Miniature Pinscher: prototype of the Doberman. Photo and description of the breed

Doberman is grateful for his appearance to Mr. Friedrich Louis Dobermann.

He wanted to create a breed of active, intelligent, loyal dogs that would accompany him in his work, performing police functions.

This breed had to have a keen sense of smell, be active, courageous and willing to engage in a duel with the enemy.

Breed standard and description

There is no separate standard for males and females, as the differences are minor.

Height at withers: 25 to 30 cm

Weight: from 4 to 6 kg


  • Black and deep red,
  • Black and light red,
  • Chocolate and rich red,
  • Chocolate and light red,
  • Ginger,
  • Red deer.

additional characteristics

  • Experts believe that the best proportion in the physique of miniature pinschers is when the length and height of the body are approximately the same.
  • The size of the muzzle should be half the length of the body from the nape to the base of the tail.
  • The miniature should not have too long legs, and the skull should not be round.
  • The eyes are only dark, oval in shape, it is desirable that the eyelids are painted black.
  • The ears are erect or curled at the ends.
  • The nose is black.
  • In addition, the dog should not walk excessively as this is a disqualifying sign.


There used to be a strict requirement by all associations for tail docking , partly because working dogs were often attacked for their long tails due to their mobility.

Now in many countries this action is considered unnecessarily cruel and dogs with long tails are allowed into exhibitions. If you prefer to dock your tail, then the optimal age for this is 3-5 days . At this time, the puppy's nervous system has not developed enough to feel pain.

Types of Dobermans

It is important to know that there are two types of Dobermans - American and European. But here the views of dog breeders differ, as some believe that the difference between American and European dogs is so great that it is necessary to divide them into two separate breeds.

American type

Dog breeders gave American Dobermans the nickname “Velcro”, which means “Velcro”. By temperament, these dogs are more affectionate and trusting than their counterparts of European origin. In general, the American representative is more sophisticated and elegant. However, they have less dark eyes and a smooth head line. But their neck is long with a subtle curve. Their bones are weaker than those of European types. The length of the body depends on the length of the lower back. But the color of American dogs is light, and they have wide light tan marks. American Dobermans are recognized as the most skillful and graceful.

European type

As for European Dobermans, there will be no significant differences. Regarding temperament, these dogs are more wary of people; of course, they trust their owners, but they show less affection than American dogs. The European species is larger, more muscular, with a deep chest.
They have a pronounced head line, dark eyes and a strong lower jaw. However, the length of the neck is inferior to the American ones (and more straight, without bending). Europeans have strong body bones, but the stomach is less tucked, their body is more compact and almost never long. Their color is rich black and dark brown and has bright rich rusty red tan marks. But, unfortunately, the overall picture is spoiled by the ban in many European countries on ear and tail docking. This ban affects the decline in interest in European Dobermans, in contrast to American ones.

Important! At the beginning of training, do not treat the puppy roughly and do not scold him, otherwise it will be difficult to re-educate him later, even if an experienced dog handler undertakes this.

History of the Miniature Pinscher breed

Basically, information about the breed is based on oral German literature, which was later transferred to books. These descriptions suggest that miniature pinschers were kept in castles for several centuries to get rid of rats and other small rodents.

During the heyday of German Gothic, this baby was called Reh Pinscher . Reh is the name of a miniature deer that was found in German forests at that time.

If we talk about Dobermans , the little one is much older than this breed . Dog lover Karl Friedrich Lewis Doberman gave up half his life to breed a miniature pinscher into a larger dog with the same appearance. The eternal debate “which came first: the egg or the chicken” arose due to the fact that the miniature dog was bred only in Germany, and then Mr. Doberman with the dog named after him began to travel to all canine associations, seeking recognition of the breed.

In many countries, the Doberman Pinscher was seen earlier than the Miniature Pinscher, therefore, when the Miniature Pinscher was brought into these areas, dog handlers considered it to be a derivative of the Doberman Pinscher that had already been seen earlier.

In 1895, German breeders created a breed club and developed a standard. Ming Pin (the name of the breed in foreign countries, derived from the abbreviation of miniature pinscher) was first exhibited in 1900.

Before the First World War, the popularity of the breed grew, and miniature dogs began to be actively bred in Scandinavian countries. In 1919, the babies were brought to America, and already in 1929 the American breed club was formed.

Until 1930, miniature dogs were exhibited in the terrier group, but then they were reclassified into the toy dog ​​group. Then, in addition to the German name, they were assigned the name - miniature pinscher.

Miniatures are classified as domestic dogs and companion dogs.


The creation of mixed breeds did not bypass Dobermans. It is believed that mestizos, unlike purebred breeds, have better immunity to various diseases and are less susceptible to cold.

Rottweiler mix

A crossbreed between a Doberman and a Rottweiler has adopted the traits of both breeds in the same way; in general, these dogs are similar, especially as puppies. Well, having matured, he will turn into a surprisingly stately dog, with strong legs, stockier than a purebred representative of the breed. This mixed breed will have the classic color for both breeds - black with rusty tan.
And with his head he will look like a Rottweiler: the head is of medium size, with a well-defined occipital protuberance, the ears are set wide. The muzzle is slightly narrowed, ending in a wide lobe with widened round nostrils. The color of the ear lobes, lips and eye rims is black. The mestizo will take on the character of his parents and will be a brave dog.

Shepherd mix

A Doberman mixed breed with a Shepherd will make an excellent working breed. In appearance it will resemble a German Shepherd, black and red in color. The muzzle will be more pointed than that of a purebred Shepherd, but less than that of a Doberman. The dog's height will be higher than that of a shepherd, and its body will be slender. If you do not train a mixed breed, he will become an irritable and dangerous dog, which will lead to unexpected behavior of the dog in different situations.

Pitbull mix

By crossing a pit bull and a Doberman, we get an irreplaceable guard, but also quite aggressive. After all, the pit bull is famous for its “death grip”, and the Doberman is not inferior to it in attacking the enemy. This mixed breed has strong paws and body, the color will vary from black to light rust with white tan . The muzzle will be oblong.

Mongrel cross

A dog with good immunity, smart, fast, an excellent protector and a good friend - this is all a cross between a Doberman and a mongrel. The appearance loses its aristocratic appearance, and the difference from the above mestizos is that this breed will not be short-haired. The description of this mestizo is rather vague, since everything depends on the mongrel, its size, and appearance. But most often they produce tall dogs with a strong body.

Other famous hybrids

Science knows the crossbreeds of a Doberman and a black Great Dane - a tall black dog that does not differ in appearance from a Doberman, but its color does not have tan and its height is slightly taller than a purebred dog.
The muzzle is elongated, the lower jaw is strong. And there is even baby Django, who is currently 3 years old.

This is a cross between a Doberman, Labrador and Boxer.

He has a brown color with light tan and blue eyes, which the dog took from a Labrador, since Dobermans are characterized by black eyes.

He has a stocky body, not very tall, about the size of a Labrador, strong paws and a strong jaw.

Character and temperament

This is a proud and brave dog. Although its main purpose is hunting rodents , the miniature pinscher, without hesitation, will rush at the offender of the owner, even larger in size.

They treat children well , but will not tolerate disrespectful treatment, so you should not bring them together with children who are too young, who can pinch or hit: the miniature will respond to any painful influence.

Susceptible to small dog syndrome . They can allow themselves to try to influence their owners, justifying themselves by their small size. Therefore, miniatures should not be indulged in their desire to show character.

It is important that the Miniature Pinscher has a clear understanding of the rules and boundaries, then it will be the ideal companion.

Historical reference

The history of the Miniature Pinscher breed began about three hundred years ago in Germany. Originally kept as rodent hunters, these small dogs became fully domesticated. The modern appearance was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, and miniature pinschers came to Russia during the Great Patriotic War.

Miniature pinschers are the prototype of the Doberman: pinscher fan F.L. Doberman developed the breed of the same name , inspired by these miniature but dexterous dogs. However, there is no relationship between these breeds, despite their similar appearance and character.

Dog and man

Baby miniature is right for you if:

  • Do you like walking, cycling or rollerblading;
  • Your children are over five years old;
  • There are no loopholes in your private home through which a dog can escape;
  • You are active and full of energy.

is not suitable for you if:

  • You are a homebody;
  • You have very young children;
  • You have other pets.

How to choose the right puppy?

A small purebred pet, which in the future will be able to compete for participation in exhibitions, should be chosen accompanied by a specialist. Because at an early age, the signs of the Doberman mini breed are not so obvious, especially for an inexperienced dog breeder. The purchase is made in nurseries, where you can meet the parents of the future member of the human family and observe the behavior of the baby.

Important points when choosing a future small pet:

  1. Place of purchase - it is better if it is a nursery; you can also contact trusted breeders.
  2. The behavior of a mini Doberman puppy is that it should be active and well socialized.
  3. Availability of documents. – for future participation in exhibitions, the baby must have a meter. In addition, the purebred puppy has a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations according to age.
  4. Getting to know the baby's parents, their pedigrees - by the behavior of the older generation, you can preliminarily judge the character that the Mini Doberman will develop in the future.

Maintenance and care

Despite the fact that the miniature pinscher looks like just a baby, he needs constant exercise : you need to walk him 2 times a day, for an hour if possible.

Miniature pinscher puppies are fed veal or chicken processed with boiling water, which make up 2/3 of the diet. You can include egg yolk and fish in your diet. The remaining 1/3 is made up of grains and vegetables. Then you can feed food for small dogs, but you need to switch gradually.

The coat does not require special care: comb once a week with a soft brush, and during the shedding period, wipe with a wet towel.

Miniature pinschers are not very adapted to cold weather: take care of warm clothes for your pet.

You need to regularly clean your ears and trim your nails. The miniature's eyes may become swollen; they need to be carefully cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

Feeding the miniature

For representatives of this breed, proper nutrition plays a very important role. Owners may give preference to both specialized ready-made food and natural products.

Note! You can feed dogs dry food only if it belongs to the premium class.

Experts do not recommend combining food. It is necessary to clearly define and make a choice in favor of dry or natural food.

Puppies up to four months old need to be fed 6 times a day. After this, the number of servings must be gradually reduced so that by one year the dog switches to a two-time diet.

The menu must include the following products:

  • chicken or turkey meat;
  • pears, apples, bananas;
  • dried apricots;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • organ meats such as tongue, liver, lung and heart;
  • cottage cheese and low-fat kefir;
  • buckwheat and rice;
  • goat milk;
  • carrots, broccoli, pumpkin and cauliflower.

It is strictly forbidden to give dogs river fish, bones, white cabbage, sweets, baked goods, sausages, smoked meats, semolina, fatty meat, cow's milk and citrus fruits. In general, experts do not recommend feeding your pet from a human table.

Important! Your mini Doberman should always have fresh and clean water in his bowl.

Feeding miniature pinscher puppies

Education and training

Zverg is very stubborn . Education needs to be done from a very early age. Despite their size, puppies often behave like large dogs: they try to attack strangers, show increased curiosity, and try to escape.

The playful nature of training is most suitable for miniature dogs. These are stubborn but sweet creatures who are ready to give in to their owner as soon as they sense him as a leader.

Price range

The price of mini Doberman puppies directly depends on numerous factors. On average, when buying an animal you will have to pay from 40 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.* You can find animals cheaper, but then they will no longer be able to take part in exhibitions. As a rule, such puppies are sold secondhand and are much cheaper.

Note! By purchasing a puppy outside of a kennel, no one can guarantee that the animal will be purebred.

Mini Doberman puppies for sale in kennel

Health and life expectancy

A dog of this breed, with proper care, lives from 10 to 14 years .

There are a number of diseases to which the breed is susceptible:

  • retinal atrophy,
  • Epilepsy,
  • Hypothyroidism (dysfunction of the thyroid gland),
  • Due to the rapidity of their movements, dogs of this breed are often diagnosed with a luxated patella.

Disease susceptibility

A huge plus is the fact that this breed has virtually no hereditary diseases. However, they, of course, can acquire illnesses, like all living beings.

As mentioned earlier, miniature pinschers are prone to obesity, and gaining excess weight leads to cardiovascular problems and diabetes.

They may also be affected by diseases of the bones and joints (for example, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, shoulder dislocations), kidney problems (urolithiasis), eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, corneal dystrophy, entropion - entropion).

Breed photo

A selection of photos of miniature pinschers - small dogs with a badass character.

Interesting fact: the Miniature Pinscher is ready to make anyone laugh, and he can use tricks that he has never tried before.

What diseases are they susceptible to?

The miniature pinscher is a dog similar to the Doberman pinscher not only in appearance, but also in terms of health. Representatives of this breed are described as having good immunity, but this does not mean that the animal does not need to be vaccinated against infectious diseases.

Among other things, dogs can be susceptible to the following ailments:

  • urolithiasis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • limb injuries;
  • diabetes mellitus

With timely detection and proper treatment, most diseases are stopped or completely cured. If dogs are provided with proper care and a balanced diet, then miniature pinschers live between 20 and 25 years.

Host reviews

Below are some of the hundreds of reviews from those who decided to enrich their lives with such a wonderful creature as a mini Doberman.

  • Miniature pinschers are very playful, they love to be interested in every rustle and are eager to support any fun.

  • The dog is very smart and extremely smart.
  • When he sees “strangers” in the house, he turns on the guard and can bark from head to toe.
  • The coat of a small Doberman has a huge advantage - it does not shed and therefore does not cause unnecessary inconvenience to the owner.
  • Stubborn character that requires education.
  • There is an excellent opportunity to train him to use a litter tray, but no one can cancel regular walks.
  • If you are alone, then the miniature pinscher will become a faithful and devoted friend for you.

General Traits of Pinschers

The skeleton is well developed. With good muscularity and thin skin with smooth hair, even small varieties look athletically built, with a proportional body structure. The main format is rectangle.

Pinschers are distinguished by their mobility and dexterity. Breeds of small dogs were originally bred to hunt rats and guard livestock.

Jumping ability, agility and the ability to perform different types of movements were especially valued. But dogs are also distinguished by their great endurance - it is difficult to tire out a medium-sized dog on a walk, even for an adult with good physical characteristics. Due to a lack of physical activity, pinschers are capable of chewing furniture, shoes, etc.

When purchasing such a dog, you need to calculate the strength and capabilities in providing the animal with sufficient walks, games, etc. In the Russian climate, smooth-haired dogs can live on the street only in the summer. Over the course of about 6 months, the owner will have to solve the problem of providing his pet with a suitable activity regime.

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