Dog show of breeds of group 2 FCI rank CAC + SPECIALTY - Dogue de Bordeaux, Caucasian Shepherd, Moscow Watchdog, Central Asian Shepherd, Khotosho, Shar Pei

In this article I will try to talk about dog shows in general as concisely, accessiblely and to the point as possible.

We will look at what types of dog shows there are, why and who needs them, who can participate in them, and how best to prepare for them.

We’ll also briefly talk about what you need to pay attention to when purposefully choosing a puppy to participate in exhibitions and how to properly prepare a puppy for an exhibition.

  • General provisions and terms.
  • What are dog shows and what are they for?
  • What dogs participate in exhibitions, what documents are needed.
  • What kind of exhibitions are there?
  • How are the exhibitions held? Dog show groups, classes, examination procedure: - Stages of the exhibition, - Show groups, - Show classes.
  • Assessments and certificates at exhibitions: - Assessments, - Certificates, - Exhibition-certificate, - Explanation of certificates.
  • What are the different titles?
  • How to choose a puppy to participate in exhibitions?
  • How to prepare a puppy for exhibitions?
  • What you need to remember to take away from the exhibition so that your visit is not in vain.

General provisions (RKF and alternative clubs) and terms.

Let's begin our introduction to the world of exhibitions with the fact that our kennel Donik Style, and therefore our dogs and puppies, belong to the largest Russian Cynological Federation (hereinafter RKF), which in turn is part of the largest and most authoritative International Association of Cynological Federations ( hereinafter referred to as FCI). All other cynological organizations in Russia and the world are considered alternative, and the merits at their exhibitions are of no value to our dogs, so we will not talk about them in the future.

FCI was created with the aim of developing and protecting cynology and purebred dog breeding in the world. Based in the city of Thuen in Belgium, it unites about 100 national canine organizations (one from each country). There are also a number of countries that are not part of the international federation, including England, the USA and Canada, but the pedigrees issued by them are recognized by the FCI, because have special agreements.

Each breed recognized by the FCI has a single standard, which regulates the purebred of each dog, and an expert at exhibitions in any of the participating countries determines the dog’s compliance with the standard. FCI founded in 1911

What are dog shows and what are they for?

Dog shows are a breeding review of the breed's livestock, as a result of which the best dog in terms of exterior, temperament and other breed qualities is selected. This is a kind of beauty contest in which specially trained and certified experts select the best of the best high-breed animals, stimulating the owners of such animals to show their champions at major events as often as possible for visual comparison, and breeders to improve the breed.

The main goal of any exhibition is to determine the most beautiful and correctly built animals in each breed. The judge in the ring must describe the dog, note its main advantages and disadvantages, and give it a rating. The presence of a breeding assessment received from a licensed judge at an exhibition that has official status is a dog’s admission to breeding. You can count on receiving puppies from your dog with documents only by visiting the exhibition and receiving a good rating at it. This is an absolutely mandatory (although far from the only) condition.

Dogs that attend many exhibitions and have a magnificent exterior become owners of not only breeding ratings, but also various honorary titles and titles. This also has a direct bearing on breeding: puppies from titled producers are more expensive, because it is more likely to obtain high-quality offspring from them than from dogs that lose to them in the rings.

If you are the owner of a purebred dog and want “brides” to come to him, participation in exhibitions and victories in general is an urgent necessity for you. Because breeders usually strive to breed their bitches with the best male dogs - champions. And people most often come to the exhibition to look at potential manufacturers. After all, it is there that dogs are presented in all their splendor and open for viewing.

An important fact that speaks about the benefits of exhibitions is that while preparing the dog for this event, you establish contact with the dog, learn to understand and feel the dog’s mood. And the pet gets used to work, obedience, and learns to see you as a leader! This is the best socialization for a puppy!

A dog that is taken to exhibitions, and, therefore, prepared for them, works a lot and intensively together with the owner. For a dog, work is a necessary condition, even the meaning of life. Many dog ​​breeders note that dogs participating in exhibitions are much more disciplined and cheerful than those who “lie on the couch” and associate this fact with communication with the owner during preparations for exhibitions, with training and teaching it to be restrained, endurance and sociability.

By participating in exhibitions, a beginner learns to better understand the breed by comparing dogs and analyzing the comments of experts. If you know well the strengths and weaknesses of your pet, this will serve you well when selecting a mate for your dog in order to get high quality puppies.

And, in the end, you can consider exhibition as a sport, where you periodically experience the sweetness of victory and learn to accept defeat. In addition, there is such a thing as the “spirit of competition” and adrenaline. Also, this is a wonderful opportunity to meet and communicate with interesting, enthusiastic people, owners of the same breed and find new friends.

What types of exhibitions (ranks) are there?

In the FCI/RKF system, dog shows are divided into: all-breed, special-breed and exhibitions of certain groups.

  • At all-breed (CACIB, CAC) exhibitions, as the name suggests, all breeds of dogs take part.
  • Monobreed – a dog show for one specific breed. Such an exhibition is held within the framework of CAC/CACIB for breeds that have a National Breed Club. The calendar is compiled by the National Breed Club (NKB) and approved by the RKF. Certificates - KCHK, SS, PNKP, etc.
  • Exhibitions of certain groups are held for one or several groups, respectively.

Exhibitions are also divided into ranks:

  • CAC is an all-breed national show. Such exhibitions are held almost every weekend in large cities, and allow you to cumulatively receive the title of Champion or Junior Champion of the country, which is entered in the dog’s pedigree. The calendar of these exhibitions is compiled by the country's Cynological Federation - RKF.
  • Ch.RKF - all-breed national. Allows you to receive the title Champion or Junior Champion of the Russian Canine Federation for one victory, which is also included in the pedigree of the manufacturer. Certificates awarded: CAC, Ch.RKF.
  • Black Sea Fleet is an all-breed national team. Certificates awarded: CAC, Black Sea Fleet.
  • ChRKF, Black Sea Fleet without CAC - all-breed national. Certificates - ChRKF and Black Sea Fleet.
  • CACgr is a national dog show of a certain FCI group (I, II, III, etc.), awarded a CAC certificate.
  • CACIB is an all-breed, international (international) show. These are more prestigious exhibitions that allow you to cumulatively win the serious title of International Beauty Champion! They are rare, participation in them usually costs more and the competition is higher. The calendar of these exhibitions is compiled by the International Cynological Federation - FCI. Certificates awarded at the exhibition - CAC, CACIB.
  • Winner of the National Club Club [year] – a special breed exhibition held once a year, CCC and CC certificates at this exhibition are doubled.
  • Candidate of Champions Club is a special breed exhibition, with certificates of CC and CC.

Within the framework of the CAC and CACIB exhibitions, Specialty rings can be organized for individual breeds, in which KCHK or KChP certificates are awarded (for breeds like ours that do not yet have an NCP). Thus, for breeds that have Specialty exhibitions on the same day, it is possible to receive CAC, CCC, and CACIB (if it is an international exhibition) in one exhibition.


(from December 17, 2019, from the RKF website )

Information from the RKF website: A preliminary calendar of CAC rank exhibitions for 2022 has been published on the website.

The calendar may be subject to additions and changes.

What are CAC groups? Read>>

start date Rank by VP Exhibition location Club name Federation Contacts mail tel.
07-08.01.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow LLC CC "Elita" OANKOO [email protected] 89255147602
08.01.2020 CHRKF Moscow MCOO "Vozrozhdenie Bis" OANKOO [email protected] 89859697865
11.01.2020 CHRKF Moscow region, Odintsovo MOROO "SKS" RFLS [email protected] 89261862509, 89672609916
11.01.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Odintsovo MOROO "KSS" RFLS [email protected] 89261862509, 89672609916
12.01.2020 CHRKF Moscow MOO "CC "Romulus" RFSS [email protected] 89152119205
12.01.2020 CHRKF Moscow MOO CC "Lianozovo" RFSS [email protected] 89031397783
18.01.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO KLZh "ReCord" RFSS [email protected] 89096799750, 89161808270
18.01.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO KLZh "ReCord" RFSS [email protected] 89096799750, 89161808270
25.01.2020 CACIB Moscow In memory of L.P. Saboneev RFOS 89161443315
26.01.2020 SAS 4 gr. Moscow RFOS RFOS 89161443315
01.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOC "Andromeda" RFSS [email protected], 89037854220, 84997474532
01.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Mega" RFOS [email protected], 89037854220, 84997474532
01.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad SPROO KS "Elite" OANKOO [email protected] 89162801972
02.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "ATLANTIDA" RFSS [email protected] , v [email protected] 89057386461, 84999001404
02.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Empire of Stars" OANKOO [email protected] 89163380542, 89163129167
08.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Nord" RFLS [email protected] 89037464907
08.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "Club "Idol" RFLS [email protected] 89629328396, 89859051319
08.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Tuchkovo MOX and SS "Millennium" RFSS [email protected] 89251554143, 89037102257
09.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Masters" OANKOO [email protected] 89152854858
09.02.2020 CHRKF Moscow region, Leninsky district, Bulatnikovskoe village MCOO KLZh Monarch OANKOO [email protected] 89636770056
15.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow LLC "KLZh-Fauna" OANKOO [email protected] , [email protected] 84954824883
22.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk MCOO "Trail" RFSS [email protected] 89037189520
22.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Victoria" RFSS [email protected] 89262158730, 89166067994
22.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Victoria" RFSS [email protected] 89262158730, 89166067994
23.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Fortuna" RFSS [email protected] 89152622850
23.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow RPO "OK "Leader" OANKOO [email protected] 84991611426, 89167541220
24.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "NKP AKS" RFSS [email protected], 89162178468, 84999065714
24.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO KPS "Red Lighthouse" RFLS [email protected] 89168726506
29.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK "North-West" RFLS [email protected] 89036131580
29.02.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KLZ "Olympus" RFLS [email protected] 89262324428
01.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KO "Prometheus" OANKOO [email protected] 84954657558, 89162213759, 89257721649
01.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO MKK "Grand Prix" RFLS [email protected] 89164593473
01.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO MKK "Grand Prix" RFLS [email protected] 89164593473
07.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "CC "Galaktika" RFSS [email protected] 89032886963
07.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "OSRC "Artemis" OANKOO [email protected] 89164196075
07-08.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOC “Cynologist and Me” OANKOO [email protected] 89150890261
14.03.2020 CHRKF Moscow ROO CLZ "Leader and Prestige" RFLS [email protected] 89772782878
14.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK "Capital" RFLS [email protected] 89296747203, 89296387203
15.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO CLS "Treasure Island" RFLS [email protected] 89262291687
15.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MROO KLZ "Excelent" RFOS [email protected] 89672884370
21-22.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOC "Olympus" RFSS [email protected] 84999075570, 89166039580, 89104027386
21-22.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "KRAFT" OANKOO [email protected] 84999075570, 89104027386, 89166039580
22.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet MO, s.p. Luchinskoye, village. Glinka IOOLW "Club "Vernost" RFLS [email protected] 89152446087
22.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet MO, s.p. Luchinskoye, village. Glinka IOOLW "Club "Vernost" RFLS [email protected] 89152446087
28-29.03.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "KC Majestic Ice" RFSS [email protected] 84957924344
28-29.03.2020 CHRKF Moscow RCOO "Russian Standard" RFOS [email protected] 89262348277, 84954627562, 89265575171
28-29.03.2020 CHRKF

SAS 4 gr.

Moscow ROO KLZ "Favorit" RFOS [email protected] 89265576171
04-05.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Allel" RFLS [email protected] 89160153955
04-05.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "Kinologiya" RFLS [email protected] 84991441765, 89167966589
04-05.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "KLS "Antey" RFLS [email protected] 89262243255
04-05.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK KARLIN RFLS [email protected] 89035607114
04-05.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow LLC SNKP "RDK" RFOS [email protected] 89859702612
05.04.2020 CHRKF Moscow MR OO OLS "Ideal" RFOS [email protected] 84957695764
05.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MR OO OLS "Ideal" RFOS [email protected] 84957695764
04-05.04.2020 CHRKF

SAS 1 gr.

SAS 2 gr.

SAS 5 gr.

Moscow RCOO "Fortuna" RFOS [email protected] 89637564949
11.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "New Classics" OANKOO [email protected] 89152854858
11.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet

CAC 9 gr.

Moscow MCOO "Professional" RFLS [email protected] 89651272904
11-12.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow LLC KK "Delta-Pal" RFLS [email protected] 84955086399, 89859236825
11-12.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "Brid" RFLS [email protected] 89154272673
18-19.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO OLZh "Liga's" OANKOO [email protected] , [email protected] 89165519761
18-19.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "CEDAW "Elegy-Prestige" RFLS [email protected] 89165100817
18-19.04.2020 CHRKF Moscow ROO CC "President" RFLS [email protected] 89852203736
18-19.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk NGO Youthful Life Society "Amigo" RFLS [email protected] 89161613436
19.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk IOOLZH CPC "Swiss Mountain Dogs and Co" OANKOO [email protected] 89654041751, 89663194776
25-26.04.2020 CHRKF Moscow ROO CC "Losinoostrovsky" RFSS [email protected] 89104764962
25-26.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Noginsk MOO ALS "Moscovia" RFSS [email protected] 89164393585, 89175470317
25-26.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Noginsk MOO KSSS "Rus" RFSS [email protected] 89175470317, 89164393585
25-26.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad SPCC "True Friend" RFOS [email protected] 89037846616, 89164199921
25-26.04.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad CLZ "Posad Prestige" RFSS [email protected] 89037846616, 89164199921
08.05.2020 CACIB Moscow Memorial to A.P. Mazower RKF 499 7532233
09.05.2020 CACIB Moscow EURASIA RKF [email protected] 499 7532233
10.05.2020 CACIB Moscow RKF President's Cup RKF [email protected] 499 7532233
16.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Balashikha MOOO SKKLZh "Art-Fortuna" RFLS [email protected] 89031430146
16-17.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Balashikha NGO SKLS "Argus" RFLS [email protected] 89167179651, 89264598921
16-17.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOCK "BOMOND" RFLS [email protected] 89629636050, 89266543210
23.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Pushkino MOOC "Arkon" OANKOO [email protected] 89099022206
23.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Pushkino PKLS RFLS [email protected], 84959934203, 89264903731
23-24.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Odintsovo MOOO "Prestige" RFLS [email protected] 89859051319
23-24.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk PGOO KLZ "Rus" RFLS [email protected] 84967636949, 89032783985, 89032874362
23-24.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Khimki MOROO "KPC" OANKOO [email protected] 89175494929
23-24.05.2020 CHRKF Moscow LLC "KLZh-Fauna" OANKOO [email protected] , [email protected] 84954824883
30-31.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet MO, Ramensky district TsMOX "Ilyinka" OANKOO [email protected] 89266901843, 89856167976, 89031470149
31.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Ramenskoye MOROO "FSPS" RFLS [email protected] 89636997323, 89060869961
31.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Ramenskoye MOOO CC "SHIELD" RFSS[email protected] 89264545819
30-31.05.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK "Planet of Dogs" RFLS [email protected] 89096368181
30-31.05.2020 CHRKF Moscow ROO KLS "Goldrise" RFLS [email protected] 89262113939
06-07.06.2020 SAS 10 gr. Moscow MOO KSS Moscow RFSS [email protected] 89165788336, 84959936398
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Shepherd breeds plus" RFSS [email protected] 89036864849, 89252700893
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow IOOLZh "Sputnik" RFSS [email protected] 84955139903, 89260991194, 89035922188
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO CC "Empire" RFSS [email protected] 89037005455
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROOOLZH "Coral" OANKOO [email protected] 89055114995
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow/Zelenograd RCOO "Renaissance" RFLS [email protected] 89261879664
06-07.06.2020 CHRKF Moscow Region, Naro-Fominsk NF NGO KSK "Nara-Dog" RFSS [email protected] 89037843478
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk MOCOO "Kennel Club" OANKOO [email protected] 89161682874
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad SPGOO OLZh "Radonezhye" RFSS [email protected] 89057819485
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad MOOO KLOS "Nord-Flagman" OANKOO [email protected] 84965421878
06-07.06.2020 CHRKF Moscow region, Serpukhov MOOO "KLZh "Osiris" RFLS [email protected] 89645023544
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Elektrostal EGCLS "ELOS" RFLS [email protected] 89057422580, 89238983070
06-07.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Elektrostal MOOO "Four Paws" RFSS [email protected] 84965735032, 89168385516
12.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Vozrozhdenie Bis" OANKOO [email protected] 89859697865
12.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KLS A-Mega OANKOO [email protected] 89057737785
12.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Korolev KS and LS "Rus" RFLS [email protected] 84955162639, 89167538408
12.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Mytishchi KLZ "Santa" RFSS [email protected] 89096323355
12-13.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO RGK RFLS [email protected] 89859988505
13.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Klin KROO K.A. "Friend" RFLS [email protected] 84962458711, 89031851010
13.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Klin MCOO "Cartel" RFSS [email protected] 89037166035
13-14.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Ramenskoye MOOO "KLZh "Maximuss" RFSS [email protected] 8(977)-680-30-50
14.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Kolomna MCOO "Central Club Mastino" OANKOO [email protected] 89057371030
14.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Kolomna MOROO DPCC "Polar Star" RFSS [email protected] 89858431604, 84964045506
20-21.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "Globus Plus" RFSS [email protected] 89096579544
20-21.06.2020 CHRKF Moscow MOO "Globus Plus" RFSS [email protected] 89096579544
20-21.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "CC "Galaktika" RFSS [email protected] 89032886963
27-28.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MROO KLZ "Excelent" RFOS [email protected] 89672884370
27-28.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Ozon" RFLS [email protected] 89032586148
27-28.06.2020 CHRKF Moscow OLSBP "Breeze" RFSS [email protected] 89689474953
27-28.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KLS A-Mega OANKOO [email protected] 89057737785
27-28.06.2020 CHRKF Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad SPCC "True Friend" RFOS [email protected] .ru 89037846616, 89164199921
27-28.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad CLZ "Posad Prestige" RFSS [email protected] 89037846616, 89164199921
28.06.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "DOGSVILLE" RFLS [email protected] 89255047124
04-05.07.2020 CHRKF Moscow KC Elite LLC OANKOO [email protected] 89255147602
11-12.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Antares" RFLS [email protected] 8499743053, 89150898158
11-12.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Dogprofi" RFLS [email protected] 89067180006
11-12.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO KK "AKS" RFLS [email protected] 89152266733
11-12.07.2020 CHRKF Moscow RKK LLC OANKOO [email protected] 84991611426, 89166224493
11-12.07.2020 CHRKF Moscow RPO "OK "Leader" OANKOO [email protected] 84991611426, 89167541220
11-12.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Mytishchi MOO KSSS "Barko" RFSS [email protected] 89161760932
11-12.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Mytishchi KLZ "Santa" RFSS [email protected] 89096323355
11-12.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Odintsovo MOROO "KSS" RFLS [email protected] 89261862509, 89672609916
11-12.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk MCOO KLZh Monarch OANKOO [email protected] 89636770056
12.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk MCOO "Masters" OANKOO [email protected] 89152854858
18-19.07.2020 CHRKF Moscow MCOO "Eurydice" RFLS [email protected] 89096703554
18-19.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "MIRD" OANKOO [email protected] 89096703554
18-19.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Orpheus" RFSS [email protected] 89096703554
25-26.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "KK "SPK" RFOS [email protected] , [email protected] 89652581811, 89168101581
25-26.07.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "KK "SPK" RFOS [email protected] , [email protected] 89652581811, 89168101581
01-02.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO CLZ "Leader and Prestige" RFLS [email protected] 89772782878
01-02.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Ozon" RFLS [email protected] 89032586148
01-02.08.2020 SAS 5 gr. Moscow MCOO "Ozon" RFLS [email protected] 89032586148
01-02.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KLS "Goldrise" RFLS [email protected] 89262113939
01-02.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK "Capital" RFLS [email protected] 89296747203, 89296387203
01-02.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "MULTI-BREED CLUB OF MODERN DOG BREEDING" OANKOO [email protected] 89776815737
01-02.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "PHOENIX" OANKOO [email protected] 89683502849
01-02.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Kolomna MCOO "Central Club Mastino" OANKOO [email protected] 89057371030
01-02.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Kolomna MOROO DPCC "Polar Star" RFSS [email protected] 89858431604, 84964045506
08.08.2020 CHRKF Moscow MCOO "Cartel" RFSS [email protected] 89037166035
08.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Maximum" RFSS [email protected] 89263468246
08-09.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOC “Cynologist and Me” OANKOO [email protected] 89150890261
08-09.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "OSRC "Artemis" OANKOO [email protected] 89164196075
08-09.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "KC "Laers" RFSS [email protected] - Moscow, 89067094793, 89262222727
08-09.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "KC "Laers" RFSS [email protected] - Moscow, 89067094793, 89262222727
08-09.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Vidnoe MOKO "Russian space" OANKOO [email protected] 89035884840
15-16.08.2020 CHRKF

SAS 1 gr.

SAS 5 gr.

CAC 8 gr.

Moscow MCOO "Nord" RFLS [email protected] 89037464907
15-16.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO RGK RFLS [email protected] 89859988505
15-16.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Balashikha MOOO SKKLZh "Art-Fortuna" RFLS [email protected] 89031430146
15-16.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Balashikha NGO SKLS "Argus" RFLS [email protected] 89167179651, 89264598921
15-16.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Noginsk MOO KS "ALFA" RFSS [email protected] 89645659771
15-16.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Noginsk MOO KS "ALFA" RFSS [email protected] 89645659771
22-23.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO CC "Empire" RFSS [email protected] 89037005455
22-23.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny MOROO "CELEBRITY" RFSS [email protected] 89104272129, 89264598921
22-23.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk PGOO KLZ "Rus" RFLS [email protected] 84967636949, 89032783985, 89032874362
22-23.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk MOCOO "Kennel Club" OANKOO [email protected] 89161682874
22-23.08.2020 CHRKF Moscow region, Ramenskoye MOROO "FSPS" RFLS [email protected] 89636997323, 89060869961
22-23.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Serpukhov MOOO "KLZh "Osiris" RFLS [email protected] 89645023544
29-30.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK KARLIN RFLS [email protected] 89035607114
29-30.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK "Best Show Dog" OANKOO [email protected] 89859085631, 89253661492
29-30.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Naro-Fominsk NF NGO KSK "Nara-Dog" RFSS [email protected] 89037843478
29-30.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad MOOO KLOS "Nord-Flagman" OANKOO [email protected] 84965421878
29-30.08.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad SPROO KS "Elite" OANKOO [email protected] 89162801972
05.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Klin KROO K.A. "Friend" RFLS [email protected] 84962458711, 89031851010
05-06.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOCK "BOMOND" RFLS [email protected] 89629636050, 89266543210
05-06.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Living World" RFLS [email protected] 89161451641
05-06.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Antares" RFLS [email protected] 8499743053, 89150898158
05-06.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO CC "President" RFLS [email protected] 89852203736
05-06.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROOOLZH "Coral" OANKOO [email protected] 89055114995
05-06.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO KSSS "Barko" RFSS [email protected] 89161760932
05-06.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO KSS Moscow RFSS [email protected] 89165788336, 84959936398
05-06.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Korolev KS and LS "Rus" RFLS [email protected] 84955162639, 89167538408
12.09.2020 CACIB Moscow region, Serpukhov MOSCOW NIGHTS RKF 499 7532233
12.09.2020 CHRKF Moscow region, Pushkino PKLS RFLS [email protected], 84959934203, 89264903731
12.09.2020 CHRKF Moscow region, Pushkino MOOC "Arkon" OANKOO [email protected] 89099022206
12-13.09.2020 CHRKF MO, Ramensky district TsMOX "Ilyinka" OANKOO [email protected] 89266901843, 89856167976, 89031470149
12-13.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Ramenskoye MOOO "KLZh "Maximuss" RFSS [email protected] 8(977)6803050
12-13.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Elektrostal EGCLS "ELOS" RFLS [email protected] 89057422580, 89238983070
12-13.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Elektrostal MOOO "Four Paws" RFSS [email protected] 84965735032, 89168385516
19-20.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KO "Prometheus" OANKOO [email protected] 84954657558, 89162213759, 89257721649
19-20.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO CC "Losinoostrovsky" RFSS [email protected] 89104764962
19-20.09.2020 CHRKF Moscow Region, Khimki MOROO "KPC" OANKOO [email protected] 89175494929
26-27.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK "Planet of Dogs" RFLS [email protected] 89096368181
26-27.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow OLSBP "Breeze" RFSS [email protected] 89689474953
26-27.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk NGO Youthful Life Society "Amigo" RFLS [email protected] 89161613436
26-27.09.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Tuchkovo MOX and SS "Millennium" RFSS [email protected] 89251554143, 89037102257
03-04.10.2020 CHRKF

SAS 2 gr.

CAC 8 gr.

Moscow RCOO "Russian Standard" RFOS [email protected] 89262348277, 84954627562, 89265575171
03-04.10.2020 CHRKF

CAC 9 gr.

Moscow ROO KLZ "Favorit" RFOS [email protected] 89265576171
03-04.10.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "CC "Romulus" RFSS [email protected] 89152119205
03-04.10.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO CC "Lianozovo" RFSS [email protected] 89031397783
03-04.10.2020 CHRKF Moscow Region, Podolsk MCOO "Trail" RFSS [email protected] 89037189520
10-11.10.2020 CHRKF Moscow MOO "KC Majestic Ice" RFSS [email protected] 84957924344
17-18.10.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow RCOO "Renaissance" RFLS [email protected] 89261879664
17-18.10.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Odintsovo MOOO "Prestige" RFLS [email protected] 89859051319
24.10.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Podolsk IOOLZH CPC "Swiss Mountain Dogs and Co" OANKOO [email protected] 89654041751, 89663194776
25.10.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Professional" RFLS [email protected] 89651272904
25.10.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "New Classics" OANKOO [email protected] 89152854858
30.10.2020 CACIB Moscow RKF RKF [email protected] 499 7532233
31.10.2020 CACIB Moscow RKF RKF [email protected] 499 7532233
01.11.2020 CACIB Moscow RKF RKF [email protected] 499 7532233
07.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Orpheus" RFSS [email protected] 89096703554
07-08.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOC "Star Olympus" RFSS [email protected] 89096703554
14-15.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO KPS "Red Lighthouse" RFLS [email protected] 8916726506
14-15.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow LLC KK "Delta-Pal" RFLS [email protected] 84955086399, 89859236825
14-15.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "NKP AKS" RFSS [email protected], 89162178468, 84999065714
14-15.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad SPGOO OLZh "Radonezhye" RFSS [email protected] 89057819485
21-22.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow RCOO "Fortuna" RFOS [email protected] 89637564949
21-22.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "KLS "Antey" RFLS [email protected] 89262243255
21-22.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "Brid" RFLS [email protected] 89154272673
21-22.11.2020 CHRKF Moscow RKK LLC OANKOO [email protected] 84991611426, 89166224493
21-22.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Fortuna" RFSS [email protected] 89152622850
28-29.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Allel" RFLS [email protected] 89160153955
28-29.11.2020 CHRKF Moscow MCOO "Empire of Stars" OANKOO [email protected] 89163380542, 89163129167
28-29.11.2020 CHRKF Moscow MCOO "ATLANTIDA" RFSS [email protected] , [email protected] 89057386461, 84999001404
28-29.11.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow region, Odintsovo MOROO "SKS" RFLS [email protected] 89261862509, 89672609916
05-06.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK "Best Show Dog" OANKOO [email protected] 89859085631, 89253661492
05-06.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow RCOO "Dog Breeding Club "Harmony" RFSS [email protected] 84999468765, 89057969027
05-06.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow RCOO "Dog Breeding Club "Harmony" RFSS [email protected] 84999468765, 89057969027
05-06.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow RCOO "Skilla" RFSS [email protected] 84956853103, 89265891410, 89265336916
05-06.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow RCOO "Skilla" RFSS [email protected] 84956853103, 89265891410, 89265336916
05-06.12.2020 CHRKF Moscow region, Noginsk MOO KSSS "Rus" RFSS [email protected] 89175470317, 89164393585
12-13.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "Kinologiya" RFLS [email protected] 84991441765, 89167966589
12-13.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO "CEDAW "Elegy-Prestige" RFLS [email protected] 89165100817
12-13.12.2020 CHRKF Moscow MOO OLZh "Liga's" OANKOO [email protected] , [email protected] 89165519761
19-20.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "Mega" RFOS [email protected], 89037854220, 84997474532
19-20.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KK "North-West" RFLS [email protected] 89036131580
19-20.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO KLZ "Olympus" RFLS [email protected] 89262324428
19-20.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOC "Andromeda" RFSS [email protected], 89037854220, 84997474532
26.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "KRAFT" OANKOO [email protected] 84999075570, 89104027386, 89166039580
26.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOOC "Olympus" RFSS [email protected] 84999075570, 89166039580, 89104027386
26-27.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MOO KK "AKS" RFLS [email protected] 89152266733
26-27.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow ROO "Club "Idol" RFLS [email protected] 89629328396, 89859051319
27.12.2020 CHRKF Moscow ROO CLS "Treasure Island" RFLS [email protected] 89262291687
27.12.2020 Black Sea Fleet Moscow MCOO "DOGSVILLE" RFLS [email protected] 89255047124

Information from the RKF website

How are the exhibitions held? Dog show groups, classes, examination procedures.

So, we have come close to the exhibitions themselves and participation in them! How does this happen in general terms! What a beginner should know about exhibitions.

Exhibitions take place as follows:


First you need to select the desired rank of the exhibition held within the FCI (RKF) and enroll in a class that matches your age.


After that, come to the exhibition, go through registration, veterinary control and enter the ring of your breed to compare with all participants in your age class.


After examining each participant, the judge selects the best male and best female from this class.


Then they are compared with each other and the best representative of this class is selected. But both winners do not leave after this, but remain to wait for comparison with the best males and best females from all other classes, as a result of which the Best Bitch and Best Male of the Breed are selected.


Then they are compared by an expert with each other, and finally the best representative of the breed in the show is selected!


But that's not all! Best Junior, Best Veteran and Best Representative of Breed remain waiting for the BEST of their group! (there are 10 groups in total). And only the winners of the BESTs of their groups have the right to compete for the title of Best Dog in Show in the general BEST, which takes place at the very end of the exhibition.

And of course, participation in it itself is very prestigious. Well, the winner receives the most expensive and prestigious prize, unless of course the organizers were stingy!

But this victory is already a maximum task and mainly brings image and prestige to the dog, its owner and handler. As a rule, BEST winners are either already experienced champions with the best handlers, or dogs that have truly conquered the expert.

The minimum task at the exhibition is to win a certificate corresponding to the rank of the exhibition, which in a certain quantity brings their owner one or another prestigious title, which is subsequently included in the pedigree of the manufacturer. As a rule, the holders of such certificates are the Best Male and the Best Bitch of the Breed. At some shows, appropriate certificates are awarded to the Best Male and Best Bitch in each class.

But we’ll talk more about this and other nuances below!

  1. 5.1.

    Exhibition groups.

    You can find it here

  2. 5.2.

    Exhibition classes.

    At all shows, dogs are initially judged and compared within their age group.

    BabyBaby3-6 months
    PuppiesPuppy6-9 months
    JuniorsJunior9-18 months
    IntermediateIntermediate15-24 months
    OpenOpenfrom 15 months
    WorkerWorkingfrom 15 monthsFor dogs with working diplomas in a specialized type of test (when registering for CACIB rank shows, only international certificates are taken into account)
    ChampionsChampionfrom 15 monthsFor dogs with: - National National Champion title (any) - FCI International Beauty Champion (CIB) or FCI International Show Champion (CIE)
    WinnersWinnerfrom 15 monthsOnly at specialized single-breed shows, with CAC, CCC, PC certificates, no class available from January 1, 2022
    National Club ChampionsChampion Clubfrom 15 monthsOnly at specialized special breed exhibitions, with the CH Club title (NCP Champion)
    VeteransVeteranfrom 8 years old

    Winners are often awarded a rosette or trophy.

    The date for determining the dog's age is the day of the exhibition. If the dog's birthday coincides with the date of the exhibition, then the owner has the right to independently decide in which class to register the dog.

First time at a dog show - what to do?

So, you have trained and prepared your dog, gathered your willpower and are ready to go to the show for the first time. Then this article is just for you - general reference material from registration and preparation to entering the ring and bests.

Registration and preparation for the exhibition

First, you need to find exhibitions in your city. To do this, you can call your local kennel clubs and ask about upcoming shows. Or simply go to the RKF website and in the “exhibition calendar” section in the list, find the cities you need in the exhibition schedule for the current year. When you have chosen a suitable exhibition, you need to sign up for it. Registration for the exhibition is always preliminary only and usually ends 10-14 days before the exhibition. The price for an exhibition at the beginning of recording is always cheaper than in the last days, and most often costs from 1500 to 2500 rubles.

Puppy card or RKF pedigree - required for dog showsTo register a puppy for an exhibition, he must have a brand and a puppy card. You can enroll your four-four child in the baby class (if the age is from 3 to 6 months) or in the puppy class (from 6 to 9 months). Babies and puppies cannot close titles, they only receive a rating at the show.
Junior class - from 9 to 18 months, intermediate class - from 15 to 24 months, open class - from 15 months to 8 years. After 8 years - veteran class. In the junior class, young titles are awarded (Young Champion of Russia, Junior National Club Champion), in the open, intermediate and champion classes - adult titles (Champion of Russia, Grand Champion of Russia and others).

To enroll in adult classes, it is better to have a pedigree (it is issued in exchange for a puppy card no later than 15 months). Just in case, make a photocopy of the dog’s documents - puppy card or pedigree, and take it with you to the exhibition.

Be careful when choosing an exhibition.
In addition to the RKF (Russian Kynological Federation), there are other organizations (SKOR, Dobry Mir and others), they also hold dog shows. We are only interested in RKF exhibitions. Next, what we need to participate in the exhibition are veterinary documents. The dog must have a veterinary passport with a rabies vaccination and at least 30 days and no more than one calendar year must have passed from the date of vaccination. If at the exhibition the veterinary control sees a discrepancy in the date, then you will not be allowed to attend the exhibition, and the money for the exhibition will not be returned.

Organizers of some exhibitions require a F1 certificate (form No. 1). To do this, the day before the exhibition, you need to come with a veterinary passport and your dog to the state veterinary hospital in your city and get such a certificate from the veterinarian. It costs about 200 rubles and is valid for 5 days. Private clinics do not provide such certificates.

So, your vaccinations are normal, your certificate (if needed) is in hand and you are registered for the exhibition. Now we need to collect all the necessary things for the exhibition. We will need a treat bag and the treat itself. As treats, you can use chopped hard cheese, boiled chicken hearts, or special dried meat, which you can buy at a pet store. It is important that the dog receives this treat only at the show and never eats it at home.

We will also need a number holder. They come in various types - in the form of an arm band (on Velcro), in the form of a badge (on a clip), and even in the form of badges or silhouettes of breeds (on a pin or clothespin).

At the exhibition, we will also need combs, tools and cosmetics to achieve final beauty before entering the ring.
It would be a good idea to take with you a carrier or crate for the dog (don’t think that sitting on the owner’s lap all day is very comfortable), a folding chair (an ordinary light travel chair will do) and, preferably, a grooming table.

Beginners usually don’t think about the need for a table, but in vain. The table gives you the opportunity to perfectly prepare your dog before the ring - brush it, powder the coat if necessary, or oil the skin. You can also practice the stance “in real conditions” so that the dog is not frightened by the examination by an expert.

If you don’t have a ring, a holder for an exhibition number, a handbag and other useful little things, don’t worry; at the exhibition, be sure to check out the retail outlets - they sell various pet products and exhibition paraphernalia.

Chair, grooming table and dog box
In order not to forget anything, we will make a general list.
For the exhibition we will need: - veterinary passport with vaccinations; — F1 certificate (if required by the exhibition); — a copy of the puppy card or pedigree; - a bag for treats and the treat itself; - number holder; — tools (combs, scissors, trimmer, etc.); — cosmetics (antistatic spray, powder, oil, etc.); — ringovka (or better two - for safety net); - carrier, grooming table and chair. — and, of course, don’t forget your pet!

Preparing for the ring

The schedule by breed, breakdown by experts and timing of the rings most often become known 3-4 days before the exhibition. Arrive at the exhibition in advance, count on an extra hour before the ring - without taking into account roads and other time costs. It’s better not to go to the exhibition alone; take help with you (a relative or good friend).

When you arrive at the exhibition, first of all, find yourself a seat. Ideally, closer to the ring where your breed will be judged. Lay out the table, chair, and put the dog in the carrier.
If the exhibition is held indoors, then there is often a terrible crowd and cramped conditions, so do not count on special amenities. If the exhibition is outside and the day is sunny and hot, then find a place in the shade so that both you and the dog are comfortable.

Leave your companion to guard your things and the dog, and go to veterinary control and registration (usually they are next to each other). At the veterinary control, show your vaccination passport or F1 certificate.

You will be given an inspection ticket and with it you will proceed to registration. At registration, you name the group and breed (group 9, Chinese Crested), and the name of your dog. You are given a catalog and your serial number.

Certificate F1, veterinary passport, veterinary control coupon, exhibition catalog and number
An expert examines a dog's teethIf the expert who will judge your breed works in the ring, then you can spend some time observing his judging.
Pay attention to how the expert examines the dogs: whether he looks at the dog’s teeth himself or the handler must show them, how he looks in motion (in a straight line, in a circle, or both), whether he prefers a fast pace of movement or a slow one, a free or manual stance, and much more. other.

It wouldn't hurt to practice a little with your dog. Sometimes there is a break in the rings - consider yourself lucky, grab your ring mat and run to the ring to work out. But don’t overdo it—your four-legged friend shouldn’t get tired and “burn out.” Let the dog get used to the ring, exercise for a couple of minutes and put the dog back in the carrier.

If the animal was only walked early in the morning, then it makes sense to go outside for a walk so that it doesn’t get “itchy” in the ring. I usually walk the dog to the ring and before the main bests.
Always keep an eye on the clock and the ring. When the breed that is scheduled to go in front of you walks, you can put your pet on the table and prepare it for the ring - comb it, lightly refresh the coat with spray, lubricate the skin with oil. Attach an exhibition number and a treat bag to your clothing. Play with the dog - no tension or nerves.

And now, moment X comes. Don't be nervous - dogs keenly sense their owner's mood. Pull yourself together. The main thing to remember is that you need to run around the ring counterclockwise, the dog is always on the left. Yes, you already know everything!

Dogs on the table waiting for the ring

Most often, the expert first asks to put the dog on the table - to examine the head, teeth, ears, and in males - the testes.
The dog should respond calmly to touch and palpation. The expert dictates aloud a description of the dog, and the ring worker writes it down in the diploma. Next, they ask you to run in a circle; if necessary, the expert may ask you to walk in a straight line from him (looks at the hind limbs) and back to him (assesses the front). When you have completed one or two laps, the expert will ask you to stop. Don't get confused - quickly put the dog in a stance.

If there are several dogs in a class, then the expert looks at each dog in turn, and then all the dogs come together to compare and select the class winner. The expert gives the command to move and all exhibitors run around the ring one after another. Keep your distance; you don’t need to “breathe in the back” of the participant in front of you and slow down the one running behind you.

The expert palpates the dog on the table - assesses the chest and back The expert gives a description of the dog on the table, the girl on the right writes everything down in the diploma Movement in a circle - comparison for BOB: Best Junior, Best Male and Best Bitch

The baby and puppy classes always go first, then the adult classes.
The first ones are always males, then the females. If you win your class, don't run away - you will be called into the ring again for comparison. Baby male and female are compared for Best Baby of Breed (BB), male and female puppies are compared for Best Puppy of Breed (PB), juniors are compared for Best Junior of Breed (BJ), males of adult classes (intermediate, open, champions, veterans) are compared for Best Male of Breed (BOB), females of adult classes (intermediate, open, champions, veterans) - to Best Bitch of Breed (BOS). The final comparison - the choice of Best Representative of Breed (BOB) is carried out between Best Junior, Best Male and Best Best.

The BB of the breed goes to Best Baby (BIS Baby). The best breed of the breed participates in the Best Puppy (BIS Puppy). Best Junior advances to Best Junior (BIS Junior). The winner among adult classes, holder of the BOB title, goes to Best of Group (BIG - Best In Group). BOBs of different breeds take part in the Best of the group. If you take 1st place in the group (BIG-1), then you become a participant in the Best In Show (BIS - Best In Show), where only 10 dogs participate (one from each group, and there are only 10 groups).

If you win the comparison, then you are nominated for Best. Group bests are held at the end of each group. The remaining bests go at the end of the entire exhibition in the following order: Best Veterans, Best Baby, Best Puppies, Best Juniors, Best In Show.

To prevent your dog from getting tired by the time of the main competitions, put it in a carrier. There the animal should rest peacefully for the rest of the day. By the way, a show dog simply must be trained to box or crate. Your pet should not scream and kill itself locked in a carrier.

So, while the dog is resting, you have a few more things to do. First, you need to pick up a diploma with a description (issued in the show ring or at registration). In the diploma, check whether there is a stamp, signature of the expert and whether the title is attached (JCAC, CAC, JUSS, SS, etc.).

It would be a lie to make out what is written on the diploma. Usually the description consists of strange symbols and abbreviations that are incomprehensible to the average person. Believe me, a month or two will pass and you will be well versed in phrases like “very po.gol.” or ""

The second thing you need to do is finally take time for yourself. There are still a few hours before the bests, so you need to eat and relax. This is where a high chair comes in handy.

Don't forget to walk your dog before the bests. Before going to the best, get your champion in order - for competitions you can powder the fur more effectively, and lubricate the skin of a hairless dog with oil again.
It is customary to breed dogs for best dogs based on their height. Let the large, fast-running breeds and their fast-running handlers pass ahead—our place is almost at the end. No one will step on your heels and your pet will not be afraid of large dogs.

All breeds enter the ring at once. The expert, at his discretion, can rearrange the exhibitors or divide them into groups (large ones separately, small ones separately). In best, all dogs are placed in a standing position, the expert evaluates the dogs in a standing position and gives the command to move.

Puppies in the ring - Best Baby held

The entire judging process takes literally a few minutes, and in such a short time you must show your dog so that the expert falls in love with it and gives you a prize place (the ranking in bests is usually 3-4 places).
If you don't win, don't be upset under any circumstances, and especially don't blame the dog. All-breed bests are nothing more than a personal preference of the expert. Let's say the judge loves big and furry dogs, naturally, the Chinese Crested is not his taste.

I hope this article will at least somehow help beginning show-lovers. I always wish you spacious rings and well-deserved victories!

Evaluations and certificates at exhibitions.

  1. 6.1.


    In the junior, intermediate, open, working, champion and veteran classes, as well as in the National Club Champion class (at specialty shows), the following marks are awarded:

    excellent / excellent (red ribbon), can only be awarded to a dog very close to the ideal standard, presented in excellent condition, demonstrating a harmonious, balanced temperament, having a high class and excellent training; its excellent characteristics, fully consistent with the breed, allow us to ignore some imperfections, however, sexual dimorphism must be clearly expressed;

    very good / very good (blue ribbon), can only be awarded to a dog that has the typical characteristics of the breed, well-balanced proportions and is presented in correct condition; a few minor faults are allowed, but the dog must nevertheless demonstrate class;

    good / good (green ribbon), should be awarded to a dog that has the main characteristics of the breed; the advantages must outweigh the disadvantages, so that the dog can still be considered a good representative of its breed;

    satisfactory (yellow ribbon), should be awarded to a dog that can be undoubtedly classified as a particular breed without possessing its main advantages, as well as to a dog whose physical condition differs sharply from the desired one;

    disqualification / disqualification (white ribbon) should be given to the dog in the following cases: - the type does not correspond to the standard, unusual or aggressive behavior of the breed, cryptorchidism, - defects of the dental system, defects in the structure of the jaws, non-standard color or coat structure, - obvious signs of albinism, any a disqualifying defect provided for in the standard of a given breed, as well as defects that threaten health;

    The reason for disqualification must be reflected in the description and in the report; description sheets (original and copy) must be certified by the judge’s handwritten signature and the signature of the owner/handler of the disqualified dog, confirming that he was familiar with the fact and reason for the disqualification;

    impossible to judge (without evaluation), given to a dog if it continuously jumps or rushes out of the ring, making it impossible to evaluate movements and gait, or does not allow the judge to feel himself, examine his teeth and bite, anatomy and structure, tail or testes, or she shows signs of surgery or treatment intended to mislead the judge, disguise or correct defects in the exterior (for example, an eyelid, ear, tail has been corrected); the same decision must be made in case of double handling (attracting the dog's attention from outside the ring), which is strictly prohibited at all shows in the FCI system; the reason for leaving without assessment must be reflected in the description and in the report.

    In the baby and puppy classes the following ratings are awarded: very promising (red ribbon); promising / promising (blue ribbon); unpromising / not promising (white tape).

  2. 6.2.


    In the ring, at the discretion of the judge, certificates may be issued and titles awarded:

    BabyPuppiesJuniorsIntermediateOpenWorkerChampionsNational Club ChampionsVeterans
    Black Sea Fleet
    Military-industrial complex
  3. 6.3.


    This table makes it possible to see at which rank exhibitions (CAC, ChRF, Black Sea Fleet, CACIB) you can get this or that certificate.

    Black Sea FleetCHRKFCACIB
    Black Sea Fleet
  4. 6.4.

    Decryption of certificates.

    You can find it here

How to show a dog at an exhibition?

There are special regulations for displaying dogs at an exhibition.

The expert examines the dog and describes its characteristics. The dog must stand in a standing position in the ring. The show ring is a thin show ring. The dog should stand in a stance for 1-3 minutes. Then show the dog to move. Showing a dog is a real art. If this is your first time doing this, it is better to hire a handler. Handlers are people who show a dog at a dog show. The assessment largely depends on a competent display.

How to choose a puppy to participate in exhibitions?

The most important thing that a future owner who dreams of a champion should understand well is that the class of a puppy can only be determined after the puppy is 9 months old, when the teeth have completely changed and the opportunity has arisen to receive an expert assessment at the exhibition in the first junior certification class!
At this age, a puppy can be purchased extremely rarely, at a significantly higher cost, but even this does not guarantee the reproductive qualities of your chosen one! Therefore, no one, even the best kennel and experienced dog handler, can ever guarantee you a successful show career for a puppy purchased at a significantly early age.

But it can, with a high degree of probability, determine the prospects of a particular puppy in this very career. Therefore, of course, a puppy for participation in exhibitions must be purchased from nurseries with a good reputation, where they value their goodwill and approach breeding professionally, taking into account the genetics of several generations of ancestors and selecting the best of the best for breeding work!

In such nurseries, starting from the age of 45 days, all puppies of the litter undergo certification by an experienced dog handler, during which the puppy is assessed on its exterior, psyche and temperament and receives a metric marked promising if it is not left for review or is not rejected from breeding. And only with such an assessment the baby receives admission to exhibitions and has a chance to train in a real ring and receive an assessment from other experts who, before junior age, also evaluate only the puppy’s prospects, and only after 9 months can give a real adult assessment, which will determine the puppy’s class.

In addition to excellent exterior qualities, when evaluating a “promising” puppy, a puppy selected for exhibitions should in no case be timid, overly shy or withdrawn. By the age of one month, he should be actively interested in the world around him, willing to be held and in contact with people and fellow humans, not afraid of loud and sharp sounds, by one and a half months, show the makings of courage and stature in his movements and charm in the expression of his face and smile!

In professional nurseries, where proper socialization takes place from childhood, children are given special tests to identify their inclinations for such activities and certain sports with a high probability, their behavior in the process of development and various situations is analyzed, the timing of dyeing, the color of the coat, growth characteristics are assessed, development and movements in dynamics. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to select the most suitable puppy from the litter on your own; even after thoroughly studying the breed standard, it is better to entrust this choice to a professional.

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