Dogs that can be alone - calm breeds for apartments

The definition of a balanced character is very subjective. Different people put their own criteria into it.

For some, calm dog breeds are an opportunity to leave children with a pet at home, for others it means sociability and goodwill towards people, and for others it means controllability by barking or a quiet ride in the car.

There are the calmest dog breeds that maximally combine the criteria of a calm disposition, which ultimately often plays a decisive role in choosing a pet.

The calmest dog in the world

You can make a list with the preferred qualities of a dog that are distinguished by calmness.

  1. Reduced activity in behavior.
  2. Increased level of stress resistance, restraint.
  3. Phlegmatic character, indifferent attitude towards the environment.
  4. Perfectly developed obedience, the ability to carry out the owner’s commands the first time, gesture.
  5. High degree of controllability of behavior in various situations.
  6. Communication skills with guests, household members, and other pets.
  7. Friendly attitude towards children.
  8. No coat care problems, good health.

The owner’s desire to maintain silence in the house is completely justified when the dog minimally reacts to extraneous noises, does not bark, or makes sounds.

Greyhound (English greyhound)

Despite their reputation as award-winning racing dogs, greyhounds are absolute slackers. But don't get us wrong, they will be active whenever they want - they can run at speeds of over 50 km per hour. But at home they make excellent companions. They are not aggressive and get along well with children. And they have nowhere to be but wrapped up in a blanket on the couch.

TOP 29 calm dog breeds

Large breeds

Bernese Mountain Dog

An innate sense of responsibility, combined with tact and attentiveness, makes this dog a companion for the whole family. She treats everyone in the household equally, loves walks, games, and is obedient. Balanced character, very loyal. Knows how to truly make friends.


A measured pet for whom it is important to be close. Depending on the type (English, American, Spanish or French) it differs in behavior. The smaller representative of the “French” has a more restless character. With age, he becomes more obedient and unhurried. One of the difficulties in parenting is the tendency to overeat and become obese.


A mixture of two majestic breeds, Bulldog and Mastiff. They adore their family, are supportive of their pets, do not get into arguments with others, and occasionally raise their voices. Periods of rest alternate with very high activity. They love to sleep, lie around, and watch the world around them.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The confident dog has a beautiful body and impressive size. They rarely show their vulnerable character. The specific appearance of Bordeaux with a large number of folds requires careful care. It is difficult to tolerate separation and is capable of truly missing its owner.

Golden retriever

The breed is similar in appearance to the Labrador. The difference is the coat, which is longer. He loves to work with his owner, understands commands, and quickly learns the general training course. It is a companion for the owner. Does not cause inconvenience, loves comfort and travel.


Originally bred as a hunting dog. Character is soft, good-natured. The breed is characterized by a desire to run around with toys and loves long walks. The long awns of the fur repel water and dirt. Barks rarely, only in cases of danger or demands to attract attention.


A huge dog with a characteristic black mask on its face, long, fluffy fur of a dark sand color. Slowly matures, exhibiting puppy-like behavior until old age. Loves children, respects family, understands commands, but slowness is what hinders upbringing.

Neapolitan Mastiff

A menacing-looking dog with impressive size. It may seem that the dog is thinking about something. This sensation arises due to the characteristic structure of the muzzle of mastiffs. You can trust her to protect your home and family. “Neapolitans” love peace and home. Children are treated like their puppies and are carefully protected.

German dog

The largest of the Wolfs with the most calm behavior at home and on the street. The muzzle expresses serenity, the proud gait evokes delight and admiration. If necessary, they are able to defend the owner. They do an excellent job of understanding the owners' wishes.


The breed was bred to work in bad weather conditions. Not suitable as a security guard, but can be entrusted with taking care of the family. Favorable to guests and loved ones. Loves company, always near the owner. They prefer to walk leisurely, observing what is happening around them.

Saint Bernard

He has the kindest disposition and is not aggressive. You can leave your children at home with it and trust it to protect your home. They do an excellent job of rescuing and are well educated. A dog is able to “read” the mood and adapt to a person.

Scottish Deerhound

A funny looking dog with curly fur of a dark ash color. Belongs to the greyhound group. Once in the forest, he turns into a real hunter. The high seating position allows you to develop greater speed in pursuit of prey and play. At home, obedient, patient, attentive.


Bred for herding work, turned into a service dog. An elongated nose makes you look sly. A graceful dog will not attack or bark without a reason. She is not familiar with the feeling of revenge, mood swings. Since the late 90s. last century, two varieties of collie were bred, which differ in the length of their coat.

Medium breeds

Australian Cattle Dog

Loves nature and playing outdoors. He can run fast, jump high, and understand human speech. Unquestioningly follows commands that he quickly learns. She comes from a mix of a short-haired collie and a Dingo dog, which gives her a special sense of smell.

English bulldog

Like all bulldogs, the “Englishman” is outwardly calm, but his frightening appearance frightens many. Does not show unnecessary aggression without a reason, and is friendly with pets. A calm, measured lifestyle is ideal for a dog’s development. A little lazy, prone to obesity, does not consider it important to constantly move, run, play.

Basset Hound

The typical expression of the muzzle is striking. Sagging skin around the eyelids, lips, and cheeks gives the appearance of a sad dog. A brave dog who is ready to be the first to fight. Needs long walks and exercise.

Clumber Spaniel

Loves activity outside the home, games, mobility. Suitable as a territory guard. You need to walk and run a lot with a Clumber, feeding his instincts. The look is expressive and attentive. He cannot imagine his life without a person.

Shar Pei

Many folds of skin, a special appearance and silence indicate imperial origins in the dog. It was bred as a fighting dog, for which the special property of stretching the skin helps to overcome serious wounds. Behind the external threat lies a vulnerable heart.

Small, small breeds

Jack Russell Terrier

Terriers cannot be called calm due to their developed hunting instinct, but with proper training they become obedient. Despite his high mobility and activity on the street, he is a diligent dog at home. He remembers commands and easily masters tricks.


The funny exterior of the dog makes it look like a nimble animal. The dog loves to run, catch up, and return. He understands commands perfectly, but is stubborn. The main advantage is the absence of the ability to bark, which is suitable for residents of city apartments.

Bichon Frize

Outwardly it looks like an air cloud. Curly snow-white hair with beautiful curls, black eyes and a perky expression on its face make the French lapdog memorable. He loves to play, easily learns tricks, and jumps on his hind legs.

Yorkshire Terrier

Three subspecies have been developed through selection. Among them there are miniature representatives, whose size is comparable to a small cat. They love attention, love to sit in the arms of family members, and calmly tolerate care. The most problematic thing is the need for periodic professional grooming.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

One of the most beautiful breeds in appearance. They adapt very well to the wishes of the family. It is advisable to come up with new entertainment in order to captivate and educate correctly.

Miniature Poodle

One of the friendliest breeds, able to happily follow commands, jump, run and play constantly. They enjoy activities with their owner, long walks, and entertainment. The coat is curly and requires constant care.

Continental Toy Spaniel

It is called the "butterfly dog" because of its appearance. Widely spaced large ears when running resemble the flight of an insect. With a ringing bark he warns of danger, loves attention and affection. Possesses human-level intelligence, supported by the instincts of a hunter.


The characteristic appearance of the Chinese breed is remembered the first time. Flattened muzzle, protruding eyes, black mask, often protruding tongue and small ears. Well trained. With age he becomes lazier and more imposing. Prone to weight gain.


The breed is called "The Pride of the Emperor". Adores adults, children are seen as a danger. It can bark loudly, loudly, and attract attention. It often comes into conflict over food and wins “first place” in the struggle for the love of its owner.

Shih Tzu

The exterior resembles a chrysanthemum flower. Loves care, attention, care. Satin wool requires care. The breed is prone to diseases; special temperature conditions must be observed. The fear of being lonely and abandoned forces him to constantly follow his owner and jump into his arms in any dangerous situation.

Japanese Chin

The pride of the Land of the Rising Sun with long, silky fur. Very petite, whose appearance hides a brave, kind heart. Always near the owner, whom he chooses in the family.

Basset Hound

With large floppy ears and a short, thick body, Basset Hounds have a unique appearance that makes them one of the most popular hounds. They are often depicted in books or films as adorable pet companions to cheerful characters in all scenarios. Basset Hounds are generally calm and gentle, making them excellent family pets.

Which ones are suitable for an apartment?

Small or medium-sized dogs are suitable for an apartment. For maintenance it is necessary to create conditions:

  • arrangement of a place for a bed;
  • regular exterior maintenance;
  • space for games based on the size of the dog;
  • proportionate physical activity.

You need to choose a place for a walk, adjust the daily routine for exercising with the dog. Pay attention to the place, time, and “dog” company - the key to proper socialization.


The Pekingese is an ancient Chinese dog breed that was bred as pets for the royal family. They are loyal and attentive dogs with long, beautiful hair and adorable little bodies.

Our list of the calmest dog breeds may be subjective, as we compiled it based on our own preferences. If you have any objections or additions, the platform is open, write your opinions in the comments.

How to choose

A calm dog is something of a myth. Most of the factors influencing behavior depend on the conditions of detention and the characteristics of approaches to education.

The future owner needs to know:

  • characteristics of the breed, its origin;
  • history of occurrence;
  • basic instincts inherent in nature;
  • conditions for maintenance are close to ideal.

A conscientious breeder is obliged to explain all the advantages, disadvantages, and difficulties that will be encountered.

Irish Wolfhound

Do you have a soft spot for gentle giants? This is the dog breed for you. Irish Wolfhounds are large, shaggy, and stoic—three traits that make them look intimidating. But in fact, these dogs are extremely calm and balanced. Irish Wolfhounds have a long history of hunting wild animals, including elk, wild boar and even wolves. However, today they make their living as cute pets.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Regardless of the breed, a pet with a calm behavior is distinguished by health and care.
  2. Among the large representatives, the most self-possessed are considered to be “mountain” dogs, whose purpose is to be close to people. Italian mastiffs who adore family have proven themselves to be excellent breeds.
  3. Medium-sized dogs with luxurious fur and highly developed intelligence will understand commands and serve humans. Many of them have a developed instinct of a hunter, a driver, which requires activity.
  4. Small dogs are more convenient to keep, but among them there are representatives who bark loudly and are nervous. For adults, “Japanese” or “Chinese” are convenient. The real fun is poodles that perform simple tricks and commands.
  5. Raising a calm dog is the owner’s responsibility. You need to know the basic characteristics, be able to handle the animal, be attentive and understand.

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs, also known as Frenchies, are sweet, lively pets with adorable features. With small, compact bodies and large, bat-like ears, Frenchies easily capture the hearts of dog lovers around the world. If their charming looks weren't enough, their temperament is also top notch. French Bulldogs are affectionate and friendly, but relatively calm and suitable for owners who live in small spaces.

Akita Inu

This breed is of Japanese origin. Akita Inu are beautiful in appearance and quite large in size. She usually remains calm and collected in stressful situations and is an extremely loyal pet. Barks very rarely, making it ideal for those looking for a quiet pet.

Despite her inherent calmness, the Akita Inu needs daily physical activity, combining play activities that allow her to run around with quiet walks.


A large, affectionate dog that looks like a bear. These shaggy giants are distinguished by their good disposition, they have absolutely no aggression, so getting such a dog for protection is completely futile. The Newfoundland's calling is to take care of people and help them in emergency situations. For such a dog to growl or bite is nonsense. They respond well to training, but will not tolerate rude and tactless attitudes towards themselves.

These are unique dogs - they love people so much that they are ready to get acquainted with all passersby who pay attention to them. And they are very surprised why the stranger froze in horror when the dog rushed to lick him from head to toe.

Dogue de Bordeaux

This breed is otherwise called French Mastiffs, as they are descendants of Molossians and Alans. The menacing and aggressive appearance of the dog absolutely does not correspond to the character of the dog. Bordeaux are sociable and very peaceful; they are distinguished by an extremely calm disposition and devotion to their owner.

The positive character traits of Bordeaux are:

  • communication skills;
  • peacefulness;
  • devotion;
  • equilibrium;
  • intelligence;
  • intuition;
  • responsibility;
  • courage without aggression.

As for negative qualities, Bordeaux are touchy. If the owner undeservedly scolds the dog, beats it and screams, it will stop trusting the owner, will be afraid of him and will remember the insult for a long time. Bordeaux dogs love and protect children and pets.

Historically, this dog breed is considered a companion pet. They tolerate loneliness well and patiently wait for their owner to return from work. Pugs are friendly and cheerful dogs with little physical activity, so they are quite happy with short walks. They can be trained well, but do not have protective qualities. Pugs become very attached to their owner and expect reciprocity from him; they love to sleep with him in his arms.


A beautiful big hound, a good hunter and just a wonderful friend. Bloodhounds are very smart dogs, but they are very stubborn and difficult to train, so it is not worth getting them for protection. But this breed of dog will serve its beloved owner with great pleasure. This is not the fastest of hounds, but its low speed is fully compensated by its keen sense of smell, intelligence and perseverance in achieving its goal. Bloodhounds treat other pets (including cats) well and are usually friendly with them.

It is worth noting that Bloodhounds are recognized as the most intelligent dog in the world.

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