Can cats and dogs drink beer or strong alcohol?

The owner treats his pet with dog treats.
Photo: RIA Novosti/Maxim Blinov So-called beer for dogs has appeared in bars in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This drink from various manufacturers can also be purchased at pet stores and online stores.

Beer for dogs is a non-alcoholic drink that is a complete meal for an animal or a flavoring or biological additive to dry food. Typically, such drinks are intended for consumption only by dogs, but some manufacturers claim that their product can also be drunk by humans.

The unusual drink was invented so that dog owners could drink in company with their four-legged friends without harming their health. Before appearing in Russia, beer for dogs became popular in the USA and European countries. Some manufacturers produce their drinks in regular breweries using a special technology that eliminates the fermentation stage.

Is alcohol harmful to cats and dogs?

Alcohol poisoning in pets is very rare because most pets find the taste unpleasant.

But during a party or party, sometimes things get out of your (or your pet's) control.

If your pet laps up alcohol, it can affect him the same way it affects people - either he will sleep, or, in the most extreme cases, he will end up in the veterinary hospital.

First aid for a dog drinking beer

IMPORTANT! The most important thing that the owner needs to do if the dog has drunk beer is to take it to the veterinarian.

Most likely, he will take a blood test to find out the amount of poison that has entered the body. The doctor will also examine the condition of the internal organs for damage. You need to give your dog activated charcoal to drink in order to remove harmful substances from the body. The doctor may also prescribe a drip to saturate the body and normalize blood sugar levels.

Alcohol content for pets

You shouldn't worry about what kind of alcohol your pet drinks, but rather how much he drinks.

"We have this myth about people like, 'I can't drink tequila,' or 'Rum is really bad for me,'" says Dr. Christine Rutter, assistant professor of small animal clinical sciences. Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. "You may have a reaction to something specific in this product, but drink after drink, it's the ethanol that will knock you out."

The same can be said about pets. But since most pets are much smaller than people, a smaller dose of alcohol may be more dangerous for them than for us.

“The dog weighs significantly less and does not drink alcohol,” says Dr. Rutter. "So a dog's alcohol breakdown is not regulated in the same way as a human who drinks alcohol occasionally."

If a dog begs for alcohol

Some animals addicted to alcohol may take bottles out of the refrigerator, cabinet, try to open the cap of a bottle standing on the table, or break it. Therefore, alcohol-containing drinks must be stored out of the reach of animals, and the area where alcohol has been spilled must be thoroughly washed with an odor-neutralizing agent.

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Beware of mixed drinks or alcoholic foods

Although an animal is unlikely to take more than one sip from a glass of wine or scotch with ice, some alcohol-based mixed drinks or cakes may be quite sweet or contain ingredients that animals enjoy.

And sometimes those other ingredients (like chocolate, grapes, raisins, or macadamia nuts) are dangerous on their own.

You should also be on the lookout for hidden sources of alcohol, such as some flavorings, including vanilla and almond, and spices, which may contain essential oils such as cinnamon. “This can cause gastrointestinal irritation,” says Dr. Rutter.

And since ethanol is truly dangerous to pets, also be careful not to let pets get into any cleaning products, mouthwash or hand sanitizer, some of which contain ethanol.


Apollo Peak produces everything you need - beer for dogs, wine for dogs, wine for cats, toys, treats, etc. (however, they do not have beer for cats). Target . Pet drinks made from organic ingredients help with this.

A whole line of beer flavors has been released for dogs, imitating popular beer styles: Mutt Lyte, Twisted Tail Ale, Black Print Pawsner, ESB, Oatmeal Snout. Each variety, according to the manufacturer, has a certain beneficial effect on the health of dogs - from increasing playfulness to freshening breath.


Signs of alcohol poisoning in dogs and cats

Signs of alcohol poisoning in dogs and cats are usually the same as in humans.

“Alcohol poisoning manifests itself in the same way as in humans,” says Dr. Frydenberg. “So there could be a gastrointestinal disorder. They may vomit or feel sick and may become unsteady.”

Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM, says other symptoms may include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Lethargy
  • Disorientation

In severe cases you may see:

  • Muscle tremors
  • Paralysis
  • Extremely slow and shallow breathing
  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness

Symptoms and harm of alcohol

If a dog drinks beer too often, it can cause such negative consequences for him as:

  • Liver problems. In dogs, this organ is small, so it does not have time to process large amounts of alcohol. As a result, alcohol molecules begin to gradually destroy hepatocytes and liver cell membranes.
  • Dehydration. This problem is faced by almost all dogs whose owners often pour beer. Dehydration causes the animal's body to begin to lose the electrolytes that the pet needs to maintain normal health.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Domestic dogs have a rather weak nervous system, so its functioning slows down after repeated consumption of beer or any other alcohol. This leads to depression and stress. Due to the slow functioning of the nervous system, motor skills and heart function are impaired.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels. A fairly common problem that occurs after drinking beer for a long time. Low sugar levels are very dangerous for the animal. Because of it, seizures often appear, as well as disturbances in brain function.
  • Kidney problems. When a large amount of alcohol enters the body, the kidneys begin to function worse. They are not able to cope with even a small amount of ethanol, so the body gradually begins to be poisoned. Over time, kidney problems become more severe and require major surgery.

Depression is one of the main symptoms of drinking large amounts of alcohol.
Beer is made using hops, which in large quantities can harm dogs and other animals. Abuse of alcoholic beverages made from hops can lead to the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • convulsions;
  • difficulty breathing.

Additional Information. In rare cases, alcohol abuse can result in your pet falling into a coma.

What happens if your pet drinks beer or alcohol?

According to Dr. Coates, in mild cases of alcohol exposure, pets usually recover with time and without any other treatment. "Just let them 'sleep it off' in a safe environment."

However, she says that "if you think your pet may have ingested a large amount of alcohol or is exhibiting alarming clinical signs, seek veterinary attention immediately."

If necessary, your veterinarian can hospitalize your pet, giving him intravenous fluids and any other treatment that may be needed, although a pet becoming alcohol intoxicated to the point of requiring hospitalization is extremely rare.

But holiday stress may cause your pets to behave differently than usual, such as surfing the table or digging through the trash for leftovers.

So avoid any dangerous encounters with your pet, keep dangerous food or drinks out of reach, and educate your guests about the dangers that alcohol, beer, wine and many foods pose to pets.

What's in beer for dogs?

The recipe for beer for dogs varies slightly among different manufacturers.

The composition of one of the brands of foamy drink for dogs produced in Russia was developed jointly with veterinarians. It includes barley malt, brewer's yeast, liver broth and artesian water. The manufacturer notes that the product is not only harmless to dogs, but is also beneficial due to the content of vitamins B and E, minerals, in particular iron, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and coat. animal.

Another Russian beer drink for dogs is made on the basis of meat and bone broth, and also contains brewer’s yeast. The product contains B vitamins and 18 beneficial amino acids.

Article on the topic

They will lend a helping hand. What diseases do pets treat? A Dutch manufacturer of beer for dogs adds to its product an extract with the smell of meat, barley grain (a waste product from brewing), as well as cinnamon, honey and ginger. Dog foam from the Czech Republic is brewed using malt, meat broth, herbs and vegetables. The Japanese analogue is flavored with meat extract.

In the USA, several companies produce beer for dogs. One of them adds barley and filtered water to its product, the drink is enriched with glucosamine (a substance produced by the cartilage tissue of joints) and vitamin E. Another popular dog beer from the USA contains malt, beef, pork or chicken broth, water, glucosamine and preservatives.


If you are planning to travel with your dog to Belgium, invite your pet to try the local dog beer. Snuffle was inspired by hunting in the Swiss Alps. The drink, as the manufacturer claims, gives dogs the same emotions as beer gives people. Contains beef or chicken, malt extract, mineral oils and vitamin B. While you enjoy Belgian fries, you can treat your pet to Snuffle Fries.



  • Dog Crown ” (Russia) is a vitamin drink for dogs, costing 145 rubles per 0.33 liter bottle.
  • Kwispelbier (Holland) - the name literally translates as “wagging the tail”, the cost of one bottle is 110 rubles.
  • Snuffle Dog Beer (Belgium) is successfully sold in 25 European countries. The cost of a 0.25 liter bottle is 150 rubles.
  • Happy lager (Japan) costs 225 rubles per bottle.
  • DB Dog Beer (Australia) developed by Elisa Schumacher. The cost of a 0.33 liter bottle is 308 rubles.
  • Bowser Beer (USA) costs about 1600 rubles for 6 bottles.
  • Happy Tail Ale (USA) is a vitamin drink made from selected barley and filtered water. One bottle costs about 112 rubles.
  • Dawg Grog (USA) - the author of the recipe is Daniel Keaton, costs 2000 rubles for a pack of 6 bottles.

Alcohol poisoning

It is much more difficult for a dog’s delicate body to cope with alcohol. Intoxication occurs quite quickly. The following symptoms appear:

  • Overexcitement or lethargy.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Loss of orientation in space.
  • Shiver.
  • Cramps.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Unfortunately, the pet cannot talk about its health. Any conclusions can be drawn only after observation. For example, when a dog feels nauseous, it begins to lick its lips constantly. If your companion has not eaten anything before drinking alcohol, the first symptoms of intoxication will begin to bother him within half an hour. Otherwise, the delay may increase to 2 hours.


The Pet Winery brand offers Bark Brew. There are three flavors available: Beef Ale, Chicken Ale and Calm Ale, with the addition of hemp extract to calm the animal. All three flavors can be purchased as part of the Pawty Pack. In addition to beer, Pet Winery makes treats and wine for dogs, as well as wine for cats (but they don't have beer for cats either).



This is a dog vitamin supplement made from beer wort with joint-healthy glucosamine, minerals and Oregon mountain water. The drink can be given to your dog with dry or wet food, with water, or just on its own. Many dogs love ice cubes - you can freeze “beer” for them. All components of the drink are certified vegan (but we still hope that there are no vegans among the dogs).


Can a dog drink alcohol?

Some people, whether they are dog owners or not, think that a drunk dog looks funny.
Indeed, for some, a staggering gait and instability, due to which the animal bumps into various objects, causes laughter and brings fun to the atmosphere of a drunken party. In fact, there is nothing funny about this, because irreparable harm is caused to the animal, alcohol damages internal organs, causes addiction, and in a state of alcoholic intoxication, a pet, stumbling into any object, can be injured.

The question “Is it possible to give alcohol to a dog?” is very surprising, because everyone knows that alcohol is harmful to people, especially in large quantities, let alone dogs, for which a few milliliters are enough to become intoxicated.

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