Cool pugs: features of the breed, photos of funny pugs

Origin story

Pugs are an ancient breed from China, which is mentioned in ancient manuscripts. Presumably, their ancestors were relatives of the Pekingese, who were loved by the local rich. At that time it was believed that this dog was marked with the imperial sign, because the folds on the forehead were collected in the likeness of a hieroglyph.

In the 16th century, Turkish ships brought pugs to France. And then they came to the Netherlands and became local favorites for the next two centuries. The fashion for the breed was finally established by the English royal family in the 19th century.



Pugs need to be walked regularly .
This is very important for their normal development. Without proper physical activity, the dog will gain weight. This feature is inherent in the constitution of the breed. Pugs don't need to overeat to gain weight - just exercise less. You should not expect your pet to run around you while walking. However, he will not refuse to run for his toy. Most of the time he will stay close to his owner.

While walking, you can and should start training your pug . During training, you need to be demanding, but not stoop to scolding. They remember the insult for a very long time.

Try not to walk your pet where there are large dogs. They may offend a curious pug who will want to get to know each other better.

Pug: breed standard

Pugs are quite compact, up to 6-8 kg, with a proportional, square body. The height of the dog at the withers is up to 32 cm, although this is not so strictly stated in the rules. The first thing that immediately stands out is the large head with a flattened muzzle, a weakly defined bridge of the nose and large, wide-set eyes of a dark color.

Thin soft ears fit tightly to the head, and the mouth seems to be slightly distorted. The pug's neck is thick and strong, but with a pronounced scruff. The stocky body is muscular and well developed, with a broad chest, high ring tail and strong, straight legs.

Thin and smooth yellowish coat lies close to the skin. There are also black and silver pugs. But light-colored dogs must have a dark mask and markings.


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How to walk a pug and is it worth purchasing special clothes for the dog?

The pug loves to go for walks, so it should be taken out daily. The duration of walks depends on their intensity. For example, you can walk at a leisurely pace for up to 1.5 hours, while a light jog should not take more than 10-15 minutes, since the pug’s body is not adapted to long “marathon” races.

“It is best to take a dog under one year of age wearing a collar with a leash on a tape measure,” recommends Svetlana Yakovleva. - And starting from the age of one year, you can use a harness. As for clothing for pugs, I believe that there is no need to specially insulate the dog, because nature created it exactly as it is, which means it needs to adapt to weather conditions on its own. You can, of course, put a raincoat on your pet, for example, but he definitely doesn’t need any hats or boots.”

Pug character

Pugs are quite docile and friendly, not aggressive at all and rarely cause problems. If a dog behaves strangely, there are most likely external reasons for this.

Traits and Temperament

Pugs only seem clumsy and always sleepy, because in fact at home they are very active, loving and friendly. This is a family dog ​​that loves attention and will demand it in any way possible. They do not tolerate long periods of loneliness.


Attitude towards the owner

Pugs absolutely adore their owners. They are ready to cuddle, cuddle and play all day long. It is important to clearly set boundaries from early childhood so that an enthusiastic dog, even in outbursts of love, knows exactly what not to do and where not to go.


Attitude towards children

Most often, pugs love to fuss and play with babies, so they make excellent nannies for infants. They are patient and forgiving of pranks, and in case of danger they are ready to protect the child. But there is a nuance: if the baby arrived in the house much later than the dog, the dog may be jealous, and this cannot be ignored and left to chance.


What nicknames are usually chosen for pugs?

“Pugs are usually named based on their character traits,” our expert answers the question. “And, of course, since they still have “imperial” origins, they are given appropriate nicknames: for males, this is, for example, Sheriff, Prince or Count, while for girls Margot, Cleopatra, Klepa are well suited.”

Photo courtesy of expert Svetlana Yakovleva /

Relationships with other animals

Pugs get along well with other dogs, cats and other animals. But, as in the case of children, the dog needs to be given enough attention so that he does not become jealous or start a rivalry.


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Pugs are great for indoor living. They are excellent companions for children and the elderly. Don't believe me? Look at photos of pugs on the Internet. You will see many pictures of these dogs with older people. The fact is that dogs of this breed understand people very well and are very loyal to them . As adults, fuss is alien to pugs. Because of this, they are very old people.

What about the children? Dogs enjoy playing with children at a young age, but when they get older, they prefer not to participate in the games, but to watch the game from the side.

There are countries in which funny pugs serve as service dogs. Of course, they do not apprehend criminals, but thanks to their very subtle instincts they are excellent at searching for drugs.

Pug care

Pugs do need specific care. But it's not nearly as difficult as it seems at first glance!

Conditions of detention

The pug is a completely domestic dog for living in an apartment. He needs a bed in a warm, cozy place without drafts, but not near the radiator. Buy toys to prevent your dog from chewing everything around him, and prohibit him from gnawing objects indiscriminately. A small and smart pug can be trained to go to the toilet in a tray or on a diaper.



Once a week, your pug needs to be carefully brushed because he sheds a lot. You shouldn’t bathe your dog often – once every 2-3 months is enough. The most difficult thing to care for is the face: you need to clean the folds with a cotton swab dipped in a soft alcohol-free lotion.

Be sure to inspect and clean your ears, and if you smell a suspicious odor, contact your veterinarian. You can brush your teeth yourself or have your teeth cleaned by a professional. The same goes for nail trimming. It will be useful to periodically give your pug vitamins for its coat and skin.



It is enough to walk puppies for 5-15 minutes about 4 times a day. You can gradually increase the duration and reduce the frequency, because two half-hour walks are enough for an adult dog. Please note that excessive loads, heat and strong wind are contraindicated for them. But light active games will be very useful and will help prevent heart and weight problems.


Education and training

Pugs are a toy breed, so they do not need to be as difficult to train as fighting or guard dogs. But the simplest rules of behavior are still necessary. By the way, pugs are actually very smart, so they will be happy to learn useful commands in a playful way with encouragement in the form of treats.


What is the average life expectancy of Pugs?

Of course, when purchasing a pet of this breed, everyone thinks about how long pugs live, dreaming that happy communication with the dog will last as long as possible. Good news for pug fans: these babies can be considered long-lived. On average, the life expectancy of representatives of this breed is from 11 to 13 years, but some of them (about 15%) happily live up to 14-15 years. In Russia, the official record holder for longevity was a pug named Hali-Gali Pickwick Frant , who was lucky enough to “celebrate” his 17th birthday. As for the world record, it belongs to the “citizen” of America King Thug , who managed to live for over 18 years.

Photo courtesy of expert Svetlana Yakovleva /

What to feed a pug

Pugs can eat literally anything, but at the same time, they have a sensitive digestive system and are prone to obesity. Therefore, do not succumb to manipulation and unhappy eyes!

Pugs need solid food - they do not digest soups and stews well. 70% of the diet should consist of meat, and fresh meat, since they also do not digest boiled meat well. You can’t salt meat, but you can salt vegetables, if only a little. It is recommended to give milk occasionally and fish occasionally.

For puppies, the standard daily portion of food is about 5-7% of their weight. For six-month-old dogs - half as much, and it is better to feed them 5-6 times a day. Pork should not be given, but beef, poultry and other lean meats can and should be given. By the age of one year, gradually reduce the frequency of feeding to 2 times.

Among the vitamins and supplements, the pug needs vitamin A, which ensures the development of bones, muscles and organs. Fish oil and B vitamins are also very useful. And vitamin C not only strengthens the immune system, but also ensures good condition of the teeth and musculoskeletal system.


Choosing a dog

When choosing a puppy, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Never pick up pugs, no matter how cute they may seem to you.
  2. When purchasing a puppy, carefully inspect the area where the litter is kept. Based on his condition, you can understand a lot about the health and well-being of the puppies.
  3. Be sure to pick up the puppy you like and examine its ears and eyes. They should not show signs of inflammation.
  4. Pugs come in a variety of colors. In addition, puppies' coat color usually changes greatly during the first year of life. Therefore, it is recommended to ask the breeder for advice in order to obtain a puppy with the desired color.
  5. Be sure to check the bitch. Make sure she has documents. It is advisable to see the dog's documents.
  6. When choosing a puppy, try to bring with you a specialist in the exterior qualities of the breed. He will help choose the future champion.
  7. Even if the puppy is very beautiful and meets all breed standards, but at the same time he is shy and inactive, then you should not choose him.

Health and disease of the breed

Unfortunately, pugs have quite a few health problems. Due to the structure of the skull, they often have difficulty breathing, snoring and problems with the respiratory tract in general. Their nasal tissues are very soft and sometimes even require surgery.

Pugs easily overheat in hot weather, and all their folds need to be cleaned daily. There are often problems with the eyes - they dry out, the eyelid rolls inward, damage appears on the cornea and iris, and retinal atrophy develops.

If your pug begins to have intestinal problems, vomiting and diarrhea, take him to the vet immediately. Rarely, encephalitis of the brain occurs, which can lead to seizures. Knee and hip problems are common.


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As mentioned above, pugs are very gentle and affectionate animals. They have funny faces. This is clearly visible in the photo. They are happy to communicate with people and are able to amuse both children and adults. These dogs are most active when they are young, but the older they get, the calmer their character becomes. In adulthood, pugs become quite lazy .
At the first opportunity, the animals settle down comfortably next to the owner and sleep. Pugs are very loyal, however, this does not mean that they are easy to train. There is such a trait in them as stubbornness. These dogs remember commands well, but they are not always in a hurry to execute them.

Pugs become very attached to their owners. As soon as a dog is left alone, it begins to feel sad. There are a lot of photos of sad pugs on the Internet.

These dogs know very well what needs to be done to make a person satisfy their desires. Actually, because of this, pugs are considered unsurpassed flatterers and beggars, but at the same time they do not lose their royal imposingness .

If you see a photo of pugs standing on their hind legs and pleadingly looking into a person’s eyes, then you know that the cunning ones are begging for something from their naive owners.

Pugs - photo

Pug dogs are completely charming, as you can easily see after our selection of photos!

















Photo: Photo:







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How to choose a pug puppy?

The key advice when choosing a pug is quite banal: you should only contact kennels or breeders with a proven reputation. After all, animals purchased secondhand may present you with unpleasant surprises in the near future - both from the point of view of the dog’s health and from the breed standards.

Before purchasing, you need to thoroughly study the pedigree of the puppy’s parents, evaluate the conditions of keeping the animals in the nursery, and, of course, first get to know the “applicant”. A healthy puppy, in addition to a normally formed skeleton, color and other characteristics of the breed, should be friendly and active, and not be afraid of people.


This is one of the cutest breeds. With their charm, they won the hearts of many Hollywood celebrities. In 2004, the breed received the "Best Show Breed" award at the World Dog Show, after which it became even more popular.

Which stars have this breed?

Cute pugs have found cozy homes in such Hollywood celebrities as Robin Williams, Denise Richards, Jessica Alba, Gerard Butler, Paris Hilton, Valentino, Amber Le Bon, Goran Visnjic.

The monarchs of Ireland and Great Britain, Queen Mary Stuart II and King William III, are the founders of the pug fashion in England.

Also happy owners of the breed were Voltaire, the Duchess of Windsor, William Hogarth, the Duke of Enghin, the Marquise de Pompadour, Queen Victoria, Marie Antoinette.

Pugs in the movies

In the first and second parts of the film "Men in Black", the alien Frank was disguised as a cute dog.

The politics of Marty Huggins in the film "The Dirty Campaign for Fair Elections."

JB is a film from the Royal Secret Service series.

How much does a pug cost and what factors influence its cost?

The pug is a fairly common dog, so you can buy it in almost any city.

“Puppy prices vary from 20 thousand to 35 thousand rubles, and sometimes higher,” says Svetlana Yakovleva. — It depends on how reputable the nursery is, what the puppy’s pedigree is, whether vaccination has been carried out, and so on. Inspection by dog ​​handlers, paperwork, food and much more are also included in the final price, so it can reach 120 thousand rubles, for example.”

In addition, when choosing a pug, you should take into account how common its color is: rare silver or black puppies will cost you more than apricot and fawn ones.

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