How long do French bulldogs live at home?

When getting a pet, every owner is interested in what its life expectancy is, whether there is a tendency to certain diseases, and what to do to ensure that the four-legged family member lives as long as possible. How long French bulldogs live depends on proper care for them. But there are certain average indicators.

Nutrition, exercise, preventive examinations - these simple measures will maintain your pet’s health and increase the life expectancy of your pet.

How long do French bulldogs live?

The average lifespan of a bulldog is 9 to 12 years. Older dogs over 15 years old are found, but quite rarely.

If an animal has lived to such an advanced age, it means that it is not only a matter of careful care for it, but also the individual characteristics of the body - a very strong immune system, and the absence of injuries during its life.
Additional Information! There are cases where French bulldogs lived up to 20 years, but such an advanced age for representatives of this breed is a rare exception to the rule.

Unusual nicknames

It has become a fashionable trend to give pets gastronomic nicknames. They sound bright and unusual. Nicknames for boys ─ Cupcake, Julien, Loaf, Eclair, Baguette, Morsic, Pate. For girls - Bun, Marmalade, Kandy, Marshmallow,

Interesting money nicknames for a male dog: Forex, Crypt, Rich, Tycoon, Forbes.

For girls

From the list of dog names, you can choose the desired nickname for French bulldog girls:

Aza, Affa, Aya, Blazey, Bridgette, Berta, Wanda, Vesta, Veta, Granny, Glora, Grossa, Diora, Dolly, Donna, Eva, Echi, Josie, Josette, Zhanne, Zamfa, Zarra, Zyuzu, Toffee, Irma, Sparkle, Carmen, Claffey, Lyra, Lorrie, Louise, Margot, Molly, Millie, Neva, Nora, Nicoletta, Olan, Oprah, Olla, Prana, Perla, Petra, Rebecca, Rhoda, Rossa, Silva, Salma, Cecile, Trona, Tina, Tavi, Uncha, Urfa, Francesca, Filla, Felicia, Chloe, Haddy, Tseka, Flower, Chara, Chupa, Charutti, Shotti, Shokko, Emma, ​​Elma, Emily, Justina, Yuna, Yara, Yamana.

For boys

Popular nicknames for French bulldog boys:

Aron, Ataman, Archibald, Blade, Boatswain, Brad, Vallis, Vigu, Vist, Ground, Hussar, Gooch, Genie, Drake, Derek, Elang, Jacques, Geoffrey, Zhorik, Zach, Zalir, Zephyr, Ich, Indigo, Eaton, Klaus, Craig, Cousteau, Lost, Lemon, Louis, Mars, Marseille, Morsic, Napoleon, Next, Nishtyak, Olympic, Osman, Ouch, Parnas, Parker, Gingerbread, Rolf, Roul, Range, Salad, Stout, Status, Trade, Trump, Timati, Urfin, Umat, Pound, Fitz, Forest, Hulk, Huchik, Hitach, Cicero, Zweig, Chase, Champion, Charlie, Naughty, Chic, Sheriff, Ever, Elvis, Aesop, Jung, Yuver, Yarik, Yasha, Jason.

Is the life expectancy of dogs different in the private sector and in an apartment?

As practice shows, animals living in private houses live somewhat shorter lives than pets living in apartments.

This is explained by the fact that in the private sector, bulldogs are more susceptible to injuries in the local area, often get into fights with neighboring animals, and are more often attacked by ticks and other parasites. These factors negatively affect health and suppress the immune system.

There are also disadvantages to staying in an apartment if the owners are absent for a long time and cannot provide frequent walks for the pet with the required level of physical activity.

A French Bulldog living in an apartment should be taken for walks regularly.


In order for the dog to feel comfortable at home, it is important to create living conditions worthy of it.

First of all, you need to allocate a place for the puppy, which must meet the following criteria:

  • a dry and bright room with a minimum of furniture and objects on the floor;
  • the rug or bed should not be located near the door or radiator.

To prevent germs and dirt from entering your pet's body, it is recommended to do regular cleaning.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The lifespan of dogs increases if French bulldogs are kept clean.

Life expectancy for males and females - is there a difference?

Gender in itself does not affect life expectancy. But boys behave more aggressively towards other animals, often fight, and receive injuries that affect their health.

Additional Information! Girls live a maximum of about 15 years, males - up to 12.

But bitches have their own factors that provoke early death - childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth place a lot of stress on the body, and the birth of puppies occurs mainly through caesarean section.

Proper nutrition

The quality and quantity of animal feed plays a huge role in health and immunity.

You can feed your Rottweiler both dry and natural food.

Dry food significantly saves the owner’s time and effort, but one must take into account that dogs of this breed eat a lot, and high-quality food is expensive. Cheap food will not bring anything to your pet except problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to food, the dog must be given a mineral and vitamin complex to maintain immunity.

When choosing natural food, you should give preference to protein foods, which should be at least 50% of the total amount.

It could be:

  • meat products (lean pork, beef, chicken, turkey, offal);
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, sour cream in small quantities);
  • fish (bones must first be removed);
  • eggs.

Meat must be given raw or lightly boiled with boiling water. It is better to give vegetables raw, but not very often, as they can cause bloating. They should be no more than 20% in the diet.

The remaining 30% of the dog's menu is porridge. Preference should be given to buckwheat, rice, and wheat cereals, but it is better to completely exclude semolina and pearl barley from the animal’s diet.

How to determine a dog's age

You can independently determine how old a bulldog is at home. There are several ways to do this. According to the condition of the teeth:

  • the younger the animal, the whiter and sharper its teeth;
  • a pet under 2 years of age has snow-white incisors, without signs of caries;
  • at 3 years, the lower teeth gradually wear down;
  • 4 years - the upper incisors wear off, the color remains white;
  • 5 years - the fangs become rounded, the color changes to a yellow tint;
  • 6 years - yellowing and thinning of teeth;
  • 8 years - dental problems arise - caries, loosening of teeth and tooth loss.

You can most accurately determine the age by looking at the teeth.
Based on the general appearance of the pet and its behavior:

  • the older the dog is, the duller its coat; by the age of 8, gray hairs appear on the face;
  • eyes - with age they become increasingly discolored;
  • skin - by the age of 8, the skin loses its elasticity.

Behavior - with age, the reaction to external stimuli becomes dull, the dog prefers to sleep most of the time, refuses to play.

Additional Information! Among all types of bulldogs, American and English breeds are the longest-livers. The French take only 3rd place.


Look at that funny face - it says so much about the character of the French Bulldog! This loving, lively and cheerful creature is full of mischief. The dog is extremely attached to “his” person and is ready to follow him anywhere. In addition, most Frenchies are fearless defenders, ready to attack even a lion if it wants to eat its owner.

As for correct behavior, bulldogs are a little stubborn, but trainable. They clearly understand who is the leader here, and whose words can be ignored. Therefore, the “baby” needs patient persistence.

Factors influencing the lifespan of a French Bulldog

The lifespan of a French Bulldog depends on a number of factors:

  • Diseases - oncology, heart pathologies, obesity, skin diseases.
  • Accidents - Bulldogs are inquisitive dogs, which is why they often find themselves in various unpleasant situations on the street and receive injuries of varying severity.
  • Nutrition.
  • Physical activity - laziness and preference for a passive lifestyle, especially if the owner indulges this, lead to obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Difficulties with childbearing.
  • Emotional state - dogs are susceptible to stress just like people.
  • Sterilization or castration. It is recommended to sterilize your bulldog because... It is believed that after this the animals live longer. Unsterilized dogs are more emotional, a little more aggressive, and they have a higher risk of developing genitourinary cancer.

The weak point of bulldogs is the shortened shape of their muzzle. This structure increases the risk of diseases of the respiratory system, heart and vascular system.

The structure of the muzzle is an additional negative factor

Historical reference

The ancestors of the French are English bulldogs. Having once moved from the shores of Foggy Albion to the lands of the Gauls, this mini fighting breed gained popularity among the French elite. The first breed club was registered back in 1870, but official recognition was received only 34 years later. During this time, the French were polished and hewn, giving an appearance close to the present one.

In addition, British residents opposed the recognition of the breed, who believed that there was only one bulldog - the English one. All the rest are mestizos and fakes, an attack on the pride of the nation. But French connoisseurs did not retreat and achieved an autonomous position for their favorites.

Photo of a French bulldog

How to extend the life of a pet

How long bulldogs can live depends not only on their genetics, the absence of hereditary diseases and strong immunity, but also on how well the owner takes care of his pet. You can extend the lifespan to the maximum if you provide the dog with comfortable living.

Proper diet

The animal's diet should be varied and balanced, and the products should be of high quality, enriched with vitamins and minerals. A proper diet consists of the following foods:

  • lean meats - they must first be frozen or scalded with boiling water;
  • porridge - buckwheat and rice;
  • offal - served every 2 days, boiled;
  • fermented milk products with minimal fat content - they should be given three times a week;
  • berries, fruits - no more than once every 2 weeks.

The shells of quail eggs need to be crushed and sprinkled on ready-made dishes. It is also a good idea to add a small amount of sunflower or olive oil.

Attention! You can feed your dog industrial dry food, but it must be of high quality, holistic or super premium.

You need to monitor how much your pet eats. Systematic overeating leads to obesity, from which the dog can survive much less.

Obesity greatly shortens life expectancy

Physical exercise

The bulldog is a lazy dog. But to maintain good health, he needs to provide physical activity. Walking should be carried out at least 2 times a day, for 30-40 minutes.

Treatment and deworming

Any disease, even a mild cold, must be treated correctly and in a timely manner. What is important is deworming, which is carried out 21 days after birth, then repeated after 21 days. During the first year of life, deworming is carried out three times.

Hygienic care

A bulldog can live a comfortable and long life only if the owner observes a number of hygiene measures, which are carried out regularly:

  • Combing the coat every other day.
  • Wash using specialized shampoo once a season.
  • Wipe the folds with a damp cloth and moisturize them with baby cream regularly. Wiping wrinkles on the face after every meal.
  • Examination of ears, eyes and anus - every week.
  • Ear cleaning as needed.

Attention! If the dog is unable to scratch its claws on the asphalt, they should be trimmed every 1-1.5 months.

Differences in color and appearance

The color varieties have virtually endless variations in appearance. For example, wool, which is found in such color shades, adds differences - these are:

  • White
  • Grey
  • Ginger
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Beige
  • Chocolate
  • Tiger color

The French Bulldog can complement its colors with the main coat color, which creates an unusual and beautiful final result.

The main coloring varies. There are pets with this color variation - this is a pet:

  • Red
  • Beige
  • Black-brown
  • Blue French Bulldog (with blue eyes)
  • Brindle color
  • Black
  • Marble color

These are the most common types of coat colors.

There may be a color similar to a French dog of another breed or species - in this case, you should trust a professional dog handler who can accurately determine the breed.

Additional types of the breed can also please you with variety - these are:

  • Fawn French Bulldog
  • Little French Bulldog
  • French bulldog mini
  • Brindle French Bulldog
  • Dwarf French Bulldog

All species have similar personalities and physical size.

Caring for an Aging Dog

An old pet needs special care. Nutrition should be light and balanced so that there is no heavy load on the digestive system. Hygiene procedures are carried out carefully and regularly. Particular attention should be paid to teeth and the condition of the oral cavity:

  • brushing your teeth once a week;
  • preventive examination by a veterinarian;
  • timely removal of tartar and plaque;
  • removal of diseased incisors that cannot be cured.

Even if your pet is trained to use a litter tray, it must be walked in the fresh air. The dog must be kept on a leash and walked away from potentially dangerous places - tall grass, roads. The degree of physical activity decreases.

Attention! After each walk you need to inspect the paw pads. If they have cracks or wounds, be sure to lubricate them with antiseptics and moisturizing creams.

You can’t indulge the laziness of an elderly bulldog

Choosing a puppy

Select a puppy based on the following parameters:

  1. The puppy's parents must be healthy and have balanced behavior. It is imperative to see the puppy's father and mother.
  2. Observe the behavior of the puppy you like, but do not pick it up or pet it without the breeder's permission.
  3. Upon examination, the puppy should be distinguished by shiny fur, a non-bloated belly, neat skin and a small layer of fat, clean ears and eyes, without odor or discharge of various kinds.
  4. The nose is black, with the exception of dogs from three to five months old with a spotted color, in which an uncolored nose is allowed.
  5. The oral mucosa is pink, the teeth are straight, and the bite is strong.
  6. Paw movements are straight, coordinated and not stiff.
  7. General behavior of the dog. Healthy individuals are active, cheerful and ready for contact.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

On average, the price of this breed varies:

  • from forty thousand - standard colors;
  • up to one hundred and twenty - blue, tan, lilac.

It is best to purchase a puppy from trusted breeders, information about which can be obtained from the nearest kennel club

If you buy bulldogs from private breeders, it is important to carefully study the reviews about it

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing, the main attention is paid to the following points:

  • availability of all necessary documents and stamps;
  • a veterinarian’s certificate confirming the absence of genetic diseases in the parents;
  • conditions for keeping dogs;
  • staff attitude towards their work and animals;
  • bulldog nutrition;
  • reputation of the establishment.

On the channel The Adventures of Venya the Bulldog - the secrets of choosing a puppy of this breed.

Causes of premature death

Despite the average life expectancy of 9-12 years, it is possible that the pet will die much earlier. Animals can die due to diseases that are not treated in a timely manner and from injuries.

Injuries and accidents happen because an inquisitive dog does not know how to assess the degree of danger. He may suddenly run out onto the road or try to fight with large animals.

Walking your bulldog on a leash in a calm, safe area is a guarantee that nothing will happen to your pet.

Short description

To begin with, it is worth saying that this breed of dog is distinguished by its miniature size.

Its height often does not exceed 30 centimeters, and the weight of dogs does not exceed 14 kilograms .

Such dogs are suitable for active people, since the pets themselves are very playful and perky.

Despite their small size, French bulldogs are very athletic and have well-developed muscles.

These parameters allow the dog to stand up for the owner in case of danger. This fact should be taken into account when walking dogs - do not think that this dog is not capable of showing aggression.

Dogs of this breed are easy to train, they are smart, but at the same time quite stubborn.

Read a more complete description of French Bulldogs here.


Dog handlers say that pets sense their owner’s mood. And if you don’t like a certain person, then the dog will behave warily around him.

Signs of old age

Due to its modest size, the French bulldog remains a cute and funny pet until a very old age. You can understand that age has taken its toll by the following signs:

  • the bulldog does not respond to external stimuli or sounds;
  • the dog refuses physical activity, games, prefers to sleep;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • the dog often howls for no reason;
  • chronic pathologies are activated;
  • teeth begin to fall out, the coat becomes dull, and gray hairs appear.

Even a very elderly dog ​​will live a full, active life if the owner creates a comfortable environment for him, both physical and emotional.

The life expectancy of a bulldog is from 9 to 12 years, and sometimes more, if the owner of his four-legged friend provides him with the right care - frequent walks with physical activity, regular hygienic care, healthy nutrition and, of course, preventive examinations at the veterinarian.


A French Bulldog may be disqualified if it has the following faults:

  • multi-colored eyes;
  • the nose is not black;
  • lip abnormalities;
  • scissor bite;
  • visible fangs with the mouth closed;
  • incorrect ear placement;
  • cropped ears or tail;
  • dewclaws;
  • non-standard coat color;
  • absence of a tail.

Does your dog fit the standard standards?

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Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

French Bulldog
Activityin the house2.3
on the street2.4
Dominationin family1.4
over dogs3.2
Defending your territoryfrom people1.2
from dogs3
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers4.8
with dogs3.8
Concentrationin family1.1
in front of strangers1.2
with dogs1.7
Aggressivenessin family1.1
to strangers1.2
to the dogs2.7
to cats2.6
Family behaviorcalmness3.2
demand for affection4.4
excessive barking1.8
behavioral breakdowns1.7
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.2
over 4 years old4.3
Institutional usewatchman3.3

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: English Bulldog, Beagle, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Jack Russell Terrier, Pug.


Upon purchase, the following documents are issued:

  1. “Puppy metric” or “puppy card”. It indicates: breed, nickname, color, date of birth, brand, number of the mating act, information about the parents indicating nicknames, titles, pedigree numbers and owners. In the “puppy owner” column, enter the buyer’s details and address. The metric has a number and is certified by the signature of the chairman and the seal of the club or nursery indicating his address and telephone number.
  2. Contract of sale. If it is not drawn up, then the puppy’s metric has the force of this document, and then the pedigree.
  3. If you plan to participate in exhibitions or transport, you must have an International Veterinary Passport, which contains information about vaccinations performed.
  4. If the puppy is exported abroad, you need permission from the Russian Canine Federation, addressed to the customs authorities, as well as a veterinary certificate.

The pedigree is issued based on metrics after purchase. It indicates the dog's ancestors for at least three generations.


Dog handlers claim that the species mentioned in the article is difficult to train. By nature, individuals are stubborn and freedom-loving, but making them obey is a completely doable task.

Judging a pet based solely on its breed is not a good idea. Each dog is an individual, with its own personality traits, and in order to learn something, it will have to be trained hard, while the owner must be able to find an approach to it.

If your pet is active and restless, during training you should require strict adherence to discipline from him. If, on the contrary, he is calm and concentrated, he needs to be stirred up somehow. You can try teaching in a playful way.

History of the breed

For French bulldogs, the history of the breed began in the 19th century in England. The goal of the breeders was to create a companion dog, guard dog and rat hunter for keeping in urban environments. They crossed English bulldogs with pugs, terriers and other decorative pets. Only the smallest representatives of the breeds were used for breeding. Dogs appeared that were bred by artisans to hunt rats.

At the end of the 19th century, the French bulldog breed came to France. Her unusual appearance, mischievous disposition and good-natured character are the reason for her popularity. She became fashionable in high society. Thanks to this, the French bulldog has spread throughout the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were recognized as a separate breed and classified as decorative dogs. They became especially popular in America.

Basking in the sun

In Russia, the French bulldog breed was first popular among the nobility. Chaliapin, the royal family, and other famous people had such a pet. But the history of its breeding in our country was not easy. Since the 1920s, this breed has almost disappeared. After all, she was considered elite, pets were expensive. After the war, there was only one French bulldog left in the whole country in Moscow. They began to breed them again only in the 60s.

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