10 cutest and most beautiful breeds of small dogs

Dog shows no longer surprise residents of Kirov and Novovyatsk. Stadium Russia regularly gathers hundreds of dogs of different breeds, but the leaders remain “dwarf dogs”.

The fashion for small dogs does not end; owners continue to choose small four-legged friends for the family. Of course, these cute creatures will not be able to protect your home, and you cannot take such dogs for hunting. But they will always bring joy and pleasure to their owners. It is not for nothing that they are classified as a “toy breed” (English: toy).

When purchasing such a friend, we must not forget that each dog has its own character and temperament.

Chinese Crested Dog.

Small and very active dogs. It can be either hairless (only a small amount of hair on the head, tail and limbs) or with soft hair all over the body. The homeland of this breed is China. The crested dog in China is still considered a symbol of the well-being of its owners. Such dogs are neither hunters nor guards, they are created for adoration. They get along well with children and are very attached to one owner. The Chinese Crested Dog is an ideal dog for those who want to train their dog to perform various tricks and commands. This dog can be taught to walk on its hind legs, jump over obstacles, climb stairs and much more. They really want to please their owners, so they will try to do everything they can and please their owner. Do you want to buy a friend - a Chinese Crested , the price of a puppy is from 2,500 to 20,000 rubles.

Dog of the Papillon breed (Papillon): description, standard, appearance, photo

Papillon dogs are in eighth place in the ranking of the smartest dogs and are easy to train. They have an easy, flexible character, curiosity and are distinguished by devotion to their owners. Due to their hyperactivity, Papillons are not suitable for sedentary people, because these dogs will not doze peacefully on their bed, but will “flutter” like butterflies in search of an exciting activity not only for themselves, but also for their owner.

Worth knowing: Dogs of this breed are very sensitive and understand all the changes that occur with the owner, thereby adapting to him.

Look at the photos of these dogs, how cute and beautiful they are:

Papillon Papillon Papillon Papillon Papillon

Here is the description and appearance standards:

  • Papillons are small in height - from 20-28 cm , and weight can vary from 2 to 5 kg . It is extremely rare for these dogs to exceed 5 kg , on average up to 3.5 kg .
  • The animal's fur is elongated, falls down in waves and does not curl. There is practically no undercoat.
  • The color can be any, this does not contradict the standard; the characteristic difference is the dominant white color. Red and black spots are allowed. The most common are: tricolor, white-sable and white-black dogs.
  • The head is small in size, proportional to the body and the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly defined.
  • The eyes are large, almond-shaped, dark in color.
  • The tail is set high, covered with long hair, and must not be curled or placed on the back.
  • The body of the dog is with a straight back, wide chest and tucked belly, the lower back is convex.
  • The front legs are straight and graceful, and the hind legs are strong and well-muscled.
  • The jaw has a scissor bite and strong teeth.

A distinctive feature of the breed is long hair on the ears. Newborn puppies have floppy ears, and by the age of 2 to 4 months , they rise.


The pug is a small decorative dog of an ancient Chinese breed that was kept in the homes of nobles. In those days, the wrinkles of dogs of this breed were not so deep, but the folded pattern that appeared on the forehead looked like hieroglyphs and was called the imperial sign. The pug has a lively and balanced character, affectionate to the owner, and is rarely nervous or aggressive. Loving, gentle, not too demanding dogs, pugs are well suited for both owners with no experience in keeping dogs, as well as more experienced owners. However, people who do not have enough free time for their pets are better off not getting pugs. The calm temperament and friendly nature allow dogs of this breed to be excellent pets. In addition, the pug is ideal for keeping for elderly people who simply want to have a loyal and calm friend.

The price of a pug is from 4,000 to 16,000 rubles.

History of the breed

Shih Tzu (or more correctly called Shih Tzu-Cow) means “lion dog”. Since ancient times, Lhasa apsos were highly valued among the Dalai Lamas of Tibet and were often given as gifts to Chinese emperors. Because of their connection to Buddhism, they have been given the status of a holy dog. It is possible that the Chinese developed the breed by crossing the Pekingese with the Lhasa Apso.

In those days, the export of both Pekingese and Shih Tzu was prohibited, and only in 1908, after the death of Empress Tsi-Xi, small dogs began to be secretly exported to Europe.

The dog was a favorite during the Ming Dynasty and was highly prized by the royal family. During the looting of the imperial palace by the British, most of the dogs were lost and the breed suffered serious losses. The breed was first exhibited in China as the Lhasa Apso or Tibetan Poodle.

In 1935 it was called the Lion Dog of Lhasa and by this time had gained very good popularity. The same confusion existed in England and there was no division between the Lhasa Apso and the Shih Tzu - both were known as apso, which means shaggy.

Only in 1934 was a clear division made. And by 1960, the breed had become very popular in the United States and its popularity is still growing and is considered one of the most popular toy dogs. She began participating in exhibitions only in 1969.


The Pekingese is a small, fluffy dog ​​that originated in China over 2,000 years ago. The name comes from the capital Beijing, the Chinese call Pekingese dogs Fu. The Pekingese often reminds its owners of its royal origins and loves to be groomed and cherished. Such a dog cannot be called cowardly; they lack a sense of fear and self-preservation, they are curious and very cunning. Lack of attention and prohibitions make the Pekingese uncontrollable: he begins to do what he was not allowed to do, jump into places he shouldn’t, and throw things around the house. He is arrogant and independent by nature, but affectionate and devoted to his owner. There is no need to overtire your dog with jogging, and like all “snub-nosed” dogs, Pekingese snore at night. They require special attention to wool and food. The cost of a puppy is from 4,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Maltese (Maltese)

The Maltese is a dog breed related to the Bichon or Lapdog. It comes from the island of Malta; the first information about this beauty appeared, according to some sources, about 2000 years ago. Maltese are very active and playful, they can play for hours alone with whatever they find at home. They love physical exercise and playing with their owner. They get along well with all family members, especially love children. Such dogs are easy to learn commands, they are smart and inventive. You need to toilet train from childhood, go for walks often and at a certain time, they can’t always wait for a street walk. The coat needs to be looked after; this coat requires daily combing. The cost of a puppy is from 16,000 rubles and above.

Bichon Frize

Bichon Frize, translated from French, means Curly-haired lapdog, distinguished by its thick, long, silky coat of exclusively white color. The first mentions of small white dogs on the coast and islands of the Mediterranean Sea date back to the 13th-14th centuries. They originally served as rat catchers and traveled on ships in the region, due to their size and white color due to the warm climate. They easily get accustomed to the litter box and city life, but active walks are still very necessary. The dogs are very loyal and family-oriented and remember commands well. But curly and thick hair requires special attention and frequent grooming; the hair should not be run too far, otherwise it will be difficult to comb. The cost of a puppy is from 600 to 1000 dollars.

Pomeranian dwarf spitz

The Pomeranian Spitz is a decorative dog whose name comes from Pomerania (Germany). This is the smallest of the Spitz dogs and comes in about 10 colors. Miniature, with a cheerful disposition and excellent hearing, he is also incredibly loyal to his owner. He can run around tirelessly with children, but at the same time he is obedient and does not cause trouble. They are easy to train, loyal to their owner, but distrustful of strangers. More often than not, such dogs are devoted to only one owner, serve jealously and do not allow anyone near the breadwinner. They get along very well with other dogs, they know how to play with children, but sometimes they bark too often and loudly, which is not the case. They can easily travel and happily accompany their owner on a leash, under the arm, or in a carrier or bag. The cost of a puppy is from 14,000 rubles and above.

Yorkie character

The sweet, graceful and often touching appearance contrasts sharply with the character of this dog. She is not at all ready to be a “couch dweller,” although she does not need serious physical activity. Yorkshires are curious and inquisitive, playful and active. At times they show stubbornness and independence, and therefore, when getting this dog, you definitely need to devote time to its upbringing and training. Otherwise, if you don’t deny her anything and indulge in any “whims,” the Yorkie, like a true terrier, may consider himself the “leader of the pack” and become completely uncontrollable.

Usually dogs become so attached to their owner that they are ready to follow him literally on his heels and accompany him everywhere. They are quite hardy and not capricious if the owner is nearby. They are ready to play and run outside, and therefore will be good companions in families with children. However, you should not have a puppy in a house where there are children under six years old. Yorkies are fragile creatures, and children never miss the opportunity to cuddle them. Too much hugging can injure your puppy.


Shih Tzu

Translated from Chinese, the lion dog is the oldest of dog breeds. For a long time it was banned, as it belonged only to the imperial court. This is a companion dog. They are loving, their love is evenly distributed among all the inhabitants of the house. They cannot stand loneliness and relentlessly follow their owners wherever they go. Thanks to this quality and enormous affection, the Shih Tzu is an excellent companion for the elderly and lonely; they practically do not react to street animals. They can be trained to use a litter tray and become completely indoor dogs also because with age, their long hair can become a big problem for owners on the street. To the question: “Do Shitzus’ eyes fall out?” the answer may be: “Unfortunately, even with a slight blow to the temporal region, this can happen.” If your dog walks among dry grass, then due to infrequent blinking, the eyes become easily clogged. The eyes should be wiped daily with a cotton swab moistened with clean warm water. The fur around the eyes should be carefully combed and even tied up. The cost of a puppy is from 8,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Yorkshire Terrier: photo and care

The Yorkshire Terrier dog breed got its name from the place where it was bred and, in just over a century of history, has become widespread in both the countries of the Old and New Worlds.
The description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed is similar to the description of some varieties of terriers, but has fundamental differences, especially regarding coat. Dog breeders note that the fur of these dogs is similar in structure to human hair (it constantly grows and rarely falls out). You can find a photo and description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed, as well as recommendations for caring for these animals on this page.

Russian toy terrier

A breed of decorative dog bred in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. This is a very elegant little dog, long-legged, fine-boned, smooth-haired and short-haired. The Russian Toy is extremely energetic, active, playful, and at the same time very loyal to his owner and affectionate with him. Gets along well with others, is susceptible to stress and therefore is not compatible with noisy children. For all his “toy” appearance, he still remains a terrier with a very serious character: tirelessly energetic and too temperamental, without serious help from a dog handler he can grow up angry. The Russian Toy does not require much care, is suitable for keeping in a city apartment, is excellent at litter box training and may not be allowed to go for walks in bad weather. The cost of a puppy is from 6-8 to 35 thousand rubles, depending on the size, exterior, gender or characteristics of the breeder’s line.

Care for Yorkshire Terrier dogs

Strict and persistent training and education must begin at an early age: this is the only way to achieve complete control over an adult, tireless Yorkie.

Thanks to their high degree of adaptability, unpretentiousness and miniature size, Yorkies are very easy to keep in a city apartment. However, the most difficult aspect in this regard is caring for his long, absolutely straight, shiny, thin and silky coat, which falls into a middle parting. Grooming Yorkshire Terriers requires daily brushing and monthly trimming. Show dogs are not cut.

It is necessary to wash your Yorkie every 7-10 days and thoroughly comb only dry hair. It is advisable to carry out professional grooming (the whole range of hygienic procedures for caring for an animal: hair cutting, trimming, claw trimming, etc.) at least six times a year.

Before caring for a Yorkshire terrier, be patient; already at the age of three months, the puppy should begin to be accustomed to a tail with a bow, since by this age the fur grows and begins to hang over the eyes. The tail must be redone every day: with a patient and correct approach to this procedure, the puppy will quickly get used to the bow and will wear it constantly.

Yorkies are considered to be fairly healthy and can live up to 15 years with good care, however, as with other miniature dog breeds, Yorkshire Terriers do have their weaknesses. First of all, these are teeth, the cleaning of which and the removal of tartar should become a mandatory regular procedure. The musculoskeletal system is also a weak point of this breed. The most common problems arise with ruptured knee ligaments. However, avoiding sudden traumatic movements and proper nutrition can reduce the risk of these diseases to a minimum.


The smallest breed of decorative dogs, named after Chihuahua (state of Mexico), where it was first discovered in 1850. There are two subspecies of dogs: with long and short hair. At first it was used as a rat catcher on Spanish ships, and later it became simply pleasing to the eye. Chihuahuas are very lively, charming and intelligent dogs. They are loyal to their owners and tend to choose one favorite person out of all family members. Small children can easily hurt this small dog, and the Chihuahua can bite a child in self-defense, so the Chihuahua is better suited for families with older children. These dogs are very They are suspicious of strangers and never lose sight of their owners, which makes them good watchdogs. Dogs of this breed prefer the company of Chihuahuas to other dog breeds. That's why a Chihuahua's best canine buddy, after a human, is another Chihuahua.

Yorkshire Terrier: photo and care

The Yorkshire Terrier dog breed got its name from the place where it was bred and, in just over a century of history, has become widespread in both the countries of the Old and New Worlds. The description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed is similar to the description of some varieties of terriers, but has fundamental differences, especially regarding coat. Dog breeders note that the fur of these dogs is similar in structure to human hair (it constantly grows and rarely falls out).

You can find a photo and description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed, as well as recommendations for caring for these animals on this page.

Yorkshire Terrier

A decorative dog breed bred in Yorkshire (England) in the 19th century. In show dogs, the hair usually reaches the floor and is gathered into a knot on the head. If for some reason the dog does not take part in exhibitions, or has already finished its career, it is cut quite short and on the face too, if it is not intended to collect the hair in a ponytail. He is devoted to his owner and is friendly to people and animals around him. More than any other dog, it needs attention and is ready to follow its owner on his heels or in his arms all day long. Yorkies play with great pleasure, run, jump, chase “sunny bunnies”, without letting their owner out of sight, watching his reaction. The small size of the Yorkie allows you to keep it even in a small apartment, and once accustomed to the “cat” litter box, it eliminates the need for daily walking. But walks are such fun for a dog! Don't deprive her of this joy! Buy a Yorkshire Terrier, price from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.

Description of the Yorkshire Terrier dog breed

Country of origin: UK.

Height at withers: about 20 cm.

Weight: up to 3.2 kg.

Average life expectancy: 14 years.

Other names: Yorkie, Yorkshire Terrier.

Look at the photo: the Yorkshire terrier has a steel-blue color throughout the body - from the eyes to the base of the tail, while the fur on the chest is bright red, and on the paws it is reddish-brown.

Puppies are born black in color, which after a few months becomes steel gray.

Despite their tiny size, Yorkies are quite brave and cocky. Their fearlessness is truly surprising: completely unaware of their size, Yorkies are always ready to protect their owner and his family members, even if they have to confront a larger opponent.

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