Dorgi: Insanely cute corgi and dachshund puppies are conquering the Internet

You can often see animal accounts on the Internet that immediately attract attention. Instagram has many pages of dogs, cats, hedgehogs and other pets that give us moments of positivity. Some owners simply share photos of their dogs, while others make an income from it. But users can see wonderful pets and how they live. Recently, a breed called the Dorgi has become very popular. Its representatives are very nice, but not all people know who they are.


The first mixed breeds of dachshunds and Welsh corgis appeared in the palace of Elizabeth II in Great Britain, and then the puppies were distributed into good hands. But years later, after the death of two dogs from cancer, a dachshund and a Welsh Cogri were deliberately crossed to improve the gene pool. As a result, a designer breed appeared, called the Dorgi.

Representatives of the breed have a small long body, relatively large erect ears and short legs. The coat is short, can be soft or hard, and is predominantly light brown in color with a white spotted chest. There are also black and black-brown individuals. The dogs' height is 22-30 cm, and their weight is 6.8-12.7 kg.

Chinese Chongqing dog

Country of Origin: China

Height: 35-50 cm

Weight: 15-25 kg

Life expectancy: up to 20 years

Puppy cost: up to $3500

Chongqing in Ancient China was popular in elite circles and symbolized its owner’s belonging to the upper strata of society. In the last century, the breed suffered massive destruction and was on the verge of extinction. At the moment, the total number of Chongqing in China is approximately 2000 individuals. Dogs of this breed have a powerful and muscular body. They are strong and agile, they have acute hearing and sense of smell, making Chongqing ideal partners in hunting small animals, excellent watchmen and bodyguards. At the same time, in any situation, the dog’s appearance, from its gaze to its stance, remains majestic and proud. Chongqing dogs are friendly, balanced, calm, loyal to their owner and get along well with children. Since this breed is not a product of selection, the future owner must be prepared for the strong-willed, independent and independent nature of the pet.

Character of the Dorgi

Representatives of the designer breed are friendly and sociable; they need to communicate with people, becoming strongly attached to family members. Animals are interested in everything the owner does and happily spend time with children and other animals. However, representatives of the breed are not suitable for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. After all, Taxocorgs are lively, energetic dogs that love to run, play, and chase moving objects. It is necessary to satisfy their physical activity needs daily for at least 30 minutes per walk.

Although Dorgis need companionship and company, most representatives of the breed prefer to remain independent. At the same time, Taxocorgs do not tolerate loneliness. Prolonged stay without communication leads to destructive behavior.

Loving and affectionate in nature, Dorgis are very loyal, they strive to please their owner, and in cases of danger they will show courage, trying to protect family members. Dorgis inherited a tendency to bark from their parents. An incorrect approach to training leads to dogs barking frequently, especially when left alone. However, even with the proper approach to training, representatives of the breed can bark when they hear any suspicious noise or movement. The tendency to bark can also have its advantages, for example, Dorgis will always warn of the approach of strangers.

Being an intelligent breed, Dachshund Corgis are capable of learning, but training should begin at an early age. Representatives of the breed are characterized by stubbornness of their parents, and this fact should be taken into account when training. The success of training depends on the owner’s firmness, consistency, positive reinforcement in the form of treats, and praise. Smart dogs are able to learn tricks, they can participate in sports and perform guard duties.

Regular care to keep the coat clean and neat involves combing the coat. Representatives of the breed do not shed profusely, so brushing the coat once a week is sufficient. However, Dorgis love to dig in the ground, so they get dirty and need frequent washing. Although this circumstance may not matter if the pet lives on the street.

You need to regularly check and clean your ears to avoid the development of infectious diseases, and also trim your nails as they grow.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

Country of origin: Germany

Height: up to 22 cm

Weight: 0.5 – 3.1 kg

Life expectancy: up to 17 years

Puppy price: 700-2500 $

A kind, affectionate and cute companion dog, capable of generously giving its owner warmth and love. Often the owners of these cuties strive to dress and shoe their pets, both in winter and in summer, not so much out of necessity as out of whim. But as practice shows, Biewer Yorkies are great fashionistas and are not against stylish outfits and frequent dressing. Miniature dogs are distinguished by good ingenuity, attentiveness, energy and playfulness. Sometimes Biewer Yorkies are too intrusive and annoying, but you should understand that the baby does not tolerate loneliness very well and loves to be the center of attention. To maintain the natural beauty of the dog, regular bathing, combing and haircuts are necessary.


Taxocorgi is a healthy breed, but, nevertheless, there are a number of diseases to which dogs are predisposed. Sometimes representatives of the breed suffer from partial or complete deafness, eye diseases, obesity, hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, osteogenesis imperfecta, and epilepsy.

The dachshund-corgi mix is ​​a small dog with short legs and a cute, fox-like face. But behind the bright appearance hides a complex character.

A detailed description of the characteristics of this breed will help you cope with the difficulties in raising a royal mestizo.

Chow Chow

Country of Origin: China

Height: 45 – 55 cm

Weight: 20 – 35 kg

Lifespan: 10-12 years

Puppy price: 600 – 1 700 $

This breed was developed in China more than 2000 years ago, where Buddhist monks were engaged in breeding chow chows. Dogs were used as guards, draft force, to participate in military operations and hunting. Today the Chow Chow is a popular pet. This dog has a strong sense of self-esteem; they are arrogant and proud. So, don’t expect a lightning-fast reaction to a given command. But you don’t have to worry about the safety of your home and property, because the seemingly calm furry pet is a very fierce protector and watchman. Chow-chows are loyal and loyal, but only to “their” family members. But guests are not recommended to try to pet a furry pet, much less put it in its mouth in order to examine its unusual tongue. Dogs of this breed have very low activity, they do not need long walks and energetic games, which is why chow chows are popular among residents of big cities.

How the crossbreed came to be

There are many purebred dogs living in the palace of Queen Elizabeth II of England, but Welsh Corgis are especially revered and accompany their owner everywhere. There is a version that two beloved royal corgis died from cancer.

To improve the gene pool and improve the health of future offspring, it was decided to cross a corgi with a dachshund named Pipkin. The result was a new designer breed: the Dorgi. Despite the “royal” origin, the hybrid of corgi and dachshund was not recognized by the International Canine Federation.

What was the most expensive dog in the world - and how much did it cost?

The most expensive dog in the world is the Tibetan Mastiff. Despite the average cost of $5,000, it was sold in China for a record one and a half million dollars. The “golden” puppy named Hong Dong (“big splash”) was purchased in 2011.

The impressive price is explained by two factors: the size of the animal and the sale in the auction format. At 11 months, the puppy weighed more than 80 kg and reached 90 cm at the withers, while according to the standard, the average sizes of males are 45-73 kg and 66-76 cm, respectively. The owner of Hong Dong was a multimillionaire involved in the coal industry in northern China.


The fact of an expensive purchase gave the Tibetan mastiff the status of an elite breed. Many wealthy people wanted to emphasize their wealth by having a furry pet. As a result, the demand that arose on their part led to a sharp increase in the average market price.

What did the mestizo take from his parents?

A Dachshund-Corgi cross can inherit characteristics found in both parental lines. From the Welsh Corgi, the mestizo received the characteristic color, coat structure and fox-like muzzle. Love for children and devotion to their owners were also passed on to the dog from the corgi.

But the temperament, tendency to dig holes and passion for hunting were inherited from the second parent. The Dorgi dachshund inherited a loud, loud bark and a complex character, not without cunning and stubbornness.

The dachshund-corgi hybrid is larger and more powerful in size than the parent breeds.

Types of hybrids

The standard distinguishes two varieties of Welsh Corgi: Pembroke and Cardigan. Their crosses differ in their exterior characteristics.

From Welsh Corgi Pembroke

The hybrid with the Pembroke has an elongated body, straight, strong and very short limbs. There are almost always white markings on the paws. A small head with a narrowed muzzle, small erect ears located high.

Corgi mixes often have congenital bobtails. The coat is short or medium length, slightly harsh to the touch.

From Welsh Corgi Cardigan

The Cardigan Corgi and Shorthaired Dachshund mix is ​​larger and taller than the Pembroke mix. The head is more voluminous, the ears are large, erect or hanging on cartilage.

The tail is quite long, straight, and does not curl over the back. The coat is of medium length, somewhat rough. A collar of wool is sometimes formed on the neck, and feathering on the legs.

History of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed

The exact history of the Welsh Corgi breed remains a mystery. The homeland of these animals is Great Britain, the historical region of Wales. It was here that the remains of dogs that resembled modern corgis were discovered. The finds date back to the 8th-9th centuries.

Presumably the ancestors of the Welsh Corgi were the Wolfspitz, Samoyed, Schipperke and Norwegian Elkhound. Most likely, dogs were brought to Britain by the Vikings.

Pembrokes lived in the county of Pembrokeshire, which gave the breed its name. In the neighboring region of Cardiganshire, another type of corgi, the Cardigan, developed in parallel. Dogs sometimes crossed with each other, so they had a similar appearance. For a long time they were considered a single breed.

Welsh Corgis herded cattle, ducks and geese, helped in hunting and guarded property. In 1925 they were first presented at an exhibition in London. In 1934, the Kennel Club of Great Britain separated the Cardigan and the Pembroke. To enhance the differences, Pembrokes began to have their tails docked.

In 1963, both breeds were recognized by the FCI.

Characteristics and appearance of the Dorgi

Visually, the hybrid is more reminiscent of a Welsh Corgi, although similarities with a dachshund are also visible. Mixed breeds can be very different from each other, but most often the external characteristics of crossbreds are as follows:

  • the body is elongated, rectangular, elongated, with fairly heavy bones;
  • short and strong limbs;
  • round head with a narrow fox-like muzzle;
  • ears set high, drooping or erect;
  • round, dark eyes;
  • the coat is most often short, thick and dense;
  • height at the withers - 22-38 cm;
  • body weight - 8-13 kg.

Important! The Dorgi mix inherits the color from any of the parent breeds. But most often there are dogs of gray, light chestnut or red shades, with a large white spot on the chest.

Pomeranian (Dwarf Spitz)

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 18-22 cm

Weight: 1.5-3.5 kg

Lifespan: 12-16 years

Puppy price: 700-3800 $

Modern Pomeranians are distinguished by their compact build, square format and consistent proportions. Thanks to their intelligence, devotion and lively, cheerful disposition, these small funny animals are the best pets. Despite their tiny size, Pomeranians are quite strong and hardy. But one of the main reasons for its popularity remains the baby’s unsurpassed exterior: pointy erect ears, a funny face, long thick fur and a fluffy curled tail. In addition, the future dog owner always has the opportunity to choose a pet with a color to his liking, since Spitz dogs come in white, black, gray, brown, beige, orange and even red.

Rules of maintenance and care

Caring for your Dachshund-Corgi mix must be regular to ensure your pet always remains in good physical shape. The owner of the dorga will need to perform the following procedures:

  • combing the coat with a stiff brush (2-3 times a week);
  • bathing using zoo shampoo;
  • cleansing the eyes and ears with a special veterinary lotion;
  • shortening the claws if they do not grind down on their own (once a month);
  • weekly teeth cleaning.

Representatives of this breed are not suitable for living in a booth or enclosure; they are kept only in a house or apartment. You need to walk your pet twice a day, for at least 20-30 minutes.

How much does a Corgi puppy cost?

Welsh Corgis are not a cheap breed. This is due to difficult births and large expenditures of time and effort on maintaining and caring for small shepherd dogs.

The price of pet-class puppies with deviations from the breed standard is 20-25 thousand rubles. Such dogs will not be successful at shows, but will do an excellent job as pets.

Breed class puppies have minor defects in appearance and have good pedigrees. If you choose the right pair, these animals will produce excellent offspring. Their cost is 30-40 thousand rubles.

The most expensive is the show class: dogs with almost perfect exterior, born from champion parents. Such puppies are predicted to have a brilliant exhibition career, so their price starts at 60 thousand rubles.

Important. To purchase a purebred Welsh Corgi puppy, you should contact a reliable kennel with a good reputation. It is almost impossible to find a good dog based on advertisements on the Internet.

Character and habits

The Dorgi's character is extremely sociable and friendly. Active and energetic dogs love to play with children and get along with other pets without problems.

They prefer to be in the thick of things and take part in everything, following on the heels of their owner. But, despite the apparent flexibility, this breed is prone to showing independence. Sometimes it is impossible to force a Dorgi to do something that they do not want at the moment.

Important! A dachshund-corgi mix can be a good watchdog. The ringing bark, inherited from the parents, always warns the owners about the approach of strangers.



A group of hunting dog breeds, descended from medieval Spanish dogs, whose purpose was to hunt game birds from dense thickets. Currently, spaniels are divided into those who hunt on land and the so-called “water ones”.

All spaniels share common characteristics of the breed - long ears and, as a rule, soft and silky, straight, wavy or even curly hair.

Most spaniels are short in stature. Only the Irish Water Spaniel, which measures 51-59 cm, can be considered a large breed.

Among modern spaniels there are also such exotic breeds as the Tibetan spaniel and Japanese chin. Despite their name, they are not related to real spaniels and are considered to be decorative dogs.

The colors of spaniels can be very diverse, both single-color and bicolor or tricolor.


Spaniels are characterized by poise, affection, activity, friendliness, intelligence and intelligence. They make not only excellent hunting dogs, but also wonderful companions - favorites of the whole family.


Spaniels are used as gun dogs. They can hunt waterfowl, field birds, as well as swamp and pine forest game. At the same time, they search for prey either by upper sense or by following the scent, but they do not make a stance on the bird.

Advantages and disadvantages

Just like any other breed, the Dorgi has advantages and disadvantages.

Flexible characterTendency to develop obesity
Loyalty to the ownerStubbornness
High level of intelligenceIntolerance of loneliness
Good ability to learn commandsTendency to bark for no reason
The need for digging holes and tunnels


Country of origin: Germany

Height: 25-30 cm

Weight: 4-6 kg

Lifespan: 12-14 years

Puppy price: 1500-4000 $

The miniature dog was bred in Germany in the 17th century and was used for catching rats due to its extraordinary dexterity. Its external resemblance to a monkey formed the basis for the name of the breed. The Affenpinscher's head is round, its muzzle is short, the lower jaw is turned out and gives it an eternally dissatisfied and comical appearance. The Affenpinscher has a perky active disposition, boundless curiosity and boundless devotion to its owner. This is a first-class watchman who will give a voice at the slightest danger to the owner or property. The miniature Affenpinscher is brave and independent, and his comical antics and habits serve as an inexhaustible source of positivity.

Video on the topic

You can often see animal accounts on the Internet that immediately attract attention. Instagram has many pages of dogs, cats, hedgehogs and other pets that give us moments of positivity. Some owners simply share photos of their dogs, while others make an income from it. But users can see wonderful pets and how they live. Recently, a breed called the Dorgi has become very popular. Its representatives are very nice, but not all people know who they are.

How did the Dorgi appear?

Cute small dogs are the fruit of love between animals of different breeds. They appeared by crossing a dachshund and a corgi. There are versions that Queen Elizabeth herself had a hand in this, since she is famous for her love of dogs. Her favorite breed is the corgi, which the whole world knows about. Dorgis are a designer breed, so not everyone has these dogs. The pets that lived with the queen were not sold, but only given as gifts. Experts believe that the crossing of breeds also occurred in order to improve the health of four-legged friends.

Now other people can have a mixture of amazing pets that are pleasing to the eye and soul. These wonderful animals little by little began to capture not only the hearts of their owners, but also the Internet space.

It is surprising that puppies from crossbreeding are often different. If you list Dorgi on Instagram, the search returns dogs that are completely different from each other. Do not forget that puppies are mestizos, so they take their appearance and character from both parents. But owners, crossing a dachshund and a corgi, will not be able to know in advance what miracle their pet will have. But most often dogs have an elongated body, short legs and drooping ears. It's hard not to agree that they are very funny.

Norfolk Terrier

Country of Origin: UK

Height: 23-25 ​​cm

Weight: 5-6 kg

Lifespan: 12-15 years

Puppy price: 1000-2500 $

The Norfolk Terrier is one of the smallest terrier breeds existing today. Since this funny little guy is a burrowing hunting dog, he is extremely active, nimble, curious and jumping by nature. If you have a child, then the Norfolk Terrier will become his best playmate. He will never offend the baby, and if necessary, he will be able to protect him. Norfolk Terriers are funny, brave, friendly and sensitive dogs. They are easy to care for and get along well in small apartments.

Heroes of Instagram

While Dorgs are just beginning their journey on the popular social network, there are already a lot of them. Many users do not immediately understand what kind of breed is in front of them. Therefore, people often subscribe to a dog and become interested in information about it. So, Waffles is also a mixture of corgi and dachshund, but few people will be able to immediately understand this if they are not into cynology.

This cute and wonderful dog also appeared thanks to the love of dogs of two different breeds. Just like humans, mixed breeds often look great. They are no worse than one of the parent breeds. Pet account owners now often indicate that their dog is a Corgi-Dachshund mix. This makes it easier for other users to navigate and learn more about the new breed.

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