Do you know how and what to feed a poodle puppy?

The poodle is the perfect combination of a beautiful canine appearance and a sharp, lively mind, which is why poodles delight children and adults with their comical performances in the circus.

Poodles come in four sizes: large, medium, toy and toy. Dogs of all sizes are extremely interesting, but in this article we will talk specifically about miniature poodles.

Description and character of the poodle dog breed.

Regardless of size, all poodles have the same character. These are cheerful, playful creatures that will brighten up the drabest everyday life of your family. Poodles love to play, run and move in general, so the breed ideally needs either a large family where it will be entertained with activity, or at least one active person who is ready to devote at least an hour a day to a busy walk. Without getting enough physical exercise, the dog will begin to throw out all its accumulated energy on all sorts of pranks, for example, it will start gnawing things in the house, will bark a lot, and will become aggressive towards family members or animals in the house.

But a walking poodle, exhausted from physical activity, turns into a peaceful, docile creature, ready to fall asleep on the owner’s lap or next to him, this already depends on the size of the dog. Having received a full-fledged walk, the dog will be much better able to learn new commands and obey the owner in general; it will be easier to educate him, wean him from bad habits and accustom him to the rules of behavior in the house. Even a first grade child can train and raise a poodle, and he will also be able to control the dog while walking. But parents should always be ready to help the child in his endeavors. Compared to other breeds, caring for a poodle requires special attention. You should brush your dog every day, wash it 1-2 times a week (as the coat gets dirty), and learn how to cut off excess hair on the dog’s body, or just take it to the groomer for a haircut once every two months.

For the most part, caring for a poodle comes down to the need to exercise the dog physically, because this is exactly what these dogs love so much. To walk your dog faster and better, you can buy tennis balls and use a sling you made yourself to throw balls over long distances, or buy a special slingshot, which costs about 700-900 Russian rubles. The diet of a poodle is no different from the diet of other breeds and should consist of one super premium dry food or only natural products purchased by the owner in advance according to how the diet is composed. It is difficult to say what is best to feed, so buy what is more convenient or profitable for you. Dry food does not require time to prepare, but its cost can be high, while natural food will take a lot of your time, but is somewhat cheaper. In addition, when preparing food yourself, you have the opportunity to monitor exactly what foods end up in your pet’s bowl.

How to toilet train?

Toilet training a puppy should be done in several stages:

  1. Set up a place where your dog can go when he needs to. This can be done even before it appears.
  2. Remember that babies go to the toilet often. Watch and you will see that this happens after every meal. If the puppy begins to sniff the floor and spin around restlessly, then it’s time to take him to the place that you have equipped for him. If he did everything right, then praise him with a treat.
  3. If your pet still didn’t have time or didn’t make it, then don’t rush to punish or scold him. Remember that he is still a child and does not quite understand what they want from him.
  4. If you see that the dog has started doing business in the wrong place, then shout sharply to it and immediately take it to the toilet. There, if everything ends successfully, praise him.
  5. Once your pet has received all its vaccinations, you can train it to go to the toilet outside. Remember that puppies often have to manage things, so at first you will have to walk him 5-6 times a day. Whenever successful, praise him and give him a treat.
  6. First, go for walks with him at the same time so that he gets used to the walking schedule. If you see that he asks outside your walking period, then take him for a walk anyway.
  7. Don’t rush to remove the litter box right away, because the dog won’t be able to tolerate it for long. As he gets older, he will need to go to the toilet less often, only then his place in the house can be cleaned.


Toilet training is an important period in a dog's life. You need to show as much patience as possible and not go too far with punishments. It is absolutely forbidden to hit a puppy, this will have a negative impact on his psyche.

Origin story

Cynologists are still arguing where the breed was bred, in France or Germany. It is officially believed that the breed was developed in France, but the word “poodle” has German roots.

Interestingly, in France dogs of this breed are called caniche. This word comes from the name of a duck, which indicates that the dog descended from hunting water breeds. The breed was officially recognized in 1955. At first it was classified as sports and service, later as decorative. Now the dog is used as a companion. But smart poodles can often be found in the circus arena or as guides for visually impaired people.

Mixed nutrition

Most veterinarians believe that mixing dry food and “natural” food is unacceptable. The fact is that it takes different amounts of time to digest industrial feed and homemade food. For regular food - only 2 hours, for dry food - from 3 to 5 hours, depending on their density.

Thus, the digested porridge will enter the intestines along with undigested food granules, and they will begin to rot and decompose in the intestines.

Note! If for some reason you want to replace part of the diet with dry food or, conversely, with natural food, do not mix both types of food at the same feeding. “Natural food” can be given no earlier than 5 hours after industrial food.

Breed standard (appearance)

  • Body. The frame is light, with a flat back, and the body is dry.
  • Head. Slightly elongated, the occipital part is pronounced.
  • Muzzle. Slightly elongated. Has a smooth transition to the forehead.
  • Nose. The back is straight, the nose can have a different color, depending on the color of the poodle.
  • Lips. Thin, fit tightly to the mouth.
  • Teeth. Scissor bite, teeth well developed.
  • Eyes. Wide set, almond shaped. Color ranges from black to amber. Light and gray eye colors are not allowed.
  • Paws. Developed, tall, straight. The elbows are pressed tightly to the body. In a standing position, the paws look parallel to each other; turning in any direction is not allowed. The claws are developed, the color depends on the color of the coat.
  • Neck. Long, in relation to the body located at a right angle. Slightly curved when walking.
  • Ears. Low set, oval in shape, hanging, close to the head. The outside of the ears is covered with long, curly hair.
  • Wool cover. There are two types of coat: curly and corded. In both cases, the coat is long throughout the body, soft to the touch, and has an undercoat.
  • Color. Until 2005, only black, white, apricot, silver, brown, merley, and harlequin were officially recognized. But thanks to a petition from dog breeders from many countries, the red color was officially recognized. Tan poodles are considered substandard and are discarded. The brindle color is an unofficially recognized one, and in many countries such puppies are not culled.
  • Tail. Until 1999 it was stopped. Today, undocked, raised high and tilted to the side is acceptable. At the owner's request, it is docked only at ½.

How many times a day?

By about 2 months, a poodle puppy is already mentally ready to separate from the family and move to a new owner. But this does not mean that his body is ready for a sudden change in diet. Find out more about the menu features from the breeder and feed the dog over the next two weeks.

Up to 3 months, food should be six times a day, from 3 to 6 months - four times a day, from six months to a year - three times a day, after a year the poodle can be switched to constant two meals a day.

What color should I get a poodle?

You can choose a poodle based on color to suit every taste. White poodles are the most attractive and photogenic, but there are many more worries with them than with a poodle of any other color. Usually, only very clean people risk keeping snow-white poodles. Dreamy people prefer pink or apricot. Blue and anthracite dogs are suitable for any person. From the point of view of care, the most practical thing is to choose a poodle of either a rather rare brown or black color. They are cute in their own way and easier to care for.

Briefly about the main thing

  • Ready-made diets and natural food are suitable for poodles;
  • dogs are prone to allergies;
  • Bones and flavor enhancers are prohibited - they are poison;
  • Small poodles need more food than large poodles.

What kind of poodle do you have? What type of food did you choose for your pet? Tell us about your experience in the comments!

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Male or female?

For many people, the gender of the dog they buy is not indifferent. Bitches, as a rule, are more affectionate and affectionate, have a more subtle and rich psyche, are smarter than males, are easier to train and are toilet trained. These qualities completely smooth out some possible inconvenience for the owner caused by females twice a year during the period of emptying and the birth of puppies. Males are more elegant, stricter and more aggressive than females, and require longer walks. It is believed that if a family is raising a boy, then it is better to purchase a male, and if a girl, then a female. Who should I choose? This must be attributed entirely to the desires, intuition and individuality of the owner.

Features of feeding puppies of this breed

At each life stage, a puppy has its own nutritional needs, and given the intensive growth of the animal, changes occur literally monthly. What to feed a small pet if the owner prefers feeding natural food?

Up to 4 weeks, it is enough for the offspring to receive mother’s milk in order to fully grow and develop. If breastfeeding is impossible or for one reason or another there is not enough milk for all the babies, then dog owners should buy artificial bitch milk at a veterinary pharmacy and feed it to the babies.

From 4 weeks you can purchase special food for puppies, which will allow you to raise healthy dogs. From this same age, babies begin to become interested in the world around them, including the contents of their mother’s bowl. Usually during this period, breeders begin to introduce the first complementary foods - industrial semi-moist food or chopped boiled minced meat, it depends on whether the puppies will continue to eat food or regular food.

2-3 months

8 week old puppies are still interested in their mother's milk, but this is more a matter of habit rather than satiation. In the period from 2 to 3 months, babies go to their owners, and these changes cause stress in the babies.

Puberty, mating

Puberty in dogs begins early. Females usually reach sexual maturity at 6-8 months of age, males at 12-16 months of age. At this time, animals experience a desire to copulate. Dogs, especially females in heat, must be carefully monitored to prevent early and unwanted mating.

True physical development in bitches is completed only at the age of 18–24 months. Males are allowed to breed from 18 months. To breed poodles, you should use bitches over 24 months of age.

During the year, the bitch has two sexual cycles with an interval of 6 months. Each sexual cycle ends with estrus, or mating. At this time, the dog experiences swelling and an increase in the size of the external genitalia, mucus is released from the genital slit, initially bloody, on the eighth to tenth day reddish, then lighter.

Discharges have a specific property - they serve to transmit information to the opposite sex about the bitch’s readiness for reproduction and spread over long distances. The dog at this stage becomes playful and easily excitable. In a current bitch, the mammary glands sometimes become enlarged, and milk may be released in small quantities. During this period, the bitch should be walked only on a short leash and accidental matings should not be allowed.

Mating is carried out on days 9-14 from the date of the start of estrus. Only healthy animals, previously examined by a veterinarian, are allowed to breed. There are two methods of knitting: freestyle and manual. Freestyle mating: the dog and the bitch are left together for a while. This method is used when the bitch shows a clear interest in the male, and the latter already has some experience. When hand-knitting, animals are given assistance. This method is used when mating a young bitch who, when a male dog approaches, behaves restlessly and snaps. It is recommended to put a muzzle on the bitch to prevent her from biting the dog. During mating, the bitch must be caressed, holding the collar with one hand and the belly with the other.

Mating is best done in the morning, before feeding, after walking the dogs well.

Before the end of sexual intercourse, it is prohibited to forcibly separate animals.

The second, control, mating is usually carried out to ensure that the bitch is fertilized one or two days after the first.

The mating dates are recorded and the estimated due date is determined from them.

The percentage of products in a dog’s diet and their processing

Meat pulp – 30-35%. For puppies, the percentage should be at least 45%. Turkey, beef or chicken are thoroughly chopped or minced in a meat grinder. By-products are pre-processed or frozen. Their amount should not exceed 40% of the total daily value. Liver should be given in small portions. Boiled pig ears, as well as the broth obtained from them, are very helpful in strengthening joints.

Fish is given no more than 2 times a week. Only low-fat oceanic varieties are used. It is boiled, carefully removed from any seeds and crushed.

If the dog tolerates fermented milk products well, then it is impossible to refuse nutritious yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, and yogurt. They contain many useful substances that are necessary for the full development of the dog. These products have a good effect on the digestive system. Milk should be given with extreme caution. In some poodles, it causes indigestion, resulting in diarrhea.

Cereals should occupy up to 33% of the daily diet. The best porridges for this breed are barley and buckwheat groats and rice. Fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits are an important element in feeding a home robber. They should make up to 33% of the total weight of food daily. If you're thinking about Shar Pei, here's his menu.

What can you give your dog?

  • Raw potatoes;
  • Green apples;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Boiled cabbage;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Pears are not sweet varieties;
  • Carrot;
  • Radish;
  • Zucchini;
  • In small quantities beets;
  • Tomatoes.

The amount of vegetable oils should not exceed 1.5%. Each ingredient is “new” to the poodle and is given in small quantities at first. After this, the dog is closely monitored for several days. If there is no food allergy, the product is introduced into the main diet.

Difficulties in breeding poodles.

Poodles are a healthy and cheerful breed. The harmonious structure of their body, athleticism and “active balance” help them in the difficult task of continuing the poodle family. Mating, whelping, whelping and raising puppies most often occur without complications in poodles of all varieties. Litters can be large; even dwarfs have 5-6 puppies. Puppies grow and develop very quickly and show high intelligence early. Poodles retain their liveliness of mind, quick wit and puppy-like love of games until old age. Compared to many other breeds, poodles are long-lived - a sprightly 15-16 year old poodle is not at all uncommon; many live in their right mind and good memory until they are 18 years old. Poodles are not overly burdened with hereditary diseases and most often produce physically healthy puppies .

Everything could have been so wonderful! The breed is popular all over the world, there are many excellent poodles, what difficulties might there be? But there is a breed standard, there are height varieties, and there are color requirements. FCI recognizes the French standard. This is the only breed recognized as French, in the breeding and quality of which France is far behind many countries. The leader and trendsetter in modern “poodle breeding” is now the USA, magnificent poodles in the Scandinavian countries and the UK, the top ten most popular poodle breeds are in Canada, Australia, Germany, Holland, Italy and, of course, in Russia. All these countries are ahead of France in the popularity and quality of breeding of the “French” breed. Poodle lovers from different countries meet at exhibitions, communicate on the Internet, become friends with kennels, exchange breeding dogs, and buy puppies in different countries. And what's wrong with that? There is nothing bad. It’s just becoming difficult to breed poodles, because there is an FCI standard (French) that we must adhere to, and there is English, American, Canadian... and the Scandinavians breed their amazing poodles as if they haven’t read any standards at all and don’t know what FCI is ! In addition to different standard requirements, the traditions of dog breeding itself are very different.

How to make canned food at home

You can simply prepare wet food in advance and store the semi-finished product in the freezer. To do this, you need to choose the products well. The meat is processed immediately. Even the smallest bones are removed to prevent sharp fragments from getting into the food.

Vegetables, offal, and meat pieces are processed through a meat grinder. Then the resulting mass is thoroughly mixed and vitamins are added to it. Vitamins are taken only in oil basis. There is no need to put useful supplements in powder or tablet form in the refrigerator. They are added to the finished portion before feeding.

It is best to divide the resulting minced meat into portions strictly by weight in advance. In this case, the owner will know well how much food his dog will eat during the day. Before feeding, the required amount is defrosted and reheated. This mass can be added to porridge, or can serve as a separate dish. Spare no attention and time for your dog. The joy, happiness, good mood that it brings is worth it.

What are the difficulties of breeding poodles?

— The difference in determining growth boundaries in the Anglo-American standards and the FCI standard. — The common origin of poodles of three small varieties, mixed breeding and, as a result, a wide variation in height and type among puppies of the same litter. — The presence of clear intra-breed types, sometimes so different that it’s time to talk about different breeds. — Different approaches to assessing colors in the FCI standard (strictly 5 colors) and the countries leading in modern poodle breeding (USA - “any uniform color”). The result is the appearance of puppies of non-standard (according to the FCI, namely the French Poodle Club) colors. — black breeder`s, wilde breeding, “sovok”-mentality. That is why careful selection of the parent pair and knowledge of the ancestors (at least height, color) are so important in breeding poodles.

Litter planning and breeding program.

If you decide to breed a bitch, the question arises: When? A bitch can only be mated when she is in heat. Poodles become adults quite early - the female has her first heat at the age of 6-10 months, which then repeats every 6-8 months. But a bitch is allowed to be used for breeding at the age of one and a half to two years, when her physical development is complete, after she receives a rating of no lower than “very good” at an official exhibition from an expert recognized by the RKF (FCI). The owner of the bitch must obtain permission to breed from the club where the bitch is registered. Only after this can you count on the fact that the puppies will be truly purebred, full-fledged and will receive official documents confirming their origin.

If you have already decided on a specific breeding program, you must understand that the inheritance of physical traits (appearance, conformation) is a very complex multilateral process. The traits you see in your parents will not necessarily be repeated in your offspring. But puppies may develop traits that you didn’t suspect their parents had, because they didn’t show them. The new generation largely repeats its parents and, at the same time, each newborn poodle becomes a unique creature. Beginning breeders often naively assume that there is nothing easier than getting excellent puppies - you need to make a pair of two champions or, at least, match a famous super-producer to a mediocre bitch. But they forget that parents also have two parents, four great-grandparents, eight great-great-grandparents... about which the careless breeder most likely knows nothing.

Dry food

If the breeder does not want to bother with preparing natural food for the puppy and is inclined towards dry food, then the baby should start accustoming him to it from a very early age.

Some important tips:

  1. Choose the right food. The puppy should receive all the vitamins and minerals important for its growth in its diet.
  2. Choose only food that is formulated specifically for puppies.
  3. For small puppies, dry food needs to be soaked in water. They have difficulty chewing solid food. There is also a danger that the baby may choke.
  4. Don't restrict food. Give food according to the weight and age of the puppy.
  5. Clean water should always be within reach.

It is better to use super premium food. It contains all the necessary ingredients for a growing organism and is balanced. You can also choose hypoallergenic food from this line.

Searching for a spouse.

The search for a partner for a bitch should begin after a conversation with the breeder. Maybe he will not only advise which manufacturer to choose, but also give the address and telephone number of its owner. You need to look for a spouse for your bitch among the males who already have show grades and permission to breed. If you are not sure about the right choice, seek help from the club’s dog handler and, of course, your breeder. A female dog's heat lasts approximately 21 days. As a rule, fertile days (when there are the most mature eggs) occur on days 11-13 of estrus. Although there are significant individual deviations - from 8 to 21 days! A bitch in heat should be protected from accidental matings. When walking, don’t let even your Obedience Champion off the leash. The instinct to procreate is the strongest. What to give a poodle? How and what to feed a poodle puppy and an adult pet? When talking about dog nutrition, many owners immediately decide that the main food is meat. However, only meat feeding can kill a dog. From the very first days, a reasonable owner will establish a balanced diet, including a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, vitamins for dogs, minerals and trace elements. A poodle's diet should consist of animal and plant foods containing all the substances necessary for the body.
It has been established that to ensure the normal functioning of a dog’s body, 1 kg of body weight per day requires: proteins 4-5 g, fats - 1-2, carbohydrates - 12-15, mineral salts - 8-10 g; vitamins: A – 1-5 mg, B1 – 0.5, C – 10, B2 – 2-3, PP – 10 mg.

Development by months

How does a poodle puppy develop from 1 to 12 months:

Puppy ageDescriptionSizeWeight
1 monthThe puppy is just learning to navigate in space. At this time he is strongly attached to his mother and brothers. It is not yet possible to transfer it to a new home. This should have been done earlier, but now we have to wait. It's time to start weaning the puppy little by little from its mother. About 15 cm1.2 kg
2 monthsNow is the time when it is easiest for a baby to get used to something. It's time to hand it over to its new owners. It’s also time to start accustoming him to a collar, brush, leash and start training him. This is also the time to start toilet training. 17-20 cm2.5 kg
3 months"Age of Fear" By this time, you should already be walking the puppy, because if you start late, it will be difficult to cope with him shaking from every bush. 23.5 cm2.9 kg
4 monthsAt this age, your pet begins to become attached to you. Play with him more and spend time with him, but don't let him do too much. 27 cm3 kg
5 monthsThe dog should now go to the toilet only outside. A period of complete environmental research begins. Allow your dog to do this, but watch what he does. 28 cm3.5 kg
6 monthsBeginning of puberty. From this time on, other dogs stop looking at your pet as if it were a puppy. Start training if you have completed the educational part. 29 cm4 kg
7 monthsPuberty continues, and the dog also learns to communicate with other animals in new ways. Learn how to react correctly to dog conflicts. 30 cm4.3 kg
8 monthsThe dog begins to understand its place in the pack-family. She acutely feels guilty for her misdeeds and unquestioningly obeys the slightest commands from her owner. 30.4 cm4.5 kg
9 monthsYou continue to be involved in the world around you and are aware of your role in the home.31 cm5 kg
10 monthsThe dog is getting more and more mature. Puberty continues. 31.5 cm5.4 kg
11 monthsThe dog is approaching a year old and its maturation is gradually coming to an end. By this age, the pet should already know most of the commands, as well as distinguish between “good and bad”. 32 cm5.8 kg
12 monthsYour dog is now an adult. It will not undergo any more dramatic changes for several more years. 33 cm6 kg

Poodle puppies grow up to a year inclusive, and their growth gradually slows down as they approach 12 months of age. To know which month the growth corresponds to, it is necessary to take measurements and compare them with the standard .


If you see that your dog is lagging behind in development, then take him to the veterinarian. It may be lacking some nutrients or vitamins.

Feeding your poodle with natural products

The main food is meat (beef) and meat products, which should make up approximately 2/3 of the diet.
Meat, fresh or frozen after thawing, is usually fed raw in the form of small pieces or minced meat. Its daily intake is from 30 to 400 grams, depending on the weight and age of the poodle. You can give salted meat, but it is first soaked in water, boiled and fed at half the daily dose. Meat by-products (legs, trimmings, heads) have slightly lower nutritional value, so their daily intake should be increased by 50-75%. They are given only boiled. Meat should be fed to the dog cut into pieces; minced meat is only suitable for puppies and a sick dog when medicine needs to be given. Part of the dog's need for animal protein can be covered by eggs. You can feed your poodle a hard-boiled and finely crushed egg 1-2 times a week.

Fish should be a desirable component of a poodle's diet. It is given 1-2 times a week, replacing meat. Sea fish is fed raw, freshwater fish is fed boiled. The fins and bones must first be removed. The daily norm is from 30 to 300 g. Puppies up to 3 months old are given only boiled fish, cleaned of scales and entrails.

Milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, etc.) are very valuable food products in terms of nutritional value, digestibility and digestibility, especially in the nutrition of puppies and lactating bitches. Milk and dairy products are usually fed raw. The daily milk intake can be 0.1-1 liters. Calcined cottage cheese is very useful. It is prepared as follows. Calcium chloride is poured into boiling milk (1 tablespoon per 0.5 l). After the milk has curdled, the cottage cheese is poured onto cheesecloth.

Of the plant foods, the most common in feeding a poodle is cereal (rolled oats, rice, millet, buckwheat). The poodle, like dogs of other breeds, does not readily eat pearl barley and barley. The cereal is boiled and fed in the form of semi-liquid porridge. You can give 100-500 g of cereal per day. Bread, crackers, and cakes (up to 300 g per day) are widely used in the poodle's diet. They can be added to milk or given in their natural form, usually after the main meal.

The main source of vitamins for a poodle are vegetables and fruits. It is very useful to feed fresh and sauerkraut, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, spinach, young nettles, young dandelion leaves, and any fruit. The daily norm is no more than 200-300 g. Cabbage, beets, spinach, lettuce, parsley, dill, celery are used raw, finely chopped or grated, usually as an additive to the main feed, and also boiled.

Young spring nettles are cut as finely as possible and doused with boiling water to neutralize their stinging fibers. It is very good to get your dog interested in vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, and give it to one of the meals. It is advisable for your poodle to love apples, berries and other fresh fruits. To enrich food with vitamins, you can use fish oil (1-2 teaspoons per day).

To prevent worms in dogs, it is recommended to give garlic, cut into small pieces and hidden in minced meat, once a week. For a miniature poodle, the dose is at the tip of a knife, for a small poodle - twice, and for a large poodle - three times more. Boiled pumpkin can be given as an anthelmintic.

To prevent the formation and removal of tartar in your dog, you can add crushed tomatoes or raw tomato juice without salt to your dog’s food three times a week. After regular consumption of tomato juice, old stones are very easily removed, and new ones do not form.

Minerals - calcium, sodium, phosphorus, etc. - are of great importance in a poodle's diet. The main source of minerals in a dog's diet are raw bones. Additionally, they give seaweed and flax seed, passed through a coffee grinder. If there is a lack of minerals in the dog’s body, bone meal, charcoal, yeast, and glycerophosphate are used as mineral supplements, 1-2 teaspoons per day.

Many dog ​​breeders themselves make a mineral mixture of the following composition: 40 tablets of calcium glycerophosphate, 40 tablets of calcium lactate, 10 tablets of phytin, 15 tablets of activated carbon. All this is carefully ground to a powder, mixed and stored in a dry place (before use, add 1/3 of a jar of brewer's yeast). The finished mixture is added daily to the food, ¼ - 2 ½ teaspoons.

A constant component in feeding a poodle is raw water. It should always be in a specially designated container in the same place, accessible to the dog at any time. The daily need for water is approximately 1.5 - 2 liters. However, when feeding dry food and hot weather, the need for water increases.

A poodle's need for food is determined taking into account body weight, age, age, gender, physiological state, and calorie content of food. It is necessary to create a complete diet, balanced in all food components. Products must be fresh and of high quality. Approximate daily rations for an adult poodle are given in the table. Using the table data and a little imagination, you can create a diet for your dog yourself.

Caring for a bitch after giving birth

It is quite obvious that pregnancy and childbirth lead to a weakening of the bitch’s body. Any infection, even a small one, can cause serious health complications. For mothers in labor of all breeds, maintaining cleanliness of the body and the “nest” is of great importance. But this is of particular importance for Pekingese bitches, since they have long, thick hair around the mammary glands and genitals. To prevent complications after childbirth:

daily, several times a day (as needed, depending on the abundance of discharge), wash the dog with soap, then rinse with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin and wipe dry with a clean towel. The bitch's genitals and "skirt" must be kept absolutely clean! every time before and after feeding, wipe the mammary glands with a disinfectant pale pink solution of “potassium permanganate” or a solution of furatsilin; the first two weeks every day, and in case of heavy discharge several times a day, change the sheets in the “nest”, maintaining absolute cleanliness there; Keep a close eye on your bitch's discharge. Normal discharge after childbirth is brownish-reddish, then it turns brown and then colorless. At the slightest suspicion of abnormal discharge: scarlet blood, “green”, unpleasant odor - consult a doctor immediately; To prevent the development of mastitis, examine the mammary glands several times a day. If swelling and redness of the mammary gland is detected, place the most active puppy next to this mammary gland, and carefully express the remaining milk; Under no circumstances should you allow your dog to be in a draft or lie on tiles (the Pekingese’s favorite resting places)! The diet of a lactating bitch is the same as that of a pregnant woman, with the obligatory addition of calcium supplements and vitamins. For the first 7-10 days after birth, you should not include meat in it, as this can trigger attacks of eclampsia. After giving birth, it is advisable not to walk the dog for 1-2 weeks, and if the dog is accustomed to daily walks, then they should be short (10-15 minutes), after the walk, wash thoroughly with soap and wipe the paws and belly with a disinfectant solution.

Bloody (scarlet) discharge. They are usually caused by uterine rupture. See your doctor immediately. Green discharge. They are usually caused by the remains of the placenta in the uterus. See your doctor immediately. Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary gland. It usually occurs due to bacterial decomposition of stagnant milk in the postpartum period or during false pregnancy. There is swelling, hardening and redness of the breast tissue, and an increase in temperature. If, while regularly examining the dog, and in particular the mammary glands, you notice swelling and redness of the mammary gland, then you need to place the most active puppy next to this mammary gland, and carefully express the remaining milk. It is also recommended to lubricate the mammary gland with synthomycin emulsion. In more severe cases, with the formation of abscesses and discharge of pus from the nipples, you need to urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe antibiotic therapy. Eclampsia - postpartum cramps. The disease is not fully understood. It is believed that its causes may be a decrease in calcium in the blood and disturbances in its metabolism, hormonal disorders, and a lack of minerals and vitamins. The symptoms of eclampsia are similar to those of epilepsy. The dog begins to worry, breathe heavily, and saliva flows from its mouth. After some time, the bitch develops convulsive muscle twitching. Then the convulsions intensify, the dog stretches its limbs and throws its head back. The attack lasts 15-30 minutes, after some time it may recur with intensification. If you do not provide emergency assistance to your dog, it may die. The immediate veterinary care required is to administer intramuscularly: - 5 ml of a 10% solution of calcium gluconate; - 1.0 ml cordiamine; - 1.0 ml diphenhydramine; - 1.0 ml of vitamin B 6 and keeping the dog in a dark room. Puppies should be separated from their mother and fed artificially. Since eclampsia develops almost instantly and always unexpectedly, be prepared for the fact that you will have to provide emergency assistance. You won't have time to call a doctor. Therefore, it is very important to have all the necessary medications to relieve an attack. For the purpose of prevention, pregnant and lactating bitches are given increased doses of calcium supplements (for bitches and puppies), vitamins, and meat is excluded from the diet a week before and a week after birth.


After mating, the bitch requires special attention, since intrauterine development and the correct formation of the fetus are closely dependent on the state of the body of the expectant mother. The health of the future puppy can be negatively affected by an imbalance in the mother's food supply, the absence or deficiency of vitamins in the food, insufficient exercise of the pregnant bitch, as well as untreated wounds, worms, etc. If the feces of the dogs involved in mating have not been tested for worm eggs, then 10-15 days after mating the bitch should be given an anthelmintic medication. Giving your dog anthelmintic drugs after the thirtieth day of pregnancy is not recommended. Very serious attention should be paid to the walking of a pregnant dog: throughout pregnancy, she should walk at least two hours a day. From the day of mating until the end of the puppies' feeding period, the bitch is given calcium glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate or calcium phosphate (from 0.1 to 1 g per day) in her food. In the absence of mineral salts, it is necessary to give the dog meat and bone or fish and bone meal in the same doses. The pregnancy state lasts from 58 to 63 days. From the thirtieth day, the dog is carefully monitored, activities and games associated with sudden movements and significant stress are stopped. The dog owner is usually concerned about whether pregnancy has occurred. However, there are no reliable signs of pregnancy in a dog in the first four weeks after mating. The dog may be sad and lethargic, drink and eat a lot, or vice versa. In the fifth week after mating, her nipples swell, acquire a pale pinkish color, and colostrum begins to separate. Mucus discharge is observed from the vagina. By the sixth week, the belly increases, the dog begins to build a nest, but it is still impossible to say for sure that pregnancy has occurred. Clarity comes by seven to eight weeks, when it is already possible to feel the movement of the fetuses, which is a reliable sign of pregnancy. Owners of mated bitches should be fully aware of the need for constant contact with a veterinarian during both the preparation of the dog for mating and whelping. The doctor will not only observe the dog, but will also tell the inexperienced fan how to behave and what assistance to provide to the dog and puppies, if the need arises. During pregnancy, not only external changes are observed in the structure of the dog’s body, but also changes in metabolism occur. The endocrine glands begin to work intensively. The amount of blood increases - by 20-25% by the end of pregnancy. The explanation is simple: it is necessary to nourish the developing fruits and remove unnecessary metabolic products from them. The dog’s cardiovascular system works in accelerated mode: the pulse quickens and the number of respiratory movements increases. The process of gestation usually proceeds favorably if the dog is provided with good living conditions. The most important components of a dog's food are: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, water and vitamins.

Three types of feeding

Natural feeding

The basic nutritional element for this species is meat porridge. Experienced dog breeders prepare meat tenderloin, canned food, and semi-finished products in advance. You can make a “blank” which will include

  • Meat;
  • Greenery;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits.

Finely chopped and mixed products are placed in the freezer and taken out as needed. You can grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder and make “healthy minced meat”.

Dry food

Feeding an adult and a poodle puppy dry food makes caring for them easier. Production pellets already include dried meat products, grains, vitamins, minerals, vegetables and flavorings. Premium food contains the optimal range of nutrients so that the dog develops properly and is in good physical shape.

Economy class food is made mainly from beans and meat waste, which do not bring any benefit to the dog. The content of dyes, salts, and flavor enhancers is especially dangerous.

Wet food, sold in briquettes, contains small pieces of meat and gravy. Curly-haired mischief-makers happily eat such food, as it attracts them with its specific taste. Budget products of such canned meat will only help satiate the dog, but will not bring any benefit to him.


Pupping, as a rule, is not unexpected.
Usually, some signs appear that can be considered as harbingers of childbirth - a sagging belly, refusal to feed, etc., but above all - anxiety: the dog tears up the bedding, prepares a “nest” for itself, changes places, whines, hides in dark corners, often seeks help from the owner. In addition, before childbirth the following phenomena are observed: the external genitalia swell and mucus is released from them. The size of the nipples and mammary glands increases, and colostrum appears. But some dogs produce colostrum later, sometimes during or immediately after birth. At the first signs of labor, it is necessary to wash the external genitalia, abdomen, perineum, inner thighs with warm water and toilet soap and wipe dry. The birthing area must be provided with clean bedding, and it must be of such size that the dog can stretch out while lying on its side. During birth, bedding must be changed, ensuring that the dog and newborns are dry at all times. For childbirth, you should prepare a “birth kit”: a set of clean gauze napkins, cloth napkins, 5% iodine tincture, boiled linen threads, scissors. Have hot water on hand if you need to revive a puppy with breathing problems. You shouldn't be afraid of childbirth. They usually proceed without serious complications. Contractions (periodically repeated wave-like contractions of the uterine muscles) are the main force of labor. During contractions, the uterus opens and the fetus is further expelled. The children's place is also displayed. At the beginning of labor, uterine contractions are not so noticeable, but later they gradually intensify and soon become maximum in strength. Then the muscles of the uterus relax, and there is a pause. During one of the contractions, light amniotic fluid is released. This is fine. The second period is the actual birth, pushing. Pushing is a contraction of the muscles of the uterus with simultaneous rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm. Attempts in a dog appear after the uterus dilates and occur reflexively. Within certain limits, they can be enhanced or restrained by the dog itself. Thus, efforts that increase intraperitoneal pressure and contractions create conditions for the fetus to come out. During a normal birth, the dog's assistance is limited to monitoring the birth and delivering the newborns. The reception of a newborn is as follows. Immediately after birth, the puppy’s mouth and nose must be cleared of mucus and amniotic fluid by inserting a gauze swab into the puppy’s mouth and immediately pulling it out. Mucus and amniotic fluid that enters the puppy’s mouth are quickly absorbed into dry gauze and do not cause further complications. After treating the oral cavity, the umbilical cord and wiping the puppy dry, give it to the mother, who will lick it, then place the newborn on the nipple and, if necessary, help him take the nipple, i.e. spreading the fur around the nipple, lightly press on it until colostrum appears and place the puppy’s lips on the nipple. You should also make sure that the dog does not crush the cubs near it during subsequent contractions. For a while, they can be moved to the side or placed in some clean box on a litter with a heating pad placed under it. The puppies should not be taken away; the mother should see them and be calm for them. The puppy may walk head or rear first, which does not matter if the bladder and umbilical cord are intact. If the puppy walks backwards, you need to help him get out, otherwise he may choke. At the moment when the bitch is pushing, you need to take with your hand what is sticking out and pull it out and down. The bitch herself opens the amniotic sac and bites the umbilical cord, separating it from the placenta. If the umbilical cord is long and the placenta does not come out after the puppy, then after biting it remains in the birth canal and should come out before the next puppy.

Signs of deviation from norms

Experts note that a healthy dog ​​is always active and develops well in accordance with the specified parameters. If something goes wrong, it will not be difficult for the owner to notice the deviations.

The animal becomes less active, perhaps refuses to eat, sleeps more often and gains little weight and height. The coat may have bald patches; the lack of natural shine is also an alarming sign.

The nose and eyes should be free of foreign secretions. Ulcers in the eyes and discharge with an unpleasant odor will be the first sign, which should prompt the owner to go to the veterinarian.

The mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue should be pink. Breathing is infrequent, calm, wheezing without any exertion indicates pathology. You should immediately contact a veterinary clinic to receive qualified assistance.

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5-8 weeks after the end of estrus, the dog's nipples may become enlarged and other signs of true pregnancy may appear. This is the so-called false, or imaginary placiness. Dogs drag toys to their place, place them under the nipples from which milk flows, and take the pose of a nursing mother. They go outside reluctantly, after a short walk they hurry home, rush to the toy “puppies”, sniff and lick them... Helping the dog in this case consists of changing the feeding diet and giving it sedatives. Dairy products are completely excluded from the diet. You should not express milk from your dog's nipples. It is necessary to consult a veterinarian. The doctor will prescribe the dog sedatives and psychotropic drugs in appropriate doses and the dog will quickly recover.

What not to feed

To avoid allergies, exclude the poodle from the diet or introduce with caution:

  • chicken meat;
  • soy products;
  • corn;
  • yeast products;
  • wheat.

Products are strictly prohibited:

  • sweet, smoked, with lots of spices;
  • tubular bones. For miniature poodles and toys, any type of bone is prohibited;
  • honey – high risk of allergies;
  • food sweeteners (xylitol);
  • grapes, raisins, apricots and plums;
  • salt.

If a dog is not eating well , but continues to remain active and cheerful, this is not a cause for concern. Perhaps your poodle is not getting enough exercise or the food in his bowl is not fresh. It's worth waiting until your next meal to make sure everything is ok. There is no need to increase the portion.

If your dog looks sick and lethargic, consult a doctor.

Care and maintenance

Despite the long and thick coat, caring for a poodle does not require much time, but it is better to be prepared for the financial costs.
The dog's coat is trimmed regularly. There are many options for grooming your dog. The wool can be picked up, braided and hardened with multi-colored hairpins. Grooming a dog can be done at home or with the help of a special groomer. Haircut price from 1,500 rub. This is an additional expense, since the dog is cut at least once every three months. The rest of the time, the hair is combed out, since its structure is soft and without care, mats will form on the dog. If the wool has gathered into a tangle, it is combed out. Once every few months, the dog is washed with special detangling shampoos or simple baby shampoo. After washing, the wool is dried with a hairdryer, since it will take a long time for the “fur coat” to dry on its own, and this increases the likelihood of developing fungal diseases on the skin.

The dog's nails are trimmed every 2-3 weeks. In the summer, the claws wear off on the asphalt and the procedure is carried out less frequently.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal’s ears. Poodles have a predisposition to ear diseases, so when grooming, do not forget to pluck the hair from the ear.

How to choose your future pet?

The choice of a poodle puppy must be careful, because everyone wants to have a real puppy, and not a mixed breed or a fake that unscrupulous breeders want to sell.

What to pay attention to:

  • Examine the candidate. His coat should be shiny, curly and without any bald spots or bald spots.
  • The limbs must be intact, the tail without kinks.
  • Nothing should flow from the nose or ears, and there should be no unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • There should be no lameness when walking or running.
  • Check your puppy's tummy to see if it is bloated or not.
  • See how he eats, check his appetite.
  • The dog should not show aggression or fear. A healthy puppy shows curiosity, is playful and cheerful, and is not lethargic.
  • Look at the parents and how they behave, because the future behavior of the puppy largely depends on the temperament of the parents.
  • If purebred is a decisive criterion for you, then ask the breeder to show all the documents for the parents, check the brands in a special database.


The price of a poodle puppy depends on many factors, but on average it varies from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.

Poodle health

The poodle has good immunity and rarely gets sick. A puppy up to a year should be protected from viral and bacterial pathologies: plague, hepatitis, enteritis. Vaccination is carried out with a complex preparation, so the dog will receive less stress from visiting the clinic. You can take your puppy for walks two weeks after the last vaccination.

Poodles are prone to the following pathologies:

  1. skin diseases - eczema, irritation, staphylococcus. Associated with improper care of the dog's coat. Diseases are treated with special ointments and antibiotics;
  2. eye diseases - conjunctivitis, cataracts;
  3. dysplasia of the knee joint;
  4. obesity - poodles are prone to overeating and, without owner control, quickly gain excess weight. Daily exercise is used as a preventive measure;
  5. allergies - mainly caused by improper feeding.

The poodle is a long-liver and, with proper care, will live at least 15–16 years. Miniature and toy poodles live even longer. Large royal ones are 2–3 years shorter.





Owner reviews


Most often we feed our royal poodle porridge with meat; in the evening we usually give him cottage cheese with fruit and some offal. It somehow didn’t work out for us with fish, but the doctor recommended a complex that contains what fish gives the dog.

Surprisingly, such a big dog eats quite a bit, but may ask for a little more food during the day.


We have one, but he eats like a Rottweiler. He constantly runs around like a wound up top. But it also makes up for it all with nutrition. Somehow it turned out that the breeder chose dry food for the puppies. We alternate between dry kibble and canned food in jars and bags. Convenient - no need to look for vitamins or worry about the baby’s fur and joints.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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