A dog with a purple tongue - what does the color pigment depend on? Characteristics of breeds

A dog's tongue indicates the degree of its health.
The natural and common color of a dog's tongue is pink. Deviations in color can alert the owners and make them think about the condition of the ward. There are some types of dogs for which an unusual range of tongue shades is normal. A highlight of sorts. A couple of breeds of dogs are identified, where the unusual purple color of the tongue is considered the norm according to GOST. These include the Chow Chow and Shar Pei. The Eurasier is rarely considered a breed with an unusual tongue color, but this specificity was not assigned to him as a guest.

Breed description, standards and appearance

The Chow Chow is a breed of dog with a blue tongue and a striking appearance.
The luxurious mane and slightly frowning appearance make the dog look like an angry teddy bear. The breed standard was first developed in 1895. Since then, the document has been corrected several times. The last time the standard was changed was in 1999, and it is now used to determine what a chow chow looks like:

  1. The head is large with a flat skull and an unpronounced stop. The non-sharp, wide muzzle has a clearly visible chin. The oval eyes are predominantly dark in color, but in blue and cinnamon individuals a color in harmony with the tone of the coat is possible.
  2. The ears are thick and miniature. The tips are slightly rounded. The ears are tilted forward and slightly brought together, so it seems that the dog is frowning.
  3. The nose is large and wide. In cream-colored individuals it is light. In blue and cinnamon representatives of the breed, the lobe is in harmony with the main color. Red and black representatives of the breed have a dark nose.
  4. The teeth are large and white. The normal bite is scissor bite. The lips, palate, gums and tongue are colored blue. Cream, blue and cinnamon animals have lighter tongues and lips.
  5. The body is compact with a perfectly level topline, a strong loin, a deep chest that reaches down to the level of the elbows, and developed but not barrel-shaped ribs.
  6. The tail is set high and carried tightly over the back.
  7. The paws are rounded with reliable support on the toes. The limbs are muscular and strong.

Dimensions are an important characteristic of the breed. Dogs with blue tongues have clearly expressed sexual dimorphism, which is why girls are much lighter and shorter than boys.

Height, cmWeight, kg

When moving, the pet looks as if it is moving on stilts. A similar effect is achieved by having the hock joints point straight down.


There is no official division into types depending on size in the breed. But sometimes dwarf chow chows are born.

Externally, tiny dogs with a blue tongue resemble their standard counterparts and differ from them only in height and body weight.

Mini dogs barely reach 30 cm at the withers and weigh about 11 kg.

Color and coat type

Depending on the length of their coat, Chow Chow dogs are divided into short-haired and long-haired. The first ones are also called smooths from the English word smooth, translated as “smooth”.

Short-haired representatives of the breed are divided into 3 groups:

  1. With dense dense undercoat and sparse awns. Although such animals do not have a long mane, they look soft and fluffy. The blue Chow Chow with this coat looks especially impressive.
  2. With short hair and the same undercoat. Dogs of this type are smoother than their breed counterparts.
  3. With a collar". Animals of this type have a well-developed undercoat, and their paws, shoulders, neck and tail are decorated with a pronounced spine. Due to the uneven cover, a luxurious mane and thick “pants” are created. A white representative of the breed with such hair looks very advantageous.

The current standard places strict requirements on coat color. It should be uniform and clean. A lighter shade is permitted on the back of the thighs and the lower part of the tail.

The following colors are allowed in Chow Chow dogs:

  • blue;
  • white;
  • cinnamon (cinnamon);
  • black;
  • red (red);
  • cream.

Stains of any color are not acceptable. Dogs with markings on their bodies are discarded.

Eurasier (Oirazier)

This breed was developed at the end of the last century in Germany by crossing a Volsprit with a Chow Chow. From the latter he inherited such a feature as a blue tongue. The dog was initially called “Wolf Chow”; the name “Eurasier” was given to it after the breed was recognized by the International Association of Cynological Federations (ICF).

Blue, dark blue or violet pigmentation of the tongue, and sometimes the mucous membrane of the mouth, is considered an indicator of the noble origin of the Eurasier. The intensity of color may change throughout the pet's life, as well as depending on the time of year and ambient temperature.

The Eurasier is a harmoniously built medium-sized dog. Height at withers is from 50 to 60 cm, weight is 25-32 kg. The average life expectancy is about 13 years. Solid colors include shades of red-brown, as well as white, pure black or black and silver. The coat is long, fluffy, with feathering on the tail and neck and “pants” on the hind legs.

Smart, calm and balanced, the Eurasier is very devoted to his owner, but also treats other family members well, and does not show aggression towards strangers without reason. Cheerful, active, very clean, this dog is an excellent option for a family companion and guard, but you cannot keep it on a leash all the time, it needs movement and communication.

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The importance of hardening

Sometimes the owners “shake” over their children, protecting them from the slightest breath of wind, so that, God forbid, they don’t get sick. Here lies a fatal mistake: a dog raised in greenhouse conditions cannot resist the effects of a cold due to weak immunity

Therefore, it is so important to accustom the animal to the surrounding unfavorable factors.

The easiest way to increase resistance is to start hardening, this improves the heat regulatory system.

Of course, it needs to be hardened gradually and within reasonable limits: you shouldn’t throw it out into the cold and wait for it to get used to the cold and stop perceiving it.

Only repeated, constant, and most importantly increasing exposure to cold will lead to the expected result. And most importantly, hardening is carried out against the background of abundant and nutritious nutrition.

Types of cyanosis

Experts distinguish two forms of the pathological condition:

Peripheral cyanosis is a vasospasm that occurs due to prolonged exposure to cold or cold water, as well as due to low cardiac output (a condition in which the heart muscle pumps out less blood than necessary). Central cyanosis is a lack of oxygen saturation in the arterial blood.

The presence of a blue tongue in a dog indicates the likelihood of tissue hypoxia (oxygen starvation), however, this is not the only cause of cyanosis.

Purpose and character

Previously, Chow Chows were used as guard, guard or herding dogs, but nowadays they are bred more for decorative purposes or as a companion. The character of dogs depends greatly on gender. Males are considered calm and calm, while females are more active, inquisitive, and cunning. With outward composure, the Chow Chow does not tolerate strangers on its territory and is quite capable of aggression; it can get into fights with other dogs.

Representatives of the breed, although strong and powerful, love to be lazy. Physical activity is especially difficult for those individuals who live in warm countries - they are too hot. You should not encourage your pet’s desire for an imposing lifestyle; excess weight, hypotension, and obesity can significantly shorten the animal’s lifespan and spoil its character. Interestingly, chow chows copy the behavior of their owner, so lead an active lifestyle and your dog will be physically developed and healthy.

In the heat, you need to take measures to cool your pet, leave it in the shade, cool, as heat stroke is possible. Eyes require special attention and care; daily eye and eyelid hygiene is mandatory. Puppies require careful coat care while they are covered with fluff and during the period of change from fluff to wool. If an adult dog is regularly brushed with a special brush, it will not leave its hair everywhere even during the molting period.

Chow-chow: the dog that licked the sky...

A charming bear cub with lush shaggy hair, intelligent eyes and a bluish tongue - this is exactly how the dog, whose breed has the unusual name “Chow Chow,” is perceived. What features are characteristic of it? We will be happy to tell you about this in this article.

A mysterious visitor from the arid steppes of northern China...

Chow chow has ancient origins. On a bas-relief dating back to 150 BC, the Chinese painted an image of a hunting dog resembling a chow chow. In the 18th-19th centuries, after Marco Polo brought the first description of the breed to Europe, only secular and highly respected individuals were the owners of such a dog.

Nowadays, anyone can buy a Chow Chow dog. But this pleasure is not cheap. But if you still decide to get yourself such a sweet friend, you need to take into account all his features.

Such a proud and independent chow-chow

After purchasing such a dog, it may seem to you that it is completely uncontrollable, and sometimes even aggressive. This is not surprising, because it is in her nature to be the leader of the pack. But only over time, as trust arises between you, will you truly be able to say that the Chow Chow is a calm dog with a very bright personality.

How to care for a chow chow?

Chows themselves are very neat dogs. But if the weather outside is wet and rainy, dirty paws cannot be avoided. Therefore, dogs of this breed from puppyhood must be taught to wash their paws after such walks, because it is almost impossible to do this in adulthood.

By the way, about walks. The Chow Chow is not a dog that will need to be walked long distances on a daily basis. A few circles around your house will be enough.

Due to their lush fur, Chow Chows do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, at a time when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees, it is necessary to choose the coolest possible place for the dog, protected from drafts. But winter is the ideal time of year for the Chow Chow.

Dogs of this breed are patient with children, but not if the chow chow is openly offended and tormented. Therefore, if you have a child, you will need to talk to him in advance about how to behave with this dog.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that Chows are big, bright individualists who sometimes find it difficult to find a common language with others. But if you are firmly convinced that you could become a true friend for such a dog, and are ready to open your soul to it - feel free to choose a chow-chow!..

To the question “What is the name of a dog with a blue tongue?” Many people think for a long time, trying to remember the name of the breed, and then laugh for a long time that they could not immediately remember the Chow Chow. This massive dog, with a strong build and fluffy coat, becomes a common favorite in every family due to its kind character.

Interesting Facts

Over the several thousand years of the breed’s existence, many fascinating things have been associated with it:

  1. The dog with a blue tongue has a gorgeous mane and a capricious character, for which it is called Sunshi Quan in its homeland. “Shaggy lion” is how chow chow is translated from Chinese.
  2. The dogs lived with the animator Walt Disney, the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley, the psychiatrist Sigmund Freud and other famous personalities.
  3. This is the only dog ​​with a blue tongue. According to legend, during the creation of the world, a curious chow chow licked the edge of the sky, and a blue mark remained on his tongue.
  4. According to one version, the name comes from the English word “chow-chow,” which was the name for special compartments on merchant ships that transported dogs of this breed across the ocean.

Expert opinion

Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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The legendary Chow Chow dog is a whole collection of myths and contradictory facts. All of them in no way detract from the merits of the noble dog and do not affect interest in him. But we need to separate truth from fiction. Contrary to popular belief, the Chow Chow's tongue is not blue, but purple. Not such a fundamental difference in color, but still... “Blue beard” is synonymous with bloody cruelty, and noble purple is associated, for example, with a bishop’s robe. Chow Chows supposedly have more teeth than any other dog and are therefore bloodthirsty and merciless. Indeed, in puppyhood, dogs have 2 extra baby teeth. But time puts everything in its place. There are 42 teeth left, as expected for normal dogs. But the fact that they are all cutting is a fact. Chow chow bites are painful and take a long time to heal. The next note concerns character. For some reason, there is an opinion about the innate timidity of these noble four-legged pets. They really don't rush forward recklessly. But here we are not talking about cowardice, but about the desire to look at a potential enemy from afar and assess the situation. If the Chow Chow decides to attack, the matter will most likely end in failure. Because it is almost impossible to bite through the thick double coat with a powerful collar, and the cutting teeth cut through the enemy’s skin like a surgical scalpel. In general, the Chow Chow is moderately stubborn, assertive and friendly. It is difficult to get him angry, and in normal home conditions he becomes a fluffy tame bear - he can show his teeth only for a very significant reason.

Genetic basis of white coat color in dogs

There is no standard genetic formula for the formation of white coat color, but it is known that all white dogs have a different genotype (combination of genes):

  • cb – partial albinos with blue eyes;
  • ca – albinos with red eyes;
  • BW/Bc – white with a black nose;
  • bw and bc – white dogs with a brown nose;
  • Bed/beg – fawn dogs with a brown nose, which due to the strong lightening of the coat look white;
  • MM is a genetic pair, the presence of which causes diseases incompatible with life.

Only two colors can be synthesized in their pure form: black and yellow. White color occurs when genes are present in the genetic DNA strand that lighten or inhibit color pigments, for example:

  • The recessive gene C inhibits all color pigments. This phenomenon is called incomplete albinism or leucism. Leucistic dogs have white fur, but the eyes and nose are dark. A colored dog can produce puppies of any color.
  • In some cases, the whiteness of the coat is given by the M gene, which is responsible for the “marbling” of the color. If this gene is present in the DNA, then the dog's coat will not be pure white, but will have small, almost imperceptible colored areas.

Specialists can determine the presence of a particular gene based on external data. For dog breeders, unless they are going to breed pets, it is enough to know the typical characteristics of the breed.

Shar Pei

There is also a legend about the origin of the blue-black tongue of the Shar Pei. There lived two brothers: Shar and Pei. One day Shar stole a skin from Pei. Pei chased after Shar, but he ran and looked around, sticking his tongue out at his brother. At some point, Pei tripped and bit his tongue, which remained blue-black forever.

According to the breed standard, the Shar Pei's tongue, palate and gums are preferably bluish-black.

Dog breeds with purple tongues

Only three breeds are born with a purple or blue tongue: the Chow Chow, Eurasier and Shar Pei. There is no exact scientific explanation for this organ pigmentation. Presumably this is due to the fact that the ancestors of these dogs lived in conditions of constant cold and lack of oxygen. The fact is that blue mucous membranes are a sign of hypoxia. But there are animals that have “reconfigured” their bodies and adapted to low temperatures and/or oxygen deficiency. Examples include polar bears, blue whales or mountain snow goats, which also have purple tongues.

Interestingly, the Chow Chow, Eurasier and Shar Pei do not necessarily have a dark tongue color throughout their lives. It’s just that for them, unlike other dog breeds, blueness of the oral cavity is not an anomaly. Puppies of these dogs can be born with blue, purple, or pink tongues. The shade will change depending on the conditions in which the pet is kept and its emotional state. It has been noted that the tongues of the Chow Chow, Eurasier and Shar Pei become more purple in winter, as well as when there is excessive excitement.

There is a relationship between the color and the color of the tongue - for example, in a black Shar Pei the organ will be darker than in red dogs

Chow chow

The Chow Chow is a dog that looks like both a bear cub and a lion. The breed is considered Chinese, but there is an opinion that it came to the Celestial Empire from Tibet, as this would explain the nature of the purple tongue (due to constant cold and hypoxia).

The Chow Chow is an excellent pet for those who value calmness, seriousness and independence in dogs.

In addition to the dark tongue, this dog has other features. For example, the Chow Chow can be easily recognized by its luxurious collar of soft wool, massive head with expressive folds, small round ears and deep-set expressive eyes.

Chow chow puppies have a pale pink or bluish tongue for the first four weeks of life, but as they grow older the color changes to blue or purple

According to FCI standards, purebred Chow Chows must have the following characteristics:

  • Height at the withers: boys - 48-56 cm, girls - from 46-51 cm.
  • Weight: boys - up to 32 kg, girls - up to 27 kg.
  • Color: black, red, white, cream.
  • Lifespan: 10–12 years.
  • Personality: The Chow Chow is a serious, calm dog.
  • Training: likes to ignore commands, often shows stubbornness and laziness.
  • Activity: low, dogs prefer passive pastime.

Chow chows are not particularly active; they move slowly and like to lie in one place for hours.

Video: visual information about chow chow

Shar Pei

Shar Peis were obtained by crossing mastiffs with smooth-haired chow chows. From their first ancestors, dogs received courage and brutal appearance. From the Chow Chow, the Shar Pei inherited a folded, strong body, a muzzle that always seems to be frowning, and a purple tongue.

Shar Pei is the leader among dogs in the number of folds on the body and face

According to standards, purebred Shar Peis must have the following characteristics:

  • Height at withers: 44–51 cm.
  • Weight: 18–25 kg.
  • Lifespan: 9–10 years.
  • The coat is hard and short, without undercoat.
  • Color: black, fawn, cream, mahogany, lilac, apricot, chocolate.
  • Personality: an intelligent and friendly dog, but with strong protective instincts (you have to be careful, because if the dog considers someone dangerous, it will start attacking).
  • Training: Shar Pei quickly remember commands and willingly obey their owner.

A distinctive feature of Shar Peis is their pigmented tongue, gums and palate.

Video: all about Shar Peis

The Eurasier is a breed obtained by crossing Spitz and Chow Chow. The standard does not strictly indicate that the color of the tongue should be any specific color. This organ in Eurasians can retain its usual pink color throughout its life, or it can acquire a lavender or violet hue.



These are true companions for humans, as they easily and quickly become attached to their owner and the rest of the family.

Basset Hound

This is a dog with enormous intellectual capabilities, but at the same time loves to be loved and respected. They have a very calm disposition and do not require serious physical exertion.

Bedlington Terrier

It has a unique appearance, but at the same time the dog is distinguished by the presence of pronounced hunting instincts, while possessing a sense of self-esteem.

White Swiss Shepherd

A guard dog breed, therefore, it has all the characteristics inherent in this function. Does not show aggression towards strangers and animals, including dogs.

Belgian Griffon

It is an indoor decorative breed, but is distinguished by its unique development with a change in character. When a dog is young, it is rather weak and inactive. As an adult, she gains weight as well as muscle mass and subsequently becomes active and cheerful.

Belgian Shepherd

The dog is quite smart and has excellent security characteristics. She has a lively and intelligent look. However, it is not recommended for maintenance by inexperienced or indecisive owners.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This dog has many positive characteristics. This is not only a strong and hardy breed, it is very devoted to its owner and has a good-natured disposition.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

A decorative dog breed with a balanced temperament, but at the same time with a strong and strong-willed character. Feels great in the home company of people and animals.


At one time, the breed of dogs helped people hunt small but nimble animals. The dog is friendly, smart, affectionate and energetic.

Bichon Frize

This is a naturally cheerful and playful dog. In addition, she is brave and non-aggressive, but at the same time she has a complex disposition that requires education and training.


This is a true hound breed, extremely active, requiring constant physical activity. Otherwise, he will be able to turn the apartment into a trash bin.


Bobtails, despite their (comparatively) intimidating appearance, are distinguished by their friendly nature and loyalty towards family members.


The appearance of this breed is very attractive and interesting. They love their owners, but are distrustful of strangers.

Border Collie

The breed is an extremely energetic and fast-moving animal, and therefore requires constant physical activity.

Dogue de Bordeaux

A fairly ancient French breed, the ancestors of which are Roman fighting dogs. This breed was originally used to protect human settlements from wolves and bears.

You can't tell by its appearance that this dog has a very friendly character.


The breed is distinguished by the fact that it is quite social, since it is distinguished by its friendliness, both to its relatives and to other animals. The intelligence of this dog is at a high level.

Boston Terrier

This is a dog that has absorbed a lot of both positive and negative qualities. Needs qualified education and training.

Brazilian Fila

Can successfully protect an object that a person has entrusted to him. Shows distrust of strangers and even at exhibitions keeps everyone at a distance, including judges.

Brussels Griffon

Despite its small size, the breed knows its worth, but at the same time they show friendly feelings and love to play.


The breed is distinguished by boundless devotion to its owner, but at the same time they behave non-aggressively towards family members, acquaintances and friends, and are wary when meeting strangers.

Bull Terrier

A rather capricious and stubborn dog, therefore it requires a qualified approach to training and education. In addition, bull terriers must be constantly monitored, otherwise they will try to independently expand the boundaries of what is permitted.


These are strong and hardy dogs, with a beautifully built body that requires constant physical activity. For them, daily walks of 5 km are the minimum load.

What to do if your dog's tongue turns blue when it should be pink

If the tongue turns purple in someone other than the Chow Chow, Shar Pei or Eurasier, the owner should immediately take his pet to the veterinarian. The fact is that darkening of the oral cavity (tongue, palate, gums) is cyanosis associated with a serious narrowing of the vascular lumen and a critical lack of oxygen in the arterial blood. The pathological condition occurs in diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Table: what diseases cause cyanosis

Cause of darkening of a dog's tongueWhat diseases can lead to cyanosisAssociated symptoms
Oxygen starvation due to decreased pulmonary ventilationObstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, atelectasis, pneumonia, pulmonary edema and injury, hypertrophy of the velum, etc.The animal is apathetic, refuses food and water, and there is shortness of breath and wheezing.
Insufficient blood output due to pathology of the cardiovascular systemCardiomyopathy, myocarditis, atrial or ventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, etc.Heavy breathing with wheezing, cough, increased salivation, irregular heart rhythm.

How are diseases that cause darkening of a dog's tongue treated?

Treatment depends on the exact disease causing the cyanosis. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a full examination: take clinical and biochemical blood tests, give the dog an ECG (electrocardiography), ECHO (ultrasound of the heart) and a chest x-ray. Some pathologies cannot be completely eliminated (for example, cardiomyopathy) - the veterinarian can only prescribe supportive therapy that will help eliminate symptoms and prevent complications. The owners cannot hope that the condition will normalize on its own. All diseases that cause darkening of the tongue are dangerous and require immediate treatment. Delay may cause the death of the animal.

The presence of cyanosis always means that the dog’s body does not have enough oxygen, and this is life-threatening - the owner’s task is to deliver the animal to the clinic as quickly as possible

Only owners of Shar Peis, Chow Chows and Eurasians need not worry about their dogs having purple tongues. Such pigmentation in representatives of these breeds is a gift from nature. Coloring the tongues of other dogs in dark shades is already a sign of a serious pathology, if which appears, you should immediately take your pet for diagnosis to a veterinary clinic.

Often the information that a dog has a blue tongue causes many people to be slightly bewildered, and then laugh. But such animals exist. And this breed is called Chow Chow. This is one of the oldest dogs, the origin of which, like the color of its tongue, is shrouded in many mysteries.

Symptoms of pulmonary diseases

If your dog has a blue tongue and rapid breathing, shortness of breath, coughing, or restlessness, this may indicate pulmonary edema. With such symptoms, only a veterinarian can help. He will prescribe the necessary tests and provide immediate therapy.

At the doctor

These symptoms may indicate a buildup of air (pneumothorax) and fluid (hydrothorax) in the lungs. This may result from trauma to the chest from a blow or bite. In both the first and second cases, the air does not have the opportunity to fill the lungs, so the dog may suffocate.

Note! Failure to provide assistance in time will lead to the death of the animal. In dogs with a short muzzle, such as a bulldog, boxer, or Pekingese, pathology of the velum palatine occurs.

This is due to a decrease in the clearance between the larynx and the soft palate, which prevents the flow of oxygen into the lungs. If the tongue of dogs of these breeds falls out and turns blue, the heartbeat begins to increase, breathing becomes difficult, this may indicate an increase in the tissue of the soft palate

In dogs with a shortened muzzle, such as a bulldog, boxer, or Pekingese, pathology of the velum palatine occurs. This is due to a decrease in the clearance between the larynx and the soft palate, which prevents the flow of oxygen into the lungs. If the tongue of dogs of these breeds falls out and becomes blue, the heartbeat begins to increase, breathing becomes difficult, this may indicate an increase in the tissue of the soft palate.

This pathology is accompanied by shortness of breath. Strong emotions in the form of stress, joy, or pain can cause your pet to faint. Hypertrophy of the velum palatine and increased breathing can be provoked in these breeds by a strong increase in air temperature.

In breeds such as Chihuahuas, Spitz, Toy Terriers, Yorkies, and other dwarf dogs, cyanosis can be caused by a narrowing of the trachea. This can only be detected by an x-ray of the trachea.

The dog feels bad

Dog breeds with purple tongues

Only three breeds are born with a purple or blue tongue: the Chow Chow, Eurasier and Shar Pei. There is no exact scientific explanation for this organ pigmentation. Presumably this is due to the fact that the ancestors of these dogs lived in conditions of constant cold and lack of oxygen. The fact is that blue mucous membranes are a sign of hypoxia. But there are animals that have “reconfigured” their bodies and adapted to low temperatures and/or oxygen deficiency. Examples include polar bears, blue whales or mountain snow goats, which also have purple tongues.

Interestingly, the Chow Chow, Eurasier and Shar Pei do not necessarily have a dark tongue color throughout their lives. It’s just that for them, unlike other dog breeds, blueness of the oral cavity is not an anomaly. Puppies of these dogs can be born with blue, purple, or pink tongues. The shade will change depending on the conditions in which the pet is kept and its emotional state. It has been noted that the tongues of the Chow Chow, Eurasier and Shar Pei become more purple in winter, as well as when there is excessive excitement.

There is a relationship between the color and the color of the tongue - for example, in a black Shar Pei the organ will be darker than in red dogs

Chow chow

The Chow Chow is a dog that looks like both a bear cub and a lion. The breed is considered Chinese, but there is an opinion that it came to the Celestial Empire from Tibet, as this would explain the nature of the purple tongue (due to constant cold and hypoxia).

The Chow Chow is an excellent pet for those who value calmness, seriousness and independence in dogs.

In addition to the dark tongue, this dog has other features. For example, the Chow Chow can be easily recognized by its luxurious collar of soft wool, massive head with expressive folds, small round ears and deep-set expressive eyes.

Brief history of origin

The history of the origin of the breed is fraught with many interesting things. Some experts are confident that these animals are related to polar wolves. And some are inclined to the completely implausible version that the unusual dog with a blue tongue appeared as a result of mating of a husky with a polar bear.

Experts do not have accurate information about where the history of the breed begins. Presumably it appeared several thousand years ago.

According to one version, the first such dog was presented to the emperor by the conquering Mongols, who received it in battles with the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia.

Finds made during archaeological excavations confirm that the ancestors of the Chow Chow lived on these lands.

Once in China, dogs with blue tongues were for a long time available exclusively to high-ranking people. Gradually the breed spread throughout the country, and control over its purity was lost.

If it were not for the Buddhist monks who lived in the monasteries of Tibet, Northern China and Manchuria and were engaged in breeding blue and coal chow chows, the breed of dogs with a blue tongue would not have survived to this day.

Interesting! The first animals with blue tongues came to Europe in 1780 and for almost 100 years they were considered exotic animals. English breeders became seriously interested in these dogs in 1887, and 8 years later a breed standard was developed.

Chihuahua appearance

Chihuahua puppy
The appearance of modern Chihuahuas is partly a legacy of the ancient Techichi, partly the product of many years of experiments in mating animals with representatives of other breeds. For example, in the blood of today's Chihuahuas you can find the genes of Toy Terriers, Spitz, Papillons and Pinschers.


The skull is round, shaped like an apple. Individuals without a fontanel are considered standard, but for animals of the pet category, the presence of a small non-ossified area of ​​the skull is allowed. The muzzle is wide and short, gradually tapering towards the nose. When viewed from the side, it is straight. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is quite wide and clearly expressed. The cheeks are flat and dry, fitting tightly to the skull.

Jaws and teeth

The Chihuahua's bite is straight and scissor-shaped. The optimal number of teeth is 4 canines, 12 incisors, 10 molars and 16 premolars.


Short, looks up a little. The color of the lobe can be black, or to match the main color of the animal, although in the case of show-class individuals, preference is given to the first option.


Round, large, but without convexity. The ideal shade of the iris is dark. Light eyes are not disqualifying for a Chihuahua, although they are undesirable.


Erect, wide at the base, with a softly rounded tip. A dog in a calm state has its legs “spread” in different directions and hangs at an angle of 45°.

Medium length, with a slight bend at the top. Males have a more massive neck.

Chihuahua muzzle


Compact, with a short back and muscular loin. The topline is level. The croup is wide, strong, without a noticeable slope. The chest is of sufficient width and moderately deep. The abdominal muscles are well toned. An insufficiently toned stomach is not desirable.



The Chihuahua's front legs are long and straight. Shoulders are muscular and dry. Elbows are strong, pressed to the body. The pasterns are flexible, strong, and set at a slight angle. The muscles of the hind legs are developed, the posture is correct and even. The limbs are parallel. The paws are small in size, with splayed toes. The pads are developed and springy. The claws are moderately long and arched.


The Chihuahua's tail is medium in size, set high, thick at the base and gradually tapering towards the tip. In purebred individuals, the bend of the tail has the shape of a crescent, and its tip “looks” towards the lumbar region.


Based on the type of coat, Chihuahuas are divided into long-haired and short-haired. The former have a soft, silky coat with a smooth or slightly wavy structure with a small amount of undercoat. The longest guard hair grows in the neck, ears, paws, and back of the limbs.

In short-haired individuals, the awn is smooth and short, lying tightly to the body. The fur is longer in the neck and tail areas, the shortest is on the head and ears.

Defects in appearance and disqualifying defects

chiuhahua tail

Deviations from the standard can be either minor or serious. The most common faults in a Chihuahua's appearance are pointed ears, a curled or short tail, a long body and a short neck. Sloping croup, narrow chest, short or closely spaced limbs are not welcome. Serious deviations from the norm include a narrow skull, too long muzzle, deep-set or, conversely, excessively bulging eyeballs, patellar luxation, and malocclusion.

The main disqualifying faults of a Chihuahua:

  • open fontanelle of the skull;
  • behavioral deviations (cowardice, aggression);
  • absence of a tail;
  • short or cropped ears;
  • excessively long body;
  • alopecia in short-haired individuals (baldness);
  • guard hairs that are too long and fluttering (in long-haired animals);
  • “deer” silhouette (small head with elongated neck and legs);
  • weight less than 500 g and more than 3 kg.

Korean Jindo

As the name suggests, this dog breed originates from Korea, specifically from the island of Jindo. They are known for their hunting skills, intelligence and independence. This breed of dog is very careful and affectionate with its loved ones. El Jindo is very loyal and usually forms a strong emotional bond with a family man. It has a soft and dense coat that can be reddish, white, black or grey. Some people have blue or black tongues .

Source: kr.Pixtastock


Tracheal collapse is considered a genetic disorder in Toy Terriers suffering from chronic degenerative anatomical deformity of the tracheal rings. The process occurs due to compaction, and the lumen becomes crescent-shaped. As a result, the lower and upper walls of the trachea rub against each other, the dogs begin to cough, choke, and experience suffocation. Often, without timely help, death occurs.

A veterinarian is able to diagnose the disease; it is necessary to show the animal to the doctor, knowing about the predisposition to the disease. The doctor, using the palpation method, if no clinical symptoms are observed, will examine the trachea and its shape on the toy terrier’s neck. The first sign of tracheal collapse is a thickening on the upper wall of the trachea or the formation of a groove located at the junction of the trachea and the chest. The doctor will prescribe a clinical examination, in particular endoscopy and x-rays. Endoscopy helps determine the stage of development of collapse, illuminating the direction of treatment.


The Akita is a dog native to Japan and is respected for its loyalty and courage. This is a very independent and intelligent breed. The Akita has a very dense coat that can vary in length from short to medium and is adaptable to cold climates. Its coat is white with light brown or reddish spots on the upper body. He has a black nose. The Akita's tongue, although usually pink, may have blue or black spots or spots.

Papillon care

In order for a butterfly dog ​​to feel comfortable in a new home, you need to buy all the belongings necessary for its maintenance, which includes a bed with replaceable mattresses, a couple of metal or ceramic bowls, a comb for tidying up its coat, toys (it is better if they are latex ). To walk your animal you need to get a leather collar, leash and tape measure.

It is not recommended to use a harness; it can lead to eversion of bones. It is better to set up a dog’s place away from the radiator, where there are no drafts and there is an excellent view of the space, so that it would be interesting for dad to watch the household. You need to walk your dogs twice a day, for at least 30 minutes, but it can be longer, they obviously won’t mind.

As already mentioned, Papillons do not have an undercoat, so their shedding is not as bad as many people think, only during this period you need to brush your pet daily. The rest of the time, this can be done twice per week. It is worth noting that the fur is combed clean and moisturized; if this is done with dry hair, it will become very brittle. Papillons are often trimmed in certain places, this could be: the body itself, the hair between the toes, the groin and anal areas. Show-class dogs should not be groomed themselves; it is better to take them to specialists.

Papillons should be bathed as the dog gets dirty. It is better to dry the fur coat with a hairdryer, then the hairs will be straight, otherwise they will curl and be difficult to comb. If you don’t have time for regular bathing procedures, you can buy your dog a special overall for walking to protect its fur from dust and other contaminants.

Dogs should have their nails trimmed; it is recommended to do this immediately after water treatments, when they (the nails) have steamed and become soft. Sometimes there is no need for such a procedure if the Papillon is walked often and for a long time, then the claws grind down on their own. Dogs are recommended to brush their teeth using a brush and a specialized paste for animals. It is useful to give your furry dogs dog chips, which counteract the formation of tartar. You also need to take care of your dog's ears and eyes. The former are wiped with a napkin soaked in an antiseptic solution (gel), and the latter – with chamomile infusion.


Strong-willed and fearless dogs, loyal protectors and friends of their owners. An important feature is that the bullmastiff is “tuned” only to protect people, not things, so there is no point in using them as house guards. They are never the first to attack; their main task is to protect a person from danger by standing between him and a stranger. Even in force majeure situations, the animal will simply knock the attacker down, but will not bite. They are attached to their family, affectionate and loyal, but require training from an early age.

Average weight - 45-60 kg, height - 60-70 cm. Short and hard wool requires combing no more than 1-2 times a week. Bathing is also not necessarily a frequent procedure. Since the dog is very massive, muscular and heavy, it is necessary to trim the nails on time and monitor the condition of the paw pads. Bullmastiffs are prone to overeating and gaining excess weight; they are quite lazy and sedentary by nature. Based on this, they require constant physical activity to maintain good shape and health.

Most of the listed breeds adapt well to apartment conditions, but you must always remember that, first of all, dogs need attention and affection - in this they are completely in agreement with people

  • The cutest dogs in the world: top 10
  • Dog Breeds That Don't Shed
  • The best guard dogs in the world: top 10

Caring for puppies

The maintenance of a puppy and an adult dog is different. The baby needs to be kept safe by removing all wires and small objects. At first, the puppy cannot be taken outside, so the pet is taught to go to the toilet in a diaper.

Also, from an early age, a small pet must get used to hygiene procedures, a certain regime and rules established in the house.

A puppy is fed more often than an adult dog. The number of meals depends on the age of the dog:

  • up to 8 weeks – 6 times a day;
  • 2-4 months – 5 times a day;
  • 4-6 months – 4 times a day;
  • 6-10 months – 3 times a day;
  • over 10 months – 2 times a day.

Raising a pet

Due to the stubborn nature of the Chow Chow, you need to be prepared for the fact that at some periods of its life the dog will refuse to obey and test the owner’s patience. The owner must not fall for the pet's tricks. With a Chow Chow you need to be moderately strict and demanding. Excessive gentleness towards the dog or, on the contrary, rudeness will lead to the fact that the pet will completely stop obeying and will not see the leader in the person. You can stimulate the Chow Chow's interest in a particular activity through a game or a piece of his favorite treat.

Raising a dog should begin from the first days the puppy appears in the house. Already from 2-3 months, the baby should understand where his sleeping place is. It is prohibited to place the dog next to you on the bed, since in this case the pet will feel equal to the owner.

You can only feed your dog from bowls. Never give food from the table, otherwise the chow chow will grow up to be a beggar.

The baby must have rubber toys for teething. If you don’t buy them, your pet will begin to damage the furniture.

Description and breed standard

The breed is classified as Spitz. Externally, the Chow Chow dog looks like a bear cub. The animals have a dense build and a stilted gait. The height of an adult is 46-56 cm, weight is 20-33 kg.

  1. Head:
  • large size;
  • the skull is flat;
  • the ears are small, thick, with rounded, slightly flattened ends, tilted slightly forward;
  • wide muzzle;
  • eyes of medium size, oval shape, dark iris;
  • powerful jaws, scissor bite;
  • lips, palate, gums black;
  • tongue blue-black.
  1. Frame:
  • the neck is slightly curved, powerful;
  • the back is short;
  • the chest is wide, strong;
  • the tail is high and lies close to the back.

Solid color

  1. The forelegs are straight and of medium length. The hind legs are muscular, with a minimal angle of the hock joints. Paws are round in shape.
  2. The coat is dense, thick, with a soft undercoat. There are two types of dogs:
  • short-haired (smooth) - wool of a plush texture, dense, erect;
  • long-haired - the coat is thick, the guard hair is coarse, the dog has a lush mane. The tail and back of the thighs are feathered.
  1. The color of the Chow Chow should be only one color (without spots):
  • black;
  • white;
  • red;
  • ginger;
  • cream;
  • cinnamon;
  • blue.

Behavior in a team

"Buddha's Helpers" are unfriendly to strangers and other animals. But the owner is their closest friend, and they devote themselves to him with all their hearts.

This trait, by the way, has a strong effect when a new pet appears. Wayward dogs are not always ready to accept it. For example, they will never come to terms with the appearance of a cat in the family, but they will be able to find a common language with a dog, but only if they grew up together. The best option for a second pet may be another representative of this breed, but always of the opposite sex.

Do not worry about the relationship between the chow chow and the child in the family. Plush pets are favorable towards children, although they prefer loneliness or communication with other dogs to playing together.

What kind of dog is a chow chow?

The double name of the breed indicates its eastern origin. Chow Chows are considered one of the most ancient breeds, originating from short wolves that ran in abundance through the mountain valleys of China and Mongolia. It is believed that these dogs were originally used as hunting dogs, and only during the construction of the first Buddhist monasteries did the Chow Chow become a companion.

The monks took care of the breed and kept genealogical books. They even guessed why inbreeding was undesirable, and exchanged dogs with special ceremonies. And they really liked the blue tongues of their pets, so all puppies without this sign were mercilessly rejected.



It has a high intelligence rating, despite its modest size. Among ornamental breeds it ranks 2nd in intelligence. Easy to train.


A decorative breed that often reminds its owner of its noble origin. Therefore, they like dogs of this breed to be pampered, giving them maximum attention.

The main specialization of this breed is guarding the herd. Therefore, it is widely used by shepherds.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Does not recognize strangers, but behaves calmly and non-aggressively towards people and other dogs. This is, first of all, a reliable friend with a good level of intelligence.


A unique breed of dog, which is distinguished not only by strength, but also by grace. At first glance, this is a fairly calm and phlegmatic dog. In fact, this animal is full of energy inside, as evidenced by its hunting behavior.

Pomeranian Spitz

Despite the fact that the Spitz has a decorative appearance, this cannot be said about its character, since it is a lively and brave dog. Therefore, despite its small size, the dog is easily able to stand up for itself and its owner.

Prague rat

The dog is calm and smart enough, so it can get along with all family members, including animals. Feels great around children who love to play pranks.


Poodles are known for their unusual appearance. At the same time, it should be noted that this is an active dog that has self-esteem.


Fluffy dogs have a strong immune system, but some diseases still threaten the health of dogs. The most common illnesses found in Chow Chows are:

  • hip dysplasia. Unfortunately, the most common and most dangerous disease is also among other dog breeds (for example, shepherd dogs). The hip joint weakens, causing the top part to pop out of the bone. This leads to calcium arthritis, and the dog begins to experience pain when walking;
  • eczema, allergies, dandruff. Diseases of the breed can be caused by both improper nutrition and improper care. After bathing, wipe the animal dry. If the wool does not dry out, the skin will lock, which will lead to the above problems;
  • adrenal insufficiency. In this case, the dogs lose their appetite, their attraction to pets of the opposite sex, and the dogs quickly get tired. Acute illness in a Chow Chow may result in shock;
  • eye diseases. Turning up of the eyelids and double eyelashes can cause your pet to develop keratitis or a corneal ulcer. In some cases, the health of the Chow Chow is threatened by retinal atrophy;
  • heatstroke. The luxurious “fur coat” of the Chow Chow is not designed for the summer heat, so in hot weather it is better for dogs to stay in the shade, and ideally in a cool room.

If you take care of your pet, feed it healthy and tasty food, give preventive medications and get vaccinations on time, the animal will thank you with a wet nose and an energetically wagging tail.

Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is an impressive looking dog due to its large size and heavy fur. They are noble, affectionate and playful dogs, although they can be wary of strangers. It is important to socialize them properly when they are puppies. Otherwise, they tend to develop a destructive personality. The Tibetan Mastiff has profuse and dense fur that is usually reddish in color with some darker areas or spots. Most people have pink tongues, although some have tongues with dark spots or blue-black spots .

Prerequisites for the appearance

A dog's purple tongue should alert its owner. This can become a prerequisite for several diseases at once, including those directly related to the life of the pet. The normal color of the mucous membranes of a dog's mouth, its lips, gums, tongue, and the inner surface of the mouth is pink.

Important! The mucous membranes acquire a lilac hue when there is a lack of oxygen in the blood. If a dog's tongue turns black, this is a sign of poisoning

It happens:

If a dog's tongue turns black, this is a sign of poisoning. It happens:

  • food, when an animal eats toxic products or poisonous substances mixed into food;
  • respiratory, when toxins of toxic substances enter the body through the respiratory system;
  • contact, absorption of poisons into the blood through the skin.

In case of poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea are observed, the dog loses its appetite, the muscles stop obeying, and convulsions appear.


Anemia is often viewed as a disease, although in fact it is a complex of symptoms. Often this is a consequence of other pathological conditions. There are several types of anemia, including iron deficiency anemia and hemorrhagic anemia.

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Women are at greater risk of developing these conditions. Although menstruation or pregnancy are physiological conditions, they increase the risk of anemia leading to changes throughout the body.

With anemia, the tongue becomes pale, pale gray, sometimes even white. The papillae on its surface begin to disappear, the tongue becomes smooth. There may be pain and burning in the mouth. Sometimes grooves appear on the tongue. Currently, iron deficiency is one of the most common micronutrient losses, mainly in women.

Burning in the mouth

Keep in mind that a burning sensation with a tingling sensation, numbness and dry mouth are common in women going through menopause.

Japanese Chin

One of the oldest breeds, its homeland is the east (China, Japan, Tibet). There is an assumption that dogs originated from Tibetan dogs. This explains the similarity of the square muzzle not with the Pug, but with the Spaniel. Animals have long been held in high esteem by the nobility and were considered exclusively imperial animals. Pets lived in palaces, slept on silks, and entertained princesses and princes.

Now the Khins are distinguished by their phlegmatic, proud, but good nature and calmness. They will not snap or show aggression. They don't particularly like children, but they never attack first. The animals have long, straight hair, predominantly black or white, and a “fountain” tail. Their height is 25 cm, weight is 3 kg.

Any breed, no matter what its size, needs warmth, care, and comfort

If you decide to get a dog, it is important to provide it with all the necessary conditions. When choosing a puppy, you need to rely not only on external attractiveness, but also on the characteristic temperament of the species.


Morkies are small, furry, and bear-like.
The Morkie is a cross between the Yorkshire Terrier and the Maltese. This is a great choice if you want a tiny teddy bear!

Morkies are very affectionate and sociable, they love nothing more than a good game with their owners. However, Morkies and very young children do not mix well together, mainly because these tiny pups are easily injured.

These tiny dogs don't need much exercise compared to other teddy bear breeds, making them ideal for apartment living or perhaps as companionship for seniors who don't like to walk too far. One of the disadvantages of these small puppies is that they bark, especially when left alone.

There are several health problems that affect the Morkie: luxating patellar tendons, hypoglycemia, and ear and eye problems. Additionally, like many toy breeds, these dogs can have crowded teeth, which can cause gum problems. A healthy Morkie can live up to 13 years.

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