What is the name of a dog hairdresser: grooming studio as a business

Owners of cats and dogs are increasingly searching on the Internet for the name of a pet hairdresser. A specialist who grooms pets, washes them, cuts them and does a manicure is called a “groomer.” The places where such masters work are grooming studios. The services of specialists are most often used by owners of show dogs and cats, but sometimes there is a demand among caring owners of ordinary pets. We tell you what is needed to open a grooming studio, what services are popular and whether special permits are required for such work.

Why do dogs need grooming?

There are several reasons to groom your pet regularly.
Among them are obvious and not so obvious. The most important thing is that grooming is necessary to maintain the dog’s hygiene. Surely you know how often diseases of the skin, ears and eyes, and sometimes teeth, occur among four-legged animals. Often these ailments are not hereditary, but acquired. A clean and well-groomed pet is always a healthy pet. By the way, when bathing and brushing, it is recommended to use cosmetics for dogs: special shampoos for bathing and sprays to eliminate odor. Why else is dog grooming so relevant? If your pet has a long pedigree and has a noble appearance, he simply must look the part. Otherwise, why buy such a handsome man? Agree, a Tibetan Mastiff or Pomeranian Spitz with matted hair is not the best sight. Regular haircuts and special care are also necessary if the animal takes part in exhibitions.


Those who are just planning to visit a grooming salon and have difficulties with their dog have a number of questions.

Yes, such a possibility exists. But performing the procedure under anesthesia will cause great harm to health: allergies, psychological problems, death. Therefore, experts advise using a sedative and a dog immobilization system. Suitable for large aggressive dogs.

Features are dictated by the size of the dog: a larger bath, more cosmetics, and more work from the groomer are needed. Of course, the cost of services for a canine giant will be higher.

The best option is microfiber. It very quickly absorbs water in large quantities, the structure allows you to wipe away dirt.

Yes, hair treated with balm does not get dirty longer and dandruff is less likely to form. Relieves dryness and dermatitis.

Salary level

The amount of a groomer's salary depends on him. Most often, an employee’s salary is calculated based on the number of clients served and shifts worked. A novice professional can count on 20-40 thousand rubles with an average load. In the process of work, many groomers acquire regular clients and over time gain their own base of visitors. Such a specialist receives 60-80 thousand rubles and even more. A master who works for himself is capable of earning 100 thousand rubles - the figures depend on his professionalism and business acumen.


Although grooming and veterinary medicine are closely related, higher education is not necessary to work with animals in this area. This allows you to spend a minimum of time on training and immediately after receiving the certificate begin professional development. Career growth in the field is not visible, but this does not detract from the opportunities of groomers.

Features of haircut and care

Grooming dogs is the main and most popular function of groomers. This manipulation involves not only reducing the length of the coat, but also the following areas of work.

  • A classic haircut is a standard service that is performed using a special electric clipper or hairdressing scissors. This procedure makes it possible to give the coat thickness and fluffiness. Some dog breeds require clipping - shaving off the entire coat. To improve the aesthetic appearance of the animal, experts recommend using flatvec - leveling the length of the coat at one level. These procedures can be performed both for hair growth and against it.
  • Leveling – adjusting the transitions between long and short hair. The masters try to remove as much as possible all the thresholds and irregularities in the coat. This procedure is final and often involves the use of thinning scissors.
  • Top note is a procedure for creating the desired look for dogs with long hair using elastic bands and barrettes. If the hair length in the scalp area exceeds 15 cm, then the use of these products is mandatory.
  • A non-standard haircut is an absolute deviation from all standards. Masters not only trim the animal, but also color it, tint it, braid it, and tattoo it.
  • Trimming – plucking out dead hair. This technique is suitable for breeds with very coarse hair, when it is impossible for the animal to have a haircut. Hair removal is carried out with special scissors-tongs, which help to make the hair structure ideal.
  • Rolling is the removal of hair of different lengths using special curling irons.
  • Placking is the manual removal of dead hair, which prevents the appearance of tangles and skin rashes.

When carrying out the bathing process, specialists will not only rid the animal of dirt, but will also select a special shampoo and conditioner, and also carry out decorative tinting of the coat. After water treatments, the master will dry and style the hair as quickly as possible, and will also prevent water from getting into the ears and causing hypothermia of the animal. Also, during the washing process, masters may notice the first signs of dangerous diseases.

Caring for the nail plates is an equally important manipulation, which consists of the following steps:

  • removing hair between toes;
  • claw length adjustment.

Many owners often hesitate to trim their pets’ nails themselves due to the lack of practical skills and special tools. Ignoring this procedure can lead to claws growing into the pads and causing inflammation. Specialists will not only reduce the length of the nail plate, but also file and polish them, and also cover them with special strengthening agents. Professional craftsmen recommend filing your claws weekly, and then you can avoid visiting salons.

To maintain acute hearing and vision, a dog must take care of its ears and eyes throughout its life. It is better to entrust this procedure to specialists who will remove hair near the eyes and ears, remove pus and mucus, and also wash these organs with special medications.

In order for the pet to easily tolerate all procedures, from an early age, owners should comb the pet daily, trim the claws 2 times a month, and clean the ears every month. Only animals accustomed to these manipulations behave calmly and adequately.

How to open a hairdresser for animals

Grooming salons are opening in cities and large towns. The business is promising, as more and more pets are appearing in families, and many animal exhibitions are held. Dog owners have enough money to take care of the health and aesthetics of the animal.

Business plan

First, a strategic work plan is drawn up. They study the market and competition in the city: how many dog ​​hairdressing salons exist, where they do this at home. They are interested in what services the salons offer and the level of staff training. They calculate possible risks and costs for renting premises, purchasing equipment and materials, and organizational expenses.

For your information! A business plan is a program for commercial activities. It is needed as a presentation for partners or creditors to convince them of the feasibility of this activity.


They start by registering an individual enterprise or limited liability company with a tax organization if there is an intention to trade in cosmetics, food, and accessories. They receive OGRN, EGRN and INN numbers. The LLC hires a certified veterinarian, an accountant, and a cleaner.

Important! If a person is already registered as an individual entrepreneur, then an additional type of activity is added to open an animal care salon.

Next, choose the form of taxation - basic or simplified. A single tax is suitable for entrepreneurship - 25 thousand rubles* per year.

Choose OKVED code 01.42 - services in animal husbandry, except veterinary, or 93.05 - other personal services. You can choose a haircut for pets - OKUN 018 317.

Next, the enterprise is registered with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (PF and MHIF).

At the preparatory stage, future entrepreneurs incur the following expenses:

  • hire a legal consultant;
  • pay the state fee;
  • are spent on opening a current account.

Note! It takes little time to organize a pet care business, since private entrepreneurial activity is encouraged at the state level.

Bathing a dog in the salon

Renting premises

The area of ​​the room must be at least 60 m². It is good if the building is located in the center of the settlement, close to public transport stops. Choose places with parking lots, close to veterinary stations. The lease agreement is concluded for 3-5 years.

Premises requirements:

  • employees must have a locker room and shower room;
  • a place for bathing animals is equipped in a separate room, where sinks, bathrooms are located, hot and cold water, exhaust hood and sewage are provided;
  • in the main hall several masters and specialists in different breeds should freely fit in so as not to interfere with each other;
  • the salon is equipped with forced ventilation.

Important! When the premises have been selected, they contact Rospotrebnadzor, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Ministry of Emergency Situations to coordinate the environmental safety of the facility.

Grooming studio equipment

To work in the studio, a dog grooming specialist purchases a set of equipment, supplies, and grooming products.

What is necessary:

  • Desktop. It can be stationary or mobile on wheels. They come to the dog's house with folding portable tables. The groomer's workplace is kept free and equipped with brackets;
  • bath. Plastic or stainless steel, simple or with an electric lift - it all depends on the budget of the studio owner;
  • hairdryer Animals do not have much patience. To quickly dry a dog’s hair, buy powerful compressors;
  • hair clipper. Required with different attachments;
  • scissors. Special curves at the ends of simple and thinning tools will protect dogs from injury;
  • nail clipper A necessary thing for dogs, since nail scissors are not suitable for their nail plates;
  • cosmetics. Animal shampoos, sprays, oils and creams - the list is long;
  • computer and other office equipment.

Note! A groomer's work cannot be done without combs and brushes, napkins and towels, slickers and fuminators. All equipment, as well as workwear for staff, can be purchased used.

Mud baths

Advertising for a grooming salon

Even at the project preparation stage, they think about how to quickly promote the business and develop a marketing plan.

What future owners of fashion studios for animals are doing:

  • distribute leaflets indicating the opening date of the salon, offer the first examination and haircut for free, discounts for puppies up to 10 months;
  • create advertising banners;
  • advertise in local periodicals, on television and radio;
  • Posting sheets of advertising in courtyards and entrances;
  • provide information on housing and communal services receipts.

Important! An effective method is pages on social networks maintained by experienced administrators.

Pet grooming: additional services

Hygiene procedures for dogs are the main activity. But a specialized enterprise will not be successful if it does not offer massages with aromatic creams, manicures, and wool dyeing.

What do dog beauty salons offer:

  • hydromassage and azotherapy, mud baths. Manipulations belong to SPA procedures, calm animals, and disinfect the skin. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating bitches, weakened and infected individuals;
  • bathing with shampoos and conditioners;
  • model haircut according to breed standard;
  • shaving paw pads;
  • nail trimming;
  • plucking dead hair from the ear canals;
  • cutting of the groin and abdomen.

Note! It is convenient for dog owners to buy ointments, creams, and balms for their pets in the salon. Toys, food, collars, harnesses - all this is purchased at hairdressing salons for dogs.

Promoted enterprises take care of the animal for the whole day. While the dog is undergoing procedures, the owner may be away on business.

Trimmed dog

Why do you need to groom cats?

In addition to standard haircuts, cats of all breeds need to trim their nails from time to time. It is advisable to accustom your pet to this from an early age. For the procedure you need to use special scissors, which are sold in pet supply stores. Some animals love to have their nails trimmed. In this case, you can do it on your own. If your pet refuses to allow you to cut at least one of its claws, you should go straight to the groomer.

A cat needs to be groomed on average two to four times a year.

Take care of your pets, love them and enjoy their beautiful appearance!


Dog grooming is a profession that is rapidly gaining popularity. After all, more and more new breeds are appearing in the world, many of them have long hair, which requires special care. At exhibitions, not only the exterior characteristics of the dog are often assessed, but also the features of the haircut. Domestic dogs also require proper care; owners are not always able to properly look after the silky coat of Yorkies and spaniels.

But not every owner can cope with large shaggy dogs, such as Afghan hounds and Komondor.

From veterinarian to hairdresser

“My parents instilled in me a love of animals from an early age. We had a cat and a dog, and there was a veterinary clinic not far from the house. One day, my friend and I took our dogs there for vaccinations, and then I realized that I also wanted to work with animals,” says Alena.

After drying the wool with a hairdryer and comb, Elena Kovyazina begins cutting. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

The doctor’s work inspired the girl so much that soon Lena was helping him at appointments, working with a microscope, and by the time she graduated from school she knew exactly what she wanted to become. “During my studies at the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after. N.E. Bauman, I worked as a veterinary assistant in one of the Kazan clinics, and immediately after graduating from university with honors, I began working as a doctor, says Elena Kovyazina. — After two years, I realized that I was missing something in my life. The work of a veterinarian is very noble and useful, but there was no creativity and inspiration in it; I wanted to create something with my own hands, to bring joy to people. At the same time, I understood that I really wanted to work with animals - they are my life.”

Article on the topic

Pets bring joy and change your lifestyle

Soon the girl quit her job at the veterinary clinic and went to Moscow to study as a groomer. In Russia, this profession is not included in the official register; it is taught at pet salons and on the basis of cynological organizations.

So Elena Kovyazina found a business that she would like to do all her life.

How to learn to groom dogs

Dog owners are faced with a lot of hair in their apartments on carpets and furniture. Family members may be allergic to wool, so many cut their dogs short themselves. It’s not difficult to learn—just read the literature and find information on the Internet about your pet’s breed.

Mini Doberman (dwarf): what is the name of the breed

But if you want to do business professionally, you need to take courses. In cities, they are open at veterinary clinics and dog beauty salons. You will have to pay for training from experienced specialists.

Students are given an idea of ​​the exterior features of different breeds of animals and taught how to properly handle them. Masters share the secrets of their profession: theoretically and in practice, students master grooming techniques and methods of caring for the skin of dogs. Mandatory sections of the courses: animal anatomy, hygiene, safety precautions when working with representatives of the animal world.

Important! Upon completion of the courses (30-40 hours of training), a certificate is issued. With a “crust” it is possible to find a job in one of the studios or open your own hairdressing salon

With a “crust” it is possible to find a job in one of the studios or open your own hairdressing salon.

You can also learn the business at a grooming school. It differs from courses in a broader program involving specialists from related professions. Sometimes it is enough to become an apprentice groomer or learn on your own from books and videos on the Internet.

Groomer studio

Where to learn to be a groomer

The specialty of a groomer does not require specialized higher education, however, knowledge of the basics of veterinary medicine will not be superfluous. Quite often, veterinarians or paramedics are retrained as groomers.

You can also take grooming courses offered by various grooming salons or canine associations. If you wish and have certain abilities, you can master the skill of grooming on your own, but if you want to work in this specialty, it is better to obtain the appropriate certificate. The average cost of training for a groomer is 30 thousand rubles

. You can subsequently take additional courses.


A professional groomer does more than just groom animals. The master must be able to trim the fur and comb out tangles, brush teeth and trim claws, cut off excess hair between the paw pads and color the animal’s claws and fur at the owner’s request. In addition, the groomer's responsibilities include bathing the pet, comprehensive care for the eyes and ears, as well as cutting patterns, braiding and styling hair.

However, the latest trends in dog and cat fashion place more serious demands on groomers. So, today the procedures of body wraps, ozone therapy, massage, aromatherapy and rubbing of creams are very popular. No less popular are tattooing and coloring animal fur in different colors.

As for the technical side of the issue, the groomer must have a good understanding of coat types and know which tool is suitable for which type. He must also keep the equipment clean, regularly disinfect scissors, combs and other devices, know the proportions of dilution of chemicals and monitor the impeccable cleanliness and sterility of the room. To do this, the groomer must equip his office in accordance with sanitary standards, provide good ventilation and remove any soft objects from the room.

Disinfection of the table, washing of floors, window sills and other hard surfaces should be carried out after each client. In addition, the groomer must register as an individual entrepreneur or self-employed person.

Required qualities and skills

Despite its popularity and demand, the profession of a groomer is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before deciding to choose a specialty, you should find out what qualities and skills a professional groomer should have, and realistically assess your abilities.


The most important and mandatory quality of a future groomer is love for animals. Pets very keenly feel the absence of this state of mind, and therefore are reluctant to make contact with such a person. In addition to love, the master must have a good knowledge of animal psychology and behavioral characteristics of each breed. This will help avoid misunderstandings when working with four-legged clients and eliminate injuries.

In addition, the groomer must be patient, stress-resistant, positive and sociable.

The last quality is especially important, since any animal has an owner, and the continuation of further cooperation will depend on personal relationships with him. Also, the groomer must be neat and pedantic, have a good eye, have excellent taste and have a sense of proportion.


A good specialist must constantly improve his skills, attend exhibitions and seminars, carefully monitor fashion trends, as well as monitor changes in technology, the emergence of new tools and skin and coat care products on the market. An important professional quality, oddly enough, is some composure and the ability to do your job well in any conditions.

This is due to the fact that groomers are often invited to do the final preparation of the animal immediately before the exhibition, when the master has to do his job literally in the field and with a constantly distracted and fidgeting animal. An experienced groomer must have some knowledge of veterinary medicine in order to promptly point out to the owners any abnormalities in the pet’s health, especially with regard to skin, eye and ear diseases, the onset of which, due to lack of experience, may not be noticed by the owners.

Profession: what is the name of a hairdresser for dogs and cats?

Hairdressing salon for animals - have you heard about the new round of development of the “beautiful business”? What is the name of the profession of people who cut animals? What is the name of a hairdresser for dogs and cats? How to choose the right stylist for your pet and what you need to know before going to the pet hairdresser.

A person who grooms animals is called a groomer. This profession has become popular quite recently. The increase in the number of groomer employees is provoked by a new trend - to have a small four-legged friend. Indeed, there are a lot of small dogs in need of careful care. Remember the times of the 80s - then you could count them on your fingers.

What are the responsibilities of a groomer?

What is the name of a pet hairdresser? Have you found out what his responsibilities are? Is it really just wool cutting?

No, as you may have already guessed, grooming involves complete care of your pet, including hygiene services. A full service consists of: cleaning ears, eyes, nose, trimming hair according to the breed, cleaning anal glands, trimming/removing claws.

Of course, the entire listed complex is carried out by the same master, called a groomer.

The responsibilities of a specialist can also include: love and reverent attitude towards animals. After all, often, cutting a haircut for them is equated to terrible torture.

How to choose a dog groomer


Ask the candidate to show certificates and existing educational degrees. To “enter” the profession you do not need to have a completed “tower”. However, it is highly desirable to have at least a certificate certifying the completion of grooming courses.

Having a veterinary education will be an undoubted advantage.

Equipment and tools

If the choice of a specialist takes place on his territory, i.e.

in a pet salon, pay attention to the available equipment. As a rule, low-quality grooming offices do not purchase expensive, professional furnishings, but opt ​​for household appliances

Keep in mind that it will be awkward for your pet to wash in a household bathtub or dry with a high-heat hairdryer. By the way, the quality of the scissors will play a significant role in the final result of the haircut.

People who love animals tend to have a gentle, calm character. If your potential groomer-stylist is irritated even by your questions, your pet will most likely be extremely stressed after contacting such a specialist.

  1. Try not to leave the salon during your pet's first haircut. You have a chance to watch the groomer’s work and calm the animal in case of a negative situation.
  2. Do not over-feed your pet before going to the hairdresser.
  3. Take your pet for a walk a few hours before visiting the pet salon.

Veterinarians say that haircuts for dogs are not just a whim of the owners, but a real hygienic procedure. It allows your pet to feel great in living conditions in city apartments. The fact is that matted fur and hairs that have already become obsolete can significantly spoil the life of an animal. In addition, matted wool can cause various diseases. You can solve this problem and prevent the occurrence of your pet’s skin diseases by regularly cutting the pet’s fur, trimming it, thoroughly combing it and washing it with specialized cosmetics. This can not only prevent the occurrence of diseases, but also improve the health of your pet’s skin and coat.

Experienced groomers, as “animal hairdressers” are called, have a whole arsenal of special devices with which they perform a real professional haircut for pets. Groomers also give the animals a massage, which helps improve blood circulation and the coat takes on a well-groomed appearance.

Experienced groomers, as “animal hairdressers” are called, have a whole arsenal of special devices with which they perform a truly professional haircut for pets

Before we take a closer look at the difference between grooming cats and dogs, you need to understand the price of the issue.

Directions, specialties and educational institutions according to the profile of training

Grooming training is not provided in technical schools and colleges in the country. However, there are areas of study, mastering which will help you enter the profession. These are “Cynology”, “Veterinary” and “Animal Science”.

Anyone can simply complete a grooming course from scratch, but their knowledge will be limited only by their immediate work responsibilities. In college, he will receive deeper and more systematic knowledge, in particular, about the structural features of animals and their diseases.

First of all, you should pay attention to the colleges where dog handlers are trained, for example:

  1. Educational College of Urban Planning "Capital". Here they study to become dog handlers after the 11th grade via correspondence.
  2. Shchelkovo College also teaches the specialty of cynology. You can enroll after the 9th grade of school; studies last three and a half years.
  3. Moscow State College of Electromechanics and Information Technologies. Despite the name, the list of educational programs includes “Cynology” with the possibility of training based on grades 9 and 11.

You can also learn a profession through courses, which are mainly available in large cities. For example, the Boncheri Grooming Academy in Moscow teaches dog grooming in seven-day courses and has advanced training programs for already practicing specialists. The ZooProfi grooming school provides training in various regions of the country lasting 120 hours. In St. Petersburg, the Master Groom school provides knowledge in 56 academic hours (two weeks, 4 hours each). The standard graduate of such courses is a dog groomer.

What do you need to groom dogs at home?

Even if you regularly visit the salon, you need to know the main points about home grooming. You should not overpay for hygienic care; being able to perform manipulations is the responsibility of the dog owner.

Grooming Tools

At home you need to have:

  • a comb with iron teeth, a slicker brush, a mitten with a silicone brush. The set of tools for combing depends on the pet's coat;
  • scissors of different sizes with blunt tips so as not to injure the dog;
  • high-quality sharp nail clipper, selected according to the diameter of the animal’s claws;
  • device for cutting tangles. This type of tangle cutter is also useful in cases where the dog picks up a burdock;
  • cotton pads, napkins and other material that will be on hand for treating eyes and ears;
  • specialized sprays and lotions for hygiene;
  • shampoo selected according to age, coat type and color. You can purchase dry shampoo or powder that allows you to clean your hair without water;
  • toothpaste and brush, tartar remover.

Such a set of tools and tools should be at hand. After all, a dog can become dirty at any moment of the day or night.

Groomer services

When clients bring their pets to a grooming salon, they expect a solution to all problems related to their appearance. Therefore, the master’s range of services should include certain basic operations aimed at ensuring the hygiene and health of animals. This:

  1. Combing. Using various combs and brushes, the wool is tidied up, dead fibers and tangled balls are removed from it;
  2. A haircut. During the hygienic process, overgrown hair that bothers the animal is removed, and during the model process, the pet is cut according to breed standards;
  3. Bathing and drying. Water procedures are necessary not only to remove dirt and dead fibers, but also for the overall health of the coat;
  4. Trimming claws. Pets don't move enough, so their nails don't have time to wear down. As they grow, they dig into the pads and interfere with walking;
  5. Teeth cleaning. The groomer's job is to remove tartar, improve gum health, whiten teeth and prevent oral diseases;
  6. Ear cleaning. During the operation, the ears are washed from wax and dirt, and villi that are bothering the animal are plucked out;
  7. Eye cleaning. Pets may have deposits in the corners of their eyes that need to be removed. Some breeds require tear track bleaching.

Professional animal grooming involves many different operations that serve different purposes and are intended for different breeds of animals. For example, the following technologies are used to care for dogs and cats:

  • Basic haircut. This is done with a machine or scissors. Its goal is to obtain a uniform, thick coat;
  • Clipperweak. This is a short machine haircut that is almost bald. Some breeds leave untouched areas on the legs or body;
  • Flatvec. Another type of machine haircut, in which short hair of the same length is left on the body;
  • Blending. Smoothes the transitions between short and long hair areas. The silhouette of the animal becomes smooth and harmonious;
  • Trimming. Plucking dead fibers from wool using a special knife. Suitable for wire-haired, non-shedding breeds;
  • Stripping. In essence, this is an artificial molt. It differs from trimming in that during the processing process, not only the undercoat, but also the guard hair is plucked;
  • Rolling. Partial trimming, in which the hair is not completely plucked. As a result, the animal does not look bald and is always ready for exhibition;
  • Top notes. A technology for creating hairstyles for decorative breeds, in which the wool is collected in bunches and tied with elastic bands or bows;
  • Creative. This is a haircut without any restrictions for the master's flight of fancy. The wool is cut into patterns and dyed, the claws are covered with varnish and rhinestones.

When setting prices, an at-home dog groomer usually targets middle-income citizens. In a salon equipped with modern equipment, the client is willing to pay more for the same services. Here are approximate tariffs for a big city:

Groomer services

Procedureup to 5 kgup to 10 kgmore than 10 kg
Grooming of decorative breeds160020002400
Haircut and preparation for the exhibition350040004500
Hair removal for hairless dogs240028003200
Artificial shedding160018002000
Full trim230025002700
Hygienic haircut170020002300
Combing out mats100014001800
Trimming ears, muzzle or paws300400500
Removing hair from ears300300300
Comprehensive care260032003600
Complex for especially large breeds7000
Grooming of mongrel dogs100012001500
Nail trimming200300400
Filing the claws300400600
Ear cleaning200200200
Eye cleaning200200200
Ultrasonic stone removal150020002500
Brushing with toothpaste200300400
Washing and blow drying5008001100
Hair mask5008001100
A haircut2000
Cutting mats1500
Combing out mats1200
Comprehensive care2300
Washing and blow drying1500
Nail trimming300
Plucking hair from ears300
Anti-claw sticker400
Cutting patterns800
Varnishing claws600
Gluing rhinestones50

Why do you need to groom cats?

In addition to standard haircuts, cats of all breeds need to trim their nails from time to time. It is advisable to accustom your pet to this from an early age. For the procedure you need to use special scissors, which are sold in pet supply stores. Some animals love to have their nails trimmed. In this case, you can do it on your own. If your pet refuses to allow you to cut at least one of its claws, you should go straight to the groomer.

A cat needs to be groomed on average two to four times a year.

Take care of your pets, love them and enjoy their beautiful appearance!


A groomer is a specialist who specializes in grooming pets (usually dogs and cats).

From English groom

clean a horse, look after it, groom it. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and world artistic culture (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Groomer -

specialist in bringing out the external gloss of pets (usually dogs and cats).

How much does a professional groomer earn?

This issue is relevant both for employers (they want to have a guideline for mutual settlements) and for job seekers, especially those just taking their first steps in this field. Let's answer frankly - it is difficult to identify clear numbers, since the amount of wages in each situation depends on many related factors:

  • availability of specialized education;
  • practical experience in grooming;
  • master's reputation;
  • the list of services provided - the wider it is, the more competent the specialist;
  • size of the settlement (which determines demand).

The more credentials and skills a specialist has, the higher the price tag for his services. On average, you can find such figures in Russia.

  1. A novice master in a salon earns about 15,000 - 20,000 rubles.
  2. Home craftsmen who offer a wide range of services can apply for 30,000 - 35,000 rubles monthly with a busy schedule.
  3. Specialists in small towns receive less - up to 20,000 rubles.

For comparison, we advise you to look at the salary profile of dog handlers.

Of course, these figures cannot be the ultimate truth, since the groomer’s final income additionally depends on such parameters as:

  • regularity of dog shows in the region;
  • season;
  • solvency of the population;
  • social and geographical factors.

Grooming equipment

To provide quality grooming services at home or in your own salon, you need to stock up on professional tools. The equipment specification may include dozens of items, but some of them require special attention:

  • A special table with a non-slip coating and a bracket for fixing the animal. It is advisable to choose a rotary model with a hydraulic lift;
  • Bathtub for bathing. There are models made of stainless steel and plastic on sale. It is useful to add a ladder to it so that you do not have to lift heavy dogs;
  • Trimmers. Models for people cannot be used, as they quickly become clogged with fine wool and overheat;
  • Combs. For different types of work, combs with long, short, rare and frequent teeth are used. The groomer should have a lot of them in his arsenal;
  • Brushes. There are special models with natural and synthetic bristles, massage brushes and slicker brushes for removing dead undercoat;
  • Scissors. You will need at least four types - regular ones of different lengths, short ones with blunt ends for paws and thinning ones. You cannot skimp on such a tool;
  • Knives for trimming and stripping. They are purchased taking into account the type and density of wool. Accordingly, different animal breeds require different models;
  • Muzzles. There should also be several of them - for nervous dogs and cats of different sizes. Cones for protecting the head - Elizabethan collars - are also useful.

In terms of equipment, the grooming room is almost as good as a human beauty salon. Moreover, to care for animals, the master uses a number of specific devices intended exclusively for four-legged visitors. What you need to become a groomer:

Groomer's office equipment

Nameprice, rub.QtyAmount, rub.
Groomer table14000114000
Master's chair210012100
Bath with shower46500146500
Hand dryer550015500
Floor hair dryer860018600
Hair straightener160011600
Curling iron170011700
Hair clipper5700211400
Ultrasonic scaler21400121400
Trimming knives60042400
Colt cutter50021000
nail clipper60021200
Nail file6001600
Accessory cabinet350013500
Tool trolley490014900
Tool belt140011400
Animal holder3002600
Elizabethan collars2004800
Germicidal lamp160011600
Washing machine14500114500
Safety glasses100011000
Protective mask60042400
First aid kit180011800
Waste container220012200
Barber vacuum cleaner15200115200
Bathroom with shower26000126000
Cleaning equipment300013000
Refrigerator for drugs20400120400

In addition, the groomer needs to replenish the supply of consumables and cosmetics monthly. When choosing them, you cannot save money, since cheap shampoo or dye can cause irritation and even burns in animals. What a master needs:

Groomer Supplies

Nameprice, rub.QtyAmount, rub.
Protective finger guards50201000
Air conditioner300026000
Air conditioner110022200
Fixative varnish110022200
Hemostatic powder8001800
Gel for gums3002600
Toothpaste for dogs50021000
Ear lotion100044000
Eye lotion100022000
Wool dye2004800
Elastic bands with bows100101000
Glue for rhinestones3002600
Set of rhinestones2002400

Cats bite more often

By 12:00 Lena finishes cutting Danchik’s hair, hands him over to the owner and, seeing him off, continues to talk. “The work of a groomer is seasonal. In spring, summer and early autumn, when there are a lot of people wanting to cut their pet’s hair, the day is completely packed, there is no time to even eat in peace, and you can only dream about the weekend. When it gets cold outside, there are fewer customers. During this period, I can calmly devote myself to education, training, and advanced training through courses and master classes. I do handicrafts, embroider, read books on psychology and business.”

Glamorous Danchik. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

Cleaning the workbench, preparing tools, and by 18:00 the groomer is already meeting his fourth client of the day. The cat named Rocky resists Lena's actions for a long time - it is very difficult to force the animal to stand in one place during a haircut.

Only experience and certain techniques can help here. “The most important thing is calm and self-confidence. Pets feel it. If you fuss and lisp too much, the animal will not stand still and you won’t be able to get a good haircut. There are certain devices for restraining animals, as well as muzzles, but these are extreme measures that I very rarely resort to,” says Lena.

Rocky the cat is unhappy with being brushed. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

You need to be extremely careful not to cut the animal or yourself during the cutting process. Cats are more likely to bite groomers than dogs.

Usually cats are cut like a lion. Some groomers decorate the animals with shaved patterns on the coat, such as a spiral on the tail.

“Basically, cat owners turn to a groomer because one of their family members has suddenly developed an allergy to fur or because of excessive shedding, when housewives are simply tired of cleaning the entire apartment of hair every day,” says Lena.

“When they bring a shaggy, unkempt animal, and as a result they take away a beautifully trimmed one, and you see the eyes of the happy and surprised owner - it’s nice,” explains the hairdresser.

Groomer's tools. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

The profession gives Elena the opportunity to be financially independent. “This is not even a job, but a hobby, a hobby that brings joy and self-realization,” she sums up.

The groomer receives 3-4 clients per day. Sometimes grooming dogs costs owners more than going to the hairdresser. The business gives a good income.

“Animals carry an incredible charge of positive energy, love and inspiration. You can learn a lot from them: perseverance, love of life and manipulation techniques. What else can you call the ability to beg for something tasty with just one look,” the groomer laughs.

Elena Kovyazina with her pets Tootsie and Bonnie. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

Lena smiles all the time and says that in any job she hates boredom and monotony. And if earlier, in her previous profession, she encountered more often sick and unhappy animals, now her clients only make her happy.

Her working day ends around 20:00. In the evening, the master has an oriental dance lesson, a gym and a swimming pool. A couple of times a year she always takes a vacation and leaves the city to gain strength.

And, most importantly, inspiration for further work

Veterinarians say that haircuts for dogs are not just a whim of the owners, but a real hygienic procedure. It allows your pet to feel great in living conditions in city apartments. The fact is that matted fur and hairs that have already become obsolete can significantly spoil the life of an animal. In addition, matted wool can cause various diseases. You can solve this problem and prevent the occurrence of your pet’s skin diseases by regularly cutting the pet’s fur, trimming it, thoroughly combing it and washing it with specialized cosmetics. This can not only prevent the occurrence of diseases, but also improve the health of your pet’s skin and coat.

Experienced groomers, as “animal hairdressers” are called, have a whole arsenal of special devices with which they perform a real professional haircut for pets. Groomers also give the animals a massage, which helps improve blood circulation and the coat takes on a well-groomed appearance.

Before we take a closer look at the difference between grooming cats and dogs, you need to understand the price of the issue.

You can't shave a Pomeranian

A haircut necessarily begins with communication with the owner. Elena Kovyazina asks the pet’s name, its age, behavioral characteristics, and clarifies whether everything is in order with its health. You need to be especially attentive to older animals. They may have various chronic diseases, for example, joints, which the groomer must know about before starting work so that the grooming is as comfortable as possible for the animal.

The groomer asks the pet owner what kind of haircut he would like for the dog. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

Elena puts the first client, Denchik, on the floor and watches how he moves, to see if there is any limp. Then he feels the pet and checks for redness on the skin. You should not allow a sick animal to get a haircut; you need to protect yourself from possible infection.

Elena Kovyazina is a professional veterinarian, and if any pathologies are detected in a “client,” she immediately informs his owner.

Elena Kovyazina first shaves off all unnecessary hair with a clipper. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

Elena says that dog grooming is primarily intended to make it easier for the owner to care for his pet. There are exhibition and home haircuts. To prepare their dog for a show, owners turn to breeders or groomers who specialize in certain dog breeds.

Rocky the cat watches everything from the side. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

“I mainly do pet grooming,” explains the master. — These are all kinds of options for home haircuts: model, creative. The result depends on the imagination of the owner and the groomer; there are no strict limits here, but there are small restrictions. For example, you can’t shave a Spitz bald, because then the hair may not grow back at all.”

Elena Kovyazina washes the dog with shampoo and conditioner. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

Elena Kovyazina is often contacted by owners of small breed dogs, such as Yorkshire terrier, Maltese, Spitz, poodle, bichon frize, chihuahua, and cocker spaniel.

The groomer is primarily concerned with not harming the animal, because sometimes the “creative” of the owners has no boundaries. Here it is important to say a firm “no” even with the threat of losing the client forever.

The profession of a groomer is taught at pet salons. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

Working as a groomer

Not every person can become such a master groomer. To do this, you need not only not to be afraid of animals, but also to sincerely love them.

It is important to understand that all four-legged animals perfectly sense adrenaline in human blood. This substance is released when there is fear or aggression. A person is not able to consciously overcome the production of adrenaline in his body

If someone is afraid of dogs or cats, or simply doesn't like them, they should not work as a groomer. With a high probability, all animals nearby will show aggression. But love for animals is not enough for a groomer. A person choosing this specialty must have great patience and understanding of the psychology of pets, since the ability to win over oneself is one of the main criteria for successful work. Animals are not people, they will not sit quietly and wait until they get a haircut or haircut

A person is not able to consciously overcome the production of adrenaline in his body. If someone is afraid of dogs or cats, or simply doesn't like them, they should not work as a groomer. With a high probability, all animals nearby will show aggression. But love for animals is not enough for a groomer. A person choosing this specialty must have great patience and understanding of the psychology of pets, since the ability to win over oneself is one of the main criteria for successful work. Animals are not people, they will not sit quietly and wait until they get a haircut or haircut.

Grooming Tools

Dog grooming carried out by specialists in salons, the price of which is quite high, does not always satisfy the owners. Very often, owners believe that they could have done it better, more beautifully, smoother, and so on.

In this case, you need to purchase the appropriate tools and take care of the animal yourself. In addition, self-grooming has a number of undeniable advantages - saving money, constant availability, because the hairdresser can be busy when a haircut is needed, closer contact with the animal. And the dog itself always trusts its own owner more than a stranger’s “dog groomer.”

Grooming Tools

To fully care for your animal’s appearance you will definitely need:

  • table - they come in different sizes, folding and stationary, with and without drainage, with height adjusters, for constant care and for traveling to exhibitions, with corrugated and simply rubberized surfaces and a number of other functions;
  • a nail clipper and a nail file are the minimum for caring for claws, human tools cannot be used for manicure, nails and claws are two different things;
  • scissors - you will need straight scissors, with curved ends, thinning scissors, small ones with round ends - for the eye area;
  • a clipper is only for cutting animals, a clipper for cutting people does not “take” the wool, it only crumples it and tears it out in shreds, causing pain to the dog and causing it to be afraid of cutting, it is better to have two clippers – manual and electric;
  • combs, brushes, grooming mittens - the choice of the right types depends on the breed of the animal; a Dalmatian and a Cary Blue Terrier, for example, will require completely different tools;
  • trimming knives – if an animal needs trimming, when planning to care for a pug, there is absolutely no reason to purchase a set of trimming knives;
  • cosmetics for animals, both for protection and care, and decorative;
  • a very large number of cotton pads and cotton swabs and more.

How can a groomer find clients?

If a groomer is going to work for himself, he needs to independently search for clients. A beginning entrepreneur usually doesn’t have enough money, and therefore at the start it is better to use low-budget methods of promotion. In particular:

  • It is necessary to place flyers in all places where people interested in grooming animals visit. These are kennel clubs, pet stores, veterinary clinics;
  • You can post notices at training grounds and in parks where citizens take their pets for a walk;
  • It is useful to talk to people who do part-time work walking dogs for money. They know many owners of purebred animals;
  • You can advertise in local print media, free newspapers and magazines for pet lovers;
  • If there are breeders in the city who are involved in a business such as breeding dogs or cats, it is advisable to talk to them about ongoing maintenance;
  • You can search for clients through Instagram and VKontakte. Here you need to run your own groups with a portfolio and publish advertisements in urban communities;
  • Having your own website is also beneficial for a groomer's business. On its pages you need to place photographs of the work, a price list and a form for making an appointment online;
  • Finally, you can register on various forums for dog breeders and cat lovers. Giving visitors advice makes it easier to find new clients.

Groomer Responsibilities

A barber or groomer does more than just cut your dog's hair. He performs a range of care procedures. Any vacancy in the salon must clearly state what the master will do. The responsibilities of a dog groomer include:

  • Preliminary inspection, only healthy animals are allowed.
  • Haircut and combing.
  • Bathing.
  • Trimming.
  • Unraveling curls and removing tangles.
  • Trimming claws.
  • Cleaning ears and pinnas.

A person who works as a dog hairdresser must love animals and be able to find contact with them. Be sure to know the peculiarities of their habits and character. In addition, it must be a creative person.

After all, modern dog hairstyles require a special approach. People who are not allergic to wool and have experience with dogs are allowed to work in a reputable hairdressing salon.

They must undergo training and special courses for groomers and have the appropriate certificates. Preference is given to a specialist with higher or secondary veterinary education.

Groomer's place of work

Professionals can work in beauty salons, at home, or go on call. Often they combine all these functions. If a master has many clients, it is difficult to work in his apartment.

After all, a hairdresser requires special equipment. There should be, at a minimum, a table for the dog, a stand for tools, and a separate bathtub for bathing. Small dogs can be groomed in their own apartment, but large dogs are inconvenient to accept at home.

Moreover, after a haircut, wool remains, which can unexpectedly be found in a cup of tea or soup. A hair salon is the most convenient place to groom dogs. There is all the equipment here, the ability to efficiently clean and disinfect the premises.

Often, one salon employs several hairdressers who specialize in different breeds. After all, the hairstyle for each dog has its own characteristics.

For a master who grooms a Yorkshire terrier, it is not easy to move on to poodle hairstyles or trimming wire-haired dogs.

In addition, not every master can handle large dogs. Here you need to have considerable experience. Almost all salons provide such a service as a groomer at home.

Some work exclusively on call. This is very convenient for owners of shy or nervous dogs. It is also recommended to give puppies their first haircut in a familiar environment.

So that the small dog gets used to the procedure and is not afraid of clippers and scissors, nail trimmers and bathing. The cost of a home visit service is slightly higher.

How to choose a hairdresser

In our country this profession is very young, there are few good specialists. For show dogs or rare breeds, finding a master is generally a problem.

Long-haired, as well as short-haired breeds of dogs and cats require careful hair care. It is not limited to just washing and combing the animal. Caring for the long hair of pets is a troublesome task, and not all owners like it. Often, owners cannot provide qualified assistance to their pets. Therefore, there was a need for a special type of activity - grooming.

Groomers are specialists in caring for the appearance of dogs and cats. This is not only a cosmetic, but also a hygienic need.

Prospects for the profession

Just recently, very few people in our country knew the name of a person who brings polish to animals, but now salons are growing by leaps and bounds. Pets have become an indicator of the wealth and status of the owners. So the demand for groomer services will not decrease in the foreseeable future.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the groomer profession is right for you, then we strongly recommend taking a career guidance test from Profgid . It costs mere pennies, and at the same time allows you to avoid mistakes that can go in the wrong direction and cripple your whole life. Find out more >>

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