Is this a fighting breed: common myths about pit bulls refuted

When looking at this dog, none of the passers-by would have the thought of petting him. Most likely, they will wisely step aside, since the terrifying appearance, powerful jaws and unkind gaze eloquently indicate that the breed is not intended for fun. The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the most dangerous dogs with a reputation as a killer and unclear origins. However, are pit bulls really that scary?

Origin of the breed

It is believed that the ancestors of pit bull terriers were American Staffordshire terriers. Until now, this breed is not recognized by the FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale, and does not have strict standards. The breed is registered in the IKS, but is prohibited in many EU countries. Other countries have a number of strict restrictions on keeping pit bulls.

In the USA, this breed has always been popular and was used for dog fighting. Terriers and bulldogs were used to create it. The first awarded pit bulls with super-fast reactions, the second - stubbornness and strength. These qualities have made the American Pit Bull Terrier a fighting, rescue, and hunting machine.

After dog fighting was banned in America, the breeding of pit bulls was prohibited. News flashed in the press about pit bull terrier attacks on people, accompanied by comments and creepy photographs.

Today, the popularity of socialized pit bulls has spread beyond the United States. Due to their developed sense of smell, they are used by the police, in particular, to search for drugs and explosives. In terms of increased loyalty to humans, strict requirements are imposed on the breed. Thus, training pit bulls in disciplines related to aggression towards people is prohibited.

The jaw of pit bulls gives them a death grip when biting.

Pit bulls do have a massive jaw, but its shape does not in any way determine their grip strength. Among the representatives of the breed there are dogs that can really bite hard. But there are also animals that have a weak grip. In addition, the jaw shape of pit bulls is not as powerful as that of other breeds. On this basis, they are ahead of Rottweilers, Siberian Huskies, Doberman Pins and German Shepherds.

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Breed standard

There are two types of American pit bull terriers: bulldog type and terriers. There are no strict requirements for weight: it can vary from 12 to 36 kilograms. On average - 14-28 kg.

External characteristics:

  1. The head is medium length, rectangular. The skull is flat and wide. The cheeks are convex.
  2. The muzzle is square.
  3. The jaws are strong and powerful. Scissor bite.
  4. Nose with wide open nostrils. The lobe can be any color.
  5. The ears are high-set and natural. Cupping is allowed, but not mandatory.
  6. The eyes are almond-shaped. Any shade of cornea.
  7. The neck is convex, muscular, dry, widening towards the withers.
  8. The back is strong, short, sloping.
  9. The shoulder blades are set obliquely and strong.
  10. The chest is not wide and deep. The ribs are closely adjacent to each other, moderately convex.
  11. The tail is set low, short, tapering towards the base.
  12. The limbs are long and strong. Medium sized paws. The gait is springy.
  13. The coat has no undercoat, lies close to the body, is rough and short. There is no fur on the belly.

Any color is allowed (except merle). Can be brindle, solid, with markings.

Tosa Inu

Japanese by origin, the Tosa Inu is another representative of the fighting dog breeds. The animal is large and strong. The dog needs strict training. A lost Tosa Inu is a real danger to others.

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The most friendly, aggressive, hardy and simply wonderful!

In most cases, aggression in fighting dog breeds is the result of improper upbringing. Many of them are quite friendly to strangers, adore their owners and easily get along with cats in the same territory.


Pit bull terriers cannot be called long-lived and healthy. Inbreeding (inbreeding to consolidate breed qualities) leads to the inheritance of genetic diseases, which is why pit bulls have a lot of them. To the credit of many breeders, they try to prevent sick individuals from breeding and carefully monitor genetic abnormalities. But if a puppy is purchased from a private person - on the market, through an advertisement on the Internet - it is not known what set of genes he inherited.

The most common pathology in pit bulls is congenital heart disease. This disease can be detected in a pet at an early age: the baby breathes heavily and gets tired quickly. Subsequently, he becomes apathetic, suffers from shortness of breath, prefers to lie down, and his tongue turns blue. At the slightest suspicion, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. If treatment is started on time, the dog may well live to old age.

The organ of vision in pit bulls is also vulnerable. Thus, representatives of this breed are often diagnosed with cataracts. Since they navigate in space using sense and hearing, it is difficult to recognize pathology. However, if the owner notices that his pet constantly bumps into objects or misses during play, he should consult a veterinarian. Cataracts can be treated, but only if measures are taken in a timely manner.

Like other large breeds, pit bulls are prone to hip dysplasia. The disease manifests itself in lameness, joint pain and, if left untreated, can lead to immobilization of the pet.

Among the diseases associated with keeping a dog are the following:

  1. Obesity. A real scourge of domestic dogs. Leads to the development of heart disease, diabetes, and increases stress on the joints.
  2. Allergy. Pit bulls can have allergic reactions to pollen, dust, and foods such as rice, beef, wheat, and corn.
  3. Hypothyroidism. Develops in middle-aged individuals. The disease must be corrected with medications.

Like other dogs, American Pit Bull Terriers are not immune to infectious diseases, so it is extremely important to follow the vaccination schedule and timely deworming.

American bangog

A short American with a strong build. The animal was bred specifically for dog fights. At heart, the bangog is incredibly loyal to its owner. The pet becomes so attached to one person that, without hesitation, he will give his life for him.


The American Bangog has a unique intelligence. The dog is able to easily distinguish between children playing (even with a slightly aggressive approach) from a really dangerous situation. In addition, dogs of this breed do not bark before attacking. The animals assess the situation for a few seconds and rush into battle (to defend). This breed is one of the most intelligent and quick-witted.


Pit bull owners often encounter prejudice and hostility from others towards their pets. Meanwhile, these are wonderful animals, and the manifestation of malice on their part is nothing more than the result of the purposeful education in them of cruelty and aggression - qualities without which it is impossible to win a battle. The people themselves made the American Pit Bull Terrier like this.

Proper training and early socialization make it possible to obtain an excellent companion, a reliable guard and a loyal friend. A courageous pit bull will love and respect all family members and, in case of danger, will protect them at the cost of his own life.

Pit bulls are intelligent and quick-witted, so they learn easily and quickly remember commands. However, they are unusually stubborn and prone to dominance, so dog experts do not recommend this breed to inexperienced dog breeders. The ideal owner for a dog will be someone who practices fair and firm training coupled with consistent and gentle discipline. Training will require a lot of time and effort to socialize the dog and teach him obedience.

The dog, adapted to society, gladly takes part in any family activity and even in adulthood remains cheerful and cheerful. Most owners of this breed claim that these are the best dogs in the world.

Pit bulls love children and are quite tolerant of childish pranks. But you need to understand that this is a fighting dog and it was not created for games. The child needs to be taught that the dog should be treated with respect. You should not disturb her while sleeping or eating, or pull her ears or tail. Not a single pit bull will tolerate such treatment towards his person. For safety reasons, leaving children alone with a dog, even a small one, is prohibited!

An uncontrolled dog should be kept in a confined area, especially when it reaches sexual maturity. At this time, the dog is trying to become the leader of the pack, so he needs special control.

Historical reference

Since ancient times, dog fighting has been considered a popular entertainment among breeders. In addition to fun, fights between four-legged gladiators brought in good money.

Breeders all over the world have been breeding the most suitable breeds of dogs for fighting. Animals meeting forces must be powerful, strong, agile and fast. This is how their name appeared - fighting


Apart from fighting, these dogs were faithful companions to humans. The dogs fought back against dangerous enemies. Pets could attack even large animals while hunting. In the pastures, the four-legged animals watched over the cattle and drove away thieves from the herd.

A distinctive feature of fighting dog breeds is a loud, frightening bark, a large, strong build, a powerful grin, and a fearless character.

How to choose a puppy

Pit bulls are quite common in Russia, and purchasing a puppy will not be a problem. In nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can buy a pet for 15,000-25,000 rubles, depending on the exterior class.

Pet class puppies are not allowed for breeding or participation in exhibitions. However, this baby may well become an excellent companion and home guard for you. These puppies are the cheapest.

Breeding class babies were born to star parents. The puppies are suitable for breeding and can take part in various competitions. They cost more than pet-class babies.

The most expensive are show class puppies. They have an ideal pedigree, and by participating in exhibitions, they can qualify for the highest awards.

Breeders give puppies to future owners at the age of 8 weeks. The baby has already received all the necessary skills from his mother, learned to communicate with his brothers and developed a scheme for communicating with a person, in other words, received the basics of socialization. If the owner takes the puppy at a later age, he risks facing the problem of education - the pit bull’s character is practically formed and it will be very difficult to retrain it “to suit oneself.”

When choosing a future pet, you need to pay attention not only to a specific puppy, but also to the entire litter. If at least one puppy has a defect, then other babies may have health problems. Choose the most active and sociable baby. His coat should be shiny, his body proportional, his legs and back free of flaws.

Pitbulls don't get along with pets

Each pit bull has its own character. It is determined by both innate characteristics and upbringing. How a pit bull will communicate with other animals depends on its character. If a dog lives side by side with a cat from the first months, it will not harm it. On the contrary, if the puppy was set against cats, it will attack them. Again, these are not characteristics of any particular breed. Huskies, German shepherds, and even pugs will behave the same way. There are no proven statistics that confirm that pit bulls are less sociable than other dog breeds.

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Features of care

The desire to have a pit bull should always coincide with the possibilities. The dog needs to be given maximum attention, but the reward for this will be the love and devotion of the dog to you and the whole family.

Since pit bull terriers are energetic dogs, they need walks (at least two hours a day) and exercise (30-40 minutes, in addition to walking). Like all pets, they require periodic veterinary examinations, vaccinations and deworming.

Otherwise, American Pit Bull Terriers do not require special care. You need to bathe your pet as needed, no more than once a month, and brush it 1-2 times a week using a rubber glove. Then the remaining hairs are removed with wet hands, the wool is rubbed with a piece of suede to give it shine and luster.

The pit bull's eyes should be examined daily, and any discharge should be removed with a damp cloth. Clean your ears once a week with plain water or Vaseline oil. To prevent tartar and satisfy the need to chew, special bone toys are given.

In public places, the American Pit Bull Terrier must be muzzled and on a leash. These measures will help prevent aggression towards people and other animals. Pit bulls do not back down in the fight and fight to the end.

Pit bulls bite more often than other dogs

There are no international statistics that would determine the aggressiveness of breeds. Accordingly, it cannot be said that pit bulls attack people and animals more often than other dogs. Collecting such statistics is a rather problematic task. Attacks and bites can be recorded in veterinary clinics or the police, but the characteristics of the dog’s upbringing are not taken into account. The circumstances that provoked the attack are rarely described. Therefore, it cannot be said for sure that pit bulls bite people more often than other breeds. And blaming their innate aggressiveness for this will also not work.

~Bull Terrier~

The genes of the Dalmatian, English Bulldog and English White Terrier are mixed in the Bull Terrier's blood.

The most interesting fact: keeping such a breed was previously considered good manners among the inhabitants of Oxford University. As you can judge from the photo, the animal’s head consists of forty percent jaws, which it can wield perfectly.

What should I do if my pit bull is very aggressive??

Sometimes, despite providing the best care for the dog and/or taking the time to train and prepare the dog, the dog may become aggressive. If this is the case, since it is a serious problem, we always recommend contacting a specialist such as an ethologist, dog trainer or trainer .

A behavior change specialist can help you evaluate the case, suggest a diagnosis, and provide guidelines. They can also conduct sessions with you and your dog. It is important to emphasize that the prognosis depends on the individual case. However, in any case, detection and treatment as soon as possible is the key to avoiding further problems...


The breed is a bit reminiscent of the Central Asian Shepherd, but the Kangal, as illegal fights have proven, is stronger and more resilient.

The size of the animal is terrifying, which makes it an excellent watchman and security guard.

Alabai Bull Terrier Doberman Kangal Perro de Presa Canario Pitbull Rottweiler The most powerful and dangerous dogs in the world Central Asian Shepherd Staffordshire Terrier Tosa Inu Fila Brasileiro

Frequently asked questions of people.

What dogs can kill wolves?

American Bull Terriers are probably the best at tracking wolves, as they are clearly bred to fight. The pit bull also has a good chance. Same thing with routine or Doberman. Staffordshire Terriers (cousins) or Rhododendrons (lion hunters) also have a good chance.

What breed of dog can kill a tiger?

The main characteristic of the Tibetan Mastiff is its courage (or more accurately, lack of survival instincts). This dog will attack the tiger without hesitation, while smarter dogs will retreat.

Can an Akita dog kill a pit bull?

Akita will destroy the pit. Akitas fight in such a way that they maintain stamina and know how to use their weight. If an Akita holds on to the neck... He can crush it instantly.

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