Asian Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd: who is stronger?

01/10/2021 36,148 Interesting facts about dogs

Author: Olga

There are stereotypes that fighting dogs are very dangerous animals that can even tear a person to pieces. This is partly true, but you should always remember that there is a saying “there are no dangerous breeds, there are irresponsible owners,” which also has some truth. Many dog ​​fighting fans are interested in the question: who is stronger in a fight between an Alabai and a wolf? In this article we will try to answer this question along with photos and videos.


Fighting qualities of the oldest breed Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Despite the fact that many dog ​​breeders consider Alabais to be fighters, first of all, they are a guard breed. Since ancient times, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs have been exploited as guard dogs and herding dogs. They drove away criminals from their owners' yards and protected helpless sheep from wolves. And many owners of representatives of this breed, seeing their dogs at work, noted that an Alabai will not only survive against a wolf, but may well gnaw its throat. This is due not only to the impressive size of the dog, but also to its innate aggression towards predators or prey.

Back in the 30s of the last century, the Soviet government tried to use the Alabai as a guard of important objects, but due to the difficult nature of the dogs, they decided to do without these animals.

Actually, character is one of the main reasons why Alabai take part in dog fighting. As you can see in the video, such a dog is much stronger than other opponents, such as a pit bull terrier or an American bulldog. But it is also larger in size, which is why Central Asian Shepherds are not as agile as their smaller opponents.

Often in dog fights, the Central Asian Shepherd is a regular guest. For example, in Turkmenistan, dog fighting involving representatives of this species is considered a national tradition. Every year thousands of people witness such competitions, which are even broadcast on some local Turkmen TV channels.

In any case, history shows that the Central Asian Shepherd, although used for protection, has always been a good fighter. In addition, to this day, hunters use such dogs to drive down wild boars. A large and fast Central Asian can easily drive a wild boar into the hunter’s sights, let alone if there are several dogs. Moreover, even one Alabai, if necessary, can attack a bear, and the outcome of such a fight will depend not only on who is stronger, but on the fighting qualities of the shepherd dog.

As you understand, this is why Alabai need training. If the dog cannot control his fighting instincts, this will not lead to anything good.

“Work, Caucasus!”

After the weigh-in, the drawing of lots begins - using lotto barrels. Two men in black jackets are selling fifty-ruble spectator tickets through a narrow window in the fence. Entertainment lovers sit on benches. The male society is diversified by the only girl with bright brown hair. She came to the fights for the first time, with a friend.

- Wrestlers, karatekas, militants - don’t come here! - the judge loudly announces. — If you want to fight, I’ll leave your phone number, my friends from the UFC need sparring partners.

Having put things in order, he reads out the rules. Clattering of teeth, lowering of tail, raising a voice means defeat. In this case, the dogs are immediately separated, so serious injuries rarely occur at championships.

This puppy was brought in to “sniff” and get used to the arena and surroundings. He will only participate in battles next year (if he shows fighting qualities) Photo: Vadim Braidov for TD

— A protest can only be submitted before leaving the ring! - loudly resounds from the speaker. - The owner is drunk - the dog is removed. Fans come here to talk about the dog - defeat.

Finally the pairs are determined. The owners' names are written down next to the dogs' names, without surnames. The fighting begins.

- Alabai, master Ilmuddin, Gilli! Rival - Caucasus, owner Albert, Derbent!

The hefty Caucasus is the first to enter the arena, looking around at the audience. Alabai waits in front of the lattice door.

- Wash the dogs! - the judge orders.

The owner of the Caucasus is given a plastic bucket into which he pours a carton of milk. He dips a yellow cloth and wipes the dog. He stands there without moving. White drops flow down the fur. It is believed that milk neutralizes the odorous substances with which sharpers lubricate dogs before a fight.

- Hind legs! My eggs! - heard from the spectators.

Bagin has Piglet “for the soul.” The dog easily overcomes any obstacles and is intensely jealous when the owner pets another dog Photo: Vadim Braidov for TD

Finally, the Caucasus is washed, and the bucket goes to the owner of Alabai. Piebald Dog is limping slightly from the previous battle.

Owners bring dogs together, holding their chests with harnesses. At a distance of about three meters they are released, and the two huge dogs merge into a snarling ball.

- Come on, Alabai! - yells one spectator, spitting out seed skins. - At his feet, at his feet!

- Well done, Caucasus! - another one drowns him out, with the inscription Russia on his jacket.

— You are only allowed to stand on the benches in socks! - the judge's roar booms from the loudspeaker.

The dogs either embrace each other, standing on their hind legs, or knock the opponent to the ground and throw themselves on top. Long protruding tongues covered in blood and fur.

The dog that Bagin raised Photo: Vadim Braidov for TD

- Work, Caucasus! - the fans scream. But in vain - Alabai begins to overcome. Soon the referee in an orange vest uses a wooden wedge to release his grip and declare the lame dog the winner.

“Alabai has already been sent to the shed,” recalls a regular at the fights. “We thought he wasn’t fighting.” But we decided to try anyway. There are many shepherd dogs here.

Soon the Bosun with a scar over his eye and his rival Tarzan enter the arena. The fight lasts 18 minutes. Finally, the exhausted dogs stop attacking each other, and the judge announces the end of the round. The rivals are taken for a walk and to catch their breath - in half an hour they will fight again.

Is dog fighting barbaric, is it necessary to check the wolfhound, or is it a business?

Animal advocates unanimously argue that dog fighting is barbaric. Like, why find out who is stronger if it can lead to the death of the dog? These people are partly right, because dog fights very rarely result in casualties. And especially if such massive and dangerous wolfhounds are involved in the battles. We must not forget that some dogs were bred specifically for this purpose, right?

But if you look at it from the other side, dog owners themselves can decide for what purpose to raise their pet. Of course, fighting is an integral part of the life of any born fighter. After all, if a pet does not show its strength with other animals, then it can do this even involuntarily just on the street. But then the outcome will be sadder.

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Today, dog fighting is prohibited in many countries. Today the practice of holding such events is not as widespread as in the last century. Then such a business could bring fortunes to the organizers. Nowadays, of course, such competitions also bring income to the organizers, professional videos are filmed, and there are even fans of this type of “sport.”

Daring Stalin

Breeder Bagin Bahulov came to the dog fights looking for a “groom” for his bitch. This thin, graying man, smoking a rolled-up cigarette with shag, does not shout with other fans in the stands, but calmly and quietly communicates with the right people. He knows all dog lovers and promising dogs, with their tricks and eccentricities. One breeder dotes on his animals and feeds them delicacies - from donkey and lamb to Indian Runner duck eggs. And another kicked out a faithful dog, who, after a series of victories, lost his only battle.

Dogs in Bagina enclosures Photo: Vadim Braidov for TD

- In the dog world, everyone is equal. Like dogs. As they are devoted to us, we are also devoted. We are all dependent on each other. When someone has problems, we write to the group: “The puppy is sick.” And immediately they give other advice, they send packages of medicines.

59-year-old Bagin has more than a dozen dogs. He has been interested in fighting dogs since childhood. Once he even raised a wolf cub, given by a hunter. In winter, four-legged athletes live in the village of Semender, part of Makhachkala, and in the summer the breeder spends the summer with his charges in a cave near the village of Sogratl. Future champions train there in the mountains. There is something biblical in Bakhulov’s stories about them:

— The first in the line was the great Kaplan. His son Goroch performed no worse than his father. Buynak, son of Goroch, became the champion of the Caucasus. From him came Pirate, Nelson...

Before a fight, dogs are washed with milk to eliminate the possibility of poisoning. Milk is designed to neutralize them Photo: Vadim Braidov for TD

Bagin gives neutral nicknames to dogs in order to avoid the embarrassment that happened to a colleague. He named the dog Stalin.

Alabaev fighting tests

Testing of representatives of this breed is regulated.

As a rule, tests stop immediately:

  • if the dog starts whining or squealing;
  • if the dog begins to show a grin;
  • if the animal avoids combat;
  • if the pet begins to strike with its teeth;
  • or if the owner himself so desired.

The main criterion for conducting fighting tests is the demonstration of the pet's breed behavior and the desire to win the fight. The last criterion is exclusively an innate factor. If the Alabai is not going to participate in the fight, then he will immediately take a pose of submission, as the wolves do in the video. In this case, the enemy is unlikely to attack the surrendered animal.

One way or another, the innate aggression of the Alabai only manifests itself if another dog claims leadership in the pack. A shepherd dog will tolerate weaker males in its pack and will never touch a bitch or a puppy, but a wolfhound will always show its face to a strong dog.

Who needs fighting dogs?

Not everyone gets dogs that fall into the “fighting” category. We decided to list a few cases when people might really think about such a pet:

• You live in a country house with a large plot, where you need a real security guard who will scare away intruders;

• You already have positive experience with such dogs and raising them;

• You have enough money and time to thoroughly train the animal;

• Do you know breeders or contacts of a nursery where you can buy a healthy puppy with a good psyche and without developmental disabilities.

Video “How Alabai subdued the wolves”

In this video you can see how wolves, not wanting to fight with the Alabai, obediently take a pose of submission.

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Not just pain and bites

Dog fighting took place long before the revolution. As Igor Karpeev and Shapi Kaziev write in the book “Daily Life of the Highlanders of the North Caucasus in the 19th Century,” fights were held “in villages, between villages and between societies.” In Soviet times, recalls Bagin Bahulov, there was no talk of big competitions - fights were suppressed by the police. Fans haphazardly pitted dogs against each other in secluded places - in courtyards, meadows, and shepherds' sheds. Only males fought, “female” fights began later, when the offspring of fighting females increased in price. And at that time, trading in wolfhound puppies was considered blasphemy. The famous breeder Shamil Dotdaev recalled: “Some owners stated that they would rather become cuckolds than sell the dog.” The situation changed with the collapse of the USSR.

Organized fighting began in the late eighties. In 1992, the first post-Soviet Caucasus Championship was held. Dogs fought in the Kislovodsk circus. Genghis Khan from Karachay-Cherkessia became the champion, defeating Dagestan Tarzan in a three-round battle. Gradually a chain of competitions developed. The champion of the republic advanced to the Caucasus Championship, the winner of which received the right to fight in the Super League next year. Dogs even from abroad came to Stavropol for this championship.

Spectators try not to make noise when the fight breaks out next to the stands, and harshly interrupt the claps and shouts of the less restrained Photo: Vadim Braidov for TD

Sometimes battle-weary dogs refuse to fight. Then they are taken away to catch their breath, and the rivals meet in the next round Photo: Vadim Braidov for TD

At that time, even those who had nothing to do with dogs watched recordings of fights in Dagestan. The tournaments were made famous by Ramazan Rabadanov, an eccentric commentator who, in the DVD era, released more than a hundred discs with selected fights. Now he discusses on Instagram the problems of the region and the behind-the-scenes struggle of politicians, but does not like to return to the past:

— Previously, the people were abandoned, Yeltsin ruined the economy. We had to do something to entertain people. Now I've left it. There are plenty of other entertainment options.

How to properly raise a fighting dog

The appearance of such a puppy in the house means that now you will have to closely monitor him and control his behavior. At the genetic level, these four-legged animals are very aggressive, so proper education is extremely important here.

First, set some rules for the puppy: daily routine, behavior in the house and on the street, designate a prohibited territory and do not allow any concessions. Any manifestation of aggression towards one of the family members must be punished. Only this must be done skillfully and in no case be cruel! It is enough to take the puppy by the scruff of the neck and gently shake it, as his mother would do. If such actions do not help, then the dog can be lightly pressed to the floor until it begins to whine. This way you will demonstrate your authority to the four-legged dog.

Talk to your animal calmly and don't try to teach him everything at once. Be patient! The best option would be to contact an experienced dog handler who will conduct a lesson with the dog and teach it all the necessary commands. So, as a result, you will get an ideal protector and a loyal friend who will treat you and your family with respect.

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