Mating Jack Russell Terriers for the first time: how long does estrus last?

Restless Jack Russell Terrier dogs are increasingly being purchased as a companion and family friend.

The small size of these dogs, cheerful disposition and friendliness towards people around them make them an excellent city dog, with whom it is pleasant to travel and participate in exhibitions. But the cute puppy is growing up and the owner is faced with the question of whether to breed or not.

If a male dog may not participate in breeding work, happily existing in the role of everyone’s favorite, then for a female dog there is a risk of an unplanned pregnancy or unsuccessful birth.

It is for this reason that the owner must have an understanding of the nuances of the pet’s reproductive period .

Choosing a puppy, care, maintenance

It is better to buy a puppy from a nursery, from experienced breeders. Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed includes characteristic features:

  • white color with red or brown spots;
  • dark eyes with black rims;
  • black nose;
  • a tail that is not too long and should not curl into a ring;
  • straight and even paws;
  • the hind legs are muscular and strong;
  • the puppy should be lively, playful, and curious.

You should be wary:

  • light eyes;
  • pink or brown nose;
  • arched or hunchbacked back;
  • crooked paws;
  • very long or soft coat;
  • passive, fearful puppy.

Care and maintenance

It is better to keep a Russell in an apartment or house, but not in an outdoor enclosure. Dogs are sensitive to cold; in addition, an older puppy can dig under and run away. For this reason, you should not leave him alone, even in a fenced yard. Representatives of the breed are big fans of digging, so you need to be prepared that over time there will be holes and even entire ditches on the territory.

The puppy should immediately be given its own place, away from the radiator. Drafts must be excluded. Any place is suitable: a bed, a basket, a house. The bedding should be warm. At first, you can limit the space by installing a mini-aviary.

Remove carpeting. It is impossible to remove the smell from them; it will always remind the puppy of what was done. The floor must be covered with special diapers and newspapers. It is not advisable to use fabric; the dog will get used to using textiles in this way.

Hide everything that a small terrier can chew: shoes, wires, etc. To prevent your pet from spoiling things, you definitely need toys. Try to buy ones that he can't chew. The Russells act cruelly with other toys: they turn them into small pieces. This is dangerous: the dog can swallow one of them.

The puppy will run and play a lot. It should be taken into account that he has very fragile bones, so you need to make sure that he does not jump from high surfaces. Until the age of 1 year, the terrier should not be allowed to go down the stairs (take him for a walk in his arms). For the formation of the psyche, communication and games with relatives are important (but only 3 weeks after vaccinations). It is impossible for the Russell to be in the sun for a long time; in the heat it is recommended to walk in the shade, near a pond.


Start from the moment the puppy appears in the house. Teach your pet to its place, stop attempts to climb onto the bed, table, jump on a shelf, or climb into a closet. Little puppies are obedient until they learn the habits of their household. The pet must immediately be made to understand what can be done and what cannot be done.

Stability, consistency, and perseverance are important in education. Agree with all family members to follow the general rules. You cannot allow a situation where one will drive the puppy out of the bed, and the other will allow it to sleep there. Do not allow your pet to occasionally do something illegal.

As the puppy grows up, it will try to claim the role of leader; this must be stopped. You cannot give in to Russell; he will quickly sense how he can get his way and become disobedient. You can’t hit him, just shake him by grabbing him by the withers. This is how puppies are punished by their mother dog.

A pet needs constant attention; an important element of education is communication, preferably in the form of play. This will allow you to develop the desired behavior model

Don't play with your puppy's hands, otherwise he will develop the habit of grabbing them. Stop the slightest attempts to bite, slip a toy. Training is also important. Russell must be able to carry out basic commands (“come to me”, “place”, “sit”, “lie down”, “fetch”).

Toilet training

To teach him to go to the toilet outside, take your puppy for a walk more often: after sleeping, feeding, playing. Walk only on a leash. The recommended interval between walks is 1-2 hours. The more often the pet goes to the toilet using diapers/newspaper, the longer the training process will be.

Puppies, like children, cannot endure for long; puddles and piles can appear in the house up to 6-8 months. You can’t punish for this, it’s better to show dissatisfaction: say “Ugh!” in a stern voice. When outside, praise your puppy after he relieves himself.

Teaching static commands

To me

The very first command with which puppy training begins is “come to me!” The pet must be able to distinguish the owner from strangers and come running when called. The command “come to me!” They also give it when the pet is distracted by strangers.

If the puppy does not respond to the demand, then you absolutely cannot go to him. The owner should pretend to run away or sit down and gently call the puppy. This will arouse curiosity in your pet and provoke him to approach. When following a command, the puppy is praised with a treat. If this method does not bring results, then you need to give the necessary command again and slightly pull the pet towards you with a leash, caress and encourage it.


The second command that needs to be learned is “place!” During training, the puppy should be at the intended location. The owner lures the pet onto the bedding with a treat. Only after the puppy is where he needs to be is he praised and rewarded. The exercise is repeated 5-6 times. The command is carried out without further words, so as not to provoke the dog to leave its place.


Next, the owner begins to teach the “sit!” command. To do this, the treat is raised above the puppy so that he throws his head back and sits down to improve his visibility. The owner clearly pronounces the command and gives the treat. The exercise is repeated several times. The pet quickly learns the command and after a couple of training sessions it will sit on demand without rewards.


The command “lie down!” given to the puppy after successfully learning “sit!” The owner holds a treat in his hand and lowers it down, pronouncing a word. When trying to take a treat, the puppy will lie down, but to prevent it from standing up abruptly, the owner must hold it by the collar (or back). The command “lie down!” must be served regardless of whether the pet is standing or sitting. If you only ask a sitting dog to lie down, he will get used to performing exactly this combination of movements.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting breed. He easily picks up a trail and can chase other animals.

You should let your pet off the leash only after he has fully mastered the “come to me!” command.

Sixth to seventh week: pregnancy is obvious

In the period from the 36th to the 43rd day, the development of embryos accelerates. Primary sexual characteristics appear, shoulder blades and fingers are formed and hair grows. The size of future cubs reaches 6.5 centimeters. On the 44th day, the dog’s uterus enlarges and occupies most of the abdominal cavity. Puppies can already be felt by palpation, but it is difficult to determine their exact number.

It is recommended to increase the amount of food by 20%, offer portions more often, but make them even smaller. This is good for pregnant dogs. You can schedule your diet by day and time to simplify your task and not rack your brains about how to feed your pet. On the 47th day, the expectant mother begins to look for shelter for childbirth and spends most of her time licking her nipples. It's time to make an enclosure or equip part of the room and gradually accustom the dog to this place.

Behavioral symptoms of pregnancy

How long does a Chihuahua's heat last?

In the first month, pregnancy in dogs is still invisible, but an attentive owner will be able to determine the interesting position of his pet by behavior. Beginning breeders should note the dog’s pregnancy day by day and take detailed notes in a notebook.

In the early stages, pay attention to your pet’s appetite. Typically, pregnant bitches lose their appetite in the first month of gestation and eat less than usual.

However, not all dogs lose interest in food, and this is not always an indicator of pregnancy. In the second month, appetite increases sharply again.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, your pet may notice apathy, lethargy, slowness, a desire to sleep more, and ignoring the owner’s commands. But this can be considered an indicator of pregnancy if your dog was always energetic and playful before mating. In the early stages, your pet can become overly sociable and affectionate. However, the opposite situation also occurs when the dog seeks privacy in secluded corners.

Caring for your pet during heat

Before the first emptying, discharge from the loop with pus is sometimes noticed. This is called juvenile vaginitis. The phenomenon is considered normal, so there is no need to worry. They will disappear after the end of estrus. Otherwise, you should contact a veterinary clinic.

To prevent your pet from leaving behind dirt, you can buy special disposable elastic panties or diapers. Then the female will not leave bloody stains in the apartment. But you shouldn't wear them all the time. Doctors say that the dog must lick itself.

When first introduced, the animal should be trained to get rid of stains. Therefore, you need to remove carpets during this period. Caring for a pet consists of the following rules:

  • do not walk for a long time in cold weather to avoid colds;
  • do not go to areas where dogs gather;
  • do not remove the leash.

It is not advisable to vaccinate during estrus. If it is not possible to prevent mating, you should not use drugs to terminate the pregnancy. This can lead to health problems, including infertility.

The presence of a void after sterilization is influenced by the type of operation. If the specialist only ties the fallopian tubes, then it will continue without the possibility of fertilization. After removal of the ovaries and uterus, the pet will not leak. There have been extremely rare cases where the function of the ovaries was performed by the adrenal glands, and a resumption of emptying was observed.

During this period, the dog requires careful care, proper nutrition, and compliance with hygiene rules. If deviations from the norm and alarming symptoms occur, you should show it to a doctor. After examination, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment.

Dogs, like humans, begin puberty sooner or later. Of course, these processes cannot be compared, since they are characterized by their own specifics. In dogs, puberty is accompanied by a natural process, estrus.

During puberty, the “girl” prepares to mate and bear puppies. As a rule, this mechanism is activated every six months or a year. In some cases, a dog's heat begins at a later age. However, if this does not happen by the age of two years, then the dog must be shown to a veterinarian.

In animals such as dogs, the normal period of sexual activity is considered to be 14-21 days. However, this process is influenced by the age and other characteristics of the girl. If the process is painful and accompanies the animal for more than 30 days, the dog must be immediately taken to the veterinarian. Some individuals experience pain during this period.

Delivery at home

Often, Jack Russell Terriers give birth easily. However, you still need to look after your pet so that in case of complications you can come to the rescue in a timely manner. The first puppy should be born within two hours after the first attempts. The baby can come forward with its head or tail. Under no circumstances should you pull it. The female must cope on her own. She should not be allowed to give birth standing up, otherwise the puppy may be injured.

The baby is born in a transparent cocoon, from which the mother delivers him. If the dog is too weak, the owner must take on this part. The shell must be carefully torn apart. Wipe the puppy's nose and mouth with a cloth. If there is a lot of liquid on them, it can be removed using an enema bulb. The umbilical cord must be tied with a thread at a distance of 3 cm from the tummy and cut off. Treat the edges with a disinfectant. The baby should be wiped well with a dry cloth. After this, it can be applied to the mother's nipple. To distinguish puppies, colored threads are tied around their necks.

It is important! It is necessary to ensure that all the afterbirth comes out of the female. If this does not happen, your pet needs to be taken to the doctor immediately.

Dog mating

- How does this happen

Puberty in males occurs at 6 months. This means that from now on the male can mate at any time. And don’t think that if you have a brother and sister from the same litter, and the sister is in heat, the male will be stopped by the relationship. However, it is best to start breeding your pet from 18 months of age. Early separation of a male dog can lead to early stunting.

The first estrus - estrus in bitches occurs at the age of 6 months to 1 year. The intervals between estrus in dogs can be from 6 months to 12. Of course, for you as the owner, the longer the dog's period between heats, the less hassle. However, if these periods are always different, you should contact your veterinarian.

The optimal age for mating females is 2 years. If you didn’t breed a bitch until she was 4 years old, then it’s better not to do this, because... late labor becomes dangerous for the bitch's health, the pelvic bones diverge poorly, and a caesarean section may be necessary.

A dog's estrus period lasts 21 days (3 weeks). Before a dog goes into heat, the loop swells. The heaviest bleeding is observed during the first 10 days. To avoid unwanted stains on furniture and floors, you can purchase special panties for dogs at a pet store. Of course, your dog will not like them very much, however, be persistent and encourage him and he will get used to it.

From about the 10th day, a period favorable for conception begins, when it is desirable to mate the dog. Jack Russell Terriers are of the “early” type and can be bred starting from the 8th day.

In general, the owner himself will be able to determine when his bitch is ready for mating. At this time, the dog forgets about everything, even that the owner took him outside “on business.” She is busy looking for a partner to procreate. As soon as you stroke the dog on the back, the tail rises and falls to the side, opening a loop.

It is at this moment that you should take your girl to mating with the groom. As a rule, mating takes place on the territory of the male dog. There he feels like a master and mating success is more likely. In the territory of the bitch, the male may become nervous, and the bitch may begin to snap.

The process of mating (mating) of Jack Russell Terriers is quite simple, because... dogs are light. If you choose the right mating day, you don’t even need to invite a mating instructor. Give your pets freedom of action. After a short period of acquaintance and courtship, sexual intercourse occurs directly. Ejaculation in a male dog happens quite quickly, literally, after several frictions. After this, the bitch continues to hold the penis in the vagina by contracting the vaginal walls. The male gets down from the bitch and turns his back to her. At this moment, it is better to hold the dogs so that the dog does not try to run away, thereby injuring himself. A “lock” in nature is intended not only to prevent sperm from leaking out, but also to prolong pleasant moments for the bitch. The duration of the castle can be from 5 to 40 minutes. In general, it is believed that the “castle” does not affect the likelihood of conception, however, the owners prefer that the “castle” happen.

For greater confidence, a control mating is carried out every other day.

Whether the bitch is pregnant cannot be determined until about the 30th day, even with the help of an ultrasound. The fact is that dogs have a two-horned uterus and during the first half of the bitch’s pregnancy, the fetuses are located in the horns of the uterus. The fruits emerge into the uterine cavity only on the 17-18th day. From this moment on, the bitch's belly will begin to increase. At this time, the bitch may begin to refuse food, sleep a lot, and even experience toxicosis. However, in the first half of pregnancy the bitch leads the same lifestyle.

Well, the 30th day has come, and you finally realized that your pet is pregnant?

Congratulations! Now get ready for a new, troublesome, but very exciting period in your family’s life - pregnancy, childbirth and raising puppies.

Basic rules step by step

Dogs are not fed before mating: the last meal should be no less than three hours before the “event”.

Immediately before mating, the partners are walked: this can be done separately or together.

How to knit according to the rules:

  • To carry it out, you need to choose a place on the dog’s territory. A room in a house or a private yard is ideal for these purposes.
  • It is advisable to cover slippery floors with old carpets or mats.
  • If mating takes place outside, it is advisable that there be a canopy there.
  • The dogs are allowed indoors or into the yard, where they begin to look closely at each other and get to know each other and play with each other.
  • After the bitch allows the male to approach and sniff her external genitalia, he mounts. Further events can develop in different ways: either the male manages to get into the loop, or the female turns out and runs away. In the first case, it is better not to interfere. But in the second, the dogs will have to help: hold the bitch by the collar and under the belly while mounting.
  • The male dog may also need help. This happens if the bitch is larger. In this case, you should place a stand under the dog’s paws.
  • After ejaculation occurs, a so-called “lock” is formed, which lasts from several minutes to an hour. All this time, the dogs must stand with their backs turned to each other.
  • If the bitch is nervous during the “lock”, whines and tries to wriggle out, the owner must hold her by the collar.
  • The next day or every other day, a control mating is carried out.

In case the bitch won’t let the male in or the male doesn’t want to breed her, it is advisable to select a spare partner in advance.

How to choose a pair?

When choosing a partner for mating, the owner of a bitch needs to focus on the following criteria:

Health. The dog must be healthy himself and be free from hereditary diseases. Psyche. The male must have the typical temperament and character of the breed. Exterior

It is very important that the male dog is as good as possible in terms of conformation and even surpasses the female dog in this regard. Origin. The mating partner must come from a good modern line, famous both for its health and victories at exhibitions

The more champions in the line, the better. Titles. It is desirable that the male be at least a champion of the breed.

It is better to spend time looking for a worthy sire than to breed a bitch with an unremarkable dog whose only advantage is that he lives nearby.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“It is recommended that you select the best male dog you can find for breeding. He must be healthy both physically and psychologically, and his conformation must be as good as his pedigree. Finally, if you are going to untie your girl for the first time, then choose an experienced stud dog as her partner. And it would be nice to also look at his offspring to have an idea of ​​what kind of puppies are born from him.”

At what age is a male dog castrated?

There is no optimal age for castration. One thing is clear: it must be a young, healthy animal. With current vaccinations, free of parasites, in optimal physical shape.

Since the puppy receives the second vaccination at 3 months of age or older, castration before 4 months is not indicated. And early castration is not accepted in Russia. From 4 to 6 months, teeth actively change and bones grow rapidly. Sexual behavior is not yet a concern for owners.

Therefore, I consider the best age for castration of a male dog to be between 7 and 12 months. The testes are small and “tender”, so the incision is tiny and the suture heals quickly. In miniature dog breeds, at the same age, milk teeth that have not been replaced on their own are removed. These procedures can be performed under one general anesthesia.

Most often, male dogs are referred for castration at the age of 1.5-4 years. By this point, it becomes clear how promising the manufacturer’s career is and whether behavior correction is required. There is no upper age limit. Older dogs have to take operational risks for medical reasons. Another question is that the wear and tear of the body and chronic diseases add work to the anesthesiologist.

The owners would not agree to castrate this Jagd Terrier under any pretext.

I recommend castrating an abdominal cryptorchid as early as possible. Although the owners promise to appear for an ultrasound of the “hidden” testis at least once every six months, in fact it is often left unattended. And already at 4 years old there is a real risk of developing cancer. Why take the risk?

If both testes are in the scrotum, starting from the age of 4-5 years, you need to do an ultrasound of the prostate. And castrate a male dog at the first signs of congestive prostatitis.


The duration of pregnancy is approximately 2 months. The owner needs to take care of the dog and monitor its well-being. A pregnant shepherd needs careful care and proper nutrition.


The first signs of a dog's pregnancy:

  • rounding the sides, increasing weight;
  • sagging abdomen;
  • the mammary glands swell and become lighter;
  • nipples harden and protrude;
  • the dog’s behavior changes, it becomes lethargic and apathetic;
  • there may be morning vomiting;
  • discharge appears from the loop and colostrum from the nipples.

If the owner runs his hand over the dog's belly, he will feel the nipples pressing against him. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

How long does it last?

If everything is fine with the dog’s health, then the pregnancy will last approximately 2 months. It may end a little earlier or later. If your shepherd's gestation period is 10 days over, then you need to urgently take her to the veterinarian. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing offspring.

The length of pregnancy depends on the dog's age, as well as its mother's pregnancy rates. There is also a connection with past dates.

How is it going for the first time?

It proceeds in almost the same way as in dogs that have given birth previously. The dog needs to be carefully looked after and helped to make it easier for her to endure her first pregnancy. For firstborns, the gestation period may be slightly longer than usual.

Orange sauce for fish

The sauce goes perfectly with white. For such an original sauce we need 2 oranges, lemon juice, honey, potato starch, salt and chili pepper to taste.

1. Rinse the fruits well. Pour boiling water over one orange and leave for 5 minutes so that all the bitterness comes out of the zest. Then use a grater to remove the zest.

2. Using a juicer, squeeze out the juice. We do the same with the second orange. For two oranges you will need 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Add a spoonful of honey (can be replaced with sugar), a little salt and chili pepper for piquancy.

3. To thicken the sauce, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of potato starch and a slab. After heating the sauce on the stove, you can cool it and serve it.

Psychological preparation

First of all, realizing that your baby is in heat, the owner needs not to panic. After all, you won’t achieve anything by doing this, but will only start to irritate the dog. Stop petting her too often or, conversely, change your behavior in the other direction and try to ignore her. Behave as before, we hope - is calmness your main quality in relation to your dog?

How will you see that a chick has developed a desire and lust that was previously unknown to her? Dogs often change their behavior during their first heat, but each one changes in its own way. Your girl, for example, may develop aggressive behavior towards other canines on walks, dig holes in the house, or have an unreasonable desire to urinate on the carpet. Also, the dog can run from corner to corner, whine and caress you, trying to quickly go outside with you.

Some dogs try to mate with your leg, and some look at the neighbor's dogs, in whom they previously showed no interest. This is normal behavior, it’s just difficult for you to realize that your puppy can turn into a beautiful young lady - an adult, let’s not be afraid of this word - the Bride.

In the first period, the dog does not want to see males, and mating during the first heat is prohibited, otherwise the dog may have a problematic birth. The dog may lose its appetite and discharge from the loop will begin to appear. Treat this as normal and get a set of panty liners for her panties.

It is possible to use special diapers, but this is not necessary. The main thing is to maintain the hygiene of intimate organs at the proper level. Keep it clean if the dog is lazy and doesn’t lick itself

An important rule is to keep male dogs away from your dog on the street. To do this, it is better to find the most deserted place for a walk.

If you notice dogs approaching, immediately pick up your baby and head away from this place; you don’t need unwanted matings.

Signs of the onset of whelping

Four days before giving birth, the female may begin to behave strangely. She will eat less, start wandering around the house and digging on the floor. The belly will drop towards the hips, and the dog's body will begin to resemble a pear. Transparent discharge from the loop may appear. Two days before giving birth, the female’s body temperature drops to 37 °C.

A few hours before giving birth, the puppies will stop moving. The first contractions can begin a day before whelping. The dog will begin to spend more time in the maternity ward. She may begin to tremble. The female will begin to lick the perineum.

Phases of the reproductive cycle.

The dog's reproductive cycle includes four phases.

PHASE 1 - PROESTRUS - HEAT. The period lasts from 3 to 20 days, but in most dogs it is 7-10 days. In the ovaries, follicles grow and mature, secreting female sex hormones - estrogens. The functions of the mucous membranes of the genital organs increase in the bitch, the loop swells, the size of the uterine horns increases, the walls of the uterus and vagina thicken. During this period, the bitch’s behavior changes, she becomes disobedient, active , playful, often urinates, making marks around the territory. During this period, the bitch reacts aggressively to male dogs, not letting them near her.

PHASE 2 - ESTRUS - HUNT. The period lasts from approximately 4 to 12 days. The color of the bitch’s discharge becomes less bloody, closer to pale pink. During this period, the bitch is ready for mating. The bitch’s loop sharply increases in size, becomes swollen, soft when touched, the bitch reacts, moves her tail to the side, and stands up. The second or third day from the start of the hunt is the best time for mating. Control mating can be carried out after 24-48 hours. The duration of estrus in dogs is the total period of the first and second phases of the reproductive cycle.

PHASE 3 - METAESTRUS - AFTER HEAT. The bitch's discharge stops, and the loop gradually decreases in size. During this period, the bitch does not allow male dogs to approach her. Pregnancy lasts approximately 60-67 days. If pregnancy does not occur, the bitch’s sexual functions gradually fade away, and the body comes to a state of rest.

PHASE 4 - ANESTRUS - SEXUAL REST. During this period, the bitch rests and gains strength. The period lasts 2-4 months, depending on the number of sexual cycles of the bitch.

Estrus is a physiological process indicating the bitch’s readiness to mate for procreation. In Labradors and retrievers it appears at the age of one year and recurs every 10-12 months. For a successful mating, the dog must be healthy, young and active.

Prenatal period

After a successful mating, the Jack Russell Terrier bitch becomes pregnant. The average length of a dog's pregnancy is sixty days. The entire period of gestation can be divided into four phases:

  • twenty-one days after mating;
  • fourth week;
  • fifth to seventh week;
  • eighth week.

In the first phase, the pet has no visible changes either physically or psychologically. Leave the feeding ration unchanged. You also need to add to it preparations with vitamins A, D and E in the dosage specified in the instructions for use. During the entire pregnancy, give the Jack Russell Terrier bitch “Undevit” one tablet once a day and “Ferrum Lek” half a tablet per day.

In the second phase of pregnancy, the dog begins to develop toxicosis, due to which it may refuse to eat, preferring water. You cannot force your pet to eat.

At this time, thick, colorless discharge may appear. If blood appears in them, you need to give the dog a five percent solution of calcium chloride for three to four days - half a teaspoon twice a day.

In the third phase of pregnancy, long, quiet walks in secluded places, where there will be no unnecessary irritants in the form of other dogs or unnecessary noise, are recommended. If you live in an apartment building, do not allow the female Jack Russell Terrier to walk up the stairs by herself: either in the elevator or in your arms. If your pet has developed an appetite, be sure to increase the amount of food, but divide it into three or four meals. Keep giving vitamins.

In the third phase, noticeable movements of the fetuses begin in the womb of the bitch. You need to reduce the amount of meat and meat broths, and a couple of days before the possible day of delivery you need to replace the meat with cottage cheese and cheese. Meat can be given again three to four days after birth.

Preparing the site

You need to prepare the place for the birth in advance, about two weeks in advance. For this purpose, choose a room where the Jack Russell Terrier bitch will not be distracted by extraneous noises or strangers. If there is a window in the room, it is best to cover it so that direct sunlight does not bother the dog. Also clear the room of all unnecessary items so that you can quickly get to the bitch when she goes into labor.

Place a birthing box in the selected room. You can purchase it at a specialty store or make it yourself. The main thing is that it fits the Jack Russell Terrier in size - the pet should be able to freely stretch out to its full height. The box where the birth will take place must always be in perfect condition. Change bedding or diapers as they become dirty.

Description of the breed

There is a regular variety of these creatures and mini ones. But you need to be especially careful with the latter; sometimes unscrupulous breeders can offer instead sick and weakened individuals who simply weigh less than they should. Here are the characteristics of Yorkies:

  • height at the withers from fifteen to eighteen centimeters,
  • weight from two to three and a half kilograms,
  • long silky and absolutely straight fur, similar to the touch of human hair. The coat is thin, some are very long. It grows all the time and needs to be trimmed regularly,
  • the color from the back of the head to the tail is gray-steel, on the muzzle it is bright golden. Long golden bangs, dark ears and nose. In this case, puppies are born black. In summer, the fur may temporarily turn grey.

The character of terriers is very active, they are ready to have fun and amuse everyone around them for hours on end. It is better to wear a leash when walking so that they do not start a fight with someone larger than themselves. Even though they can be litter trained, they still need to be taken for long walks regularly, because they need fresh air and exercise.

In autumn and winter, wear special warm clothes, because babies are very prone to colds.


Mating is the first step towards obtaining offspring, which is very important. Both parents must be properly selected, healthy and vaccinated. Only in this case will it be possible to get good and strong offspring.

What day should it happen?

Let's look at what day it is recommended to breed a dog.

Ovulation in a German Shepherd occurs on days 9-15 of estrus. At this time, the probability of fertilization is highest. The bloody discharge becomes transparent, and the bitch does not resist mounting. You need to check your readiness for mating in advance. To do this, the owner presses on the sacral area with his hand. If the dog freezes and moves its tail to the side, then it is ready. For a more accurate diagnosis or if you have any doubts, you should contact a veterinary clinic.

For the first time

If the owner wants to breed German shepherds, then he needs to monitor the dog’s estrus and prepare in a timely manner for the first mating. Mating of shepherd dogs under 1.5 years old is not carried out.

If the first mating of a shepherd is already in adulthood (about 6 years), then she can get pregnant, but she may have serious health problems. It is not recommended to risk the health of a pet if it has never given birth before the age of 6, so the breeder needs to strictly adhere to all deadlines.

Choice of male

In order for the litter to be strong and healthy, it is necessary to choose a good match for the shepherd. Selection takes place according to the following principles:

  1. The dogs' conformation must be standard for their breed.
  2. Both dogs must be healthy both physically and psychologically.
  3. They should not be overweight or underweight.
  4. The breeder needs to analyze in advance all the pros and cons of each partner to choose the most optimal pair.
  5. The pedigrees of the dogs must be compatible in order for the offspring to be of high quality.
  6. Only a male can improve a breed.

How to prepare?

It is recommended to take both dogs for a walk before mating. You should not feed tightly. During mating, it is necessary to ensure that no one disturbs the shepherd dogs and that there are no strangers or other irritants. Future parents will need to get used to each other, which will take a little time.

The area where mating takes place must be spacious, but must be fenced so that none of them escapes. If the action takes place indoors, the floor should not be slippery. If necessary, it can be covered with a mat or carpet.

It is prohibited to interfere with the mating process. But there are situations when this is necessary. It is best to muzzle your pets to prevent them from biting each other or strangers. Animals must be accustomed to muzzles in advance.

Jack Russell Terrier nutrition

The Jack Russell is as unpretentious in nutrition as it is in care. This is due to the purpose of forming the breed. It was created for performance reasons, not beauty. This means you don’t need to think about the shine of wool and other gloss.

The main thing is to give the dog enough calories and vitamins

The energy value of the products deserves attention, since the terrier is active and playful. The mineral base of food is important for the health of the pet

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Pay attention to them. The product line is offered, for example, by the brands Orijen and Innova

There are separate positions for feeding puppies.

True, for the first couple of weeks after purchasing a terrier, you need to stay on the food that was given to him in the kennel. Afterwards, the transition to a new diet is carried out gradually. It is advisable to soak the food. This makes it easier to chew and digest. Also, dry kibble should be supplemented with canned food for puppies.

Plans to switch the Jack Russell puppy to a natural diet begin with broths and boiled meat. The second stage is the introduction of fresh vegetables into the diet. The last thing they give is porridge.

The first dose is 1 teaspoon. The next day we give 3, and the next day - a saucer. The gradual introduction of new food allows the digestive system to adapt and eliminates allergic reactions.

It is recommended to switch from dry food to natural product within 10-14 days

It is also important to distribute food according to the age of the dog. At 1 month a puppy needs 7 approaches per day, and at 2 months – 1 less

At 3 months, Jack Russell receives 5 servings per day. From 4 to 6 months, the terrier is given 4 meals. From six months to 10 months, the dog eats 3 times a day, and then switches to 2 meals a day. However, from the age of one year, Jack Russell is able to eat only once a day. It is the owners’ decision to leave 2 or 1 meals.

The diet of an adult terrier should contain 30-40% protein. In addition to fillets, offal products are suitable, for example, liver and kidneys. It is advisable to exclude fatty meat or give it in small portions. Milk is presented to dogs in both natural and fermented form.

Vegetable items in the menu of an adult Jack Russell are approximately 33%. Beetroot, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin and potatoes are healthy. Citrus fruits are excluded. Grains make up about 26% of your pet’s diet. Basically, they give barley, millet, buckwheat and rice cereals. Barley is poorly tolerated by the terrier's stomach.

What is breeding or mating of dogs?

Mating is the procedure of mating dogs of breeding value in order to obtain a high-breed litter.

According to the regulations on breeding work of the Russian (and International) Cynological Federation, mating of bitches is permissible once a year - through estrus. A one-time exception can be made for animals, breeds that are on the verge of extinction or for females of special breeding value. Provided that the bitch receives restoration in the next year. There are no restrictions for males; males can be mated at least every month.

Individuals that have breeding value, are completely healthy and have reached the age of 18 months are allowed to mate. For bitches, as a rule, this is the third estrus. The breeding value is determined by a breeding expert at the exhibition. For a male dog, admission to breeding is considered to be no lower than “very good”; for a female dog, no lower than “good”. Some breeds also require a mental health test.

Features of animal behavior

During sexual heat, the behavior of dogs changes to varying degrees, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

The first estrus in bitches occurs at 5–7 months in small breeds and 6–10 months in large breeds. Behavior changes only during the period of estrus, after which it returns to normal:

  • The female actively leaves marks on the street.
  • May become more irritable and restless, and show aggression towards other females.
  • There are interruptions in appetite.
  • The dog can mount others, including females.

Males mature by about 7 months, changes in behavior are possible:

  1. The dog actively begins to mark its territory.
  2. It is possible to display aggression towards other males and a protective instinct.
  3. Interest in females increases.
  4. Attempts to mount other dogs, including males, are possible.
  5. The dog refuses to follow commands and is stubborn.

Among other things, the release of testosterone at the sight of a female in heat drives a male dog crazy - the pet does not hear or see the owner at this moment, does not respond to commands, and there are frequent cases of running away after females in heat.

When can and should you adopt pets?

Estrus occurs twice a year in most females, and once a year in some native breeds. The average duration of estrus is 21 – 28 days, depending on the breed and individual characteristics of the body. The ovulation period, a favorable time for mating, lasts from 2 to 5 days. The male is ready for insemination all year round.

Ovulation occurs on the 8th – 14th day of estrus; it is on these days that you need to go on a “date with your gentleman”. Until the female is ready to mate, she will not allow the male to approach her. But if the dog is far away, in order not to travel in vain, you need to determine the exact day of readiness for mating; this can be done at a veterinary clinic or you can try it yourself.

Symptoms of ovulation in a bitch:

  1. When pressing on the croup, the dog stands and moves its tail to the side.
  2. The loop becomes soft and increases in size.
  3. Vulvar discharge becomes paler.
  4. If you press on the loop, it rises up and the tail goes to the side.

Progesterone in dogs for mating (table)

Testing for progesterone in dogs is done through a blood test. Not all veterinary institutions perform this procedure, so you can go to a human hospital for research. Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that the bitch is ready for mating.

Details in the table:

ng/mlnmolWhat to do
Less than 1Less than 6Repeat the analysis on the fourth day
2 – 46 – 12Repeat the analysis in a day or two
5 – 75 – 22The beginning of ovulation. Mating is fruitful for another three days.
8 – 1124 – 33Mating must be carried out on this day and the next day
11 – 1934 – 60Mating is carried out on this day and throughout the day
Over 19More than 60Immediate mating. Take a maximum of 12 hours.

Possible problems

Pregnancy and childbirth are a complex and dangerous process for the female. Problems that may arise during pregnancy, childbirth and after:

  1. The discharge from the loop smells bad or is green in color.
  2. Post-term pregnancy. If your dog does not give birth to puppies on time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Delayed birth may indicate the death of fetuses in the womb, pathologies of the reproductive system, or infections.
  3. Uterine bleeding.
  4. The puppy got stuck in the birth canal. After the first attempts, the baby should appear within two hours. The next puppies are born every 30–40 minutes one after another.
  5. Miscarriage.

The first heat marks the female Jack Russell Terrier's puberty. From now on, every six months the girl will go into heat. Constant hormonal changes lead to the fact that the dog's life is shortened, and she herself becomes vulnerable to many diseases of the reproductive system. If the owner has no desire to engage in breeding, the pet should be sterilized. If the owner wants to try his hand at breeding, it should be borne in mind that this activity will require a lot of time, effort and money. It’s definitely not worth doing something like this for profit.

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