Dogs with dreadlocks, cords and plates - they don't need a groomer

Have you ever seen a very shaggy dog ​​in the park, perhaps a dog that looks like a mop, and wondered what breed it could be? Then read on, because we've rounded up the most adorable dog breeds with dreadlocks for you.

But let's first understand why dogs get dreadlocks. It's actually simple. In some dogs, the undercoat and outer coat come together as they grow, forming round, rope-like “cords.” Other dogs have curly hair that naturally "tangles" or joins together to form a felt-like texture.

IMPORTANT! Dogs with dreadlocks usually don't need bathing more than 2-3 times a year and they don't shed or require brushing, but it is necessary to separate their cords regularly to keep your pet's dreadlocks from getting knotted.


  • Height: from 64 to 76 cm
  • Weight: from 40 to 60 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years
  • Temperament: balanced, independent, affectionate, fearless, gentle, calm

When you think of dogs with dreadlocks, this shaggy beauty is probably the first image that pops into your head. The Komondor is an ancient Hungarian breed bred to protect sheep from wolves and poachers. Their charming dreadlocks protect them both from the harsh Hungarian winter and from the sharp teeth of predators. The Komondor's dreadlocks have another benefit - they help them blend in with the herd, meaning any marauding wolf is in for a big surprise when the juicy sheep turns out to be a 50kg pooch! By the way, here are the dog breeds that look like wolves.

As guard dogs, Komondors are very independent and vigilant, but their guarding instincts mean that they tend to be suspicious of strangers. Komondors are a good choice for experienced owners and families with older children, as these pets need a lot of exercise.

What about their beautiful lace coat? Komondor dreadlocks curl naturally! The wool begins to “clump” at approximately 9-10 months. Separating the clumps turns them into beautiful dreadlocks that make this dog so adorable.

Owner reviews

Vladimir : My wife and I have a large farm and there was a need for a dog that would help us cope with it. We spent a long time choosing one, then we found out that there are such dogs as Bergamasco Shepherds and decided to buy one. My son lives in Italy, bought a male dog there and brought it to us. An excellent dog is both a good shepherd and a devoted friend.

Irina: After retirement, my husband and I moved to live in the country and gradually acquired a farm: chickens, sheep, cows. We decided to get a dog, but not only for the soul, but also to help with the housework, we chose a Bergamasco and did not regret it: the dog is faithful, dedicated, does not require special care and is an excellent worker.

Sergey : I’ve been looking for a long time for a dog that would help manage livestock. I really liked Bergamasco Shepherds, but it was difficult to buy them from us; I had to ask my friends to bring a puppy from Italy. Yes, it’s not cheap and there’s a lot of fuss, but it’s worth it - the dog is great.

Svetlana : My Martin is my support and my assistant. I haven't regretted buying this dog for a day. He will cheer you up, play with your grandchildren, and look after the cattle in such a way that you couldn’t imagine anything better.

Natalya: Housekeeping is good, but it requires a lot of effort. When I started thinking about getting a dog to help, the children talked about Bergamasco Shepherds, and then, while I was still in thought, they took and gave me this puppy. Thanks to them - this is a wonderful dog. For those who own a farm, it’s hard to imagine a better dog.


  • Height: from 36 to 45 cm
  • Weight: from 10 to 15 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 16 years
  • Temperament: loyal, energetic, intelligent, dexterous, obedient

The Puli is a breed closely related to the Komondor, which is clear from their appearance - it makes sense that dogs with dreadlocks would be related! However, unlike their larger, heavier cousins, the Puli were bred to be herding dogs.

Did you know that in the dog world, pulis are known as acrobats, sometimes jumping on the backs of slower sheep in the herd!

The coats of these beauties vary in color from black to silver and white, but they can be distinguished from their counterparts by the difference in size: bullets are much lighter than Komondors, weighing 3-4 times less. They are also incredibly intelligent and need a lot of physical and mental stimulation. Dog tricks are no problem for a smart bullet.

Pulis are not just adorable dogs with dreadlocks, they are also very loyal pets. With a strong herding instinct, they will try to herd anything : falling leaves, birds, even your baby can be gently tugged on his diaper if he starts to lose his way.

Necessary care

It is important to take care of your pet's health. When purchasing puppies, you need to carefully study the pedigree, since most canine diseases can be inherited. Dogs need to be vaccinated before 12 months and taken to see a specialist twice a year. At the slightest sign of any ailment, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, since any disease can develop very quickly.

A cross between a Husky and a Spitz: the name of the mestizos breed

Grooming is as simple as it might seem at first glance. It needs to be washed periodically and any strands that are too long or in the way need to be trimmed. At the age when dreadlocks are just forming, the wool becomes very tangled, so it has to be sorted out manually. As the dog gets older, this procedure becomes unnecessary.

Note! For bathing, you should use only special shampoos that contain lanolin.

Dogs with hair like rope, woven into dreadlocks, are sure to become the favorites of their owners. All of them, regardless of breed, are loyal and devoted friends who will not offend their family. You can safely trust them with children; despite the large size of some of these dogs, they will never offend them.

Bergamasco Shepherd

  • Height: from 54 to 62 cm
  • Weight: from 26 to 38 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13 to 15 years
  • Temperament: intelligent, alert, determined, patient

Hailing from the Italian Alps, these furry cuties were bred in the proud tradition of herding dogs whose main purpose was to guard and herd sheep. The large 30-pound Bergamasco Shepherds do resemble their larger Hungarian cousins, but unlike the round, rope-like cords of the Komondor, their dreadlocks are sleeker . The coat of Bergamasco Shepherds consists of three types of hair: canine, goat and topcoat.

IMPORTANT! Because Bergamasco Shepherds' coats are designed to regulate temperature, they should never be shaved.

The shaggy coat covers the eyes of Bergamasco Shepherds, which is both charming and safe, because the hair protects the pet's eyes from snow blindness. But don't worry—their extra-long lashes help keep hair out of your eyes!

The Bergamasco Shepherd is an extremely sociable dog that forms individual relationships with each family member . Fun fact: This is also one of the rarest dog breeds!

Characteristics: pros and cons

Character and behavior

  1. The main character feature of Bergamasco Shepherd Dogs is incredible devotion and affection for their owner. These dogs strive to always be close to the owner and do not tolerate loneliness well - they can behave destructively and become depressed.
  2. Bergamascos love each and every member of their pack, be it adults, children or other animals.
  3. These dogs are indifferent to strangers and do not show aggression , however, if they feel that a threat is coming from a stranger, they will bark in warning.
  4. Bergamasco Shepherds have a protective instinct and, with proper training, will be able to protect the owner’s home and property.
  5. Due to the lack of aggression and friendliness, representatives of this breed are not suitable as a bodyguard , however, if the need arises, they will defend their owners, especially if the child is in danger.
  6. There is no tendency to fight with other dogs - Bergamascos are confident in themselves and do not try to assert themselves in fights.
  7. Bergamasco Shepherds are very smart, but there can be problems during training, since these dogs are stubborn , independent and are used to deciding for themselves what to do.
  8. It is impossible not to note the excellent working qualities of these dogs - even exhibition representatives of the breed, seeing the herd for the first time, can easily gather it together and drive it from one place to another.


The coat grows quite slowly and the dreadlocks characteristic of the breed are formed by 2.5-3 years. The guard hairs grow constantly, the undercoat falls out, intertwines with the outer coat and becomes tangled, so seasonal shedding is practically absent.

Spanish water dog

  • Height: from 38 to 52 cm
  • Weight: from 14 to 22 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 14 years
  • Temperament: intelligent, diligent, affectionate, loyal, energetic

Although related to the Portuguese Water Dog, the Spanish Water Dog is a completely different dog. They were bred as herding dogs. Their coat is curly and woolly and can be formed into tight, mop-like cords. Unlike other dreadlocked breeds, Spanish Water Dogs have a single coat , hence having less undercoat.

As the name suggests, these gorgeous dogs love the water, and playing in a stream or pool is their idea of ​​heaven. Just be careful, their cords need to be completely dried!

Like other herding dogs, Spanish Water Dogs are very intelligent and active. They make excellent hiking or snowshoeing companions.

Nicknames for boys and girls: what to call

The pet's name should correspond to its strength, endurance and appearance.


Havanese Bichon

  • Height: from 23 to 28 cm
  • Weight: from 4 to 7 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13 to 15 years
  • Temperament: playful, affectionate, intelligent, responsive, sociable, gentle

These tough little bundles of fun come from Cuba . Their long, silky coat curls easily, meaning that with a little effort they can join the ranks of adorable dogs with dreadlocks. With their cute button eyes and round noses, Havanese Bichons are absolutely adorable and charismatic.

IMPORTANT! Havanese Bichons require regular grooming, including ear cleaning. Maintaining a lace-up coat requires effort: you'll need to separate your dreadlocks regularly, and washing and drying them will take the most time. But the results are so amazing that it's worth any effort!

Havanese Bichons are adaptable, intelligent, and sociable, making them excellent city dogs . They enjoy performing tricks and exercises, playing with their human, or going for a brisk daily walk.

Training and education

It is necessary to start training Bergamasco Shepherds from a very early age. They are smart and quickly remember commands, but they have an innate stubbornness and tend to make their own decisions, so during training you need to show patience and character.

You need to be able to negotiate with these dogs and find something that will serve as motivation for them, then they will happily follow commands.

It is forbidden to show aggression and physically punish Bergamo residents - they can respond in kind.


  • Height: from 24 to 60 cm
  • Weight: from 6.5 to 32 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Temperament: intelligent, alert, loyal, active

Available in three sizes (toy, miniature and standard), the poodle is one of the most recognizable breeds. These black, white or apricot aristocrats are famous for their elegance and hypoallergenicity . But did you know that they can have dreadlocks too?! That's right: Like Havanese Bichons, the Poodle's curly coat mats easily and can be matted into an adorable mop.

Poodles are very intelligent and easy to train, and standard-sized poodles can handle any activity with their human parent. However, they are not just smart and athletic; they are also a champion breed . A standard poodle named Shiba was recently voted best at the famous Westminster Dog Show.

Based on materials from:

Conditions of detention

This breed is absolutely not suitable for apartment living, even if you provide it with sufficient physical activity. The most suitable option for keeping a Bergamasco is a large yard of a private house or a farm , but not an enclosed enclosure or a short leash.

Important ! These dogs are not suitable for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In order for Bergamasco Shepherds to remain physically and psychologically healthy, they need physical activity - they need long walks or running for 2 hours, 2 times a day. Prolonged exposure to fresh air is also necessary for ventilation and keeping the coat clean.


Any photo of the Komondor guard shepherd clearly demonstrates its thick, long hair braided into ribbons. Its formation ends in the second year of the dog’s life and such a “fur coat” requires special care.

The coat of a Hungarian Shepherd cannot be combed; as the strands grow, they must be sorted out to prevent tangling.

In autumn and spring, the Komondor sheds, but does not shed much hair. And after the final formation of the “cords”, all the fallen hairs remain in the bundle. The characteristic dog smell is absent, even if the dog is caught in the rain.

A furminator is not used to groom the dog - the coat is too specific and cannot be combed in the usual way.


Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound is a highly socialized breed and is easy to train. It is not at all aggressive towards humans. On the contrary, he becomes very attached to his owner and does not tolerate loneliness.

Finnish hound

Dogs of this breed need to be given the opportunity to exercise a lot in nature and realize their natural tendency to hunt. When not hunting, Finnish hounds are calm, friendly to people and other dogs, and somewhat phlegmatic.

Finnish Lapphund

Finnish Lapphunds are true working dogs, adapted to the most difficult and dangerous work. This dog combines two mutually exclusive instincts - herding and hunting.

French Bulldog

As a rule, French Bulldogs get along well with others, even with children. However, they can show dissatisfaction with those who encroach on their territory; they are jealous.


There are several varieties of Great Danes, which differ quite greatly in appearance, so the main subtypes should be described in more detail.


Representatives of this subtype are among the largest dogs in the world. These pets can reach a height at the withers of up to 92 cm (males), and females - up to 83 cm. These natives from Germany weigh up to 89 kg - boys, girls are a little lighter - about 60 kg.

When this breed was bred, its purpose was to bait large wild animals (bears, wild boars). Currently, they are used as excellent companions, guard dogs or watchdogs.

The standard for this subtype is as follows:

  • head – elongated, narrow, proportional to the length of the body;
  • neck – larger than average size with well-developed muscles;
  • rectangular muzzle with a wide nose and oval eyes;
  • high-set ears of medium length;
  • The body shape is square, in girls it can be elongated. The short back smoothly transitions into a slightly curved lower back, the wide chest descends almost to the knee joints. The abdomen is usually tucked in;
  • the front and hind legs are strong, correctly placed, the paws are dense, rounded;
  • smooth, dense wool can have the following colors: black, blue, brindle, fawn, merle.


Dogues de Bordeaux were bred by French breeders. These huge dogs can reach a height of 68 cm at the withers, and their weight can range from 52 to 90 kg.

The skin of these dogs is wrinkled, forming many folds on the face and body. Body – with well-developed muscles and a wide chest. The large head with a wide frontal part and a blunt muzzle is attached to the body by a small neck. Legs are short and strong.

These dogs are smooth-haired, the color can only be red (of different shades). According to the standard, there may be a darker mask on the face, and one large white spot on the chest.


This dog is built like an athlete, like a Great Dane, and can be a watchman, hunter or guard. The height of males does not exceed 66-67 cm, females - up to 64 cm. Their weight does not exceed 43-44 kg.

But the appearance of the Dogo Argentino is quite intimidating due to the powerful jaws and general expression of the muzzle.

His body is strong, with well-developed muscles, his back is wide, his lumbar region is powerful and his chest is voluminous. The head is shorter than that of Great Danes, with wide nostrils, thick lips, ears set high, and almond-shaped eyes. Argentines are smooth-haired, with snow-white soft fur. The neck is powerful, with good muscles. The straight, powerful limbs end in rounded paws.


Any deviation from the norm is considered unacceptable, and the assessment is carried out in full accordance with the degree of deviation.

This breed is not designed for living in an apartment. The Komondor is uncomfortable in confined spaces. The ideal option is a rural area where the dog can fully develop and demonstrate its characteristics. It is also possible to keep it in a large enclosure with a booth placed in it, since the Komondor calmly tolerates even the most severe frosts thanks to its fur coat.

The main difficulty in keeping a Komondor is caring for its coat. From the moment of the first molt, cords begin to form, which are correctly called dreadlocks. The wool is taken into strands and twisted in a certain sequence of different thicknesses. You need to do this constantly. If you don’t pay enough attention to this procedure, the Komondor’s coat will form felt, with which it will no longer be possible to do anything, and skin problems will begin.

You need to brush your Komondor with a soft brush. It is recommended to wash no more than once every 3 months.

This breed is also bathed in a special way. First, they are almost completely immersed in water with diluted special shampoo so that the dog’s fur gets wet, then they take it apart into strands and wash each one according to the principle of how we wash a woolen item. Then thoroughly rinse off the soapy water and dry with towels, of which you will need at least a dozen. This type of fur takes a very long time to dry, so the procedure should be carried out only in the warm season, in order to avoid the dog catching a cold.

To bathe Komondors, you should use a special shampoo that contains lanolin. All other products wash away the natural lubricant from the skin and greatly dry it out. This leads to dullness and brittleness of the coat, the appearance of tangles and lumps.

Dense wool is susceptible to parasite infestation. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly examine the dog and use preventive measures.

Herding breeds

Bearded dogs are found among long-haired shepherd dogs. The hair on the body and head grows almost the same length. Hair growth above the eyes, on the cheeks, cheekbones and chin forms a thick beard, bangs hiding the eyes, and a bushy mustache.

Catalan Shepherd

These are the first Spanish dogs to gain worldwide recognition. At home, they became skilled assistants to farmers. Catalan Shepherds are famous for their independent thinking and ingenuity; they are able to manage a herd for a long time without the presence of a person.

Portuguese Shepherd

The dogs were bred in the Alentejo region of Portugal, where they still help herd and guard livestock. In their homeland, the animals’ facial expressions are seen to have a subtle resemblance to a monkey, which is why they are jokingly called “monkey dog.”

South Russian Shepherd

The animals look like huge shaggy lap dogs of white, light gray, fawn color. The length of the fur reaches 20 cm, and is almost the same size on the body and head. If you do not plan to take your pet to exhibitions, then the fur coat is trimmed to 5 cm.

Bouvier des Flanders

The literal translation of the name is “shepherd from Flanders.” According to the requirements of the standard, a mustache and a hard, heavy beard “should impart ferocity to the expression.”

Bearded Collie

Antique medium-sized herding dogs from Scotland. The name was given for the lush long hair all over the head and on the chin. Animals exhibit a curious property. Puppies are born dark. As they grow older, the hair lightens, and permanent color is formed only at 3 years.


The price of a Hungarian Shepherd puppy in rubles can fluctuate significantly. In addition, in our country Komondors are quite rare and cost a lot.

It is recommended to purchase a dog from a kennel, but you should take into account the fact that a puppy from titled parents will cost more than usual.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the following things:

  • availability of a veterinary passport;
  • presence of pedigree;
  • compliance with standard requirements;
  • availability of vaccinations required at the time of purchase;
  • absence of discharge in the nose, ears, eyes and behavior of the puppy.

Komondor are large Hungarian Shepherds covered with long, wavy white hair that even covers their eyes. Thick fur makes them visually even larger. Komondors have considerable strength; it is not for nothing that they were used to fight wolves.

History of the origin of the breed

The Komondor breed was originally brought to Hungary from the territory adjacent to the Black Sea. Over time, the true origin was forgotten, only a beautiful legend and a scientific version remained.


Dogs with wool dreadlocks are the fruit of love between a lion and a sheep. The story took place more than 1000 years ago, the king of beasts fell in love with a meek lamb. Tender and timid, with snow-white fur, she captivated the heart of a formidable predator. The sheep reciprocated the love of the lion; the most unusual wedding in the history of the animal world took place. After the allotted time, the cubs were born, covered with snow-white fur, like their mother’s, and with their father’s character.

Scientific version

The historical account of the appearance of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog, called the Komondor, is more boring than the tale of the love of a lion and a sheep.

As written above, the breed is very ancient, more than 1000 years old. Its history began in territories located on the Black Sea coast. Previously, they were inhabited by peace-loving tribes, but during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, they were evicted to the Hungarian plateaus. After leaving their homes, people took their dogs with them. In the new territories we had to adapt; there was a need for universal dogs that could herd and protect livestock, as well as the owners themselves. The huge Komondors coped with the task assigned to them with dignity.

The breed was formed under the influence of the local climate; for many centuries people did not participate in its selection. As a result of natural selection, large, shaggy and ferocious dogs were obtained, capable of standing up for their master and the entrusted livestock.

Despite their extensive history, animals received official recognition only at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1900s, several representatives were brought to the United States, and Komondors conquered local dog breeders. Work began on its active breeding; the peak of the Hungarian Shepherd's popularity occurred in the first half of the last century.

After the war, the Komondor dog breed was on the verge of extinction. Hungarian dog handlers and enthusiasts did not want to lose their national pride, and work began on its restoration. Now the breed has been completely restored, is widespread throughout the world and is loved among true dog connoisseurs.


Shar Pei

Shar Pei has an easy-going and affectionate character, intelligence and intelligence. At home, he is affectionate and playful, loves children very much and willingly plays with them.


Chapendois can come in all colors. Although preference is given to bluish-gray with black. The coat is thick, with developed undercoat.

Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)

The Shetland Sheepdog is a small, long-haired working dog, very beautiful, free from clumsiness and rudeness.


The Schipperke is a wonderful little guard dog, exceptionally sensitive, full of energy, and shy away from strangers. He is active, nimble, tireless, and constantly interested in his surroundings.

Shih Tzu

This is a companion dog, active and independent, with good intelligence and a peaceful disposition. Shih Tzus know how to distribute their affection among all members of the household, but if the owner is alone, the dog will relentlessly accompany him everywhere.

Breeding Features

It is better not to breed Foxes at an early age. The body of a young terrier cannot cope with the stress that comes with bearing a fetus and feeding puppies. Puppies can also be born with congenital physiological defects and various diseases.

Crossbreeding of Smooth Fox Terriers and Wire Fox Terriers is prohibited.

The Wire Fox Terrier is an active pet that requires a lot of attention. The entire description and characteristics of this breed speaks of its endurance and good health. If the owner takes care of the dog, he will receive a devoted friend in return.

In Moscow there are nurseries that specialize in breeding purebred puppies - “Beit Martavik” (wire fox terriers).


Mallorcan Shepherd

There are two varieties of Majorcan Shepherd: long-haired and short-haired. Short-haired dogs are the most common.


Maltese dogs are very affectionate, friendly, intelligent and intelligent. They are distinguished by a lively and active temperament, good ability to learn commands and a love of outdoor games.


Pugs are high-society animals that feel good in any home, even if there are too many two-legged or four-legged animals in it.

Miniature Schnauzer

Initially, the Miniature Schnauzer was considered a working dog, in the service of simple and wealthy German farmers. This strong, hardworking and good-natured animal will become a wonderful friend, a brave protector and a good helper for any family in need.

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