Advocate against worms and fleas for cats and dogs: instructions for use, price, reviews

Advocate® is prescribed to cats for the treatment and prevention of otodectosis (Otodectes cynotis), entomosis (Ctenocephalides felis), intestinal nematodes (larval (stage L4), immature and mature phases of development of Toxocara cati and Ancylostoma tubaeforme), as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis (larval forms Dirofilaria immitis (L3 and L4 stages).

Advocate® can be used in cats from 9 weeks of age. Treatment of cats weighing less than 1 kg, pregnant and lactating cats should be carried out with caution under the supervision of a veterinarian. Advocate® is applied to dry, intact skin in areas inaccessible to licking, directly to the skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>

Pharmacology and composition

Advocate drops for dogs are produced by the world-famous German company Bayer HealthCare AG. Veterinary products from this company are widely known in the pharmacological market and have been successfully used for years to treat and prevent diseases in animals.

The drug is a complex antiparasitic agent. It acts through the synthesis of 2 substances:

  • imidacloprid: insecticide, causes the death of ticks and fleas;
  • moxidectin: acts against nematodes (worms).

Imidacloprid spreads throughout the dog's skin and coat. It is released along with sebaceous secretions, penetrates the bodies of insects during bites, causing their paralysis and subsequent death. Moxidectin enters the systemic bloodstream, tissues and organs, leading to muscle innervation of nematodes and, as a result, death. Both substances protect against parasites for up to 1 month.

Moxidectin is similar in action to ivermectin. But, unlike it, it is not toxic to collies and similar breeds. Drops belong to the third hazard class - moderately hazardous substances. If dosages are observed, they do not cause side effects and are well tolerated by dogs of different breeds.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advocate drops on the withers are one of the best antiparasitic remedies. It has many advantages compared to other drugs:

  • complex action - one pipette kills ectoparasites and worms, which frees the animal owner from purchasing and feeding deworming tablets;
  • safety;
  • side effects are minor, occur rarely and go away on their own;
  • allowed for use by puppies from 7 weeks;
  • an abundance of dosages for dogs of different sizes;
  • collies and similar breeds can be used;
  • convenient use.

However, the drug also has disadvantages:

  • There are often fakes - be especially careful when ordering from online stores and purchasing in small pet stores;
  • high price - from 350 rubles per pipette;
  • does not help against ixodid ticks;
  • difficult to obtain, especially in regions and small towns - due to the high cost, not all veterinary pharmacies and pet stores purchase the drug.

Owner reviews

YuliaYa1977: “For the first time we took these drops. The dog did not struggle during treatment and behaved calmly. Overall, she tolerated the drug well - no signs of intoxication. Only the wool smells a little, but after other products the smell was stronger.”

KseniaZH: “Six months ago my pug got sick. He was still a puppy then and didn’t weigh even 4 kg. At first a small pimple appeared on my forehead, which then became covered with skin. The vet said it was a subcutaneous mite and appointed a lawyer. He said to drip for 4 months in a row every 30 days. After the second use, the crusts disappeared, and after the 4th time everything disappeared as if by hand. The price is steep, but I ordered at my own risk on the Internet: it turned out to be almost 2 times cheaper and they sent the original medicine, although I was afraid of a fake.”

Doglover27: “The drops saved us! My dog ​​was itching endlessly. I thought it was fleas, but nothing helped. Then I suffered from a food allergy, changed my diet, and also without results. We went to the vet and he said it was itch mites. These small parasites are not visible, so they could not determine what the dog was sick with. After two applications, the animal stopped itching and suffered from itching.”

Indications for use

Drops on the withers Advocate are a combined broad-spectrum antiparasitic agent. It is effective against:

  • mites – demodectic, sarcoptoid;
  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters;
  • adult and larval forms of nematodes - roundworms (toxacara, hookworm, uncinaria) and whipworms (trichocephalosis);
  • dirofilaria larvae - a type of worm that affects organs: heart, lungs, eyes, etc.

The medicine is not effective against ixodid ticks and adult heartworms. Therefore, if the dog is already affected by these types of parasites, the drug is combined with other drugs.

An antiparasitic agent is used for:

  • prevention of infection with helminths and ectoparasites;
  • prevention of dirofilariasis;
  • destruction of fleas, lice, lice, ticks, worms;
  • complex therapy of otitis and allergic dermatitis caused by insects;
  • treatment of sarcoptic mange, demodicosis.

Description and review of the veterinary drug

Advocate is a new generation combined antiparasitic veterinary drug for external use. Available in the form of drops on the withers. It has a complex effect on various types of ecto- and endoparasites (fleas, ticks, lice eaters, nematodes). Intended for the treatment and prevention of entomosis, acarosis, and helminthiasis in dogs. Today, “Advocate” from Bayer is one of the most effective, safe insecticidal and acaricidal products for dogs.

The veterinary drug is available in the form of a colorless, light yellow solution. The antiparasitic agent is packaged in 0.4, 1.0, 2.5, 4.0 ml in polypropylene pipettes of appropriate capacity, which are packed in three pieces in aluminum foil blisters placed in cardboard boxes. Each pipette is marked with the name, batch number, manufacturer, volume, composition, and release date.

Main active components:

  • imidacloprid (10%);
  • moxidectin (2.5%).

Excipients: propylene carbonate, benzyl alcohol, butylated hydroxytoluene.

Advocate – anti-parasitic drops on the withers for dogs

Advocate belongs to the group of moderately toxic medications (hazard class 3). If the recommended dosage specified in the annotation is followed, it does not provoke side effects in dogs. Does not have a carcinogenic, teratogenic, local irritating or sensitizing effect. The active components of the drops do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier of warm-blooded animals.

Important! Advocate can be used for dogs of all breeds, different age groups, including ivermectin-sensitive breeds (collie, sheltie).

As indicated in the instructions, the veterinary drug must be stored at a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees, in dry, dark places in the original packaging. From the date of release, the shelf life is three years.

Instructions for use and dosage

Advocate drops (spot-on) are produced in various packaging according to the weight of the animal. The dosage is calculated based on their recommended norms - 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 kg of animal weight, which corresponds to 10 mg of imidacloprid and 2.5 mg of moxidectin per 1 kg.

Release formDose of active ingredientsPrice per package for 3 pipettes
0.4 ml for small dogs weighing up to 4 kg10 mg/kg2.5 mg/kg1,100 rub.
1 ml for medium animals weighing from 4 to 10 kg10-25 mg/kg2.5-6.25 mg/kg1,200 rub.
2.5 ml for large dogs weighing from 10 to 25 kg10-25 mg/kg2.5-6.25 mg/kgRUB 1,250
4 ml for giant breeds weighing from 25 to 40 kg10-16 mg/kg2.5-4 mg/kg1,300 rub.

If the pet's weight exceeds 40 kg, combine two pipettes whose volume best matches the animal's weight. For example, for a dog weighing 43 kg, a combination of 4 ml and 0.4 ml drugs is suitable. And for a dog weighing 46 kg, 4 ml and 1 ml are combined.

Each package contains 3 pipettes. But in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores, tubes are sold individually.

Applying drops is no different from using similar products. Follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • the animal is fixed - large dogs are held on the floor, medium and small dogs are lifted onto the table;
  • open the pipette - remove the protective cap and pierce the tip of the tube with its reverse side;
  • move the fur apart - the drug must get on the skin, otherwise it will flow down the fur coat and will not penetrate the body;
  • examine the skin - it must be clean, dry, without damage or redness, otherwise the drops cannot be used;
  • apply the medicine - drop it into 3-4 points that are inaccessible for licking (from the withers to the lower back), it is better to apply immediately behind the ears in front of the scruff of the neck.

The frequency of use depends on the clinical case and varies from 28 to 64 days. On average, the drug for dogs is recommended to be used once a month during the parasite activity season - from early spring to late autumn.

Answers to frequently asked questions

When can you bathe your dog?

It is advisable not to wash your dog with shampoo for 4 days before and after treatment. Detergents break down the lipid layer, which reduces the effectiveness of the flea and tick product. Although bathing does not affect the anthelmintic effect of the drug.

If the dog got caught in the rain, ran through puddles, or jumped into a pond for a couple of minutes, it’s okay. The effect of the drops will continue.

The dog weighs less than the minimum dosage - up to 4 kg. How to proceed?

For animals weighing over 1 kg, the entire 0.4 ml pipette can be used under the supervision of a veterinarian. As a rule, the medicine does not cause side effects. If the dog weighs less, a lawyer cannot be used.

I have two dogs weighing about 20 kg. Is it possible for them to take one pipette for giant breeds (weighing up to 40 kg) and divide it equally?

You cannot divide the pipette - this makes it impossible to calculate the correct dosage. For each dog, a release form is purchased that corresponds to its weight.

Does Lawyer help against ixodid ticks?

The drug is not effective against ixodid ticks. To destroy this type of parasite or prevent infection by it, Advantix is ​​first used. And after 2-7 days they use Advocate.

Can it be used in conjunction with other antiparasitic agents?

Drops cannot be used along with similar drugs. The exception is Advantix and the Foresto collar. They contain different active ingredients and together protect against all types of parasites.

Price and analogues of the drug

The price of Advokat drops in different pet stores and veterinary pharmacies varies from 350 to 800 rubles. Among the main analogues of this drug, the most famous are:

  1. Frontline is a pretty good analogue of Advocate drops, but this product has one rather unpleasant side effect - a change in the color of the fur at the site of application.
  2. Celandine is an effective remedy for fleas, even kittens can be used, but it is completely useless against worms and subcutaneous parasites.
  3. Inspector - has the same spectrum of action as Advocate drops, therefore it is a complete analogue of the indicated product.
  4. Bars Forte is a domestic drug that helps well in the fight against fleas, but it will not get rid of other parasites.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


All three active components of the drug enhance and complement the therapeutic effects of each of them. The therapeutic effect and mechanism of action are determined by the pharmacological properties of the active ingredients of the drug.

Magladen is a compound whose properties are similar to ATP, but is much more resistant to enzymes. Its mechanism of action is based on the ability to act on purinergic receptors, which reduces the penetration of calcium ions through cell membranes. The drug has an anti-ischemic effect , reduces the manifestations of arrhythmia , stabilizes the cell membranes of the myocardium and blood vessels, improves energy metabolism and antioxidant protection of the myocardium , and also regulates the action of membrane-bound enzymes. As a result, the need for oxygen in the heart muscle is significantly reduced and myocardial function improves during hypoxia .

Molsidomine is a compound that has a pronounced vasodilator effect. Its mechanism of action is due to the release of nitric oxide, which reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of blood vessels. The drug has an antiplatelet effect, reduces the load on the heart muscle and improves hemodynamics.

Folic acid reduces homocysteine ​​levels and participates in metabolic processes, thereby providing an anti-sclerotic effect . Folic acid regulates metabolic processes in the myocardium and increases the activity of the heart muscle.

In general, the active compounds of the drug improve hemodynamics , normalize the level of magnesium and potassium in tissues, increase cardiac output and contractile activity of the heart muscle, improve blood circulation in the coronary vessels and left ventricular function.

In patients with angina pectoris , the frequency of attacks and their severity are noticeably reduced, and resistance to physical activity increases.


No data available.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many veterinarians recommend the “Advocate” product, since it has many positive aspects.

Its main advantages include:

However, despite so many positive aspects, “Lawyer” also has certain disadvantages, they are as follows:

  1. Possibility of side effects.
  2. The odor is too strong and unpleasant, which persists for a day after treatment.


In exceptional cases of individual intolerance to the components, side effects occur in dogs:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • excessive salivation;
  • increased itching.

If the owners note the appearance of at least one of these symptoms, the animal is immediately taken to a veterinary clinic.

The drug is not recommended for use:

  • on puppies less than 7 weeks old;
  • for the treatment of sick and weak pets;
  • for emaciated animals weighing less than 1 kg or miniature representatives of decorative breeds.

Weakened pets after operations and long-term illnesses are allowed to be treated with the drug only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Precautions for humans

When using Advocate drops, owners should observe the following precautions:

  • You can't eat, drink, smoke.
  • After use, be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap.
  • The cat should not be petted during the day, and small children should also be protected from contact with it.
  • In case of accidental contact with the skin or eyes, it should be washed off under running water.
  • If accidentally swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.
  • Empty medicine pipettes cannot be used in everyday life; they are disposed of as household waste, after being placed in a plastic bag.

Features of use and prevention

It is important to protect not only your pet, but also yourself, since “Advocate” drops, if the recommendations for use are not followed, can cause poisoning, including in humans.

  1. Do not apply the drug in places close to food. The best use is in an open space or room with good ventilation.
  2. Drinking and smoking are prohibited during the procedure.
  3. Handling a sick animal is carried out only with gloves, after which you should still wash your hands well with plenty of soap.
  4. If the active substance gets on the mucous membrane, you should immediately wash it off with plenty of water.
  5. If drops get inside, you need to consult a doctor for possible gastric lavage.

Careless use of the medication can lead to poisoning for both the pet and the owner.

Video - Application and effect of the drug

Limitations and side effects

Advocate drops should not be used for cats in the following cases:

  • if age less than 9 weeks;
  • during the recovery period after serious illnesses and operations;
  • for infectious pathologies;
  • if there is intolerance to the components (allergic reactions occur).

It is better not to use the drug for pregnant and lactating females. If there is an urgent need for this, the procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If the animal has acute or chronic diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

Animals usually tolerate the medication without problems. Sometimes vomiting, skin irritation, lack of appetite or depression occur. If the medicine is accidentally ingested, vomiting or stomach upset may occur. The drug may cause disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system. They are manifested by impaired coordination of movements, apathy and mood swings.

Pharmacological properties

The main active ingredients of the drug for dogs “Advocate” have a joint effect. When they land on the withers, they create a kind of depressing environment, through which insects pass through and are exposed to the negative effects of chemical components. However, the use of the drug in prescribed doses does not cause pathologies and diseases in animals.

Did you know? The first veterinary educational institution in the Russian Empire was opened in 1733 in the village of Khoroshevskoye near Moscow. The training center was called “Stable School”.

Imidacloprid, a representative of neonicotinoid insecticides of organic origin, is a substance that causes insects to block special receptors responsible for transmitting nerve impulses in the body. Once ingested by an insect, this substance causes its death. Moxidectin is a compound from the milbemycin group that, when ingested by an insect, stimulates the production of a specific amino acid, which contributes to disruption of muscle conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to their paralysis and then death.

Frontline drops are also used to combat external parasites in dogs.

Reviews about the use of drops


Very easy to use. I dripped it in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and that’s it; to consolidate the effect, you need to drip it only after a month. What can I say, it’s not for nothing that these drops are praised. Helps against ticks, fleas, and as a helminthic.


Advocate drops turned out to be very effective: the cat is now alert, cheerful and does not itch at all. But for the first three days after treatment, the unfortunate animal showed signs of poisoning - drooling and weakness (I even began to blame myself for killing my yard friend), but, fortunately, the symptoms went away. Perhaps this is an individual reaction (however, other drops did not have such a negative effect, cats always tolerated them perfectly), but I am afraid to take such drops again. Despite the negative experience, I will rate this very effective and easy-to-use drug 4 stars.


If you see some kind of parasite on your pet’s body, do not think that you will kill it now and that will be the end of all problems: insects multiply very quickly, and before you know it, a whole settlement will appear on the cat. Therefore, immediately buy a remedy for blood suckers. This may not be Advocate, but it should be effective, so when purchasing the drug, consult at least with a veterinary pharmacy employee.

Possible side effects of Advocate drops for dogs

After treatment, redness occasionally appears in the area of ​​contact with drops. Warning symptoms indicating intoxication include the following:

  • decreased activity;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • noticeable weakness, apathy.

If your pet behaves unusually after treatment, there is a risk that it has been poisoned. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the dog with soap or shampoo, rinsing the drug from the fur, and give plenty of drinking purified water.

If symptoms persist, you should consult your veterinarian. He will prescribe medications that reduce the toxic effect on the body.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

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Deworming drops for cats: list of the best drugs, how to use, price and reviews

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Alben anti-worm tablets for cats, dogs and other animals: instructions for use

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