs to be closely monitored so that the dog does not develop health problems.


The Beagle continues the popular breed of small dogs. By nature, this species has hunting skills that are preserved in current generations. But the Beagle copes well with the role of a home companion.

Typical individuals reach 33-40 cm in height at the withers and gain 8-18 kg in weight. The pet's character is inquisitive, cheerful, and good-natured. These dogs do not show aggression, but during a walk they may become interested in a fleeting smell and follow the trail of “game.” By the way, you need to walk your Beagle at least 2 hours a day.

French Bulldog

French small dogs are almost two times smaller than their English relatives. The height of an adult dog will be 25-35 cm, and the animal will gain weight from 8 to 15 kg.

French bulldogs have a fighting past, but now this companion has a peaceful disposition and great affection for his family. You can call this feeling possessiveness, since dogs are quite stubborn and jealous: they can even show aggression towards other pets, to which the owners also pay attention. Otherwise, this breed has no shortcomings: individuals are smart, playful, loyal, unpretentious, and are distinguished by good health.

You might be interested: Nicknames for French bulldogs for boys and girls - popular, beautiful, rare.

Yorkshire Terrier

The most popular breed of shaggy small dogs. The beautiful long hair of Yorkies is often combed into ponytails, making these dogs incredibly adorable. Moreover, the long hair of these dogs does not shed at all and does not cause allergic reactions!

The dimensions of the Yorkshire Terrier are not large: the height at the withers is 20 cm, the weight is 3-3.5 kg. The breed was bred to catch rats, so Yorkies are distinguished by their energetic, lively temperament, playfulness, and courage. But quite often the pet can be seen on the owner’s hands or lap, because it’s not for nothing that these dogs are called the cutest and most charming. It’s simply impossible to resist cuddling such a cute shaggy miracle!

Welsh Corgi

Small dogs of the Welsh Corgi breed are funny short-legged fluffies, 25-30 cm high and weighing 10-12 kg. Such modest dimensions are not a reason to classify corgis as ornamental species: these dogs were bred for herding work and belong to the shepherd family!

By nature, dogs are very smart, efficient and inquisitive. Welsh Corgis are good-natured towards people, get along well with children, and love to play and learn. Easy to care for.


This small individual is a representative of the Pinscher dog breed. She received the prefix “Affe” for her touching “monkey” face.

Affenpinschers grow up to 25-30 cm, but weigh only 4-6 kg. It is not without reason that dogs have such small dimensions: they must be nimble, fast and hardy, since they are designed to catch rodents. The Affenpinscher is good as a companion, but is extremely jealous. He may harbor resentment even for the kindness that the owner shows to his own children and other household members. Therefore, it is better to have such a pet for lonely people who are ready to give all their love entirely only to this small but proud creature.


Not the smallest dog, but also possessing a fairly independent disposition. The height of the individual is 40-43 cm, weight - from 9 to 12 kg.

The Basenji is a natural hunting dog and will require professional training to curb its instincts. As a companion, this breed is attractive due to its lack of shedding and odor, as well as its almost complete noiselessness (dogs bark extremely rarely). Particular attention is paid to walking the Basenji, since this powerful and active dog must receive a sufficient portion of physical activity every day.

Chinese Crested

A small exotic breed of dog with a hairless body, but a funny fluffy crest on the head.

As the name suggests, the Crested was bred in China and was immediately destined to be an ideal companion. The character of such dogs is calm, friendly and peaceful. They get along well with people and endure the capricious games of small children. They are wary of strangers, but do not show aggression.

An adult crested dog, depending on the sex of the individual, measures 23-33 cm in height at the withers and 3-6 kilograms in weight.

Italian Greyhound

The smallest dog of the Greyhound breed. Reaches a height of 32-38 cm and gains weight up to 4.5 kg.

The second name of this species is Italian Greyhound. The Italian Greyhound is distinguished by its graceful physique, hunting skills and energetic disposition. She is responsive to people, gets along well, loves to play. Due to high activity, such a dog is prone to injuries, and due to the fragility of the skeleton, it requires careful attention to its health.

Related article:

The heaviest dog in the world - weight and height records in the Guinness Book + top 10 . It might be interesting to read in a separate article about dogs that hold records for weight and size. Even some representatives were included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Jack Russell Terrier

Another puppies of small hunting breeds, designed for catching rodents, birds, small foxes and badgers. The height of these dogs ranges from 25 to 30 cm, and the average weight is 5.5 kg.

Like any hunting dog, the Jack Russell Terrier is very energetic, intelligent, and curious. He will need long walks and sufficient exercise. In addition, such a pet loves to learn, so it will happily carry out training commands and tasks. If you do not take into account the requirement for long walks, such a dog is ideal as a companion: smart, loyal, friendly to adults and children.

King Charles Spaniel

Such a noble breed of small stature dogs is named after King Charles II of England. The dogs are distinguished by their moderate dimensions (33 cm height, 8 kg weight), beautiful appearance (long silky hair, red and white color), and affectionate disposition. Pets adore their family, but are wary and timid towards strangers.

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Small dogs of the Continental Toy Spaniel (Papillon) breed immediately attract attention with their shaggy, widely spaced ears, vaguely reminiscent of butterfly wings. These dogs are cheerful, energetic, affectionate and love to be the center of attention. The average individual weighs 3-5 kg, and its height ranges from 20 to 28 cm.


Small breeds are quite capable of competing with large ones in intelligence, as clearly evidenced by Sheltie, a dog that is among the top 6 smartest representatives of its class. In appearance, the individual is very reminiscent of a Collie, only in miniature. Among the qualities, it is worth highlighting intelligence, activity, high guard skills, and friendliness towards people.

Russian toy terrier

A small dog with bulging eyes and thin legs. There are two types: smooth-haired and long-haired, which are also distinguished by the presence of fur on the ears and tail.

The Russian Toy Terrier is a breed of small dogs that can compete in minimal size with the Chihuahua. With a height of 20-28 cm, animals weigh from 1.5 to 3 kg. By temperament they are energetic, devoted, affectionate with all people.

Related article:

Toy Fox Terrier - standards, main qualities of dogs, training, education . Another representative that fits the definition of small dog breeds is the American Toy Fox Terrier. Read about this breed in a separate article, it might be interesting.

Brussels griffin

Cute little dogs with an unusual appearance and friendly disposition. They weigh about 3.5-6 kg and grow to 26-30 cm.

Shiba Inu

A stately Japanese breed, recognized as one of the oldest in the world. They are distinguished by a high propensity for independence, for which their character is often equated to the willfulness of a cat. Therefore, training such a pet will not be easy, and caring for its coat cannot be called easy. But these dogs will reward their owner with loyalty, discipline, good work skills and a uniquely beautiful appearance.

Pomeranian Spitz

A small dog with a doll-like face and a cheerful disposition. It grows up to 20 cm, gaining weight of about 2-3.5 kg. Excellent for keeping at home: does not need long walks, easily accustoms to a tray and a diaper.

Bichon Frize

White small dogs, the name of the breed speaks for itself - “curly lapdog”. These individuals are excellent learners, live with people in perfect harmony and never show aggression.

The dogs are small in size: their height reaches 30 cm, and they gain weight in the range of 3-6 kg. Silky coat requires regular, but not very scrupulous care.

Scottish Terrier

The list already included small dog breeds with the name “terrier,” but Scotch is a unique branch of the genus. With a height of 25-28 cm and a weight of 8-10 kg, this dog has the restraint, prudence and calmness of a giant. The Scottish Terrier is so unpretentious and intelligent that he was even nicknamed the “bearded gentleman.”

miniature pinscher

And this is the cutest and smallest variety of Pinscher dogs. These individuals grow to 25, maximum 30, centimeters and gain 3.5-5 kg ​​of weight. They are completely unpretentious in care, except that they require protective clothing in the cold season. As companions, they are loyal, playful, moderately courageous and energetic.

It may be interesting to read real reviews from owners about the Miniature Pinscher breed.

Miniature Poodle

A small dog of the Toy Poodle breed is characterized by a height of 24-28 cm and a weight of up to 3 kg. From its larger relatives, this species inherited developed intelligence, discipline, and balance. And as a representative of mini-dogs, the dwarf poodle is distinguished by its increased friendliness, craving for affection and praise. Your dog's curly coat needs to be taken care of responsibly.

American Hairless Terrier

Another unusual variety of the terrier breed: small dogs completely devoid of hair. In addition to their eccentric appearance, these kids are distinguished by their ability to get along peacefully with all household members, including both people and animals.


A species that could be included in the popular small dog breeds, if not for the serious price tag of $1,000-$1,5000 per puppy. So the specimen is rare, but deserves attention.

Italian lapdogs are beautiful dogs, covered from head to tail and paws with long, thick, wavy hair. They grow up to 31 centimeters and weigh no more than 4 kilograms. Bolognese is extremely friendly to his owners, but strangers make him distrustful.


Small representatives of the terrier breed, bred specifically for hunting birds, minks, foxes, badgers and even wild boars. Despite their small size (height at the withers 33-40 cm, weight from 7 to 12 kg), Jagd Terriers are incredibly efficient in hunting. These dogs rush at the game with lightning speed and are not at all afraid of a stubborn fight. Natural reflexes are very strong, so keeping a Jagd Terrier as a pet is recommended only for experienced breeders.


A small dog of the Belgian Shepherd breed. Very nimble, hardy, moderately aggressive. It is easy to train and loves to follow the owner's instructions. It has a lush coat that requires proper care.

Lhasa apso

The oldest species, from which many more cute and small breeds of dogs subsequently originated.

The Lhasa Aspo was bred in Tibet, the name of the capital of which is immortalized in the designation of this genus. Typical individuals are medium-sized, grow up to 28 centimeters, and their weight is within the range of 5-7 kg. Dogs are smart, good-natured, love all family members, but choose only one owner as their main owner. The Lhasa Aspo will loyally obey this lucky guy, but sometimes he can be capricious.

The dogs are unpretentious in their maintenance, get along easily with other pets, and do not require long walks. However, long hair, which is prone to clumps, deserves special attention.

Volpino Italiano

This fluffy little white puppy is so cute and cuddly that he looks more like a stuffed animal than a real dog. Its height is from 25 to 30 cm, weight – 4 kg. The character is playful, mischievous, peaceful.


One of the most famous small dog breeds. It grows up to 30-35 cm, weighs from 7.5 to 15 kg. Despite not the most stately appearance, these individuals are always full of strength and energy. As companions, they are smart and obedient. They get along well with people, find a common language even with capricious toddlers, but they do not get along well with other small animals: by nature, dachshunds are fearless game hunters.


Wolfspitz are intelligent guard dogs that do not grow large. This pet loves long walks in nature, so it is not very suitable for keeping in apartment conditions. But the character of the Spitz is a feast for the eyes: the dogs are unobtrusive, but they absolutely adore all members of the household, and especially small children. Even with strangers, Keeshonds are often friendly and affectionate.

Australian Terrier

It is difficult to list all the breeds of small terriers, but we can name one more! This species is similar in appearance to the Yorkie, but the Australian differs in height (25.5 cm) and large weight (5-6 kg). By nature, he is a fearless hunter, capable of driving away rats, birds and even snakes.

Miniature Schnauzer

The smallest puppy is by no means a small breed of German Schnauzer. The height of a thoroughbred individual at the withers reaches 30-36 cm, weight is in the range of 5.5-9 kg.

Miniature Schnauzers love to demonstrate discipline and diligence; if necessary, they can zealously rush to protect their family. But this dog will never show unreasonable aggression, even with other pets he gets along without unnecessary problems. The only difficulty in care: regular combing and periodic trimming of the coat is required.

Japanese Spitz

And again a representative of small dogs of the Spitz breed. It is distinguished by snow-white fur, a harmonious physique, and a cute face. The habits of Japanese Spitz dogs make them ideal companions: the dogs are friendly, playful, love to attract attention and bask in waves of affection. In a dangerous situation, without hesitation, they will defend the family and rush to the offender.

Petersburg orchid

Fashion long-haired dogs bred in St. Petersburg. To produce these unusual puppies, different representatives of small breeds of dogs were used in crossing. The first experiments were unsuccessful, but later the breeders were able to develop a unique species of decorative dogs, named St. Petersburg Orchid in honor of their small homeland.

Dogs less than 30 cm tall and weighing up to 4 kg are initially intended to be household companions. They are very sociable, cheerful, playful, and love all family members equally. The breed is still small in number, and rare specimens can only be seen at social parties.

Norwegian Lundehund

And the rarest among small dog breeds is the Norwegian Lundehund. With a height of 32-37 cm and a weight of 6-7 kg, this individual is unusually flexible and tenacious: it climbs holes and steep rocks without fear. The dog's temperament is energetic and its disposition is cheerful.

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Dogs that don't shed or smell are safe breeds for allergy sufferers. Our website also has a list of dogs with descriptions and photos of hypoallergenic dog breeds. Many small dog breeds are on this list too. Take a look, it might be interesting.

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