Maintenance, care and education of a Shih Tzu

Pregnancy and childbirth are always an important period in the life of any creature, and a dog is no exception. As a rule, owners also treat their pregnant pet with the same care as a future mother. They try to provide her with maximum comfort and tranquility. But, alas, even with a great desire, without special skills and more or less deep knowledge, it is not always possible to do this. When a Shih Tzu is in heat , what needs to be done to ensure that the mating of a Shih Tzu is successful, as well as all the subtleties of a wonderful canine position will be touched upon in this article.

Estrus and mating

It would seem that these two processes are provided for by nature and should not be interfered with. This is partly true. But, do not forget that you are the owner of a decorative breed of dog, which, no matter how sad it may sound, is not always ready to cope with the tasks on its own.

When does the first heat occur?

As a rule, the first heat of a Shih Tzu falls in the first six months of life, but sometimes there are delays of up to seven or even nine months. This is considered normal and there is no need to panic. But, please note that mating during the first heat is prohibited, since the animal’s body has not yet fully matured and will not be ready to bear healthy offspring. And the risk for the bitch herself should not be reduced.

Estruses are repeated at intervals of approximately six months. It would be wisest to keep a small notebook where you will be about, then it will be easier for you to keep track and not miss such an important period. And the main thing here is not whether you will set your lady up with a suitable gentleman. It is much more important that your lady does not find herself a gentleman on the street. In the most ideal scenario, you will receive mixed-breed puppies; in the worst case, you may lose the dog during childbirth if the male was large, and newborn Shih Tzus with a cross-breed will be born large.

When can I knit?

Shih Tzus are bred at the age of one and a half years. This is considered the optimal age, when the body of the expectant mother is in full bloom and is completely ready for pregnancy and childbirth. But, please note that at the time of mating, your bitch must be completely healthy. It would be a good idea to undergo a medical examination at a veterinary clinic to avoid troubles in the future. Mating of a male Shih Tzu also occurs during this period. Although mischievous boys sometimes even earlier express a desire to experience the joy of love. But you shouldn’t allow this, since the mating may be crowned with success, and you don’t need a child support puppy from such a “mother” at all.

How does mating happen?

Most often, it is the young ladies who come home to the future groom. If the dogs turn out to be independent, then the Shih Tzu will mate without your help. But, if the male is not experienced in love affairs, you may need to help him: give him a lift if he is shorter in stature, help him start and keep the lady of his heart at the very end. In addition, do not forget about the castle in which the dogs should stand. Sometimes they will need your help to get out of it.

How to prepare

To do this, you must work together with your veterinarian. Your Shih Tzu should see the vet more often than usual. During this period, you must treat the dog with extreme care and good care, providing everything she needs for the upcoming birth. Dog food is very important now, more important than ever. Because dog food formulated specifically for puppies is high in fat and vitamins to stimulate growth. If your bitch does not accept changes in her dog's food, be sure to provide her with enough regular food along with vitamin supplements and healthy foods. 93% of all Shih Tzu females have a much larger appetite than you think, and it is an important task for you to provide her with everything she needs. Activity During the first two weeks, everything should remain as before. However, from the third to the ninth week, the dog's activity should be reduced. Although, to ensure that excess energy is expended, allow your Shih Tzu to walk with you. However, any jumping or sudden movements should be strictly prohibited. Vet Checks You should take your Shih Tzu to the vet at the first suspicion that she may be pregnant. Most veterinarians will recommend that you bring her in once a week. By the fourth week, an experienced veterinarian can tell how many puppies are growing inside your dog's belly simply by feeling it. Many veterinarians will also do at least 1 ultrasound during these 9 weeks; It is important to know whether your dog can have a natural birth. How many puppies can my Shih Tzu have? Usually small dogs bear from one to three puppies. The Shih Tzu, although a small dog, has a larger litter. Most Shih Tzus give birth to 5-6 puppies, but there is no need to worry if there are only three puppies, or even 10. Of course, a large litter is bad for the health of the puppies and requires constant monitoring of their heartbeat.

Pregnancy Shih Tzu

And now the mating has taken place, and you eagerly want to know whether it was successful. We dare to disappoint you: in the first month of pregnancy, you will not even be able to understand whether a miracle has happened. The sure signals that the mating was successful are:

  • lethargy of the dog;
  • loss of appetite;
  • toxicosis is possible.

As a rule, after a couple of days these symptoms disappear and the dog returns to full functioning. Therefore, if you are eager to find out whether the mating was successful, you can go to the veterinary clinic and get an ultrasound. In addition to disproving or confirming your pregnancy, you will also be told how many puppies will be born soon. By the way, this procedure is relatively inexpensive.

In the second month of pregnancy, the dog's nipples will begin to enlarge and the hair around them will fall out. If, after a period of sixty days on average, the pregnant Shih Tzu has not gotten rid of excess hair, then it should be shaved off, otherwise it will be very difficult for the puppies to get to the treasured colostrum. As for deadlines, here they are also a relative concept. Quite healthy and full-fledged puppies can be born on the fifty-fourth and seventy-second days. The timing of pregnancy depends on the individual characteristics of a particular bitch. Post-term pregnancy of more than seventy-two days is considered dangerous, both for the health of the expectant mother and the puppies. Therefore, if the event did not take place on time, we advise you to seek help from specialists.


Although the Shih Tzu is characterized by good health, and among the representatives of this breed there are many long-lived people, these dogs sometimes get sick. Most often, diseases are associated with the structure of the body or skull.

Common problems that these dogs may experience include:

  • Abscesses. Due to the thick hairline, it is very difficult to notice wounds on the skin in time. In hot weather they do not heal well, which can lead to abscesses.
  • Parasites. Thick fur is attractive to fleas and ticks, which are also difficult to find in it. Therefore, it is recommended to examine the dog after each walk.
  • Ear diseases. Inflammations can occur due to long hair that grows from the ears.
  • Eye diseases. Shih Tzus can suffer from cataracts, proptosis (loss of eyeballs), ectropion, and retinal atrophy. All this is due to the characteristic structure of the muzzle.
  • Tooth loss. The special structure of the jaws, which is inherent in this breed, provokes early tooth loss. The dog may begin to refuse food, and sometimes inflammation or swelling occurs in the mouth.
  • Atopy. It manifests itself in the form of allergies, itching, redness and dandruff. Atopy can be caused by a poor-quality diet, shampoo, or external irritants.

Childbirth in a Shih Tzu

Childbirth in dogs is no less complicated than in humans. That is why the upcoming event must be taken extremely seriously. To begin with, a week before the expected date, arrange a convenient and comfortable place where the birth itself will take place and the puppies will spend the first time with their mother. It is best to get a special box or a large box will do. It should be covered with soft blankets or towels. Be sure to include the expectant mother's favorite toys. Of course, she is unlikely to have the desire to play, but this will help her calm down and feel protected.

How to tell if your Shih Tzu is giving birth

If this is your first time participating in such an important event, then it is best to seek help from specialists at a veterinary clinic. Arrange with your doctor in advance so that he is ready to come to you at any moment. If you persistently decide to give birth on your own, then seriously prepare for it. The fact that the dog will begin to give birth will be indicated by its anxiety. A couple of days before giving birth, movements in the abdomen will be almost inaudible. Don't worry, this is not a bad sign. Naturally, provided that the dog feels well and there is no extraneous discharge from the loop. A signal that motherhood is just around the corner will be a decrease in body temperature. Therefore, you should always keep a thermometer at hand, and systematically measure your temperature at the same time in the last two weeks.

Who is this breed suitable for?

The dog will be an ideal companion for the owner of a small apartment. These dogs love walks, but do not require much physical activity. This means that the breed is suitable for inactive or elderly people.

These dogs love to give and receive love. If you feel lonely, they will gladly keep you company and cheer you up.

Shih Tzus are a toy breed and are therefore not suitable for hunting, guarding or protection. They are trusting and inquisitive. They take part in games with pleasure, so they will be an excellent option for a family with school-age children.

Shar Pei pregnancy and birth

I'll start this long story with my pregnancy.:) The good news is that she was light, no toxicosis, felt great, flew to Egypt in the third month, sunbathed, and everything was wonderful. In recent months, I’ve really been suffering from terrible heartburn, constant trips to the toilet at night, and the desire to eat, especially at night. Cakes, fried potatoes, ice cream with condensed milk, jam and chocolate... In short, I gained 20 kg and it was hard for me to even turn over at night. And Eva also kicked and pushed very hard from 12 to 4 in the morning. I was diagnosed with PDD on December 13, and during the last month of pregnancy I really dreamed of finally giving birth and getting rid of a gigantic heavy belly, I was constantly whining, nagging, and crying on my husband’s chest that I wanted to give birth :))))

And when the baby shower day arrived, I was all so excited, I thought, well, that’s it, today I’m giving birth!:) All the bags were packed a long time ago) But all day there were no signs, and at night I felt something new and interesting. As I now understand, these were training contractions, and at three o’clock in the morning I told my husband that I’m giving birth )) Fortunately, he and I went to courses for pregnant women for a month, and they taught us everything there, we started timing the time intervals between contractions and realized that this was not it yet (

Day after day went by, but Eva had no intention of climbing out)

On December 18, we went for an ultrasound to see what she was doing there, Madame was busy.;) We were told and shown that she had already leaned her head down so much that her entire forehead was wrinkled, like a Shar Pei))) All we had to do was wait))

I started reading all sorts of bullshit on the Internet, saying how to lure a child out using folk methods, it’s necessary, only now I understand that I could have harmed the little one... In short, I read that you need to eat spicy things, and I decided to bake some chips in the oven with curry, I ate them to such an extent, that I could barely walk. And I also sharpened two cakes on top))) But after an hour this was not enough for me, and at 11 at night I decided to go downstairs to the stall and buy 2 more cakes))))

Having become obsessed with the whole thing, I fell asleep watching my favorite programs on STB with Dimka Karpachev, got my husband hooked on them, and Dimka is now just like a member of our family. And:D all the way through I watched programs about childbirth, and forced my husband to watch)) He fumed and turned away at first, then everything was as if in the order of things) So we lie there, and again I feel contractions, and I can’t understand whether they are real or training, we start detecting them through the application - they seem to be like real ones. I was afraid to go straight to the maternity hospital, since we live in Kyiv, and we decided to give birth in Zhitomir, in the Pinchuk perinatal center. We were guided by reviews from friends who gave birth there and praised us. There is new equipment and qualified doctors. And you have to pay for everything there officially, which was nice. Not cheap, but honest and not at anyone’s expense. It’s 150 km from us, and I thought damn it, now we’ll get there, or maybe I’m not giving birth yet, there’s no point in driving back and forth in the middle of the night) But my husband said, okay, let’s go for a ride, better sooner than later. We got into the car, and the contractions began stronger and stronger, more and more often, I already realized that this was it, and I really began to worry about giving birth on the road, it’s good that I showed my husband a program about childbirth)))) I'm laughing))))) We arrived in about an hour and ran into the reception area.

3 a.m…

During the examination they said that the opening was on 1 finger, and that I would soon give birth)) And then I pissed myself)) in a figurative sense, of course)))) they transferred me to the maternity ward, where it is separate, good, newly renovated, jacuzzi, fitball and a bunch of different things devices and bells and whistles. We had a joint birth. My husband is my support and support always and everywhere))

In general, at first everything was positive, I thought that I would give birth easily and everything would be tip top) we laughed, filmed various videos, took pictures, and then the hellish contractions began... To say that it hurt is to say nothing) Only those will understand who experienced this... But the cervix still did not dilate (they decided to carry out manipulations. They punctured the bladder, it was so scary, (especially for my husband), but it didn’t hurt) This didn’t help at all, it only intensified the contractions, and I thought that I would die there on that fitball jumping.

We did all kinds of things, we went, and my husband did the massage that they taught in the courses, and we breathed together, in short, I remember it gave me goosebumps))) Nothing helped at all... Again, an examination, the cervix does not dilate (The doctors decided what was best do an epidural... For those who don’t know, a catheter is inserted between the vertebrae, and you have to sit without moving; if they get it in the wrong place, you can remain disabled for life... And imagine what it’s like to not move when a contraction comes, and it seems like your eyes are about to pop out) )) they basically held me, and one midwife injected me... My husband sat down on his knees and turned white))) After that, half of my body was taken away, I couldn’t feel my legs up to the waist and couldn’t move them, they put a transformer on a chair, and attached a device to my belly Kgt, to hear the baby’s heart, and was told to turn over every 20 minutes from side to side and wait for the cervix to open. So the night passed, my husband was lying on the floor next to him on a rug, covered with a robe... And in the morning he also put a gift under my pillow, it was the feast of St. Nicholas)) when I saw it, I thought that it was some kind of event in the maternity hospital and the doctors brought it)) )) they always handed out some gifts there, diapers, creams and various crap for the children) This was the only pleasant thing in the morning. Again an examination, again the cervix does not open... 4 fingers and that’s it (The system began to drip, and by about one o’clock in the afternoon it finally opened... But another problem appeared - the contractions stopped... This is tough... Labor stopped... And we were warned that if this happens and they don’t start, you’ll have to do a Caesarean ((

Other systems began to drip. I was pounding all over, teeth couldn’t hit each other, I couldn’t control my own body... And then Artyom and I remembered that contractions are enhanced by stimulation of the nipples, so we were told in the courses. (It’s a shame to write about this, but without saying anything to the doctors, we began to feel the nipples, and miraculously, contractions began and intensified sooooo much) :))))))) So the time came to give birth, at half past two days)

Then everything was according to the standard: push, push, but I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t feel everything below the waist... And I couldn’t do it (My delivery room slowly began to fill with different doctors, and this began to raise suspicions... There were 10 of them! The head of the department, doctors, midwives, nurses and 2 pediatricians! I pushed, I pushed , nothing was going well, they started putting pressure on his stomach, the head began to appear, but I couldn’t see anything because of his belly, my husband saw it)) I’m shocked that he didn’t collapse there. All the time he held my head, stroked me, breathed with me... If it weren’t for him, I would have died of fear there)) everyone started yelling like COME ON LIZA! The child feels bad there, push! And when I heard that someone was sent there to get a vacuum (which is attached to the baby’s head and pulled out with a suction cup), I strained with fear and gave birth right away) The first seconds... They put me on my stomach... I don’t hear anything... Everyone is screaming... Take it hands! Let the child go! But I can’t fucking understand what’s wrong? It seems they should put me on my stomach... I let go... They took me to a table next to the pediatricians and surrounded me, I couldn’t see anything... At that time the midwife was patching up my torn “all that was left”)))) my husband looked in and didn’t even understand where anything was... But I had no time for that... I asked: “Why isn’t she crying? Why so quiet?". Everyone is freezing... They are swarming around, everyone is busy with their own things. I only saw a piece of the leg, that they were lifting the baby and doing something... I sent my husband to see what was wrong with her, he came and said everything was fine. (Although in fact she did not move and they sucked something out of her nose and performed manipulations; there was asphyxia). But he didn’t show it and just stroked me and kissed me. I calmed down and heard a child’s cry... Until then, the minutes seemed like an eternity! My girl... My daughter... I have never experienced such feelings of love, satisfaction and happiness. All these torments, and even 300 times worse, are worth hearing the first cry and hugging your baby... When they put her on my stomach, tears flowed on their own, both for me and for my beloved... The baby and I met our eyes, and I couldn’t believe that she was in my tummy, so small and pretty... Absolute happiness is a living, healthy baby (not counting the broken collarbone that she received during a difficult birth:((((until that moment my husband and I didn’t think , that we would make snot, whine and mimimi))) but this turned out to be impossible) And so at 15:20 our happiness was born - our Eva!

Selfie from the maternity hospital) pimply and fat pregnant woman))) I wonder if anyone read this to the end?)))

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